| DÉPLOYEZ VOS AILES DOMAINE DES ÉTANGS SOCIÉTÉ PAR ACTIONS SIMPLIFIÉE 1586134 13 Jul 2012 | on 3 Feb 2016 | Éducation et formation nommément organisation de classes de mer et de ... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Class 014 Class 014 Jewelry Products Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material
Class 025 Clothing Products
Class 027 Floor Covering products
Class 028 Toys and Sporting Goods Products
Class 038 Communications Services
Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Supports d'enregistrement magnétiques nommément disques, disques compacts, DVD, vidéodisques; équipement pour le traitement de l'information nommément ordinateurs; radios; jeux vidéo, radioréveil, lecteurs de disques compacts, lecteurs de disques optiques numériques; supports d'enregistrements sonores nommément disques et cassettes audio et vidéo et bandes vidéo vierges; dessins animés; appareils pour jeux conçus pour être utilisés seulement avec récepteur de télévision nommément consoles de jeux vidéo; appareils électroniques et informatiques pour l'enregistrement, la transmission, la reproduction du son, d'images et de données nommément lecteurs de disques audio et vidéo, enregistreurs de disques audio et vidéo, radios, récepteurs audio et vidéo, lecteurs enregistreurs de cassettes audio et vidéo, téléviseurs; articles de lunetterie nommément verres et montures de lunettes, lunettes pour le sport, étuis à lunettes; verres de contact et étuis à verres de contact; produits de l'imprimerie, imprimés et publications nommément journaux, périodiques magazines, catalogues, prospectus, revues, pamphlets, livres, brochures, calendriers, cartes postales; photographies; papeterie nommément agendas de papeterie, agrafes, agrafeuses, colle de papeterie, crayons, étiquettes de papeterie, onglets de papeterie, organiseurs personnels de papeterie, pochettes de papeterie; matériel d'instruction ou et d'enseignement à l'exception des appareils nommément livres et manuels; matières plastiques pour l'emballage à savoir sacs, sachets, films et feuilles; affiches, aquarelles; dessins nommément dessins géographiques; agendas nommément agendas électroniques, agendas personnels électroniques; atlas, cartes géographiques; blocs de papier à dessin, blocs-notes; cahiers nommément cahiers à dessin, cahiers d'exercices; carnets nommément carnets d'anniversaire, carnets de croquis, carnets de notes, carnets de téléphone; instruments d'écriture; marque-pages pour livres; serre-livres; vêtements nommément bretelles, ceintures, vêtements athlétiques, vêtements d'affaires, vêtements d'hiver, vêtements de golf, vêtements de gymnastique, vêtements de mariage, vêtements de maternité, vêtements de nuit, vêtements de plage, vêtements de pluie, vêtements de ski, vêtements de soirée, vêtements décontractés, vêtements pour bébés, vêtements pour enfants, vêtements pour nourrissons, vêtements protecteurs pour motocyclistes, vêtements de sport pour hommes, femmes et enfants; chaussures à l'exception des chaussures orthopédiques nommément chaussures athlétiques, chaussures d'entraînement, chaussures d'escrime, chaussures d'extérieur pour l'hiver, chaussures de baseball, chaussures de basketball, chaussures de boxe, chaussures de curling, chaussures de golf, chaussures de mariage, chaussures de plage, chaussures de pluie, chaussures de ski, chaussures de soirée, chaussures décontractées, chaussures pour bébés, chaussures pour enfants, chaussures pour le personnel médical, chaussures sport; chapellerie nommément chapeaux, bérets, casquettes de baseball, casquettes de golf, casquettes promotionnelles; couvre-oreilles, gants, cravates, foulards, turbans, voilettes; peignoirs de bain; costumes, robes, jupes, pantalons, shorts, manteaux, costumes et vestes de sport, chemises, blouses, tee-shirts et chemisiers, pull-over, fourrures, écharpes, robes de chambre, lingerie et sous-vêtements, maillots de bain, bas, socquettes, vestes, pardessus, imperméables, layettes; vêtements de sport matelassés, duvetés, ouatinés, anoraks; articles vestimentaires en cuir nommément manteaux, vestes, pantalons, jupes, robes, chapeaux, gants; jeux et jouets nommément ensembles de jeux d'activités extérieures, ensembles de jeux d'Halloween, ensembles de jeux de bingo, ensembles de jeux de la ferme, ensembles de jeux pour faire des bulles, jeux avec cible, jeux d'arcade, jeux d'échec, jeux de badminton, jeux de billes, jeux de bridge, jeux de cartes, jeux de construction, jeux de croquet, jeux de damier, jeux de dards, jeux de mots, jeux de paddleball, jeux de palets, jeux de rôles, jeux de salon, jeux de société, jeux de société interactifs, jeux sur ordinateurs, jeux vidéo, jeux vidéo interactifs, ballons jouets en caoutchouc, épées jouets, jouets à tirer, jouets d'activités multiples pour bébés, jouets de bain, jouets éducatifs, jouets en peluche, jouets mécaniques, jouets musicaux, jouets pour lits de bébés, jouets souples sonores, pistolets jouets, robots jouets, toupies jouets, trains-jouets, véhicules jouets; articles de gymnastique et de sport à l'exception des vêtements, chaussures et tapis nommément rameurs, marcheurs elliptiques, altères, raquettes de ping-pong, clubs de golf, poutres, barres fixes, tapis, anneaux, cerceaux de gymnastique rythmique, rubans et cordes, trampolines, tabourets d'entraînement, ballons de football, ballons de basket-ball, arêtes de skis, baudriers d'escalade, bobsleighs; décoration pour arbres de Noël; jeux automatiques et électroniques autres que ceux à prépaiement et ceux conçus pour être utilisés seulement avec récepteurs de télévision nommément jeux électroniques à main; jeux éducatifs nommément jeux pour la découverte de la nature nommément ensembles de jeux d'activités extérieures; cartes à jouer; jeux de piste; balles et ballons de jeux nommément balles de balle molle, balles de baseball, balles de golf, balles de hockey, balles de hockey sur gazon, balles de squash, balles de tennis, Ballons de basketball, ballons de football, ballons de handball, ballons de plage, ballons de rugby; jouets pour piscines nommément bouées récréatives.
Class 044 Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services Éducation et formation nommément organisation de classes de mer et de nature et organisation de séminaires pour la découverte de la nature, des forêts et des étangs; divertissement consistant en apparition de célébrités sportives et culturelles, concerts musicaux, concours de beauté, courses automobiles, courses équestres, défilés de mode, matches de baseball, matches de basketball, matches de football, parcs d'amusement, performance en direct d'un groupe musical, pièces de théâtre, production d'opéra, spectacle équestre, feu d'artifice, spectacle comique en direct, spectacle d'un orchestre, spectacle de ballet, spectacle de danse, spectacle de gymnastique, spectacle aérien; activités sportives et culturelles nommément concerts, festivals ethniques, concerts de musique, pièces de théâtre, festivals de vin, rallyes; édition de livres, de revues et de textes, prêts de livres; organisation de spectacles de danse, musicaux; divertissements radiophoniques et par télévision nommément diffusion de programmes radiophoniques et télévisés; production de films; location de films, d'enregistrements phonographiques; organisation de concours en matière d'éducation et de divertissement nommément organisation de concours d'orthographe, organisation de concours de mathématiques, organisation et tenue de concours d'épellation; services et centres de loisirs nommément parcs de loisirs, parcs à thèmes, parcs océaniques; publication de livres, journaux, périodiques, revues; services de clubs (divertissement et éducation) nommément clubs de lecture, clubs de service social; organisation d'expositions à buts culturels et éducatifs pour la découverte de la nature, des forêts et des étangs; écoles d'initiation aux sports, aux activités nautiques nommément cours de natation, cours de navigation et de sécurité nautique; organisation de jeux et de concours nommément organisation de chasses au trésor et de rallye pour la découverte de la nature, des forêts et des étangs; mise à disposition pour le bénéfice de tiers de salles de sports, de clubs de santé et de remise en forme; exploitation de club de fitness, de musculation et de danse; mise à disposition pour le bénéfice de tiers d'installations sportives et de loisirs nommément location de gymnases, piscines; organisation de compétitions sportives nommément organisation de compétitions de natation, organisation d'olympiades; soins d'hygiène, d'esthétique et de beauté pour êtres humains nommément exploitation de salons de beauté, salons de coiffure et de manucure; massage; services de soins et de conseil en beauté nommément services de conseil en matière de maquillage, de soin de la peau, conseils nutritionnels et de parfumerie; services de santé, de remise en forme physique dans un cadre médical et de massages nommément services de nutritionnistes, diététistes et entraîneurs physique, services de masseurs; services de remise en forme utilisant des sauna, hammam, solarium et bains de jets d'eau sous pression; services de balnéothérapie, de physiothérapie, d'aromathérapie, de thalassothérapie. | |
| ALEENE'S TACKY DOT SINGLES PAISLEY CRAFTS LLC 1582364 18 Jun 2012 | on 26 Aug 2013 | Small, acid-free, adhesive dots for craft and hobby use on various sur... Class 016 Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Small, acid-free, adhesive dots for craft and hobby use on various surfaces including paper, wood and plastic | |
| STAMOBILITY ALIGNMENT PRINCIPLES KAREN CLAFFEY 1582239 15 Jun 2012 | on 25 Feb 2014 | StaMoBility Alignment Principles classes, workshops, retreats, vacatio... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Class 016 Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Class 039 Transportation & Storage Services StaMoBility Alignment Principles books, products, DVD's, media.
Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services StaMoBility Alignment Principles classes, workshops, retreats, vacatiouns. | |
| CAKE SPARKLES WILTON INDUSTRIES INC. 1582082 14 Jun 2012 | on 23 Jul 2013 | Edible glitter Class 030 Class 030 Staple Food Products Edible glitter | |
| PACKABLES ABSOPURE WATER COMPANY 1582023 13 Jun 2012 | on 4 Jul 2018 | Bottled drinking water. Class 032 Class 032 Light Beverage Products Bottled drinking water. | |
| 2 ½ MILES VERA IMAGO INC. 1579831 30 May 2012 | on 14 Jun 2016 | Production of motion picture films, television programs, radio program... Class 004 Class 004 Lubricant and Fuel Products Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Class 014 Jewelry Products
Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material
Class 018 Leather Products not including clothing
Class 020 Furniture Products
Class 021 Houseware and Glass Products
Class 025 Clothing Products
Class 027 Floor Covering products
Class 028 Toys and Sporting Goods Products
Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Class 036 Insurance & Financial Services
Class 038 Communications Services
Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services
Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Books. (2) Electronic books. (3) Motion picture films, television programs, radio programs and other productions featuring action, adventure, animation, documentaries, drama and music for display or performance in movie and other theaters and venues. (4) Motion picture films, television programs, radio programs and other productions featuring action, adventure, animation, documentaries, drama and music for display or performance on television, global computer and wireless networks and other communication networks. (5) Pre-recorded vinyl records, audio tapes, audio-video tapes, audio-video cassettes, audio-video discs, and digital versatile discs featuring action, adventure, animation, documentaries, drama and music. (6) CD ROM computer game discs, video and computer game software, and video game cartridges and cassettes, all relating to current affairs, education, entertainment, history, politics and other information on a wide variety of topics of general interest to the public. (7) Educational materials, curricula and software relating to current affairs, education, entertainment, history, politics and other information on a wide variety of topics of general interest to the public. (8) Virtual exhibits for public display in museums, educational institutions and other public venues that feature current affairs, educational, entertainment, historical, political and other information on a wide variety of topics of general interest to the public. (9) Mobile applications relating to current affairs, educational, entertainment, historical, political and other information on a wide variety of topics of general interest to the public. (10) Calendars, decals, heat transfers and decorative magnets. (11) Board, card and parlor games. (12) Jigsaw and manipulative puzzles. (13) Stationery, namely: writing paper, envelopes, note cards, greeting cards, notebooks, diaries, book marks and book covers. (14) Pens, pencils, pencil and pen cases, erasers, crayons, markers, colored pencils and rulers. (15) Back-packs, fanny packs, carrying bags, totes, purses, wallets and luggage. (16) (a) Clothing for men namely: shirts, T-shirts, sweatshirts, jogging suits, trousers, shorts, tops, sleepwear, pajamas, underwear, scarves, neck-ties, robes, hats, caps, gloves, mittens, coats, jackets, hosiery, shoes, sandals and boots; (b) Clothing for women namely: shirts, T-shirts, sweatshirts, jogging suits, trousers, shorts, tops, sleepwear, pajamas, lingerie, underwear, scarves, neck-ties, robes, hats, caps, gloves, mittens, coats, jackets, hosiery, shoes, sandals and boots; and (c) Clothing for children namely: shirts, T-shirts, sweatshirts, jogging suits, trousers, shorts, tops, sleepwear, pajamas, underwear, scarves, neck-ties, robes, hats, caps, gloves, mittens, coats, jackets, hosiery, shoes, sandals and boots. (17) Collectible figures, action figures and accessories, action figure play sets, action figure clothing. (18) Children's toys. (19) House-wares, namely: pillows, blankets, rugs, candles, napkins, embroidered handkerchiefs, beaded ornaments, bed linens, bathroom linens and kitchen linens. (20) Jewelry, and arts and crafts kits. (21) Pottery, crockery, china, dishes and glassware.
Class 045 Personal & Legal & Social Services Production of motion picture films, television programs, radio programs and other productions featuring action, adventure, animation, documentaries, drama and music for display or performance on television, global computer and wireless networks and other communication networks. (2) Production of pre-recorded vinyl records, audio tapes, audio-video tapes, audio-video cassettes, audio-video discs, and digital versatile discs featuring action, adventure, animation, documentaries, drama and music. (3) Distribution, display and performance of motion picture films, television programs, radio programs and other productions featuring action, adventure, animation, documentaries, drama and music via movie and other theatres, other venues, television, global computer and wireless networks, and other communication networks. (4) Providing entertainment through the medium of artistic performances. (5) Production of educational materials, curricula and software relating to current affairs, educational, entertainment, historical, political and other information on a wide variety of topics of general interest to the public. (6) Distribution and display of educational materials, curricula and software relating to current affairs, educational, entertainment, historical, political and other information on a wide variety of topics of general interest to the public. (7) Providing an online information service featuring social networking services, online forums, blogs and discussion groups for transmission of messages among users of global computer and wireless networks and other communication networks concerning current affairs, education, entertainment, history, politics and other information on a wide variety of topics of general interest to the public. (8) Computer services, namely: hosting online web facilities and information services for the public for organizing and conducting community events along with online meetings and interactive discussions. (9) Promoting and selling the above noted wares, as well as the wares and services of others, over global computer and wireless networks and other communication networks and mediums. (10) Retail store services promoting and selling the above noted wares, as well as the wares and services of others. (11) Video broadcasting services over global computer and wireless networks and other communication networks, namely: uploading, posting, displaying, and electronically transmitting information, audio, and video clips. (12) Providing access to information, audio, and video via websites, online forums and blogs over global computer and wireless networks and other communication networks. (13) Providing electronic bulletin boards for transmission of messages among users in the field of current affairs, education, entertainment, history, politics and other information on a wide variety of topics of general interest to the public. (14) Application service provider featuring software to enable uploading, posting, displaying, blogging and sharing electronic media and information over global computer and wireless networks and other communication networks. (15) Credit card services. (16) Insurance services. (17) Consultation in the field of data theft and identity theft; Fraud and identity theft protection services; Legal services; Monitoring of credit reports, the Internet, and public records to facilitate the detection and prevention of identity theft and fraud. | |
| TOTAL WAR BATTLES THE CREATIVE ASSEMBLY LIMITED A LEGAL ENTITY 1578758 23 May 2012 | on 21 Oct 2013 | Entertainment services, namely, providing on-line video games and on-l... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Video game discs and cartridges. Class 041 Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Entertainment services, namely, providing on-line video games and on-line computer games; providing on-line games via mobile phones; providing information on on-line games. | |
| HOT MIAMI STYLES HOT MIAMI STYLES INC. 1578508 22 May 2012 | on 20 Feb 2014 | On-line retail store services featuring women's dresses, swim wear, bl... Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services On-line retail store services featuring women's dresses, swim wear, blouses, corsets, shoes, jumpsuits, jeans, pants, shorts, sweaters, jackets, lingerie | |
| FILES ACER INCORPORATED 1576754 8 May 2012 | on 14 May 2015 | Computers, computer peripheral devices, namely, computer disk drives, ... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Computers, computer peripheral devices, namely, computer disk drives, computer memory cards, computer mouse, computer printers, computer scanners, computer servers, computer terminals; computer hardware; computer gaming machines, microprocessors, memory boards, monitors, display screens, computer keyboards, computer cables, modems, printers, disk drives, computer network adapters, computer network adapter cards, computer connectors and drivers; blank computer storage media, namely memory cards; blank magnetic data carriers, namely floppy discs, hard discs and plastic cards with a magnetic strip; downloadable electronic publications namely, books, plays, pamphlets, brochures, newsletters, journals, magazines, and periodicals on a wide range of topics of general interest; handheld digital electronic devices, namely, MP3 players, cellular telephones, hand held gaming machines, handheld computers, digital radio, cassette, compact disc, digital disc players and recorders, digital video cassette, compact disc, digital disc players and recorders, digital image compact disc, digital disc recorders and viewers; hand held computers, tablet computers, personal digital assistants, electronic organizers, electronic notepads; mobile digital electronic devices, namely, handheld computers, digital radio, cassette, compact disc, digital disc players and recorders, digital video cassette, compact disc, digital disc players and recorders, digital image compact disc, digital disc recorders and viewers; global positioning system (GPS) consisting of computers, computer software, transmitters, receivers, and network interface devices; telephones; cordless telephones; mobile telephones; parts and accessories for mobile telephones, namely, ear pieces, storage cases, battery chargers, screen protectors; facsimile machines, answering machines, cameras, videophones, electronic handheld units for the wireless receipt, storage and transmission of data and messages, namely, personal digital assistants, MP3 players, cellular telephones, hand held gaming machines, handheld computers and electronic devices that enable the user to keep track of and manage personal information, namely, personal digital assistants, MP3 players, cellular telephones, hand held gaming machines, handheld computers; pre-recorded computer software containing printing fonts, printing typefaces, printing designs and printing symbols; computer chips, discs and tapes containing computer operating programs and software for recording music, movies, films, news; random access memory, read only memory; computer and electronic games; user manuals in electronically readable, machine readable or computer readable form for use with, and sold as a unit with, all the aforementioned goods; hard drives; miniature hard disk drive storage units; blank audio video discs, CD-ROMs, and digital versatile discs; pre-recorded audio video discs, CD-ROMs, and digital versatile discs namely, books, plays, pamphlets, brochures, newsletters, journals, magazines, and periodicals on a wide range of topics of general interest; mouse pads; batteries for cameras, cellular phones, watches, hearing aids and general purpose batteries; rechargeable batteries for cameras, cellular phones, watches, hearing aids and general purpose batteries; chargers for cellular telephones, personal digital assistants, hand held gaming machines; general purpose battery chargers; headphones; stereo headphones; in-ear headphones; stereo speakers; audio speakers; audio speakers for home; monitor speakers; speakers for computers; personal stereo speakers; radio receivers, amplifiers, sound recording and reproducing apparatus, namely, electric phonographs, record players, high fidelity stereos, tape recorders, loudspeakers, multiple speakers, microphones; audio cassette recorders and players, video cassette recorders and players, compact disc players, digital versatile disc recorders and players, digital audio tape recorders and players; digital music and video players namely, personal digital assistants, MP3 players, cellular telephones, hand held gaming machines, handheld computers; radios; video cameras; audio, video, and digital mixers; radio transmitters; car radios; protective covers, carrying bags and carrying and storage cases to store and transport all of the aforesaid goods, made of leather, imitations of leather, cloth, or textile materials. Class 028 Class 028 Toys and Sporting Goods Products Provision of news by electronic transmission via the Internet; providing multiple user access to a computer network and electronic news services online allowing users to download information and audio, video and voice data via a global computer network; delivery of digital music via the Internet; wireless digital messaging, paging services, and electronic mail services, namely services that enable a user to send and receive messages through a wireless data network; one-way and two-way paging services; telegram and local and long distance telephone services; broadcasting and transmission of radio and television programs; air time price packaging services for wireless communication via a global computer network; broadcasting pre-recorded videos namely, music television programs, motion pictures, news, sports, games, via a global computer network; streaming of videos namely, music, television programs, motion pictures, news, sports, games, via a global computer network; subscription radio broadcasting via a global computer network; radio broadcasting; radio broadcasting of news, music, concerts, and radio programs, broadcasting pre-recorded videos namely, music, television programs, motion pictures, news, sports, games, via computer and a global computer network; streaming of radio stations via a global computer network; electronic transmission via satellite, wireless and wan (wide area network) of music, television programs, motion pictures, news, sports, games, via a global computer network; electronic communication services via satellite, wireless and wan (wide area network), namely, on-line sharing of music, via a global computer network; providing on-line bulletin boards via a global computer network for the transmission of messages among computer users concerning music, concerts, movies, radio, television, film, news, sports, and games; electronic news services; facsimile, telephone voice message collection and transmission services; application service provider (ASP) services namely, software in the fields of web-based conferencing, audio conferencing, electronic messaging, document collaboration, video conferencing, and voice and call processing; application service provider (ASP) services namely, software for authorizing, downloading, transmitting, receiving, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, displaying, storing and organizing text, graphics, images, and electronic publications; design and development of computer hardware and software; computer hardware and software consulting services; multimedia and audio-visual software consulting services; computer programming; support and consultation services for developing computer systems, databases and applications; graphic design for the compilation of web pages on the Internet; information namely, computer hardware and software technical support services provided on-line from a global computer network and the Internet; creating and maintaining web-sites of others; hosting the web-sites of others; providing search engines for obtaining data via a global communication network; application service provider (ASP) services namely, software for use in connection with online music subscription service, software that enables users to play and program music; providing temporary internet access to use on-line non-downloadable software to enable users to program audio, video, text and other multimedia content, namely, music, concerts, radio, television, news, sports, and games; providing search engines for obtaining data on a global computer network; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid; operating search engines for others; computer consulting and support services for scanning information onto computer discs; creating indexes of online information, sites and other resources available on global computer networks for others; providing user access to the Internet (service providers); online social networking services on global computer networks; providing a social networking website; Engineering services for telecommunications and data networking. Class 038 Communications Services
Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Class 045 Personal & Legal & Social Services | |
| HAPPY SOLES HAPPY FEET USA INC. 1576835 8 May 2012 | ABANDONED - SECTION 38(7) on 24 Apr 2014 | Gel insoles Class 025 Class 025 Clothing Products Gel insoles | |