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ADVERSITY RIDER PHILIPPE LABONVILLE 1818172 16 Jan 2017 | REGISTERED on 18 Jan 2020 | Ailes de fées; anoraks; anoraks de snowboard; articles d'habillement a... Class 025 Class 025 Clothing Products Ailes de fées; anoraks; anoraks de snowboard; articles d'habillement athlétiques; ascots; aubes; bandages pour épaules; bandanas; bandeaux absorbants; bandeaux antisudation; bandeaux contre la sueur; bandeaux contre la transpiration; bandeaux pour poignets; bandes de soutien de tournure pour l'obi [obiage]; bas absorbants; bas de maillots de bain; bas de pyjamas; bas nylon; bas sudorifuges; bavettes; bavettes pour les sports; bavoirs en tissu; bérets; bermudas; bikinis; blazers; bleu de travail; blouses; blouses de coiffeurs pour hommes; blouses pour dames; blousons; blousons d'aviateur; blousons d'entrainement; blue jeans; boléros; bonneterie; bonnets de bain; bonnets de douche; bonnets de natation; bonnets de nuit; bonnets en laine de type écossais; bonnets tricotés; bottes; bottes après-ski; bottes d'alpinisme; bottes de basketball; bottes de chasse; bottes de moto; bottes de planches à neige; bottes de pluie; bottes de randonnée pédestre; bottes de ski; bottes de ski et de planche à neige et pièces connexes; bottes de travail; bottes d'équitation; bottes d'hiver; bottes en caoutchouc; bottes pour bébés; bottes pour femmes; bottes pour motocyclisme; bottines; bouts de chaussures; boxer-shorts; brassières; bretelles; bretelles de pantalons; brodequins; bustiers; bustiers tubulaires; cabans; cache-col; cache-cols; cache-corset; cache-cous; cache-maillots; cache-oreilles; cache-poussière; cache-poussières; cache-pudeurs; cafetans; caleçons; caleçons de bain; calottes; camisoles; canadiennes; capes; capes de coiffure; cardigans; carénages de motos; casques à visière; casques de natation; casquettes; casquettes à visière; casquettes de base-ball; casquettes de baseball; casquettes de golf; casquettes de softball; casquettes et chapeaux de sport; casquettes promotionnelles; ceintures; ceintures de cuir; ceintures de smoking; ceintures d'habillement; ceintures en cuir; ceintures en imitation cuir; ceintures en tissu; ceintures montées; ceintures porte-billets; ceintures porte-jarretelles; ceintures porte-monnaie; ceintures pour kimonos [datemaki]; ceintures-écharpes pour kimono [obis]; ceinturons; châles; châles et étoles; châles et fichus; chandails; chandails à cols roulés; chandails à manches longues; chandails de baseball; chandails de hockey; chandails de sport et culottes de sport; chandails décolletés; chandails d'équipe; chandails molletonnés; chandails piqués; chandails tricotés; chapeaux; chapeaux de fantaisie; chapeaux de fourrure; chapeaux de mode; chapeaux de paille; chapeaux de soleil; chapeaux de tissu; chapeaux de tricot; chapeaux en carex (suge-gasa); chapeaux en laine; chapeaux en papier utilisés comme articles vestimentaires; chapeaux imperméables; chapeaux tricotés; chaps; chasubles; chaussettes; chaussettes antisudorifiques; chaussettes de sport; chaussettes de style japonais [couvre-tabi]; chaussettes de style japonais [tabi]; chaussettes en laine; chaussettes et bas; chaussettes longues; chaussettes pour hommes; chaussons de ballet; chaussons de danse; chaussons d'escalade; chaussons pliants pour femmes; chaussures athlétiques; chaussures d'athlétisme; chaussures de baseball; chaussures de basketball; chaussures de boxe; chaussures de course; chaussures de curling; chaussures de cycliste; chaussures de détente; chaussures de football; chaussures de football américain; chaussures de football et crampons connexes; chaussures de golf; chaussures de gymnastique; chaussures de handball; chaussures de hockey; chaussures de jogging; chaussures de marche; chaussures de mariage; chaussures de montagne; chaussures de pêcheur; chaussures de plage; chaussures de pluie; chaussures de quilles; chaussures de randonnée; chaussures de rugby; chaussures de ski; chaussures de snowboard; chaussures de soccer; chaussures de soirée; chaussures de sport; chaussures de tennis; chaussures de toile; chaussures de travail; chaussures de vélo de montagne; chaussures de volleyball; chaussures de yachting; chaussures d'eau; chaussures décontractées; chaussures d'entraînement; chaussures d'équitation; chaussures d'escalade; chaussures d'extérieur pour l'hiver; chaussures en bois; chaussures en caoutchouc; chaussures en cuir; chaussures et bottes de travail; chaussures et bottes pour nourrissons; chaussures habillées; chaussures pour bébés; chaussures pour enfants; chaussures pour femmes; chaussures pour le personnel médical; chaussures pour l'entrainement; chaussures sport; chaussures tout-aller; chemises; chemises à col; chemises à col boutonné; chemises à manches courtes; chemises à manches longues; chemises de nuit; chemises de sport; chemises en denim; chemises habillées; chemises polos; chemises pour costumes; chemises pour dames; chemises pour enfants; chemises pour femmes; chemises pour hommes; chemises sports à manches courtes; chemises tissées; chemises tout-aller; chemises tricotées; chemisettes; claques; collants; collants sportifs; cols; combinaisons de plage; combinaisons de ski; combinaisons de ski nautique; combinaisons de travail; combinaisons de vol; combinaisons étanches pour le ski nautique et la plongée; combinaisons isothermes pour la plongée; combinaisons-pantalons; combinaisons-slips; combinés-slips; complets pour hommes; complets-vestons; cordons à la taille pour kimonos [koshihimo]; cordons de serrage pour kimonos (datejime); cordons pour haori [haori-himo]; corsages bain-de-soleil; corselets; corsets pour athlètes; costumes; costumes de bain; costumes de détente; costumes de jogging; costumes de mascarade; costumes de planche à neige; costumes de ski pour la compétition; costumes d'Halloween; costumes en cuir; costumes habillés; costumes latex; coupe-vent; coupe-vents; couronnes de mariées; coussinage de chaussures; couvre-chaussures; couvre-oreilles; crampons de balle molle; crampons de baseball; crampons de chaussures de football; crampons de football; crampons pour les souliers de curling; cravates; cuissards; cuissards à bretelles; cuissards de vélo; culottes; culottes brésiliennes; culottes de boxe; culottes de golf; culottes de hockey; culottes flottantes; culottes pour bébés; culottes [sous-vêtements]; débardeurs; débardeurs de sport; demi-bottes; déshabillés; dessous [sous-vêtements]; dessous-de-bras; devanteaux; dormeuses-couvertures; duffel-coat; écharpes; écharpes d'épaules; écharpes vestimentaires; empeignes de chaussures; empiècements de chemises; ensembles imperméables; espadrilles; espadrilles de basketball; étoles; étoles en fourrure; Étoles [fourrures]; fedoras; ferrures de chaussures; fichus; fixe chaussettes; fixe-chaussettes; foulards; foulards de cou; foulards de soie; foulards de tête; foulards pour la tête; gaines de lingerie; gaines-culottes; galoches; gants; gants à doigts conducteurs pouvant être portés lors de l'utilisation de dispositifs électroniques portables à écran tactile; gants de conduite; gants de cuir; gants de cyclistes; gants de motocyclisme; gants de ski; gants d'équitation; gants d'hiver; gants en tricot; gants pour cyclistes; gants pour écran tactile; garnitures métalliques pour sabots de bois japonais; gilets; gilets à manches longues; gilets coupe-vent; gilets de corps pour kimonos [juban]; gilets de corps pour kimonos [koshimaki]; gilets de pêche; gilets de poids; gilets d'escrime; gilets en peau de mouton; gilets sans manches traditionnels pour femmes de style coréen [baeja]; glisseurs de curling; guêtres; guimpes [vêtements]; habillement pour cyclistes; habits de motoneige; habits latex; hauts à capuchons; hauts courts; hauts de rugby; hauts de survêtements; hauts d'entraînement; hauts en molleton; hauts en tricot; hauts molletonnés; hauts sabots de pluie (ashida); hauts tissés; hauts tricotés; hauts-de-forme; imperméables; insertions aux talons; jambières; jaquettes; jarretelles; jarretelles pour dames; jarretières; jarretières pour hommes; jeans; jeans en denim; jodhpurs; jumpers; jupes; jupes de golf; jupes et robes; jupes habillées; jupes plissées pour kimonos de cérémonie [hakama]; jupes-shorts; jupons; jupons courts; justaucorps; justaucorps pour bébés et enfants en bas âge; kilts; kimonos; kimonos longs [nagagi]; knickerbockers; knickers; languettes pour chaussures et bottes; lavallières; layettes; layettes de bébé; lingerie; lingerie féminine; lingerie pour dames; livrées; maillot de bain pour hommes; maillots; maillots de bain; maillots de bain ajustés avec bonnets de soutien-gorge; maillots de bain pour femmes; maillots de bain une pièce; maillots de baseball; maillots de hockey; maillots de rugby; maillots de sport; maillots de tennis; maillots d'équipe; maillots sans manche; maillots sans manches; maillots sportifs; manchettes de bottes; manchettes vestimentaires; manchons de fourrure; manchons pour cols; manteaux; manteaux conter le vent; manteaux coupe-vent; manteaux courts; manteaux de cuir; manteaux de plage; manteaux de soirée; manteaux d'hiver; manteaux en coton; manteaux en denim; manteaux en peau de mouton; manteaux et vestes de fourrure; manteaux pour dames; manteaux pour dames et hommes; manteaux pour hommes; manteaux sport; mantes; mantilles; masques de sommeil; masques pour dormir; mi-bas; mitaines; mocassins; molletières; monokinis; mouchoirs de cou; mouchoirs de poche; mules; muu muus; nappes d'autel; noeuds papillon; ornements de cou amovibles pour kimonos [haneri]; paletots; paletots d'auto; pantalons; pantalons capri; pantalons cargo; pantalons courts; pantalons de golf; pantalons de jogging; pantalons de neige; pantalons de ski; pantalons de snowboard; pantalons de survêtement; pantalons d'entraînement; pantalons en cuir; pantalons en denim; pantalons en velours côtelé; pantalons habillés; pantalons imperméables; pantalons molletonnés; pantalons pour bébés; pantalons pour la pluie; pantalons pour nourrissons; pantalons tout-aller; pantalons-bottes pour la pêche; pantaminis; pantoufles; pantoufles de bain; pantoufles en cuir; pantoufles-chaussettes; pardessus coréens [durumagi]; pardessus courts pour kimonos [haori]; paréos; pare-soleil; paréus; parkas; passe-orteils pour sandales japonaises (zori); passe-orteils pour socques japonais en bois; peignoirs; peignoirs de bain; peignoirs de plage; peignoirs japonais [nemaki]; pèlerines; petites culottes; petits chapeaux; pièces de protection en métal pour chaussures et bottes; pièces principales de sabot japonais en bois; plastrons de chemises; poches de vêtements; pochettes [habillement]; polos; ponchos; ponchos imperméables; porte-jarretelles; pourpoints; pull-overs à capuche; pulls d'entraînement; pulls d'entraînement à capuchon; pulls molletonnés; pyjamas; pyjamas de détente; pyjamas de plage; régates; robes; robes de cérémonie pour femmes; robes de chambre; robes de chambre et sorties de bain; robes de demoiselles d'honneur; robes de mariage; robes de mariée; robes de mariées; robes de noces; robes de nuit; robes de soirée; robes d'intérieur; robes du soir; robes en peaux; robes traditionnelles chinoises [Cheongsam]; robes-chasubles; sabots; sabots [chaussures]; sabots en bois de style japonais [geta]; sabots en bois [hiyori-geta]; sabots en bois [koma-geta]; sabots et sandales de style japonais; sacs à bottes; sacs de bottes de ski; salopettes; salopettes de ski; sandales; sandales de bain; sandales de style japonais en cuir; sandales de style japonais en feutre; sandales de style japonais [zoris]; sandales et chaussures de plage; sandales japonaises avec passe-orteil [asaura-zori]; sandales tong; sarapes; saris; sarongs; sarraus; sarraux de laboratoire; semelles; semelles adhérentes; semelles antidérapantes; semelles de caoutchouc pour jikatabi; semelles de chaussures; semelles de chaussures servant à la réparation; semelles et talons à relief en caoutchouc ou en plastique; semelles intérieures; semelles intérieures pour chaussures et bottes; semelles plate-formes; semelles pour pantoufles; semelles pour réparation de chaussures; semelles pour sandales japonaises; serre-poignets; serre-tête; serre-têtes; shorts; shorts athlétiques; shorts de course; shorts de gymnastique; shorts de marche; shorts de rugby; shorts de tennis; shorts molletonnés; slip boxeur; slips; smokings; socques; socquettes; sorties de bain; souliers; souliers de bain; souliers de gymnastique; souliers de sport; souliers de vélo; sous-pieds; sous-vêtements; sous-vêtements absorbant la transpiration; sous-vêtements féminins; sous-vêtements isothermes; sous-vêtements longs; sous-vêtements pour femmes; sous-vêtements pour hommes; sous-vêtements tissés; sous-vêtements tricotés; soutanes; soutiens-gorge; soutiens-gorge de sport; soutiens-gorge sans bretelles; supports en bois pour sabots japonais en bois; supports-chaussettes; surpantalons; survêtements; survêtements de sport; sweat-shirts; tabliers; tailleurs jupes; tailleurs pour femmes; tailleurs-pantalons; talonnettes pour chaussures; talonnettes pour les bas; talons; talons de chaussure; tankinis; tee-shirts; tee-shirts à manches longues; tenues de détente; tenues de jogging; tenues de judo; tenues de karaté; tenues de kendo; tenues de lutte; tenues de soirée; tenues de Taekwondo; tenues d'entraînement; tenues militaires; tiges de bottes; tiges en rotin tissé pour sandales japonaises; tiges pour sandales japonaises; toges; tongs; toques; tournures pour noeuds d'obis [obiage-shin]; trench; trépointes de chaussures; t-shirts; t-shirts promotionnels; tuniques; turbans; tutus; uniformes d'arts martiaux; uniformes de baseball; uniformes de football; uniformes de hockey; uniformes de soccer; uniformes de sport; uniformes militaires; uniformes pour le personnel médical; uniformes scolaires; vestes; vestes à capuchon; vestes avec manches; vestes chemises; vestes coquilles; vestes coupe-vent; vestes de cuir; vestes de golf; vestes de pêcheur; vestes de pêcheurs; vestes de plage; vestes de ski; vestes d'équitation; vestes d'extérieur; vestes d'extérieur coréennes portées au dessus des vêtements de base [magoja]; vestes d'hiver; vestes en denim; vestes en duvet; vestes en fourrure; vestes en jean; vestes en suède; vestes en tricot; vestes et chaussettes; vestes et pantalons imperméables; vestes imperméables; vestes longues; vestes molletonnées; vestes pour motocyclisme; vestes pour safaris; vestes réfléchissantes; vestes sans manches; vestes sport; vestons de complets; vestons d'intérieur; vestons sport; vêtements athlétiques; vêtements d'affaires; vêtements de bain; vêtements de bain pour hommes et femmes; vêtements de camouflage pour la chasse; vêtements de dessous; vêtements de golf; vêtements de gymnastique; vêtements de mariage; vêtements de maternité; vêtements de nuit; vêtements de plage; vêtements de pluie; vêtements de protection contre le soleil; vêtements de ski; vêtements de soirée; vêtements de sport pour femmes; vêtements de tennis; vêtements décontractés; vêtements décontractés comprenant des pantalons, robes et shorts; vêtements d'entrainement; vêtements d'entraînement; vêtements d'exercice; vêtements d'hiver d'extérieur; vêtements, pantalons en particulier; vêtements, particulièrement pantalons; vêtements pour bébés; vêtements pour dormir; vêtements pour enfants; vêtements pour la nuit; vêtements pour la pêche; vêtements pour le haut du corps de costumes traditionnels coréens [jeogori]; vêtements pour le ski; vêtements pour nourrissons; vêtements, soit pantalons; vêtements sport; vêtements sports; vêtements tout-aller; visières de casquette; visières de casquettes; visières pour athlètes; voiles pour dames | ||
RETURN TO SENDER RETURN TO SENDER LTD 1817951 12 Jan 2017 | REGISTERED on 11 Dec 2019 | Computers; computer hardware; computer software, namely for use in dat... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Computers; computer hardware; computer software, namely for use in database management and word processing, for connecting computer network users and global computer networks, for e-commerce, namely, to allow users to perform electronic business transactions via a global computer network, for disseminating advertising for others, for use in database management, for accessing information directories that may be downloaded from the global computer network in the fields of transportation and delivery of goods by air, truck and rail, for application and database integration, for transmitting data in the fields of delivery and transport of goods, supply chain logistics and reverse logistics to users of hand-held computers, for controlling and managing access server applications; computer software for wireless content delivery; computer software for use in collecting, editing, organizing, modifying, book marking, transmitting, storing and sharing of data, namely, personal and customer data, and information, all in the fields of delivery and transport of goods, supply chain logistics and reverse logistics; computer software for sending and forwarding of text messages; computer software for returning unwanted e-mails; computer programs for use in database management and word processing; computer programs for delivering multimedia content, namely, text, audio, graphics, images, audio, visual and audiovisual files, all in the fields of delivery and transport of goods, supply chain logistics and reverse logistics; computer programs for document management; mouse mats; pre-recorded audio and video tapes, cassettes, computer discs, CDs, DVDs and CD-Roms containing information in the fields of fashion, politics, social commentary, environmental and global issues, and information about mail and mail forwarding; downloadable electronic publications namely, electronic magazines, catalogues, newspapers and newsletters featuring fashion, design, politics, culture, social commentary, environmental and global issues, and information about mail and mail forwarding; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods, namely, blank floppy discs, blank hard computer discs, blank tapes for storage of computer data, computer serial ports, computer servers, mounting racks for computer hardware, wireless computer peripherals and computer storage devices, namely, flash drives, computer terminals Class 016 Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Printed matter, namely, catalogues, magazines, printed greeting cards, printed calendars, paper stationery, paper; printed publications, namely, magazines, newspapers, journals, leaflets, flyers, brochures, catalogues; paper; articles made from paper, namely, writing paper, posters; articles made from card, namely, place cards, trading cards, gift cards, calling cards, post cards; office requisites except furniture, namely, staplers, paper clips, blotters, diaries, pens, pencils, erasers; paperweights; stamps, namely ink stampers, date stamps; rubber stamps; adhesives for stationery ... Class 025 Clothing Products Casual clothing, beachwear, loungewear, rainwear, skiwear, underwear, infant clothing, men's, women's and children's pants, shorts, leggings, coats, shirts, sweaters and sweatshirts, neckwear, namely, scarves; footwear, namely shoes, boots, casual footwear, athletic footwear and children's footwear; headwear, namely, caps and hats Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Advertising the goods and services of others through all public communication means; dissemination of advertising matter for others; providing advertising space in a periodical, on the Internet, in newspapers, and in magazines and in distributed printed leaflets; rental of advertising space; retail store services featuring computers, computer hardware, computer software, computer programs, mouse mats, pre-recorded audio and video tapes, cassettes, computer discs, CDs, DVDs and CD-Roms containing information in the fields of fashion, politics, social commentary, environmental and global issues, and information about mail and mail forwarding, electronic publications, namely, magazines, catalogues, newspapers and newsletters, parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods, namely, blank floppy discs, blank hard computer discs, blank tapes for storage of computer data, computer serial ports, computer servers, mounting racks for computer hardware, wireless computer peripherals and computer storage devices, namely, flash drives, computer terminals, printed matter, namely, catalogues, magazines, printed greeting cards, printed calendars, stationery, paper, articles made from paper, namely, writing paper, posters, articles made from card, namely, place cards, trading cards, gift cards, calling cards, post cards, packing paper, paper packaging materials, plastic packaging materials, stationery, office requisites except furniture, namely, staplers, paper clips, blotters, diaries, pens, pencils, erasers, paperweights, stamps, namely ink stampers, date stamps, rubber stamps, postcards, adhesives for stationery, and articles of clothing, footwear, and headwear; mail order retail store services featuring computers, computer hardware, computer software, computer programs, mouse mats, pre-recorded audio and video tapes, cassettes, computer discs, CDs, DVDs and CD-Roms containing information in the fields of fashion, politics, social commentary, environmental and global issues, and information about mail and mail forwarding, electronic publications, namely, magazines, catalogues, newspapers and newsletters, parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods, namely, blank floppy discs, blank hard computer discs, blank tapes for storage of computer data, computer serial ports, computer servers, mounting racks for computer hardware, wireless computer peripherals and computer storage devices, namely, flash drives, computer terminals, printed matter, namely, catalogues, magazines, printed greeting cards, printed calendars, stationery, paper, articles made from paper, namely, writing paper, posters, articles made from card, namely, place cards, trading cards, gift cards, calling cards, post cards, packing paper, paper packaging materials, plastic packaging materials, stationery, office requisites except furniture, namely, staplers, paper clips, blotters, diaries, pens, pencils, erasers, paperweights, stamps, rubber stamps, namely ink stampers, date stamps, postcards, adhesives for stationery, and articles of clothing, footwear, and headwear; electronic shopping retail services featuring computers, computer hardware, computer software, computer programs, mouse mats, pre-recorded audio and video tapes, cassettes, computer discs, CDs, DVDs and CD-Roms containing information in the fields of fashion, politics, social commentary, environmental and global issues, and information about mail and mail forwarding, electronic publications, namely, magazines, catalogues, newspapers and newsletters, parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods, namely, blank floppy discs, blank hard computer discs, blank tapes for storage of computer data, computer serial ports, computer servers, mounting racks for computer hardware, wireless computer peripherals and computer storage devices, namely, flash drives, computer terminals, printed matter, namely, catalogues, magazines, printed greeting cards, printed calendars, stationery, paper, articles made from paper, namely, writing paper, posters, articles made from card, namely, place cards, trading cards, gift cards, calling cards, post cards, packing paper, paper packaging materials, plastic packaging materials, stationery, office requisites except furniture, namely, staplers, paper clips, blotters, diaries, pens, pencils, erasers, paperweights, stamps, namely ink stampers, date stamps, rubber stamps, postcards, adhesives for stationery, and articles of clothing, footwear, and headwear; providing information in the field of advertising and renting of advertising space; consultation services in the field of advertising and disseminating advertising matter Class 036 Insurance & Financial Services Insurance brokerage; Insurance services Class 039 Transportation & Storage Services Delivery of goods by mail order; Transportation of goods by air; Transportation of goods by rail; Transportation of goods by truck; Delivery of goods by air; Delivery of goods by rail; delivery of goods by truck; Supply chain logistics and reverse logistics services consisting of the transportation of goods for others by air, rail, ship or truck | ||
PODDER INSULET CORPORATION 1817531 10 Jan 2017 | REGISTERED on 18 Oct 2021 | Sunglasses; sunglass chain and cords; lanyards for sunglasses and eyeg... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Sunglasses; sunglass chain and cords; lanyards for sunglasses and eyeglasses; downloadable software in the nature of applications for mobile phone and smart phones providing information and education on managing, treating and living with diabetes; digital media, namely, downloadable computer graphics, downloadable audio and video recordings in the nature of movies, music, computer games, video games, and gifs for mobile phones, smart phones, tablets and digital music and video players, and pre-recorded DVDs and CDs all featuring and providing information about managing and living with diabetes Class 010 Class 010 Medical Instrument Products Medical devices, namely, diabetes monitoring equipment for sampling and analyzing blood and body tissue, infusion pumps, infusion pump controllers and parts and attachments thereof ... Class 014 Jewelry Products Lanyards for holding keys; key chains Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Paper goods and printed materials, namely stickers, decals; newsletters featuring information about managing, treating and living with diabetes; pens and pencils; lanyards for holding paper name badges Class 021 Houseware and Glass Products Household goods, namely mugs, empty reusable water bottles, insulated sleeve holders for bottles Class 025 Clothing Products Casual clothing, including tops and bottoms; hats, t-shirts, shirts Class 028 Toys and Sporting Goods Products Toys, namely plush toys Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Entertainment services in the nature of performances and live appearances by a costumed mascot character at health, diabetes management and wellness exhibitions, medical clinics, medical facilities; entertainment services in the nature of performances and live appearances by a costumed mascot character at social community, charitable and educational events in the general field of health and wellness and diabetes management Class 044 Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services Providing information in the field of diabetes | ||
SKYLEEDER PLASTICAIR INC. 1817295 9 Jan 2017 | REGISTERED on 18 Jun 2019 | Laboratory exhaust fan control systems, laboratory exhaust fans and fa... Class 007 Class 007 Machinery Products Laboratory exhaust fan control systems, laboratory exhaust fans and fan outlet stacks. | ||
COMPRESSOR DEFENDER INTERMATIC INC. 1817063 6 Jan 2017 | REGISTERED on 8 Jul 2019 | Components, namely, electronic sensors, surge protectors, voltage surg... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Components, namely, electronic sensors, surge protectors, voltage surge protectors, under voltage sensors, and voltage surge suppressors that sense and act on conditions that potentially harm compressors used in HVAC units | ||
LIGHT WONDER ISLESTARR HOLDINGS LIMITED 1816843 5 Jan 2017 | REGISTERED on 30 Jul 2021 | Cosmetics, make up; skin care preparations; lipsticks; lip gloss; make... Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Cosmetics, make up; skin care preparations; lipsticks; lip gloss; makeup powder and foundation; Skin moisturisers; cosmetic beauty care preparations, body care preparations namely, body scrubs, shower gels, toners, cleansers, oils, masks and gels for the skin, essential oils for personal use; preparations for removing make-up; lotions, creams and conditioners for the face, hands and body; beauty masks; abrasive cloth; abrasive paper; abrasive sand; adhesives for affixing false hair; after-shave lotions; almond milk for cosmetic purposes; almond oil; almond soap; aloe vera preparations for cosmetic purposes; antiperspirant soap; antiperspirants [toiletries]; astringents for cosmetic purposes; non-medicated lip, body, hand and foot balms; bath salts, not for medical purposes; cosmetic preparations for baths, namely, bath pearls, bath oils, bath cubes, bath powders, bath bombs, bubble baths; beard dyes; beauty masks; bergamot oil; bleaching preparations [decolorants] for cosmetic purposes; breath freshening sprays; breath freshening strips; cakes of toilet soap; essential oils of cedarwood; essential oils of citron; cleansing milk for toilet purposes; color removing preparations for hair; at-home color brightening preparations for cosmetic purposes; cosmetic kits; cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes; cosmetics for animals; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; cosmetic creams; dental bleaching gels; deodorant soap; deodorants for human beings; deodorants for animals; depilatories; depilatory preparations; disinfectant soap; douching preparations for personal sanitary; douching preparations for deodorant purposes [toiletries]; dry shampoos; cosmetic hair dyes; eau de cologne; emery; essential oils namely cosmetic oils, massage oils, body oils, bath oils, aromatherapy oils; extracted essential oils from flowers; eyebrow cosmetics; eyebrow pencils; adhesives for affixing false eyelashes; cosmetic preparation for eyelashes; false eyelashes; adhesive for affixing false hair; false nails; flower extracts for the manufacture of cosmetics and perfumery; soap for foot perspiration; hair colorants; hair dyes; hair lotions; hair spray; hair waving preparations; hydrogen peroxide for cosmetic purposes; incense; scented essential oils used to produce aromas when heated; jasmine oil; javelle water; petroleum jelly for cosmetic purpose usage; joss sticks; kits namely make-up kits comprised of lipstick, lip gloss, lip balm, eyeshadow, eyeliner, lip liner, blusher, foundation, nail varnish, eyebrow pencil: lavender oil; lavender water; essential oils of lemon; lotions for cosmetic purposes; make-up preparation; make-up removing preparations; mascara; massage-gels other than for medical purposes; cleansing milk for cosmetic purposes; essential oils of mint; mint for perfumery; musk; moustache wax; nail art stickers; nail care preparations; nail polish; nail varnish; neutralizers for permanent waving; oils for cosmetic purposes; oils for perfumes and scents; oils for toilet purposes; cosmetic pencils; eyebrow pencils; fragrances, namely perfumery; perfumes; hair relaxers; petroleum jelly for cosmetic purposes; denture polishes; pomades for cosmetic purposes; make-up powder; pumice stone; rose oil; shampoos; shaving preparations; shaving soap; cosmetic preparations for caring for the skin; skin whitening creams; cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes; liquid bath soap; cakes of soap; deodorant soap; soap for foot perspiration; breath freshening sprays; breath freshening strips; sunscreen preparations; sun-tanning preparations [cosmetics]; talcum powder for toilet use; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; toilet water; decorative transfers for cosmetic purposes; nail varnish; waving preparations for the hair; depilatory wax; haircare preparations | ||
DUALXCLUDER GL&V LUXEMBOURG S.A.R.L. 1816763 5 Jan 2017 | REGISTERED on 12 Sept 2018 | Machines and machine parts for the pulp and paper industry, namely, pu... Class 007 Class 007 Machinery Products Machines and machine parts for the pulp and paper industry, namely, pulp processing machines for separation of contaminants from a fibrous slurry. | ||
CHANGELEADER LOVELL CORPORATION 1816426 30 Dec 2016 | REGISTERED on 3 Apr 2018 | Artificial nail adhesives; body art stickers; cosmetics; cosmetics and... Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Artificial nail adhesives; body art stickers; cosmetics; cosmetics and make-up; fingernail decals; make-up; nail art stickers Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Notebook computer carrying cases ... Class 014 Jewelry Products Promotional key chains; wall clocks Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Announcement cards; art prints; autograph books; blank journals; booklets; books; boxes for pens; bumper stickers; business cards; calendars; coloured pens; decals; decorations for pencils; decorative pencil-top ornaments; envelopes; gift boxes; gift cards; gift wrap; gift wrap paper; gift-wrapping paper; greeting cards; greetings cards; greetings cards and postcards; iron-on decals; magazines; membership cards; notebooks; pamphlets; paper party decorations; pen and pencil boxes; pen and pencil cases and boxes; pen and pencil holders; pencil boxes; pencil cups; pencil holders; pencils; photographs; postcards and greeting cards; posters; printed calendars; promotional decals; removable tattoos; score cards; spiral notebooks; spiral-bound notebooks; stands for pens and pencils; stationery stickers; sticker books; stickers; stickers and transfers; tally cards; temporary tattoos; wall calendars; work books Class 018 Leather Products not including clothing Book bags; business card cases; card cases; clothing for pets Class 020 Furniture Products Book cases; decorative wall plaques Class 025 Clothing Products Aprons; athletic clothing; baby clothing; bandanas; baseball caps; baseball caps and hats; baseball shirts; belts; button down shirts; caps; casual clothing; casual shirts; children's clothing; children's shirts; collared shirts; dresses; fashion hats; golf hats; hats; headbands; hooded jackets; hooded pullovers; hosiery; jackets; jackets and socks; long sleeve shirts; men's shirts; night shirts; novelty hats; open-necked shirts; pajamas; polo shirts; promotional caps; promotional t-shirts; pyjamas; shirt fronts; shirts; shoes; short-sleeve shirts; short-sleeved shirts; skirts; skirts and dresses; sports caps and hats; sports shirts with short sleeves; sweat pants; sweat shirts; team shirts; tennis shirts; t-shirts; women's shirts; woven shirts Class 026 Lace, Ribbons & Embroidery and Fancy Goods Brooches for clothing; campaign buttons; hair accessories; hair ornaments; hat pins Class 027 Floor Covering products Decorative wall hangings, not of textile Class 028 Toys and Sporting Goods Products Christmas ornaments; clothes for dolls; party balloons Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Administration of a discount program for enabling participants to obtain discounts on goods and services through use of a discount membership card; providing business information in the field of social media Class 039 Transportation & Storage Services Gift wrapping Class 045 Personal & Legal & Social Services On-line social networking services; online social networking services | ||
OIL MINDER INDUSTRIAL FLOW SOLUTIONS OPERATING LLC 1815556 22 Dec 2016 | REGISTERED on 18 Jun 2019 | Testing apparatus for self-testing of submersible pump installations c... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Testing apparatus for self-testing of submersible pump installations comprising sump pumps, electric pumps, slurry pumps, sludge pumps, wastewater pumps, sewage pumps, or dewatering pumps, and components of such submersible pump installations; electronic and mechanical devices for monitoring, testing, and troubleshooting of submersible pump installations comprising sump pumps, electric pumps, slurry pumps, sludge pumps, wastewater pumps, sewage pumps, or dewatering pumps, and components of such submersible pump installations; electronic and mechanical devices for remotely controlling, configuring, monitoring, testing, and troubleshooting submersible pump systems comprising sump pumps, electric pumps, slurry pumps, sludge pumps, wastewater pumps, sewage pumps, or dewatering pumps, and components of such submersible pump systems; and electronic and mechanical devices for tracking and downloading operating parameters allowing for remote and on-site servicing, maintenance and troubleshooting of submersible pumps in the nature of sump pumps, electric pumps, slurry pumps, sludge pumps, wastewater pumps, sewage pumps, and dewatering pumps, and ancillary equipment for such submersible pumps. | ||
HUSTLES HARDER 2541499 ONTARIO LTD. 1814984 19 Dec 2016 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 23 Jan 2018 | Key chains,Bags for sports,Beer mugs; ceramic mugs; coffee mugs; cups ... Class 014 Class 014 Jewelry Products Key chains Class 018 Class 018 Leather Products not including clothing Bags for sports ... Class 021 Houseware and Glass Products Beer mugs; ceramic mugs; coffee mugs; cups and mugs; drinking bottles for sports; travel mugs Class 025 Clothing Products Baseball caps and hats; baseball shirts; casual clothing; casual shirts; children's clothing; children's shirts; golf shirts; hats; long-sleeved t-shirts; novelty hats; polo shirts; promotional t-shirts; rugby shirts; short-sleeved t-shirts; sport shirts; sports clothing; sports jackets; sports jerseys; sports shirts with short sleeves; sweat shirts; t-shirts; women's shirts Class 028 Toys and Sporting Goods Products Bags specially adapted for sports equipment |
on 18 Jan 2020
1818172 · 16 Jan 2017
Class 025
Clothing Products
Ailes de fées; anoraks; anoraks de snowboard; articles d'habillement athlétiques; ascots; aubes; bandages pour épaules; bandanas; bandeaux absorbants; bandeaux antisudation; bandeaux contre la sueur; bandeaux contre la transpiration; bandeaux pour poignets; bandes de soutien de tournure pour l'obi [obiage]; bas absorbants; bas de maillots de bain; bas de pyjamas; bas nylon; bas sudorifuges; bavettes; bavettes pour les sports; bavoirs en tissu; bérets; bermudas; bikinis; blazers; bleu de travail; blouses; blouses de coiffeurs pour hommes; blouses pour dames; blousons; blousons d'aviateur; blousons d'entrainement; blue jeans; boléros; bonneterie; bonnets de bain; bonnets de douche; bonnets de natation; bonnets de nuit; bonnets en laine de type écossais; bonnets tricotés; bottes; bottes après-ski; bottes d'alpinisme; bottes de basketball; bottes de chasse; bottes de moto; bottes de planches à neige; bottes de pluie; bottes de randonnée pédestre; bottes de ski; bottes de ski et de planche à neige et pièces connexes; bottes de travail; bottes d'équitation; bottes d'hiver; bottes en caoutchouc; bottes pour bébés; bottes pour femmes; bottes pour motocyclisme; bottines; bouts de chaussures; boxer-shorts; brassières; bretelles; bretelles de pantalons; brodequins; bustiers; bustiers tubulaires; cabans; cache-col; cache-cols; cache-corset; cache-cous; cache-maillots; cache-oreilles; cache-poussière; cache-poussières; cache-pudeurs; cafetans; caleçons; caleçons de bain; calottes; camisoles; canadiennes; capes; capes de coiffure; cardigans; carénages de motos; casques à visière; casques de natation; casquettes; casquettes à visière; casquettes de base-ball; casquettes de baseball; casquettes de golf; casquettes de softball; casquettes et chapeaux de sport; casquettes promotionnelles; ceintures; ceintures de cuir; ceintures de smoking; ceintures d'habillement; ceintures en cuir; ceintures en imitation cuir; ceintures en tissu; ceintures montées; ceintures porte-billets; ceintures porte-jarretelles; ceintures porte-monnaie; ceintures pour kimonos [datemaki]; ceintures-écharpes pour kimono [obis]; ceinturons; châles; châles et étoles; châles et fichus; chandails; chandails à cols roulés; chandails à manches longues; chandails de baseball; chandails de hockey; chandails de sport et culottes de sport; chandails décolletés; chandails d'équipe; chandails molletonnés; chandails piqués; chandails tricotés; chapeaux; chapeaux de fantaisie; chapeaux de fourrure; chapeaux de mode; chapeaux de paille; chapeaux de soleil; chapeaux de tissu; chapeaux de tricot; chapeaux en carex (suge-gasa); chapeaux en laine; chapeaux en papier utilisés comme articles vestimentaires; chapeaux imperméables; chapeaux tricotés; chaps; chasubles; chaussettes; chaussettes antisudorifiques; chaussettes de sport; chaussettes de style japonais [couvre-tabi]; chaussettes de style japonais [tabi]; chaussettes en laine; chaussettes et bas; chaussettes longues; chaussettes pour hommes; chaussons de ballet; chaussons de danse; chaussons d'escalade; chaussons pliants pour femmes; chaussures athlétiques; chaussures d'athlétisme; chaussures de baseball; chaussures de basketball; chaussures de boxe; chaussures de course; chaussures de curling; chaussures de cycliste; chaussures de détente; chaussures de football; chaussures de football américain; chaussures de football et crampons connexes; chaussures de golf; chaussures de gymnastique; chaussures de handball; chaussures de hockey; chaussures de jogging; chaussures de marche; chaussures de mariage; chaussures de montagne; chaussures de pêcheur; chaussures de plage; chaussures de pluie; chaussures de quilles; chaussures de randonnée; chaussures de rugby; chaussures de ski; chaussures de snowboard; chaussures de soccer; chaussures de soirée; chaussures de sport; chaussures de tennis; chaussures de toile; chaussures de travail; chaussures de vélo de montagne; chaussures de volleyball; chaussures de yachting; chaussures d'eau; chaussures décontractées; chaussures d'entraînement; chaussures d'équitation; chaussures d'escalade; chaussures d'extérieur pour l'hiver; chaussures en bois; chaussures en caoutchouc; chaussures en cuir; chaussures et bottes de travail; chaussures et bottes pour nourrissons; chaussures habillées; chaussures pour bébés; chaussures pour enfants; chaussures pour femmes; chaussures pour le personnel médical; chaussures pour l'entrainement; chaussures sport; chaussures tout-aller; chemises; chemises à col; chemises à col boutonné; chemises à manches courtes; chemises à manches longues; chemises de nuit; chemises de sport; chemises en denim; chemises habillées; chemises polos; chemises pour costumes; chemises pour dames; chemises pour enfants; chemises pour femmes; chemises pour hommes; chemises sports à manches courtes; chemises tissées; chemises tout-aller; chemises tricotées; chemisettes; claques; collants; collants sportifs; cols; combinaisons de plage; combinaisons de ski; combinaisons de ski nautique; combinaisons de travail; combinaisons de vol; combinaisons étanches pour le ski nautique et la plongée; combinaisons isothermes pour la plongée; combinaisons-pantalons; combinaisons-slips; combinés-slips; complets pour hommes; complets-vestons; cordons à la taille pour kimonos [koshihimo]; cordons de serrage pour kimonos (datejime); cordons pour haori [haori-himo]; corsages bain-de-soleil; corselets; corsets pour athlètes; costumes; costumes de bain; costumes de détente; costumes de jogging; costumes de mascarade; costumes de planche à neige; costumes de ski pour la compétition; costumes d'Halloween; costumes en cuir; costumes habillés; costumes latex; coupe-vent; coupe-vents; couronnes de mariées; coussinage de chaussures; couvre-chaussures; couvre-oreilles; crampons de balle molle; crampons de baseball; crampons de chaussures de football; crampons de football; crampons pour les souliers de curling; cravates; cuissards; cuissards à bretelles; cuissards de vélo; culottes; culottes brésiliennes; culottes de boxe; culottes de golf; culottes de hockey; culottes flottantes; culottes pour bébés; culottes [sous-vêtements]; débardeurs; débardeurs de sport; demi-bottes; déshabillés; dessous [sous-vêtements]; dessous-de-bras; devanteaux; dormeuses-couvertures; duffel-coat; écharpes; écharpes d'épaules; écharpes vestimentaires; empeignes de chaussures; empiècements de chemises; ensembles imperméables; espadrilles; espadrilles de basketball; étoles; étoles en fourrure; Étoles [fourrures]; fedoras; ferrures de chaussures; fichus; fixe chaussettes; fixe-chaussettes; foulards; foulards de cou; foulards de soie; foulards de tête; foulards pour la tête; gaines de lingerie; gaines-culottes; galoches; gants; gants à doigts conducteurs pouvant être portés lors de l'utilisation de dispositifs électroniques portables à écran tactile; gants de conduite; gants de cuir; gants de cyclistes; gants de motocyclisme; gants de ski; gants d'équitation; gants d'hiver; gants en tricot; gants pour cyclistes; gants pour écran tactile; garnitures métalliques pour sabots de bois japonais; gilets; gilets à manches longues; gilets coupe-vent; gilets de corps pour kimonos [juban]; gilets de corps pour kimonos [koshimaki]; gilets de pêche; gilets de poids; gilets d'escrime; gilets en peau de mouton; gilets sans manches traditionnels pour femmes de style coréen [baeja]; glisseurs de curling; guêtres; guimpes [vêtements]; habillement pour cyclistes; habits de motoneige; habits latex; hauts à capuchons; hauts courts; hauts de rugby; hauts de survêtements; hauts d'entraînement; hauts en molleton; hauts en tricot; hauts molletonnés; hauts sabots de pluie (ashida); hauts tissés; hauts tricotés; hauts-de-forme; imperméables; insertions aux talons; jambières; jaquettes; jarretelles; jarretelles pour dames; jarretières; jarretières pour hommes; jeans; jeans en denim; jodhpurs; jumpers; jupes; jupes de golf; jupes et robes; jupes habillées; jupes plissées pour kimonos de cérémonie [hakama]; jupes-shorts; jupons; jupons courts; justaucorps; justaucorps pour bébés et enfants en bas âge; kilts; kimonos; kimonos longs [nagagi]; knickerbockers; knickers; languettes pour chaussures et bottes; lavallières; layettes; layettes de bébé; lingerie; lingerie féminine; lingerie pour dames; livrées; maillot de bain pour hommes; maillots; maillots de bain; maillots de bain ajustés avec bonnets de soutien-gorge; maillots de bain pour femmes; maillots de bain une pièce; maillots de baseball; maillots de hockey; maillots de rugby; maillots de sport; maillots de tennis; maillots d'équipe; maillots sans manche; maillots sans manches; maillots sportifs; manchettes de bottes; manchettes vestimentaires; manchons de fourrure; manchons pour cols; manteaux; manteaux conter le vent; manteaux coupe-vent; manteaux courts; manteaux de cuir; manteaux de plage; manteaux de soirée; manteaux d'hiver; manteaux en coton; manteaux en denim; manteaux en peau de mouton; manteaux et vestes de fourrure; manteaux pour dames; manteaux pour dames et hommes; manteaux pour hommes; manteaux sport; mantes; mantilles; masques de sommeil; masques pour dormir; mi-bas; mitaines; mocassins; molletières; monokinis; mouchoirs de cou; mouchoirs de poche; mules; muu muus; nappes d'autel; noeuds papillon; ornements de cou amovibles pour kimonos [haneri]; paletots; paletots d'auto; pantalons; pantalons capri; pantalons cargo; pantalons courts; pantalons de golf; pantalons de jogging; pantalons de neige; pantalons de ski; pantalons de snowboard; pantalons de survêtement; pantalons d'entraînement; pantalons en cuir; pantalons en denim; pantalons en velours côtelé; pantalons habillés; pantalons imperméables; pantalons molletonnés; pantalons pour bébés; pantalons pour la pluie; pantalons pour nourrissons; pantalons tout-aller; pantalons-bottes pour la pêche; pantaminis; pantoufles; pantoufles de bain; pantoufles en cuir; pantoufles-chaussettes; pardessus coréens [durumagi]; pardessus courts pour kimonos [haori]; paréos; pare-soleil; paréus; parkas; passe-orteils pour sandales japonaises (zori); passe-orteils pour socques japonais en bois; peignoirs; peignoirs de bain; peignoirs de plage; peignoirs japonais [nemaki]; pèlerines; petites culottes; petits chapeaux; pièces de protection en métal pour chaussures et bottes; pièces principales de sabot japonais en bois; plastrons de chemises; poches de vêtements; pochettes [habillement]; polos; ponchos; ponchos imperméables; porte-jarretelles; pourpoints; pull-overs à capuche; pulls d'entraînement; pulls d'entraînement à capuchon; pulls molletonnés; pyjamas; pyjamas de détente; pyjamas de plage; régates; robes; robes de cérémonie pour femmes; robes de chambre; robes de chambre et sorties de bain; robes de demoiselles d'honneur; robes de mariage; robes de mariée; robes de mariées; robes de noces; robes de nuit; robes de soirée; robes d'intérieur; robes du soir; robes en peaux; robes traditionnelles chinoises [Cheongsam]; robes-chasubles; sabots; sabots [chaussures]; sabots en bois de style japonais [geta]; sabots en bois [hiyori-geta]; sabots en bois [koma-geta]; sabots et sandales de style japonais; sacs à bottes; sacs de bottes de ski; salopettes; salopettes de ski; sandales; sandales de bain; sandales de style japonais en cuir; sandales de style japonais en feutre; sandales de style japonais [zoris]; sandales et chaussures de plage; sandales japonaises avec passe-orteil [asaura-zori]; sandales tong; sarapes; saris; sarongs; sarraus; sarraux de laboratoire; semelles; semelles adhérentes; semelles antidérapantes; semelles de caoutchouc pour jikatabi; semelles de chaussures; semelles de chaussures servant à la réparation; semelles et talons à relief en caoutchouc ou en plastique; semelles intérieures; semelles intérieures pour chaussures et bottes; semelles plate-formes; semelles pour pantoufles; semelles pour réparation de chaussures; semelles pour sandales japonaises; serre-poignets; serre-tête; serre-têtes; shorts; shorts athlétiques; shorts de course; shorts de gymnastique; shorts de marche; shorts de rugby; shorts de tennis; shorts molletonnés; slip boxeur; slips; smokings; socques; socquettes; sorties de bain; souliers; souliers de bain; souliers de gymnastique; souliers de sport; souliers de vélo; sous-pieds; sous-vêtements; sous-vêtements absorbant la transpiration; sous-vêtements féminins; sous-vêtements isothermes; sous-vêtements longs; sous-vêtements pour femmes; sous-vêtements pour hommes; sous-vêtements tissés; sous-vêtements tricotés; soutanes; soutiens-gorge; soutiens-gorge de sport; soutiens-gorge sans bretelles; supports en bois pour sabots japonais en bois; supports-chaussettes; surpantalons; survêtements; survêtements de sport; sweat-shirts; tabliers; tailleurs jupes; tailleurs pour femmes; tailleurs-pantalons; talonnettes pour chaussures; talonnettes pour les bas; talons; talons de chaussure; tankinis; tee-shirts; tee-shirts à manches longues; tenues de détente; tenues de jogging; tenues de judo; tenues de karaté; tenues de kendo; tenues de lutte; tenues de soirée; tenues de Taekwondo; tenues d'entraînement; tenues militaires; tiges de bottes; tiges en rotin tissé pour sandales japonaises; tiges pour sandales japonaises; toges; tongs; toques; tournures pour noeuds d'obis [obiage-shin]; trench; trépointes de chaussures; t-shirts; t-shirts promotionnels; tuniques; turbans; tutus; uniformes d'arts martiaux; uniformes de baseball; uniformes de football; uniformes de hockey; uniformes de soccer; uniformes de sport; uniformes militaires; uniformes pour le personnel médical; uniformes scolaires; vestes; vestes à capuchon; vestes avec manches; vestes chemises; vestes coquilles; vestes coupe-vent; vestes de cuir; vestes de golf; vestes de pêcheur; vestes de pêcheurs; vestes de plage; vestes de ski; vestes d'équitation; vestes d'extérieur; vestes d'extérieur coréennes portées au dessus des vêtements de base [magoja]; vestes d'hiver; vestes en denim; vestes en duvet; vestes en fourrure; vestes en jean; vestes en suède; vestes en tricot; vestes et chaussettes; vestes et pantalons imperméables; vestes imperméables; vestes longues; vestes molletonnées; vestes pour motocyclisme; vestes pour safaris; vestes réfléchissantes; vestes sans manches; vestes sport; vestons de complets; vestons d'intérieur; vestons sport; vêtements athlétiques; vêtements d'affaires; vêtements de bain; vêtements de bain pour hommes et femmes; vêtements de camouflage pour la chasse; vêtements de dessous; vêtements de golf; vêtements de gymnastique; vêtements de mariage; vêtements de maternité; vêtements de nuit; vêtements de plage; vêtements de pluie; vêtements de protection contre le soleil; vêtements de ski; vêtements de soirée; vêtements de sport pour femmes; vêtements de tennis; vêtements décontractés; vêtements décontractés comprenant des pantalons, robes et shorts; vêtements d'entrainement; vêtements d'entraînement; vêtements d'exercice; vêtements d'hiver d'extérieur; vêtements, pantalons en particulier; vêtements, particulièrement pantalons; vêtements pour bébés; vêtements pour dormir; vêtements pour enfants; vêtements pour la nuit; vêtements pour la pêche; vêtements pour le haut du corps de costumes traditionnels coréens [jeogori]; vêtements pour le ski; vêtements pour nourrissons; vêtements, soit pantalons; vêtements sport; vêtements sports; vêtements tout-aller; visières de casquette; visières de casquettes; visières pour athlètes; voiles pour dames
Ailes de fées; anoraks; anoraks de snowboard; articles d'habillement a...
on 11 Dec 2019
1817951 · 12 Jan 2017
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Computers; computer hardware; computer software, namely for use in database management and word processing, for connecting computer network users and global computer networks, for e-commerce, namely, to allow users to perform electronic business transactions via a global computer network, for disseminating advertising for others, for use in database management, for accessing information directories that may be downloaded from the global computer network in the fields of transportation and delivery of goods by air, truck and rail, for application and database integration, for transmitting data in the fields of delivery and transport of goods, supply chain logistics and reverse logistics to users of hand-held computers, for controlling and managing access server applications; computer software for wireless content delivery; computer software for use in collecting, editing, organizing, modifying, book marking, transmitting, storing and sharing of data, namely, personal and customer data, and information, all in the fields of delivery and transport of goods, supply chain logistics and reverse logistics; computer software for sending and forwarding of text messages; computer software for returning unwanted e-mails; computer programs for use in database management and word processing; computer programs for delivering multimedia content, namely, text, audio, graphics, images, audio, visual and audiovisual files, all in the fields of delivery and transport of goods, supply chain logistics and reverse logistics; computer programs for document management; mouse mats; pre-recorded audio and video tapes, cassettes, computer discs, CDs, DVDs and CD-Roms containing information in the fields of fashion, politics, social commentary, environmental and global issues, and information about mail and mail forwarding; downloadable electronic publications namely, electronic magazines, catalogues, newspapers and newsletters featuring fashion, design, politics, culture, social commentary, environmental and global issues, and information about mail and mail forwarding; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods, namely, blank floppy discs, blank hard computer discs, blank tapes for storage of computer data, computer serial ports, computer servers, mounting racks for computer hardware, wireless computer peripherals and computer storage devices, namely, flash drives, computer terminals
Class 016
Paper Goods and Printed Material
Printed matter, namely, catalogues, magazines, printed greeting cards, printed calendars, paper stationery, paper; printed publications, namely, magazines, newspapers, journals, leaflets, flyers, brochures, catalogues; paper; articles made from paper, namely, writing paper, posters; articles made from card, namely, place cards, trading cards, gift cards, calling cards, post cards; office requisites except furniture, namely, staplers, paper clips, blotters, diaries, pens, pencils, erasers; paperweights; stamps, namely ink stampers, date stamps; rubber stamps; adhesives for stationery
Class 025
Clothing Products
Casual clothing, beachwear, loungewear, rainwear, skiwear, underwear, infant clothing, men's, women's and children's pants, shorts, leggings, coats, shirts, sweaters and sweatshirts, neckwear, namely, scarves; footwear, namely shoes, boots, casual footwear, athletic footwear and children's footwear; headwear, namely, caps and hats
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Advertising the goods and services of others through all public communication means; dissemination of advertising matter for others; providing advertising space in a periodical, on the Internet, in newspapers, and in magazines and in distributed printed leaflets; rental of advertising space; retail store services featuring computers, computer hardware, computer software, computer programs, mouse mats, pre-recorded audio and video tapes, cassettes, computer discs, CDs, DVDs and CD-Roms containing information in the fields of fashion, politics, social commentary, environmental and global issues, and information about mail and mail forwarding, electronic publications, namely, magazines, catalogues, newspapers and newsletters, parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods, namely, blank floppy discs, blank hard computer discs, blank tapes for storage of computer data, computer serial ports, computer servers, mounting racks for computer hardware, wireless computer peripherals and computer storage devices, namely, flash drives, computer terminals, printed matter, namely, catalogues, magazines, printed greeting cards, printed calendars, stationery, paper, articles made from paper, namely, writing paper, posters, articles made from card, namely, place cards, trading cards, gift cards, calling cards, post cards, packing paper, paper packaging materials, plastic packaging materials, stationery, office requisites except furniture, namely, staplers, paper clips, blotters, diaries, pens, pencils, erasers, paperweights, stamps, namely ink stampers, date stamps, rubber stamps, postcards, adhesives for stationery, and articles of clothing, footwear, and headwear; mail order retail store services featuring computers, computer hardware, computer software, computer programs, mouse mats, pre-recorded audio and video tapes, cassettes, computer discs, CDs, DVDs and CD-Roms containing information in the fields of fashion, politics, social commentary, environmental and global issues, and information about mail and mail forwarding, electronic publications, namely, magazines, catalogues, newspapers and newsletters, parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods, namely, blank floppy discs, blank hard computer discs, blank tapes for storage of computer data, computer serial ports, computer servers, mounting racks for computer hardware, wireless computer peripherals and computer storage devices, namely, flash drives, computer terminals, printed matter, namely, catalogues, magazines, printed greeting cards, printed calendars, stationery, paper, articles made from paper, namely, writing paper, posters, articles made from card, namely, place cards, trading cards, gift cards, calling cards, post cards, packing paper, paper packaging materials, plastic packaging materials, stationery, office requisites except furniture, namely, staplers, paper clips, blotters, diaries, pens, pencils, erasers, paperweights, stamps, rubber stamps, namely ink stampers, date stamps, postcards, adhesives for stationery, and articles of clothing, footwear, and headwear; electronic shopping retail services featuring computers, computer hardware, computer software, computer programs, mouse mats, pre-recorded audio and video tapes, cassettes, computer discs, CDs, DVDs and CD-Roms containing information in the fields of fashion, politics, social commentary, environmental and global issues, and information about mail and mail forwarding, electronic publications, namely, magazines, catalogues, newspapers and newsletters, parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods, namely, blank floppy discs, blank hard computer discs, blank tapes for storage of computer data, computer serial ports, computer servers, mounting racks for computer hardware, wireless computer peripherals and computer storage devices, namely, flash drives, computer terminals, printed matter, namely, catalogues, magazines, printed greeting cards, printed calendars, stationery, paper, articles made from paper, namely, writing paper, posters, articles made from card, namely, place cards, trading cards, gift cards, calling cards, post cards, packing paper, paper packaging materials, plastic packaging materials, stationery, office requisites except furniture, namely, staplers, paper clips, blotters, diaries, pens, pencils, erasers, paperweights, stamps, namely ink stampers, date stamps, rubber stamps, postcards, adhesives for stationery, and articles of clothing, footwear, and headwear; providing information in the field of advertising and renting of advertising space; consultation services in the field of advertising and disseminating advertising matter
Class 036
Insurance & Financial Services
Insurance brokerage; Insurance services
Class 039
Transportation & Storage Services
Delivery of goods by mail order; Transportation of goods by air; Transportation of goods by rail; Transportation of goods by truck; Delivery of goods by air; Delivery of goods by rail; delivery of goods by truck; Supply chain logistics and reverse logistics services consisting of the transportation of goods for others by air, rail, ship or truck
Computers; computer hardware; computer software, namely for use in dat...
on 18 Oct 2021
1817531 · 10 Jan 2017
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Sunglasses; sunglass chain and cords; lanyards for sunglasses and eyeglasses; downloadable software in the nature of applications for mobile phone and smart phones providing information and education on managing, treating and living with diabetes; digital media, namely, downloadable computer graphics, downloadable audio and video recordings in the nature of movies, music, computer games, video games, and gifs for mobile phones, smart phones, tablets and digital music and video players, and pre-recorded DVDs and CDs all featuring and providing information about managing and living with diabetes
Class 010
Medical Instrument Products
Medical devices, namely, diabetes monitoring equipment for sampling and analyzing blood and body tissue, infusion pumps, infusion pump controllers and parts and attachments thereof
Class 014
Jewelry Products
Lanyards for holding keys; key chains
Class 016
Paper Goods and Printed Material
Paper goods and printed materials, namely stickers, decals; newsletters featuring information about managing, treating and living with diabetes; pens and pencils; lanyards for holding paper name badges
Class 021
Houseware and Glass Products
Household goods, namely mugs, empty reusable water bottles, insulated sleeve holders for bottles
Class 025
Clothing Products
Casual clothing, including tops and bottoms; hats, t-shirts, shirts
Class 028
Toys and Sporting Goods Products
Toys, namely plush toys
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Entertainment services in the nature of performances and live appearances by a costumed mascot character at health, diabetes management and wellness exhibitions, medical clinics, medical facilities; entertainment services in the nature of performances and live appearances by a costumed mascot character at social community, charitable and educational events in the general field of health and wellness and diabetes management
Class 044
Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services
Providing information in the field of diabetes
Sunglasses; sunglass chain and cords; lanyards for sunglasses and eyeg...
on 18 Jun 2019
1817295 · 9 Jan 2017
Class 007
Machinery Products
Laboratory exhaust fan control systems, laboratory exhaust fans and fan outlet stacks.
Laboratory exhaust fan control systems, laboratory exhaust fans and fa...
on 8 Jul 2019
1817063 · 6 Jan 2017
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Components, namely, electronic sensors, surge protectors, voltage surge protectors, under voltage sensors, and voltage surge suppressors that sense and act on conditions that potentially harm compressors used in HVAC units
Components, namely, electronic sensors, surge protectors, voltage surg...
on 30 Jul 2021
1816843 · 5 Jan 2017
Class 003
Cosmetics and Cleaning Products
Cosmetics, make up; skin care preparations; lipsticks; lip gloss; makeup powder and foundation; Skin moisturisers; cosmetic beauty care preparations, body care preparations namely, body scrubs, shower gels, toners, cleansers, oils, masks and gels for the skin, essential oils for personal use; preparations for removing make-up; lotions, creams and conditioners for the face, hands and body; beauty masks; abrasive cloth; abrasive paper; abrasive sand; adhesives for affixing false hair; after-shave lotions; almond milk for cosmetic purposes; almond oil; almond soap; aloe vera preparations for cosmetic purposes; antiperspirant soap; antiperspirants [toiletries]; astringents for cosmetic purposes; non-medicated lip, body, hand and foot balms; bath salts, not for medical purposes; cosmetic preparations for baths, namely, bath pearls, bath oils, bath cubes, bath powders, bath bombs, bubble baths; beard dyes; beauty masks; bergamot oil; bleaching preparations [decolorants] for cosmetic purposes; breath freshening sprays; breath freshening strips; cakes of toilet soap; essential oils of cedarwood; essential oils of citron; cleansing milk for toilet purposes; color removing preparations for hair; at-home color brightening preparations for cosmetic purposes; cosmetic kits; cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes; cosmetics for animals; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; cosmetic creams; dental bleaching gels; deodorant soap; deodorants for human beings; deodorants for animals; depilatories; depilatory preparations; disinfectant soap; douching preparations for personal sanitary; douching preparations for deodorant purposes [toiletries]; dry shampoos; cosmetic hair dyes; eau de cologne; emery; essential oils namely cosmetic oils, massage oils, body oils, bath oils, aromatherapy oils; extracted essential oils from flowers; eyebrow cosmetics; eyebrow pencils; adhesives for affixing false eyelashes; cosmetic preparation for eyelashes; false eyelashes; adhesive for affixing false hair; false nails; flower extracts for the manufacture of cosmetics and perfumery; soap for foot perspiration; hair colorants; hair dyes; hair lotions; hair spray; hair waving preparations; hydrogen peroxide for cosmetic purposes; incense; scented essential oils used to produce aromas when heated; jasmine oil; javelle water; petroleum jelly for cosmetic purpose usage; joss sticks; kits namely make-up kits comprised of lipstick, lip gloss, lip balm, eyeshadow, eyeliner, lip liner, blusher, foundation, nail varnish, eyebrow pencil: lavender oil; lavender water; essential oils of lemon; lotions for cosmetic purposes; make-up preparation; make-up removing preparations; mascara; massage-gels other than for medical purposes; cleansing milk for cosmetic purposes; essential oils of mint; mint for perfumery; musk; moustache wax; nail art stickers; nail care preparations; nail polish; nail varnish; neutralizers for permanent waving; oils for cosmetic purposes; oils for perfumes and scents; oils for toilet purposes; cosmetic pencils; eyebrow pencils; fragrances, namely perfumery; perfumes; hair relaxers; petroleum jelly for cosmetic purposes; denture polishes; pomades for cosmetic purposes; make-up powder; pumice stone; rose oil; shampoos; shaving preparations; shaving soap; cosmetic preparations for caring for the skin; skin whitening creams; cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes; liquid bath soap; cakes of soap; deodorant soap; soap for foot perspiration; breath freshening sprays; breath freshening strips; sunscreen preparations; sun-tanning preparations [cosmetics]; talcum powder for toilet use; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; toilet water; decorative transfers for cosmetic purposes; nail varnish; waving preparations for the hair; depilatory wax; haircare preparations
Cosmetics, make up; skin care preparations; lipsticks; lip gloss; make...
on 12 Sept 2018
1816763 · 5 Jan 2017
Class 007
Machinery Products
Machines and machine parts for the pulp and paper industry, namely, pulp processing machines for separation of contaminants from a fibrous slurry.
Machines and machine parts for the pulp and paper industry, namely, pu...
on 3 Apr 2018
1816426 · 30 Dec 2016
Class 003
Cosmetics and Cleaning Products
Artificial nail adhesives; body art stickers; cosmetics; cosmetics and make-up; fingernail decals; make-up; nail art stickers
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Notebook computer carrying cases
Class 014
Jewelry Products
Promotional key chains; wall clocks
Class 016
Paper Goods and Printed Material
Announcement cards; art prints; autograph books; blank journals; booklets; books; boxes for pens; bumper stickers; business cards; calendars; coloured pens; decals; decorations for pencils; decorative pencil-top ornaments; envelopes; gift boxes; gift cards; gift wrap; gift wrap paper; gift-wrapping paper; greeting cards; greetings cards; greetings cards and postcards; iron-on decals; magazines; membership cards; notebooks; pamphlets; paper party decorations; pen and pencil boxes; pen and pencil cases and boxes; pen and pencil holders; pencil boxes; pencil cups; pencil holders; pencils; photographs; postcards and greeting cards; posters; printed calendars; promotional decals; removable tattoos; score cards; spiral notebooks; spiral-bound notebooks; stands for pens and pencils; stationery stickers; sticker books; stickers; stickers and transfers; tally cards; temporary tattoos; wall calendars; work books
Class 018
Leather Products not including clothing
Book bags; business card cases; card cases; clothing for pets
Class 020
Furniture Products
Book cases; decorative wall plaques
Class 025
Clothing Products
Aprons; athletic clothing; baby clothing; bandanas; baseball caps; baseball caps and hats; baseball shirts; belts; button down shirts; caps; casual clothing; casual shirts; children's clothing; children's shirts; collared shirts; dresses; fashion hats; golf hats; hats; headbands; hooded jackets; hooded pullovers; hosiery; jackets; jackets and socks; long sleeve shirts; men's shirts; night shirts; novelty hats; open-necked shirts; pajamas; polo shirts; promotional caps; promotional t-shirts; pyjamas; shirt fronts; shirts; shoes; short-sleeve shirts; short-sleeved shirts; skirts; skirts and dresses; sports caps and hats; sports shirts with short sleeves; sweat pants; sweat shirts; team shirts; tennis shirts; t-shirts; women's shirts; woven shirts
Class 026
Lace, Ribbons & Embroidery and Fancy Goods
Brooches for clothing; campaign buttons; hair accessories; hair ornaments; hat pins
Class 027
Floor Covering products
Decorative wall hangings, not of textile
Class 028
Toys and Sporting Goods Products
Christmas ornaments; clothes for dolls; party balloons
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Administration of a discount program for enabling participants to obtain discounts on goods and services through use of a discount membership card; providing business information in the field of social media
Class 039
Transportation & Storage Services
Gift wrapping
Class 045
Personal & Legal & Social Services
On-line social networking services; online social networking services
Artificial nail adhesives; body art stickers; cosmetics; cosmetics and...
on 18 Jun 2019
1815556 · 22 Dec 2016
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Testing apparatus for self-testing of submersible pump installations comprising sump pumps, electric pumps, slurry pumps, sludge pumps, wastewater pumps, sewage pumps, or dewatering pumps, and components of such submersible pump installations; electronic and mechanical devices for monitoring, testing, and troubleshooting of submersible pump installations comprising sump pumps, electric pumps, slurry pumps, sludge pumps, wastewater pumps, sewage pumps, or dewatering pumps, and components of such submersible pump installations; electronic and mechanical devices for remotely controlling, configuring, monitoring, testing, and troubleshooting submersible pump systems comprising sump pumps, electric pumps, slurry pumps, sludge pumps, wastewater pumps, sewage pumps, or dewatering pumps, and components of such submersible pump systems; and electronic and mechanical devices for tracking and downloading operating parameters allowing for remote and on-site servicing, maintenance and troubleshooting of submersible pumps in the nature of sump pumps, electric pumps, slurry pumps, sludge pumps, wastewater pumps, sewage pumps, and dewatering pumps, and ancillary equipment for such submersible pumps.
Testing apparatus for self-testing of submersible pump installations c...
on 23 Jan 2018
2541499 ONTARIO LTD.
1814984 · 19 Dec 2016
Class 014
Jewelry Products
Key chains
Class 018
Leather Products not including clothing
Bags for sports
Class 021
Houseware and Glass Products
Beer mugs; ceramic mugs; coffee mugs; cups and mugs; drinking bottles for sports; travel mugs
Class 025
Clothing Products
Baseball caps and hats; baseball shirts; casual clothing; casual shirts; children's clothing; children's shirts; golf shirts; hats; long-sleeved t-shirts; novelty hats; polo shirts; promotional t-shirts; rugby shirts; short-sleeved t-shirts; sport shirts; sports clothing; sports jackets; sports jerseys; sports shirts with short sleeves; sweat shirts; t-shirts; women's shirts
Class 028
Toys and Sporting Goods Products
Bags specially adapted for sports equipment
Key chains,Bags for sports,Beer mugs; ceramic mugs; coffee mugs; cups ...
The procter & gamble company (29)
Trader corporation (28)
Trader corporation (18)
L'oreal société anonyme (17)
Konami corporation a legal entity (14)
Estee lauder cosmetics ltd. (10)
Lidl stiftung & co. kg (9)
Renaissance learning inc. (9)
Spin master ltd. (9)
Canadian tire corporation limited (8)
Class 9 (1501)
Class 35 (722)
Class 16 (660)
Class 41 (526)
Class 42 (517)
Class 25 (510)
Class 28 (483)
Class 12 (478)
Class 7 (464)
Class 3 (349)
Class 36 (327)
Class 21 (285)
Class 5 (254)
Class 20 (241)
Class 6 (224)
Class 11 (221)
Class 18 (211)
Class 10 (194)
Class 30 (191)
Class 33 (177)
Class 14 (175)
Class 32 (170)
Class 38 (168)
Class 29 (167)
Class 1 (165)
Class 39 (165)
Class 8 (156)
Class 37 (154)
Class 24 (136)
Class 43 (125)
Class 45 (118)
Class 44 (117)
Class 19 (114)
Class 31 (111)
Class 26 (98)
Class 40 (88)
Class 17 (80)
Class 34 (78)
Class 22 (72)
Class 4 (71)
Class 27 (57)
Class 2 (54)
Class 13 (51)
Class 15 (41)
Class 23 (28)
Smart & biggar lp (704)
Gowling wlg (canada) llp (483)
Borden ladner gervais llp (160)
Robic agence pi s.E.C./ robic ip agency lp (133)
Marks & clerk (121)
Osler, hoskin & harcourt llp (116)
Riches, mckenzie & herbert llp (100)
Fasken martineau dumoulin llp (76)
Moffat & co. (64)
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Country Selected
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
United States
$99 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
European Union
$700 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
South Korea
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$99 / 1 class + gov fee
United Kingdom
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$299 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
United Arab Emirates
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
New Zealand
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
South Africa
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Saudi Arabia
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
British Virgin Islands
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
Costa Rica
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Czech Republic
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Dominican Republic
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
El Salvador
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Hong Kong (SAR)
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$1499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Madrid Protocol (WIPO)
$1999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Puerto Rico
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Sri Lanka
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
United Republic of Tanzania
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
West Bank, Palestine
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Antigua and Barbuda
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Bosnia and Herzegovina
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Burkina Faso
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
Cabo Verde
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Central African Republic (CAR)
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Cote d'Ivoire
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Equatorial Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
Marshall Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
North Macedonia
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Papua New Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Kitts and Nevis
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Lucia
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
San Marino
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sao Tome and Principe
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sierra Leone
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Solomon Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
South Sudan
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1599 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Trinidad and Tobago
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee