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FROM TORONTO WITH LOVE PEACE COLLECTIVE INC. 2021021 3 Apr 2020 | REGISTERED on 23 Sept 2024 | For wearable garments and clothing namely shirts, sweaters, jackets, a... Class 025 Class 025 Clothing Products For wearable garments and clothing namely shirts, sweaters, jackets, and hats. | ||
FROM SEED TO WELLNESS SPECTRUMS EUROPE 2030883 1 Apr 2020 | ADVERTISED on 29 Nov 2024 | Savons nommément savon liquide pour le corps, savons de toilette non m... Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Savons nommément savon liquide pour le corps, savons de toilette non médicamenteux, savons cosmétiques, savon de beauté, savons détergents, savons à usage personnel en barre et liquides savons contre la transpiration; savon à barbe; parfums; savons déodorants [parfumerie]; déodorants nommément déodorants à usage personnel, désodorisants pour tissus, déodorants corporels, savon déodorant; eaux de senteur; eaux de toilette; extraits de plantes à usage cosmétique nommément extraits de plantes utilisés pour la fabrication de parfums et de cosmétiques à usage personnel; phytocannabinoïdes à usage cosmétiques; huiles essentielles utilisées dans les domaines pharmaceutiques, thérapeutiques et cosmétiques nommément huile essentielles utilisées pour la fabrication de parfums et de cosmétiques à usage personnel, huiles essentielles pour usage personnel, huiles essentielles aromatiques; arômes alimentaires étant des huiles essentielles, arômes pour boissons en tant qu'huiles essentielles, arômes alimentaires pour gâteaux étant des huiles essentielles; cosmétiques; lotions pour les cheveux; dentifrices; produits de démaquillage; produits de maquillage; rouge à lèvres; brillants à lèvres; crayons à usage cosmétique; mascara; paillettes pour les ongles; vernis pour les ongles; cosmétiques contenant des phytocannabinoïdes; dissolvants pour les ongles; poudre pour le maquillage; masques de beauté; produits de rasage; préparations pour le bain non à usage médical nommément sels de bain parfumés non à usage médical, sels de bain à usage cosmétiques, bain moussant non à usage médical, huiles pour le bain; bain de bouche non à usage médical; bâtons d'encens; encens; parfums d'ambiance; diffuseurs à bâtonnets de parfums d'ambiance; pots-pourris odorants; bougies de massage à usage cosmétique; préparations de collagènes à usage cosmétique; préparations cosmétiques pour l'amincissement; produits cosmétiques pour les soins de la peau; produits cosmétiques pour les soins de la peau contenant des phytocannabinoïdes; huiles à usage cosmétique; laits de toilette; teintures pour les cheveux. Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Produits pharmaceutiques nommément suppléments alimentaires minéraux et vitaminés; produits pharmaceutiques contenant des phytocannabinoïdes nommément suppléments alimentaires contenant des phytocannabinoïdes à des fins médicinales et à des fins récréatives, cosmétiques médicamanteux contenant des phytocannabinoïdes; produits vétérinaires nommément additifs pour aliments pour animaux de compagnie sous la forme de suppléments vitaminiques et minéraux, suppléments alimentaires pour animaux de compagnie, sous forme de friandises et d'aliments pour animaux de compagnie; produits hygiéniques pour la médecine nommément lingettes, savons, gels, lotions, crèmes, laits, et émulsions en tant que préparations désinfectantes pour la peau et des plaies; savons désinfectants; savons médicinaux nommément savons liquides à des fins médicinales, savons antibactériens, barres et savons liquides à des fins médicinales; shampoings médicamenteux nommément shampooings antipelliculaires médicamenteux, shampooings secs médicamenteux, shampooing pour la croissance des cheveux; pâtes dentifrices médicamenteux nommément pâtes dentifrices contre la sensibilité dentaire, pâte dentifrice contre la sensibilité des gencives, pâtes dentifrices contenant des antiseptiques, pâte dentifrice permettant de renforcer l'émail des dent; aliments diététiques à usage médical ou paramédical nommément barres, crèmes et poudres en tant que substituts de repas à base de suppléments alimentaires contenant des vitamines, des minéraux, des phytocannabinoïdes pour la santé et le bien-être en général; boissons diététiques à usage médical ou paramédical nommément boissons de substituts de remplacement de repas à base de suppléments alimentaires contenant des vitamines, des minéraux, des phytocannabinoïdes pour la santé et le bien-être en général; coupe-faim à usage médical ou et paramédical nommément barres, crèmes et poudres en tant que aliments et substances diététiques destinés à diminuer l'appétit, pilules et capsules coupe-faim; aliments diététiques à usage vétérinaire nommément additifs pour aliments pour animaux de compagnie sous forme de poudre, pilules, capsules, crèmes, croquettes, pâtés de substitut de repas destinés à être ajoutés aux boissons et aliments pour compléter l'alimentation habituelle en cas de déséquilibre ou de carences; compléments alimentaires nommément poudres, liquides, gélules, capsules, comprimés, huiles destinés à être ajoutés aux boissons et aliments pour compléter l'alimentation habituelle pour la prévention et le traitement de déséquilibre et de carences en vitamines; compléments alimentaires contenant des phytocannabinoïdes nommément poudres, liquides, gélules, capsules, comprimés, huiles contenant des phytocannbinoïdes destinés à être ajoutés aux boissons et aliments pour compléter l'alimentation habituelle en cas de déséquilibre ou de carences; préparations chimiques à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique nommément substances pharmaceutiques actives et excipients destinés à être utilisé dans des produits pharmaceutiques pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels; préparations chimiques à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique contenant des phytocannabinoïdes nommément substances pharmaceutiques actives et excipients destinés à être utilisé dans des produits pharmaceutiques pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels; préparations bactériennes à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique nommément préparations bactériennes pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels ; préparations bactériennes à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique contenant des phytocannabinoïdes nommément préparations bactériennes contenant des phytocanabinoïdes pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels; préparations biologiques à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique nommément préparations biologiques pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels; herbes médicinales nommément herbe utilisée pour ses vertus thérapeutiques pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels; thé médicinal nommément boisson contenant du thé utilisée pour ses vertus thérapeutiques pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels; tisanes; extraits de plantes médicinales à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique nommément écorces, racines, feuilles, graines de plantes utilisées pour ses vertus thérapeutiques pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels; produits à base de plantes médicinales sous forme de liquides, huiles, sprays buccaux, gélules nommément liquide, huiles, sprays buccaux, gélules contenant des extraits de plantes médicinales pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels; produits à base de plantes médicinales sous forme de liquides, huiles, sprays buccaux, gélules, contenant des phytocannabinoïdes nommément liquides, huiles, sprays buccaux, gélules contenant des extraits de plantes médicinales et des phytocannabinoïdes pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels; produits antibactériens pour le lavage des mains; préparations pour le bain à usage médical nommément sels de bain, bain moussant à usage médical ayant des effets bénéfiques sur la peau, les muqueuses et les oreilles; produits antisolaires nommément gel, lait, crème, émulsion, lotion, huile, poudre, mousse permettant une protection de la peau contre le rayonnement solaire et ses effets; baumes à usage médical nommément pommade apaisante et calmante à usage médical pour les irritations de la peau; baume antigel à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique nommément pommade apaisante et calmante à usage médical pour le soulagement des effets du froid sur la peau et les lèvres et pommade pour protéger la peau et les lèvres des effets du froid; bonbons médicamenteux nommément pastilles pour maux de gorge et pastilles pour calmer la toux; bonbons médicamenteux contenant des phytocannabinoïdes nommément pastilles pour maux de gorge et pastilles pour calmer la toux contenant des phytocannabinoïdes; cigarettes sans tabac à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique nommément cigarettes sans tabac en tant que substitut du tabac pour le traitement du sevrage tabagique; herbes à fumer à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique nommément herbes à fumer en tant que substitut du tabac pour le traitement du sevrage tabagique et herbes à fumer pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels ; lotions à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique nommément pommades, crèmes, baumes à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique pour les irritations de la peau; lotions capillaires médicamenteuses nommément lotions antipelliculaires, lotions pour cheveux secs et lotions stimulant la croissance des cheveux; préparations médicales pour l'amincissement nommément poudres, capsules, gélules, pilules, barres, crèmes, comprimés pour l'aide à la perte de poids et l'amincissement; médicaments à usage dentaire nommément capsules, pilules, gélules pour soulager les maux dentaires et les gencives sensibles; médicaments pour la médecine humaine nommément médicaments pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels; médicaments pour la médecine humaine contenant des phytocannabinoïdes nommément médicaments contenant des phytocannabinoïdes pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels; onguents à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique nommément crèmes, pommades pour le soulagement des plaies de la peau, les soins, la désinfection et la cicatrisation de la peau; pommades à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique nommément pommades pour le soulagement des plaies de la peau, les soins, la désinfection et la cicatrisation de la peau. ... Class 030 Staple Food Products Café; succédanés du café; préparations végétales remplaçant le café; thé; cacao; sucre; riz; tapioca; farine; pain; pâtisseries; confiserie nommément bonbons, caramels, et gomme à mâcher; glaces alimentaires; miel; sirop d'agave [édulcorant naturel]; levure, poudre à lever; poudre pour gâteaux; assaisonnements; condiments en tant que sauces salées utilisées comme condiments nommément sauce à la viande, sauce de ketchup, ketchup sauce barbecue, sauce épicée, sauces pour salades, sauces pour sauter, sauces au fromage, sauces aux légumes; sel; moutarde; vinaigre; épices; herbes potagères conservées [assaisonnements]; glace à rafraichir; sandwiches; pizzas; crêpes [alimentation]; biscuits; gâteaux; biscottes; chocolat; boissons à base de cacao; boissons à base de café; boissons à base de thé; boissons à base de cacao, de café, de thé contenant des phytocannabinoïdes; infusions non médicinales nommément infusion de plantes non à usage médical ; infusion non médicinales à base de phytocannabinoïdes nommément infusion de plantes à base de phytocannabinoïdes non à usage médical; arômes alimentaires autres qu'huiles essentielles nommément arômes à base de fruits, arômes d'amande, arômes de citron et arômes de vanille pour les aliments et les boissons, ; arômes pour boissons et gâteaux autres qu'huiles essentielles; bonbons; pâtes de fruits [confiserie]; desserts sous forme de mousses [confiserie]; gommes à mâcher pour rafraîchir l'haleine; gommes à mâcher; pâtes à gâteaux, pâtes à tartes, pâtes à cuire, pâtes à frire nommément pâte à pain; pâtes alimentaires; petits fours; pain, pâtisseries, confiserie au sucre et au chocolat, glaces alimentaires, biscuits, gâteaux, sucreries sous forme de bonbons, petits fours contenant des phytocannabinoïdes. Class 032 Light Beverage Products Bières; bières contenant des phytocannabinoïdes; eaux minérales [boissons]; eaux gazeuses; boissons à base de fruits; jus de fruits; jus de légumes [boissons]; sirops pour boissons; préparations sans alcool pour faire des boissons nommément extraits de fruits non alcoolisés pour faire des boissons, poudres pour la préparation de boissons sans alcool ; essences sans alcool pour faire des boissons nommément concentrés sans alcool pour la préparation de boissons de fruits; limonades; nectars de fruits; sodas; apéritifs sans alcool; boissons à base de riz, de soja autres que succédanés du lait; boissons énergisantes, boissons isotoniques, boissons protéinées pour sportifs; boissons énergisantes, isotoniques ou protéinées contenant des phytocannabinoïdes; boissons sans alcool aromatisées au thé, au café; cocktails à base de bière; cocktails à base de bière contenant des phytocannabinoïdes; cocktail sans alcool; cocktails sans alcool contenant des phytocannabinoïdes; extraits de fruits sans alcool; boissons sans alcool contenant des phytocannabinoïdes nommément boissons à base de fruits contenant des phytocannabinoïdes, limonades contenant des phytocannabinoïdes, boissons aromatisées au thé ou au café contenant des phytocannabinoïdes. | ||
![]() | FROM THE GROUND UP & DESIGN From the Ground Up Physiothérapie Inc. 2012444 19 Feb 2020 | REGISTERED on 17 Jan 2025 | Group and individual courses based on physiotherapy needs, namely inst... Class 041 Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Group and individual courses based on physiotherapy needs, namely instruction in the field of physical rehabilitation and physical therapy and training services in the field of physical rehabilitation and physical therapy; Educational Services namely, conducting training programs, educational support programs and skill development workshops in the field of fitness training physiotherapy and movement training programs, physical fitness instruction, providing classes, tutorials and seminars in the field of physical fitness and physical fitness assessment services for training purposes; Educational services, namely, conducting classes, seminars, and workshops in the fields of physiotherapy; Providing information about fitness via a website and providing information on exercise and fitness via a website; training services to prevent injuries namely proprioception, agility and coordination training, postural and gait training, strength training and flexibility training; preparation of physical training programs namely, conducting training programs, educational support programs and skill development workshops in the field of fitness training, instruction in the field of physical rehabilitation and physical therapy and training services in the field of physical rehabilitation training services to prevent injuries namely proprioception, agility and coordination training, postural and gait training, strength training and flexibility training; Providing information in the field of general health and wellness via a website; preparation of physical training programs namely, conducting training programs, educational support programs and skill development workshops in the field of fitness training, instruction in the field of physical rehabilitation and physical therapy and training services in the field of physical rehabilitation and physical therapy; Class 044 Class 044 Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services Physiotherapy; physiotherapy services; Physiotherapy care, namely, orthopedics, physical rehabilitation; electrotherapy; physical fitness assessment services for medical purposes; biomechanical evaluation of pain; Physiotherapy assessment and treatment services; physical rehabilitation services; Providing information in the field of physiotherapy via a web site; physical therapy; Physiotherapy Needs Assessment Service | |
From the Control Room to the Boardroom Synergi-FX Inc. 2011240 12 Feb 2020 | DEFAULT - SEARCHED | Development of computer hardware and software. Class 042 Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Development of computer hardware and software. | ||
FROM FACEBOOK META PLATFORMS INC. 2009349 31 Jan 2020 | SEARCHED on 6 Aug 2024 | Computer hardware; Software for social networking and interacting with... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Computer hardware; Software for social networking and interacting with online communities; Computer software development tools; Software for use as an application programming interface (API); Application programming interface (API) for use in building software applications; Application programming interface (API) for software which facilitates online services for social networking and for data retrieval, upload, download, access and management; Software for creating, managing, and interacting with an online community; Software for organizing events, searching for events, calendaring and managing events; Software for creating, editing, uploading, downloading, accessing, viewing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, annotating, indicating sentiment about, commenting on, embedding, transmitting, and sharing or otherwise providing electronic media or information via computer the internet and communication networks; Software for modifying and enabling transmission of images, audio, audio visual and video content and data; Software for modifying photographs, images and audio, video, and audio-visual content with photographic filters and augmented reality (AR) effects, namely, graphics, animations, text, drawings, geotags, metadata tags, hyperlinks; Software for the collection, managing, editing, organizing, modifying, transmission, sharing, and storage of data and information; Downloadable e-commerce computer software to allow users to perform electronic business transactions via a global computer and communication networks; Software for sending and receiving electronic messages, alerts, notifications and reminders; Search engine software; Magnetically encoded gift cards; Software for use in creating, managing, measuring, and disseminating advertising of others; Ad server, namely, a computer server for storing advertisements and delivering advertisements to websites; Virtual reality game software; Augmented reality game software; Mixed reality game software; Virtual reality game computer hardware; Augmented reality game computer hardware; Mixed reality game computer hardware; Computer peripheral devices; Virtual reality software for use in enabling computers, video game consoles, handheld video game consoles, tablet computers, mobile devices, and mobile telephones to provide virtual reality experiences; Electronic game software for wireless devices; Electronic game software for handheld electronic devices; Electronic game software; Wearable peripherals for computers, tablet computers, mobile devices and mobile telephones; Virtual reality software; Augmented reality software; Mixed reality software; Video game software; Interactive multimedia computer game programs; Downloadable electronic game programs; Computer game software; Headsets for use with computers; Laser equipment for non-medical purposes; Peripherals; Software for integrating electronic data with real world environments for the purposes of entertainment, education, gaming, communicating, and social networking; Software for accessing and viewing text, images and electronic data relating to conferences in the field of software development; Software to enable development, assessment, testing, and maintenance of mobile software applications for portable electronic communication devices, namely, mobile phones, smartphones, handheld computers and computer tablets; Software for converting natural language into machine-executable commands; Software, namely, an interpretive interface for facilitating interaction between humans and machines; Artificial intelligence software; Personal assistant software; Social assistant software; Software development tools to enable mobile software applications to access backend services, namely, data storage, push notifications, and user management; Software for mapping services; Software for planning activities with other users and making recommendations; Software for social and destination mapping; Software for making reservations and bookings; Software for ordering and/or purchasing goods and services; Location-aware software for searching, determining and sharing locations; Software for wireless content, data and information delivery; Software to enable accessing, displaying, editing, linking, sharing and otherwise providing electronic media and information via the internet and communications networks; Software, namely, an application providing social networking functionalities; Software for creating, managing and accessing groups within virtual communities; Software for location-based searching and alerts; Software for searching and identifying employment opportunities; Software for identifying and allowing users to contact government representatives; Software providing a virtual marketplace; Software providing location-based weather information; Software providing, linking to, or streaming news or current events information; Parental control software; Software for facilitating interaction and communication between humans and AI (artificial intelligence) platforms; Software in the nature of a mobile application for creating, sharing, disseminating and posting advertising; Software for geo-location based advertising and product and service promotion; Application programming interface (API) software for allowing data retrieval, upload, access and management; Software for viewing and interacting with a feed of images, audio-visual and video content, and associated text and data; Downloadable computer software for finding content and content publishers, and for subscribing to content; Software for organizing images, video, and audio-visual content using metadata tags; Software for creating and managing social media profiles and user accounts; Software for uploading, downloading, streaming, archiving, transmitting, and sharing images, audio-visual and video content and associated text and data; Interactive photo and video equipment, namely, kiosks for capturing, uploading, editing, printing and sharing digital images and video; Software that enables individuals, groups, companies, and brands to create and maintain an online presence for marketing purposes; Software for advertisers to communicate and interact with online communities; Software for streaming multimedia entertainment content; Application programming interface (API) for use in developing AI (artificial intelligence) platforms, namely, bots, virtual agents and virtual assistants; Software for organizing events; Computer software, downloadable computer software and mobile application software for use in taking and editing photographs and recording and editing videos; Virtual reality computer hardware; Virtual reality game computer hardware; Virtual reality software for use in enabling computers, video game consoles, handheld video game consoles, tablet computers, mobile devices, and mobile telephones to provide virtual reality experiences; Computer game software for home video game consoles; Wearable peripherals for computers, tablet computers, mobile devices and mobile telephones, namely, configurable head-mounted displays; Headsets for use with video game consoles; Computer software; Augmented reality computer hardware; Virtual reality headsets; Augmented reality headsets; Virtual reality glasses; Augmented reality glasses; Virtual reality software for navigating a virtual reality environment; Augmented reality software for navigating an augmented reality environment; Augmented reality software for use in enabling computers, video game consoles, handheld video game consoles, tablet computers, mobile devices, and mobile telephones to provide augmented reality experiences; Headsets for virtual reality games; Headsets for augmented reality games; Handheld virtual reality controllers; Handheld augmented reality controllers; Video and computer game programs; Interactive entertainment software; Gesture recognition software; Motion tracking sensors for virtual reality technology; Motion tracking sensors for augmented reality technology; Computer software for controlling the operation of audio and video devices; Digital media streaming devices; Earphones; Headphones; Video display software; Video display hardware, namely, video drivers for video eyewear; Software for navigating a virtual reality environment; Software for use in enabling computers, video game consoles, handheld video game consoles, tablet computers, mobile devices, and mobile telephones to provide virtual reality and augmented reality experiences; Virtual reality software for object tracking, motion control and content visualization; Augmented reality software for object tracking, motion control and content visualization; Virtual reality software for users to experience virtual reality visualization, manipulation and immersion; Augmented reality software for users to experience augmented reality visualization, manipulation and immersion; Virtual reality software for operating virtual reality headsets; Augmented reality software for operating augmented reality headsets; Virtual reality software for interactive entertainment; Augmented reality software for interactive entertainment; Headsets; Software for recording, storing, transmitting, receiving, displaying and analyzing data from wearable computer hardware; Wearable computing devices comprised primarily of software and display screens for connection to computers, tablet computers, mobile devices, and mobile phones in order to enable virtual reality and augmented reality world experiences; Goggles for enabling virtual reality, augmented reality world experiences; Software for use in creating and designing virtual reality and augmented reality software; Application programming interface (API) for computer software for developing virtual reality and augmented reality experiences; Software and firmware for operating system programs; Computer operating systems; Software for tracking motion in, visualizing, manipulating, viewing, and displaying augmented and virtual reality experiences; Software, firmware and hardware for use in visual, voice, audio, motion, eye and gesture tracking and recognition; Computer hardware and software for operating sensor devices; Electronic sensor devices, cameras, projectors, and microphones for gesture, facial, and voice detection, capture and recognition; Computer hardware and software for detecting objects, user gestures and commands; Software and firmware for controlling, configuring and managing controllers; Software and firmware for enabling electronic devices to share data and communicate with each other; Computer operating system software; Software driver programs for electronic devices for enabling computer hardware and electronic devices to communicate with each other; Cameras; Batteries; Battery chargers; Battery cases; Battery packs; Power charging and power management devices for mobile electronic devices; Charging docks; Charging stands for mobile electronic devices; Base chargers for mobile electronic devices; Power banks; External chargers; Wireless charging cases; Rechargeable electric battery devices, namely, rechargeable batteries and portable power supplies; Rechargeable external battery packs for use with mobile electronic devices; Chargers for batteries; Power adapters; Electrical adapters; Electrical and electronic connectors; Power adapters; Bags and cases specially adapted for mobile electronic devices; Briefcases, backpacks and carrying cases for mobile electronic devices; Cases for mobile electronic devices; Faceplates; Protective covers and cases for mobile electronic devices; Protective sleeves for mobile electronic devices; Holders, armbands, clips and carrying cases specially adapted for mobile electronic devices; Wall mounts for mounting mobile electronic devices; Stands for mobile electronic devices; Holders for mobile electronic devices; Remote controls for mobile electronic devices; Electrical audio and speaker cables and connectors; Audio speakers; Docking stations for mobile electronic devices; Loudspeakers; Electronic cables parts and fittings; Electric cables; Connection cables; Cables for optical signal transmission; Power cables and cable connectors; Microphones; Audio receivers; Audio transmitters; Wireless computer peripherals; Head-mounted video display; Receivers of electronic signals; Video receivers; Wireless transmitters and receivers for reproduction of sound and signals; Electric sensors; Sensors for monitoring physical movements; Software for sending and receiving electronic messages, graphics, images, audio and audio visual content via the internet and communication networks; Software in the nature of a mobile application; SIM cards; Software for processing images, graphics, audio, video, and text; Software, namely, instant messaging software, file sharing software, communications software for electronically exchanging data, audio, video images and graphics via computer, mobile, wireless, and communication networks; Software for personal information management, and data synchronization software; Software for managing social networking content, interacting with a virtual community, and transmission of images, audio, audio-visual and video content, photographs, videos, data, text, messages, comments, advertisements, media advertising communications and information; Software for displaying and sharing a user's location and finding, locating, and interacting with other users and places; Software for use in customer relationship management (CRM); Software for providing consumer information; Messaging software; Software for facilitating and arranging for the financing and distribution of fundraising and donations; Software for online charitable fundraising services and financial donation services; Software for use in facilitating voice over internet protocol (VOIP) calls, phone calls, video calls, text messages, instant message and online social networking services; Telecommunications equipment for providing third party access to, and enabling the transmission of video, data and voice over, global communications networks, namely, mobile and access computer and mobile telephone terminals, base transceiver stations and wireless radio parts thereof, data transceivers, data repeaters, routers and switches, transmission circuits, integrated circuits, computer hardware, mobile cloud clients and servers, multiplexers, digital signal processors, radio frequency signal processors, mobile switching circuits, air traffic electrical controllers, mobility electrical controllers, access electrical controllers, remote port electrical controllers, radio ports, antennas, electronic radio components, software for telecommunications applications, and mobile core networks comprising data transceivers, wireless networks and gateways for collection, transmission and management of data, voice and video; Communication software and communication computer hardware for providing access to the Internet Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Marketing, advertising and promotion services; Provision of market research and information services; Promoting the goods and services of others via computer and communication networks; Business and advertising services, namely, media planning and media buying for others; Business and advertising services, namely, advertising services for tracking advertising performance, for managing, distributing and serving advertising, for analyzing advertising data, for reporting advertising data, and for optimizing advertising performance; Consulting services in the fields of advertising and marketing; Facilitating the exchange and sale of services and products of third parties via computer and communication networks; Online retail store services featuring a wide variety of consumer goods of others, gift cards, and delivery of digital media, virtual reality headsets, and virtual reality content and data; Providing online marketplaces for sellers of goods and/or services; Providing online facilities for connecting sellers with buyers; Business networking; Employment and recruiting services; Advertising and information distribution services, in particular, providing classified advertising space via the global computer network; Providing online computer databases and online searchable databases in the field of classifieds; Pre-paid gift card services, in particular, issuing gift card certificates that may be redeemed for goods or services; Charitable services, in particular promoting public awareness about charitable, philanthropic, volunteer, public and community service and humanitarian activities; Providing contest and incentive award programs designed to recognize, reward and encourage individuals and groups which engage in self-improvement, self-fulfillment, charitable, philanthropic, volunteer, public and community service and humanitarian activities and sharing of creative work product; Organizing exhibitions and events in the field of software and hardware development for commercial or advertising purposes; Association services that promote the interests of professionals and businesses in the field of mobile software application development; Online advertising and promoting the goods and services of others via the internet; Marketing and advertising consultation services; Market research services; Advertising, marketing and promoting the goods and services of others by means of providing photo and video equipment at special events; Providing online facilities for live streaming video of promotional events; Arranging and conducting special events for commercial, promotional or advertising purposes; Advertising via electronic media; Organizing, promoting and conducting exhibitions, tradeshows and events for business purposes; Organizing and conducting events, exhibitions, expositions and conferences for commercial purposes in the interactive entertainment, virtual reality, consumer electronics and video game entertainment industries; Online retail store services featuring virtual reality and augmented reality headsets, games, content and digital media; Providing telephone directory information via global communications networks; Electronic catalog services; Customer relationship management; Business assistance and consulting services; Providing online facilities featuring user comments concerning business organizations, service providers, and other resources; Advertising services; Dissemination of advertising for others via a global computer network; Advertising services, namely, advertising campaign management, targeting, implementation and optimization services; Marketing research, namely, advertising campaign and consumer preferences research and analysis; Promoting the goods and services of others by means of distributing video advertising on the internet; Advertising services, namely, scheduling, tracking, and reporting advertising for others; Preparation and realization of media and advertising plans and concepts; Ad serving, namely, placing advertisements on websites for others; Advertising services, namely, targeting and optimization of online advertising; Business information management, namely, reporting of business information and business analytics in the fields of advertising and marketing; Business management; Business administration, office functions; Business consultation regarding marketing activities; Media planning and media buying services; Brand consulting; Design of advertising materials for others; Providing online business directories featuring restaurants, bars, movie theaters, dance clubs, museums, art galleries, and other cultural and social spaces; Promoting the public interest and awareness of issues involving access to the internet for the global population; Business consultation in the field of telecommunications; Business management consulting services to enable business entities, non-governmental organizations and non-profit organizations to develop, organize, and administer programs to offer greater access to global communications networks ... Class 036 Insurance & Financial Services Financial transaction processing services, namely, providing secure commercial transactions and payment options; Electronic processing and transmission of bill payment data for users of the internet and communication networks; Electronic funds transfer services; Credit card, debit card, and gift card transaction processing services; Merchant services, namely, payment transaction processing services; Providing electronic mobile payment services for others; Financial services; Payment processing services; Financial transaction services; Facilitating and arranging for the financing and distribution of fundraising and donations; Online charitable fundraising services and financial donation services Class 038 Communications Services Photo sharing and video sharing services, namely, electronic transmission of digital photo files, videos and audio visual content among internet users; Telecommunications; Providing access to computer, electronic and online databases; Telecommunications services, namely, electronic transmission of electronic media, data, messages, graphics, images, audio, video and information; Providing online forums for communication on topics of general interest; Providing online communications links which transfer mobile device and internet users to other local and global online locations; Facilitating access to third party websites or to other electronic third party content via a universal login; Providing online chat rooms, instant messaging services, and electronic bulletin boards; Audio, text and video broadcasting services over the internet or other communications networks; Voice over internet protocol (VOIP) services; Telephony communication services; Providing access to computer databases in the fields of social networking and social introduction and dating; Peer-to-peer photo and data sharing services, namely, electronic transmission of digital photo files, graphics and audio content among internet users; Telecommunications and peer-to-peer network computer services, namely, electronic transmission of images, audio-visual and video content, photographs, videos, data, text, messages, advertisements, media advertising communications and information; Chatroom services for social networking; Streaming and live streaming of video, audiovisual, and interactive audiovisual content via the internet; Telecommunications services, namely, electronic transmission of virtual reality content and data; Providing electronic bulletin boards for transmission of messages among users in the field of general interest; Video conferencing services; Providing technical support services regarding the usage of communications equipment; Providing facilities and equipment for video conferencing; Teleconferencing; Providing an online community forum for users to share and stream information, audio, video, real-time news, entertainment content, or information, to form virtual communities, and to engage in social networking; Telecommunication services, namely, data transmission and reception services via telecommunication networks; Mobile phone communication services; Web messaging; Video teleconferencing; Instant messaging services; Electronic exchange of voice, data, audio, video, text and graphics accessible via computer and telecommunications networks; Encrypted electronic transmission and delivery of recovered data; Provision of access to telecommunication networks and the internet; Internet Connectivity; Information about telecommunication; Consulting in the field of telecommunication services, namely, transmission of voice, data, and documents via telecommunications networks Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Entertainment services; Providing access to interactive electronic and online databases of user-defined content, third-party content, photos, video, audio, visual, and audio-visual material in the field of general interest; Photosharing and video sharing services; Electronic publishing services for others; Entertainment services, namely, facilitating interactive and multiplayer and single player game services for games played via the internet or communication networks; Providing information about online computer games and video games via computer or communication networks; Arranging and conducting competitions and facilitating events for video gamers and computer game players; Providing online resources for software developers; Contest and incentive award programs designed to recognize, reward and encourage individuals and groups which engage in self-improvement, self-fulfillment, charitable, philanthropic, volunteer, public and community service and humanitarian activities and sharing of creative work product; Organizing and sponsoring contest and incentive award programs for software developers; Publication of educational materials, namely, publishing of books, journals, newsletters, and electronic publications; Educational services, in particular, organizing and conducting conferences, courses, seminars, and online training in the fields of advertising, marketing, social networking, the internet, and social media, and distribution of course material in connection therewith; Online journals, namely, weblogs (blogs) featuring user-defined content; Entertainment services, namely, providing virtual reality games, interactive entertainment and virtual reality content; Entertainment services, namely, providing augmented reality games, interactive entertainment and augmented reality content; Entertainment services, namely, providing mixed reality games, interactive entertainment and mixed reality content; Providing a computer game for use network-wide by network users; Providing online virtual reality games; Providing online augmented reality games; Providing online mixed reality games; Entertainment services, namely, providing online video games; Organizing exhibitions in the field of interactive entertainment, virtual reality, consumer electronics and video game entertainment industries for cultural or educational purposes; Arranging and conducting educational conferences; Organizing exhibitions and events in the field of software development for educational purposes; Educational services, namely, organizing and conducting conferences and seminars in the fields of artificial intelligence and the internet of things; Training in the field of design, advertising and communication technologies; Training in the field of strategic media planning relating to advertising, marketing and business; Online journals, namely, blogs featuring advertising, marketing and business; Providing computer, electronic and online databases in the field of entertainment; Publishing services, namely, publishing of electronic publications for others; Rental of photography and/or videography kiosks for capturing, uploading, editing and sharing of pictures and videos; Entertainment services, namely, providing online facilities for streaming entertainment content and live streaming video of entertainment events; Organizing live exhibitions and conferences in the fields of culture, entertainment and social networking for non-business and non-commercial purposes; Providing online games; Entertainment services, namely, providing virtual reality games, interactive entertainment and virtual reality content and experiences; Entertainment services, namely, providing augmented reality games, interactive entertainment and augmented reality content and experiences; Entertainment services, namely, providing mixed reality games, interactive entertainment and mixed reality content and experiences; Entertainment services, namely, arranging and conducting of competitions for encouraging use and development of interactive entertainment, virtual reality, augmented reality, consumer electronics, and video game entertainment software and hardware; Organizing exhibitions and events for cultural, educational, or entertainment purposes; Production of video and computer game software; Virtual reality arcade services; Augmented reality arcade services; Virtual reality game services provided online from a computer network; Augmented reality game services provided online from a computer network; Providing online computer games and interactive games; Augmented reality video production; Virtual reality video production; Production of video and computer game software; Providing online game software; Entertainment services, namely, providing interactive games; Multimedia entertainment software production services; Multimedia production services; Entertainment services in the nature of development, creation, production and post-production services of multimedia entertainment content; Entertainment services, namely, providing augmented reality games and interactive entertainment content; Entertainment services, namely, providing online virtual reality environments; Entertainment services, namely, providing online augmented reality environments; Providing entertainment information from searchable indexes and databases of information, including text, electronic documents, databases, graphics, photographic images and audio visual information, via the internet and communication networks; Organizing, promoting and conducting exhibitions, tradeshows and events for business purposes; Providing information about online computer games and video games via computer or communication networks; Arranging and conducting competitions and facilitating events for video gamers and computer game players; Organizing exhibitions in the field of interactive entertainment, virtual reality, consumer electronics and video game entertainment industries for cultural or educational purposes arranging and conducting educational conferences organizing exhibitions and events in the field of software development for educational purposes; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable publications about virtual reality technology; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable publications about augmented reality technology; Education; Providing of training; Sporting and cultural activities; Entertainment and educational services, namely, providing non-downloadable movies, television shows, webcasts, audiovisual, and multimedia works via the internet, as well as information, reviews, and recommendations regarding movies, television shows, webcasts, audiovisual, and multimedia works; Providing computer, electronic and online databases for educational, recreational and amusement use in the field of entertainment and in the fields of secondary, collegiate, social and community interest groups Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Design and development of computer hardware and software; Computer services, namely, creating virtual communities for registered users to organize groups, meetings, and events, participate in discussions and engage in social, business and community networking; Computer services, in particular, hosting electronic facilities for others for organizing and conducting meetings, events and interactive discussions via the internet and communication networks; Computer services in the nature of customized electronic personal and group profiles or webpages featuring user-defined or specified information, including, audio, video, images, text, content, and data; Computer services, namely, providing search engines for obtaining data via the internet and communications networks; Providing online facilities featuring technology that enables online users to create personal profiles featuring social and business networking information, to transfer and share such information among multiple online facilities to engage in social networking, and to manage their social networking accounts; Providing software for social networking, creating a virtual community, and transmission of audio, video, images, text, content, and data; Application service provider (ASP) services, namely, hosting software applications of others; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software to enable or facilitate the creating, editing, uploading, downloading, accessing, viewing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, annotating, indicating sentiment about, commenting on, embedding, transmitting, and sharing or otherwise providing electronic media or information via the internet and communications networks; Providing an online network service that enables users to transfer personal identity data to and share personal identity data with and among multiple online facilities; Providing information from searchable indexes and databases of information, including text, electronic documents, databases, graphics, electronic media, images and audio visual content, via the internet and communications networks; Providing non-downloadable e-commerce software to allow users to perform electronic business transactions via the internet and communications networks; Computer services, in particular, application service provider featuring application programming interface (API) software to allow users to perform electronic business transactions via a global computer network; Software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for sending and receiving electronic messages, notifications and alerts and for facilitating electronic business transactions via the internet and communications networks; Providing software for use in designing, managing, measuring, analyzing, disseminating, and serving advertising of others; Application service provider featuring application programming interface (API) software for managing, tracking, reporting and measuring media planning, media buying and advertising of others; Online ad-buying platform provider, namely, providing non-downloadable software programs for allowing buyers and sellers of online advertising to purchase and sell advertising inventory; Platform as a service (PAAS) featuring computer software platforms for use in purchasing and disseminating advertising; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software for use in buying, selling, designing, managing, tracking, valuing, optimizing, targeting, analyzing, delivery, and reporting of online advertising and marketing; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software for use in designing and managing online advertising and marketing campaigns; Designing and developing computer game software and video game software for use with computers, video game program systems and computer networks; Development of hardware for use in connection with electronic and interactive multimedia games; Electronic and interactive multimedia game development services; Providing online facilities that gives users the ability to upload, modify and share virtual reality content, information, experiences and data; Providing online facilities that gives users the ability to upload, modify and share augmented reality content, information, experiences and data; Providing online facilities that gives users the ability to upload, modify and share mixed reality content, information, experiences and data; Design, engineering, research, development and testing services in the field of mobile application software development related to the use and functionality of hyperlinks; Technical consultation in the field of mobile application software development related to the use and functionality of hyperlinks; Providing software enabling development, assessment, testing, and maintenance of mobile software applications for portable computing devices; Educational services, namely, organizing and conducting conferences and seminars in the fields of artificial intelligence and the internet of things; Providing user authentication services using single sign-on and software technology for e-commerce transactions; Providing user authentication services of electronic funds transfer, credit and debit card and electronic check transactions using single sign-on and software technology; Providing an application programming interface (API) to allow users to perform electronic business transactions via the internet; Providing software for processing electronic payments; Platform as a service (PAAS) services featuring computer software to allow users to perform business and e-commerce transactions; Providing application programming interface (API) software for use in electronic messaging and transmission of audio, video, images, text, content and data; Platform as a service (PAAS) featuring computer software platforms for electronic messaging and transmission of audio, video, photographic images, text, graphics and data; Providing software for electronic messaging; Mapping services; Providing software for mapping services; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software for mapping services; Providing software for sharing and displaying a user's location, planning activities with other users and making recommendations; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software to enable or facilitate the sharing and displaying a user's location, planning activities with other users and making recommendations; Providing software for social and destination mapping; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software to enable or facilitate social and destination mapping; Providing software for making reservations and bookings; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software to enable or facilitate making reservations and bookings; Providing software for ordering and/or purchasing goods and services; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software to enable or facilitate ordering and/or purchasing goods and services; Providing location-aware software for searching, determining and sharing the location of goods, services and events of interest; Application service provider (ASP) featuring location-aware software for searching, determining and sharing the location of goods, services and events of interest; Providing software for creating, managing and accessing user-created and administered private groups within virtual communities; Providing software for searching and identifying local and location-based points of interest, events, landmarks, employment opportunities, entertainment, cultural events, shopping and offers; Providing software for searching and identifying employment opportunities; Providing software for identifying and allowing users to contact government representatives; Providing software for providing a virtual marketplace; Providing software for providing location-based weather information; Providing software for providing, linking to, or streaming news or current events information; Providing software for facilitating interaction and communication between humans and AI (artificial intelligence) platforms; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software to enable or facilitate interaction and communication between humans and AI (artificial intelligence) platforms; Design of augmented reality and virtual reality effects for use in modifying photographs, images, videos and audio-visual content; Providing online facilities that gives users the ability to upload, modify and share virtual reality content and data; Providing online facilities that gives users the ability to upload, modify and share augmented reality content and data; Providing online facilities that gives users the ability to upload, modify and share mixed reality content and data; Online video ad-buying platform provider, namely, providing non-downloadable software programs for allowing buyers and sellers of online video advertising to purchase and sell video advertising inventory; Platform as a service (PAAS) featuring computer software platforms for use in purchasing and disseminating advertising; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software for use in buying, selling, tracking, valuing, optimizing, targeting, analyzing, delivery, and reporting of online advertising and marketing; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software for use in designing and managing online video advertising and marketing campaigns; Providing online facilities that give users the ability to engage in social networking and manage their social networking content; Providing software for creating and managing social media profiles and user accounts; Providing software for modifying photographs, images and audio, video, and audio-video content with photographic filters and augmented reality (AR) effects, namely, graphics, animations, text, drawings, geotags, metadata tags, hyperlinks; Software for viewing and interacting with a feed of electronic media, namely, images, audio-visual and video content, live streaming video, commentary, advertisements, news, and internet links; Providing software for finding content and content publishers, and for subscribing to content; Providing software for organizing images, video, and audio-visual content using metadata tags; Computer services, namely, creating a virtual community for registered users to share, view, subscribe to and interact with images, audio-visual and video content and related data and information; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software for social networking, managing social networking content, creating a virtual community, and transmission of images, audio-visual and video content, photographs, videos, data, text, messages, advertisements, media advertising communications and information; Application service provider (ASP) featuring application programming interface (API) software which facilitates online services for social networking, developing software applications; Platform as a service (PAAS) featuring software platforms for social networking, managing social networking content, creating a virtual community, and transmission of images, audio-visual and video content, photographs, videos, data, text, messages, advertisements, media advertising communications and information; Rental of software that gives users the ability to upload, edit, and share images, videos and audio-visual content; Computer services, namely, curating online user-defined content and advertisements and creating social media feeds; Providing software for taking photographs and recording audio, audio-visual and video content; Providing software for uploading, downloading, archiving, enabling transmission of, and sharing images, audio-visual and video content and associated text and data; Providing software for streaming multimedia entertainment content; Providing software for creating and maintaining an online presence for individuals, groups, companies, and brands; Providing software for advertisers to communicate and interact with online communities; Personal assistant software; Social assistant software; Providing online facilities featuring temporary use of non-downloadable software for sending and receiving electronic messages, instant messages, electronic message alerts and reminders, photographs, images, graphics, data, audio, videos and audio-visual content via the internet and communication networks; E-commerce software to allow users to perform electronic business transactions via the internet; Providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for accessing, collecting, displaying, editing, linking, modifying, organizing, tagging, streaming, sharing, storing, transmitting, and otherwise providing electronic media, photographs, images, graphics, audio, videos, audio-visual content, data and information via the internet and communication networks; Providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for use in facilitating voice over internet protocol (VOIP) calls, phone calls, video calls, text messages, electronic message, instant message, and online social networking services; Application service provider (ASP) services featuring software to enable or facilitate voice over internet protocol (VOIP) calls, phone calls, video calls, text messages, electronic message, instant message, and online social networking services; Computer services, namely, providing information in the fields of technology and software development via the internet and communication networks; Providing software for use in taking and editing photographs and recording and editing videos; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software to enable or facilitate taking and editing photographs and recording and editing videos; Design and development of computer game hardware and software; Design and development of virtual reality hardware and software; Design and development of mixed reality hardware and software; Design and development of video game hardware and software; Providing temporary use of non-downloadable software applications for social networking, creating a virtual community, and transmission of virtual reality content and data; Computer services in the nature of providing customized online pages featuring user-defined or specified information, personal profiles, virtual reality, and augmented reality content and data; Computer programming services for creating virtual reality videos and games; Design and development of augmented reality hardware and software; Software development; Development of interactive multimedia software; Maintenance and repair of computer software; Providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for transmitting, sharing, receiving, downloading, displaying, interacting with and transferring content, text, visual works, audio works, audiovisual works, literary works, data, files, documents and electronic works; Computer services, namely, providing information in the fields of technology and software development via a global computer network; Technical support services, namely, troubleshooting in the nature of diagnosing computer hardware and software problems; Computer services, namely, cloud hosting provider services; Providing temporary use of online non-downloadable cloud computing software for use in electronic storage of data; Providing temporary use of online non-downloadable cloud computing software for virtual, augmented reality applications and environments; File sharing services, namely, providing online facilities for others featuring technology enabling users to upload and download electronic files; Computer services, namely, hosting electronic facilities for others for interactive discussions via communication networks; Providing online non-downloadable software; Application service provider, namely, providing, hosting, managing, developing, and maintaining applications, software, web sites, and databases in the fields of wireless communication, mobile information access, and remote data management for wireless delivery of content to handheld computers, laptops and mobile electronic devices; Application service provider (ASP); Providing online facilities that give users the ability to upload, modify and share audio, video, photographic images, text, graphics and data; Providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software and applications for instant messaging, voice over internet protocol (VOIP), video conferencing, and audio conferencing; Computer services, namely, creating an online community for registered users to engage in social networking; Data encryption services; Encrypted electronic transmission and delivery of recovered data; Providing software and applications for customer relationship management (CRM); Application service provider (ASP) featuring software for customer relationship management (CRM); Providing online software platform services that give users the ability to post ratings, reviews, referrals and recommendations relating to businesses, restaurants, service providers, events, public services and government agencies; Computer services, in particular, application service provider featuring application programming interface (API) software for customer relationship management (CRM); Hosting of digital [virtual reality and augmented reality] content on the internet; Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; Industrial analysis and research services; Computer services, namely, providing remote management of devices via computer networks, wireless networks or the internet; Providing software for facilitating and arranging for the financing and distribution of fundraising and donations; Providing software for online charitable fundraising services and financial donation services Class 045 Personal & Legal & Social Services Social introduction and networking and dating services; Providing access to computer databases and online searchable databases in the fields of social networking, social introduction and dating; Providing information in the field of personal development, self-improvement, self-fulfillment, charitable, philanthropic, volunteer, public and community services, and humanitarian activities; Providing concierge services for others, namely, booking reservations, facilitating purchases, arranging deliveries, making requested personal arrangements, providing recommendations on products and services, providing customer-specific information to meet individual needs, and provision of electronic reminders and notifications; Online social networking services; Providing information in the form of databases featuring information in the fields of social networking and social introduction; User verification services; Identification verification services; Business identification verification services; Legal services | ||
FROM SUNSHINE TO BEDSIDE Cayoosh Holdings Inc. 2008575 29 Jan 2020 | DEFAULT - SEARCHED | Operation of a cannabis derivative extraction and processing facility;... Class 040 Class 040 Treatment & Processing of Materials Services Operation of a cannabis derivative extraction and processing facility; consulting services in the field of extraction and processing of cannabis; Class 042 Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Research related to cannabis and medical cannabis; research, development and design of processes, methods and systems used in the extraction of cannabis derivatives; ... Class 044 Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services Consulting services, namely regulatory guidance, process development, formulation development, basic research, patient population surveys, clinical research and analytics, all in the field of cannabis and medical cannabis; horticulture; consultancy services relating to horticulture; cultivation of plants; consultancy services relating to the cultivation of plants; | ||
FROM STRAIN TO STORE The BRN Group Inc. 2005846 13 Jan 2020 | DEFAULT - SEARCHED | Hemp-derived products; cannabidiol [CBD] oil; non-alcoholic beverages;... Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Hemp-derived products; cannabidiol [CBD] oil; non-alcoholic beverages; spirits; smoker's articles; smoking accessories; products containing cannabis; products containing cannabidiol [CBD] oil Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Cannabidiol [CBD] oil for cosmetic purposes; cosmetics; cosmetics containing cannabis; cosmetics containing cannabidiol [CBD] oil ... Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Medicinal cannabis; cannabidiol [CBD] oil for medical purposes Class 022 Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products Smoking accessories, namely, batteries for electronic cigarettes and battery chargers for electronic cigarettes Class 023 Yarns and Threads Hemp; hemp-derived products, namely, hemp bands, hemp fibers, and hemp nettings Class 024 Fabrics Hemp-derived products, namely, hemp thread and hemp yarn Class 029 Meats and Processed Food Products Hemp-derived products, namely, hemp cloth and hemp fabric Class 030 Staple Food Products Cannabidiol [CBD] oil for food Class 031 Natural Agricultural Products Non-alcoholic beverages, namely, non-alcoholic coffee based beverages, non-alcoholic tea-based beverages, and non-alcoholic chocolate-based beverages Class 032 Light Beverage Products Live cannabis plants; live hemp plants Class 034 Smoker's Products Non-alcoholic beverages, namely, fruit drinks, fruit juices, fruit-flavoured drinks, fruit-based drinks, non-alcoholic vegetable juice beverages, non-alcoholic beer, non-alcoholic beer-flavoured beverages, non-alcoholic carbonated beverages, non-alcoholic cocktails, non-alcoholic cocktail mixes, and non-alcoholic wine; non-alcoholic beverages containing cannabis, namely, fruit drinks, fruit juices, fruit-flavoured drinks, fruit-based drinks, non-alcoholic vegetable juice beverages, non-alcoholic beer, non-alcoholic beer-flavoured beverages, non-alcoholic carbonated beverages, non-alcoholic cocktails, non-alcoholic cocktail mixes, and non-alcoholic wine; non-alcoholic beverages containing cannabidiol [CBD] oil, namely, fruit drinks, fruit juices, fruit-flavoured drinks, fruit-based drinks, non-alcoholic vegetable juice beverages, non-alcoholic beer, non-alcoholic beer-flavoured beverages, non-alcoholic carbonated beverages, non-alcoholic cocktails, non-alcoholic cocktail mixes, and non-alcoholic wine Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Dried cannabis; cannabidiol [CBD] oil for electronic cigarettes; cannabidiol [CBD] oil for oral vaporizers for smoking; smoker's articles, namely, lighters for smokers, ashtrays for smokers of precious metal, oral vaporizers for smokers, smoking pipes, electronic smoking pipes, smoking pipe cleaners, smoking pipe scourers, cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, cases for electronic cigarettes, chemical flavourings in liquid form used to refill electronic cigarette cartridges, cigarette paper, cigarette rollers, cigarette filters, hookahs, and electronic hookahs | ||
FROM CATCH TO KITCHEN SEA DELIGHT INTERNATIONAL LLC 1999924 6 Dec 2019 | REGISTERED on 16 Sept 2024 | Fresh and Frozen Seafood; Pasteurized crabmeat; Smoked Seafood Class 029 Class 029 Meats and Processed Food Products Fresh and Frozen Seafood; Pasteurized crabmeat; Smoked Seafood | ||
FROM FOSSIL TO FUEL BRENDAN MACDOUGALL 1996337 15 Nov 2019 | REGISTERED on 11 May 2022 | Podcasting of news shows Class 038 Class 038 Communications Services Podcasting of news shows | ||
![]() | FROM VENUS & DEVICE PLANET MEDICAL GROUP LTD. 1995169 11 Nov 2019 | REGISTERED on 21 Dec 2022 | Wholesale and retail services connected with the online prescribing of... Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Wholesale and retail services connected with the online prescribing of pharmaceutical and medical preparations, namely for birth control, contraceptives, anxiety, hair loss, skin care and sexual health |
on 23 Sept 2024
2021021 · 3 Apr 2020
Class 025
Clothing Products
For wearable garments and clothing namely shirts, sweaters, jackets, and hats.
For wearable garments and clothing namely shirts, sweaters, jackets, a...
on 29 Nov 2024
2030883 · 1 Apr 2020
Class 003
Cosmetics and Cleaning Products
Savons nommément savon liquide pour le corps, savons de toilette non médicamenteux, savons cosmétiques, savon de beauté, savons détergents, savons à usage personnel en barre et liquides savons contre la transpiration; savon à barbe; parfums; savons déodorants [parfumerie]; déodorants nommément déodorants à usage personnel, désodorisants pour tissus, déodorants corporels, savon déodorant; eaux de senteur; eaux de toilette; extraits de plantes à usage cosmétique nommément extraits de plantes utilisés pour la fabrication de parfums et de cosmétiques à usage personnel; phytocannabinoïdes à usage cosmétiques; huiles essentielles utilisées dans les domaines pharmaceutiques, thérapeutiques et cosmétiques nommément huile essentielles utilisées pour la fabrication de parfums et de cosmétiques à usage personnel, huiles essentielles pour usage personnel, huiles essentielles aromatiques; arômes alimentaires étant des huiles essentielles, arômes pour boissons en tant qu'huiles essentielles, arômes alimentaires pour gâteaux étant des huiles essentielles; cosmétiques; lotions pour les cheveux; dentifrices; produits de démaquillage; produits de maquillage; rouge à lèvres; brillants à lèvres; crayons à usage cosmétique; mascara; paillettes pour les ongles; vernis pour les ongles; cosmétiques contenant des phytocannabinoïdes; dissolvants pour les ongles; poudre pour le maquillage; masques de beauté; produits de rasage; préparations pour le bain non à usage médical nommément sels de bain parfumés non à usage médical, sels de bain à usage cosmétiques, bain moussant non à usage médical, huiles pour le bain; bain de bouche non à usage médical; bâtons d'encens; encens; parfums d'ambiance; diffuseurs à bâtonnets de parfums d'ambiance; pots-pourris odorants; bougies de massage à usage cosmétique; préparations de collagènes à usage cosmétique; préparations cosmétiques pour l'amincissement; produits cosmétiques pour les soins de la peau; produits cosmétiques pour les soins de la peau contenant des phytocannabinoïdes; huiles à usage cosmétique; laits de toilette; teintures pour les cheveux.
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Produits pharmaceutiques nommément suppléments alimentaires minéraux et vitaminés; produits pharmaceutiques contenant des phytocannabinoïdes nommément suppléments alimentaires contenant des phytocannabinoïdes à des fins médicinales et à des fins récréatives, cosmétiques médicamanteux contenant des phytocannabinoïdes; produits vétérinaires nommément additifs pour aliments pour animaux de compagnie sous la forme de suppléments vitaminiques et minéraux, suppléments alimentaires pour animaux de compagnie, sous forme de friandises et d'aliments pour animaux de compagnie; produits hygiéniques pour la médecine nommément lingettes, savons, gels, lotions, crèmes, laits, et émulsions en tant que préparations désinfectantes pour la peau et des plaies; savons désinfectants; savons médicinaux nommément savons liquides à des fins médicinales, savons antibactériens, barres et savons liquides à des fins médicinales; shampoings médicamenteux nommément shampooings antipelliculaires médicamenteux, shampooings secs médicamenteux, shampooing pour la croissance des cheveux; pâtes dentifrices médicamenteux nommément pâtes dentifrices contre la sensibilité dentaire, pâte dentifrice contre la sensibilité des gencives, pâtes dentifrices contenant des antiseptiques, pâte dentifrice permettant de renforcer l'émail des dent; aliments diététiques à usage médical ou paramédical nommément barres, crèmes et poudres en tant que substituts de repas à base de suppléments alimentaires contenant des vitamines, des minéraux, des phytocannabinoïdes pour la santé et le bien-être en général; boissons diététiques à usage médical ou paramédical nommément boissons de substituts de remplacement de repas à base de suppléments alimentaires contenant des vitamines, des minéraux, des phytocannabinoïdes pour la santé et le bien-être en général; coupe-faim à usage médical ou et paramédical nommément barres, crèmes et poudres en tant que aliments et substances diététiques destinés à diminuer l'appétit, pilules et capsules coupe-faim; aliments diététiques à usage vétérinaire nommément additifs pour aliments pour animaux de compagnie sous forme de poudre, pilules, capsules, crèmes, croquettes, pâtés de substitut de repas destinés à être ajoutés aux boissons et aliments pour compléter l'alimentation habituelle en cas de déséquilibre ou de carences; compléments alimentaires nommément poudres, liquides, gélules, capsules, comprimés, huiles destinés à être ajoutés aux boissons et aliments pour compléter l'alimentation habituelle pour la prévention et le traitement de déséquilibre et de carences en vitamines; compléments alimentaires contenant des phytocannabinoïdes nommément poudres, liquides, gélules, capsules, comprimés, huiles contenant des phytocannbinoïdes destinés à être ajoutés aux boissons et aliments pour compléter l'alimentation habituelle en cas de déséquilibre ou de carences; préparations chimiques à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique nommément substances pharmaceutiques actives et excipients destinés à être utilisé dans des produits pharmaceutiques pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels; préparations chimiques à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique contenant des phytocannabinoïdes nommément substances pharmaceutiques actives et excipients destinés à être utilisé dans des produits pharmaceutiques pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels; préparations bactériennes à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique nommément préparations bactériennes pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels ; préparations bactériennes à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique contenant des phytocannabinoïdes nommément préparations bactériennes contenant des phytocanabinoïdes pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels; préparations biologiques à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique nommément préparations biologiques pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels; herbes médicinales nommément herbe utilisée pour ses vertus thérapeutiques pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels; thé médicinal nommément boisson contenant du thé utilisée pour ses vertus thérapeutiques pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels; tisanes; extraits de plantes médicinales à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique nommément écorces, racines, feuilles, graines de plantes utilisées pour ses vertus thérapeutiques pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels; produits à base de plantes médicinales sous forme de liquides, huiles, sprays buccaux, gélules nommément liquide, huiles, sprays buccaux, gélules contenant des extraits de plantes médicinales pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels; produits à base de plantes médicinales sous forme de liquides, huiles, sprays buccaux, gélules, contenant des phytocannabinoïdes nommément liquides, huiles, sprays buccaux, gélules contenant des extraits de plantes médicinales et des phytocannabinoïdes pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels; produits antibactériens pour le lavage des mains; préparations pour le bain à usage médical nommément sels de bain, bain moussant à usage médical ayant des effets bénéfiques sur la peau, les muqueuses et les oreilles; produits antisolaires nommément gel, lait, crème, émulsion, lotion, huile, poudre, mousse permettant une protection de la peau contre le rayonnement solaire et ses effets; baumes à usage médical nommément pommade apaisante et calmante à usage médical pour les irritations de la peau; baume antigel à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique nommément pommade apaisante et calmante à usage médical pour le soulagement des effets du froid sur la peau et les lèvres et pommade pour protéger la peau et les lèvres des effets du froid; bonbons médicamenteux nommément pastilles pour maux de gorge et pastilles pour calmer la toux; bonbons médicamenteux contenant des phytocannabinoïdes nommément pastilles pour maux de gorge et pastilles pour calmer la toux contenant des phytocannabinoïdes; cigarettes sans tabac à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique nommément cigarettes sans tabac en tant que substitut du tabac pour le traitement du sevrage tabagique; herbes à fumer à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique nommément herbes à fumer en tant que substitut du tabac pour le traitement du sevrage tabagique et herbes à fumer pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels ; lotions à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique nommément pommades, crèmes, baumes à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique pour les irritations de la peau; lotions capillaires médicamenteuses nommément lotions antipelliculaires, lotions pour cheveux secs et lotions stimulant la croissance des cheveux; préparations médicales pour l'amincissement nommément poudres, capsules, gélules, pilules, barres, crèmes, comprimés pour l'aide à la perte de poids et l'amincissement; médicaments à usage dentaire nommément capsules, pilules, gélules pour soulager les maux dentaires et les gencives sensibles; médicaments pour la médecine humaine nommément médicaments pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels; médicaments pour la médecine humaine contenant des phytocannabinoïdes nommément médicaments contenant des phytocannabinoïdes pour la promotion et l'amélioration du bien-être général et des fonctions physiologiques à savoir le soutien et l'amélioration du système immunitaire, le soulagement des symptômes du rhume des foins, l'amélioration de la résistance et de l'endurance, le soulagement des douleurs, le soutien des reins, du système respiratoire, le soulagement de la toux, l'apaisement de la tension nerveuse, le soulagement du stress et de l'anxiété légère, le soulagement des maux de tête, le soulagement de l'insomnie et le soulagement des troubles menstruels; onguents à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique nommément crèmes, pommades pour le soulagement des plaies de la peau, les soins, la désinfection et la cicatrisation de la peau; pommades à usage médical, paramédical, pharmaceutique ou thérapeutique nommément pommades pour le soulagement des plaies de la peau, les soins, la désinfection et la cicatrisation de la peau.
Class 030
Staple Food Products
Café; succédanés du café; préparations végétales remplaçant le café; thé; cacao; sucre; riz; tapioca; farine; pain; pâtisseries; confiserie nommément bonbons, caramels, et gomme à mâcher; glaces alimentaires; miel; sirop d'agave [édulcorant naturel]; levure, poudre à lever; poudre pour gâteaux; assaisonnements; condiments en tant que sauces salées utilisées comme condiments nommément sauce à la viande, sauce de ketchup, ketchup sauce barbecue, sauce épicée, sauces pour salades, sauces pour sauter, sauces au fromage, sauces aux légumes; sel; moutarde; vinaigre; épices; herbes potagères conservées [assaisonnements]; glace à rafraichir; sandwiches; pizzas; crêpes [alimentation]; biscuits; gâteaux; biscottes; chocolat; boissons à base de cacao; boissons à base de café; boissons à base de thé; boissons à base de cacao, de café, de thé contenant des phytocannabinoïdes; infusions non médicinales nommément infusion de plantes non à usage médical ; infusion non médicinales à base de phytocannabinoïdes nommément infusion de plantes à base de phytocannabinoïdes non à usage médical; arômes alimentaires autres qu'huiles essentielles nommément arômes à base de fruits, arômes d'amande, arômes de citron et arômes de vanille pour les aliments et les boissons, ; arômes pour boissons et gâteaux autres qu'huiles essentielles; bonbons; pâtes de fruits [confiserie]; desserts sous forme de mousses [confiserie]; gommes à mâcher pour rafraîchir l'haleine; gommes à mâcher; pâtes à gâteaux, pâtes à tartes, pâtes à cuire, pâtes à frire nommément pâte à pain; pâtes alimentaires; petits fours; pain, pâtisseries, confiserie au sucre et au chocolat, glaces alimentaires, biscuits, gâteaux, sucreries sous forme de bonbons, petits fours contenant des phytocannabinoïdes.
Class 032
Light Beverage Products
Bières; bières contenant des phytocannabinoïdes; eaux minérales [boissons]; eaux gazeuses; boissons à base de fruits; jus de fruits; jus de légumes [boissons]; sirops pour boissons; préparations sans alcool pour faire des boissons nommément extraits de fruits non alcoolisés pour faire des boissons, poudres pour la préparation de boissons sans alcool ; essences sans alcool pour faire des boissons nommément concentrés sans alcool pour la préparation de boissons de fruits; limonades; nectars de fruits; sodas; apéritifs sans alcool; boissons à base de riz, de soja autres que succédanés du lait; boissons énergisantes, boissons isotoniques, boissons protéinées pour sportifs; boissons énergisantes, isotoniques ou protéinées contenant des phytocannabinoïdes; boissons sans alcool aromatisées au thé, au café; cocktails à base de bière; cocktails à base de bière contenant des phytocannabinoïdes; cocktail sans alcool; cocktails sans alcool contenant des phytocannabinoïdes; extraits de fruits sans alcool; boissons sans alcool contenant des phytocannabinoïdes nommément boissons à base de fruits contenant des phytocannabinoïdes, limonades contenant des phytocannabinoïdes, boissons aromatisées au thé ou au café contenant des phytocannabinoïdes.
Savons nommément savon liquide pour le corps, savons de toilette non m...
on 17 Jan 2025
From the Ground Up Physiothérapie Inc.
2012444 · 19 Feb 2020
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Group and individual courses based on physiotherapy needs, namely instruction in the field of physical rehabilitation and physical therapy and training services in the field of physical rehabilitation and physical therapy; Educational Services namely, conducting training programs, educational support programs and skill development workshops in the field of fitness training physiotherapy and movement training programs, physical fitness instruction, providing classes, tutorials and seminars in the field of physical fitness and physical fitness assessment services for training purposes; Educational services, namely, conducting classes, seminars, and workshops in the fields of physiotherapy; Providing information about fitness via a website and providing information on exercise and fitness via a website; training services to prevent injuries namely proprioception, agility and coordination training, postural and gait training, strength training and flexibility training; preparation of physical training programs namely, conducting training programs, educational support programs and skill development workshops in the field of fitness training, instruction in the field of physical rehabilitation and physical therapy and training services in the field of physical rehabilitation training services to prevent injuries namely proprioception, agility and coordination training, postural and gait training, strength training and flexibility training; Providing information in the field of general health and wellness via a website; preparation of physical training programs namely, conducting training programs, educational support programs and skill development workshops in the field of fitness training, instruction in the field of physical rehabilitation and physical therapy and training services in the field of physical rehabilitation and physical therapy;
Class 044
Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services
Physiotherapy; physiotherapy services; Physiotherapy care, namely, orthopedics, physical rehabilitation; electrotherapy; physical fitness assessment services for medical purposes; biomechanical evaluation of pain; Physiotherapy assessment and treatment services; physical rehabilitation services; Providing information in the field of physiotherapy via a web site; physical therapy; Physiotherapy Needs Assessment Service
Group and individual courses based on physiotherapy needs, namely inst...
Synergi-FX Inc.
2011240 · 12 Feb 2020
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Development of computer hardware and software.
Development of computer hardware and software.
on 6 Aug 2024
2009349 · 31 Jan 2020
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Computer hardware; Software for social networking and interacting with online communities; Computer software development tools; Software for use as an application programming interface (API); Application programming interface (API) for use in building software applications; Application programming interface (API) for software which facilitates online services for social networking and for data retrieval, upload, download, access and management; Software for creating, managing, and interacting with an online community; Software for organizing events, searching for events, calendaring and managing events; Software for creating, editing, uploading, downloading, accessing, viewing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, annotating, indicating sentiment about, commenting on, embedding, transmitting, and sharing or otherwise providing electronic media or information via computer the internet and communication networks; Software for modifying and enabling transmission of images, audio, audio visual and video content and data; Software for modifying photographs, images and audio, video, and audio-visual content with photographic filters and augmented reality (AR) effects, namely, graphics, animations, text, drawings, geotags, metadata tags, hyperlinks; Software for the collection, managing, editing, organizing, modifying, transmission, sharing, and storage of data and information; Downloadable e-commerce computer software to allow users to perform electronic business transactions via a global computer and communication networks; Software for sending and receiving electronic messages, alerts, notifications and reminders; Search engine software; Magnetically encoded gift cards; Software for use in creating, managing, measuring, and disseminating advertising of others; Ad server, namely, a computer server for storing advertisements and delivering advertisements to websites; Virtual reality game software; Augmented reality game software; Mixed reality game software; Virtual reality game computer hardware; Augmented reality game computer hardware; Mixed reality game computer hardware; Computer peripheral devices; Virtual reality software for use in enabling computers, video game consoles, handheld video game consoles, tablet computers, mobile devices, and mobile telephones to provide virtual reality experiences; Electronic game software for wireless devices; Electronic game software for handheld electronic devices; Electronic game software; Wearable peripherals for computers, tablet computers, mobile devices and mobile telephones; Virtual reality software; Augmented reality software; Mixed reality software; Video game software; Interactive multimedia computer game programs; Downloadable electronic game programs; Computer game software; Headsets for use with computers; Laser equipment for non-medical purposes; Peripherals; Software for integrating electronic data with real world environments for the purposes of entertainment, education, gaming, communicating, and social networking; Software for accessing and viewing text, images and electronic data relating to conferences in the field of software development; Software to enable development, assessment, testing, and maintenance of mobile software applications for portable electronic communication devices, namely, mobile phones, smartphones, handheld computers and computer tablets; Software for converting natural language into machine-executable commands; Software, namely, an interpretive interface for facilitating interaction between humans and machines; Artificial intelligence software; Personal assistant software; Social assistant software; Software development tools to enable mobile software applications to access backend services, namely, data storage, push notifications, and user management; Software for mapping services; Software for planning activities with other users and making recommendations; Software for social and destination mapping; Software for making reservations and bookings; Software for ordering and/or purchasing goods and services; Location-aware software for searching, determining and sharing locations; Software for wireless content, data and information delivery; Software to enable accessing, displaying, editing, linking, sharing and otherwise providing electronic media and information via the internet and communications networks; Software, namely, an application providing social networking functionalities; Software for creating, managing and accessing groups within virtual communities; Software for location-based searching and alerts; Software for searching and identifying employment opportunities; Software for identifying and allowing users to contact government representatives; Software providing a virtual marketplace; Software providing location-based weather information; Software providing, linking to, or streaming news or current events information; Parental control software; Software for facilitating interaction and communication between humans and AI (artificial intelligence) platforms; Software in the nature of a mobile application for creating, sharing, disseminating and posting advertising; Software for geo-location based advertising and product and service promotion; Application programming interface (API) software for allowing data retrieval, upload, access and management; Software for viewing and interacting with a feed of images, audio-visual and video content, and associated text and data; Downloadable computer software for finding content and content publishers, and for subscribing to content; Software for organizing images, video, and audio-visual content using metadata tags; Software for creating and managing social media profiles and user accounts; Software for uploading, downloading, streaming, archiving, transmitting, and sharing images, audio-visual and video content and associated text and data; Interactive photo and video equipment, namely, kiosks for capturing, uploading, editing, printing and sharing digital images and video; Software that enables individuals, groups, companies, and brands to create and maintain an online presence for marketing purposes; Software for advertisers to communicate and interact with online communities; Software for streaming multimedia entertainment content; Application programming interface (API) for use in developing AI (artificial intelligence) platforms, namely, bots, virtual agents and virtual assistants; Software for organizing events; Computer software, downloadable computer software and mobile application software for use in taking and editing photographs and recording and editing videos; Virtual reality computer hardware; Virtual reality game computer hardware; Virtual reality software for use in enabling computers, video game consoles, handheld video game consoles, tablet computers, mobile devices, and mobile telephones to provide virtual reality experiences; Computer game software for home video game consoles; Wearable peripherals for computers, tablet computers, mobile devices and mobile telephones, namely, configurable head-mounted displays; Headsets for use with video game consoles; Computer software; Augmented reality computer hardware; Virtual reality headsets; Augmented reality headsets; Virtual reality glasses; Augmented reality glasses; Virtual reality software for navigating a virtual reality environment; Augmented reality software for navigating an augmented reality environment; Augmented reality software for use in enabling computers, video game consoles, handheld video game consoles, tablet computers, mobile devices, and mobile telephones to provide augmented reality experiences; Headsets for virtual reality games; Headsets for augmented reality games; Handheld virtual reality controllers; Handheld augmented reality controllers; Video and computer game programs; Interactive entertainment software; Gesture recognition software; Motion tracking sensors for virtual reality technology; Motion tracking sensors for augmented reality technology; Computer software for controlling the operation of audio and video devices; Digital media streaming devices; Earphones; Headphones; Video display software; Video display hardware, namely, video drivers for video eyewear; Software for navigating a virtual reality environment; Software for use in enabling computers, video game consoles, handheld video game consoles, tablet computers, mobile devices, and mobile telephones to provide virtual reality and augmented reality experiences; Virtual reality software for object tracking, motion control and content visualization; Augmented reality software for object tracking, motion control and content visualization; Virtual reality software for users to experience virtual reality visualization, manipulation and immersion; Augmented reality software for users to experience augmented reality visualization, manipulation and immersion; Virtual reality software for operating virtual reality headsets; Augmented reality software for operating augmented reality headsets; Virtual reality software for interactive entertainment; Augmented reality software for interactive entertainment; Headsets; Software for recording, storing, transmitting, receiving, displaying and analyzing data from wearable computer hardware; Wearable computing devices comprised primarily of software and display screens for connection to computers, tablet computers, mobile devices, and mobile phones in order to enable virtual reality and augmented reality world experiences; Goggles for enabling virtual reality, augmented reality world experiences; Software for use in creating and designing virtual reality and augmented reality software; Application programming interface (API) for computer software for developing virtual reality and augmented reality experiences; Software and firmware for operating system programs; Computer operating systems; Software for tracking motion in, visualizing, manipulating, viewing, and displaying augmented and virtual reality experiences; Software, firmware and hardware for use in visual, voice, audio, motion, eye and gesture tracking and recognition; Computer hardware and software for operating sensor devices; Electronic sensor devices, cameras, projectors, and microphones for gesture, facial, and voice detection, capture and recognition; Computer hardware and software for detecting objects, user gestures and commands; Software and firmware for controlling, configuring and managing controllers; Software and firmware for enabling electronic devices to share data and communicate with each other; Computer operating system software; Software driver programs for electronic devices for enabling computer hardware and electronic devices to communicate with each other; Cameras; Batteries; Battery chargers; Battery cases; Battery packs; Power charging and power management devices for mobile electronic devices; Charging docks; Charging stands for mobile electronic devices; Base chargers for mobile electronic devices; Power banks; External chargers; Wireless charging cases; Rechargeable electric battery devices, namely, rechargeable batteries and portable power supplies; Rechargeable external battery packs for use with mobile electronic devices; Chargers for batteries; Power adapters; Electrical adapters; Electrical and electronic connectors; Power adapters; Bags and cases specially adapted for mobile electronic devices; Briefcases, backpacks and carrying cases for mobile electronic devices; Cases for mobile electronic devices; Faceplates; Protective covers and cases for mobile electronic devices; Protective sleeves for mobile electronic devices; Holders, armbands, clips and carrying cases specially adapted for mobile electronic devices; Wall mounts for mounting mobile electronic devices; Stands for mobile electronic devices; Holders for mobile electronic devices; Remote controls for mobile electronic devices; Electrical audio and speaker cables and connectors; Audio speakers; Docking stations for mobile electronic devices; Loudspeakers; Electronic cables parts and fittings; Electric cables; Connection cables; Cables for optical signal transmission; Power cables and cable connectors; Microphones; Audio receivers; Audio transmitters; Wireless computer peripherals; Head-mounted video display; Receivers of electronic signals; Video receivers; Wireless transmitters and receivers for reproduction of sound and signals; Electric sensors; Sensors for monitoring physical movements; Software for sending and receiving electronic messages, graphics, images, audio and audio visual content via the internet and communication networks; Software in the nature of a mobile application; SIM cards; Software for processing images, graphics, audio, video, and text; Software, namely, instant messaging software, file sharing software, communications software for electronically exchanging data, audio, video images and graphics via computer, mobile, wireless, and communication networks; Software for personal information management, and data synchronization software; Software for managing social networking content, interacting with a virtual community, and transmission of images, audio, audio-visual and video content, photographs, videos, data, text, messages, comments, advertisements, media advertising communications and information; Software for displaying and sharing a user's location and finding, locating, and interacting with other users and places; Software for use in customer relationship management (CRM); Software for providing consumer information; Messaging software; Software for facilitating and arranging for the financing and distribution of fundraising and donations; Software for online charitable fundraising services and financial donation services; Software for use in facilitating voice over internet protocol (VOIP) calls, phone calls, video calls, text messages, instant message and online social networking services; Telecommunications equipment for providing third party access to, and enabling the transmission of video, data and voice over, global communications networks, namely, mobile and access computer and mobile telephone terminals, base transceiver stations and wireless radio parts thereof, data transceivers, data repeaters, routers and switches, transmission circuits, integrated circuits, computer hardware, mobile cloud clients and servers, multiplexers, digital signal processors, radio frequency signal processors, mobile switching circuits, air traffic electrical controllers, mobility electrical controllers, access electrical controllers, remote port electrical controllers, radio ports, antennas, electronic radio components, software for telecommunications applications, and mobile core networks comprising data transceivers, wireless networks and gateways for collection, transmission and management of data, voice and video; Communication software and communication computer hardware for providing access to the Internet
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Marketing, advertising and promotion services; Provision of market research and information services; Promoting the goods and services of others via computer and communication networks; Business and advertising services, namely, media planning and media buying for others; Business and advertising services, namely, advertising services for tracking advertising performance, for managing, distributing and serving advertising, for analyzing advertising data, for reporting advertising data, and for optimizing advertising performance; Consulting services in the fields of advertising and marketing; Facilitating the exchange and sale of services and products of third parties via computer and communication networks; Online retail store services featuring a wide variety of consumer goods of others, gift cards, and delivery of digital media, virtual reality headsets, and virtual reality content and data; Providing online marketplaces for sellers of goods and/or services; Providing online facilities for connecting sellers with buyers; Business networking; Employment and recruiting services; Advertising and information distribution services, in particular, providing classified advertising space via the global computer network; Providing online computer databases and online searchable databases in the field of classifieds; Pre-paid gift card services, in particular, issuing gift card certificates that may be redeemed for goods or services; Charitable services, in particular promoting public awareness about charitable, philanthropic, volunteer, public and community service and humanitarian activities; Providing contest and incentive award programs designed to recognize, reward and encourage individuals and groups which engage in self-improvement, self-fulfillment, charitable, philanthropic, volunteer, public and community service and humanitarian activities and sharing of creative work product; Organizing exhibitions and events in the field of software and hardware development for commercial or advertising purposes; Association services that promote the interests of professionals and businesses in the field of mobile software application development; Online advertising and promoting the goods and services of others via the internet; Marketing and advertising consultation services; Market research services; Advertising, marketing and promoting the goods and services of others by means of providing photo and video equipment at special events; Providing online facilities for live streaming video of promotional events; Arranging and conducting special events for commercial, promotional or advertising purposes; Advertising via electronic media; Organizing, promoting and conducting exhibitions, tradeshows and events for business purposes; Organizing and conducting events, exhibitions, expositions and conferences for commercial purposes in the interactive entertainment, virtual reality, consumer electronics and video game entertainment industries; Online retail store services featuring virtual reality and augmented reality headsets, games, content and digital media; Providing telephone directory information via global communications networks; Electronic catalog services; Customer relationship management; Business assistance and consulting services; Providing online facilities featuring user comments concerning business organizations, service providers, and other resources; Advertising services; Dissemination of advertising for others via a global computer network; Advertising services, namely, advertising campaign management, targeting, implementation and optimization services; Marketing research, namely, advertising campaign and consumer preferences research and analysis; Promoting the goods and services of others by means of distributing video advertising on the internet; Advertising services, namely, scheduling, tracking, and reporting advertising for others; Preparation and realization of media and advertising plans and concepts; Ad serving, namely, placing advertisements on websites for others; Advertising services, namely, targeting and optimization of online advertising; Business information management, namely, reporting of business information and business analytics in the fields of advertising and marketing; Business management; Business administration, office functions; Business consultation regarding marketing activities; Media planning and media buying services; Brand consulting; Design of advertising materials for others; Providing online business directories featuring restaurants, bars, movie theaters, dance clubs, museums, art galleries, and other cultural and social spaces; Promoting the public interest and awareness of issues involving access to the internet for the global population; Business consultation in the field of telecommunications; Business management consulting services to enable business entities, non-governmental organizations and non-profit organizations to develop, organize, and administer programs to offer greater access to global communications networks
Class 036
Insurance & Financial Services
Financial transaction processing services, namely, providing secure commercial transactions and payment options; Electronic processing and transmission of bill payment data for users of the internet and communication networks; Electronic funds transfer services; Credit card, debit card, and gift card transaction processing services; Merchant services, namely, payment transaction processing services; Providing electronic mobile payment services for others; Financial services; Payment processing services; Financial transaction services; Facilitating and arranging for the financing and distribution of fundraising and donations; Online charitable fundraising services and financial donation services
Class 038
Communications Services
Photo sharing and video sharing services, namely, electronic transmission of digital photo files, videos and audio visual content among internet users; Telecommunications; Providing access to computer, electronic and online databases; Telecommunications services, namely, electronic transmission of electronic media, data, messages, graphics, images, audio, video and information; Providing online forums for communication on topics of general interest; Providing online communications links which transfer mobile device and internet users to other local and global online locations; Facilitating access to third party websites or to other electronic third party content via a universal login; Providing online chat rooms, instant messaging services, and electronic bulletin boards; Audio, text and video broadcasting services over the internet or other communications networks; Voice over internet protocol (VOIP) services; Telephony communication services; Providing access to computer databases in the fields of social networking and social introduction and dating; Peer-to-peer photo and data sharing services, namely, electronic transmission of digital photo files, graphics and audio content among internet users; Telecommunications and peer-to-peer network computer services, namely, electronic transmission of images, audio-visual and video content, photographs, videos, data, text, messages, advertisements, media advertising communications and information; Chatroom services for social networking; Streaming and live streaming of video, audiovisual, and interactive audiovisual content via the internet; Telecommunications services, namely, electronic transmission of virtual reality content and data; Providing electronic bulletin boards for transmission of messages among users in the field of general interest; Video conferencing services; Providing technical support services regarding the usage of communications equipment; Providing facilities and equipment for video conferencing; Teleconferencing; Providing an online community forum for users to share and stream information, audio, video, real-time news, entertainment content, or information, to form virtual communities, and to engage in social networking; Telecommunication services, namely, data transmission and reception services via telecommunication networks; Mobile phone communication services; Web messaging; Video teleconferencing; Instant messaging services; Electronic exchange of voice, data, audio, video, text and graphics accessible via computer and telecommunications networks; Encrypted electronic transmission and delivery of recovered data; Provision of access to telecommunication networks and the internet; Internet Connectivity; Information about telecommunication; Consulting in the field of telecommunication services, namely, transmission of voice, data, and documents via telecommunications networks
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Entertainment services; Providing access to interactive electronic and online databases of user-defined content, third-party content, photos, video, audio, visual, and audio-visual material in the field of general interest; Photosharing and video sharing services; Electronic publishing services for others; Entertainment services, namely, facilitating interactive and multiplayer and single player game services for games played via the internet or communication networks; Providing information about online computer games and video games via computer or communication networks; Arranging and conducting competitions and facilitating events for video gamers and computer game players; Providing online resources for software developers; Contest and incentive award programs designed to recognize, reward and encourage individuals and groups which engage in self-improvement, self-fulfillment, charitable, philanthropic, volunteer, public and community service and humanitarian activities and sharing of creative work product; Organizing and sponsoring contest and incentive award programs for software developers; Publication of educational materials, namely, publishing of books, journals, newsletters, and electronic publications; Educational services, in particular, organizing and conducting conferences, courses, seminars, and online training in the fields of advertising, marketing, social networking, the internet, and social media, and distribution of course material in connection therewith; Online journals, namely, weblogs (blogs) featuring user-defined content; Entertainment services, namely, providing virtual reality games, interactive entertainment and virtual reality content; Entertainment services, namely, providing augmented reality games, interactive entertainment and augmented reality content; Entertainment services, namely, providing mixed reality games, interactive entertainment and mixed reality content; Providing a computer game for use network-wide by network users; Providing online virtual reality games; Providing online augmented reality games; Providing online mixed reality games; Entertainment services, namely, providing online video games; Organizing exhibitions in the field of interactive entertainment, virtual reality, consumer electronics and video game entertainment industries for cultural or educational purposes; Arranging and conducting educational conferences; Organizing exhibitions and events in the field of software development for educational purposes; Educational services, namely, organizing and conducting conferences and seminars in the fields of artificial intelligence and the internet of things; Training in the field of design, advertising and communication technologies; Training in the field of strategic media planning relating to advertising, marketing and business; Online journals, namely, blogs featuring advertising, marketing and business; Providing computer, electronic and online databases in the field of entertainment; Publishing services, namely, publishing of electronic publications for others; Rental of photography and/or videography kiosks for capturing, uploading, editing and sharing of pictures and videos; Entertainment services, namely, providing online facilities for streaming entertainment content and live streaming video of entertainment events; Organizing live exhibitions and conferences in the fields of culture, entertainment and social networking for non-business and non-commercial purposes; Providing online games; Entertainment services, namely, providing virtual reality games, interactive entertainment and virtual reality content and experiences; Entertainment services, namely, providing augmented reality games, interactive entertainment and augmented reality content and experiences; Entertainment services, namely, providing mixed reality games, interactive entertainment and mixed reality content and experiences; Entertainment services, namely, arranging and conducting of competitions for encouraging use and development of interactive entertainment, virtual reality, augmented reality, consumer electronics, and video game entertainment software and hardware; Organizing exhibitions and events for cultural, educational, or entertainment purposes; Production of video and computer game software; Virtual reality arcade services; Augmented reality arcade services; Virtual reality game services provided online from a computer network; Augmented reality game services provided online from a computer network; Providing online computer games and interactive games; Augmented reality video production; Virtual reality video production; Production of video and computer game software; Providing online game software; Entertainment services, namely, providing interactive games; Multimedia entertainment software production services; Multimedia production services; Entertainment services in the nature of development, creation, production and post-production services of multimedia entertainment content; Entertainment services, namely, providing augmented reality games and interactive entertainment content; Entertainment services, namely, providing online virtual reality environments; Entertainment services, namely, providing online augmented reality environments; Providing entertainment information from searchable indexes and databases of information, including text, electronic documents, databases, graphics, photographic images and audio visual information, via the internet and communication networks; Organizing, promoting and conducting exhibitions, tradeshows and events for business purposes; Providing information about online computer games and video games via computer or communication networks; Arranging and conducting competitions and facilitating events for video gamers and computer game players; Organizing exhibitions in the field of interactive entertainment, virtual reality, consumer electronics and video game entertainment industries for cultural or educational purposes arranging and conducting educational conferences organizing exhibitions and events in the field of software development for educational purposes; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable publications about virtual reality technology; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable publications about augmented reality technology; Education; Providing of training; Sporting and cultural activities; Entertainment and educational services, namely, providing non-downloadable movies, television shows, webcasts, audiovisual, and multimedia works via the internet, as well as information, reviews, and recommendations regarding movies, television shows, webcasts, audiovisual, and multimedia works; Providing computer, electronic and online databases for educational, recreational and amusement use in the field of entertainment and in the fields of secondary, collegiate, social and community interest groups
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Design and development of computer hardware and software; Computer services, namely, creating virtual communities for registered users to organize groups, meetings, and events, participate in discussions and engage in social, business and community networking; Computer services, in particular, hosting electronic facilities for others for organizing and conducting meetings, events and interactive discussions via the internet and communication networks; Computer services in the nature of customized electronic personal and group profiles or webpages featuring user-defined or specified information, including, audio, video, images, text, content, and data; Computer services, namely, providing search engines for obtaining data via the internet and communications networks; Providing online facilities featuring technology that enables online users to create personal profiles featuring social and business networking information, to transfer and share such information among multiple online facilities to engage in social networking, and to manage their social networking accounts; Providing software for social networking, creating a virtual community, and transmission of audio, video, images, text, content, and data; Application service provider (ASP) services, namely, hosting software applications of others; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software to enable or facilitate the creating, editing, uploading, downloading, accessing, viewing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, annotating, indicating sentiment about, commenting on, embedding, transmitting, and sharing or otherwise providing electronic media or information via the internet and communications networks; Providing an online network service that enables users to transfer personal identity data to and share personal identity data with and among multiple online facilities; Providing information from searchable indexes and databases of information, including text, electronic documents, databases, graphics, electronic media, images and audio visual content, via the internet and communications networks; Providing non-downloadable e-commerce software to allow users to perform electronic business transactions via the internet and communications networks; Computer services, in particular, application service provider featuring application programming interface (API) software to allow users to perform electronic business transactions via a global computer network; Software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for sending and receiving electronic messages, notifications and alerts and for facilitating electronic business transactions via the internet and communications networks; Providing software for use in designing, managing, measuring, analyzing, disseminating, and serving advertising of others; Application service provider featuring application programming interface (API) software for managing, tracking, reporting and measuring media planning, media buying and advertising of others; Online ad-buying platform provider, namely, providing non-downloadable software programs for allowing buyers and sellers of online advertising to purchase and sell advertising inventory; Platform as a service (PAAS) featuring computer software platforms for use in purchasing and disseminating advertising; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software for use in buying, selling, designing, managing, tracking, valuing, optimizing, targeting, analyzing, delivery, and reporting of online advertising and marketing; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software for use in designing and managing online advertising and marketing campaigns; Designing and developing computer game software and video game software for use with computers, video game program systems and computer networks; Development of hardware for use in connection with electronic and interactive multimedia games; Electronic and interactive multimedia game development services; Providing online facilities that gives users the ability to upload, modify and share virtual reality content, information, experiences and data; Providing online facilities that gives users the ability to upload, modify and share augmented reality content, information, experiences and data; Providing online facilities that gives users the ability to upload, modify and share mixed reality content, information, experiences and data; Design, engineering, research, development and testing services in the field of mobile application software development related to the use and functionality of hyperlinks; Technical consultation in the field of mobile application software development related to the use and functionality of hyperlinks; Providing software enabling development, assessment, testing, and maintenance of mobile software applications for portable computing devices; Educational services, namely, organizing and conducting conferences and seminars in the fields of artificial intelligence and the internet of things; Providing user authentication services using single sign-on and software technology for e-commerce transactions; Providing user authentication services of electronic funds transfer, credit and debit card and electronic check transactions using single sign-on and software technology; Providing an application programming interface (API) to allow users to perform electronic business transactions via the internet; Providing software for processing electronic payments; Platform as a service (PAAS) services featuring computer software to allow users to perform business and e-commerce transactions; Providing application programming interface (API) software for use in electronic messaging and transmission of audio, video, images, text, content and data; Platform as a service (PAAS) featuring computer software platforms for electronic messaging and transmission of audio, video, photographic images, text, graphics and data; Providing software for electronic messaging; Mapping services; Providing software for mapping services; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software for mapping services; Providing software for sharing and displaying a user's location, planning activities with other users and making recommendations; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software to enable or facilitate the sharing and displaying a user's location, planning activities with other users and making recommendations; Providing software for social and destination mapping; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software to enable or facilitate social and destination mapping; Providing software for making reservations and bookings; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software to enable or facilitate making reservations and bookings; Providing software for ordering and/or purchasing goods and services; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software to enable or facilitate ordering and/or purchasing goods and services; Providing location-aware software for searching, determining and sharing the location of goods, services and events of interest; Application service provider (ASP) featuring location-aware software for searching, determining and sharing the location of goods, services and events of interest; Providing software for creating, managing and accessing user-created and administered private groups within virtual communities; Providing software for searching and identifying local and location-based points of interest, events, landmarks, employment opportunities, entertainment, cultural events, shopping and offers; Providing software for searching and identifying employment opportunities; Providing software for identifying and allowing users to contact government representatives; Providing software for providing a virtual marketplace; Providing software for providing location-based weather information; Providing software for providing, linking to, or streaming news or current events information; Providing software for facilitating interaction and communication between humans and AI (artificial intelligence) platforms; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software to enable or facilitate interaction and communication between humans and AI (artificial intelligence) platforms; Design of augmented reality and virtual reality effects for use in modifying photographs, images, videos and audio-visual content; Providing online facilities that gives users the ability to upload, modify and share virtual reality content and data; Providing online facilities that gives users the ability to upload, modify and share augmented reality content and data; Providing online facilities that gives users the ability to upload, modify and share mixed reality content and data; Online video ad-buying platform provider, namely, providing non-downloadable software programs for allowing buyers and sellers of online video advertising to purchase and sell video advertising inventory; Platform as a service (PAAS) featuring computer software platforms for use in purchasing and disseminating advertising; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software for use in buying, selling, tracking, valuing, optimizing, targeting, analyzing, delivery, and reporting of online advertising and marketing; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software for use in designing and managing online video advertising and marketing campaigns; Providing online facilities that give users the ability to engage in social networking and manage their social networking content; Providing software for creating and managing social media profiles and user accounts; Providing software for modifying photographs, images and audio, video, and audio-video content with photographic filters and augmented reality (AR) effects, namely, graphics, animations, text, drawings, geotags, metadata tags, hyperlinks; Software for viewing and interacting with a feed of electronic media, namely, images, audio-visual and video content, live streaming video, commentary, advertisements, news, and internet links; Providing software for finding content and content publishers, and for subscribing to content; Providing software for organizing images, video, and audio-visual content using metadata tags; Computer services, namely, creating a virtual community for registered users to share, view, subscribe to and interact with images, audio-visual and video content and related data and information; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software for social networking, managing social networking content, creating a virtual community, and transmission of images, audio-visual and video content, photographs, videos, data, text, messages, advertisements, media advertising communications and information; Application service provider (ASP) featuring application programming interface (API) software which facilitates online services for social networking, developing software applications; Platform as a service (PAAS) featuring software platforms for social networking, managing social networking content, creating a virtual community, and transmission of images, audio-visual and video content, photographs, videos, data, text, messages, advertisements, media advertising communications and information; Rental of software that gives users the ability to upload, edit, and share images, videos and audio-visual content; Computer services, namely, curating online user-defined content and advertisements and creating social media feeds; Providing software for taking photographs and recording audio, audio-visual and video content; Providing software for uploading, downloading, archiving, enabling transmission of, and sharing images, audio-visual and video content and associated text and data; Providing software for streaming multimedia entertainment content; Providing software for creating and maintaining an online presence for individuals, groups, companies, and brands; Providing software for advertisers to communicate and interact with online communities; Personal assistant software; Social assistant software; Providing online facilities featuring temporary use of non-downloadable software for sending and receiving electronic messages, instant messages, electronic message alerts and reminders, photographs, images, graphics, data, audio, videos and audio-visual content via the internet and communication networks; E-commerce software to allow users to perform electronic business transactions via the internet; Providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for accessing, collecting, displaying, editing, linking, modifying, organizing, tagging, streaming, sharing, storing, transmitting, and otherwise providing electronic media, photographs, images, graphics, audio, videos, audio-visual content, data and information via the internet and communication networks; Providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for use in facilitating voice over internet protocol (VOIP) calls, phone calls, video calls, text messages, electronic message, instant message, and online social networking services; Application service provider (ASP) services featuring software to enable or facilitate voice over internet protocol (VOIP) calls, phone calls, video calls, text messages, electronic message, instant message, and online social networking services; Computer services, namely, providing information in the fields of technology and software development via the internet and communication networks; Providing software for use in taking and editing photographs and recording and editing videos; Application service provider (ASP) featuring software to enable or facilitate taking and editing photographs and recording and editing videos; Design and development of computer game hardware and software; Design and development of virtual reality hardware and software; Design and development of mixed reality hardware and software; Design and development of video game hardware and software; Providing temporary use of non-downloadable software applications for social networking, creating a virtual community, and transmission of virtual reality content and data; Computer services in the nature of providing customized online pages featuring user-defined or specified information, personal profiles, virtual reality, and augmented reality content and data; Computer programming services for creating virtual reality videos and games; Design and development of augmented reality hardware and software; Software development; Development of interactive multimedia software; Maintenance and repair of computer software; Providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for transmitting, sharing, receiving, downloading, displaying, interacting with and transferring content, text, visual works, audio works, audiovisual works, literary works, data, files, documents and electronic works; Computer services, namely, providing information in the fields of technology and software development via a global computer network; Technical support services, namely, troubleshooting in the nature of diagnosing computer hardware and software problems; Computer services, namely, cloud hosting provider services; Providing temporary use of online non-downloadable cloud computing software for use in electronic storage of data; Providing temporary use of online non-downloadable cloud computing software for virtual, augmented reality applications and environments; File sharing services, namely, providing online facilities for others featuring technology enabling users to upload and download electronic files; Computer services, namely, hosting electronic facilities for others for interactive discussions via communication networks; Providing online non-downloadable software; Application service provider, namely, providing, hosting, managing, developing, and maintaining applications, software, web sites, and databases in the fields of wireless communication, mobile information access, and remote data management for wireless delivery of content to handheld computers, laptops and mobile electronic devices; Application service provider (ASP); Providing online facilities that give users the ability to upload, modify and share audio, video, photographic images, text, graphics and data; Providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software and applications for instant messaging, voice over internet protocol (VOIP), video conferencing, and audio conferencing; Computer services, namely, creating an online community for registered users to engage in social networking; Data encryption services; Encrypted electronic transmission and delivery of recovered data; Providing software and applications for customer relationship management (CRM); Application service provider (ASP) featuring software for customer relationship management (CRM); Providing online software platform services that give users the ability to post ratings, reviews, referrals and recommendations relating to businesses, restaurants, service providers, events, public services and government agencies; Computer services, in particular, application service provider featuring application programming interface (API) software for customer relationship management (CRM); Hosting of digital [virtual reality and augmented reality] content on the internet; Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; Industrial analysis and research services; Computer services, namely, providing remote management of devices via computer networks, wireless networks or the internet; Providing software for facilitating and arranging for the financing and distribution of fundraising and donations; Providing software for online charitable fundraising services and financial donation services
Class 045
Personal & Legal & Social Services
Social introduction and networking and dating services; Providing access to computer databases and online searchable databases in the fields of social networking, social introduction and dating; Providing information in the field of personal development, self-improvement, self-fulfillment, charitable, philanthropic, volunteer, public and community services, and humanitarian activities; Providing concierge services for others, namely, booking reservations, facilitating purchases, arranging deliveries, making requested personal arrangements, providing recommendations on products and services, providing customer-specific information to meet individual needs, and provision of electronic reminders and notifications; Online social networking services; Providing information in the form of databases featuring information in the fields of social networking and social introduction; User verification services; Identification verification services; Business identification verification services; Legal services
Computer hardware; Software for social networking and interacting with...
Cayoosh Holdings Inc.
2008575 · 29 Jan 2020
Class 040
Treatment & Processing of Materials Services
Operation of a cannabis derivative extraction and processing facility; consulting services in the field of extraction and processing of cannabis;
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Research related to cannabis and medical cannabis; research, development and design of processes, methods and systems used in the extraction of cannabis derivatives;
Class 044
Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services
Consulting services, namely regulatory guidance, process development, formulation development, basic research, patient population surveys, clinical research and analytics, all in the field of cannabis and medical cannabis; horticulture; consultancy services relating to horticulture; cultivation of plants; consultancy services relating to the cultivation of plants;
Operation of a cannabis derivative extraction and processing facility;...
The BRN Group Inc.
2005846 · 13 Jan 2020
Class 003
Cosmetics and Cleaning Products
Hemp-derived products; cannabidiol [CBD] oil; non-alcoholic beverages; spirits; smoker's articles; smoking accessories; products containing cannabis; products containing cannabidiol [CBD] oil
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Cannabidiol [CBD] oil for cosmetic purposes; cosmetics; cosmetics containing cannabis; cosmetics containing cannabidiol [CBD] oil
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Medicinal cannabis; cannabidiol [CBD] oil for medical purposes
Class 022
Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products
Smoking accessories, namely, batteries for electronic cigarettes and battery chargers for electronic cigarettes
Class 023
Yarns and Threads
Hemp; hemp-derived products, namely, hemp bands, hemp fibers, and hemp nettings
Class 024
Hemp-derived products, namely, hemp thread and hemp yarn
Class 029
Meats and Processed Food Products
Hemp-derived products, namely, hemp cloth and hemp fabric
Class 030
Staple Food Products
Cannabidiol [CBD] oil for food
Class 031
Natural Agricultural Products
Non-alcoholic beverages, namely, non-alcoholic coffee based beverages, non-alcoholic tea-based beverages, and non-alcoholic chocolate-based beverages
Class 032
Light Beverage Products
Live cannabis plants; live hemp plants
Class 034
Smoker's Products
Non-alcoholic beverages, namely, fruit drinks, fruit juices, fruit-flavoured drinks, fruit-based drinks, non-alcoholic vegetable juice beverages, non-alcoholic beer, non-alcoholic beer-flavoured beverages, non-alcoholic carbonated beverages, non-alcoholic cocktails, non-alcoholic cocktail mixes, and non-alcoholic wine; non-alcoholic beverages containing cannabis, namely, fruit drinks, fruit juices, fruit-flavoured drinks, fruit-based drinks, non-alcoholic vegetable juice beverages, non-alcoholic beer, non-alcoholic beer-flavoured beverages, non-alcoholic carbonated beverages, non-alcoholic cocktails, non-alcoholic cocktail mixes, and non-alcoholic wine; non-alcoholic beverages containing cannabidiol [CBD] oil, namely, fruit drinks, fruit juices, fruit-flavoured drinks, fruit-based drinks, non-alcoholic vegetable juice beverages, non-alcoholic beer, non-alcoholic beer-flavoured beverages, non-alcoholic carbonated beverages, non-alcoholic cocktails, non-alcoholic cocktail mixes, and non-alcoholic wine
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Dried cannabis; cannabidiol [CBD] oil for electronic cigarettes; cannabidiol [CBD] oil for oral vaporizers for smoking; smoker's articles, namely, lighters for smokers, ashtrays for smokers of precious metal, oral vaporizers for smokers, smoking pipes, electronic smoking pipes, smoking pipe cleaners, smoking pipe scourers, cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, cases for electronic cigarettes, chemical flavourings in liquid form used to refill electronic cigarette cartridges, cigarette paper, cigarette rollers, cigarette filters, hookahs, and electronic hookahs
Hemp-derived products; cannabidiol [CBD] oil; non-alcoholic beverages;...
on 16 Sept 2024
1999924 · 6 Dec 2019
Class 029
Meats and Processed Food Products
Fresh and Frozen Seafood; Pasteurized crabmeat; Smoked Seafood
Fresh and Frozen Seafood; Pasteurized crabmeat; Smoked Seafood
on 11 May 2022
1996337 · 15 Nov 2019
Class 038
Communications Services
Podcasting of news shows
Podcasting of news shows
on 21 Dec 2022
1995169 · 11 Nov 2019
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Wholesale and retail services connected with the online prescribing of pharmaceutical and medical preparations, namely for birth control, contraceptives, anxiety, hair loss, skin care and sexual health
Wholesale and retail services connected with the online prescribing of...
Fromagerie bergeron inc. (10)
Peace collective inc. (7)
Petsmart home office llc (6)
Petsmart home office llc (6)
Saputo produits laitiers canada s.E.N.C. / saputo dairy products canada g.P. (6)
Ab initio llc (5)
Agropur cooperative (4)
Loblaws inc. (4)
Planet medical group ltd. (4)
Aviation publishers co. ltd. (3)
Class 35 (156)
Class 29 (143)
Class 42 (90)
Class 41 (85)
Class 9 (76)
Class 16 (72)
Class 30 (72)
Class 25 (61)
Class 31 (61)
Class 5 (54)
Class 3 (51)
Class 36 (46)
Class 39 (46)
Class 44 (42)
Class 21 (41)
Class 40 (41)
Class 37 (40)
Class 43 (36)
Class 14 (35)
Class 28 (35)
Class 32 (34)
Class 45 (34)
Class 20 (31)
Class 1 (30)
Class 18 (30)
Class 11 (28)
Class 38 (28)
Class 33 (27)
Class 24 (24)
Class 6 (22)
Class 8 (21)
Class 10 (19)
Class 19 (19)
Class 12 (18)
Class 26 (18)
Class 4 (17)
Class 34 (17)
Class 2 (16)
Class 17 (16)
Class 22 (15)
Class 7 (14)
Class 27 (14)
Class 13 (11)
Class 15 (9)
Class 23 (9)
Smart & biggar lp (71)
Gowling wlg (canada) llp (36)
Borden ladner gervais llp (26)
Robic agence pi s.E.C./ robic ip agency lp (16)
Marks & clerk (12)
Osler, hoskin & harcourt llp (12)
Lavery, de billy, llp (10)
Stephane lamonde (10)
Macrae & co. (8)
Apply for Trademark
Select countries to protect your logo trademark
Trademark Name
Country Selected
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
United States
$99 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
European Union
$700 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
South Korea
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$99 / 1 class + gov fee
United Kingdom
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$299 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
United Arab Emirates
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
New Zealand
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
South Africa
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Saudi Arabia
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
British Virgin Islands
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
Costa Rica
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Czech Republic
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Dominican Republic
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
El Salvador
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Hong Kong (SAR)
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$1499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Madrid Protocol (WIPO)
$1999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Puerto Rico
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Sri Lanka
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
United Republic of Tanzania
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
West Bank, Palestine
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Antigua and Barbuda
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Bosnia and Herzegovina
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Burkina Faso
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
Cabo Verde
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Central African Republic (CAR)
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Cote d'Ivoire
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Equatorial Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
Marshall Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
North Macedonia
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Papua New Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Kitts and Nevis
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Lucia
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
San Marino
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sao Tome and Principe
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sierra Leone
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Solomon Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
South Sudan
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1599 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Trinidad and Tobago
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee