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EZFER JASON SEYMOUR 1818783 18 Jan 2017 | REGISTERED on 26 Feb 2019 | Mineral supplements for treating iron deficiency Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Mineral supplements for treating iron deficiency | ||
GO TRANSFER DEXXON GROUPE SOCIÉTÉ ANONYME 1810572 22 Nov 2016 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 17 Oct 2017 | Appareils pour l'émission, l'enregistrement, la transmission ou la rep... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Appareils pour l'émission, l'enregistrement, la transmission ou la reproduction du son, des données ou des images ; supports d'enregistrements magnétiques ; instruments de saisie, de stockage, de traitement des informations ou des données ; supports pour l'enregistrement et la reproduction des sons, des images, des signaux et des données, modems (matériel de connexion d'un équipement informatique) ; matériel de transmission de messages ; organes de commande de télécommunication, appareils pour la saisie, le comptage, la collection, le stockage, la conversion, le traitement, l'entrée, l'émission, la transmission de données, d'informations et de signaux ; ordinateurs ; périphériques d'ordinateurs ; appareils et instruments multimédia ; boitiers multimédia ; supports multimédia (supports magnétiques, optiques, d'images et de sons, logiciels) ; clefs USB ; dongles ; appareils téléphoniques ; appareils radiotéléphoniques ; appareils pour l'émission, l'enregistrement, la transmission ou la reproduction du son, des données ou des images à main libre ou à commande vocale ; appareils pour le traitement de l'information, mémoires pour ordinateurs, interface, bandes magnétiques, supports pour l'information notamment optiques, télématiques, numériques ou magnétiques ; émetteurs de télécommunications ; programmes informatiques pour la communication sans fil ; bornes de transmission et d'émission de données utilisant une technologie de réseau personnel sans fils ; supports d'enregistrement et de reproduction de données, son et images à codage analogique ou numérique sous forme de feuilles, bandes magnétiques, disquettes, disques, piles de disques ; matériel électronique d'enregistrement et de reproduction du son, des images et/ou des données ; cartes à mémoire, ou à microprocesseur, cartes magnétiques, cartes à puce ; lecteurs de cartes mémoires, cartes vidéo, cartes son, cartes télévision, cartes pour jeux électroniques (conçus pour être utilisés avec des récepteurs téléphoniques) ; décodeurs pour la télévision ; antennes ; appareils d'écriture et/ou de lecture sur carte à mémoire, ou à microprocesseur ou magnétique ou à puce ; compacts disques ; Cédéroms ; cartouches de jeux vidéo ; lecteurs MP3 ; lecteurs de disques compacts ; lecteurs DVD ; DVD ; serveurs et terminaux informatiques ; serveurs audio et vidéo interactifs ; bornes interactives de présentation et de commande de produits et services ; centres serveurs de bases de données (logiciels) ; logiciels, progiciels, programmes enregistrés, logiciels de toutes sortes quel que soit leur support d'enregistrement ou de diffusion (y compris logiciels enregistrés sur support magnétique ou téléchargés depuis un réseau informatique externe) ; logiciels pour décodeurs ; programmes de jeux sur ordinateurs, casques à écouteurs, claviers et souris (traitement de données), le tout pour l'utilisation avec ordinateurs et consoles pour plateformes de jeux vidéo ; accessoires pour matériel informatique et écrans d'ordinateur, à savoir supports de lecture, socles d'écran, housses, piles, batteries ou accumulateurs munis de chargeurs ; boules de commande pour déplacer le curseur (trackballs) et commandes électroniques sans fil ; touches tactiles (Touch Pad) ; commandes pour claviers d'ordinateurs ; souris ; écrans et claviers d'ordinateurs ; scanneurs ; graveurs ; imprimantes d'ordinateurs ; photocopieurs, télécopieurs ; caméras vidéo ; prises électriques ; vidéo-projecteurs ; rétro-projecteurs ; visiophones ; lecteurs de microfiches ; tablettes graphiques, stylets graveurs, agendas électroniques, cadres de photos numériques, calculatrices de poche ; accessoires pour appareils d'écoute MP3 portables, à savoir télécommandes sans fils, supports spécialement conçus pour le logement de lecteurs MP3 et émetteurs de fréquences FM ; accessoires pour téléphones portables, à savoir casques, chargeurs ; équipement audio ; enceintes ; haut-parleurs ; boitiers de haut-parleurs ; amplificateurs audio ; tables de mixage audio et vidéo ; microphones ; casques à écouteurs ; écouteurs ; récepteurs [audio, vidéo] ; nécessaires mains libres ; oreillettes d'écoute ; piles électriques ; chargeurs de piles et batteries ; batteries électriques rechargeables ; films (pellicules) impressionnés ; mallettes, sacs, sacoches et housses de protection et de transport pour les appareils pour l'émission, l'enregistrement, la transmission ou la reproduction du son, des données ou des images, les ordinateurs, les périphériques d'ordinateurs, les netbooks, les tablettes, les assistants numériques personnels (PDA), les livres électroniques et les lecteurs de musique MP3 ou numériques ; écrans tactiles ; filtres de protection pour écrans d'ordinateur ; écrans de confidentialité d'ordinateurs sous forme de protections anti éblouissantes ; étuis de protection pour appareils électroniques ; tapis de souris ; appareils d'authentification de codification de transmission informatique ; appareils électroniques de réseaux industriels pour la transmission de données à grande vitesse ; appareils de transmissions de données sans fil ; système de réception par satellite ; appareils et instruments informatiques notamment destinés à la sécurité des réseaux et de l'Internet ; appareils de sécurité informatique à savoir boucliers informatiques (firewalls), filtres de contenus, alarmes d'intrusion, programmes informatiques à savoir protections antivirus ; routeurs permettant notamment la partage d'accès Internet ou de fichiers informatiques ; switch (commutateur de données) ; concentrateurs permettant une connexion commune entre les composants d'un réseau informatique en étoile à savoir hubs ; appareils de réseau local destinés à mettre en réseau plusieurs ordinateurs, appareils permettant la transmission de données d'ordinateurs à périphériques et d'ordinateurs à ordinateurs ; écrans de visualisation ; appareils audiovisuels ; appareils de télécommunication ; permutateurs pour appareils de télécommunication ; instruments de saisie, de stockage, de traitement des informations ou des données ; matériel pour conduites d'électricité [fils, câbles] ; gaines pour câbles électriques ; raccordements électriques ; fils et câbles électriques et informatiques ; rallonges de fils et de câbles électriques et informatiques ; adaptateurs informatiques ou électriques ; câbles électriques, informatiques, téléphoniques, Ethernet, coaxiaux, à fibres optiques, vidéo et/ou audio ; appareils de contrôle d'accès et de sécurisation de données ; enrouleurs de câble électriques rétractables ; accessoires électroniques mobiles à savoir stations d'accueil, concentrateurs USB, câbles adaptateurs, connecteurs sans fil, connecteurs et prises sous forme de récepteurs et d'émetteurs utilisés pour raccorder des ordinateurs et des périphériques informatiques sans fils ; mécanismes pour appareils à prépaiement, caisses enregistreuses, machines à calculer ; cartes téléphoniques, appareils à but de paiement ou prépaiement à lecture informatique, magnétique ou code-barres ; distributeurs de cartes ; manuels interactifs d'utilisation vendus en tant qu'unité avec les marchandises précitées ; logiciels de création, de gestion et d'utilisation de bases de données ; logiciels de gestion, de supervision, d'orchestration et de virtualisation de serveurs et de réseaux ; logiciels de gestion, de traitement, de stockage et de prise en charge de données à distance Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Abonnement à un service d'assistance dans la mise en oeuvre des produits et services de radiotéléphonie et de téléphonie ; abonnements à un réseau local sans fil, notamment à courte distance ; abonnements à un centre fournisseur d'accès à un réseau informatique ou de transmission de données, sons, images, images animées, notamment via un réseau sans fil, notamment à courte ou longue distance ; abonnements téléphoniques, abonnements radiotéléphoniques ; abonnements à un service de radiomessagerie ; abonnements à une offre de connexion à Internet ; abonnements à un serveur de bases de données, abonnements à un centre fournisseur d'accès à un réseau informatique ou de transmission de données, notamment de communication mondiale (de type Internet) ou à accès privé ou réservé (de type Intranet) ; abonnements à des journaux électroniques ; abonnements à un service de télécommunication ; abonnement à des services de transmissions de données par voies télématiques. Abonnement à des bases de données télématiques. Abonnements à des bases de données informatiques. Services de mise à jour de bases de données (saisie) ; services d'information en matière de mise à jour de bases de données ; services d'enregistrement et de traitement de données à savoir saisie, recueil, systématisation de données ; services de gestion de fichiers informatiques notamment de fichiers d'images, de sons ; recueil de données dans un fichier central ; systématisation de données dans un fichier central ... Class 038 Communications Services Communications téléphoniques, radio téléphoniques et radiophoniques ainsi que par tous moyens téléinformatiques, par vidéographie interactive, et en particulier sur terminaux, périphériques d'ordinateur ou équipements électroniques et/ou numériques, par vidéophone, visiophone et vidéo-conférence ; communications par terminaux d'ordinateurs ou par réseau de fibres optiques ; communications radiophoniques ou téléphoniques ; échanges électroniques d'information par télex, télécopieurs, téléphones et centres serveurs ; émissions audionumériques ; émission et réception de données, de signaux et d'informations traitées par ordinateurs ou par appareils et instruments de télécommunications ; émissions radiophoniques ou télévisées ; fourniture d'accès à des bases de données ; fourniture d'accès à des réseaux informatiques mondiaux ; fourniture d'accès à des sites Web de musique numérique sur Internet ; fourniture d'accès à des catalogues électroniques et à des moteurs de recherche ; fourniture et exploitation de conférences électroniques, de blogs en ligne, de groupes de discussion, de forums de discussion et de tableaux d'affichage électroniques ; informations en matière de télécommunications ; location d'appareils de télécommunications ; location de temps d'accès à des réseaux informatiques mondiaux ; mise en réseau d'enregistrements sonores et/ou visuels ; raccordement par télécommunications à un réseau informatique mondial ; services d'accès au réseau interne ou à des réseaux locaux ; services d'affichage électronique (télécommunications) ; services de diffusion d'informations par voie électronique, notamment pour les réseaux de communication mondiale (de type Internet) ou à accès privé ou réservé (de type Intranet) ; services de messagerie électronique ; services de connexion à l'Internet ou à des réseaux locaux ; services de courrier électronique ; services de passerelle de télécommunications ; services de radiotéléphonie mobile ; services de routage et de filtrage d'adresses Internet ; services de téléconférences ; services de transmission de données, avec code d'accès ; services de transmission d'informations contenues dans des bases et des banques de données, de sons et d'images ; télécommunications ; transmission d'actualités et d'informations ; transmission et de diffusion d'informations par voie téléphonique et télématique, télévisuelle et numérique ; transmission de messages, d'images codées, de musique et de sons ; transmission de vidéos, de données et de sons vers des terminaux mobiles ; transmission et diffusion de données, de sons et d'images par réseaux informatiques, par réseaux Internet, par voie télématique, via de bases de données ou via des centres serveurs de bases de données informatiques, télématiques ou téléphoniques ; transmissions de données commerciales et/ou publicitaires par réseau Internet ; transmissions d'informations par catalogues électroniques sur réseaux Internet ; transmissions d'informations contenues dans des banques de données et d'images ; services de télédiffusion par abonnement (télévision à péage) y compris services de vidéo à la demande ; transmission et diffusion de programmes audio et vidéo et plus généralement de programmes multimédias ; transmission par satellite Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Analyse de systèmes informatiques ; analyse pour l'implantation de systèmes informatiques ; conception et développement de logiciels d'exploitation permettant l'accès à un réseau d'informatique en nuage ainsi que son utilisation ; conception et développement de systèmes informatiques ; conception et développement d'ordinateurs ; conception, installation, maintenance, mise à jour, et location de logiciels ; conseils techniques informatiques ; conversion de données et de programmes informatiques (autre que conversion physique) ; conversion de données ou de documents d'un support physique vers un support électronique ; création de plateformes informatiques pour des tiers ; développement de systèmes pour le stockage de données ; duplication de programmes informatiques ; élaboration (conception) de logiciels ; études de projets techniques, gestion et réalisation de projets ; évaluations, estimations et recherche dans les domaines scientifiques et technologiques rendus par des ingénieurs ; fourniture d'accès à des infrastructures informatiques et à des environnements de développement à distance ; gestion de bases de données ; hébergement de données et de sites informatiques (sites Web) ; informatique en nuage ; location de logiciels d'exploitation permettant l'accès à un réseau d'informatique en nuage ainsi que son utilisation ; logiciel-service ; mise à disposition temporaire en ligne de logiciels d'exploitation non téléchargeables permettant l'accès à un réseau d'informatique en nuage ainsi que son utilisation ; mise à jour et maintenance de logiciels et de bases de données de logiciels et d'ordinateurs ; mise en place de sites sur Internet ; programmation de logiciels d'exploitation permettant l'accès à un réseau d'informatique en nuage ainsi que son utilisation ; programmation pour ordinateurs ; recherche et développement de nouveaux produits ; reconstitution de bases de données et d'images ; récupération de données informatiques ; services d'aide technique à l'exploitation et à la supervision des réseaux informatiques ; services d'assistance technique (conseils) dans les domaines de l'informatique et des télécommunications ; services d'assistance technique (conseils) pour l'amélioration des conditions de mise en oeuvre des appareils pour l'enregistrement, la reproduction et le traitement de données, de sons et d'images, des terminaux de télécommunication, des serveurs de bases de données, des centres fournisseurs d'accès à un réseau informatique ou de transmission de données, le suivi et l'efficacité de ces appareils et instruments ; services de certification et d'authentification (contrôle) de messages et de données transmis par télécommunication ; services de conseillers dans le domaine des applications et réseaux d'informatique en nuage ; services de dessinateurs d'art graphique ; services de normalisation technique, à savoir élaboration et conception de normes pour la communication télévisée et radiodiffusée, de normes télématiques et informatiques ; services de programmation ; services de sauvegarde de données ; services de téléchargement de jeux vidéo, de données numériques et de logiciels ; surveillance de données, de signaux, d'images et d'informations traitées par ordinateurs ou par appareils et instruments de télécommunication | ||
SHAFFER SHAFFER MANUFACTURING CORPORATION 1799540 9 Sept 2016 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 22 Sept 2020 | Industrial food-processing machines, namely, mixers and dough conveyor... Class 007 Class 007 Machinery Products Industrial food-processing machines, namely, mixers and dough conveyors; machine parts, namely, molds and dough troughs for use in the manufacture of bread; power operated lifting machines for use in lifting troughs; power operated machines in the nature of dough chunkers. | ||
BUFFER BUFFER FESTIVAL INC. 1796025 16 Aug 2016 | REGISTERED on 12 Sept 2017 | Streaming of audio and video via the Internet featuring music, movies,... Class 038 Class 038 Communications Services Streaming of audio and video via the Internet featuring music, movies, news, and sports; video streaming in the field of independent films Class 041 Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Organization and operation of a film festival, namely the presentation of film and video presentations for public audiences, live panel discussions, and speaker presentations conducting awards ceremonies in the field of film and video. | ||
GTRANSFER CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE 1790984 12 Jul 2016 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 23 Oct 2019 | Banking services, on-line interactive banking services. Class 036 Class 036 Insurance & Financial Services Banking services, on-line interactive banking services. | ||
FRAUNHOFER FRAUNHOFER-GESELLSCHAFT ZUR FÖRDERUNG DER ANGEWANDTEN FORSCHUNG E.V. 1780695 4 May 2016 | REGISTERED on 9 Jul 2021 | Chemical substances, namely, chemicals for use in the purification of ... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemical substances, namely, chemicals for use in the purification of proteins for in vitro use, chemical materials in the nature of ion-exchange resin membranes, chemical agents for removing acid in industrial manufacturing applications, chemical preparations for preventing pathogenic infections in plants, natural elements in the nature of salts for galvanic batteries and cells, natural elements namely hydrogen, helium, lithium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon, Active chemical ingredients for use in the manufacture of anti-cancer drugs, Agricultural chemicals, Anti-freeze chemicals, bicarbonate of soda for chemical purposes, brazing chemicals, chemical additives for engine cooling systems, chemical additives for fertilizers, chemical additives for pesticides, chemical additives for transmission fluids, chemical additives for use in the manufacture of food, chemical additives for use in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, chemical additives to fungicides, chemical additives to insecticides, chemical compositions for metal plating, chemical compositions for preserving foodstuffs, chemical reagents for genetic identity testing, chemical reagents for use in genetic research, chemicals for use in chromatography, chemicals for use in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, chemicals for use in metal plating, chemicals for X-ray film processing, chemicals for use in the manufacture of adhesives, chemicals for use in the manufacture of solvents, chemicals for use in the purification of water, chemicals used to prevent condensation, iodine for chemical purposes, metal tempering chemicals, oil-purifying chemicals, tempering chemicals, waterproofing chemical composition for articles of fabric; Chemical preparations namely, diagnostic chemical reagents for medical-scientific research use; testing for contaminants in food, diagnostic chemical preparations for scientific research for use in testing for residual pesticides in grain, diagnostic chemical preparations for medical-scientific research use, chemical preparations in the nature of glue accelerators, chemical preparations for facilitating the alloying of metals, fire extinguishing chemical preparations, chemical nutrient preparations for plants, chemical plant growth regulators, chemical preservatives for pharmaceutical preparations; chemical elements, namely, natural carbon elements, namely, absorbing carbons, activated carbon, animal carbon, carbon black for industrial purposes, carbon compounds, carbon dioxide filled cylinder, carbon disulfide, carbon for filters, granulated carbon for water treatment, lime carbonate, nitrogenous fertilisers; Chemicals for use in industry and science, namely, biochemicals in the form of monoclonal antibodies for in vitro scientific use, agricultural biochemicals, bacteria for the production of biochemical, biochemicals in the form of monoclonal antibodies for research use, acetone for industrial purposes, acetylene for industrial purposes, alginates for industrial purposes, ammonia volatile alkali for industrial purposes, anhydrous sodium hydroxide for industrial purposes, calcined kaolin for industrial purposes, distilled water for industrial purposes, gliadin for industrial purposes, glycerine for industrial purposes, isotopes for industrial purposes, metal oxide powders for industrial purposes, unprocessed plastics for industrial use, wood glue for industrial use, biological tissue specimens for use in scientific research, cell culture media for scientific or research purposes, cell culture reagents for scientific or research purposes, stem cells for research and scientific purposes, enzyme substrates for scientific purposes, ethanol for scientific purposes, reagents for scientific purposes for use in nucleic acid isolation and purification; Chemical preparations for photographic film processing, for x-ray film processing, for photography and printing; Chemical products for agriculture and forestry and for horticulture; Filtering media of chemical and non-chemical substances, namely, ferric oxide and ceramic particles for use as filtering media, mineral filtering materials for the sewage treatment industry, chemical adsorbents for filtering impurities from fuel, chemical agents for filtering acid for industrial manufacturing applications; Unprocessed artificial resins; Unprocessed plastics; Manures; Fire extinguishing compositions; Tempering and soldering preparations; Chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; Detergents for use in manufacture and industry; Glazing putties, and body fillers for use in the aerospace industry and for automobile repair and starch pastes for use in industry; Adhesives for use in industry, namely, adhesives for use in the automotive industry, adhesives used in the construction industry, adhesive cements, adhesives for ceramic coating, polyurethane adhesives, adhesives for use in the manufacture of surgical bandages, general use adhesives; Salts for industrial purposes, namely, raw salts for industrial purposes, salts for galvanic batteries, salts for galvanic cells; Starches for use in manufacturing paper or textiles; Compositions for use in food and beverages, namely, linoleic acid, polyphenol and triglyceride compounds for use in the manufacture of food and beverages, alginates for the food industry, bacteria for use in food manufacture, lactose for the food industry, enzymes for use in the food industry, glucose for the food industry, gluten for the food industry, lactitol for the food industry, lactose for the food industry, lecithin for industrial use in the manufacture of food products, pectin for the food industry, proteins for use in the manufacture of food supplements, vitamins for use in the manufacture of food supplements, enzymes for the beverage industry, erythritol for the beverage industry; Tanning substances, namely, algarovilla, enzymes, oil and sumac for use in tanning; Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Pharmaceutical, medical and veterinary preparations, namely diagnostic reagents for medical diagnostic use, biochemical preparations namely natural plant proteins, insect derivatives, plant stem cells, and aquacultures for medical purposes, blood for medical purposes, gases for medical use, diagnostic preparations for medical laboratory use, hydrogen peroxide for medical purposes, isotopes for medical purposes, mineral salts for medical purposes, medical imaging contrast media, contrast media for use with medical ultrasound apparatus; hygienic preparations and articles, namely sanitary preparations for medical use, namely bandages for dressings, medical and surgical dressings or plasters, namely, all-purpose disinfecting and deodorizing preparations, analgesic preparations, antimicrobial and anti-parasitic preparations, antiseptic preparations, hand sanitizing preparations, insecticidal preparations, mildew destroying preparations; hygienic articles, namely, disposable sanitizing wipes; drug delivery systems for biopharmaceuticals, namely, intravenous fluids, auto-injectors prefilled with insulin; All-purpose disinfectants; preparations for destroying noxious animals; preparations and articles for pest control purposes, namely, fungicides; herbicides; algaecides; dental preparations and articles, namely material for stopping teeth, dental wax, Materials for dental fillings; Materials for making dental impressions; dietary preparations and supplements for medical or veterinary purposes, namely dietary preparations and supplements for animal and for human consumption, namely, dietary preparations and supplements for human consumption consisting of trace elements, amino acids, mugwort, vitamins and minerals, soy proteins, acai powder, bee pollen, lecithin, linseed, flaxseed, zinc, dietary herbal supplements for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, namely inflammatory bowel diseases and inflammatory connective tissue diseases, for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, namely, connective tissue diseases, and cartilage injuries, dietary supplements for controlling cholesterol, dietary supplements for general health and well-being, dietary preparations and supplements for animal consumption namely, dietary yeast, glucose, vitamins and minerals, and animal feed supplements; dietary supplements for animal consumption used as a worm preventative in birds, to prevent shedding in cats and dogs, to aid in milk production in lactating animals, veterinary dietary supplements for the treatment of bacterial infections in dogs, veterinary dietary supplements for animals and poultry to give newborn animals and birds a healthy start; food for babies; preparations for destroying insects and vermin; ... Class 007 Machinery Products Machines for metalworking, woodworking, plastic and textile processing, the chemical industry, construction machines, packaging machines and machine tools, namely, metalworking machine tools, woodworking drilling machine tools, wood cutting machine tools and cemented carbide cutting machine tools, grinding tools for grinding machines, milling machine tools, metal working and wood planning machine tools, metal and wood sanding machine tools and metal and wood sawing machine tools, woodworking machine tools, plastic melting and molding machines and plastic processing machine tools, textile calendaring, textile scotching machine tools, textile tendering machine tools and washing machines and textile processing machine tools; machines for blending, calcinating, dissolving, dust collecting, emulsifying, extracting, granulating, kneading, separating, sintering, and sorting for use in chemical processing and chemical processing machine tools, concrete construction machines and construction machine tools; packaging machines and machine tools; motors and engines (expect for land vehicles), namely, motors and engines for airplanes, boats, elevators, for the generation of electricity, hydraulic motors for excavators, milling grinding motors, winch motors, motors and engines for metalworking machines, woodworking machines, plastic and textile processing, machines, chemical processing machines, construction machines, packaging machines, motors and engines used in industrial applications, planetary gear motors, power tool motors, aeronautical engines, rocket engines; agricultural implements namely, agricultural elevators, tractortowed fertilizer distributors and harrows, backhoes, balers, plows, harrows, seed drills, seed planting machines cultivators, mowers, combine harvesters, power-operated sprayers for insecticides, agricultural reaper machines; unmanned transportation robots being cargo handling machines, namely, industrial robots; welding electrodes; self-loading cranes; self-propelled loading cranes; front end bucket loaders; elevators; Class 008 Hand Tool Products Hand tools and hand-operated implements used in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, mechanical engineering and the construction of apparatus and vehicles, and for structural engineering, namely, hand cultivators, hand-operated files, hand forks, hand-held cutting tools, hand hooks, hand jacks, hand-operated lifting jacks, hand taps, augers, punches, drills, hoes, rakes, atomizers, bar cutters, cattle prods, caulking guns, chisels, saws, nail extractors, post hole diggers, riveting tools, shears, sod lifters, spanners, staple guns, tampers, tile cutters, tillers, tin snips, for bending pipes, wrenches, pincers, scythes, hammers, pliers, screwdrivers, mechanics' tools, and miter cutters; Cutlery; Razors; Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments, namely, calculators; X-ray producing apparatus and installations for crystallography, for detecting moisture in building materials, for neutralization, X-ray tubes for crystallography, for detecting moisture in building materials and for neutralization, vacuum gauges as automotive measuring instruments, car navigational computers, GPS transmitters and receivers, video screens, video telephones, angle viewfinders, photographic viewfinders, viscosimeters, silicon wafers, weighing apparatus and instruments namely, weighing scales for industrial use, weighing scales for laboratory and medical use, radar transmitters, radio transmitters, satellite transmitters, telephone transmitters, television transmitters and video transmitters, audio tape recorders, airplane cockpit voice recorders, digital voice recorders, digital versatile disc recorders, telephone recorders , LP turntables, echo sounders, sound amplifiers, headphones, sound speakers, sound level meters, sound projectors, DVD players, audio cassette players, radios, boom poles, sound mixers, spectrograph apparatus, spectroscopes, satellites for scientific purposes, blank smart cards, remote controls for operating vehicle alarms, for operating radios, stereos, televisions, DVD players, Roentgen ray machines for airline security and for industrial purposes, programmable remote control apparatus for environmental monitoring, environmental control, energy management, plant irrigation, plant nutrient management, alarm monitoring and alarm event management within horticultural production, pressure gauges, pressure indicating plugs for valves, pressure sensors, tire pressure gauges; pH probes and temperature probes for scientific purposes; radiological X-ray apparatus for industrial purposes; observation instruments, namely, binoculars, monoculars, night vision goggles, microscopes, magnifying glasses, optical lenses, photovoltaic cells, electromagnetic measuring detectors, electronic sensors for measuring solar radiation, laser measuring tapes, level measuring machines for surveying, measuring rods, particle counters for measuring air quality, lasers altimeters, lasers for use in industrial drilling, laser rangefinders, lasers for capture microdissection, lasers for land surveying, lasers for use in industrial cutting and welding, ultrashort pulse lasers for spectroscopy, blank integrated circuit cards, optical inspection apparatus for inspection of food, galvanic cells, galvanometers, decompression chambers; global positioning system (GPS) consisting of computers, computer software, transmitters, receivers, and network interface devices; apparatus and instruments for conveying, switching, converting, storing, controlling, and regulating of electricity, namely electric current switches specifically cut-out switches, differential switches, light switches, dimmer switches, power switches, timer switches; acoustic transformers, audio transformers, current transformers, electric transformers, high-voltage transformers, flyback transformers, step down and step up transformers, electric connectors, electric relays, transistors, audio/video cable connectors, cable connectors, electricity conduits; apparatus for recording, transmitting and reproduction of sound and images, namely, apparatus for recording, transmitting and reproduction of images namely cameras, video cameras, DVD players, smartphones, televisions, fingerprint imagers, image scanners, raster image processors, and videophones; Blank magnetic data carriers, namely, floppy disks, hard disks, CDs, DVDs, CD-ROMs, audio and video cassettes; Blank recording compact disks and digital versatile disks; automatic vending machines and mechanism for coin-operated apparatus for vending machines and for laundry machines; cash registers; calculating machines, namely, calculators; data processing equipment namely, time punch clocks, computerized time clocks with fingerprint recognition, calculators, and computers, computer central processing units, computer chipsets for use in transmitting data to and from a central processing unit, lasers to store and retrieve data from CDs and DVDs; fire extinguishers, fire blankets and fire sprinklers, fire hoses; computer software for use in database management, use as a spreadsheet and for word processing all in the fields of logistics, construction engineering, production planning and control, the automotive industry, laser technology, molecular biotechnology and digital media technology; Class 010 Medical Instrument Products Pharmaceutical, medical and veterinary preparations, namely magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasonic apparatus for medical diagnostic and therapeutic purposes; surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth, namely, surgical instruments, medical instruments for general examination, for cutting tissue, and for use in optometry, dental instruments, veterinary instruments, surgical apparatus, namely, headlights, bougies, for static electric therapy, for washing out body cavities, for wound drainage, medical apparatus for artificial respiration, for cardiac defibrillation, for taking blood samples, to monitor blood pressure, for blood transfusion, laparoscopes, for phototherapeutic use, for anesthetic delivery, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) diagnostic apparatus, for ultrasounds, dental apparatus, namely, dental drills, cutting and grinding discs, articulators, bite guards, bridges, broaches, burrs, examination chairs, chin cups, mirrors; veterinary apparatus, namely, for castrating, Elizabethan collars; Orthopedic articles namely belts, cast padding, footwear, inserts for footwear, joint implants from artificial materials and braces, orthopedic bone implants, orthopedic bone screws, orthopedic corsets; Suture materials; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; Class 012 Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water Aerial conveyors; unmanned conveying vehicles, namely, unmanned conveyor belt vehicles; unmanned vehicles, namely, unmanned aerial vehicles, automatic guided vehicles, autonomous underwater vehicles for seabed inspections; chairlifts; self-loading vehicles namely pallet lifters, and forklifts; passenger motor vehicles namely automobiles, buses, trains and cable cars; wind powered vehicles namely cars, sailboats, land yachts, kite buggies, air balloons, sailplanes and cable cars; military vehicles for transport, namely, armored vehicles; air cushion vehicles; self-propelled loading vehicles namely pallet lifters and forklifts, selfpropelled electric platform truck for loading, self-generating electric locomotives for loading; freight carrying vehicles namely rail cars, transport trucks, airplanes, and cargo trailers; vehicles and conveyances for the transportation of people namely aerial conveyors, automobiles, buses, trains, airplanes, and ships; air and space vehicles namely airplanes, air balloons, blimps, space crafts, space shuttles, space capsules, lunar modules; structural parts and fittings for airplanes, automobiles, trucks, ships, busses, trains, armored vehicles, air balloons, blimps and spacecraft, tires and seatbelts for airplanes, automobiles, trucks, ships, busses, trains, armored vehicles, air balloons, blimps and spacecraft; water vehicles namely ships, boats, sea planes, and submarines; amphibious vehicles; external load carriers for vehicles namely tow bars, roof racks, cargo carriers, and autoracks; drone (air vehicles), namely, camera drones, civilian drones, military drones; electric automobiles, buses, trains, scooters, trucks and electric bicycles; self-propelled electric cars, locomotives and trucks; unmanned robotic cars, buses, trains and driverless cars; automobiles adapted for the disabled, motorised wheelchairs for the disabled and those with mobility difficulties; vans, trailers and cargo trucks for animal transport; vehicles adapted for military purposes namely armored vehicles, reconnaissance armoured vehicles, military engineering armoured vehicle, military ambulances, military light rail vehicles and armored trains; rocket-propelled vehicles namely rocket cars; tipping semi-trailers, tipping fifth-wheel trailers, and tipping tandem axle trailers; container truck with specially adapted loading crane, flatbed trucks, tow trucks, and fork lifts; ski lifts; cars for cable transport installations; apparatus for locomotion by land, air, water or on rails, namely, locomotives; aerial ropeways and gondola lifts; cable cars, chair lifts, aerial lifts, gondola lifts, ski lifts, cable ferries, cars for cableway installations, cars for cable railway installations, and cars for aerial tramway installations; Class 017 Rubber Products Natural rubber, raw rubber, polysulfide rubber, gutta-percha, rubber derivative, asbestos, mica and goods made therefrom, not included in other classes, namely asbestos fibres, asbestos nets, asbestos paper, asbestos millboards, asbestos panels, asbestos powder, asbestos slate, asbestos soles, asbestos cloth, asbestos sheets, asbestos wall coverings, insulating panels of mica, decorative badges of mica; rubber elastic threads for industrial use; electrical insulators of mica, ebonite moulds, rubber material for recapping tyres, bands of rubber for unscrewing jar lids, threads of rubber, not for use in textiles, granules of rubber for use in packing and further manufacture, rubber valves, rubber solutions, rubber sleeves for protecting parts of machines (stops), shock absorbing buffers of rubber, O-rings of rubber, rubber sheeting, cords of rubber, rubber stoppers, adhesive tapes other than stationery and not for medical or household purposes, namely, adhesive tapes for general industrial use, clutch linings, padding materials of rubber, packing (cushioning, stuffing) materials of rubber, floating anti-pollution barriers, self-adhesive tapes, other than stationery and not for medical or household purposes, namely, self-adhesive tapes for general industrial use, safety curtains of asbestos, bags (envelopes, pouches) of rubber, for packaging, non-woven fabrics made of asbestos, washers of rubber or vulcanised fibre, valves of rubber or vulcanised fibre; Seals for pipe connections, general purpose sealants and fillers for expansion joints; Packing, stopping and insulating materials namely cellulose acetate film used as packing, material extruded polystyrene pellets for packing, low-density polyurethane foam for packing, molded foam for packing, packing foam in sheet form, packing material of plastic for shipping containers, plastic pellets for packing, rubber packing for shipping containers, rubber sheets for packing purposes, stuffing material of plastic and glass beads, bamboo fibres for insulation, bark coverings for sound insulation, ceramic enamel fibre insulation, electric, thermal and acoustic insulators, felt insulation, fiberglass insulation, foam sheeting for building insulation, foils of metal for insulation, insulating oils, insulating paints, insulating paper, insulating plaster, insulating refractory materials, insulating sleeves for machinery, insulating sleeves for power lines, insulation materials for aircraft, insulators for cables, insulators for railway tracks, low-density polyurethane foam for insulation, insulating fabrics, graphite packing material for pumps, gaskets and valves, packing material for forming seals for medical and pharmaceutical packaging, resins in bars, blocks, pellets, rods, sheets and tubes for packing, stopping and insulating; finished and semi-finished products namely semi-finished acrylic molded plastic; artificial resins in the form of bars for use in manufacture; artificial resins in the form of blocks for use in manufacture; artificial resins in the form of pellets for use in manufacture; artificial resins in the form of rods for use in manufacture; artificial resins in the form of sheets for use in manufacture; artificial resins in the form of tubes for use in manufacture; plastic in bars, blocks, pellets, rods, sheets, tubes or extruded form for general industrial or manufacturing use; semi-finished acrylic molded plastic substances; semi-processed acrylic resins; semiprocessed brake lining materials; semi-processed cellulose acetate; semi-processed natural resins; semiprocessed plastics; semi-processed synthetic resins; semi-processed thermoplastic polymer resins for use in manufacture; semi-processed thermoplastic polymer resins for use in the manufacture of balloon catheters; semi-processed thermoplastic polymer resins used in manufacturing balloon catheters; semi-worked asbestos; semi-worked gum; semi-worked gutta-percha; semi-worked mica; semi-worked rubber, plastic foam, plastic junctions for pipes; Flexible plastic pipes, plastic tubes, plastic hoses, and seals for pipe connection; barrier articles and materials namely floating anti-pollution barriers, laminated vapor barriers, polyurethane film for use as a moisture barrier, plastic sheeting for use as a vapor barrier; partially processed materials, namely foil of regenerated cellulose and foil of cellulose for use in industrial manufacturing; fibres impregnated with artificial resins for use in further manufacture, foils of cellulose for use in the further manufacture of regenerated cellulose for use in further industrial manufacture; Class 021 Houseware and Glass Products Articles for pest control purposes, namely, ultrasonic pest repellers, radio frequency pest controllers, and electromagnetic pest repellers; Class 037 Construction and Repair Services Pavement stripping; Class 038 Communications Services Telecommunication services, namely, provision of access to the Internet and global computer networks, cellular telephone services, cellular text messaging services, communication by telephone, network conferencing, teleconferencing services, videoconferencing services, voice-activated dialling services, voice messaging services, wireless digital messaging services, wireless fax services, e-mail services; electronic transmission of user-generated e-mail and text messages, photos and digital images via infrared light; satellite television transmission services, satellite telephone transmission services, satellite radio transmission services, and satellite military radio transmission services; providing internet access through computer terminals; cellular telephone communication; providing internet access via fiber-optic networks; paging services; providing access to computer databases in the fields of medical research, biological molecular transformation, blockchain technology, aviation, cyber security and encryption, artificial intelligence cognitive systems, energy transition, self-propelled electric vehicles, maritime research, upgrading technology, namely, renovation of old buildings and monument, and internet access; Class 040 Treatment & Processing of Materials Services Treatment of materials, namely, waste water treatment, waste gas treatment, and nuclear waste treatment, clothing alteration, tailoring, applying finishes to textiles, pattern printing, taxidermy, textile treating namely, wool treating, fabric bleaching, bookbinding, leather and textile dyeing services; services of a dental technician; treatment of materials namely, gravure printing, intaglio printing, letterpress printing, offset printing, patter printing, photographic printing, custom 3D printing, cloth edging, decontamination of hazardous materials, photographic film development, oil refining and recycling, photographic printing, photogravure, generation of electricity in the form of wasted energy recycling, generation of electricity from solar and wind energy, window tinting treatment, being surface coating, leather staining, fur dyeing, shoe staining, cloth dyeing, textile dyeing, cloth fireproofing, processing of cinematographic films, millworking, galvanisation, tanning, glass-blowing, gold-plating, engraving, metal tempering, operation of a saw mill, wood planing services, woodworking, and timber felling and processing; providing information concerning the chemical treatment of textiles and waste water, cadmium plating, permanent-press treatment of fabrics, fruit crushing, firing pottery, boiler-making, loom warping, crease-resistant treatment for clothing, food and drink industrial preservation processes, cloth pre-shrinking, laminating, laser scribing of ceramics, metals, and plastics, leather working, lithographic printing, soldering, air freshening, air purification, air deodorising, fur glossing, magnetisation, flour milling, dressmaking, metal casting, fur mothproofing, textile mothproofing, recycling of waste, offset printing, paper finishing, paper bleaching and recycling, fur conditioning, electroplating, destruction of waste, electrolysis of water, waste disposal services, waste sorting services, water demineralization, water recycling, oil and gas well treatment, application of wear-resistant coatings on metals and plastics, coating and surface finishing of machines and tools; Metal plating, Burnishing by abrasion, Optical glass grinding, Quilting, metal refining services, Framing of works of art, Food smoking, operation of a saw mill, Fur satining, saddlery working, Silk screen printing, operation of slaughterhouses, stone grinding, Key cutting, Blacksmithing, Soldering, Sorting of waste and recyclable material, Embroidery, electricity generating, Rotogravure, electronic colour separation, Incineration of waste and rubbish, Chromium plating, Gilding, Destruction of waste and trash, Nickel plating, Silver plating, Tin plating, tire vulcanisation, Laminating, Water treatment, Waterproofing of clothing, loom warping; Skin dressing; custom fashioning of fur; cutting of fabric, Custom assembling of materials for others, namely, custom assembling of pharmaceuticals tablets and capsules for others; abrasion testing of coatings and substrates; Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Education, namely publishing, lending and providing educational materials in the field of chemistry, and biochemistry, namely, online-publishing of books and periodicals for research purposes in the field of sciences and applied sciences, arranging and conducting educational workshops and seminars and scientific research competitions in the field of chemistry, biochemistry, and public health; education services from universities and colleges in the field of sciences, namely, publication of university and college papers in the fields of medical and technological science, book and review publishing for university and colleges in the field of science, on-line publication of electronic university and college books and journals in the field of science, publication of university and college books and magazines in the field of science, educational research services from university and colleges in the field of science, educational services from university and colleges in the form of providing incentives to organizations to demonstrate excellence in the field of science; Providing of training, including on-line training, namely courses, seminars, workshops for physicists and chemical lab technicians; Arranging of professional workshops, seminars, conferences, contest and training course in the field of laser and plasma hardware; entertainment, namely arranging, organizing, conducting, and hosting social entertainment events, namely, dinners, social parties, and cocktail parties, electronic games services provided by means of the internet; sporting and cultural activities, namely organization of exhibitions for cultural and educational purposes in the field of chemistry, biochemistry, and public health; online-publishing of books, magazines, journals, software, games, music, and electronic publications; Photo composition services; Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Scientific and technological services, namely, scientific and industrial research in the field of genetic engineering, mechanical engineering, nuclear engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, automotive, graphical image processing, digital cinema, telemetry monitoring, alerting and record-keeping of space craft, computer technology research to provide government public services via the Internet, energy, grid computing, high-performance ceramics, computer technology, biology, anatomy, biochemistry, bioinformatics, biomechanics, biophysics, genetics, histology, neuroscience, pharmacology, physiology, toxicology, microelectronics, nanotechnology, computer numerical simulations, surface finishing industry and photonics engineering, optical engineering, potocatalysis, polymer surfaces, rapid scale model prototyping, cleaning preparations technology, vehicle and air traffic and space flight, air and land transportation technology, computer security, design of fiber-optical and micro-optical components, water sensors, water barriers, water absorbing polymers, data encryption and decoding services, production automation and sensor technology, raw materials for product developers, product manufacturers and raw material suppliers, industrial process engineering, energy and construction technology, environment protection, techno economical studies, scientific and industrial research in the field of surface coatings, scientific and industrial research on the uses of various types of lasers; scientific and industrial research in the field of software engineering, laser technology, molecular biotechnology, digital media production and design; computer design, graphic design, and industrial design, for others in the field of genetic engineering, mechanical engineering, nuclear engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, automotive image processing, digital cinema, computer research to provide government public services via the Internet, energy production, grid computing, high performance ceramics, computer technology, biology, anatomy, biochemistry, bioinformatics, biomechanics, biophysics, genetics, histology, neuroscience, pharmacology, physiology, toxicology, microelectronics, nanotechnology, computer numerical simulations, surface finishing industry and photonics engineering, optical engineering, photocatalysis, polymer surfaces, rapid scale model prototyping, cleaning preparations technology, air and vehicle traffic and space flight, air and land transportation technology, computer security, fiber-optical and micro-optical components, raw materials for product developers, product manufacturers and raw material suppliers, industrial process engineering, energy and construction technology, environmental protection, technoeconomical studies, software engineering, laser technology, molecular biotechnology, digital media production and design; scientific and technical calibration of third-party electronic measuring instruments for others; material testing; updating computer software, updating internet web pages; Consultation services in the field of the design and building of web pages and design in the field of telecommunications technology for others, namely, communications equipment in the nature of two-way radios, portable two-way radios, remote speakers and microphones; internet security consultancy, computer security consultancy, computer programming consultancy, computer software consultancy, maintenance of websites for others; testing on pollutant emission concentrations for research purposes. creating websites for others, analysis of oil fields in the nature of providing analysis of crude oil production from oil fields; product testing in the nature of testing emissions from new products; computer animation services for others; consultation in the field of geological expertise pertaining to geological estimations and research; drawing up of expert technical opinions regarding crude oil deposits; consultation in the nature of expert opinion and scientific expert opinion in the field of oil field exploration; research in the field of bacteriology, research in the field of chemistry, research in the field of cosmetics, research in the field of machine construction, geological research; geological prospecting; design and maintenance of web sites for third parties; consultation regarding hardware and software; cloud seeding; implementation of data processing programs in networks, services of an interior architect, installation of computer software, providing calibration and function tests of third-party measuring instruments for others; providing online nondownloadable computer software for configuring local and wide area networks; construction planning; data conversions of computer program data or information from one media to another; converting of data or documents from physical to electronical media; designing websites for others; duplicating computer software; land surveying; technical support in the nature of monitoring of network systems; materials testing; research of product materials for others; testing and research of materials in connection with textiles; maintenance and installation of software; physics research; product testing in the nature of testing for quality of new products; computer services, namely, computer system administration for others; industrial design in the nature of city planning; consulting services in the field of designing computer hardware systems for others; technical planning and technical project management in the nature of computer software project management services for electronic data processing projects; testing the suitability of new vehicles for the road; oil drilling monitoring services, namely, providing measurements and downhole telemetry while drilling, consulting in the field of environmental protection; testing of products for environmental impact; research in the field of underwater sea life, hosting of web sites for third parties; renting out computer software; renting out computer hardware in the nature of a data processing apparatus; computer software maintenance, computer access software maintenance; weather forecasting; recovery of computer data; hosting of websites in the nature of providing memory capacity and web space for others; consulting in the field of laser technology, molecular biotechnology, digital media technology, software engineering and laser technology in the coating application field; technological consultation in the technology field of computer hardware systems, laser technology, molecular biotechnology, digital media technology, software engineering and laser technology in the coating application field; Design and validation of novel peptides for scientific purposes; Design of novel synthetic toll-like receptor agonist/antagonist compounds; | ||
WITT/KIEFFER WITT/KIEFFER INC. 1778799 22 Apr 2016 | REGISTERED on 17 Jun 2019 | Business management consultation in the field of executive and leaders... Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Business management consultation in the field of executive and leadership development; Business management consulting; Business management consulting in the field of team development; Business organization consulting; Business succession planning. Class 041 Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Business education and training services, namely, developing customized leadership and executive development programs, providing executive coaching services; Writing of articles for periodicals other than for advertising or publicity; Writing of articles for professional journals other than for advertising or publicity; Providing a website featuring resources, namely, non-downloadable publications in the nature of thought leadership in the field of recruitment, assessment in the field of executive recruitment, placement and executive leadership, leadership and professional development and talent management. | ||
SUCCUBUS OFFER ADP MERKUR GMBH 1777251 13 Apr 2016 | REGISTERED on 7 Oct 2019 | Calculators, including calculators in coin-operated machines, namely c... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Calculators, including calculators in coin-operated machines, namely calculators in coin-operated amusement electronic games, and parts for the aforesaid goods; Musical jukeboxes; Automatic cash dispensers, automatic money counting and money changing machines; Computer video games; Computer games; Video games; Computer games provided through a global computer network or supplied by means of multi-media electronic broadcast or through telecommunications or electronic transmission or via the Internet; Coin-operated amusement electronic games, free-standing arcade electronic games and video games; automatic lottery machines; computer software for running computer games on the Internet; Online computer games; Online games software accessed via web browser, gaming console (portable or not), cellular phone or other video game supporting wireless device; Computer hardware and software for casino and amusement arcade games, for gaming machines, slot machines, video lottery gaming machines, and games of chance via the Internet; Coin and banknote proofing machines and machines for verifying data of identification cards and credit cards; Electric wiring harnesses; Circuit boards, printed board assemblies. Class 028 Class 028 Toys and Sporting Goods Products Gaming machines, including coin-operated gaming machines, networked or unnetworked; Games for amusement arcades; Coin-operated video gaming machines, networked or unnetworked; Video games adapted for use with external screens or monitors only; Casino fittings, namely roulette tables, roulette wheels; Coin-operated automatic gaming machines and gaming machines, in particular for gaming arcades, with or without a prize payout; Electronic or electrotechnical gaming machines, games machines and slot machines, networked or unnetworked, operated by coins, tokens, banknotes, tickets or by means of electronic, magnetic or biometric storage media, in particular for commercial use in casinos and amusement arcades, with or without a prize payout; Automatic gaming machines and gaming machines, in particular for commercial use in casinos and gaming arcades, with or without a prize payout; Coin-operated gaming machines and electronic money-based gaming machines, with or without prizes; Housings adapted for gaming machines and automatic gaming machines, networked or unnetworked, operated by means of coins, tokens, tickets or by means of electronic, magnetic or biometric storage media, in particular for commercial use in casinos and gaming arcades, with or without a prize payout; Electropneumatically and electrically driven gaming machines, Video output game machines; Machines, networked or unnetworked, for selecting winners in prize games and lotteries, draws or raffles; Housings of metal, plastic or wood for coin-operated automatic machines; Gaming tables, in particular for table football, billiards, sliding games; Quoits (playthings) and darts; Electric, electronic or electromechanical machines for bingo games, lotteries or video lottery games and for betting offices, networked or unnetworked; LCD games consoles; Automatic gaming machines; Apparatus and devices for accepting and storing money, being a component of gaming machines. | ||
DISCIPLINE2FER GREEN SHIELD CANADA 1774918 31 Mar 2016 | REGISTERED on 19 May 2017 | Administration of group and individual benefit insurance plans; insura... Class 036 Class 036 Insurance & Financial Services Administration of group and individual benefit insurance plans; insurance services namely, services consisting of the administration of extended health care and dental plans and out-of-country travel insurance; Information and educational services in the fields of health and wellness; Health management services, namely health promotion education; and Tools to support health risk prevention, namely health risk assessments, online educational modules and materials, and digital logs for tracking behaviour change and improving medication adherence. Class 041 Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services ... Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Class 044 Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services | ||
ECOWAFER 10573545 BC LTD OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 1767837 15 Feb 2016 | ABANDONED SECTION 40(3) on 6 Mar 2019 | Air deodorizers Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Air deodorizers |
on 26 Feb 2019
1818783 · 18 Jan 2017
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Mineral supplements for treating iron deficiency
Mineral supplements for treating iron deficiency
on 17 Oct 2017
1810572 · 22 Nov 2016
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Appareils pour l'émission, l'enregistrement, la transmission ou la reproduction du son, des données ou des images ; supports d'enregistrements magnétiques ; instruments de saisie, de stockage, de traitement des informations ou des données ; supports pour l'enregistrement et la reproduction des sons, des images, des signaux et des données, modems (matériel de connexion d'un équipement informatique) ; matériel de transmission de messages ; organes de commande de télécommunication, appareils pour la saisie, le comptage, la collection, le stockage, la conversion, le traitement, l'entrée, l'émission, la transmission de données, d'informations et de signaux ; ordinateurs ; périphériques d'ordinateurs ; appareils et instruments multimédia ; boitiers multimédia ; supports multimédia (supports magnétiques, optiques, d'images et de sons, logiciels) ; clefs USB ; dongles ; appareils téléphoniques ; appareils radiotéléphoniques ; appareils pour l'émission, l'enregistrement, la transmission ou la reproduction du son, des données ou des images à main libre ou à commande vocale ; appareils pour le traitement de l'information, mémoires pour ordinateurs, interface, bandes magnétiques, supports pour l'information notamment optiques, télématiques, numériques ou magnétiques ; émetteurs de télécommunications ; programmes informatiques pour la communication sans fil ; bornes de transmission et d'émission de données utilisant une technologie de réseau personnel sans fils ; supports d'enregistrement et de reproduction de données, son et images à codage analogique ou numérique sous forme de feuilles, bandes magnétiques, disquettes, disques, piles de disques ; matériel électronique d'enregistrement et de reproduction du son, des images et/ou des données ; cartes à mémoire, ou à microprocesseur, cartes magnétiques, cartes à puce ; lecteurs de cartes mémoires, cartes vidéo, cartes son, cartes télévision, cartes pour jeux électroniques (conçus pour être utilisés avec des récepteurs téléphoniques) ; décodeurs pour la télévision ; antennes ; appareils d'écriture et/ou de lecture sur carte à mémoire, ou à microprocesseur ou magnétique ou à puce ; compacts disques ; Cédéroms ; cartouches de jeux vidéo ; lecteurs MP3 ; lecteurs de disques compacts ; lecteurs DVD ; DVD ; serveurs et terminaux informatiques ; serveurs audio et vidéo interactifs ; bornes interactives de présentation et de commande de produits et services ; centres serveurs de bases de données (logiciels) ; logiciels, progiciels, programmes enregistrés, logiciels de toutes sortes quel que soit leur support d'enregistrement ou de diffusion (y compris logiciels enregistrés sur support magnétique ou téléchargés depuis un réseau informatique externe) ; logiciels pour décodeurs ; programmes de jeux sur ordinateurs, casques à écouteurs, claviers et souris (traitement de données), le tout pour l'utilisation avec ordinateurs et consoles pour plateformes de jeux vidéo ; accessoires pour matériel informatique et écrans d'ordinateur, à savoir supports de lecture, socles d'écran, housses, piles, batteries ou accumulateurs munis de chargeurs ; boules de commande pour déplacer le curseur (trackballs) et commandes électroniques sans fil ; touches tactiles (Touch Pad) ; commandes pour claviers d'ordinateurs ; souris ; écrans et claviers d'ordinateurs ; scanneurs ; graveurs ; imprimantes d'ordinateurs ; photocopieurs, télécopieurs ; caméras vidéo ; prises électriques ; vidéo-projecteurs ; rétro-projecteurs ; visiophones ; lecteurs de microfiches ; tablettes graphiques, stylets graveurs, agendas électroniques, cadres de photos numériques, calculatrices de poche ; accessoires pour appareils d'écoute MP3 portables, à savoir télécommandes sans fils, supports spécialement conçus pour le logement de lecteurs MP3 et émetteurs de fréquences FM ; accessoires pour téléphones portables, à savoir casques, chargeurs ; équipement audio ; enceintes ; haut-parleurs ; boitiers de haut-parleurs ; amplificateurs audio ; tables de mixage audio et vidéo ; microphones ; casques à écouteurs ; écouteurs ; récepteurs [audio, vidéo] ; nécessaires mains libres ; oreillettes d'écoute ; piles électriques ; chargeurs de piles et batteries ; batteries électriques rechargeables ; films (pellicules) impressionnés ; mallettes, sacs, sacoches et housses de protection et de transport pour les appareils pour l'émission, l'enregistrement, la transmission ou la reproduction du son, des données ou des images, les ordinateurs, les périphériques d'ordinateurs, les netbooks, les tablettes, les assistants numériques personnels (PDA), les livres électroniques et les lecteurs de musique MP3 ou numériques ; écrans tactiles ; filtres de protection pour écrans d'ordinateur ; écrans de confidentialité d'ordinateurs sous forme de protections anti éblouissantes ; étuis de protection pour appareils électroniques ; tapis de souris ; appareils d'authentification de codification de transmission informatique ; appareils électroniques de réseaux industriels pour la transmission de données à grande vitesse ; appareils de transmissions de données sans fil ; système de réception par satellite ; appareils et instruments informatiques notamment destinés à la sécurité des réseaux et de l'Internet ; appareils de sécurité informatique à savoir boucliers informatiques (firewalls), filtres de contenus, alarmes d'intrusion, programmes informatiques à savoir protections antivirus ; routeurs permettant notamment la partage d'accès Internet ou de fichiers informatiques ; switch (commutateur de données) ; concentrateurs permettant une connexion commune entre les composants d'un réseau informatique en étoile à savoir hubs ; appareils de réseau local destinés à mettre en réseau plusieurs ordinateurs, appareils permettant la transmission de données d'ordinateurs à périphériques et d'ordinateurs à ordinateurs ; écrans de visualisation ; appareils audiovisuels ; appareils de télécommunication ; permutateurs pour appareils de télécommunication ; instruments de saisie, de stockage, de traitement des informations ou des données ; matériel pour conduites d'électricité [fils, câbles] ; gaines pour câbles électriques ; raccordements électriques ; fils et câbles électriques et informatiques ; rallonges de fils et de câbles électriques et informatiques ; adaptateurs informatiques ou électriques ; câbles électriques, informatiques, téléphoniques, Ethernet, coaxiaux, à fibres optiques, vidéo et/ou audio ; appareils de contrôle d'accès et de sécurisation de données ; enrouleurs de câble électriques rétractables ; accessoires électroniques mobiles à savoir stations d'accueil, concentrateurs USB, câbles adaptateurs, connecteurs sans fil, connecteurs et prises sous forme de récepteurs et d'émetteurs utilisés pour raccorder des ordinateurs et des périphériques informatiques sans fils ; mécanismes pour appareils à prépaiement, caisses enregistreuses, machines à calculer ; cartes téléphoniques, appareils à but de paiement ou prépaiement à lecture informatique, magnétique ou code-barres ; distributeurs de cartes ; manuels interactifs d'utilisation vendus en tant qu'unité avec les marchandises précitées ; logiciels de création, de gestion et d'utilisation de bases de données ; logiciels de gestion, de supervision, d'orchestration et de virtualisation de serveurs et de réseaux ; logiciels de gestion, de traitement, de stockage et de prise en charge de données à distance
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Abonnement à un service d'assistance dans la mise en oeuvre des produits et services de radiotéléphonie et de téléphonie ; abonnements à un réseau local sans fil, notamment à courte distance ; abonnements à un centre fournisseur d'accès à un réseau informatique ou de transmission de données, sons, images, images animées, notamment via un réseau sans fil, notamment à courte ou longue distance ; abonnements téléphoniques, abonnements radiotéléphoniques ; abonnements à un service de radiomessagerie ; abonnements à une offre de connexion à Internet ; abonnements à un serveur de bases de données, abonnements à un centre fournisseur d'accès à un réseau informatique ou de transmission de données, notamment de communication mondiale (de type Internet) ou à accès privé ou réservé (de type Intranet) ; abonnements à des journaux électroniques ; abonnements à un service de télécommunication ; abonnement à des services de transmissions de données par voies télématiques. Abonnement à des bases de données télématiques. Abonnements à des bases de données informatiques. Services de mise à jour de bases de données (saisie) ; services d'information en matière de mise à jour de bases de données ; services d'enregistrement et de traitement de données à savoir saisie, recueil, systématisation de données ; services de gestion de fichiers informatiques notamment de fichiers d'images, de sons ; recueil de données dans un fichier central ; systématisation de données dans un fichier central
Class 038
Communications Services
Communications téléphoniques, radio téléphoniques et radiophoniques ainsi que par tous moyens téléinformatiques, par vidéographie interactive, et en particulier sur terminaux, périphériques d'ordinateur ou équipements électroniques et/ou numériques, par vidéophone, visiophone et vidéo-conférence ; communications par terminaux d'ordinateurs ou par réseau de fibres optiques ; communications radiophoniques ou téléphoniques ; échanges électroniques d'information par télex, télécopieurs, téléphones et centres serveurs ; émissions audionumériques ; émission et réception de données, de signaux et d'informations traitées par ordinateurs ou par appareils et instruments de télécommunications ; émissions radiophoniques ou télévisées ; fourniture d'accès à des bases de données ; fourniture d'accès à des réseaux informatiques mondiaux ; fourniture d'accès à des sites Web de musique numérique sur Internet ; fourniture d'accès à des catalogues électroniques et à des moteurs de recherche ; fourniture et exploitation de conférences électroniques, de blogs en ligne, de groupes de discussion, de forums de discussion et de tableaux d'affichage électroniques ; informations en matière de télécommunications ; location d'appareils de télécommunications ; location de temps d'accès à des réseaux informatiques mondiaux ; mise en réseau d'enregistrements sonores et/ou visuels ; raccordement par télécommunications à un réseau informatique mondial ; services d'accès au réseau interne ou à des réseaux locaux ; services d'affichage électronique (télécommunications) ; services de diffusion d'informations par voie électronique, notamment pour les réseaux de communication mondiale (de type Internet) ou à accès privé ou réservé (de type Intranet) ; services de messagerie électronique ; services de connexion à l'Internet ou à des réseaux locaux ; services de courrier électronique ; services de passerelle de télécommunications ; services de radiotéléphonie mobile ; services de routage et de filtrage d'adresses Internet ; services de téléconférences ; services de transmission de données, avec code d'accès ; services de transmission d'informations contenues dans des bases et des banques de données, de sons et d'images ; télécommunications ; transmission d'actualités et d'informations ; transmission et de diffusion d'informations par voie téléphonique et télématique, télévisuelle et numérique ; transmission de messages, d'images codées, de musique et de sons ; transmission de vidéos, de données et de sons vers des terminaux mobiles ; transmission et diffusion de données, de sons et d'images par réseaux informatiques, par réseaux Internet, par voie télématique, via de bases de données ou via des centres serveurs de bases de données informatiques, télématiques ou téléphoniques ; transmissions de données commerciales et/ou publicitaires par réseau Internet ; transmissions d'informations par catalogues électroniques sur réseaux Internet ; transmissions d'informations contenues dans des banques de données et d'images ; services de télédiffusion par abonnement (télévision à péage) y compris services de vidéo à la demande ; transmission et diffusion de programmes audio et vidéo et plus généralement de programmes multimédias ; transmission par satellite
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Analyse de systèmes informatiques ; analyse pour l'implantation de systèmes informatiques ; conception et développement de logiciels d'exploitation permettant l'accès à un réseau d'informatique en nuage ainsi que son utilisation ; conception et développement de systèmes informatiques ; conception et développement d'ordinateurs ; conception, installation, maintenance, mise à jour, et location de logiciels ; conseils techniques informatiques ; conversion de données et de programmes informatiques (autre que conversion physique) ; conversion de données ou de documents d'un support physique vers un support électronique ; création de plateformes informatiques pour des tiers ; développement de systèmes pour le stockage de données ; duplication de programmes informatiques ; élaboration (conception) de logiciels ; études de projets techniques, gestion et réalisation de projets ; évaluations, estimations et recherche dans les domaines scientifiques et technologiques rendus par des ingénieurs ; fourniture d'accès à des infrastructures informatiques et à des environnements de développement à distance ; gestion de bases de données ; hébergement de données et de sites informatiques (sites Web) ; informatique en nuage ; location de logiciels d'exploitation permettant l'accès à un réseau d'informatique en nuage ainsi que son utilisation ; logiciel-service ; mise à disposition temporaire en ligne de logiciels d'exploitation non téléchargeables permettant l'accès à un réseau d'informatique en nuage ainsi que son utilisation ; mise à jour et maintenance de logiciels et de bases de données de logiciels et d'ordinateurs ; mise en place de sites sur Internet ; programmation de logiciels d'exploitation permettant l'accès à un réseau d'informatique en nuage ainsi que son utilisation ; programmation pour ordinateurs ; recherche et développement de nouveaux produits ; reconstitution de bases de données et d'images ; récupération de données informatiques ; services d'aide technique à l'exploitation et à la supervision des réseaux informatiques ; services d'assistance technique (conseils) dans les domaines de l'informatique et des télécommunications ; services d'assistance technique (conseils) pour l'amélioration des conditions de mise en oeuvre des appareils pour l'enregistrement, la reproduction et le traitement de données, de sons et d'images, des terminaux de télécommunication, des serveurs de bases de données, des centres fournisseurs d'accès à un réseau informatique ou de transmission de données, le suivi et l'efficacité de ces appareils et instruments ; services de certification et d'authentification (contrôle) de messages et de données transmis par télécommunication ; services de conseillers dans le domaine des applications et réseaux d'informatique en nuage ; services de dessinateurs d'art graphique ; services de normalisation technique, à savoir élaboration et conception de normes pour la communication télévisée et radiodiffusée, de normes télématiques et informatiques ; services de programmation ; services de sauvegarde de données ; services de téléchargement de jeux vidéo, de données numériques et de logiciels ; surveillance de données, de signaux, d'images et d'informations traitées par ordinateurs ou par appareils et instruments de télécommunication
Appareils pour l'émission, l'enregistrement, la transmission ou la rep...
on 22 Sept 2020
1799540 · 9 Sept 2016
Class 007
Machinery Products
Industrial food-processing machines, namely, mixers and dough conveyors; machine parts, namely, molds and dough troughs for use in the manufacture of bread; power operated lifting machines for use in lifting troughs; power operated machines in the nature of dough chunkers.
Industrial food-processing machines, namely, mixers and dough conveyor...
on 12 Sept 2017
1796025 · 16 Aug 2016
Class 038
Communications Services
Streaming of audio and video via the Internet featuring music, movies, news, and sports; video streaming in the field of independent films
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Organization and operation of a film festival, namely the presentation of film and video presentations for public audiences, live panel discussions, and speaker presentations conducting awards ceremonies in the field of film and video.
Streaming of audio and video via the Internet featuring music, movies,...
on 23 Oct 2019
1790984 · 12 Jul 2016
Class 036
Insurance & Financial Services
Banking services, on-line interactive banking services.
Banking services, on-line interactive banking services.
on 9 Jul 2021
1780695 · 4 May 2016
Class 001
Chemical Products
Chemical substances, namely, chemicals for use in the purification of proteins for in vitro use, chemical materials in the nature of ion-exchange resin membranes, chemical agents for removing acid in industrial manufacturing applications, chemical preparations for preventing pathogenic infections in plants, natural elements in the nature of salts for galvanic batteries and cells, natural elements namely hydrogen, helium, lithium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon, Active chemical ingredients for use in the manufacture of anti-cancer drugs, Agricultural chemicals, Anti-freeze chemicals, bicarbonate of soda for chemical purposes, brazing chemicals, chemical additives for engine cooling systems, chemical additives for fertilizers, chemical additives for pesticides, chemical additives for transmission fluids, chemical additives for use in the manufacture of food, chemical additives for use in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, chemical additives to fungicides, chemical additives to insecticides, chemical compositions for metal plating, chemical compositions for preserving foodstuffs, chemical reagents for genetic identity testing, chemical reagents for use in genetic research, chemicals for use in chromatography, chemicals for use in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, chemicals for use in metal plating, chemicals for X-ray film processing, chemicals for use in the manufacture of adhesives, chemicals for use in the manufacture of solvents, chemicals for use in the purification of water, chemicals used to prevent condensation, iodine for chemical purposes, metal tempering chemicals, oil-purifying chemicals, tempering chemicals, waterproofing chemical composition for articles of fabric; Chemical preparations namely, diagnostic chemical reagents for medical-scientific research use; testing for contaminants in food, diagnostic chemical preparations for scientific research for use in testing for residual pesticides in grain, diagnostic chemical preparations for medical-scientific research use, chemical preparations in the nature of glue accelerators, chemical preparations for facilitating the alloying of metals, fire extinguishing chemical preparations, chemical nutrient preparations for plants, chemical plant growth regulators, chemical preservatives for pharmaceutical preparations; chemical elements, namely, natural carbon elements, namely, absorbing carbons, activated carbon, animal carbon, carbon black for industrial purposes, carbon compounds, carbon dioxide filled cylinder, carbon disulfide, carbon for filters, granulated carbon for water treatment, lime carbonate, nitrogenous fertilisers; Chemicals for use in industry and science, namely, biochemicals in the form of monoclonal antibodies for in vitro scientific use, agricultural biochemicals, bacteria for the production of biochemical, biochemicals in the form of monoclonal antibodies for research use, acetone for industrial purposes, acetylene for industrial purposes, alginates for industrial purposes, ammonia volatile alkali for industrial purposes, anhydrous sodium hydroxide for industrial purposes, calcined kaolin for industrial purposes, distilled water for industrial purposes, gliadin for industrial purposes, glycerine for industrial purposes, isotopes for industrial purposes, metal oxide powders for industrial purposes, unprocessed plastics for industrial use, wood glue for industrial use, biological tissue specimens for use in scientific research, cell culture media for scientific or research purposes, cell culture reagents for scientific or research purposes, stem cells for research and scientific purposes, enzyme substrates for scientific purposes, ethanol for scientific purposes, reagents for scientific purposes for use in nucleic acid isolation and purification; Chemical preparations for photographic film processing, for x-ray film processing, for photography and printing; Chemical products for agriculture and forestry and for horticulture; Filtering media of chemical and non-chemical substances, namely, ferric oxide and ceramic particles for use as filtering media, mineral filtering materials for the sewage treatment industry, chemical adsorbents for filtering impurities from fuel, chemical agents for filtering acid for industrial manufacturing applications; Unprocessed artificial resins; Unprocessed plastics; Manures; Fire extinguishing compositions; Tempering and soldering preparations; Chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; Detergents for use in manufacture and industry; Glazing putties, and body fillers for use in the aerospace industry and for automobile repair and starch pastes for use in industry; Adhesives for use in industry, namely, adhesives for use in the automotive industry, adhesives used in the construction industry, adhesive cements, adhesives for ceramic coating, polyurethane adhesives, adhesives for use in the manufacture of surgical bandages, general use adhesives; Salts for industrial purposes, namely, raw salts for industrial purposes, salts for galvanic batteries, salts for galvanic cells; Starches for use in manufacturing paper or textiles; Compositions for use in food and beverages, namely, linoleic acid, polyphenol and triglyceride compounds for use in the manufacture of food and beverages, alginates for the food industry, bacteria for use in food manufacture, lactose for the food industry, enzymes for use in the food industry, glucose for the food industry, gluten for the food industry, lactitol for the food industry, lactose for the food industry, lecithin for industrial use in the manufacture of food products, pectin for the food industry, proteins for use in the manufacture of food supplements, vitamins for use in the manufacture of food supplements, enzymes for the beverage industry, erythritol for the beverage industry; Tanning substances, namely, algarovilla, enzymes, oil and sumac for use in tanning;
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Pharmaceutical, medical and veterinary preparations, namely diagnostic reagents for medical diagnostic use, biochemical preparations namely natural plant proteins, insect derivatives, plant stem cells, and aquacultures for medical purposes, blood for medical purposes, gases for medical use, diagnostic preparations for medical laboratory use, hydrogen peroxide for medical purposes, isotopes for medical purposes, mineral salts for medical purposes, medical imaging contrast media, contrast media for use with medical ultrasound apparatus; hygienic preparations and articles, namely sanitary preparations for medical use, namely bandages for dressings, medical and surgical dressings or plasters, namely, all-purpose disinfecting and deodorizing preparations, analgesic preparations, antimicrobial and anti-parasitic preparations, antiseptic preparations, hand sanitizing preparations, insecticidal preparations, mildew destroying preparations; hygienic articles, namely, disposable sanitizing wipes; drug delivery systems for biopharmaceuticals, namely, intravenous fluids, auto-injectors prefilled with insulin; All-purpose disinfectants; preparations for destroying noxious animals; preparations and articles for pest control purposes, namely, fungicides; herbicides; algaecides; dental preparations and articles, namely material for stopping teeth, dental wax, Materials for dental fillings; Materials for making dental impressions; dietary preparations and supplements for medical or veterinary purposes, namely dietary preparations and supplements for animal and for human consumption, namely, dietary preparations and supplements for human consumption consisting of trace elements, amino acids, mugwort, vitamins and minerals, soy proteins, acai powder, bee pollen, lecithin, linseed, flaxseed, zinc, dietary herbal supplements for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, namely inflammatory bowel diseases and inflammatory connective tissue diseases, for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, namely, connective tissue diseases, and cartilage injuries, dietary supplements for controlling cholesterol, dietary supplements for general health and well-being, dietary preparations and supplements for animal consumption namely, dietary yeast, glucose, vitamins and minerals, and animal feed supplements; dietary supplements for animal consumption used as a worm preventative in birds, to prevent shedding in cats and dogs, to aid in milk production in lactating animals, veterinary dietary supplements for the treatment of bacterial infections in dogs, veterinary dietary supplements for animals and poultry to give newborn animals and birds a healthy start; food for babies; preparations for destroying insects and vermin;
Class 007
Machinery Products
Machines for metalworking, woodworking, plastic and textile processing, the chemical industry, construction machines, packaging machines and machine tools, namely, metalworking machine tools, woodworking drilling machine tools, wood cutting machine tools and cemented carbide cutting machine tools, grinding tools for grinding machines, milling machine tools, metal working and wood planning machine tools, metal and wood sanding machine tools and metal and wood sawing machine tools, woodworking machine tools, plastic melting and molding machines and plastic processing machine tools, textile calendaring, textile scotching machine tools, textile tendering machine tools and washing machines and textile processing machine tools; machines for blending, calcinating, dissolving, dust collecting, emulsifying, extracting, granulating, kneading, separating, sintering, and sorting for use in chemical processing and chemical processing machine tools, concrete construction machines and construction machine tools; packaging machines and machine tools; motors and engines (expect for land vehicles), namely, motors and engines for airplanes, boats, elevators, for the generation of electricity, hydraulic motors for excavators, milling grinding motors, winch motors, motors and engines for metalworking machines, woodworking machines, plastic and textile processing, machines, chemical processing machines, construction machines, packaging machines, motors and engines used in industrial applications, planetary gear motors, power tool motors, aeronautical engines, rocket engines; agricultural implements namely, agricultural elevators, tractortowed fertilizer distributors and harrows, backhoes, balers, plows, harrows, seed drills, seed planting machines cultivators, mowers, combine harvesters, power-operated sprayers for insecticides, agricultural reaper machines; unmanned transportation robots being cargo handling machines, namely, industrial robots; welding electrodes; self-loading cranes; self-propelled loading cranes; front end bucket loaders; elevators;
Class 008
Hand Tool Products
Hand tools and hand-operated implements used in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, mechanical engineering and the construction of apparatus and vehicles, and for structural engineering, namely, hand cultivators, hand-operated files, hand forks, hand-held cutting tools, hand hooks, hand jacks, hand-operated lifting jacks, hand taps, augers, punches, drills, hoes, rakes, atomizers, bar cutters, cattle prods, caulking guns, chisels, saws, nail extractors, post hole diggers, riveting tools, shears, sod lifters, spanners, staple guns, tampers, tile cutters, tillers, tin snips, for bending pipes, wrenches, pincers, scythes, hammers, pliers, screwdrivers, mechanics' tools, and miter cutters; Cutlery; Razors;
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments, namely, calculators; X-ray producing apparatus and installations for crystallography, for detecting moisture in building materials, for neutralization, X-ray tubes for crystallography, for detecting moisture in building materials and for neutralization, vacuum gauges as automotive measuring instruments, car navigational computers, GPS transmitters and receivers, video screens, video telephones, angle viewfinders, photographic viewfinders, viscosimeters, silicon wafers, weighing apparatus and instruments namely, weighing scales for industrial use, weighing scales for laboratory and medical use, radar transmitters, radio transmitters, satellite transmitters, telephone transmitters, television transmitters and video transmitters, audio tape recorders, airplane cockpit voice recorders, digital voice recorders, digital versatile disc recorders, telephone recorders , LP turntables, echo sounders, sound amplifiers, headphones, sound speakers, sound level meters, sound projectors, DVD players, audio cassette players, radios, boom poles, sound mixers, spectrograph apparatus, spectroscopes, satellites for scientific purposes, blank smart cards, remote controls for operating vehicle alarms, for operating radios, stereos, televisions, DVD players, Roentgen ray machines for airline security and for industrial purposes, programmable remote control apparatus for environmental monitoring, environmental control, energy management, plant irrigation, plant nutrient management, alarm monitoring and alarm event management within horticultural production, pressure gauges, pressure indicating plugs for valves, pressure sensors, tire pressure gauges; pH probes and temperature probes for scientific purposes; radiological X-ray apparatus for industrial purposes; observation instruments, namely, binoculars, monoculars, night vision goggles, microscopes, magnifying glasses, optical lenses, photovoltaic cells, electromagnetic measuring detectors, electronic sensors for measuring solar radiation, laser measuring tapes, level measuring machines for surveying, measuring rods, particle counters for measuring air quality, lasers altimeters, lasers for use in industrial drilling, laser rangefinders, lasers for capture microdissection, lasers for land surveying, lasers for use in industrial cutting and welding, ultrashort pulse lasers for spectroscopy, blank integrated circuit cards, optical inspection apparatus for inspection of food, galvanic cells, galvanometers, decompression chambers; global positioning system (GPS) consisting of computers, computer software, transmitters, receivers, and network interface devices; apparatus and instruments for conveying, switching, converting, storing, controlling, and regulating of electricity, namely electric current switches specifically cut-out switches, differential switches, light switches, dimmer switches, power switches, timer switches; acoustic transformers, audio transformers, current transformers, electric transformers, high-voltage transformers, flyback transformers, step down and step up transformers, electric connectors, electric relays, transistors, audio/video cable connectors, cable connectors, electricity conduits; apparatus for recording, transmitting and reproduction of sound and images, namely, apparatus for recording, transmitting and reproduction of images namely cameras, video cameras, DVD players, smartphones, televisions, fingerprint imagers, image scanners, raster image processors, and videophones; Blank magnetic data carriers, namely, floppy disks, hard disks, CDs, DVDs, CD-ROMs, audio and video cassettes; Blank recording compact disks and digital versatile disks; automatic vending machines and mechanism for coin-operated apparatus for vending machines and for laundry machines; cash registers; calculating machines, namely, calculators; data processing equipment namely, time punch clocks, computerized time clocks with fingerprint recognition, calculators, and computers, computer central processing units, computer chipsets for use in transmitting data to and from a central processing unit, lasers to store and retrieve data from CDs and DVDs; fire extinguishers, fire blankets and fire sprinklers, fire hoses; computer software for use in database management, use as a spreadsheet and for word processing all in the fields of logistics, construction engineering, production planning and control, the automotive industry, laser technology, molecular biotechnology and digital media technology;
Class 010
Medical Instrument Products
Pharmaceutical, medical and veterinary preparations, namely magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasonic apparatus for medical diagnostic and therapeutic purposes; surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth, namely, surgical instruments, medical instruments for general examination, for cutting tissue, and for use in optometry, dental instruments, veterinary instruments, surgical apparatus, namely, headlights, bougies, for static electric therapy, for washing out body cavities, for wound drainage, medical apparatus for artificial respiration, for cardiac defibrillation, for taking blood samples, to monitor blood pressure, for blood transfusion, laparoscopes, for phototherapeutic use, for anesthetic delivery, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) diagnostic apparatus, for ultrasounds, dental apparatus, namely, dental drills, cutting and grinding discs, articulators, bite guards, bridges, broaches, burrs, examination chairs, chin cups, mirrors; veterinary apparatus, namely, for castrating, Elizabethan collars; Orthopedic articles namely belts, cast padding, footwear, inserts for footwear, joint implants from artificial materials and braces, orthopedic bone implants, orthopedic bone screws, orthopedic corsets; Suture materials; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth;
Class 012
Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water
Aerial conveyors; unmanned conveying vehicles, namely, unmanned conveyor belt vehicles; unmanned vehicles, namely, unmanned aerial vehicles, automatic guided vehicles, autonomous underwater vehicles for seabed inspections; chairlifts; self-loading vehicles namely pallet lifters, and forklifts; passenger motor vehicles namely automobiles, buses, trains and cable cars; wind powered vehicles namely cars, sailboats, land yachts, kite buggies, air balloons, sailplanes and cable cars; military vehicles for transport, namely, armored vehicles; air cushion vehicles; self-propelled loading vehicles namely pallet lifters and forklifts, selfpropelled electric platform truck for loading, self-generating electric locomotives for loading; freight carrying vehicles namely rail cars, transport trucks, airplanes, and cargo trailers; vehicles and conveyances for the transportation of people namely aerial conveyors, automobiles, buses, trains, airplanes, and ships; air and space vehicles namely airplanes, air balloons, blimps, space crafts, space shuttles, space capsules, lunar modules; structural parts and fittings for airplanes, automobiles, trucks, ships, busses, trains, armored vehicles, air balloons, blimps and spacecraft, tires and seatbelts for airplanes, automobiles, trucks, ships, busses, trains, armored vehicles, air balloons, blimps and spacecraft; water vehicles namely ships, boats, sea planes, and submarines; amphibious vehicles; external load carriers for vehicles namely tow bars, roof racks, cargo carriers, and autoracks; drone (air vehicles), namely, camera drones, civilian drones, military drones; electric automobiles, buses, trains, scooters, trucks and electric bicycles; self-propelled electric cars, locomotives and trucks; unmanned robotic cars, buses, trains and driverless cars; automobiles adapted for the disabled, motorised wheelchairs for the disabled and those with mobility difficulties; vans, trailers and cargo trucks for animal transport; vehicles adapted for military purposes namely armored vehicles, reconnaissance armoured vehicles, military engineering armoured vehicle, military ambulances, military light rail vehicles and armored trains; rocket-propelled vehicles namely rocket cars; tipping semi-trailers, tipping fifth-wheel trailers, and tipping tandem axle trailers; container truck with specially adapted loading crane, flatbed trucks, tow trucks, and fork lifts; ski lifts; cars for cable transport installations; apparatus for locomotion by land, air, water or on rails, namely, locomotives; aerial ropeways and gondola lifts; cable cars, chair lifts, aerial lifts, gondola lifts, ski lifts, cable ferries, cars for cableway installations, cars for cable railway installations, and cars for aerial tramway installations;
Class 017
Rubber Products
Natural rubber, raw rubber, polysulfide rubber, gutta-percha, rubber derivative, asbestos, mica and goods made therefrom, not included in other classes, namely asbestos fibres, asbestos nets, asbestos paper, asbestos millboards, asbestos panels, asbestos powder, asbestos slate, asbestos soles, asbestos cloth, asbestos sheets, asbestos wall coverings, insulating panels of mica, decorative badges of mica; rubber elastic threads for industrial use; electrical insulators of mica, ebonite moulds, rubber material for recapping tyres, bands of rubber for unscrewing jar lids, threads of rubber, not for use in textiles, granules of rubber for use in packing and further manufacture, rubber valves, rubber solutions, rubber sleeves for protecting parts of machines (stops), shock absorbing buffers of rubber, O-rings of rubber, rubber sheeting, cords of rubber, rubber stoppers, adhesive tapes other than stationery and not for medical or household purposes, namely, adhesive tapes for general industrial use, clutch linings, padding materials of rubber, packing (cushioning, stuffing) materials of rubber, floating anti-pollution barriers, self-adhesive tapes, other than stationery and not for medical or household purposes, namely, self-adhesive tapes for general industrial use, safety curtains of asbestos, bags (envelopes, pouches) of rubber, for packaging, non-woven fabrics made of asbestos, washers of rubber or vulcanised fibre, valves of rubber or vulcanised fibre; Seals for pipe connections, general purpose sealants and fillers for expansion joints; Packing, stopping and insulating materials namely cellulose acetate film used as packing, material extruded polystyrene pellets for packing, low-density polyurethane foam for packing, molded foam for packing, packing foam in sheet form, packing material of plastic for shipping containers, plastic pellets for packing, rubber packing for shipping containers, rubber sheets for packing purposes, stuffing material of plastic and glass beads, bamboo fibres for insulation, bark coverings for sound insulation, ceramic enamel fibre insulation, electric, thermal and acoustic insulators, felt insulation, fiberglass insulation, foam sheeting for building insulation, foils of metal for insulation, insulating oils, insulating paints, insulating paper, insulating plaster, insulating refractory materials, insulating sleeves for machinery, insulating sleeves for power lines, insulation materials for aircraft, insulators for cables, insulators for railway tracks, low-density polyurethane foam for insulation, insulating fabrics, graphite packing material for pumps, gaskets and valves, packing material for forming seals for medical and pharmaceutical packaging, resins in bars, blocks, pellets, rods, sheets and tubes for packing, stopping and insulating; finished and semi-finished products namely semi-finished acrylic molded plastic; artificial resins in the form of bars for use in manufacture; artificial resins in the form of blocks for use in manufacture; artificial resins in the form of pellets for use in manufacture; artificial resins in the form of rods for use in manufacture; artificial resins in the form of sheets for use in manufacture; artificial resins in the form of tubes for use in manufacture; plastic in bars, blocks, pellets, rods, sheets, tubes or extruded form for general industrial or manufacturing use; semi-finished acrylic molded plastic substances; semi-processed acrylic resins; semiprocessed brake lining materials; semi-processed cellulose acetate; semi-processed natural resins; semiprocessed plastics; semi-processed synthetic resins; semi-processed thermoplastic polymer resins for use in manufacture; semi-processed thermoplastic polymer resins for use in the manufacture of balloon catheters; semi-processed thermoplastic polymer resins used in manufacturing balloon catheters; semi-worked asbestos; semi-worked gum; semi-worked gutta-percha; semi-worked mica; semi-worked rubber, plastic foam, plastic junctions for pipes; Flexible plastic pipes, plastic tubes, plastic hoses, and seals for pipe connection; barrier articles and materials namely floating anti-pollution barriers, laminated vapor barriers, polyurethane film for use as a moisture barrier, plastic sheeting for use as a vapor barrier; partially processed materials, namely foil of regenerated cellulose and foil of cellulose for use in industrial manufacturing; fibres impregnated with artificial resins for use in further manufacture, foils of cellulose for use in the further manufacture of regenerated cellulose for use in further industrial manufacture;
Class 021
Houseware and Glass Products
Articles for pest control purposes, namely, ultrasonic pest repellers, radio frequency pest controllers, and electromagnetic pest repellers;
Class 037
Construction and Repair Services
Pavement stripping;
Class 038
Communications Services
Telecommunication services, namely, provision of access to the Internet and global computer networks, cellular telephone services, cellular text messaging services, communication by telephone, network conferencing, teleconferencing services, videoconferencing services, voice-activated dialling services, voice messaging services, wireless digital messaging services, wireless fax services, e-mail services; electronic transmission of user-generated e-mail and text messages, photos and digital images via infrared light; satellite television transmission services, satellite telephone transmission services, satellite radio transmission services, and satellite military radio transmission services; providing internet access through computer terminals; cellular telephone communication; providing internet access via fiber-optic networks; paging services; providing access to computer databases in the fields of medical research, biological molecular transformation, blockchain technology, aviation, cyber security and encryption, artificial intelligence cognitive systems, energy transition, self-propelled electric vehicles, maritime research, upgrading technology, namely, renovation of old buildings and monument, and internet access;
Class 040
Treatment & Processing of Materials Services
Treatment of materials, namely, waste water treatment, waste gas treatment, and nuclear waste treatment, clothing alteration, tailoring, applying finishes to textiles, pattern printing, taxidermy, textile treating namely, wool treating, fabric bleaching, bookbinding, leather and textile dyeing services; services of a dental technician; treatment of materials namely, gravure printing, intaglio printing, letterpress printing, offset printing, patter printing, photographic printing, custom 3D printing, cloth edging, decontamination of hazardous materials, photographic film development, oil refining and recycling, photographic printing, photogravure, generation of electricity in the form of wasted energy recycling, generation of electricity from solar and wind energy, window tinting treatment, being surface coating, leather staining, fur dyeing, shoe staining, cloth dyeing, textile dyeing, cloth fireproofing, processing of cinematographic films, millworking, galvanisation, tanning, glass-blowing, gold-plating, engraving, metal tempering, operation of a saw mill, wood planing services, woodworking, and timber felling and processing; providing information concerning the chemical treatment of textiles and waste water, cadmium plating, permanent-press treatment of fabrics, fruit crushing, firing pottery, boiler-making, loom warping, crease-resistant treatment for clothing, food and drink industrial preservation processes, cloth pre-shrinking, laminating, laser scribing of ceramics, metals, and plastics, leather working, lithographic printing, soldering, air freshening, air purification, air deodorising, fur glossing, magnetisation, flour milling, dressmaking, metal casting, fur mothproofing, textile mothproofing, recycling of waste, offset printing, paper finishing, paper bleaching and recycling, fur conditioning, electroplating, destruction of waste, electrolysis of water, waste disposal services, waste sorting services, water demineralization, water recycling, oil and gas well treatment, application of wear-resistant coatings on metals and plastics, coating and surface finishing of machines and tools; Metal plating, Burnishing by abrasion, Optical glass grinding, Quilting, metal refining services, Framing of works of art, Food smoking, operation of a saw mill, Fur satining, saddlery working, Silk screen printing, operation of slaughterhouses, stone grinding, Key cutting, Blacksmithing, Soldering, Sorting of waste and recyclable material, Embroidery, electricity generating, Rotogravure, electronic colour separation, Incineration of waste and rubbish, Chromium plating, Gilding, Destruction of waste and trash, Nickel plating, Silver plating, Tin plating, tire vulcanisation, Laminating, Water treatment, Waterproofing of clothing, loom warping; Skin dressing; custom fashioning of fur; cutting of fabric, Custom assembling of materials for others, namely, custom assembling of pharmaceuticals tablets and capsules for others; abrasion testing of coatings and substrates;
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Education, namely publishing, lending and providing educational materials in the field of chemistry, and biochemistry, namely, online-publishing of books and periodicals for research purposes in the field of sciences and applied sciences, arranging and conducting educational workshops and seminars and scientific research competitions in the field of chemistry, biochemistry, and public health; education services from universities and colleges in the field of sciences, namely, publication of university and college papers in the fields of medical and technological science, book and review publishing for university and colleges in the field of science, on-line publication of electronic university and college books and journals in the field of science, publication of university and college books and magazines in the field of science, educational research services from university and colleges in the field of science, educational services from university and colleges in the form of providing incentives to organizations to demonstrate excellence in the field of science; Providing of training, including on-line training, namely courses, seminars, workshops for physicists and chemical lab technicians; Arranging of professional workshops, seminars, conferences, contest and training course in the field of laser and plasma hardware; entertainment, namely arranging, organizing, conducting, and hosting social entertainment events, namely, dinners, social parties, and cocktail parties, electronic games services provided by means of the internet; sporting and cultural activities, namely organization of exhibitions for cultural and educational purposes in the field of chemistry, biochemistry, and public health; online-publishing of books, magazines, journals, software, games, music, and electronic publications; Photo composition services;
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Scientific and technological services, namely, scientific and industrial research in the field of genetic engineering, mechanical engineering, nuclear engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, automotive, graphical image processing, digital cinema, telemetry monitoring, alerting and record-keeping of space craft, computer technology research to provide government public services via the Internet, energy, grid computing, high-performance ceramics, computer technology, biology, anatomy, biochemistry, bioinformatics, biomechanics, biophysics, genetics, histology, neuroscience, pharmacology, physiology, toxicology, microelectronics, nanotechnology, computer numerical simulations, surface finishing industry and photonics engineering, optical engineering, potocatalysis, polymer surfaces, rapid scale model prototyping, cleaning preparations technology, vehicle and air traffic and space flight, air and land transportation technology, computer security, design of fiber-optical and micro-optical components, water sensors, water barriers, water absorbing polymers, data encryption and decoding services, production automation and sensor technology, raw materials for product developers, product manufacturers and raw material suppliers, industrial process engineering, energy and construction technology, environment protection, techno economical studies, scientific and industrial research in the field of surface coatings, scientific and industrial research on the uses of various types of lasers; scientific and industrial research in the field of software engineering, laser technology, molecular biotechnology, digital media production and design; computer design, graphic design, and industrial design, for others in the field of genetic engineering, mechanical engineering, nuclear engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, automotive image processing, digital cinema, computer research to provide government public services via the Internet, energy production, grid computing, high performance ceramics, computer technology, biology, anatomy, biochemistry, bioinformatics, biomechanics, biophysics, genetics, histology, neuroscience, pharmacology, physiology, toxicology, microelectronics, nanotechnology, computer numerical simulations, surface finishing industry and photonics engineering, optical engineering, photocatalysis, polymer surfaces, rapid scale model prototyping, cleaning preparations technology, air and vehicle traffic and space flight, air and land transportation technology, computer security, fiber-optical and micro-optical components, raw materials for product developers, product manufacturers and raw material suppliers, industrial process engineering, energy and construction technology, environmental protection, technoeconomical studies, software engineering, laser technology, molecular biotechnology, digital media production and design; scientific and technical calibration of third-party electronic measuring instruments for others; material testing; updating computer software, updating internet web pages; Consultation services in the field of the design and building of web pages and design in the field of telecommunications technology for others, namely, communications equipment in the nature of two-way radios, portable two-way radios, remote speakers and microphones; internet security consultancy, computer security consultancy, computer programming consultancy, computer software consultancy, maintenance of websites for others; testing on pollutant emission concentrations for research purposes. creating websites for others, analysis of oil fields in the nature of providing analysis of crude oil production from oil fields; product testing in the nature of testing emissions from new products; computer animation services for others; consultation in the field of geological expertise pertaining to geological estimations and research; drawing up of expert technical opinions regarding crude oil deposits; consultation in the nature of expert opinion and scientific expert opinion in the field of oil field exploration; research in the field of bacteriology, research in the field of chemistry, research in the field of cosmetics, research in the field of machine construction, geological research; geological prospecting; design and maintenance of web sites for third parties; consultation regarding hardware and software; cloud seeding; implementation of data processing programs in networks, services of an interior architect, installation of computer software, providing calibration and function tests of third-party measuring instruments for others; providing online nondownloadable computer software for configuring local and wide area networks; construction planning; data conversions of computer program data or information from one media to another; converting of data or documents from physical to electronical media; designing websites for others; duplicating computer software; land surveying; technical support in the nature of monitoring of network systems; materials testing; research of product materials for others; testing and research of materials in connection with textiles; maintenance and installation of software; physics research; product testing in the nature of testing for quality of new products; computer services, namely, computer system administration for others; industrial design in the nature of city planning; consulting services in the field of designing computer hardware systems for others; technical planning and technical project management in the nature of computer software project management services for electronic data processing projects; testing the suitability of new vehicles for the road; oil drilling monitoring services, namely, providing measurements and downhole telemetry while drilling, consulting in the field of environmental protection; testing of products for environmental impact; research in the field of underwater sea life, hosting of web sites for third parties; renting out computer software; renting out computer hardware in the nature of a data processing apparatus; computer software maintenance, computer access software maintenance; weather forecasting; recovery of computer data; hosting of websites in the nature of providing memory capacity and web space for others; consulting in the field of laser technology, molecular biotechnology, digital media technology, software engineering and laser technology in the coating application field; technological consultation in the technology field of computer hardware systems, laser technology, molecular biotechnology, digital media technology, software engineering and laser technology in the coating application field; Design and validation of novel peptides for scientific purposes; Design of novel synthetic toll-like receptor agonist/antagonist compounds;
Chemical substances, namely, chemicals for use in the purification of ...
on 17 Jun 2019
1778799 · 22 Apr 2016
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Business management consultation in the field of executive and leadership development; Business management consulting; Business management consulting in the field of team development; Business organization consulting; Business succession planning.
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Business education and training services, namely, developing customized leadership and executive development programs, providing executive coaching services; Writing of articles for periodicals other than for advertising or publicity; Writing of articles for professional journals other than for advertising or publicity; Providing a website featuring resources, namely, non-downloadable publications in the nature of thought leadership in the field of recruitment, assessment in the field of executive recruitment, placement and executive leadership, leadership and professional development and talent management.
Business management consultation in the field of executive and leaders...
on 7 Oct 2019
1777251 · 13 Apr 2016
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Calculators, including calculators in coin-operated machines, namely calculators in coin-operated amusement electronic games, and parts for the aforesaid goods; Musical jukeboxes; Automatic cash dispensers, automatic money counting and money changing machines; Computer video games; Computer games; Video games; Computer games provided through a global computer network or supplied by means of multi-media electronic broadcast or through telecommunications or electronic transmission or via the Internet; Coin-operated amusement electronic games, free-standing arcade electronic games and video games; automatic lottery machines; computer software for running computer games on the Internet; Online computer games; Online games software accessed via web browser, gaming console (portable or not), cellular phone or other video game supporting wireless device; Computer hardware and software for casino and amusement arcade games, for gaming machines, slot machines, video lottery gaming machines, and games of chance via the Internet; Coin and banknote proofing machines and machines for verifying data of identification cards and credit cards; Electric wiring harnesses; Circuit boards, printed board assemblies.
Class 028
Toys and Sporting Goods Products
Gaming machines, including coin-operated gaming machines, networked or unnetworked; Games for amusement arcades; Coin-operated video gaming machines, networked or unnetworked; Video games adapted for use with external screens or monitors only; Casino fittings, namely roulette tables, roulette wheels; Coin-operated automatic gaming machines and gaming machines, in particular for gaming arcades, with or without a prize payout; Electronic or electrotechnical gaming machines, games machines and slot machines, networked or unnetworked, operated by coins, tokens, banknotes, tickets or by means of electronic, magnetic or biometric storage media, in particular for commercial use in casinos and amusement arcades, with or without a prize payout; Automatic gaming machines and gaming machines, in particular for commercial use in casinos and gaming arcades, with or without a prize payout; Coin-operated gaming machines and electronic money-based gaming machines, with or without prizes; Housings adapted for gaming machines and automatic gaming machines, networked or unnetworked, operated by means of coins, tokens, tickets or by means of electronic, magnetic or biometric storage media, in particular for commercial use in casinos and gaming arcades, with or without a prize payout; Electropneumatically and electrically driven gaming machines, Video output game machines; Machines, networked or unnetworked, for selecting winners in prize games and lotteries, draws or raffles; Housings of metal, plastic or wood for coin-operated automatic machines; Gaming tables, in particular for table football, billiards, sliding games; Quoits (playthings) and darts; Electric, electronic or electromechanical machines for bingo games, lotteries or video lottery games and for betting offices, networked or unnetworked; LCD games consoles; Automatic gaming machines; Apparatus and devices for accepting and storing money, being a component of gaming machines.
Calculators, including calculators in coin-operated machines, namely c...
on 19 May 2017
1774918 · 31 Mar 2016
Class 036
Insurance & Financial Services
Administration of group and individual benefit insurance plans; insurance services namely, services consisting of the administration of extended health care and dental plans and out-of-country travel insurance; Information and educational services in the fields of health and wellness; Health management services, namely health promotion education; and Tools to support health risk prevention, namely health risk assessments, online educational modules and materials, and digital logs for tracking behaviour change and improving medication adherence.
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Class 044
Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services
Administration of group and individual benefit insurance plans; insura...
The procter & gamble company (9)
Pharmacosmos holding a/s (5)
Interac corp. (4)
Vifor (international) inc. (4)
A.T. cross company llc (3)
Canadian imperial bank of commerce (3)
Marcel maroist (3)
Paretologic inc. (3)
Roadsurfer gmbh (3)
Abi canada express inc. (2)
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Aventum ip law llp (9)
Lavery, de billy, llp (9)
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$700 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
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$99 / 1 class + gov fee
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$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$299 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
United Arab Emirates
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
New Zealand
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
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$799 / 1 class + gov fee
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Saudi Arabia
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
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$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
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$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
British Virgin Islands
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
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$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
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$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Czech Republic
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Dominican Republic
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
El Salvador
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Hong Kong (SAR)
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$1499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Madrid Protocol (WIPO)
$1999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Puerto Rico
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Sri Lanka
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
United Republic of Tanzania
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
West Bank, Palestine
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Antigua and Barbuda
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Bosnia and Herzegovina
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Burkina Faso
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
Cabo Verde
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Central African Republic (CAR)
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Cote d'Ivoire
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Equatorial Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
Marshall Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
North Macedonia
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Papua New Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Kitts and Nevis
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Lucia
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
San Marino
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sao Tome and Principe
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sierra Leone
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Solomon Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
South Sudan
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1599 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Trinidad and Tobago
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee