About 27 Trademarks found for “*UGG”
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Mark | Details | Status | Class/Description | |
SNUGG Kayla Brazeau 2364368 25 Nov 2024 | FORMALIZED on 25 Nov 2024 | Installation of building insulation Class 037 Class 037 Construction and Repair Services Installation of building insulation | ||
GEOBRUGG GEOBRUGG AG 2232985 4 Mar 2022 | SEARCHED on 6 May 2024 | Métaux communs et leurs alliages; minerais; matériaux métalliques pour... Class 006 Class 006 Metal Products Métaux communs et leurs alliages; minerais; matériaux métalliques pour le bâtiment et la construction; constructions transportables métalliques; câbles et fils en métaux communs [non à usage électrique]; petite quincaillerie métallique; conteneurs métalliques pour le stockage et le transport; matériaux et éléments de construction métalliques; conduites, tuyaux et flexibles, y compris les vannes et soupapes, en métal; matériaux métalliques non traités et partiellement traités; écrous, verrous et attaches, en métal; serrures et clés métalliques; matériel de soudage et de brasage; câbles, fils et chaînes métalliques; portes, portails, fenêtres et revêtements de fenêtre métalliques; structures métalliques et constructions transportables en métal; enseignes, panneaux d'information et panneaux publicitaires, en métal; échelles et échafaudages métalliques; conteneurs métalliques pour l'entreposage, transport et emballage; couvercles d'accès métalliques; contrefiches de clôture en métal; barrières métalliques pour autoroutes; barrières métalliques pour le contrôle de la circulation des piétons; séparateurs métalliques [quincaillerie métallique]; entretoises en tant qu'éléments de construction métalliques; ancres; ancres en métal; boulons d'ancrage métalliques pour liaison de ponts; manchons d'ancrage en métal; douilles métalliques d'ancrage pour poteaux; brides d'ancrage métalliques; rails d'ancrage métalliques; pattes d'ancrage en métal; plaques d'ancrage; plaques d'ancrage en métal; dispositifs d'ancrage en métal; pieux d'amarrage métalliques; armatures métalliques pour la construction; barres d'armature métalliques pour la maçonnerie; barres d'armature métalliques; tiges d'armature en métal; broches métalliques d'armature pour le coffrage; bandes métalliques enroulées; oeillets métalliques; panneaux de revêtement métalliques; plates-formes panoramiques en métal; bardage extérieur en métal pour la construction; balises métalliques, non lumineuses; poutres métalliques; poutres en métal ou en acier; poutres en métal commun pour la construction; dispositifs de capture de balles métalliques sous forme de filets métalliques et leurs matériaux de fixation; quincaillerie de construction en métal; éléments de construction métalliques à des fins de construction; éléments de construction [préfabriqués] en métal; structures de construction métalliques; matériaux de construction métallique; matériaux de construction en acier; composants métalliques; constructions métalliques; constructions sous forme de structures stationnaires en métal; structures métalliques pour cordes de suspension; composants de constructions métalliques; métaux communs ouvrés; fixations en métal commun; matériel de fixation en métal; clous de fixation métalliques; plaques de fixation en métal; disques de fixation métalliques; vis de fixation métalliques; fixations métalliques pour la construction; dispositifs de fixation métalliques; conteneurs en métal; moules à béton en métal; éléments de coffrage-béton en métal; cloisons mobiles en métal [structures]; fils à lier métalliques; boulons métalliques; grilles métalliques extensibles; fils métalliques; fil métallique pour torons; fil métallique pour cordes; fils métalliques [non à usage électrique]; fils en alliages métalliques communs [autres que pour fusibles]; treillis métalliques; treillis métalliques en métal commun; crochets métalliques; torons métalliques; filets en fil [tissus] métalliques; filets métallique et tissus en fil; filets métalliques pour protéger contre les chutes de pierres; cordes d'acier; câbles en fil [funin] métalliques; clôtures en fil; clôtures en fil métallique; câbles en fer, non à usage électrique; quincaillerie métallique pour la construction; matériaux réfractaires de construction en métal; gabions [récipients en treillis métallique] en métal; treillis métalliques; câbles métalliques; câbles métalliques non à usage électrique; câbles et fils métalliques [non à usage électrique]; fixations de câbles métalliques; cosses de câble en métal; colliers métalliques pour câbles; cosses [métalliques] pour cordes et câbles; clips métalliques; crampons en métal; petits articles de quincaillerie métallique pour bâtiments; petits articles de quincaillerie métallique pour portes; pinces métalliques; pitons à grimper métalliques; clôtures métalliques à mailles de chaîne; mâts métalliques; mâts en acier; matériaux métalliques pour clôtures; structures métalliques; ancre métallique; plaques d'ancrage métalliques; armatures métalliques; armatures métalliques pour béton; treillis métallique d'armature pour la construction; barres d'armature métalliques pour maçonnerie; fil métallique pour liaisons; fils métalliques pour liaisons; boulons métalliques [fixations]; fils métalliques [métaux communs]; clôtures en fil métallique; moules métalliques pour la formation des objets en ciment; moulures métalliques; garde-corps en métal; racks métalliques pour supporter les tuyaux; grille métallique; grilles métalliques à des fins de sécurité; crochet en métal; ancres métalliques; fil de clôture métallique; câbles métalliques d'amarrage; fils de câbles métalliques; structures métalliques; maillages métalliques; produits métalliques de construction; filets en métal; anneaux métalliques; cordages métalliques; coffrages métalliques pour le béton; éléments de coffrage métalliques; produits métalliques destinés à la construction; fil métallique pour les clôtures; panneaux de clôture en métal; tirants métalliques destinés à la construction; plates-formes métalliques mobiles pour événements publics; structures métalliques modulaires; structures de construction modulaires transportables en métal; abris modulaires en métal; composants modulaires en métal; serre-câbles métalliques non électriques; tambours de câbles métalliques non électriques; connexions de câbles non électriques en métal; constructions transportables métalliques; palissade métallique; poteaux métalliques; clôtures à poteaux métalliques; poteau [métal]; plateformes métalliques; podiums en métal; structures de châssis métalliques pour des bâtiments et pour la construction; grilles roulantes métalliques; parois de protection en métal; fils d'acier; cordes en fil d'acier; produits en acier; structures en acier; poutres en acier; structures porteuses métalliques; supports [entretoises] métalliques; corbeau porteur en métal; poutres métalliques; bâtiments transportables se composant essentiellement de métal; structures métalliques transportables [structures de constructions]; composants modulaires transportables en métal; structures modulaires transportables en métal; obstacles routiers transportables en métal pour apaiser la circulation; abris transportables en métal; structures de bâtiment transportables en métal; constructions métalliques transportables; structures métalliques transportables; bâtiments transportables en métal; structures transportables [métal]; cloisons métalliques; abris essentiellement en matériaux métalliques; métaux communs et leurs alliages, y compris l'acier inoxydable; revêtements métalliques pour la construction; pièces de bardage en métal; structures mobiles en métal; éléments de construction préfabriqués [métal]; éléments de construction préfabriqués en métal; composants de construction préfabriqués [métal]; éléments de construction métalliques préfabriqués; structures métalliques préfabriquées; fil de clôture en métal; clôtures en métal; clôtures en métaux communs; éléments métalliques pour clôtures; poteaux de clôture en métal; panneaux de clôture en métal; entretoises de clôture en métal; tirants métalliques pour la construction; tirants métalliques pour la maçonnerie; tirants métalliques pour l'ancrage; clips de soulagement de traction métalliques; anneaux de traction en métal; câbles et fils métalliques (non à usage électrique); quincaillerie; filets de protection métalliques contre les chutes de pierres; tuyaux d'acier; systèmes de protection, notamment sous forme de treillis métallique; filets métalliques pour la retenue d'éboulements et composants associés; matériaux de fixation métalliques pour systèmes de protection. Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Appareils et instruments scientifiques, nautiques, géodésiques, photographiques, cinématographiques, optiques, de pesage, de mesurage, de signalisation, de contrôle (inspection), de secours (sauvetage) et d'enseignement; appareils et instruments pour la conduite, le couplage, la transformation, l'accumulation, le réglage ou la commande du courant électrique; appareils pour l'enregistrement, la transmission et la reproduction du son et des images; supports d'enregistrement magnétiques; disques compacts, DVD et autres supports d'enregistrement numériques; équipement informatique de traitement de données; ordinateurs; logiciels pour ordinateurs; bases de données électroniques (logiciels); médias enregistrés; logiciels pour ordinateurs; micrologiciel; systèmes d'exploitation informatiques; dispositifs de la technologie informatique, audiovisuels, multimédias et photographiques; équipement de communication; appareils et équipement de réseaux d'ordinateurs et de communication de données; dispositifs de communication point à point; appareils et équipement de radiodiffusion; antennes et installations d'antennes en tant qu'appareils de communication; dispositifs de stockage de données; appareils, équipement et accessoires (électriques et mécaniques) de traitement des données; calculatrices; ordinateurs et équipement informatique; dispositifs audio, visuels et photographiques; équipements audio et récepteurs radio; équipement de capture et de développement d'images; conduites de signalisation pour les TI, l'AV et les télécommunications; aimants, appareils magnétisants et démagnétisants; dispositifs scientifiques et de laboratoire pour des réactions physicales utilisant de l'électricité; dispositifs et équipement optiques, amplificateurs et correcteurs; dispositifs et équipement de sauvegarde, de sécurité, de protection et de signalisation; équipement d'alarmes et d'alerte; dispositifs de contrôle d'accès; appareils de signalisation; équipement de protection et de sécurité; dispositifs de navigation, d'orientation, de suivi de localisation, de suivi de cible et de cartographie; instruments, dispositifs et régulateurs de mesure, d'identification et de surveillance; instruments et appareils de surveillance; capteurs et détecteurs; dispositifs de test et de contrôle de la qualité; instruments de mesure, de comptage, d'alignement et d'étalonnage; collecteurs et enregistreurs de données; instruments et appareils de mesure de poids; instruments et appareils de mesure de distance et de taille; instruments et appareils de mesure de la vitesse; instruments et appareils de mesure de la température; instruments et appareils de mesure de l'électricité; capteurs météorologiques; capteurs de corrosion; capteurs pour mesurer la conductivité électrique; unité de communication pour la transmission des données de capteur. ... Class 017 Rubber Products Produits fabriqués à partir de plastiques ou de résines sous forme extrudée destinés à être utilisés dans des processus de fabrication; matières à sceller, à étouper et à isoler; tuyaux flexibles et tuyaux souples [non métalliques]; conduites flexibles, tubes, tuyaux flexibles et leurs connecteurs [y compris les soupapes] et connecteurs pour tuyaux durs, tous non métalliques; joints, produits d'étanchéité et garnitures d'étanchéité; matériaux d'isolation et de protection; matières plastiques semi-finies; feuilles d'étanchéité et matériaux de filtrage synthétiques semi-finis. Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Services scientifiques et technologiques ainsi que services de recherches et de conception y relatifs; services d'analyses et de recherches industrielles; conception et développement d'ordinateurs et de logiciels; services informatiques; développement, programmation et implémentation de logiciels; développement d'équipement informatique; services scientifiques et technologiques; location d'équipements scientifiques et technologiques; services d'ingénierie; exploration géologique et exploration de gisements et/ou exploration de la composition des couches de la terre; services en sciences naturelles; services en sciences de la terre; analyse scientifique et technologique des besoins en matière de barrières pour les sports motorisés, de barrières routières, de protection contre les coulées de boue, de prévention des avalanches, de protection des tunnels et des mines, de filets de protection contre les prédateurs, de stabilisation des talus, de protection des fouilles, de protection des côtes, de protection contre l'érosion, de protection des bassins portuaires, de protection des conduites sous-marines en haute mer, de protection contre les impacts, de protection des installations d'essai et de protection contre les chutes de pierres en ce qui concerne les matériaux à utiliser et les systèmes de protection à utiliser ou leur fixation; conseil scientifique et technologique en matière de tests scientifiques et techniques et conseil sur le choix et l'installation/la mise en place de systèmes de protection et de leurs composants, en particulier les barrières pour les sports motorisés, la protection contre les coulées de boue, la prévention des avalanches, la sécurisation des tunnels et des mines, les filets de protection contre les prédateurs, la stabilisation des talus, la sécurisation des fouilles, la protection des côtes, la protection contre l'érosion, la protection des bassins portuaires, la protection des conduites sous-marines en haute mer, la protection contre les impacts et les chutes de pierres; réalisation de tests scientifiques et techniques concernant les systèmes de protection et leurs composants, notamment les barrières pour les sports motorisés, la protection contre les coulées de boue, la prévention des avalanches, la protection des tunnels et des mines, les filets de protection contre les prédateurs, la stabilisation des talus, la protection des fouilles, la protection des côtes, la protection contre l'érosion, la protection des bassins portuaires, la protection des conduites sous-marines en haute mer, la protection contre les impacts et les chutes de pierres. | ||
CLOUGG MARC DALLAIRE 2112668 8 Jun 2021 | REGISTERED on 17 May 2023 | Images; images artistiques; photographies Class 016 Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Images; images artistiques; photographies | ||
![]() | BRUGG BRUGG GROUP AG 2074402 17 Sept 2020 | DEFAULT - SEARCHED | Wire rope, nets made of wire ropes; pipes and pipe systems of metal; j... Class 006 Class 006 Metal Products Wire rope, nets made of wire ropes; pipes and pipe systems of metal; joints, fixings and brackets of metal for cables, in particular connectors, clamps, sleeves, fixing lugs, fixing wire spirals, as far as included in this class. Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Cables, especially electrical cables, fiber optic cables and hybrid cables; plug connectors and plug-in connectors for cables; power sockets; connectors and connections for electric cables and electric lines; accecessories for cables and their assembly, especially terminals, electrical raceways, identification sheaths for electric wires and identification threads for electric wires as well as junction boxes, as far as included in this class; measuring devices, measuring instruments, regulating apparatus; switchgeats and control systems for power plants. ... Class 011 Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking Tubes for fuel, tubes for fuel gases, with the exception of metal pipes and pipes for construction purposes, tubes for heating boilers and heating systems; water conduits installations; water purification installations. Class 017 Rubber Products Insulators and insulating material for cables, for electric lines and for plug connectors; sleeves made of plastic, sleeves of rubber, as far as included in this class. Class 019 Non-Metallic Building Material Products Pipes for building purposes, not of metal, and accessories, as far as included in this class. Class 020 Furniture Products Connections, fixings, brackets and connecting parts not of metal for cables, in particular crimp connections, binding screws and clips of plastics. Class 022 Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products Cables, not of metal, especially dielectric air cables; ropes (not of metal). Class 037 Construction and Repair Services Mounting of cables, installation of pipe systems and line systems for the supply of water, gas and electricity and for the disposal of sewage, assembly of wire ropes. Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Education and training in the field of cables, cable systems, pipe systems, and wire ropes as well as measuring and control technology for the water and energy industry, in particular training in the assembly and installation of cables, cable installations pipe systems and wire ropes, as well as training in project planning and implementation of cable systems, cable installations, pipe systems and wire ropes; organisation, holding and implementation of seminars in the field of cable, cable systems, pipe systems and wire ropes as well as measuring and control technology for the water and energy industry. Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Technical advice in the field of cables, cable systems, pipe systems and wire ropes, namely technical advice in the field of cable safety, cable installations, cable systems, pipe systems and wire ropes, technical advice in the field of cable assembly and installation, cable installations, pipe systems and wire ropes technical project planning of cable installations, cable systems, pipe systems and wire ropes as well as measuring and control systems for the water and energy industry; research and development services in the field of cables, cable systems, pipe systems, and wire ropes as well as measuring and control technology for the water and energy industry; engineering services in the field of cables, cable systems, pipe systems, and wire ropes as well as measuring and control technology for the water and energy industry; design and development of computer programs for third parties. | |
FITS LIKE A HUGG KIMBERLY-CLARK WORLDWIDE INC. 1913991 8 Aug 2018 | REGISTERED on 19 Jan 2021 | Baby diapers Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Baby diapers | ||
JOE SUGG JOSEPH GRAHAM SUGG (DBA THATCHER JOE) 1865287 30 Oct 2017 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 8 Sept 2021 | CD ROMs; DVDs; podcasts; computer software; sound recordings; video re... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products CD ROMs; DVDs; podcasts; computer software; sound recordings; video recordings; digital music (downloadable); programs and tapes; prerecorded disks; recording disks; compact discs; computer games programmes; telephone ring tones; music recordings; downloadable music files; musical video recordings; downloadable musical sound recordings; digital music downloadable from the internet; musical recordings in the form of discs; digital music downloadable provided from mp3 internet web sites; downloadable publications; publications in electronic format; downloadable biographies; talking books; downloadable image files; sunglasses; cases, straps and chains for sunglasses; camera cases; mobile phone covers and cases; leather cases for mobile phones; laptop carrying cases; cases adapted for tablet computers; computer mouse pads; decorative magnets; fridge magnets; mobile applications; games software adapted for use with television receivers; computer games software; computer software; publications in electronic form, typically supplied on-line from databases or from facilities provided on the Internet; downloadable books; podcasts; digital instructional information downloadable from the Internet; downloadable publications; application software; downloadable sound recordings; downloadable videos; streamable sound recordings; streamable videos; application software; software for providing emoticons; jewellery; watches; precious stones and precious metals; costume jewellery; badges; brooches; cufflinks; tie pins; tie clips; earrings; key rings; pendants; horological and chronometric instruments including watches and clocks; key fobs; lapel pins; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods; rings; earrings; cuff links; bracelets; bracelets made of leather; bracelets made of metal; bracelets of precious metal; cuff links made of precious metals with semi-precious stones; bracelets made of precious metals with semi-precious stones; bracelets with semi-precious stones; bracelets with metal; chains; necklaces; books; publications; newspapers; newsletters; magazines; periodicals; decalcomanias; stickers; pictures; photographs; postcards; posters; stationery; calendars; erasers; notepads; notebooks; rulers; pamphlets; maps; travel guides; brochures; scrap books; book covers; autograph books; picture books; plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); packaging materials; printed publications; greeting cards; musical greeting cards; Christmas cards; tickets; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); gift vouchers; address books; diaries; book marks; pens; pencils; napkins; flyers; leaflets; pamphlets; advertising and promotional materials; paper bags; articles of luggage; luggage; suitcases; luggage tags; leather luggage tags; trunks; travel cases; backpacks; baby carriers; briefcases; handbags; purses; sports bags; gym bags; leather bags; beach bags; bags for clothing; casual bags; clutch bags; cosmetic bags; holdalls; hip bags; pannier bags; pouches; rucksacks; backpacks; satchels; school bags; shoe bags; shoulder bags; shopping bags; shoe bags; sling bags; suitcases; toiletry bags; tote bags; trunks and travelling bags; bumbags; sports bags; casual bags; music cases; satchels; beauty cases; carriers for suits, for shirts and for dresses; tie cases; credit card cases and holders; card cases; umbrellas; umbrella covers; parasols and walking sticks; whips; harness and saddlery; towelling bags; haversacks; bags for campers; furskins; collars for animals; covers for animals; boxes of leather or leather board; attaché cases; wallets; canes; leather shoulder bags; purses; pouches; rucksacks; sling bags; shopping bags; tote bags; valises; vanity cases; briefcases; portfolios; leather belts; jewellery rolls for travel; purses; wallets; backpacks; make up bags; curtains; bedding; pillow cases; towels; flannels; banners; flags; beach towels; valances; sheets; duvet covers; bath and bed linen; table and household linen; bed blankets, cloths and covers; bed spreads; bunting; coasters; covers for furniture; handkerchiefs; labels; place mats, not of paper; mattress covers; fabrics; pillow cases and pillow shams; quilts; travelling rugs; runners; napkins and serviettes; table cloths; wall hangings; fabrics for use in making diapers; linen; bath linen; bath mitts; bath sheets; bath towels; beach towels; bean bag covers; blankets; blankets (picnic); bed blankets; bed clothes and blankets; bed coverings; bed linen; bed quilts; bed sheets; bed spreads; bed throws; bed valances; bedsheets; bedspreads; blanket throws; blankets for household pets; blankets for outdoor use; hand towels; handkerchiefs; kitchen and table linens; quilt covers; table cloths; clothing, namely, shirts, T-shirts, hoodies, trousers, jeans, shorts, sports shorts, swimwear, beachwear, bikinis, swimming costumes, fitted swimming costumes with bra cups, beach cover-ups, underwear, lingerie, boxer shorts, teddies, slips, camisoles, chemises, negligees, sleepwear, robes, pyjamas, pyjama sets, baby doll nightdresses, nightdresses, bras, sport bras, bralets, bustiers, bra accessories, namely bra straps, bra extenders, bra pads, self-adhesive support tapes for wear; clothing, namely, panties, g-strings, thongs, boylegs, bikinis, briefs, garter belts, girdles, tracksuits, articles of outerwear, coats, jackets, jumpers and cardigans, pullovers, twinsets, knitwear, leggings, neckties, waistcoats, headbands and wristbands, skirts, wraps, jerseys, blouses, dresses, sweatshirts, bibs, stockings, ties, shawls, blazers, headbands and wristbands, overalls halter tops, tank tops, crop tops, sweaters, dresses, blazers, blouses, slacks, suits, vests; clothing, namely, sweatpants, sweatshirts, socks and hosiery, stockings, pantyhose, tights, leotards saris, sarongs, ties and belts, scarves, shawls, gloves, mittens, belts (being articles of clothing), aprons, footwear, namely, boots, shoes, slippers, sandals, trainers, booties, workout shoes and running shoes, beach shoes, soles for footwear, headgear, namely, headbands, hats, caps, berets, earmuffs, top hats, visors, baseball caps, headbands, beanies; swimwear and costumes; costumes for hire, including fancy dress costumes; waterproof clothing, footwear and headgear; games and playthings; playing cards; gymnastic and sporting articles; decorations for Christmas trees; children's toy bicycles; arcade games; balls for games; bath toys; beach balls; bean bags; board games; cuddly toys; soft toys; stuffed toys; electronic activity toys; toy robots; fluffy toys; toy flying saucers; rattles; squeezable balls used to relieve stress; balloons; dolls; puppets; plush toys, jigsaw puzzles; manipulative puzzles; board games; card games; computer games. Class 012 Class 012 Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water Advertising; marketing; demonstration of goods; on-line advertising on a computer network; sales promotion for others production of video recordings for advertising, publicity and marketing purposes; demonstration of goods; on-line advertising on a computer network; sales promotion for others; production of video recordings for advertising, publicity and marketing purposes; sale promotion; distribution of samples; promoting the goods and services of others by providing links to the websites of others; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of CD ROMs, DVDs, podcasts, digital music (downloadable), programs and tapes, pre-recorded disks, recording disks, compact discs, computer games programmes, telephone ring tones, music recordings, downloadable music files, musical video recordings, downloadable musical sound recordings, digital music downloadable from the internet, musical recordings in the form of discs, digital music downloadable provided from mp3 internet web sites; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of downloadable publications, publications in electronic format, downloadable biographies, talking books, downloadable image files, sunglasses, cases, straps and chains for sunglasses, camera cases, mobile phone covers and cases, leather cases for mobile phones; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of laptop carrying cases, cases adapted for tablet computers, computer mouse pads, decorative magnets, fridge magnets, mobile applications, books, publications, newspapers, newsletters, magazines, periodicals; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of decalcomanias, stickers, pictures, photographs, postcards, posters, stationery, calendars, erasers, notepads, notebooks, rulers, pamphlets, maps, travel guides, brochures, scrap books, book covers, autograph books, picture books, plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes), packaging materials, printed publications, greeting cards, musical greeting cards, Christmas cards; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of tickets, instructional and teaching material (except apparatus), gift vouchers, address books, diaries, book marks, pens, pencils, napkins, flyers, leaflets, pamphlets, advertising and promotional materials, paper bags, articles of luggage, luggage, suitcases, luggage tags, leather luggage tags, trunks, travel cases, backpacks, baby carriers, briefcases, handbags, purses; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of sports bags, gym bags, leather bags, beach bags, bags for clothing, casual bags, clutch bags, cosmetic bags, holdalls, hip bags, pannier bags, pouches, rucksacks, backpacks, satchels, school bags, shoe bags, shoulder bags, shopping bags, shoe bags, sling bags, suitcases, toiletry bags, tote bags, trunks and travelling bags, bum-bags, sports bags, casual bags, music cases, satchels; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of beauty cases, carriers for suits, for shirts and for dresses, tie cases, credit card cases and holders, card cases, umbrellas, umbrella covers, parasols and walking sticks, whips, harness and saddlery, towelling bags, haversacks, bags for campers, furskins, collars for animals, covers for animals; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of boxes of leather or leather board, attaché cases, wallets, canes, leather shoulder bags, purses, pouches, rucksacks, sling bags, shopping bags, tote bags, valises, vanity cases, briefcases, portfolios, leather belts, jewellery rolls for travel; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of clothing, namely, shirts, T-shirts, hoodies, trousers, jeans, shorts, sports shorts, swimwear, beachwear, bikinis, swimming costumes, fitted swimming costumes with bra cups, beach cover-ups; underwear, lingerie, boxer shorts, teddies, slips, camisoles, chemises, negligees, sleepwear, robes, pyjamas, pyjama sets, baby doll nightdresses, nightdresses; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of clothing, namely, bras, sport bras, bralets, bustiers, bra accessories, namely bra straps, bra extenders, bra pads, self-adhesive support tapes for wear, panties, g-strings, thongs, boylegs, bikinis, briefs, garter belts, girdles, tracksuits, articles of outerwear, coats, jackets, jumpers and cardigans, pullovers, twinsets, knitwear, leggings, neckties, waistcoats, headbands and wristbands, skirts, wraps, jerseys, blouses, dresses, sweatshirts, bibs, stockings; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of clothing, namely, ties, shawls, blazers, headbands and wristbands, overalls halter tops, tank tops, crop tops, sweaters, dresses, blazers, blouses, slacks, suits, vests, sweatpants, sweatshirts, socks and hosiery, stockings, pantyhose, tights, leotards saris, sarongs, ties and belts, scarves, shawls, gloves, mittens, belts (being articles of clothing), aprons; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of footwear, namely, boots, shoes, slippers, sandals, trainers, booties, workout shoes and running shoes, beach shoes, soles for footwear; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of headgear, namely, headbands, hats, caps, berets, earmuffs, top hats, visors, baseball caps, headbands, beanies; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of games and playthings, playing cards, gymnastic and sporting articles, decorations for Christmas trees, children's toy bicycles, arcade games, balls for games, bath toys, beach balls, bean bags (playthings), board games, cuddly toys, soft toys, stuffed toys, electronic activity toys, toy robots, fluffy toys, toy flying saucers; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of rattles, squeezable balls used to relieve stress, balloons, dolls, puppets, plush toys, jigsaw puzzles, manipulative puzzles, board games, card games; transmission of sound and/or pictures; broadcasting services, namely, uploading, posting, showing, displaying, tagging, blogging, sharing or otherwise providing electronic media or information over the Internet or other communications network; news agency services; webcasting services; providing digital program distribution of audio and video broadcasts over a global computer network; providing access to a video sharing portal for entertainment and education purposes; electronic transmission of streamed and downloadable audio and video files via electronic and communications networks as well as by means of a global computer network; electronic mail services; providing of access to on-line chat rooms and bulletin boards; telecommunication of information including web pages, computer programs, text and any other data; transmission of messages, data and content via the Internet and other computer and communications networks; online forums, chat rooms, journals, blogs, and listservers for the transmission of messages, comments and multimedia content among users; providing on-line chat rooms for social networking; chat room services for social networking; providing access to digital music websites on the Internet or other computer network; delivery of digital music by telecommunications; web streaming being the transmission of data, information and audio-visual data via the Internet or other computer network; transmission of written and digital communications; operation of chat rooms; provision of on-line forums; advisory and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid; entertainment services; sound recording and video entertainment services; provision of information on entertainment via pod cast; video performances; entertainment services provided by blogs; entertainment services provided by vlogs; television and radio entertainment services; entertainment services by stage production and cabaret; presentation, production and performance of shows, musical shows, concerts, videos, multimedia videos and radio and television programmes; digital music (not downloadable) provided from the Internet; sound recordings (not downloadable) provided from the Internet; video recordings (not downloadable) provided from the Internet; sound recordings provided by on-line streams; video recordings provided by on-line streams; entertainment services provided by online streams; organizing and presenting displays of entertainment relating to style and fashion; organizing and presenting displays of entertainment relating to music; education and teaching information services; arranging and conducting of educational training events, arranging and conducting of colloquiums, congresses, conferences, seminars and symposiums for cultural and educational purposes; arranging of competitions, arranging of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes, arranging of beauty contests, arranging and conducting of training workshops; correspondence courses, lending libraries, publication of books and texts, other than publicity texts; publication of manuals; practical training demonstrations; production of films, video tape film production, rental of sound recordings and video tapes; educational seminars relating to beauty therapy; publishing reviews; compere services; motivational speaking; making personal appearances; on-line publication of electronic books and journals; television programming; provision of news and news information via a computer network and/or the Internet; Education services; entertainment services; entertainment services relating to modelling services; sound recording and video entertainment services; concert, musical and video performances; provision of non-downloadable content, namely, providing a website featuring non-downloadable classes, seminars, webinars, workshops and vlogs; television and radio entertainment services; entertainment services by stage production and cabaret; production of video and/or sound recordings; modelling services for artists; education services relating to modelling; presentation, production and performance of shows, musical shows, concerts, videos, multimedia videos and radio and television programmes; recording, film, video and television studio services; audio, film, video and television recording services; publishing; music publishing; sound recording, film and video production and distribution services; arranging and conducting of seminars, conferences and exhibitions; publication of books, magazines and other texts; digital music (not downloadable) provided from the Internet; sound recordings (not downloadable) provided from the Internet; video recordings (not downloadable) provided from the Internet; sound recordings provided by on-line streams; video recordings provided by on-line streams; entertainment services provided by on-line streams; organizing and presenting displays of entertainment relating to style and fashion; organizing and presenting displays of entertainment relating to cosmetics; organizing and presenting displays of entertainment relating to skincare; organizing and presenting displays of entertainment relating to film; organizing and presenting displays of entertainment relating to television; on-line social networking services; introduction and social networking services; licensing of radio programmes, television programmes, films, motion pictures, pre-recorded video tapes, audio and/or visual material, pre-recorded video cassettes, DVDs or pre-recorded video discs; advisory services relating to intellectual property or industrial property licensing or protection; exploitation of copyright protected material; exploitation of rights of radio programmes, television programmes, films, prerecorded video tapes, pre-recorded video cassettes, pre-recorded video discs or motion pictures; exploitation of transmission rights; exploitation of intellectual property or industrial property rights; issue of licensing rights; licensing services; management of intellectual property or industrial property rights; exploitation of printed matter (copyright); personal shopper services; personal wardrobe styling services; personal fashion consulting services; personal gift selection for others; consulting in the field of personal relationships; ... Class 014 Jewelry Products Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Class 017 Rubber Products Class 018 Leather Products not including clothing Class 020 Furniture Products Class 021 Houseware and Glass Products Class 024 Fabrics Class 025 Clothing Products Class 027 Floor Covering products Class 028 Toys and Sporting Goods Products Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Class 038 Communications Services Class 039 Transportation & Storage Services Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Class 044 Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services Class 045 Personal & Legal & Social Services | ||
SNUGG CHARON INTERNATIONAL TRADING LIMITED 1643560 13 Sept 2013 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 2 Apr 2019 | Holders, covers and cases; protective holders covers, and cases; retai... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Holders, covers and cases; protective holders covers, and cases; retaining strap; stands; all the aforementioned goods being adapted for portable electronic equipment | ||
SHEARERSUGG WILSON CHUN WU 1543379 14 Sept 2011 | ABANDONED - SECTION 38(7) on 18 Jul 2013 | Footwear, namely sheepskin boots, sheepskin shoes, sheepskin slippers ... Class 018 Class 018 Leather Products not including clothing Footwear, namely sheepskin boots, sheepskin shoes, sheepskin slippers and casual footwear. Class 025 Class 025 Clothing Products Handbags. | ||
BODYBUGG 24 HOUR FITNESS USA INC. 1473148 15 Mar 2010 | REGISTERED on 7 Sept 2011 | Electronic monitoring devices incorporating microprocessors, digital d... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Electronic monitoring devices incorporating microprocessors, digital display, accelerometers, and associated memory and software, for detecting, storing and reporting human physiological and environmental parameters; AC adapters; USB (universal serial bus) hardware and software; batteries for use in electronic monitoring devices; armbands and straps for display and use of electronic monitoring devices. Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for diet, exercise, fitness, athletic performance and weight management; computer online services, namely providing personal analysis and processing of dietary, fitness and health data; computer online services, namely, providing information and online links for use in the field of personal health, fitness and nutrition. ... Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Distributorships and online retail store services featuring electronic devices used for health, fitness and physiological monitoring; promoting the goods and services of others in the field of human physiology and health and fitness by distributing printed materials and providing promotional materials via the Internet. Class 044 Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services |
on 25 Nov 2024
Kayla Brazeau
2364368 · 25 Nov 2024
Class 037
Construction and Repair Services
Installation of building insulation
Installation of building insulation
on 22 Feb 2024
2311888 · 22 Feb 2024
Class 039
Transportation & Storage Services
on 6 May 2024
2232985 · 4 Mar 2022
Class 006
Metal Products
Métaux communs et leurs alliages; minerais; matériaux métalliques pour le bâtiment et la construction; constructions transportables métalliques; câbles et fils en métaux communs [non à usage électrique]; petite quincaillerie métallique; conteneurs métalliques pour le stockage et le transport; matériaux et éléments de construction métalliques; conduites, tuyaux et flexibles, y compris les vannes et soupapes, en métal; matériaux métalliques non traités et partiellement traités; écrous, verrous et attaches, en métal; serrures et clés métalliques; matériel de soudage et de brasage; câbles, fils et chaînes métalliques; portes, portails, fenêtres et revêtements de fenêtre métalliques; structures métalliques et constructions transportables en métal; enseignes, panneaux d'information et panneaux publicitaires, en métal; échelles et échafaudages métalliques; conteneurs métalliques pour l'entreposage, transport et emballage; couvercles d'accès métalliques; contrefiches de clôture en métal; barrières métalliques pour autoroutes; barrières métalliques pour le contrôle de la circulation des piétons; séparateurs métalliques [quincaillerie métallique]; entretoises en tant qu'éléments de construction métalliques; ancres; ancres en métal; boulons d'ancrage métalliques pour liaison de ponts; manchons d'ancrage en métal; douilles métalliques d'ancrage pour poteaux; brides d'ancrage métalliques; rails d'ancrage métalliques; pattes d'ancrage en métal; plaques d'ancrage; plaques d'ancrage en métal; dispositifs d'ancrage en métal; pieux d'amarrage métalliques; armatures métalliques pour la construction; barres d'armature métalliques pour la maçonnerie; barres d'armature métalliques; tiges d'armature en métal; broches métalliques d'armature pour le coffrage; bandes métalliques enroulées; oeillets métalliques; panneaux de revêtement métalliques; plates-formes panoramiques en métal; bardage extérieur en métal pour la construction; balises métalliques, non lumineuses; poutres métalliques; poutres en métal ou en acier; poutres en métal commun pour la construction; dispositifs de capture de balles métalliques sous forme de filets métalliques et leurs matériaux de fixation; quincaillerie de construction en métal; éléments de construction métalliques à des fins de construction; éléments de construction [préfabriqués] en métal; structures de construction métalliques; matériaux de construction métallique; matériaux de construction en acier; composants métalliques; constructions métalliques; constructions sous forme de structures stationnaires en métal; structures métalliques pour cordes de suspension; composants de constructions métalliques; métaux communs ouvrés; fixations en métal commun; matériel de fixation en métal; clous de fixation métalliques; plaques de fixation en métal; disques de fixation métalliques; vis de fixation métalliques; fixations métalliques pour la construction; dispositifs de fixation métalliques; conteneurs en métal; moules à béton en métal; éléments de coffrage-béton en métal; cloisons mobiles en métal [structures]; fils à lier métalliques; boulons métalliques; grilles métalliques extensibles; fils métalliques; fil métallique pour torons; fil métallique pour cordes; fils métalliques [non à usage électrique]; fils en alliages métalliques communs [autres que pour fusibles]; treillis métalliques; treillis métalliques en métal commun; crochets métalliques; torons métalliques; filets en fil [tissus] métalliques; filets métallique et tissus en fil; filets métalliques pour protéger contre les chutes de pierres; cordes d'acier; câbles en fil [funin] métalliques; clôtures en fil; clôtures en fil métallique; câbles en fer, non à usage électrique; quincaillerie métallique pour la construction; matériaux réfractaires de construction en métal; gabions [récipients en treillis métallique] en métal; treillis métalliques; câbles métalliques; câbles métalliques non à usage électrique; câbles et fils métalliques [non à usage électrique]; fixations de câbles métalliques; cosses de câble en métal; colliers métalliques pour câbles; cosses [métalliques] pour cordes et câbles; clips métalliques; crampons en métal; petits articles de quincaillerie métallique pour bâtiments; petits articles de quincaillerie métallique pour portes; pinces métalliques; pitons à grimper métalliques; clôtures métalliques à mailles de chaîne; mâts métalliques; mâts en acier; matériaux métalliques pour clôtures; structures métalliques; ancre métallique; plaques d'ancrage métalliques; armatures métalliques; armatures métalliques pour béton; treillis métallique d'armature pour la construction; barres d'armature métalliques pour maçonnerie; fil métallique pour liaisons; fils métalliques pour liaisons; boulons métalliques [fixations]; fils métalliques [métaux communs]; clôtures en fil métallique; moules métalliques pour la formation des objets en ciment; moulures métalliques; garde-corps en métal; racks métalliques pour supporter les tuyaux; grille métallique; grilles métalliques à des fins de sécurité; crochet en métal; ancres métalliques; fil de clôture métallique; câbles métalliques d'amarrage; fils de câbles métalliques; structures métalliques; maillages métalliques; produits métalliques de construction; filets en métal; anneaux métalliques; cordages métalliques; coffrages métalliques pour le béton; éléments de coffrage métalliques; produits métalliques destinés à la construction; fil métallique pour les clôtures; panneaux de clôture en métal; tirants métalliques destinés à la construction; plates-formes métalliques mobiles pour événements publics; structures métalliques modulaires; structures de construction modulaires transportables en métal; abris modulaires en métal; composants modulaires en métal; serre-câbles métalliques non électriques; tambours de câbles métalliques non électriques; connexions de câbles non électriques en métal; constructions transportables métalliques; palissade métallique; poteaux métalliques; clôtures à poteaux métalliques; poteau [métal]; plateformes métalliques; podiums en métal; structures de châssis métalliques pour des bâtiments et pour la construction; grilles roulantes métalliques; parois de protection en métal; fils d'acier; cordes en fil d'acier; produits en acier; structures en acier; poutres en acier; structures porteuses métalliques; supports [entretoises] métalliques; corbeau porteur en métal; poutres métalliques; bâtiments transportables se composant essentiellement de métal; structures métalliques transportables [structures de constructions]; composants modulaires transportables en métal; structures modulaires transportables en métal; obstacles routiers transportables en métal pour apaiser la circulation; abris transportables en métal; structures de bâtiment transportables en métal; constructions métalliques transportables; structures métalliques transportables; bâtiments transportables en métal; structures transportables [métal]; cloisons métalliques; abris essentiellement en matériaux métalliques; métaux communs et leurs alliages, y compris l'acier inoxydable; revêtements métalliques pour la construction; pièces de bardage en métal; structures mobiles en métal; éléments de construction préfabriqués [métal]; éléments de construction préfabriqués en métal; composants de construction préfabriqués [métal]; éléments de construction métalliques préfabriqués; structures métalliques préfabriquées; fil de clôture en métal; clôtures en métal; clôtures en métaux communs; éléments métalliques pour clôtures; poteaux de clôture en métal; panneaux de clôture en métal; entretoises de clôture en métal; tirants métalliques pour la construction; tirants métalliques pour la maçonnerie; tirants métalliques pour l'ancrage; clips de soulagement de traction métalliques; anneaux de traction en métal; câbles et fils métalliques (non à usage électrique); quincaillerie; filets de protection métalliques contre les chutes de pierres; tuyaux d'acier; systèmes de protection, notamment sous forme de treillis métallique; filets métalliques pour la retenue d'éboulements et composants associés; matériaux de fixation métalliques pour systèmes de protection.
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Appareils et instruments scientifiques, nautiques, géodésiques, photographiques, cinématographiques, optiques, de pesage, de mesurage, de signalisation, de contrôle (inspection), de secours (sauvetage) et d'enseignement; appareils et instruments pour la conduite, le couplage, la transformation, l'accumulation, le réglage ou la commande du courant électrique; appareils pour l'enregistrement, la transmission et la reproduction du son et des images; supports d'enregistrement magnétiques; disques compacts, DVD et autres supports d'enregistrement numériques; équipement informatique de traitement de données; ordinateurs; logiciels pour ordinateurs; bases de données électroniques (logiciels); médias enregistrés; logiciels pour ordinateurs; micrologiciel; systèmes d'exploitation informatiques; dispositifs de la technologie informatique, audiovisuels, multimédias et photographiques; équipement de communication; appareils et équipement de réseaux d'ordinateurs et de communication de données; dispositifs de communication point à point; appareils et équipement de radiodiffusion; antennes et installations d'antennes en tant qu'appareils de communication; dispositifs de stockage de données; appareils, équipement et accessoires (électriques et mécaniques) de traitement des données; calculatrices; ordinateurs et équipement informatique; dispositifs audio, visuels et photographiques; équipements audio et récepteurs radio; équipement de capture et de développement d'images; conduites de signalisation pour les TI, l'AV et les télécommunications; aimants, appareils magnétisants et démagnétisants; dispositifs scientifiques et de laboratoire pour des réactions physicales utilisant de l'électricité; dispositifs et équipement optiques, amplificateurs et correcteurs; dispositifs et équipement de sauvegarde, de sécurité, de protection et de signalisation; équipement d'alarmes et d'alerte; dispositifs de contrôle d'accès; appareils de signalisation; équipement de protection et de sécurité; dispositifs de navigation, d'orientation, de suivi de localisation, de suivi de cible et de cartographie; instruments, dispositifs et régulateurs de mesure, d'identification et de surveillance; instruments et appareils de surveillance; capteurs et détecteurs; dispositifs de test et de contrôle de la qualité; instruments de mesure, de comptage, d'alignement et d'étalonnage; collecteurs et enregistreurs de données; instruments et appareils de mesure de poids; instruments et appareils de mesure de distance et de taille; instruments et appareils de mesure de la vitesse; instruments et appareils de mesure de la température; instruments et appareils de mesure de l'électricité; capteurs météorologiques; capteurs de corrosion; capteurs pour mesurer la conductivité électrique; unité de communication pour la transmission des données de capteur.
Class 017
Rubber Products
Produits fabriqués à partir de plastiques ou de résines sous forme extrudée destinés à être utilisés dans des processus de fabrication; matières à sceller, à étouper et à isoler; tuyaux flexibles et tuyaux souples [non métalliques]; conduites flexibles, tubes, tuyaux flexibles et leurs connecteurs [y compris les soupapes] et connecteurs pour tuyaux durs, tous non métalliques; joints, produits d'étanchéité et garnitures d'étanchéité; matériaux d'isolation et de protection; matières plastiques semi-finies; feuilles d'étanchéité et matériaux de filtrage synthétiques semi-finis.
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Services scientifiques et technologiques ainsi que services de recherches et de conception y relatifs; services d'analyses et de recherches industrielles; conception et développement d'ordinateurs et de logiciels; services informatiques; développement, programmation et implémentation de logiciels; développement d'équipement informatique; services scientifiques et technologiques; location d'équipements scientifiques et technologiques; services d'ingénierie; exploration géologique et exploration de gisements et/ou exploration de la composition des couches de la terre; services en sciences naturelles; services en sciences de la terre; analyse scientifique et technologique des besoins en matière de barrières pour les sports motorisés, de barrières routières, de protection contre les coulées de boue, de prévention des avalanches, de protection des tunnels et des mines, de filets de protection contre les prédateurs, de stabilisation des talus, de protection des fouilles, de protection des côtes, de protection contre l'érosion, de protection des bassins portuaires, de protection des conduites sous-marines en haute mer, de protection contre les impacts, de protection des installations d'essai et de protection contre les chutes de pierres en ce qui concerne les matériaux à utiliser et les systèmes de protection à utiliser ou leur fixation; conseil scientifique et technologique en matière de tests scientifiques et techniques et conseil sur le choix et l'installation/la mise en place de systèmes de protection et de leurs composants, en particulier les barrières pour les sports motorisés, la protection contre les coulées de boue, la prévention des avalanches, la sécurisation des tunnels et des mines, les filets de protection contre les prédateurs, la stabilisation des talus, la sécurisation des fouilles, la protection des côtes, la protection contre l'érosion, la protection des bassins portuaires, la protection des conduites sous-marines en haute mer, la protection contre les impacts et les chutes de pierres; réalisation de tests scientifiques et techniques concernant les systèmes de protection et leurs composants, notamment les barrières pour les sports motorisés, la protection contre les coulées de boue, la prévention des avalanches, la protection des tunnels et des mines, les filets de protection contre les prédateurs, la stabilisation des talus, la protection des fouilles, la protection des côtes, la protection contre l'érosion, la protection des bassins portuaires, la protection des conduites sous-marines en haute mer, la protection contre les impacts et les chutes de pierres.
Métaux communs et leurs alliages; minerais; matériaux métalliques pour...
on 17 May 2023
2112668 · 8 Jun 2021
Class 016
Paper Goods and Printed Material
Images; images artistiques; photographies
Images; images artistiques; photographies
2074402 · 17 Sept 2020
Class 006
Metal Products
Wire rope, nets made of wire ropes; pipes and pipe systems of metal; joints, fixings and brackets of metal for cables, in particular connectors, clamps, sleeves, fixing lugs, fixing wire spirals, as far as included in this class.
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Cables, especially electrical cables, fiber optic cables and hybrid cables; plug connectors and plug-in connectors for cables; power sockets; connectors and connections for electric cables and electric lines; accecessories for cables and their assembly, especially terminals, electrical raceways, identification sheaths for electric wires and identification threads for electric wires as well as junction boxes, as far as included in this class; measuring devices, measuring instruments, regulating apparatus; switchgeats and control systems for power plants.
Class 011
Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking
Tubes for fuel, tubes for fuel gases, with the exception of metal pipes and pipes for construction purposes, tubes for heating boilers and heating systems; water conduits installations; water purification installations.
Class 017
Rubber Products
Insulators and insulating material for cables, for electric lines and for plug connectors; sleeves made of plastic, sleeves of rubber, as far as included in this class.
Class 019
Non-Metallic Building Material Products
Pipes for building purposes, not of metal, and accessories, as far as included in this class.
Class 020
Furniture Products
Connections, fixings, brackets and connecting parts not of metal for cables, in particular crimp connections, binding screws and clips of plastics.
Class 022
Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products
Cables, not of metal, especially dielectric air cables; ropes (not of metal).
Class 037
Construction and Repair Services
Mounting of cables, installation of pipe systems and line systems for the supply of water, gas and electricity and for the disposal of sewage, assembly of wire ropes.
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Education and training in the field of cables, cable systems, pipe systems, and wire ropes as well as measuring and control technology for the water and energy industry, in particular training in the assembly and installation of cables, cable installations pipe systems and wire ropes, as well as training in project planning and implementation of cable systems, cable installations, pipe systems and wire ropes; organisation, holding and implementation of seminars in the field of cable, cable systems, pipe systems and wire ropes as well as measuring and control technology for the water and energy industry.
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Technical advice in the field of cables, cable systems, pipe systems and wire ropes, namely technical advice in the field of cable safety, cable installations, cable systems, pipe systems and wire ropes, technical advice in the field of cable assembly and installation, cable installations, pipe systems and wire ropes technical project planning of cable installations, cable systems, pipe systems and wire ropes as well as measuring and control systems for the water and energy industry; research and development services in the field of cables, cable systems, pipe systems, and wire ropes as well as measuring and control technology for the water and energy industry; engineering services in the field of cables, cable systems, pipe systems, and wire ropes as well as measuring and control technology for the water and energy industry; design and development of computer programs for third parties.
Wire rope, nets made of wire ropes; pipes and pipe systems of metal; j...
on 19 Jan 2021
1913991 · 8 Aug 2018
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Baby diapers
Baby diapers
on 8 Sept 2021
1865287 · 30 Oct 2017
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
CD ROMs; DVDs; podcasts; computer software; sound recordings; video recordings; digital music (downloadable); programs and tapes; prerecorded disks; recording disks; compact discs; computer games programmes; telephone ring tones; music recordings; downloadable music files; musical video recordings; downloadable musical sound recordings; digital music downloadable from the internet; musical recordings in the form of discs; digital music downloadable provided from mp3 internet web sites; downloadable publications; publications in electronic format; downloadable biographies; talking books; downloadable image files; sunglasses; cases, straps and chains for sunglasses; camera cases; mobile phone covers and cases; leather cases for mobile phones; laptop carrying cases; cases adapted for tablet computers; computer mouse pads; decorative magnets; fridge magnets; mobile applications; games software adapted for use with television receivers; computer games software; computer software; publications in electronic form, typically supplied on-line from databases or from facilities provided on the Internet; downloadable books; podcasts; digital instructional information downloadable from the Internet; downloadable publications; application software; downloadable sound recordings; downloadable videos; streamable sound recordings; streamable videos; application software; software for providing emoticons; jewellery; watches; precious stones and precious metals; costume jewellery; badges; brooches; cufflinks; tie pins; tie clips; earrings; key rings; pendants; horological and chronometric instruments including watches and clocks; key fobs; lapel pins; parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods; rings; earrings; cuff links; bracelets; bracelets made of leather; bracelets made of metal; bracelets of precious metal; cuff links made of precious metals with semi-precious stones; bracelets made of precious metals with semi-precious stones; bracelets with semi-precious stones; bracelets with metal; chains; necklaces; books; publications; newspapers; newsletters; magazines; periodicals; decalcomanias; stickers; pictures; photographs; postcards; posters; stationery; calendars; erasers; notepads; notebooks; rulers; pamphlets; maps; travel guides; brochures; scrap books; book covers; autograph books; picture books; plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); packaging materials; printed publications; greeting cards; musical greeting cards; Christmas cards; tickets; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); gift vouchers; address books; diaries; book marks; pens; pencils; napkins; flyers; leaflets; pamphlets; advertising and promotional materials; paper bags; articles of luggage; luggage; suitcases; luggage tags; leather luggage tags; trunks; travel cases; backpacks; baby carriers; briefcases; handbags; purses; sports bags; gym bags; leather bags; beach bags; bags for clothing; casual bags; clutch bags; cosmetic bags; holdalls; hip bags; pannier bags; pouches; rucksacks; backpacks; satchels; school bags; shoe bags; shoulder bags; shopping bags; shoe bags; sling bags; suitcases; toiletry bags; tote bags; trunks and travelling bags; bumbags; sports bags; casual bags; music cases; satchels; beauty cases; carriers for suits, for shirts and for dresses; tie cases; credit card cases and holders; card cases; umbrellas; umbrella covers; parasols and walking sticks; whips; harness and saddlery; towelling bags; haversacks; bags for campers; furskins; collars for animals; covers for animals; boxes of leather or leather board; attaché cases; wallets; canes; leather shoulder bags; purses; pouches; rucksacks; sling bags; shopping bags; tote bags; valises; vanity cases; briefcases; portfolios; leather belts; jewellery rolls for travel; purses; wallets; backpacks; make up bags; curtains; bedding; pillow cases; towels; flannels; banners; flags; beach towels; valances; sheets; duvet covers; bath and bed linen; table and household linen; bed blankets, cloths and covers; bed spreads; bunting; coasters; covers for furniture; handkerchiefs; labels; place mats, not of paper; mattress covers; fabrics; pillow cases and pillow shams; quilts; travelling rugs; runners; napkins and serviettes; table cloths; wall hangings; fabrics for use in making diapers; linen; bath linen; bath mitts; bath sheets; bath towels; beach towels; bean bag covers; blankets; blankets (picnic); bed blankets; bed clothes and blankets; bed coverings; bed linen; bed quilts; bed sheets; bed spreads; bed throws; bed valances; bedsheets; bedspreads; blanket throws; blankets for household pets; blankets for outdoor use; hand towels; handkerchiefs; kitchen and table linens; quilt covers; table cloths; clothing, namely, shirts, T-shirts, hoodies, trousers, jeans, shorts, sports shorts, swimwear, beachwear, bikinis, swimming costumes, fitted swimming costumes with bra cups, beach cover-ups, underwear, lingerie, boxer shorts, teddies, slips, camisoles, chemises, negligees, sleepwear, robes, pyjamas, pyjama sets, baby doll nightdresses, nightdresses, bras, sport bras, bralets, bustiers, bra accessories, namely bra straps, bra extenders, bra pads, self-adhesive support tapes for wear; clothing, namely, panties, g-strings, thongs, boylegs, bikinis, briefs, garter belts, girdles, tracksuits, articles of outerwear, coats, jackets, jumpers and cardigans, pullovers, twinsets, knitwear, leggings, neckties, waistcoats, headbands and wristbands, skirts, wraps, jerseys, blouses, dresses, sweatshirts, bibs, stockings, ties, shawls, blazers, headbands and wristbands, overalls halter tops, tank tops, crop tops, sweaters, dresses, blazers, blouses, slacks, suits, vests; clothing, namely, sweatpants, sweatshirts, socks and hosiery, stockings, pantyhose, tights, leotards saris, sarongs, ties and belts, scarves, shawls, gloves, mittens, belts (being articles of clothing), aprons, footwear, namely, boots, shoes, slippers, sandals, trainers, booties, workout shoes and running shoes, beach shoes, soles for footwear, headgear, namely, headbands, hats, caps, berets, earmuffs, top hats, visors, baseball caps, headbands, beanies; swimwear and costumes; costumes for hire, including fancy dress costumes; waterproof clothing, footwear and headgear; games and playthings; playing cards; gymnastic and sporting articles; decorations for Christmas trees; children's toy bicycles; arcade games; balls for games; bath toys; beach balls; bean bags; board games; cuddly toys; soft toys; stuffed toys; electronic activity toys; toy robots; fluffy toys; toy flying saucers; rattles; squeezable balls used to relieve stress; balloons; dolls; puppets; plush toys, jigsaw puzzles; manipulative puzzles; board games; card games; computer games.
Class 012
Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water
Advertising; marketing; demonstration of goods; on-line advertising on a computer network; sales promotion for others production of video recordings for advertising, publicity and marketing purposes; demonstration of goods; on-line advertising on a computer network; sales promotion for others; production of video recordings for advertising, publicity and marketing purposes; sale promotion; distribution of samples; promoting the goods and services of others by providing links to the websites of others; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of CD ROMs, DVDs, podcasts, digital music (downloadable), programs and tapes, pre-recorded disks, recording disks, compact discs, computer games programmes, telephone ring tones, music recordings, downloadable music files, musical video recordings, downloadable musical sound recordings, digital music downloadable from the internet, musical recordings in the form of discs, digital music downloadable provided from mp3 internet web sites; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of downloadable publications, publications in electronic format, downloadable biographies, talking books, downloadable image files, sunglasses, cases, straps and chains for sunglasses, camera cases, mobile phone covers and cases, leather cases for mobile phones; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of laptop carrying cases, cases adapted for tablet computers, computer mouse pads, decorative magnets, fridge magnets, mobile applications, books, publications, newspapers, newsletters, magazines, periodicals; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of decalcomanias, stickers, pictures, photographs, postcards, posters, stationery, calendars, erasers, notepads, notebooks, rulers, pamphlets, maps, travel guides, brochures, scrap books, book covers, autograph books, picture books, plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes), packaging materials, printed publications, greeting cards, musical greeting cards, Christmas cards; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of tickets, instructional and teaching material (except apparatus), gift vouchers, address books, diaries, book marks, pens, pencils, napkins, flyers, leaflets, pamphlets, advertising and promotional materials, paper bags, articles of luggage, luggage, suitcases, luggage tags, leather luggage tags, trunks, travel cases, backpacks, baby carriers, briefcases, handbags, purses; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of sports bags, gym bags, leather bags, beach bags, bags for clothing, casual bags, clutch bags, cosmetic bags, holdalls, hip bags, pannier bags, pouches, rucksacks, backpacks, satchels, school bags, shoe bags, shoulder bags, shopping bags, shoe bags, sling bags, suitcases, toiletry bags, tote bags, trunks and travelling bags, bum-bags, sports bags, casual bags, music cases, satchels; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of beauty cases, carriers for suits, for shirts and for dresses, tie cases, credit card cases and holders, card cases, umbrellas, umbrella covers, parasols and walking sticks, whips, harness and saddlery, towelling bags, haversacks, bags for campers, furskins, collars for animals, covers for animals; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of boxes of leather or leather board, attaché cases, wallets, canes, leather shoulder bags, purses, pouches, rucksacks, sling bags, shopping bags, tote bags, valises, vanity cases, briefcases, portfolios, leather belts, jewellery rolls for travel; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of clothing, namely, shirts, T-shirts, hoodies, trousers, jeans, shorts, sports shorts, swimwear, beachwear, bikinis, swimming costumes, fitted swimming costumes with bra cups, beach cover-ups; underwear, lingerie, boxer shorts, teddies, slips, camisoles, chemises, negligees, sleepwear, robes, pyjamas, pyjama sets, baby doll nightdresses, nightdresses; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of clothing, namely, bras, sport bras, bralets, bustiers, bra accessories, namely bra straps, bra extenders, bra pads, self-adhesive support tapes for wear, panties, g-strings, thongs, boylegs, bikinis, briefs, garter belts, girdles, tracksuits, articles of outerwear, coats, jackets, jumpers and cardigans, pullovers, twinsets, knitwear, leggings, neckties, waistcoats, headbands and wristbands, skirts, wraps, jerseys, blouses, dresses, sweatshirts, bibs, stockings; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of clothing, namely, ties, shawls, blazers, headbands and wristbands, overalls halter tops, tank tops, crop tops, sweaters, dresses, blazers, blouses, slacks, suits, vests, sweatpants, sweatshirts, socks and hosiery, stockings, pantyhose, tights, leotards saris, sarongs, ties and belts, scarves, shawls, gloves, mittens, belts (being articles of clothing), aprons; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of footwear, namely, boots, shoes, slippers, sandals, trainers, booties, workout shoes and running shoes, beach shoes, soles for footwear; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of headgear, namely, headbands, hats, caps, berets, earmuffs, top hats, visors, baseball caps, headbands, beanies; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of games and playthings, playing cards, gymnastic and sporting articles, decorations for Christmas trees, children's toy bicycles, arcade games, balls for games, bath toys, beach balls, bean bags (playthings), board games, cuddly toys, soft toys, stuffed toys, electronic activity toys, toy robots, fluffy toys, toy flying saucers; retail services and online retail services connected with the sale of rattles, squeezable balls used to relieve stress, balloons, dolls, puppets, plush toys, jigsaw puzzles, manipulative puzzles, board games, card games; transmission of sound and/or pictures; broadcasting services, namely, uploading, posting, showing, displaying, tagging, blogging, sharing or otherwise providing electronic media or information over the Internet or other communications network; news agency services; webcasting services; providing digital program distribution of audio and video broadcasts over a global computer network; providing access to a video sharing portal for entertainment and education purposes; electronic transmission of streamed and downloadable audio and video files via electronic and communications networks as well as by means of a global computer network; electronic mail services; providing of access to on-line chat rooms and bulletin boards; telecommunication of information including web pages, computer programs, text and any other data; transmission of messages, data and content via the Internet and other computer and communications networks; online forums, chat rooms, journals, blogs, and listservers for the transmission of messages, comments and multimedia content among users; providing on-line chat rooms for social networking; chat room services for social networking; providing access to digital music websites on the Internet or other computer network; delivery of digital music by telecommunications; web streaming being the transmission of data, information and audio-visual data via the Internet or other computer network; transmission of written and digital communications; operation of chat rooms; provision of on-line forums; advisory and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid; entertainment services; sound recording and video entertainment services; provision of information on entertainment via pod cast; video performances; entertainment services provided by blogs; entertainment services provided by vlogs; television and radio entertainment services; entertainment services by stage production and cabaret; presentation, production and performance of shows, musical shows, concerts, videos, multimedia videos and radio and television programmes; digital music (not downloadable) provided from the Internet; sound recordings (not downloadable) provided from the Internet; video recordings (not downloadable) provided from the Internet; sound recordings provided by on-line streams; video recordings provided by on-line streams; entertainment services provided by online streams; organizing and presenting displays of entertainment relating to style and fashion; organizing and presenting displays of entertainment relating to music; education and teaching information services; arranging and conducting of educational training events, arranging and conducting of colloquiums, congresses, conferences, seminars and symposiums for cultural and educational purposes; arranging of competitions, arranging of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes, arranging of beauty contests, arranging and conducting of training workshops; correspondence courses, lending libraries, publication of books and texts, other than publicity texts; publication of manuals; practical training demonstrations; production of films, video tape film production, rental of sound recordings and video tapes; educational seminars relating to beauty therapy; publishing reviews; compere services; motivational speaking; making personal appearances; on-line publication of electronic books and journals; television programming; provision of news and news information via a computer network and/or the Internet; Education services; entertainment services; entertainment services relating to modelling services; sound recording and video entertainment services; concert, musical and video performances; provision of non-downloadable content, namely, providing a website featuring non-downloadable classes, seminars, webinars, workshops and vlogs; television and radio entertainment services; entertainment services by stage production and cabaret; production of video and/or sound recordings; modelling services for artists; education services relating to modelling; presentation, production and performance of shows, musical shows, concerts, videos, multimedia videos and radio and television programmes; recording, film, video and television studio services; audio, film, video and television recording services; publishing; music publishing; sound recording, film and video production and distribution services; arranging and conducting of seminars, conferences and exhibitions; publication of books, magazines and other texts; digital music (not downloadable) provided from the Internet; sound recordings (not downloadable) provided from the Internet; video recordings (not downloadable) provided from the Internet; sound recordings provided by on-line streams; video recordings provided by on-line streams; entertainment services provided by on-line streams; organizing and presenting displays of entertainment relating to style and fashion; organizing and presenting displays of entertainment relating to cosmetics; organizing and presenting displays of entertainment relating to skincare; organizing and presenting displays of entertainment relating to film; organizing and presenting displays of entertainment relating to television; on-line social networking services; introduction and social networking services; licensing of radio programmes, television programmes, films, motion pictures, pre-recorded video tapes, audio and/or visual material, pre-recorded video cassettes, DVDs or pre-recorded video discs; advisory services relating to intellectual property or industrial property licensing or protection; exploitation of copyright protected material; exploitation of rights of radio programmes, television programmes, films, prerecorded video tapes, pre-recorded video cassettes, pre-recorded video discs or motion pictures; exploitation of transmission rights; exploitation of intellectual property or industrial property rights; issue of licensing rights; licensing services; management of intellectual property or industrial property rights; exploitation of printed matter (copyright); personal shopper services; personal wardrobe styling services; personal fashion consulting services; personal gift selection for others; consulting in the field of personal relationships;
Class 014
Jewelry Products
Class 016
Paper Goods and Printed Material
Class 017
Rubber Products
Class 018
Leather Products not including clothing
Class 020
Furniture Products
Class 021
Houseware and Glass Products
Class 024
Class 025
Clothing Products
Class 027
Floor Covering products
Class 028
Toys and Sporting Goods Products
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Class 038
Communications Services
Class 039
Transportation & Storage Services
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Class 044
Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services
Class 045
Personal & Legal & Social Services
CD ROMs; DVDs; podcasts; computer software; sound recordings; video re...
on 2 Apr 2019
1643560 · 13 Sept 2013
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Holders, covers and cases; protective holders covers, and cases; retaining strap; stands; all the aforementioned goods being adapted for portable electronic equipment
Holders, covers and cases; protective holders covers, and cases; retai...
on 18 Jul 2013
1543379 · 14 Sept 2011
Class 018
Leather Products not including clothing
Footwear, namely sheepskin boots, sheepskin shoes, sheepskin slippers and casual footwear.
Class 025
Clothing Products
Footwear, namely sheepskin boots, sheepskin shoes, sheepskin slippers ...
on 7 Sept 2011
1473148 · 15 Mar 2010
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Electronic monitoring devices incorporating microprocessors, digital display, accelerometers, and associated memory and software, for detecting, storing and reporting human physiological and environmental parameters; AC adapters; USB (universal serial bus) hardware and software; batteries for use in electronic monitoring devices; armbands and straps for display and use of electronic monitoring devices.
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for diet, exercise, fitness, athletic performance and weight management; computer online services, namely providing personal analysis and processing of dietary, fitness and health data; computer online services, namely, providing information and online links for use in the field of personal health, fitness and nutrition.
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Distributorships and online retail store services featuring electronic devices used for health, fitness and physiological monitoring; promoting the goods and services of others in the field of human physiology and health and fitness by distributing printed materials and providing promotional materials via the Internet.
Class 044
Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services
Electronic monitoring devices incorporating microprocessors, digital d...
401989 ontario limited (3)
Deckers outdoor corporation (a delaware corporation) (2)
24 hour fitness usa inc. (1)
Andrews sport club inc. (1)
Brantelle international inc. (1)
Broadcast live technologies inc. (1)
Brugg group ag (1)
Bully wool enterprises (1)
Charon international trading limited (1)
Deckers outdoor corporation (1)
Class 25 (9)
Class 9 (7)
Class 16 (7)
Class 18 (6)
Class 35 (5)
Class 42 (5)
Class 20 (4)
Class 21 (4)
Class 30 (4)
Class 6 (3)
Class 17 (3)
Class 24 (3)
Class 27 (3)
Class 28 (3)
Class 37 (3)
Class 1 (2)
Class 5 (2)
Class 10 (2)
Class 12 (2)
Class 14 (2)
Class 39 (2)
Class 41 (2)
Class 44 (2)
Class 3 (1)
Class 7 (1)
Class 11 (1)
Class 13 (1)
Class 19 (1)
Class 22 (1)
Class 29 (1)
Class 31 (1)
Class 38 (1)
Class 43 (1)
Class 45 (1)
Smart & biggar lp (4)
Aventum ip law llp (2)
Borden ladner gervais llp (2)
Gowling wlg (canada) llp (2)
Clark wilson llp (1)
Jensen ip (1)
Mccarthy tetrault llp (1)
Mlt aikins llp (1)
Nancy a. miller (1)
Apply for Trademark
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Trademark Name
Country Selected
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
United States
$99 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
European Union
$700 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
South Korea
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$99 / 1 class + gov fee
United Kingdom
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$299 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
United Arab Emirates
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
New Zealand
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
South Africa
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Saudi Arabia
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
British Virgin Islands
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
Costa Rica
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Czech Republic
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Dominican Republic
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
El Salvador
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Hong Kong (SAR)
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$1499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Madrid Protocol (WIPO)
$1999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Puerto Rico
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Sri Lanka
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
United Republic of Tanzania
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
West Bank, Palestine
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Antigua and Barbuda
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Bosnia and Herzegovina
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Burkina Faso
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
Cabo Verde
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Central African Republic (CAR)
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Cote d'Ivoire
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Equatorial Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
Marshall Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
North Macedonia
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Papua New Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Kitts and Nevis
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Lucia
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
San Marino
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sao Tome and Principe
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sierra Leone
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Solomon Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
South Sudan
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1599 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Trinidad and Tobago
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee