| NUVIATECH SOLETANCHE FREYSSINET SOCIÉTÉ PAR ACTIONS SIMPLIFIÉE 1905323 20 Jun 2018 | on 8 Nov 2021 | Équipement de protection et de sécurité nommément vêtements de protect... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Équipement de protection et de sécurité nommément vêtements de protection contre le feu, vêtements de protection contre les produits chimiques et les radiations, vêtements isolants de protection contre les accidents et blessures; appareils d'alerte de sécurité nommément alarmes de sécurité et avertisseurs d'incendie, alarmes incendie, alarmes pour la détection des gaz inflammables, détecteurs sismiques, détecteurs de dioxyde et monoxyde de carbone, détecteurs d'incendie et de fumée, détecteurs de rayons gamma; appareils et instruments de mesure nommément compteurs de particules pour mesurer la qualité de l'air, détecteurs de mesurage électromagnétiques, appareils de surveillance du débit de gaz, indicateurs de niveau d'eau; appareils et instruments de signalisation nommément appareils de signalisation pour surveiller les risques de secousses sismiques, d'inondations, de fuites de gaz, de feu et de fumée, de taux trop élevés de radioactivité dans l'air nommément lumières de signalisation, moniteurs de signalisation numériques, alarmes pour la détection des gaz inflammables et alarmes d'incendies; appareils et instruments de surveillance nommément moniteurs pour mesurer la contamination radioactive et les déchets radioactifs, moniteurs pour eaux usées, moniteurs pour activités sismiques, moniteurs pour mesurer la qualité de l'air; appareils et instruments de contrôle et d'inspection nommément caméras pour surveiller et inspecter l'équipement dans une centrale nucléaire, capteurs optiques pour inspection et mesure de composants industriels, capteurs électroniques pour contrôler le niveau de radioactivité, le niveau de l'eau, la qualité de l'air et le mouvement de la terre; détecteurs d'incendie; systèmes d'extinction d'incendie nommément gicleurs d'incendie; alarmes incendie; capteurs d'incendie; extincteurs automatiques d'incendie; détecteurs de niveau d'eau; alarmes de détection de fuites d'eau; détecteurs sismiques; détecteurs nucléaires de particules de rayonnement nommément détecteurs de rayons gamma; spectromètres à résonance nucléaire autres qu'à usage médical; compteurs Geiger Class 011 Class 011 Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking Installations nucléaires sous forme de réacteurs nucléaires et pièces de réacteurs nucléaires nommément générateurs nucléaires, générateurs de vapeur, réservoirs d'eau sous pression, pompes à chaleur, filtres à eau pour usage industriel, filtres à air pour dispositifs de conditionnement d'air, chauffe-eau, ventilateurs à turbine éolienne, condenseurs barométriques pour condenser les vapeurs par contact avec des liquides, condenseurs frigorifiques; installations pour le traitement de modérateurs nucléaires et combustibles sous forme de réacteurs nucléaires et pièces de réacteurs nucléaires nommément générateurs nucléaires, générateurs de vapeur, réservoirs d'eau sous pression, pompes à chaleur, filtres à eau pour usage industriel, filtres à air pour dispositifs de conditionnement d'air, chauffe-eau, ventilateurs à turbine éolienne, condenseurs barométriques pour condenser les vapeurs par contact avec des liquides, condenseurs frigorifiques; appareils de chauffage pour centrales nucléaires nommément chaudières industrielles et régulateurs automatiques de température pour radiateurs de chauffage central, de production de vapeur, d'échange de chaleur, d'accumulation de chaleur et de vapeur, de régulation de chaleur et de vapeur et de ventilation destinés aux centrales et réacteurs nucléaires, aux centrales électriques biomasse, aux usines et centres de stockage, d'entreposage, de séparation isotopique, de traitement, de retraitement et de recyclage de combustibles, de minerais, de matériaux nucléaires, d'uranium, de plutonium et de déchets nucléaires Matières à calfeutrer; matières à étouper; articles et matériaux d'isolation et de protection nommément matériaux réfractaires isolants, laine minérale pour l'isolation de bâtiments; articles et matériaux de résistance et de protection contre les incendies nommément laine minérale pour l'isolation de bâtiments, tissus isolants ignifuges; tissus ignifuges pour l'isolation de bâtiments et la protection contre le feu; laine minérale pour l'isolation et la protection contre les incendies; articles et matériaux d'étanchéité à l'eau et à l'humidité nommément matériaux isolants en fibres de verre pour bâtiments, isolants électriques, isolants thermiques, vernis isolants; isolateurs destinés à la production, le transport et la distribution d'énergie nucléaire
Class 037 Construction and Repair Services Services de construction de bâtiments; location d'équipement de construction; construction, réparation et renforcement d'ouvrages de génie civil et de bâtiments; réparation et entretien de structures de construction et de génie civil; installation, réparation, entretien et maintenance d'alarmes de sécurité et avertisseurs d'incendie; installation de systèmes de détection des incendies; services de conseils en matière d'installation d'équipements de prévention d'incendie; application d'enduits ignifuges; installation de systèmes de drainage d'eaux pluviales; construction nommément services d'étanchéité; application de revêtements de sols imperméables sur des bâtiments; imperméabilisation et renforcement de structures dans le domaine des bâtiments et des travaux publics; réparation et entretien de centrales nucléaires; installation, réparation, entretien et maintenance d'équipements et d'appareils dans le domaine de l'énergie nucléaire nommément générateurs nucléaires, générateurs de vapeur, réservoirs d'eau sous pression, pompes à chaleur, filtres à eau pour usage industriel, filtres à air pour dispositifs de conditionnement d'air, chauffe-eau, ventilateurs à turbine éolienne, condenseurs barométriques pour condenser les vapeurs par contact avec des liquides, condenseurs frigorifiques
Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Services de conception technique nommément services de dessin en génie civil; établissement de plans de construction; études de projets techniques nommément services d'ingénierie sous forme d'ingénierie et de conception de centrales électriques et de sites industriels; conseils techniques concernant la prévention d'incendies; conception de travaux d'ingénierie pour la prévention d'inondations; enregistrement de données sismiques; surveillance du contrôle de la qualité de procédures sismiques; surveillance, contrôle et inspection nommément services d'arpentage topographique dans des zones de radiation; conseils concernant la sécurité d'installations nucléaires; services d'ingénierie nucléaire; services de conseil en ingénierie nucléaire; essai de matériel nucléaire; réalisation d'expertises, rapports, études, analyses et élaboration de concepts et d'avant-projets d'ingénierie, en particulier dans le domaine des techniques nucléaires, énergétiques, environnementales et de sécurité nommément conseil technique dans le domaine nucléaire ; contrôle et surveillance de la qualité dans le domaine nucléaire; mise en oeuvre de mesures pour la protection contre la radiation nommément services de mesure de radiation nucléaire; mesure et évaluation de l'état de contamination d'installations, bâtiments et espaces libres nommément conseil technique dans le domaine de la détection de pollution du sol, déchets, eau, air, murs de bâtiments, planchers et toits ; recherche et développement, pour des tiers, de nouveaux appareils et instruments de mesure, de contrôle et d'inspection dans le domaine nucléaire; conseils, expertise et essais de matériaux dans le domaine de l'énergie nucléaire; services de prévention des risques de pollution liés aux activités développées dans le domaine de l'énergie nucléaire; études environnementales nommément recherches concernant la prévention de la pollution, recherches en matière de protection de l'environnement; conception de bâtiments à environnement contrôlé; services de surveillance et de contrôle des installations nucléaires; génie civil lié à la prévention d'inondations des bâtiments lors de crues; génie civil lié à la prévention d'inondations des terres lors des crues | |
| NUVIA SOLETANCHE FREYSSINET 1687476 30 Jul 2014 | on 5 Feb 2020 | Containers of metal for storing industrial waste, particularly radioac... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Containers of metal for storing industrial waste, particularly radioactive or hospital waste; floating containers of metal for storing industrial waste, particularly radioactive or hospital waste. Class 006 Chemicals used in science and photography, particularly natural uranium, enriched uranium, stable isotopes; chemical products for decontamination, particularly the decontamination of hazardous materials, chemical products for reducing contamination, particularly radioactive contamination; adhesive synthetic resins, particularly adhesive synthetic fibers for bonding or for reinforcing films; cables and bars of metal, particularly for the prestressing and/or suspension of construction work; metal supporting elements, sliding and rotating elements, entirely or mainly of metal, for buildings and civil engineering structures; mineral wool for insulation and protection against fire, parts and components for all of the aforementioned goods; flameproof fabrics for use in building insulation and fire protection, parts and components for all of the aforementioned goods; fire resistant fabrics for use in building insulation and fire protection, parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods. Class 007 Machinery Products Chemicals used in science and photography, particularly natural uranium, enriched uranium, stable isotopes; chemical products for decontamination, particularly the decontamination of hazardous materials, chemical products for reducing contamination, particularly radioactive contamination; adhesive synthetic resins, particularly adhesive synthetic fibers for bonding or for reinforcing films; common metals and their alloys; cables and bars of metal, particularly for the prestressing and/or suspension of construction work; metal supporting elements, sliding and rotating elements, entirely or mainly of metal, for buildings and civil engineering structures; supports entirely or mainly of metal for major pipe-works, parts and components for all of the aforementioned goods; water-pipes of metal, gutter pipes of metal, metal drain pipes, gas pipes of metal, parts and components for all of the aforementioned goods; chimneys of metal, parts and components for all of the aforementioned goods; Catalysts as parts of machines, particularly catalysts for use in breaking down liquids, parts and components for all of the aforementioned goods; pumps, fittings for engine boilers, filtering machines, cleaning machines, separators, water separators, heat exchangers and siphons, particularly for power station systems, parts and components for all of the aforementioned goods; machines for manufacturing packaging, parts and components for the aforementioned goods; data processors for use in the design, development and operation of power reactors and other nuclear facilities, parts, fixtures and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods; photomultipliers, parts, fixtures and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods; computer software and computer programmes for use in design, development and operation of power reactors and other nuclear facilities, parts, fixtures and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods; Plastic bags and sachets for wrapping industrial waste, particularly radioactive and contaminated tools, parts and components for all the aforementioned goods; Mineral wool for insulation and protection against fire, parts and components for all of the aforementioned goods; flameproof fabrics for use in building insulation and fire protection, parts and fittings for the aforementioned goods; fire resistant fabrics for use in building insulation and fire protection, parts and fittings for the aforesaid goods; Containers, not of metal, for storing industrial waste, particularly radioactive or hospital waste, parts and components for all of the aforementioned goods; floating containers, not of metal, for storing industrial waste, particularly radioactive or hospital waste, parts and components for all of the aforementioned goods; flexible containers of synthetic and/or composite materials for storing industrial waste, particularly radioactive or hospital waste and contaminated tools, parts and components for the aforementioned goods.
Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Storing radioactive waste, information, advice and support relating to all the aforementioned services; transport and destruction of radioactive waste, information, advice and support relating to all the aforementioned services; consulting and organization in connection with storing and transporting radioactive materials, information, advice and support relating to all the aforementioned services; decontamination of dangerous materials and equipment following contamination, especially nuclear contamination, information, advice and support relating to all the aforementioned services; providing advice on the transport and disposal of radioactive waste, information, advice and support relating to all the aforementioned services; arranging transport for radioactive materials, information, advice and support relating to all the aforementioned services.
Class 011 Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking Conditioning radioactive waste by means of processing and treatment, particularly compressing, cementing, bituminization, incineration and declassifying nuclear power stations by dismantling or containment of installations and parts of installations, providing information, support or advice in the aforementioned fields; conditioning radioactive waste by means of decontamination, providing information, support or advice in the aforementioned fields; removing or reducing radioactive contamination, providing information, support or advice in the aforementioned fields; decontamination of hazardous materials, decontamination of land, soil, sand, water and waste, providing information, support or advice in the aforementioned fields; processing and treatment of irradiated fuel elements as well as non-irradiated waste from the treatment process that contains enriched uranium, providing information, support or advice in the aforementioned fields; treatment of radioactive waste, providing information, support or advice in the aforementioned fields; enrichment services relating to radioactive materials and substances, providing information, support or advice in the aforementioned fields; waste management in the field of nuclear power stations, namely processing and treatment of, and working with, waste, providing information, support or advice in the aforementioned fields; providing advice on the transport and disposal of radioactive waste; organizing the transport of radioactive waste providing information, support or advice in the aforementioned fields; treating concrete; Developing, advice services and planning of waste treatment concepts, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; producing expert reports, survey reports, studies, analyses and development of concepts and preliminary projects in engineering, in particular in the fields of nuclear technology, energy, the environment, nuclear power and safety, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; controlling and monitoring quality in the nuclear field, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; planning systems for archiving and access control, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; technical project studies, construction planning, planning of public works and of superstructure works, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; implementation of measures for protection against radiation, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; preparation of technical documentation, namely reports, expert appraisals and technical calculations relating to nuclear facilities, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; verification of technical documentation relating to combustion elements, transport and storage containers, nuclear power stations and parts thereof, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; monitoring of processes relating to nuclear power stations, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; surveying nuclear power station safety, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; technical project planning, safety studies, environmental and waste management in connection with nuclear power stations, namely targeted implementation and planning of waste treatment and environmental concepts, taking account of legal and technical requirements, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; waste management in the field of nuclear plants, namely developing, planning and technical advice relating to waste treatment centers, installations and concepts, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; planning and advice in the field of protection against radiation and implementing chemical analyses and measures, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; measuring and assessing the level of contamination in installations, buildings and outside areas, information, support or advisory in the aforementioned fields; technical advice on concluding agreements for transferring the ownership of radioactive substances and materials, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; technical advice, particularly physic-technical advice as well as planning, and monitoring the functioning of nuclear installations and equipment, especially nuclear reactors, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; technical advice and planning concerning nuclear technology, particularly relating to the internal and external cycles of nuclear combustion, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; preparation of technical reports and appraisals in the field of nuclear power, as well as in fields related thereto, namely nuclear technology, energy and environment and nuclear safety, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; computer programming, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; rental of computer software, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; updating of computer software, computer software design, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; quality control through the planning of security concepts and software, and through concept testing and safety checks in the manufacture and assembly of combustible elements, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; design of containers to transport radioactive materials, containers for storage and transport, and nuclear power stations and parts thereof, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; analyses and studies in the fields of prestressing, building structures and civil engineering, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; professional (non commercial) assistance and advice regarding the measurement, weighing, checking (inspecting), analysis and study of building and civil engineering structures, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; engineering services, namely professional (non commercial) assistance and advice concerning proactive maintenance in the nuclear field, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; design, development, programming, rental, repair and maintenance of software, design, development and rental of computer hardware and software in connection with measuring, weighing, checking (inspecting), analyzing and evaluating building structures, civil engineering and works of art, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; land surveying, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; architectural consulting, construction drafting, advice concerning technical project studies, land surveying, industrial design, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; formation (development) of databases, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; development and planning of waste treatment centers and installations, information, support or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; consulting relating to the safety of nuclear installations, surveillance and checking (inspection), particularly radiological surveillance; design and development of waste treatment centers and installations; advice, information and support relating to the security of nuclear power stations, surveillance and checking (inspection), particularly checking of installations, mobile or fixed, particularly by means of ionizing radiation.
Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Training and instruction in connection with radiation protection, information, assistance or advice relating to the aforementioned fields; Services linked to managing the safety of service operations in hostile environments, especially services in the nuclear field, information, assistance or advisory services in the aforementioned fields; consulting relating to legislation in connection with protection against radiation, information, assistance or advisory services in the aforementioned fields.
Repair and maintenance of buildings and civil engineering structures, particularly by means of air-placed concrete, injections into cracks, additional prestressing and patching, information and consulting services relating to all the aforementioned services; repair and reinforcement of civil engineering and building works, information and consulting services relating to all the aforementioned services; damp-proofing, painting, resurfacing and reinforcing structures in the field of buildings and public works, primarily by means of external prestressing using air-placed concrete and resins, by means of injections into cracks and by means of filling, information and consulting services relating to all the aforementioned services; construction, repair and reinforcement of civil engineering and building works, information and consulting services relating to all the aforementioned services; carrying out checks on nuclear power stations, information and consulting services relating to all the aforementioned services; building and maintaining installations for enriching and producing nuclear fuels, fuel elements, security reinforcement materials and neutron absorbers, for the treatment and processing of nuclear fuels and fuel elements, for the storage/reprocessing, processing, recovery, solidification and disposal of nuclear waste, for tritium technology and uranium hexafluoride (UF6) for cleaning waste gas and environmental technologies, information and consulting services relating to all the aforementioned services; reconditioning nuclear power stations, information and consulting services relating to all the aforementioned services; dismantling and renewing nuclear power station infrastructures, particularly electrical equipment, ventilating technology and waste water reprocessing systems, information and consulting services relating to all the aforementioned services; fragmenting parts of nuclear installations, information and consulting services relating to all the aforementioned services; professional (non-business) assistance and advice on prestressing building materials, particularly steel and concrete, information and consulting services relating to all the aforementioned services; repair and servicing of computer equipment, information and consulting services relating to all the aforementioned services.
Class 020 Furniture Products Repair and maintenance of buildings and civil engineering structures, particularly by means of air-placed concrete, injections into cracks, additional prestressing and patching, information and consulting services relating to all the aforementioned services; repair and reinforcement of civil engineering and building works, information and consulting services relating to all the aforementioned services; damp-proofing, painting, resurfacing and reinforcing structures in the field of buildings and public works, primarily by means of external prestressing using air-placed concrete and resins, by means of injections into cracks and by means of filling, information and consulting services relating to all the aforementioned services; construction, repair and reinforcement of civil engineering and building works, information and consulting services relating to all the aforementioned services; carrying out checks on nuclear power stations, information and consulting services relating to all the aforementioned services; building and maintaining installations for enriching and producing nuclear fuels, fuel elements, security reinforcement materials and neutron absorbers, for the treatment and processing of nuclear fuels and fuel elements, for the storage/reprocessing, processing, recovery, solidification and disposal of nuclear waste, for tritium technology and uranium hexafluoride (UF6) for cleaning waste gas and environmental technologies, information and consulting services relating to all the aforementioned services; reconditioning nuclear power stations, information and consulting services relating to all the aforementioned services; dismantling and renewing nuclear power station infrastructures, particularly electrical equipment, ventilating technology and waste water reprocessing systems, information and consulting services relating to all the aforementioned services; fragmenting parts of nuclear installations, information and consulting services relating to all the aforementioned services; professional (non-business) assistance and advice on prestressing building materials, particularly steel and concrete, information and consulting services relating to all the aforementioned services; repair and servicing of computer equipment, information and consulting services relating to all the aforementioned services.
Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Class 037 Construction and Repair Services
Class 039 Transportation & Storage Services
Class 040 Treatment & Processing of Materials Services
Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services
Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Class 045 Personal & Legal & Social Services | |