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![]() | TAKADEMY. TAKEDA PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY LIMITED 2193730 14 Jan 2022 | REGISTERED on 1 Nov 2024 | Services d'éducation et de formation dans le domaine des produits phar... Class 041 Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Services d'éducation et de formation dans le domaine des produits pharmaceutiques, de la sensibilisation aux maladies et des traitements médicaux; organisation et conduite de conférences, d'ateliers et de séminaires dans le domaine des produits pharmaceutiques, de la sensibilisation aux maladies et des traitements médicaux; organisation et conduite d'ateliers d'organisation de patients dans le domaine des produits pharmaceutiques, de la sensibilisation aux maladies et des traitements médicaux Class 044 Class 044 Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services Fourniture d'informations sur les traitements pharmaceutiques et la sensibilisation aux maladies, leur traitement et leur gestion, afin d'améliorer la compréhension par les prestataires de soins de santé, les patients, les soignants et le grand public des produits pharmaceutiques et des traitements médicaux disponibles. | |
TAKAYAKA ALTAVIA 2163702 10 Aug 2021 | SEARCHED on 23 Mar 2023 | Publicité; publicité pour les tiers; publicité en ligne sur un réseau ... Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Publicité; publicité pour les tiers; publicité en ligne sur un réseau informatique; publicité par correspondance (y compris électronique); affichage publicitaire; publicité radiophonique; publicité télévisée; publicité par voie d'affichage; promotion des ventes; services de promotion commerciale sur tous supports, y compris sur Internet; promotions commerciales; service de promotion des produits et services de tiers sur des espaces publicitaires; promotion de produits et services de tiers; promotion des ventes pour le compte de tiers; promotion des ventes par le biais de programmes de fidélisation de la clientèle; optimisation de moteurs de recherche pour la promotion des ventes; organisation, gestion et supervision de programmes de vente et de systèmes de primes promotionnelles; conseils en organisation et direction des affaires, élaboration, conseil, développement et mise en oeuvre de stratégies commerciales, publicitaires, de communication et de marketing; présentation de produits sur tout moyen de communication pour la vente au détail; création de tous documents ou d'objets à but promotionnel, commercial ou de publicité; création et développement de produits multimédias publicitaires à savoir animations, présentations en 3D; services d'animation de promotion et de publicité; opérations publicitaires ou promotionnelles; organisation d'opérations promotionnelles et publicitaires; services de préparation et tenue de manifestations promotionnelles et de marketing; présentation de sociétés sur l'internet et d'autres médias à des fins promotionnelles; démonstration de produits; démonstrations de produits et services d'exposition de produits à des fins commerciales, promotionnelles et publicitaires; organisation d'événements à but publicitaire; information et conseil dans le domaine événementiel à buts publicitaire ou commercial; organisation d'expositions, de salons, d'événements à buts commerciaux ou de publicité; organisation et conduite d'événements promotionnels; organisation et gestion de congrès et d'événements publics dans les domaines de la publicité, de la promotion commerciale et de la communication institutionnelle et événementielle; services d'organisation et de réalisation d'événements publicitaires et commerciaux; recherche de parraineurs; opérations de parrainage d'événements médiatiques et publicitaires; conseils en communication (relations publiques); conseils en communication (publicité); relations publiques; conseils en matière de promotion des ventes; services de publicité; services de marketing; services de marketing évènementiel; services de développement et de mise en oeuvre de stratégies de marketing pour des tiers; information et conseil dans le domaine événementiel à buts publicitaire, promotionnel ou commercial; conseils en recherche de parrainage publicitaire; fourniture de conseils en marketing dans le domaine des médiaux sociaux; gestion marketing de communautés de médias sociaux; services de relations presse; service de revue de presse; reproduction de documents; services de reproduction de documents en ligne sur un réseau informatique; services d'abonnement à des journaux (pour des tiers); services d'abonnement à des services de télécommunication pour les tiers; étude, analyse et enquête de marchés; sondages d'opinion; études et informations statistiques; agence de publicité; diffusion et distribution de matériel publicitaire (tracts, prospectus, imprimés, échantillons); diffusion d'annonces publicitaires; régie publicitaire; distribution de matériel publicitaire (notamment tracts, prospectus, imprimés, échantillons); mise à jour de documentation publicitaire; courrier publicitaire; organisation d'évènements, d'expositions, de foires et de spectacles à des fins commerciales, promotionnelles et publicitaires; mise à disposition d'espaces publicitaires sur des sites Web pour la promotion de produits et de services; organisation, recherche et location d'espaces et de temps de publicité pour des tiers, notamment dans la presse, à la radio, à la télévision et/ou sur les réseaux mondiaux de télécommunication (de type Internet) ou à accès privé ou réservé (de type Intranet); location de temps publicitaire sur tout moyen de communication; location de matériel publicitaire; location d'espaces publicitaires; location d'espaces publicitaires situés sur du mobilier de magasins et centres commerciaux (plaques en plexiglass, chariots de courses, colonnes, kiosques, poubelles, sanitaires publics); affichage, production de matériel et d'annonces publicitaires; location de panneaux d'affichage publicitaires; mise en pages à buts publicitaires; rédaction de textes publicitaires; services de régie publicitaire; gestion d'espaces publicitaires; services de réseaux d'affichage, à savoir affichage publicitaire, affichage d'annonces publicitaires pour le compte de tiers, services de location de panneaux d'affichage numériques (panneaux publicitaires); conseils en affichage publicitaire; conseils pour l'organisation et la direction des affaires; conseils en gestion commerciale et en marketing; services de gestion commerciale pour boutiques en ligne; fourniture d'aide en affaires opérationnelles pour entreprises; gestion de risques commerciaux; audits d'entreprises (analyses commerciales); conseils en stratégies commerciales; gestion des affaires commerciales, administration commerciale; planification commerciale; prestations d'informations commerciales; compilation d'informations commerciales; services de réseautage d'entreprises; réseautage d'affaires; travaux de bureau; aide aux entreprises dans la conduite de leurs affaires; gestion de fichiers informatiques; édition et publication de textes et/ou d'images publicitaires; publication et édition de tous documents ou objets à but promotionnel, commercial ou de publicité; courriers publicitaires; informations et conseils commerciaux aux consommateurs; référencement de sites web à but commercial ou publicitaire; diffusion d'échantillons; services de saisie et de traitement des données; décoration de vitrines; services de composition et de décoration de vitrines à des fins publicitaires; services d'agencement de vitrines de magasins de vente au détail; services d'aménagement de magasins; services de mises en relation commerciales (intermédiation commerciale); optimisation du trafic sur les sites web et des moteurs de recherche à des fins de promotion des ventes; assistance aux entreprises en matière d'images de marque; services de conseils en matière d'images de marque d'entreprise; diffusion d'annonces relatives au marketing, en ligne sur le réseau Internet; création de marques. Class 038 Class 038 Communications Services Agences de presse et d'information; services de communication (télécommunications); mise à disposition de plateformes en ligne dédiées aux utilisateurs d'un réseau, à savoir fourniture d'accès à des plateformes en ligne; transmission de communications, d'informations et de données par le biais de réseaux informatiques locaux et mondiaux; communications au moyen de réseaux informatiques locaux et mondiaux; communications par terminaux d'ordinateurs; communications par réseaux de fibres optiques; communications radiophoniques; communications téléphoniques; radiotéléphonie mobile; services d'affichage électronique (télécommunications); transmission (ou diffusion) d'émissions radiophoniques et télévisées; services de téléconférences; services de visioconférence; services de diffusion par le web; informations en matière de télécommunications; mise à disposition de forums en ligne; mise à disposition de forums, forums de discussion et tableaux d'affichage électroniques en ligne; fourniture d'accès utilisateur à des réseaux informatiques mondiaux; services de télécommunication via l'internet, l'intranet et l'extranet; services dans le domaine des télécommunications, à savoir fourniture d'accès à des données électroniques, des banques de données, des messages et d'autres informations par réseaux de télécommunication; services de courrier et de messagerie électronique; échange électronique de données (télécommunications); services de télécommunication permettant la mise en relation et/ou l'échange d'informations via un logiciel ou un réseau de télécommunication (de type Internet) entre utilisateurs de sites de type Internet et/ou fournisseurs d'accès et/ou gestionnaires de sites de type Internet; télécommunications multimédia, par câble, par satellite, par téléphone, par voie télématique, électronique, numérique, hertzienne, informatique et par réseaux (y compris par réseau mondial de télécommunication de type Internet ou à accès privé ou réservé de type Intranet); fourniture d'accès à des bases de données; diffusion d'annonces, de données et d'informations relatives au marketing, en ligne sur le réseau Internet; location de temps d'accès à un centre serveur de bases de données; transmission et/ou diffusion de données, de sons et/ou d'images; location de temps d'accès à un centre serveur de bases de données; transmission et/ou diffusion de données, de sons et/ou d'images, assistées ou non par ordinateur, notamment par voie électronique, numérique, hertzienne, télématique, par câble, par satellite et par réseaux (y compris par réseau mondial de télécommunication de type Internet ou à accès privé ou réservé de type Intranet); transmission de nouvelles et d'informations générales; transmission, diffusion et visualisation sécurisées ou non, d'informations contenues dans des bases de données ou stockées sur ordinateur et/ou d'informations accessibles par code d'accès à des bases de données et à des centres serveurs de bases de données informatiques ou télématiques; transmission de fichiers numériques; transmission de données en flux continu (streaming); expédition de dépêches; services de communication audiovisuelle, diffusion de programmes de télévision (diffusion de programmes de télévision); messagerie électronique notamment par réseau internet, extranet et intranet; fourniture d'accès à un site web de réseautage social à des fins de divertissement; mise à disposition d'accès à un site web dans le domaine du réseautage professionnel et du marketing, de la publicité et de la promotion, de l'événementiel; services de supports de données; services d'accès au téléchargement de bons d'achat, de bons à valoir sur l'achat de produits ou de services, de bons destinés à être échangés contre des produits ou des services, de coupons de réduction, de chèques-cadeaux, de cartes-cadeaux de paiement, de codes promotionnels, de cartes promotionnelles, de cartes de fidélité, de cartes d'abonnement, de billets (tickets), de cartes de paiement (non magnétiques), de cartes de débit et de crédit (non magnétiques); fourniture d'accès temporaire à des logiciels non téléchargeables en ligne de publication numérique; fourniture d'accès temporaire à des logiciels non téléchargeables en ligne pour la gestion des médias sociaux, la publication sur les médias sociaux, la publicité sur les médias sociaux, la participation des utilisateurs sur les médias sociaux et les campagnes de marketing numérique. ... Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Publication de textes et d'images sur un site internet. Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Recherches techniques; recherches scientifiques et industrielles dans le domaine informatique; conseils en conception de sites web et Internet; conseils en matière de développement de produits; programmation pour ordinateurs; conception, installation, mise à jour, maintenance de programmes d'ordinateurs et de logiciels notamment dans le domaine de la gestion, de la mercatique et de l'étude des médias, de systèmes informatiques, de systèmes de télécommunication, de bases de données, de serveurs informatiques; contrôle de la qualité en matière d'impression, de photocomposition, de photogravure et de retouche d'images; conseils techniques professionnels sans rapport avec les affaires dans le domaine de la retouche d'images; conseil, information, expertise et audit dans le domaine de l'aménagement des vitrines; conseil, information, expertise et audit dans l'aménagement des magasins; conception de la décoration des magasins; services de conception d'art graphique; services de dessinateurs d'art graphique; services de dessinateurs de mode, services de dessinateurs pour emballages; création et entretien de sites Web pour des tiers; conversion de données et de programmes informatiques (autre que conversion physique); conversion de documents d'un support physique vers un support électronique; conversion de documents d'un support électronique vers un support physique; informations techniques pour le compte de tiers; gestion de projets informatiques; ingénierie et étude de projets techniques; études d'ingénierie et de projets techniques, notamment dans les domaines de la consommation, de la presse, de la publicité, de l'informatique, des technologies de l'information et de la communication et dans le domaine des services Internet; conception, création, hébergement et maintenance de sites de l'internet pour le compte de tiers; logiciels-services (SaaS); services de conseillers en matière de conception de pages d'accueil et sites Internet; informations en matière de technologie informatique et de programmation par le biais de sites web; services informatiques concernant le stockage électronique de données; développement de solutions logicielles applicatives; hébergement d'applications logicielles pour des tiers; programmation d'applications multimédias; mise à disposition temporaire d'applications web; mise à disposition temporaire d'outils logiciels et applications en ligne; recherche et développement de nouveaux produits pour des tiers; mise à disposition de plateformes et de portails sur l'Internet; mise à disposition temporaire en ligne de logiciels d'exploitation non téléchargeables permettant l'accès à un réseau d'informatique dans le nuage [cloud computing] ainsi que son utilisation; mise à jour de pages Internet; services d'élaboration (conception et réalisation), de développement, d'installation, de mise à jour, de maintenance et de location de logiciels informatiques, de progiciels et de bases de données; création de logotypes et de conditionnements; services d'édition de sites web (services informatiques); services d'hébergement de sites sur Internet pour le compte de tiers. | ||
TAKAII VIVE EXECUTIVE CONSULTING INC. 2124445 31 Jul 2021 | REGISTERED on 5 Jul 2023 | Air fragrance reed diffusers; air fragrancing preparations; body lotio... Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Air fragrance reed diffusers; air fragrancing preparations; body lotions; body sprays used as personal deodorants and fragrances; car air fragrancing preparations; fragrance emitting wicks for room fragrance; fragrance for household purposes; fragrance refills for electric room fragrance dispensers; fragrance refills for non-electric room fragrance dispensers; fragrances; fragrances and perfumery; fragrances for personal use; perfumery, fragrances and incense; perfumes; reed diffusers; rose-scented body mist sprays; scented and deodorizing fabric sprays; scented body sprays; scented room sprays; scented sachets Class 004 Class 004 Lubricant and Fuel Products Candles; scented candles | ||
Takanashi Kiara COVER Corporation 2083879 9 Nov 2020 | REGISTERED on 20 Dec 2024 | Game programs for arcade video game machines; power distribution and c... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Game programs for arcade video game machines; power distribution and control machines and apparatus, namely, electrical power distribution boxes and controllers; rotary converters; phase modifiers; batteries for cameras, for cellular phones, personal digital assistants and rechargeable batteries for smart phones; electric wires and cables; telecommunication devices and apparatus, namely, smartphones; structural and replacement parts and accessories for telecommunication devices and apparatus, namely, cases for smartphones; personal digital assistants (PDAs); parts and accessories for personal digital assistants; covers for personal digital assistants; cases for personal digital assistants; straps for personal digital assistants; covers for smartphones; cases for smartphones; straps for smartphones; electronic components for computers and mobile phones; downloadable computer software programs for generating computer graphics and performing motion capture; computer software platforms, recorded and downloadable, for use in generating computer graphics and performing motion capture; computer operating programs, recorded; computer software, recorded, for generating computer graphics and performing motion capture; computer software applications, downloadable, for use in generating computer graphics and performing motion capture; computer programs, recorded, for use in generating computer graphics and performing motion capture; computer game software, recorded; computer game software, downloadable; computer programs, downloadable, for use in generating computer graphics and performing motion capture; spectacles; sunglasses; parts and accessories for spectacles; consumer video game programs; electronic circuits and CD-ROMs recorded with programs for hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; phonograph records; downloadable music files; prerecorded audio compact discs featuring music; downloadable image files containing artwork, photographs and animation; pre-recorded video compact discs featuring films and animation; downloadable animated cartoons, video disks and tapes with recorded animated cartoons; downloadable emoticons for mobile phones; downloadable graphics for mobile phones; audio-video compact discs featuring animated cartoons; electronic publications, downloadable, namely, books and magazines featuring animated cartoons; exposed cinematographic films; exposed slide films; slide film mounts. Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Advertising agency services; publicity agency services; business management analysis; business marketing consulting services; business management; market analysis and research; providing information concerning commercial sales; administrative processing of purchase orders; commercial intermediation services, namely, mediation of agreements regarding the sale and purchase of goods; provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; negotiation and conclusion of commercial transactions for third parties; procurement services for others, namely, purchasing goods in the nature of stuffed animals and comic books featuring animated characters for others; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; provision of commercial and business contact information; promotion of goods and services of others through sponsorship of sports events; providing targeted marketing campaigns for others; targeted marketing of the goods and services of others; telemarketing services; sales promotions for others by means of website information and public relations campaigns; promoting the sale of goods and services of others through promotional contests provided over the internet; promoting the sale of goods and services through consumer discount and loyalty programs; marketing for others; administration of frequent flyer programs; import-export agency services; providing office functions, namely, filing documents and magnetic-tapes; compilation of information into computer databases relating to videos and images for animation characters; updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; systemization of information into computer databases; compiling indexes of information for commercial and advertising purposes relating to videos and images for animation characters; updating and maintenance of information in registries relating to videos and images for animation characters; rental of advertising space on web sites; providing commercial information and advice for consumers in the choice of products and services; rental of advertising space; retail services and wholesale services for woven fabrics; retail services and wholesale services for bed linen; retail services and wholesale services for clothing; retail services and wholesale services for babies' diapers; retail services and wholesale services for adult diapers; retail services and wholesale services for footwear; retail services and wholesale services for bags; retail services and wholesale services for pouches; retail services and wholesale services for sanitary towels; retail services and wholesale services for handkerchiefs of textile; retail services and wholesale services for bath towels; retail services and wholesale services for tea towels; retail services and wholesale services for toothpaste; retail services and wholesale services for toothbrushes; retail services and wholesale services for hair ornaments; retail services and wholesale services for belts being items of clothing; retail services and wholesale services for waistbands; retail services and wholesale services for headbands being items of clothing; retail services and wholesale services for foods and beverages; retail services and wholesale services for alcoholic beverages; retail services and wholesale services for meat; retail services and wholesale services for seafood; retail services and wholesale services for vegetables and fruits; retail services and wholesale services for confectionery, bread and buns; retail services and wholesale services for rice and cereals; retail services and wholesale services for milk; retail services and wholesale services for carbonated beverages and non-alcoholic fruit juice beverages; retail services and wholesale services for tea, coffee and cocoa; retail services and wholesale services for dietary supplements; retail services and wholesale services for processed meat products; retail services and wholesale services for processed seafood; retail services and wholesale services for fruit, processed; retail services and wholesale services for milk products; retail services and wholesale services for vegetables, processed; retail services and wholesale services for natto, namely fermented soybeans; retail services and wholesale services for furi-kake, namely dried flakes of fish, meat, vegetables and seaweed; retail services and wholesale services for automobiles; retail services and wholesale services for two-wheeled motor vehicles; retail services and wholesale services for bicycles; retail services and wholesale services for furniture; retail services and wholesale services for joinery fittings; retail services and wholesale services for tatami mats; retail services and wholesale services for ritual equipment, namely Buddhist prayer beads [juzu], ritual flower stands, portable shrines for Shintoism [Mikoshi]; retail services and wholesale services for electrical machinery and apparatus, namely in relation to domestic electrical equipment; retail services and wholesale services for bladed and pointed hand tools, hand tools and metal hardware; retail services and wholesale services for kitchen equipment, cleaning tools and washing utensils; retail services and wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and medical supplies; retail services and wholesale services for cosmetics, toiletries, dentifrices, soaps and detergents; retail services and wholesale services for agricultural machines, implements and supplies; retail services and wholesale services for natural flowers and trees; retail services and wholesale services for printed matter; retail services and wholesale services for paper and stationery; retail store services and wholesale store services featuring sporting goods; retail services and wholesale services for toys, dolls, game machines and apparatus; retail services and wholesale services for musical instruments; retail services and wholesale services for phonograph records; retail services and wholesale services for clocks; retail services and wholesale services for watches; retail services and wholesale services for spectacles; retail services and wholesale services for tobacco and smokers' articles; retail services and wholesale services for semi-wrought precious stones and their imitations. ... Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Educational and instruction services relating to arts and crafts, namely, conducting classes, seminars, conferences, workshops in the fields of music animated cartoons; educational and instruction services relating to sport, namely, conducting classes, seminars, conferences and workshops in the fields of sports; arranging, conducting and organization of seminars in the field of animated cartoons, computer graphics and virtual reality contents; arranging and conducting of conferences in the field of animated cartoons, computer graphics and virtual reality contents; arranging and conducting of congresses in the field of animated cartoons, computer graphics and virtual reality contents; arranging and conducting of in-person educational forums in the field of animated cartoons, computer graphics and virtual reality contents; training in the nature of arranging and conducting of workshops in the field of animated cartoons, computer graphics and virtual reality cartoons; arranging, conducting and organization of symposiums in the field of animated cartoons, computer graphics and virtual reality contents; arranging and conducting of seminars in the field of animated cartoons, computer graphics and virtual reality contents; arranging and conducting of colloquiums in the field of animated cartoons, computer graphics and virtual reality contents; services of reference libraries for literature and documentary records; book rental; providing online electronic publications, not downloadable in the nature of books, magazines, brochures in the field of animated cartoons, computer graphics and virtual reality contents; art exhibitions; publication of books; production and presentation of movies; development, creation, and production of singing shows, dancing shows, plays and musical performances; movie theatre presentations; cinema presentations; film production, other than advertising films; film distribution; providing online videos, not downloadable, in the field of animated cartoons; providing films, not downloadable, via video-on-demand services; film directing, other than advertising films; screenplay writing; subtitling; presentation of live dancing shows; direction of plays; presentation of plays; presentation of musical performances; sound engineering services for events; lighting technician services for events; orchestra services; providing online music, not downloadable; entertainer services, namely, live, televised and movie appearances by professional entertainers; presentation of circus performances; production of television shows; presentation of variety shows; television entertainment; providing television programs, not downloadable, via video-on-demand services; production of radio and television programmes; radio entertainment; production of music; calligraphy services; songwriting; music composition services; writing of texts, namely, scriptwriting services for non-advertising purposes; organization of sporting events in the field of baseballs, basket balls and soccer; organization of entertainment events excluding movies, shows, plays, musical performances, sports, horse races, bicycle races, boat races and auto races, namely, organizing cultural and arts events, namely, cultural services provided by art galleries, dance instruction, and consultancy and information services therefor; conducting guided walking tours; conducting guided climbing tours; organization of cosplay entertainment events; sport camp services; party planning [entertainment]; arranging of beauty contests; organization of fashion shows for entertainment purposes; organization of balls; holiday camp services [entertainment]; audio and video recording studio services; providing amusement facilities, namely amusement parks, amusement arcades, video gaming arcade and karaoke place; providing theatre facilities for movies, shows, plays, and music; providing classroom facilities for educational training; photography; entertainment in the nature of night club and membership club services; entertainment services, namely, live performances by musical bands; providing entertainment news and information via a website in the field of sports; providing user ratings for events in the field of fashion for entertainment and cultural purposes via a website; providing user ratings for videos for entertainment purposes via a website; providing user rankings for events in the field of fashion for entertainment and cultural purposes via a website; providing user rankings for videos for entertainment purposes via a website; providing user reviews for events in the field of fashion for entertainment and cultural purposes via a website; providing user reviews for videos for entertainment purposes via a website; game services provided online from a computer network, namely, providing on-line computer games. | ||
![]() | TAKAISAMI OTANI SHUZO KABUSHIKIGAISYA(OTANI SHUZO CO.LTD) 2063532 9 Oct 2020 | REGISTERED on 1 Nov 2023 | Sake. Class 033 Class 033 Wines and Spirits Products Sake. | |
![]() | TAKAMI TAKAMI HIROSHI 2075790 7 Oct 2020 | REGISTERED on 1 Dec 2023 | Perfumes; perfumery products namely cologne; toilet waters; body cream... Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Perfumes; perfumery products namely cologne; toilet waters; body creams, oils and milks, bath and shower soaps, gels, oils, milk and salts; essential oils for personal use, namely, bath oils, body oils and massage oils; toilet soaps; body deodorants; cosmetics, namely, milks, lotions, gels and powders for the face, gels and powders for the body and the hands; beauty masks, skin cleansing creams and oils, skin creams, vanishing creams, eye creams, skin lotions, facial lotions, body lotions, skin moisturizers, night creams, skin clarifiers, sun tanning preparations, non-medicated sun care preparations, cotton balls, cotton pads, cotton swabs and cotton puffs for cosmetic purposes; make-up products, namely, eye makeup, eye makeup remover, eye pencils, eye shadow, eyebrow pencils, eyeliner, mascara, face powders, face foundations and liquid bases, face blushes in creams, liquids or powders, lipstick and pencils for lips, nail polish, nail polish remover; shampoos; hair conditioners; hair-washing powder; cosmetics used for neck; cosmetics used for lip; cosmetics used for nail; cosmetics used for body cleaning; cosmetics used for skin; depilatory preparations; skin washes; hydrogen peroxide for cosmetic purposes; hair lotion; cosmetic hair dressing preparations; hair mousse; hair spray; hair gel; cold waving solutions; hair oils; hair bleaches; hair colorants; waving preparations for the hair. Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of bacterial skin infections, fungal skin infections, viral skin infections and parasitic skin infections; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of damaged skin and tissue namely bee stings, sunburn, rashes, sores, corns, calluses and acne; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of acne namely acne cleansers; oiled paper for dressing wounds; gauze for dressings; empty capsules for pharmaceuticals; eye patches for medical purposes; ear bandages; menstruation bandages; menstruation tampons; sanitary napkins; sanitary panties; absorbent cotton; adhesive plasters; bandages for dressings; collodion for pharmaceutical purposes; breast-nursing pads; dietetic sugar for medical purposes; dietetic substances consisting of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements; diabetic fruit juice beverages adapted for medical purposes; electrolyte replacement beverages for medical purposes; malted milk beverages for invalids; medicated beverages in the nature of dietary supplements for colon detoxification; medicated beverages in the nature of dietary supplements for liver detoxification; dietetic substances consisting of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements adapted for medical use; dietary and nutritional supplements for general health and well-being; dietary and nutritional supplements for reducing cholesterol; dietary and nutritional supplements used for weight loss; amino acid dietary supplements; dietary food supplements in the nature of mixed herbal infusions for maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function; disinfectants for household use; disinfecting hand wash; all-purpose disinfectants for hygienic purposes; disinfecting soap; disinfectant soap; sanitizing wipes; antiseptic preparations; antibacterial soap; antibacterial handwashes; alcohol-based antibacterial skin sanitizer gels. ... Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Computer and mobile device software and applications providing to users advice, service and information in relation with cosmetics and enabling users to virtually try on cosmetics. Class 010 Medical Instrument Products Surgical instruments, dental instruments, veterinary instruments, medical instruments for general examination; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; suture materials; body massagers; deep tissue massage balls; electric massage guns; electric vibrating massagers; facial massagers; foot massage apparatus; massage chairs with built-in massage apparatus. Class 011 Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking Hair driers for use in beauty salons, hair streamers for use in beauty salons; nail drying machines for beauty salons; ultrasound facial machines for commercial use; electric facial steamers; electric lamps; florescent lighting fixtures; led lighting fixtures; LED work lights; light diffusers; ultrasound facial machines for household use; electric facial steamers for household use; electric skin conditioner using ion introducers for household purposes; hair dryers; hair steamers for beauty salons; bronzing apparatus, namely, sunbeds, sun lamps and ultra-violet lights. Class 044 Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services Beauty salons; hairdressing salons; aesthetic salon; providing information relating to beauty salon services and services of an aesthetician; providing information relating to hairstyling; providing information related to nailcare; providing information related makeup application; massage and therapeutic shiatsu massage; chiropractics; treatment for dislocated joints, sprain, bone fractures or the like (judo-seifuku); acupuncture; reiki healing therapy services; sound healing therapy services; conducting of medical examinations; genetic testing for medical purposes; medical diagnostic services; medical imaging services; medical nursing services; medical spa services; medical testing for diagnostic or treatment purposes; medical clinic services; hospices; providing medical information in the field of dermatology; providing nutritional information about food for medical weight loss purposes; providing medical information in the field of medical cosmetic treatment; physical examination; dentistry; pharmacists' services to make up prescriptions; preparation of medications; providing information in the field of medical clinic services, hospices, physical examination, dentistry, pharmacists' services to make up prescriptions or preparation of medications; dietary and nutritional guidance; rental of medical equipment; dental equipment rental; rental of machines and apparatus for beauty salon, aesthetic salon or barbers' shops; rental of machines and apparatus using iontophoresis system for the treatment or conditioning of skin for household purposes; rental of facial equipment for household purposes; rental of depilation appliances; medical services, namely, medical dermatology services; beauty services, namely, aesthetic dermatology services and cosmetic dermatology services; providing information concerning the use and selection of cosmetics, personal care products, and beauty treatments via the Internet. | |
TAKAMI HIROSHI TAKAMI 2055630 5 Oct 2020 | REGISTERED on 24 May 2023 | Perfumes; perfumery products namely cologne; toilet waters; body cream... Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Perfumes; perfumery products namely cologne; toilet waters; body creams, oils and milks, bath and shower soaps, gels, oils, milk and salts; essential oils for personal use, namely, bath oils, body oils and massage oils; toilet soaps; body deodorants; cosmetics, namely, milks, lotions, gels and powders for the face, gels and powders for the body and the hands; beauty masks, skin cleansing creams and oils, skin creams, vanishing creams, eye creams, skin lotions, facial lotions, body lotions, skin moisturizers, night creams, skin clarifiers, sun tanning preparations, non-medicated sun care preparations, cotton balls, cotton pads, cotton swabs and cotton puffs for cosmetic purposes; make-up products, namely, eye makeup, eye makeup remover, eye pencils, eye shadow, eyebrow pencils, eyeliner, mascara, face powders, face foundations and liquid bases, face blushes in creams, liquids or powders, lipstick and pencils for lips, nail polish, nail polish remover; shampoos; hair conditioners; hair-washing powder; cosmetics used for neck; cosmetics used for lip; cosmetics used for nail; cosmetics used for body cleaning; cosmetics used for skin; depilatory preparations; skin washes; hydrogen peroxide for cosmetic purposes; hair lotion; cosmetic hair dressing preparations; hair mousse; hair spray; hair gel; cold waving solutions; hair oils; hair bleaches; hair colorants; waving preparations for the hair. Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of bacterial skin infections, fungal skin infections, viral skin infections and parasitic skin infections; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of damaged skin and tissue namely bee stings, sunburn, rashes, sores, corns, calluses and acne; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of acne namely acne cleansers; oiled paper for dressing wounds; gauze for dressings; empty capsules for pharmaceuticals; eye patches for medical purposes; ear bandages; menstruation bandages; menstruation tampons; sanitary napkins; sanitary panties; absorbent cotton; adhesive plasters; bandages for dressings; collodion for pharmaceutical purposes; breast-nursing pads; dietetic sugar for medical purposes; dietetic substances consisting of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements; diabetic fruit juice beverages adapted for medical purposes; electrolyte replacement beverages for medical purposes; malted milk beverages for invalids; medicated beverages in the nature of dietary supplements for colon detoxification; medicated beverages in the nature of dietary supplements for liver detoxification; dietetic substances consisting of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements adapted for medical use; dietary and nutritional supplements for general health and well-being; dietary and nutritional supplements for reducing cholesterol; dietary and nutritional supplements used for weight loss; amino acid dietary supplements; dietary food supplements in the nature of mixed herbal infusions for maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function; disinfectants for household use; disinfecting hand wash; all-purpose disinfectants for hygienic purposes; disinfecting soap; disinfectant soap; sanitizing wipes; antiseptic preparations; antibacterial soap; antibacterial handwashes; alcohol-based antibacterial skin sanitizer gels. ... Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Computer and mobile device software and applications providing to users advice, service and information in relation with cosmetics and enabling users to virtually try on cosmetics; Class 010 Medical Instrument Products Surgical instruments, dental instruments, veterinary instruments, medical instruments for general examination; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; suture materials; body massagers; deep tissue massage balls; electric massage guns; electric vibrating massagers; facial massagers; foot massage apparatus; massage chairs with built-in massage apparatus. Class 011 Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking Hair driers for use in beauty salons, hair streamers for use in beauty salons; nail drying machines for beauty salons; ultrasound facial machines for commercial use; electric facial steamers; electric lamps; florescent lighting fixtures; led lighting fixtures; LED work lights; light diffusers; ultrasound facial machines for household use; electric facial steamers for household use; electric skin conditioner using ion introducers for household purposes; hair dryers; hair steamers for beauty salons; bronzing apparatus, namely, sunbeds, sun lamps and ultra-violet lights. Class 044 Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services Beauty salons; hairdressing salons; aesthetic salon; providing information relating to beauty salon services and services of an aesthetician; providing information relating to hairstyling; providing information related to nailcare; providing information related makeup application; massage and therapeutic shiatsu massage; chiropractic's; treatment for dislocated joints, sprain, bone fractures or the like (judo-seifuku); acupuncture; reiki healing therapy services; sound healing therapy services; conducting of medical examinations; genetic testing for medical purposes; medical diagnostic services; medical imaging services; medical nursing services; medical spa services; medical testing for diagnostic or treatment purposes; medical clinic services; hospices; providing medical information in the field of dermatology; providing nutritional information about food for medical weight loss purposes; providing medical information in the field of medical cosmetic treatment; physical examination; dentistry; pharmacists' services to make up prescriptions; preparation of medications; providing information in the field of medical clinic services, hospices, physical examination, dentistry, pharmacists' services to make up prescriptions or preparation of medications; dietary and nutritional guidance; rental of medical equipment; dental equipment rental; rental of machines and apparatus for beauty salon, aesthetic salon or barbers' shops; rental of machines and apparatus using iontophoresis system for the treatment or conditioning of skin for household purposes; rental of facial equipment for household purposes; rental of depilation appliances; medical services, namely, medical dermatology services; beauty services, namely, aesthetic dermatology services and cosmetic dermatology services; providing information concerning the use and selection of cosmetics, personal care products, and beauty treatments via the Internet. | ||
TAKACAT AIR YACHT LIMITED 2092509 26 Aug 2020 | REGISTERED on 2 Nov 2022 | Tunnel hull inflatable boats. Class 012 Class 012 Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water Tunnel hull inflatable boats. | ||
TAKASA TAKASA LIFESTYLE COMPANY INC. 1973968 4 Jul 2019 | ADVERTISED on 18 Sept 2024 | Reusable textile produce bags to carry produce from grocery stores and... Class 018 Class 018 Leather Products not including clothing Reusable textile produce bags to carry produce from grocery stores and farmers' markets; canvas bags for shopping Class 020 Class 020 Furniture Products Mattresses and pillows; mattress toppers; mattress pads ... Class 021 Houseware and Glass Products Wool dryer balls Class 022 Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products Canvas bags for laundry Class 024 Fabrics Bed linen; bed sheets; pillow cases; pillow shams; duvet covers; crib sheets; baby wraps, namely, swaddling blankets; baby blankets; blankets; throws; quilts; bath linen; bath towels; bath sheets; hand towels; wash cloths; kitchen linen; dining linens of textile; table linen; curtains; mattress covers; pillow protectors Class 025 Clothing Products Baby clothes; sleeping garments; pajamas; t-shirts; pants; bath robes Class 027 Floor Covering products Rugs; bath mats Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Retail store services featuring clothing, bed linen, duvets, bath linen, kitchen linen, dining linens, table linens, curtains, mattress pads and covers, mattresses and pillows, rugs, wool dryer balls, and cloth bags; online retail store services featuring clothing, bed linen, duvets, bath linen, kitchen linen, dining linens, table linens, curtains, mattress pads and covers, mattresses and pillows, rugs, wool dryer balls, and cloth bags; mail order catalogue store services featuring clothing, bed linen, duvets, bath linen, kitchen linen, dining linens, table linens, curtains, mattress pads and covers, mattresses and pillows, rugs, wool dryer balls, and cloth bags | ||
![]() | TAKABB & DEVICE HATAKABB (SIM TIEN HOR) COMPANY LIMITED 1891838 4 Apr 2018 | REGISTERED on 16 Nov 2020 | Medicated cough relief candies; Medicated lozenges, namely, medicated ... Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Medicated cough relief candies; Medicated lozenges, namely, medicated throat lozenges, cough lozenges; medicated lozenges for the treatment of dry mouth; Medicated cough drops, Herbal medicines, namely, cough remedies; herbal supplements for general health and well-being; Medicines for treatment of aphthous ulcer, Medicines for treatment of cough, Cough syrups; Mouth breath fresheners for medical use, namely, breath fresheners for the treatment of halitosis. Class 030 Class 030 Staple Food Products Non-medicated candies; Non-medicated confectionery, namely, non-medicated throat lozenges; Non-medicated confectioneries, namely, sugar based confectionery, fruit-based confectionery; Honeys; Spices; Flours for foods; Ice-creams; Non-medicated mouth freshening lozenges. |
on 1 Nov 2024
2193730 · 14 Jan 2022
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Services d'éducation et de formation dans le domaine des produits pharmaceutiques, de la sensibilisation aux maladies et des traitements médicaux; organisation et conduite de conférences, d'ateliers et de séminaires dans le domaine des produits pharmaceutiques, de la sensibilisation aux maladies et des traitements médicaux; organisation et conduite d'ateliers d'organisation de patients dans le domaine des produits pharmaceutiques, de la sensibilisation aux maladies et des traitements médicaux
Class 044
Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services
Fourniture d'informations sur les traitements pharmaceutiques et la sensibilisation aux maladies, leur traitement et leur gestion, afin d'améliorer la compréhension par les prestataires de soins de santé, les patients, les soignants et le grand public des produits pharmaceutiques et des traitements médicaux disponibles.
Services d'éducation et de formation dans le domaine des produits phar...
on 23 Mar 2023
2163702 · 10 Aug 2021
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Publicité; publicité pour les tiers; publicité en ligne sur un réseau informatique; publicité par correspondance (y compris électronique); affichage publicitaire; publicité radiophonique; publicité télévisée; publicité par voie d'affichage; promotion des ventes; services de promotion commerciale sur tous supports, y compris sur Internet; promotions commerciales; service de promotion des produits et services de tiers sur des espaces publicitaires; promotion de produits et services de tiers; promotion des ventes pour le compte de tiers; promotion des ventes par le biais de programmes de fidélisation de la clientèle; optimisation de moteurs de recherche pour la promotion des ventes; organisation, gestion et supervision de programmes de vente et de systèmes de primes promotionnelles; conseils en organisation et direction des affaires, élaboration, conseil, développement et mise en oeuvre de stratégies commerciales, publicitaires, de communication et de marketing; présentation de produits sur tout moyen de communication pour la vente au détail; création de tous documents ou d'objets à but promotionnel, commercial ou de publicité; création et développement de produits multimédias publicitaires à savoir animations, présentations en 3D; services d'animation de promotion et de publicité; opérations publicitaires ou promotionnelles; organisation d'opérations promotionnelles et publicitaires; services de préparation et tenue de manifestations promotionnelles et de marketing; présentation de sociétés sur l'internet et d'autres médias à des fins promotionnelles; démonstration de produits; démonstrations de produits et services d'exposition de produits à des fins commerciales, promotionnelles et publicitaires; organisation d'événements à but publicitaire; information et conseil dans le domaine événementiel à buts publicitaire ou commercial; organisation d'expositions, de salons, d'événements à buts commerciaux ou de publicité; organisation et conduite d'événements promotionnels; organisation et gestion de congrès et d'événements publics dans les domaines de la publicité, de la promotion commerciale et de la communication institutionnelle et événementielle; services d'organisation et de réalisation d'événements publicitaires et commerciaux; recherche de parraineurs; opérations de parrainage d'événements médiatiques et publicitaires; conseils en communication (relations publiques); conseils en communication (publicité); relations publiques; conseils en matière de promotion des ventes; services de publicité; services de marketing; services de marketing évènementiel; services de développement et de mise en oeuvre de stratégies de marketing pour des tiers; information et conseil dans le domaine événementiel à buts publicitaire, promotionnel ou commercial; conseils en recherche de parrainage publicitaire; fourniture de conseils en marketing dans le domaine des médiaux sociaux; gestion marketing de communautés de médias sociaux; services de relations presse; service de revue de presse; reproduction de documents; services de reproduction de documents en ligne sur un réseau informatique; services d'abonnement à des journaux (pour des tiers); services d'abonnement à des services de télécommunication pour les tiers; étude, analyse et enquête de marchés; sondages d'opinion; études et informations statistiques; agence de publicité; diffusion et distribution de matériel publicitaire (tracts, prospectus, imprimés, échantillons); diffusion d'annonces publicitaires; régie publicitaire; distribution de matériel publicitaire (notamment tracts, prospectus, imprimés, échantillons); mise à jour de documentation publicitaire; courrier publicitaire; organisation d'évènements, d'expositions, de foires et de spectacles à des fins commerciales, promotionnelles et publicitaires; mise à disposition d'espaces publicitaires sur des sites Web pour la promotion de produits et de services; organisation, recherche et location d'espaces et de temps de publicité pour des tiers, notamment dans la presse, à la radio, à la télévision et/ou sur les réseaux mondiaux de télécommunication (de type Internet) ou à accès privé ou réservé (de type Intranet); location de temps publicitaire sur tout moyen de communication; location de matériel publicitaire; location d'espaces publicitaires; location d'espaces publicitaires situés sur du mobilier de magasins et centres commerciaux (plaques en plexiglass, chariots de courses, colonnes, kiosques, poubelles, sanitaires publics); affichage, production de matériel et d'annonces publicitaires; location de panneaux d'affichage publicitaires; mise en pages à buts publicitaires; rédaction de textes publicitaires; services de régie publicitaire; gestion d'espaces publicitaires; services de réseaux d'affichage, à savoir affichage publicitaire, affichage d'annonces publicitaires pour le compte de tiers, services de location de panneaux d'affichage numériques (panneaux publicitaires); conseils en affichage publicitaire; conseils pour l'organisation et la direction des affaires; conseils en gestion commerciale et en marketing; services de gestion commerciale pour boutiques en ligne; fourniture d'aide en affaires opérationnelles pour entreprises; gestion de risques commerciaux; audits d'entreprises (analyses commerciales); conseils en stratégies commerciales; gestion des affaires commerciales, administration commerciale; planification commerciale; prestations d'informations commerciales; compilation d'informations commerciales; services de réseautage d'entreprises; réseautage d'affaires; travaux de bureau; aide aux entreprises dans la conduite de leurs affaires; gestion de fichiers informatiques; édition et publication de textes et/ou d'images publicitaires; publication et édition de tous documents ou objets à but promotionnel, commercial ou de publicité; courriers publicitaires; informations et conseils commerciaux aux consommateurs; référencement de sites web à but commercial ou publicitaire; diffusion d'échantillons; services de saisie et de traitement des données; décoration de vitrines; services de composition et de décoration de vitrines à des fins publicitaires; services d'agencement de vitrines de magasins de vente au détail; services d'aménagement de magasins; services de mises en relation commerciales (intermédiation commerciale); optimisation du trafic sur les sites web et des moteurs de recherche à des fins de promotion des ventes; assistance aux entreprises en matière d'images de marque; services de conseils en matière d'images de marque d'entreprise; diffusion d'annonces relatives au marketing, en ligne sur le réseau Internet; création de marques.
Class 038
Communications Services
Agences de presse et d'information; services de communication (télécommunications); mise à disposition de plateformes en ligne dédiées aux utilisateurs d'un réseau, à savoir fourniture d'accès à des plateformes en ligne; transmission de communications, d'informations et de données par le biais de réseaux informatiques locaux et mondiaux; communications au moyen de réseaux informatiques locaux et mondiaux; communications par terminaux d'ordinateurs; communications par réseaux de fibres optiques; communications radiophoniques; communications téléphoniques; radiotéléphonie mobile; services d'affichage électronique (télécommunications); transmission (ou diffusion) d'émissions radiophoniques et télévisées; services de téléconférences; services de visioconférence; services de diffusion par le web; informations en matière de télécommunications; mise à disposition de forums en ligne; mise à disposition de forums, forums de discussion et tableaux d'affichage électroniques en ligne; fourniture d'accès utilisateur à des réseaux informatiques mondiaux; services de télécommunication via l'internet, l'intranet et l'extranet; services dans le domaine des télécommunications, à savoir fourniture d'accès à des données électroniques, des banques de données, des messages et d'autres informations par réseaux de télécommunication; services de courrier et de messagerie électronique; échange électronique de données (télécommunications); services de télécommunication permettant la mise en relation et/ou l'échange d'informations via un logiciel ou un réseau de télécommunication (de type Internet) entre utilisateurs de sites de type Internet et/ou fournisseurs d'accès et/ou gestionnaires de sites de type Internet; télécommunications multimédia, par câble, par satellite, par téléphone, par voie télématique, électronique, numérique, hertzienne, informatique et par réseaux (y compris par réseau mondial de télécommunication de type Internet ou à accès privé ou réservé de type Intranet); fourniture d'accès à des bases de données; diffusion d'annonces, de données et d'informations relatives au marketing, en ligne sur le réseau Internet; location de temps d'accès à un centre serveur de bases de données; transmission et/ou diffusion de données, de sons et/ou d'images; location de temps d'accès à un centre serveur de bases de données; transmission et/ou diffusion de données, de sons et/ou d'images, assistées ou non par ordinateur, notamment par voie électronique, numérique, hertzienne, télématique, par câble, par satellite et par réseaux (y compris par réseau mondial de télécommunication de type Internet ou à accès privé ou réservé de type Intranet); transmission de nouvelles et d'informations générales; transmission, diffusion et visualisation sécurisées ou non, d'informations contenues dans des bases de données ou stockées sur ordinateur et/ou d'informations accessibles par code d'accès à des bases de données et à des centres serveurs de bases de données informatiques ou télématiques; transmission de fichiers numériques; transmission de données en flux continu (streaming); expédition de dépêches; services de communication audiovisuelle, diffusion de programmes de télévision (diffusion de programmes de télévision); messagerie électronique notamment par réseau internet, extranet et intranet; fourniture d'accès à un site web de réseautage social à des fins de divertissement; mise à disposition d'accès à un site web dans le domaine du réseautage professionnel et du marketing, de la publicité et de la promotion, de l'événementiel; services de supports de données; services d'accès au téléchargement de bons d'achat, de bons à valoir sur l'achat de produits ou de services, de bons destinés à être échangés contre des produits ou des services, de coupons de réduction, de chèques-cadeaux, de cartes-cadeaux de paiement, de codes promotionnels, de cartes promotionnelles, de cartes de fidélité, de cartes d'abonnement, de billets (tickets), de cartes de paiement (non magnétiques), de cartes de débit et de crédit (non magnétiques); fourniture d'accès temporaire à des logiciels non téléchargeables en ligne de publication numérique; fourniture d'accès temporaire à des logiciels non téléchargeables en ligne pour la gestion des médias sociaux, la publication sur les médias sociaux, la publicité sur les médias sociaux, la participation des utilisateurs sur les médias sociaux et les campagnes de marketing numérique.
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Publication de textes et d'images sur un site internet.
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Recherches techniques; recherches scientifiques et industrielles dans le domaine informatique; conseils en conception de sites web et Internet; conseils en matière de développement de produits; programmation pour ordinateurs; conception, installation, mise à jour, maintenance de programmes d'ordinateurs et de logiciels notamment dans le domaine de la gestion, de la mercatique et de l'étude des médias, de systèmes informatiques, de systèmes de télécommunication, de bases de données, de serveurs informatiques; contrôle de la qualité en matière d'impression, de photocomposition, de photogravure et de retouche d'images; conseils techniques professionnels sans rapport avec les affaires dans le domaine de la retouche d'images; conseil, information, expertise et audit dans le domaine de l'aménagement des vitrines; conseil, information, expertise et audit dans l'aménagement des magasins; conception de la décoration des magasins; services de conception d'art graphique; services de dessinateurs d'art graphique; services de dessinateurs de mode, services de dessinateurs pour emballages; création et entretien de sites Web pour des tiers; conversion de données et de programmes informatiques (autre que conversion physique); conversion de documents d'un support physique vers un support électronique; conversion de documents d'un support électronique vers un support physique; informations techniques pour le compte de tiers; gestion de projets informatiques; ingénierie et étude de projets techniques; études d'ingénierie et de projets techniques, notamment dans les domaines de la consommation, de la presse, de la publicité, de l'informatique, des technologies de l'information et de la communication et dans le domaine des services Internet; conception, création, hébergement et maintenance de sites de l'internet pour le compte de tiers; logiciels-services (SaaS); services de conseillers en matière de conception de pages d'accueil et sites Internet; informations en matière de technologie informatique et de programmation par le biais de sites web; services informatiques concernant le stockage électronique de données; développement de solutions logicielles applicatives; hébergement d'applications logicielles pour des tiers; programmation d'applications multimédias; mise à disposition temporaire d'applications web; mise à disposition temporaire d'outils logiciels et applications en ligne; recherche et développement de nouveaux produits pour des tiers; mise à disposition de plateformes et de portails sur l'Internet; mise à disposition temporaire en ligne de logiciels d'exploitation non téléchargeables permettant l'accès à un réseau d'informatique dans le nuage [cloud computing] ainsi que son utilisation; mise à jour de pages Internet; services d'élaboration (conception et réalisation), de développement, d'installation, de mise à jour, de maintenance et de location de logiciels informatiques, de progiciels et de bases de données; création de logotypes et de conditionnements; services d'édition de sites web (services informatiques); services d'hébergement de sites sur Internet pour le compte de tiers.
Publicité; publicité pour les tiers; publicité en ligne sur un réseau ...
on 5 Jul 2023
2124445 · 31 Jul 2021
Class 003
Cosmetics and Cleaning Products
Air fragrance reed diffusers; air fragrancing preparations; body lotions; body sprays used as personal deodorants and fragrances; car air fragrancing preparations; fragrance emitting wicks for room fragrance; fragrance for household purposes; fragrance refills for electric room fragrance dispensers; fragrance refills for non-electric room fragrance dispensers; fragrances; fragrances and perfumery; fragrances for personal use; perfumery, fragrances and incense; perfumes; reed diffusers; rose-scented body mist sprays; scented and deodorizing fabric sprays; scented body sprays; scented room sprays; scented sachets
Class 004
Lubricant and Fuel Products
Candles; scented candles
Air fragrance reed diffusers; air fragrancing preparations; body lotio...
on 20 Dec 2024
COVER Corporation
2083879 · 9 Nov 2020
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Game programs for arcade video game machines; power distribution and control machines and apparatus, namely, electrical power distribution boxes and controllers; rotary converters; phase modifiers; batteries for cameras, for cellular phones, personal digital assistants and rechargeable batteries for smart phones; electric wires and cables; telecommunication devices and apparatus, namely, smartphones; structural and replacement parts and accessories for telecommunication devices and apparatus, namely, cases for smartphones; personal digital assistants (PDAs); parts and accessories for personal digital assistants; covers for personal digital assistants; cases for personal digital assistants; straps for personal digital assistants; covers for smartphones; cases for smartphones; straps for smartphones; electronic components for computers and mobile phones; downloadable computer software programs for generating computer graphics and performing motion capture; computer software platforms, recorded and downloadable, for use in generating computer graphics and performing motion capture; computer operating programs, recorded; computer software, recorded, for generating computer graphics and performing motion capture; computer software applications, downloadable, for use in generating computer graphics and performing motion capture; computer programs, recorded, for use in generating computer graphics and performing motion capture; computer game software, recorded; computer game software, downloadable; computer programs, downloadable, for use in generating computer graphics and performing motion capture; spectacles; sunglasses; parts and accessories for spectacles; consumer video game programs; electronic circuits and CD-ROMs recorded with programs for hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; phonograph records; downloadable music files; prerecorded audio compact discs featuring music; downloadable image files containing artwork, photographs and animation; pre-recorded video compact discs featuring films and animation; downloadable animated cartoons, video disks and tapes with recorded animated cartoons; downloadable emoticons for mobile phones; downloadable graphics for mobile phones; audio-video compact discs featuring animated cartoons; electronic publications, downloadable, namely, books and magazines featuring animated cartoons; exposed cinematographic films; exposed slide films; slide film mounts.
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Advertising agency services; publicity agency services; business management analysis; business marketing consulting services; business management; market analysis and research; providing information concerning commercial sales; administrative processing of purchase orders; commercial intermediation services, namely, mediation of agreements regarding the sale and purchase of goods; provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; negotiation and conclusion of commercial transactions for third parties; procurement services for others, namely, purchasing goods in the nature of stuffed animals and comic books featuring animated characters for others; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; provision of commercial and business contact information; promotion of goods and services of others through sponsorship of sports events; providing targeted marketing campaigns for others; targeted marketing of the goods and services of others; telemarketing services; sales promotions for others by means of website information and public relations campaigns; promoting the sale of goods and services of others through promotional contests provided over the internet; promoting the sale of goods and services through consumer discount and loyalty programs; marketing for others; administration of frequent flyer programs; import-export agency services; providing office functions, namely, filing documents and magnetic-tapes; compilation of information into computer databases relating to videos and images for animation characters; updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; systemization of information into computer databases; compiling indexes of information for commercial and advertising purposes relating to videos and images for animation characters; updating and maintenance of information in registries relating to videos and images for animation characters; rental of advertising space on web sites; providing commercial information and advice for consumers in the choice of products and services; rental of advertising space; retail services and wholesale services for woven fabrics; retail services and wholesale services for bed linen; retail services and wholesale services for clothing; retail services and wholesale services for babies' diapers; retail services and wholesale services for adult diapers; retail services and wholesale services for footwear; retail services and wholesale services for bags; retail services and wholesale services for pouches; retail services and wholesale services for sanitary towels; retail services and wholesale services for handkerchiefs of textile; retail services and wholesale services for bath towels; retail services and wholesale services for tea towels; retail services and wholesale services for toothpaste; retail services and wholesale services for toothbrushes; retail services and wholesale services for hair ornaments; retail services and wholesale services for belts being items of clothing; retail services and wholesale services for waistbands; retail services and wholesale services for headbands being items of clothing; retail services and wholesale services for foods and beverages; retail services and wholesale services for alcoholic beverages; retail services and wholesale services for meat; retail services and wholesale services for seafood; retail services and wholesale services for vegetables and fruits; retail services and wholesale services for confectionery, bread and buns; retail services and wholesale services for rice and cereals; retail services and wholesale services for milk; retail services and wholesale services for carbonated beverages and non-alcoholic fruit juice beverages; retail services and wholesale services for tea, coffee and cocoa; retail services and wholesale services for dietary supplements; retail services and wholesale services for processed meat products; retail services and wholesale services for processed seafood; retail services and wholesale services for fruit, processed; retail services and wholesale services for milk products; retail services and wholesale services for vegetables, processed; retail services and wholesale services for natto, namely fermented soybeans; retail services and wholesale services for furi-kake, namely dried flakes of fish, meat, vegetables and seaweed; retail services and wholesale services for automobiles; retail services and wholesale services for two-wheeled motor vehicles; retail services and wholesale services for bicycles; retail services and wholesale services for furniture; retail services and wholesale services for joinery fittings; retail services and wholesale services for tatami mats; retail services and wholesale services for ritual equipment, namely Buddhist prayer beads [juzu], ritual flower stands, portable shrines for Shintoism [Mikoshi]; retail services and wholesale services for electrical machinery and apparatus, namely in relation to domestic electrical equipment; retail services and wholesale services for bladed and pointed hand tools, hand tools and metal hardware; retail services and wholesale services for kitchen equipment, cleaning tools and washing utensils; retail services and wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and medical supplies; retail services and wholesale services for cosmetics, toiletries, dentifrices, soaps and detergents; retail services and wholesale services for agricultural machines, implements and supplies; retail services and wholesale services for natural flowers and trees; retail services and wholesale services for printed matter; retail services and wholesale services for paper and stationery; retail store services and wholesale store services featuring sporting goods; retail services and wholesale services for toys, dolls, game machines and apparatus; retail services and wholesale services for musical instruments; retail services and wholesale services for phonograph records; retail services and wholesale services for clocks; retail services and wholesale services for watches; retail services and wholesale services for spectacles; retail services and wholesale services for tobacco and smokers' articles; retail services and wholesale services for semi-wrought precious stones and their imitations.
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Educational and instruction services relating to arts and crafts, namely, conducting classes, seminars, conferences, workshops in the fields of music animated cartoons; educational and instruction services relating to sport, namely, conducting classes, seminars, conferences and workshops in the fields of sports; arranging, conducting and organization of seminars in the field of animated cartoons, computer graphics and virtual reality contents; arranging and conducting of conferences in the field of animated cartoons, computer graphics and virtual reality contents; arranging and conducting of congresses in the field of animated cartoons, computer graphics and virtual reality contents; arranging and conducting of in-person educational forums in the field of animated cartoons, computer graphics and virtual reality contents; training in the nature of arranging and conducting of workshops in the field of animated cartoons, computer graphics and virtual reality cartoons; arranging, conducting and organization of symposiums in the field of animated cartoons, computer graphics and virtual reality contents; arranging and conducting of seminars in the field of animated cartoons, computer graphics and virtual reality contents; arranging and conducting of colloquiums in the field of animated cartoons, computer graphics and virtual reality contents; services of reference libraries for literature and documentary records; book rental; providing online electronic publications, not downloadable in the nature of books, magazines, brochures in the field of animated cartoons, computer graphics and virtual reality contents; art exhibitions; publication of books; production and presentation of movies; development, creation, and production of singing shows, dancing shows, plays and musical performances; movie theatre presentations; cinema presentations; film production, other than advertising films; film distribution; providing online videos, not downloadable, in the field of animated cartoons; providing films, not downloadable, via video-on-demand services; film directing, other than advertising films; screenplay writing; subtitling; presentation of live dancing shows; direction of plays; presentation of plays; presentation of musical performances; sound engineering services for events; lighting technician services for events; orchestra services; providing online music, not downloadable; entertainer services, namely, live, televised and movie appearances by professional entertainers; presentation of circus performances; production of television shows; presentation of variety shows; television entertainment; providing television programs, not downloadable, via video-on-demand services; production of radio and television programmes; radio entertainment; production of music; calligraphy services; songwriting; music composition services; writing of texts, namely, scriptwriting services for non-advertising purposes; organization of sporting events in the field of baseballs, basket balls and soccer; organization of entertainment events excluding movies, shows, plays, musical performances, sports, horse races, bicycle races, boat races and auto races, namely, organizing cultural and arts events, namely, cultural services provided by art galleries, dance instruction, and consultancy and information services therefor; conducting guided walking tours; conducting guided climbing tours; organization of cosplay entertainment events; sport camp services; party planning [entertainment]; arranging of beauty contests; organization of fashion shows for entertainment purposes; organization of balls; holiday camp services [entertainment]; audio and video recording studio services; providing amusement facilities, namely amusement parks, amusement arcades, video gaming arcade and karaoke place; providing theatre facilities for movies, shows, plays, and music; providing classroom facilities for educational training; photography; entertainment in the nature of night club and membership club services; entertainment services, namely, live performances by musical bands; providing entertainment news and information via a website in the field of sports; providing user ratings for events in the field of fashion for entertainment and cultural purposes via a website; providing user ratings for videos for entertainment purposes via a website; providing user rankings for events in the field of fashion for entertainment and cultural purposes via a website; providing user rankings for videos for entertainment purposes via a website; providing user reviews for events in the field of fashion for entertainment and cultural purposes via a website; providing user reviews for videos for entertainment purposes via a website; game services provided online from a computer network, namely, providing on-line computer games.
Game programs for arcade video game machines; power distribution and c...
on 1 Nov 2023
2063532 · 9 Oct 2020
Class 033
Wines and Spirits Products
on 1 Dec 2023
2075790 · 7 Oct 2020
Class 003
Cosmetics and Cleaning Products
Perfumes; perfumery products namely cologne; toilet waters; body creams, oils and milks, bath and shower soaps, gels, oils, milk and salts; essential oils for personal use, namely, bath oils, body oils and massage oils; toilet soaps; body deodorants; cosmetics, namely, milks, lotions, gels and powders for the face, gels and powders for the body and the hands; beauty masks, skin cleansing creams and oils, skin creams, vanishing creams, eye creams, skin lotions, facial lotions, body lotions, skin moisturizers, night creams, skin clarifiers, sun tanning preparations, non-medicated sun care preparations, cotton balls, cotton pads, cotton swabs and cotton puffs for cosmetic purposes; make-up products, namely, eye makeup, eye makeup remover, eye pencils, eye shadow, eyebrow pencils, eyeliner, mascara, face powders, face foundations and liquid bases, face blushes in creams, liquids or powders, lipstick and pencils for lips, nail polish, nail polish remover; shampoos; hair conditioners; hair-washing powder; cosmetics used for neck; cosmetics used for lip; cosmetics used for nail; cosmetics used for body cleaning; cosmetics used for skin; depilatory preparations; skin washes; hydrogen peroxide for cosmetic purposes; hair lotion; cosmetic hair dressing preparations; hair mousse; hair spray; hair gel; cold waving solutions; hair oils; hair bleaches; hair colorants; waving preparations for the hair.
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of bacterial skin infections, fungal skin infections, viral skin infections and parasitic skin infections; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of damaged skin and tissue namely bee stings, sunburn, rashes, sores, corns, calluses and acne; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of acne namely acne cleansers; oiled paper for dressing wounds; gauze for dressings; empty capsules for pharmaceuticals; eye patches for medical purposes; ear bandages; menstruation bandages; menstruation tampons; sanitary napkins; sanitary panties; absorbent cotton; adhesive plasters; bandages for dressings; collodion for pharmaceutical purposes; breast-nursing pads; dietetic sugar for medical purposes; dietetic substances consisting of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements; diabetic fruit juice beverages adapted for medical purposes; electrolyte replacement beverages for medical purposes; malted milk beverages for invalids; medicated beverages in the nature of dietary supplements for colon detoxification; medicated beverages in the nature of dietary supplements for liver detoxification; dietetic substances consisting of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements adapted for medical use; dietary and nutritional supplements for general health and well-being; dietary and nutritional supplements for reducing cholesterol; dietary and nutritional supplements used for weight loss; amino acid dietary supplements; dietary food supplements in the nature of mixed herbal infusions for maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function; disinfectants for household use; disinfecting hand wash; all-purpose disinfectants for hygienic purposes; disinfecting soap; disinfectant soap; sanitizing wipes; antiseptic preparations; antibacterial soap; antibacterial handwashes; alcohol-based antibacterial skin sanitizer gels.
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Computer and mobile device software and applications providing to users advice, service and information in relation with cosmetics and enabling users to virtually try on cosmetics.
Class 010
Medical Instrument Products
Surgical instruments, dental instruments, veterinary instruments, medical instruments for general examination; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; suture materials; body massagers; deep tissue massage balls; electric massage guns; electric vibrating massagers; facial massagers; foot massage apparatus; massage chairs with built-in massage apparatus.
Class 011
Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking
Hair driers for use in beauty salons, hair streamers for use in beauty salons; nail drying machines for beauty salons; ultrasound facial machines for commercial use; electric facial steamers; electric lamps; florescent lighting fixtures; led lighting fixtures; LED work lights; light diffusers; ultrasound facial machines for household use; electric facial steamers for household use; electric skin conditioner using ion introducers for household purposes; hair dryers; hair steamers for beauty salons; bronzing apparatus, namely, sunbeds, sun lamps and ultra-violet lights.
Class 044
Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services
Beauty salons; hairdressing salons; aesthetic salon; providing information relating to beauty salon services and services of an aesthetician; providing information relating to hairstyling; providing information related to nailcare; providing information related makeup application; massage and therapeutic shiatsu massage; chiropractics; treatment for dislocated joints, sprain, bone fractures or the like (judo-seifuku); acupuncture; reiki healing therapy services; sound healing therapy services; conducting of medical examinations; genetic testing for medical purposes; medical diagnostic services; medical imaging services; medical nursing services; medical spa services; medical testing for diagnostic or treatment purposes; medical clinic services; hospices; providing medical information in the field of dermatology; providing nutritional information about food for medical weight loss purposes; providing medical information in the field of medical cosmetic treatment; physical examination; dentistry; pharmacists' services to make up prescriptions; preparation of medications; providing information in the field of medical clinic services, hospices, physical examination, dentistry, pharmacists' services to make up prescriptions or preparation of medications; dietary and nutritional guidance; rental of medical equipment; dental equipment rental; rental of machines and apparatus for beauty salon, aesthetic salon or barbers' shops; rental of machines and apparatus using iontophoresis system for the treatment or conditioning of skin for household purposes; rental of facial equipment for household purposes; rental of depilation appliances; medical services, namely, medical dermatology services; beauty services, namely, aesthetic dermatology services and cosmetic dermatology services; providing information concerning the use and selection of cosmetics, personal care products, and beauty treatments via the Internet.
Perfumes; perfumery products namely cologne; toilet waters; body cream...
on 24 May 2023
2055630 · 5 Oct 2020
Class 003
Cosmetics and Cleaning Products
Perfumes; perfumery products namely cologne; toilet waters; body creams, oils and milks, bath and shower soaps, gels, oils, milk and salts; essential oils for personal use, namely, bath oils, body oils and massage oils; toilet soaps; body deodorants; cosmetics, namely, milks, lotions, gels and powders for the face, gels and powders for the body and the hands; beauty masks, skin cleansing creams and oils, skin creams, vanishing creams, eye creams, skin lotions, facial lotions, body lotions, skin moisturizers, night creams, skin clarifiers, sun tanning preparations, non-medicated sun care preparations, cotton balls, cotton pads, cotton swabs and cotton puffs for cosmetic purposes; make-up products, namely, eye makeup, eye makeup remover, eye pencils, eye shadow, eyebrow pencils, eyeliner, mascara, face powders, face foundations and liquid bases, face blushes in creams, liquids or powders, lipstick and pencils for lips, nail polish, nail polish remover; shampoos; hair conditioners; hair-washing powder; cosmetics used for neck; cosmetics used for lip; cosmetics used for nail; cosmetics used for body cleaning; cosmetics used for skin; depilatory preparations; skin washes; hydrogen peroxide for cosmetic purposes; hair lotion; cosmetic hair dressing preparations; hair mousse; hair spray; hair gel; cold waving solutions; hair oils; hair bleaches; hair colorants; waving preparations for the hair.
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of bacterial skin infections, fungal skin infections, viral skin infections and parasitic skin infections; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of damaged skin and tissue namely bee stings, sunburn, rashes, sores, corns, calluses and acne; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of acne namely acne cleansers; oiled paper for dressing wounds; gauze for dressings; empty capsules for pharmaceuticals; eye patches for medical purposes; ear bandages; menstruation bandages; menstruation tampons; sanitary napkins; sanitary panties; absorbent cotton; adhesive plasters; bandages for dressings; collodion for pharmaceutical purposes; breast-nursing pads; dietetic sugar for medical purposes; dietetic substances consisting of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements; diabetic fruit juice beverages adapted for medical purposes; electrolyte replacement beverages for medical purposes; malted milk beverages for invalids; medicated beverages in the nature of dietary supplements for colon detoxification; medicated beverages in the nature of dietary supplements for liver detoxification; dietetic substances consisting of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements adapted for medical use; dietary and nutritional supplements for general health and well-being; dietary and nutritional supplements for reducing cholesterol; dietary and nutritional supplements used for weight loss; amino acid dietary supplements; dietary food supplements in the nature of mixed herbal infusions for maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function; disinfectants for household use; disinfecting hand wash; all-purpose disinfectants for hygienic purposes; disinfecting soap; disinfectant soap; sanitizing wipes; antiseptic preparations; antibacterial soap; antibacterial handwashes; alcohol-based antibacterial skin sanitizer gels.
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Computer and mobile device software and applications providing to users advice, service and information in relation with cosmetics and enabling users to virtually try on cosmetics;
Class 010
Medical Instrument Products
Surgical instruments, dental instruments, veterinary instruments, medical instruments for general examination; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; suture materials; body massagers; deep tissue massage balls; electric massage guns; electric vibrating massagers; facial massagers; foot massage apparatus; massage chairs with built-in massage apparatus.
Class 011
Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking
Hair driers for use in beauty salons, hair streamers for use in beauty salons; nail drying machines for beauty salons; ultrasound facial machines for commercial use; electric facial steamers; electric lamps; florescent lighting fixtures; led lighting fixtures; LED work lights; light diffusers; ultrasound facial machines for household use; electric facial steamers for household use; electric skin conditioner using ion introducers for household purposes; hair dryers; hair steamers for beauty salons; bronzing apparatus, namely, sunbeds, sun lamps and ultra-violet lights.
Class 044
Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services
Beauty salons; hairdressing salons; aesthetic salon; providing information relating to beauty salon services and services of an aesthetician; providing information relating to hairstyling; providing information related to nailcare; providing information related makeup application; massage and therapeutic shiatsu massage; chiropractic's; treatment for dislocated joints, sprain, bone fractures or the like (judo-seifuku); acupuncture; reiki healing therapy services; sound healing therapy services; conducting of medical examinations; genetic testing for medical purposes; medical diagnostic services; medical imaging services; medical nursing services; medical spa services; medical testing for diagnostic or treatment purposes; medical clinic services; hospices; providing medical information in the field of dermatology; providing nutritional information about food for medical weight loss purposes; providing medical information in the field of medical cosmetic treatment; physical examination; dentistry; pharmacists' services to make up prescriptions; preparation of medications; providing information in the field of medical clinic services, hospices, physical examination, dentistry, pharmacists' services to make up prescriptions or preparation of medications; dietary and nutritional guidance; rental of medical equipment; dental equipment rental; rental of machines and apparatus for beauty salon, aesthetic salon or barbers' shops; rental of machines and apparatus using iontophoresis system for the treatment or conditioning of skin for household purposes; rental of facial equipment for household purposes; rental of depilation appliances; medical services, namely, medical dermatology services; beauty services, namely, aesthetic dermatology services and cosmetic dermatology services; providing information concerning the use and selection of cosmetics, personal care products, and beauty treatments via the Internet.
Perfumes; perfumery products namely cologne; toilet waters; body cream...
on 2 Nov 2022
2092509 · 26 Aug 2020
Class 012
Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water
Tunnel hull inflatable boats.
Tunnel hull inflatable boats.
on 18 Sept 2024
1973968 · 4 Jul 2019
Class 018
Leather Products not including clothing
Reusable textile produce bags to carry produce from grocery stores and farmers' markets; canvas bags for shopping
Class 020
Furniture Products
Mattresses and pillows; mattress toppers; mattress pads
Class 021
Houseware and Glass Products
Wool dryer balls
Class 022
Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products
Canvas bags for laundry
Class 024
Bed linen; bed sheets; pillow cases; pillow shams; duvet covers; crib sheets; baby wraps, namely, swaddling blankets; baby blankets; blankets; throws; quilts; bath linen; bath towels; bath sheets; hand towels; wash cloths; kitchen linen; dining linens of textile; table linen; curtains; mattress covers; pillow protectors
Class 025
Clothing Products
Baby clothes; sleeping garments; pajamas; t-shirts; pants; bath robes
Class 027
Floor Covering products
Rugs; bath mats
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Retail store services featuring clothing, bed linen, duvets, bath linen, kitchen linen, dining linens, table linens, curtains, mattress pads and covers, mattresses and pillows, rugs, wool dryer balls, and cloth bags; online retail store services featuring clothing, bed linen, duvets, bath linen, kitchen linen, dining linens, table linens, curtains, mattress pads and covers, mattresses and pillows, rugs, wool dryer balls, and cloth bags; mail order catalogue store services featuring clothing, bed linen, duvets, bath linen, kitchen linen, dining linens, table linens, curtains, mattress pads and covers, mattresses and pillows, rugs, wool dryer balls, and cloth bags
Reusable textile produce bags to carry produce from grocery stores and...
on 16 Nov 2020
1891838 · 4 Apr 2018
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Medicated cough relief candies; Medicated lozenges, namely, medicated throat lozenges, cough lozenges; medicated lozenges for the treatment of dry mouth; Medicated cough drops, Herbal medicines, namely, cough remedies; herbal supplements for general health and well-being; Medicines for treatment of aphthous ulcer, Medicines for treatment of cough, Cough syrups; Mouth breath fresheners for medical use, namely, breath fresheners for the treatment of halitosis.
Class 030
Staple Food Products
Non-medicated candies; Non-medicated confectionery, namely, non-medicated throat lozenges; Non-medicated confectioneries, namely, sugar based confectionery, fruit-based confectionery; Honeys; Spices; Flours for foods; Ice-creams; Non-medicated mouth freshening lozenges.
Medicated cough relief candies; Medicated lozenges, namely, medicated ...
Takara holdings inc. (8)
Concord premium meats ltd. (4)
Parke davis & company (a michigan corporation) (3)
Purpose co. ltd. (3)
Solvay enzymes inc. (3)
Hatakabb (sim tien hor) company limited (2)
Jicc inc. a delaware corporation (2)
Miles laboratories inc. (a delaware corporation) (2)
Taiwan family enterprise co. ltd. (2)
Takano inc. (2)
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$899 / 1 class + gov fee
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Madrid Protocol (WIPO)
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Puerto Rico
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$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Sri Lanka
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
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$899 / 1 class + gov fee
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United Republic of Tanzania
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$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Bosnia and Herzegovina
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Burkina Faso
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
Cabo Verde
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Central African Republic (CAR)
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Cote d'Ivoire
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Equatorial Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
Marshall Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
North Macedonia
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Papua New Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Kitts and Nevis
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Lucia
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
San Marino
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sao Tome and Principe
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sierra Leone
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Solomon Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
South Sudan
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1599 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Trinidad and Tobago
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee