About 2,552 Trademarks found for “aT”
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![]() | MONOGRAMME AT ANDRÉANNE TREMBLAY 2187285 21 May 2022 | REGISTERED on 30 Aug 2023 | Agates; agrafe de bijouterie pour adapter les boucles d'oreille à tige... Class 014 Class 014 Jewelry Products Agates; agrafe de bijouterie pour adapter les boucles d'oreille à tige à des boucles d'oreille à pince; alliages d'argent; alliages d'or; alliages de métaux précieux; alliages de palladium; alliages de platine; alliages de rhodium; alliages de ruthénium; alliances; amethyst ; anneaux brisés en métaux précieux pour clés; anneaux de mariage; anneaux de piercing; anneaux en argent; apprêts pour la bijouterie; argent; argent et ses alliages; argent filé; articles de bijouterie; articles de bijouterie composés de perles; articles de bijouterie en argent sterling; articles de bijouterie en bronze; articles de bijouterie en matières plastiques; articles de bijouterie en or; articles de bijouterie en plaqué; articles de bijouterie en platine; articles de bijouterie en verre; articles de bijouterie pour chaussures; articles de bijouterie pour femmes; articles de bijouterie pour hommes; articles de bijouterie pour la chapellerie; articles de bijouterie sertis d'agates; articles de bijouterie sertis de diamants; assiettes en argent; bagues; bagues bibelot; bagues bijoux; bagues d'amitié; bagues d'orteil; bagues de fiançailles; bagues en en diamant; bagues en métal précieux; bagues en or; bagues en tant qu'articles de bijouterie; bagues plaquées en métaux précieux; bagues étant des bijoux; barrettes pour cravates western; bijouterie; bijouterie agate; bijouterie pour chaussures; bijouterie pour femmes; bijouterie pour la chapellerie; bijoux; bijoux d'enfants; bijoux d'ornement pour la tête; bijoux de fantaisie; bijoux de métal; bijoux de perles; bijoux en argent; bijoux en argent sterling; bijoux en bronze; bijoux en cloisonné; bijoux en cristal; bijoux en cristal plaqués en métaux précieux; bijoux en fil d'or; bijoux en ivoire; bijoux en jade; bijoux en métaux non précieux; bijoux en or; bijoux en perles; bijoux en platine; bijoux en verre; bijoux et bijoux de fantaisie; bijoux et montres; bijoux et pierres précieuses; bijoux faits de bronze; bijoux faits sur mesure; bijoux fantaisie; bijoux plaqués de métaux précieux; bijoux plaqués en alliages en métaux précieux; bijoux pour enfants; bijoux pour femmes; bijoux pour hommes; bijoux pour la tête; bijoux sertis de pierres précieuses; bijoux véritables et bijoux de fantaisie; bijoux à diamants; bijoux, pierres précieuses; bijoux, pierres précieuses et semi-précieuses; bio jewels; boucles d'oreille en or; boucles d'oreille percées; boucles d'oreilles; boucles d'oreilles argent; boucles d'oreilles de type clou; boucles d'oreilles en métal précieux; boucles d'oreilles pendantes; boucles d'oreilles à clip; boucles d'oreilles à pinces; boucles en métal précieux pour bracelets de montres et bijoux; boucles pour bracelets de montre; boucles pour bracelets de montres; boutons de chemise en métaux précieux; boutons de col en métaux précieux; boutons de manchette et épingles à cravate; boutons de manchettes; boutons de manchettes en métaux précieux; boutons de manchettes en porcelaine; boîtes commémoratives en métal précieux; boîtes d'horloges; boîtes d'horloges en métaux précieux; boîtes d'horloges en métaux précieux ou en plaqué; boîtes d'horloges non en métaux précieux; boîtes décoratives en métaux précieux; boîtes en cuir pour bijoux; boîtes en métaux précieux; boîtes à articles de bijouterie, autres qu'en métaux précieux; boîtes à bijoux; boîtes à bijoux en bois; boîtes à bijoux en cuir; boîtes à bijoux en métal; boîtes à bijoux en métaux précieux; boîtes à bijoux musicales; boîtes à bijoux, non métalliques; boîtiers de montre en métal précieux; boîtiers de montres; boîtiers de montres en métaux précieux ou en plaqué; bracelets bijoux en acier inoxydable; bracelets d'identification; bracelets de cheville; bracelets de cheville en diamant; bracelets de chevilles; bracelets de montres en métal; bracelets de montres en métal ou en cuir ou en plastique; bracelets de montres-bracelets; bracelets de perles; bracelets en argent; bracelets en diamant; bracelets en jonc; bracelets en métaux précieux; bracelets en or; bracelets esclaves; bracelets et sangles de montres; bracelets made of capim dourado; bracelets pour les montres; bracelets pour oeuvres de charité; bracelets-manchettes; breloques de chaînes de montres; breloques en métaux communs; breloques faites ou plaquées de métaux précieux; breloques porte-clés en métal précieux; breloques pour bracelet; breloques pour colliers ras-de-cou; breloques pour la bijouterie; broches comme bijoux; broches d'ornement; broches de bijouterie; broches, à savoir bijoux; bustes en métaux précieux; cabinets d'horloges en métaux précieux; cabinets d'horloges en métaux précieux ou en plaqué; cabinets d'horloges non en métaux précieux; cabochons; cabochons pour la fabrication d'articles de bijouterie; calcédoine; camées; capsules de bouteille en métaux précieux; centres de table en métal précieux; chapelets; chapelets de méditation; chapelets de prière; chaînes de bijouterie; chaînes de bijouterie en métal précieux pour bracelets; chaînes de bijouterie en métaux précieux pour bracelets; chaînes de bijouterie pour bracelets en métal précieux; chaînes de montres; chaînes en métaux précieux pour bracelets; chaînes porte-clés pour utilisation comme bijoux; chaînes pour bijouterie; chaînettes de cheville; chaînettes de cou; citrine quartz; clips d'oreilles; clou pour perçage corporel; coffres à bijoux; coffrets conçus pour contenir des articles de bijouterie; coffrets pour horloges et bijoux; coffrets à bijoux; coffrets à bijoux en bois; coffrets à bijoux en métal précieux; coffrets à bijoux en métaux précieux; coffrets à bijoux et écrins de montre; coffrets à bijoux musicaux; coffrets à bijoux non en métaux précieux; coffrets à colifichets; colliers; colliers breloques; colliers de perles; colliers en argent; colliers en diamants; colliers en or; colliers ras-du-cou; colliers à plastron; cordons porte-clés; cordons pour insignes en métaux précieux; cordons pour porte-clés; coupelles à bijoux; coupes commémoratives en métaux précieux; couronnes de montres; crucifix en métaux précieux autres qu'articles de bijouterie; crucifix en tant qu'articles de bijouterie; créoles; dalles funéraires en métaux précieux; diadèmes; diamant à l'état brut; diamants; diamants bruts; diamants non sertis; diamants taillés; embouts métalliques pour cravates western; fermetures de boucles d'oreilles; fermoirs de bijoux; fermoirs de collier; fermoirs de montres; fermoirs pour la bijouterie; figurines de trophées en métaux précieux et revêtues de ces métaux; figurines décoratives en métaux précieux; figurines en argent; figurines en métaux précieux; figurines en or; figurines en pierres précieuses; figurines revêtues de métaux précieux ou semi-précieux; fils d'argent; fils d'or; filés d'or; fixe-cravates; fixe-cravates en metaux précieux; fixe-foulards en tant que bijoux; fixe-foulards, articles de bijouterie; gemme; gravures en jade en tant que bijoux; hair tie bracelets; housses ajustées pour bagues visant à les protéger des impacts, de l'abrasion et des dommages causés à l'anneau et aux pierres de la bague; imitations de pierres pour la confection d'articles de bijouterie; insignes de boutonnières en métaux précieux; insignes en métal précieux; insignes en métaux précieux; insignes nominatifs en métaux précieux à porter; insignes à épingler en métal précieux; iridium; iridium et ses alliages; jade; jade articles de bijouterie; jadeite; jais brut ou mi-ouvré; jetons de cuivre; jetons métalliques pour distributeurs automatiques ou machines de jeu; jetons métalliques pour transports publics; joaillerie; joncs; lingots d'alliages d'argent; lingots d'alliages d'or; lingots d'alliages de platine; lingots d'argent; lingots d'or; lingots de métaux précieux; lingots de platine; meubles d'horloges; misbaha [chapelets de prière]; monnaies; montres; montres bijoux; médailles; médailles commémoratives; médailles commémoratives en métaux précieux; médailles en métaux précieux; médailles et médaillons; médailles plaquées en métaux précieux; médaillons; médaillons de bijouterie; métaux précieux; métaux précieux bruts; métaux précieux bruts ou mi-ouvrés; métaux précieux et leurs alliages; métaux précieux mi-façonnés; métaux précieux mi-transformés; métaux précieux transformés; métaux semi précieux; néphrite; objets d'art en argent; objets d'art en métaux précieux; olivine; omamori [breloques porte-chance]; opale; opales; or; or brut ou battu; or brut ou mi-ouvré; or et ses alliages; or mi-ouvré; or non travaillé; ornements de chapeaux en métaux précieux; ornements en jais; osmium; osmium et ses alliages; palladium; palladium et ses alliages; parties d'horloges; parties de montres; parures d'ambre jaune; parures en métaux précieux sous forme d'articles de bijouterie; parures pour chaussures en métaux précieux; pendentifs; pendentifs de bijouterie; pendentifs en diamant; perles; perles d'ambre; perles d'ambroïne; perles d'imitation; perles de culture; perles pour bijoux; perles pour la bijouterie; perles pour la confection de bijoux; petites boîtes à bijoux en métaux précieux; petits coffres à bijoux; petits coffres à bijoux en métaux précieux; pierreries; pierres de bijouterie; pierres de méditation; pierres fines; pierres précieuses; pierres précieuses brutes; pierres précieuses brutes et semi-ouvrées ainsi que leurs imitations; pierres précieuses en tant que joyaux précieux; pierres précieuses et semi-précieuses; pierres précieuses mi-ouvrées et leurs imitations; pierres précieuses synthétiques; pierres semi-précieuses; pierres semi-précieuses et précieuses; pinces à cravate, autres qu'en métaux précieux; pinces à cravates; pièces autres que de monnaie; pièces d'or; pièces de bijouterie; pièces de monnaie; pièces de monnaie commémoratives; pièces de monnaie à collectionner; pièces de montres; pièces non monétaires en métaux précieux; pièces non monétaires à des fins de collection; plaques commémoratives en métal précieux; plaques commémoratives en métaux précieux; plaques commémoratives en métaux précieux et revêtues de ces métaux; plaques d'identité en métal précieux pour la bijouterie; plaques de porte-clefs en matières plastiques; plaques de porte-clés en matières plastiques; plaques funéraires en métaux précieux; plaques murales décoratives en métal précieux; plaques pour chaînes porte-clés; platine; platine et ses alliages; pochettes de montres; pochettes à bijoux adaptées; poignées de tiroirs en métaux précieux; porte-clefs; porte-clés; porte-clés avec breloque ou colifichet; porte-clés en métaux précieux; porte-clés fantaisie en métaux précieux; porte-clés promotionnels; porte-clés rétractables; péridot; range-tout pour bijoux; remontoirs de montres; rhodium; rhodium et ses alliages; rouleaux et pochettes de voyage pour bijoux; rouleaux organisateurs de bijoux pour le voyage; rouleaux pour bijoux pour le rangement; rouleaux à bijoux; rouleaux à bijoux pour le voyage; rubelite; rubis; ruthénium; ruthénium et ses alliages; sangles de montres; saphirs; sardonyx; sardonyx à l'état brut; sculptures de jade; sculptures en métaux précieux; sets de pièces de monnaie à collectionner; socles en métaux précieux pour trophées; spinelles; statues d'icônes religieuses en métaux précieux; statues de bureau en métaux précieux; statues de pierres précieuses; statues en métaux précieux; statues en métaux précieux et leurs alliages; statues religieuses en métal précieux; statues revêtues de métaux précieux ou semi-précieux; statuettes en métal précieux; statuettes en métaux précieux; statuettes en métaux précieux et leur alliages; strass; supports pour la collection de pièces de monnaie; talismans; tasses de trophées en métaux précieux et revêtues de ces métaux; tiares; tiges de boucles d'oreilles; topaze; topaze impériale; tourmaline de paraiba; trophées en métaux précieux; trophées faits d'alliages de métaux précieux; trophées plaqués d'alliages de métaux précieux; trophées plaqués de métaux précieux; trousses étuis pour le rangement de bijoux; Écrins; écrins de présentation pour pierres précieuses; écrins en métaux précieux; écrins non en métaux précieux; écrins pour l'horlogerie; écrins pour montres; écrins à bijoux; écrins à bijoux en métal précieux; émeraudes; épingle de cravate; épingles bijouterie; épingles d'ornement; épingles de bijouterie; épingles de cravates; épingles de cravates en métaux précieux; Épingles de parure; épingles à bonnets; épingles à chapeau décoratives; épingles à chapeaux autres qu'en métaux précieux; épingles à chapeaux de bijouterie; épingles à chapeaux décoratives; épingles à chapeaux en métaux précieux; épingles à cravate; épingles-bijoux à utiliser sur un chapeau; épinglettes; épinglettes d'ornement; épinglettes décoratives en métal précieux; épinglettes à cloisonné; épinglettes, à savoir bijoux; étiquettes à coudre en métaux précieux pour vêtements; étuis conçus pour bagues afin de protéger le bord et les pierres des bagues contre les chocs, l'abrasion, et les dégâts; étuis conçus pour contenir des bijoux; étuis pour l'horlogerie; étuis pour montres et horloges; étuis pour montres-bracelets et horloges; étuis à bijoux; étuis à bijoux et bijoux | |
At-Well Patriot Research Center, LLC DBA Atlas Pressure Control 2157984 4 Jan 2022 | SEARCHED on 12 Feb 2025 | Technical consulting in the field of oil and gas production and proces... Class 040 Class 040 Treatment & Processing of Materials Services Technical consulting in the field of oil and gas production and processing. | ||
AT CONNECT Abatement Technologies, Inc. 2145438 5 Nov 2021 | SEARCHED on 15 Jan 2025 | Downloadable software in the nature of a mobile application for connec... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Downloadable software in the nature of a mobile application for connecting dehumidifiers, portable air filtration devices, air movers, commercial drying equipment, and environmental monitors. | ||
AT WORK CAMP DE BASE 2139937 28 Jul 2021 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 24 Oct 2023 | Ustensiles de cuisine; poubelles; verres (récipients); vaisselle.,Vête... Class 021 Class 021 Houseware and Glass Products Ustensiles de cuisine; poubelles; verres (récipients); vaisselle. Class 025 Class 025 Clothing Products Vêtements; chaussures; chapellerie; chemises; vêtements en cuir; ceintures (habillement); fourrures (vêtements); gants (habillement); foulards; cravates; bonneterie; chaussettes; chaussons; chaussures de plage; chaussures de sport; sous-vêtements; à l'exception des équipements de protection individuelle (EPI), vêtements professionnels, vêtements de protection contre les accidents, les irradiations et le feu, masques de protection. | ||
![]() | AT Design Qatar Investment and Projects Development Holding Company (QIPCO) WLL 2098413 8 Apr 2021 | SEARCHED on 4 Nov 2024 | Museums; museum services; museum exhibitions; provision of museum faci... Class 041 Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Museums; museum services; museum exhibitions; provision of museum facilities; art gallery services; art exhibition services; conducting guided tours; cultural services and/or activities; operating cultural institutions; provision of facilities and venues for use in providing cultural activities and/or cultural events; arranging, organising, contributing to and conducting of events, exhibitions, conventions, conferences, displays, presentations, shows, lectures and/or symposia all for cultural purposes; education services; entertainment services; providing and contributing to electronic publications; providing on-line publications; photographic library services; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the foregoing. | |
AT LAST SPRING MEADOW NURSERY INC. 2069109 8 Dec 2020 | REGISTERED on 12 Apr 2023 | Live plants Class 031 Class 031 Natural Agricultural Products Live plants | ||
![]() | AT DESIGN ARMANDO TESTA S.P.A. 1903871 12 Jun 2018 | REGISTERED on 27 Jul 2021 | Advertising namely advertising agency services, advertising the goods ... Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Advertising namely advertising agency services, advertising the goods and services of others; rental of advertising time on communication media; advertising agencies; updating of advertising material; dissemination of advertising matter; sample distribution; business management of performing artists; direct mail advertising of the goods and services of others; compilation of statistics; commercial information and advice for consumers namely providing an on-line commercial information directory on the internet; layout services for advertising purposes; rental of advertising space; marketing services namely business marketing consulting services, conducting market surveys for others, development of marketing strategies and concepts for others, direct marketing of the goods and services of others; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes namely, organization of exhibitions and products presentation in the field of movie, furniture, automotive, food & beverage, pharma, bank, vacation accommodations, consumer electronic goods, fashion show for commercial purposes; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes namely advertising on the Internet for others; production of advertising films; assistance in management of business activities namely business management, business administration; sales promotion for others namely, provision of an on-line marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; publication of publicity texts; on-line advertising on a computer network; advertising by mail order namely direct mail advertising of the goods and services of others; publicity columns preparation; radio advertising for others; television advertising for others; writing of publicity texts; public relations services; sponsorship search namely arranging for sponsors to affiliate their goods and services with those of others; market studies and market research; news clipping services; telemarketing services; opinion polling. Class 038 Class 038 Communications Services Communication by electronic means namely cellular telephone communication, communications by computer terminals, namely allowing computer users to talk and transmit text messages, audio and video messages, email messages, pictures, photographs and animated cartoons from one user to another; wire agency [communication] services namely news agency services; provision of electronic communication links namely providing multiple-user access to a global computer information network, providing access to web sites on the Internet; communication services over computer networks namely on-line advertising the goods and services of others on computer communications networks; provision of on-line communications services namely, providing wireless telephone, Internet and digital messaging services, via electronic communications networks, for the sending and receiving of telephone calls, electronic mail, and other digital data, namely, personal information text messages, text messages, electronic mail, music, movies, videos, multimedia files, namely, files containing a combination of text messages, computer graphics, photographic images, music and videos, calendar and contract information, news, weather, financial information, map and direction information, spreadsheets, graphics, still images, moving pictures, books, magazines, periodicals, newsletters, journals; chatroom services for social networking; providing internet chatrooms; providing online chat rooms for social networking. ... Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Design, development and updating of computer hardware and computer software; computer software consultancy; web site design consultancy; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; creating and maintaining web sites for others; digitization of documents [scanning]; installation of software; hosting computer sites; graphic art design; development of computer software application solutions. | |
AT&T AT&T Intellectual Property II, L.P. 1901164 28 May 2018 | REGISTERED on 13 Jul 2022 | Computer software for creating searchable databases of information and... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Computer software for creating searchable databases of information and data for manufacturing, transportation, supply chain, vehicle fleets (commercial fleets, government fleets and over the road trucking); Computer software for database management of manufacturing, transportation, supply chain, vehicle fleets (commercial fleets, government fleets and over the road trucking) data; Computer software in the field of asset management for the tracking of assets, namely, vehicle fleets (commercial fleets, government fleets and over the road trucking; Database management software for storing and tracking data about manufacturing, transportation, supply chain and vehicle fleets (commercial fleets, government fleets and over the road trucking); computer software that interfaces directly with digital and online subscribers and users across multi-user platforms for manufacturing, transportation and supply chain for vehicle fleets (commercial fleets, government fleets and over the road trucking); Low power wide area network (LPWAN) equipment and devices, namely, gateways, routers, transceivers, repeaters, converters and optimizers, wave division multiplexers, free-space optics communication transmission system, switches namely Ethernet switches and routers, fiber-to-the-business and Ethernet-over-VDSL access aggregators, terminators and repeaters, and remote presence management products for monitoring and controlling switches, consoles, alarms, sensors and power management products; Software for monitoring and controlling the performance of networks, servers, applications, and information technology elements, managing applications, fixed assets and information technology infrastructure, evaluating performance and diagnosing problems with fixed devices, creating and routing trouble tickets, and tracking resolution activities and solutions; Computer hardware and computer software in the field of connected technology for vehicle fleets (commercial fleets, government fleets and over the road trucking); Computer software for monitoring and controlling defined vehicle networks, internet of things (IoT) vehicle products and artificial intelligence vehicle products; Computer software in the field of defined networking (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV) for use with vehicles of any nature; Data storage devices and computer memory devices, namely, blade servers, central processing units, RAM (random access memory) cards, blank flash memory cards, hard disk drives, and solid state drives; Internet-of-things (IoT) gateway routers in the nature of computer control hardware for use in wireless communications systems, prototyping kits, computer development boards, computer microcontrollers, digital signal processors, digital sound processors, call processors, digital voice signal processors, video processors, wireless audio chips and battery powered audio chips; Internet-of-things (IoT) software, namely, software for digital signal processors and management of Internet-of-things (IoT) networks and applications; Navigation apparatus for vehicles in the form of on-board computers and global positioning system (GPS) receivers; Global positioning system (GPS) consisting of computers, computer software, transmitters, receivers, and network interface devices for vehicles; Global positioning systems (GPS) capable of connecting to a computer; Digital and online format audio and video players capable of connecting to a computer in a vehicle; Handheld digital electronic devices capable of connecting to a computer, namely, mobile telephones, handheld computers, personal digital assistants, electronic personal organizers, electronic tablet and notepad computers; Computer memory cards and computer hardware for bearing and recording computer programs and software for use in collecting, compiling, processing, transmitting and disseminating global positioning system (GPS) data namely, navigation, geographic, mapping, location and point-of-interest information; Computer software for adding GPS data to fleet and vehicle data files; Electronic computer and mobile instruments and software for use in connection with tracking and monitoring vehicles, vehicle expenses and driver behaviour; Electronic speed measuring instruments for vehicles, namely speedometers, tachometers, radars, anemometers, flow meters, range finders, lidars and odometers; Downloadable computer software for navigational instruments, namely global positioning system (GPS) consisting of computers, computer software, transmitters, receivers and network interface devices for vehicles; Computer hardware and computer software, and computer software applications, namely downloadable computer software and downloadable computer software applications, all for tracking persons, objects and vehicles using global positioning system (GPS) data from computers; Computer software and computer software applications for positioning, orientations, tracking, tracing and navigation of persons, objects and vehicles using global positioning system (GPS) data; Computer software, GPS transmitters, audio and video receivers and network interface cards for tracking, tracing and navigation of persons, objects and vehicles using global positioning system (GPS) data; Computer software for satellite and global positioning system (GPS) navigation systems; Computer hardware, computer software and computer software applications, all for electronic map displays; Computer software and computer software applications, namely GPS navigation services software and applications; Satellite and radio transmitters and receivers; Electric and electronic apparatus and equipment, namely, global positioning systems (GPS) for tracking and navigation, consisting of computers, computer software, transmitters, receivers and network interface devices, for tracking and tracing persons, objects and vehicles, and global positioning systems (GPS) consisting of computers, computer software, transmitters, receivers and network interface devices enabled to enter text, take images, and record video for display on a map; electric and electronic apparatus and equipment, namely, computers and receivers for transmitting and receiving map data, navigation information, route alternatives, traffic conditions and weather updates; Satellite transmitters, electric and electronic apparatus for transmission of positions and communications via satellites, satellite navigational apparatus, namely, global positioning systems (GPS) consisting of computers, computer software, transmitters, receivers and network interface devices; vehicle wireless adapters used to link on-board computers to a wireless telecommunications network, sensors for sensing presence of a passenger in the vehicle, for global positioning system (GPS) monitoring for vehicles, for vehicle speed/acceleration monitoring, for tire pressure monitoring, for RFID monitoring of passengers entering and leaving motor vehicle for ridership reporting and passenger tracking, for remote vehicle fault code monitoring and for fuel consumption monitoring, all for vehicles; Computer software for use in the fields of city and municipal infrastructure planning, of city infrastructure safety, of managing city and municipal energy resources and energy consumption and distribution, of energy outage detection and disaster recovery and of prepaid billing and reporting services; Computer software for online and mobile billing services and management of billing and customer accounts and operation of customer service and payment portals. Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Telecommunications services, namely providing telephone and mobile phone communication and internet communication and internet telephony services for call center services for others to monitor and track manufacturing, transportation, supply chain, and vehicle fleets (commercial fleets, government fleets and over the road trucking); Management consulting services, namely, advising telecommunications customers in the planning, implementing, operating, managing and staffing of telecommunications networks. ... Class 036 Insurance & Financial Services Providing automated billing and reporting, e-transfer financial transaction processing and verification, payment processing, funds transfer, billings, collections, credit card, debit card and prepaid card processing; Providing online and mobile billing services and management of billing and customer accounts and customer service portals. Class 038 Communications Services Transmission of voice, electronic communication data transmission, electronic graphics communications, namely photographs, graphic arts illustrations, map illustrations and diagrams by means of telephone, cable and satellite transmissions for sensor, navigation, geographic, mapping, location and point-of-interest and asset management over a telecommunication network; Satellite radio, television, telephone and internet broadcasting services; Frame relay telecommunication services, namely providing transmission of electronic communication data between local area networks (LANs) and endpoints in wide area networks (WANs) in the field of manufacturing, transportation, supply chain and vehicle fleets (commercial fleets, government fleets and over the road trucking); Satellite transmission and connectivity communications services, namely voice, electronic communication data transmission, electronic graphics communications, namely photographs, graphic arts illustrations, map illustrations and diagrams by means of telephone, cable and satellite transmissions; Telecommunications services, namely, the transmission of voice and text via wireless telephones, personal communications services; electronic mail services; voice messaging services; communications services, namely, providing low power wide area network (LPWAN) services; providing secure network-enabled cloud services; telecommunications services, namely, electronic transmission of alerts and notifications to enable telecommunications network users to mitigate and take preventive measures against cyber security attacks before such attacks take effect, damage or disable telecommunications networks; telematic in-vehicle communication service providing wireless vehicle navigation and tracking for vehicle fleet management; Virtual network telecommunications services, namely, providing virtual private network (VPN) services; Call recording, call monitoring and automatic call distributor (ACD) services; Audio teleconferencing, video teleconferencing and web audio and video teleconferencing services; Telecommunication services, namely, routing telephone calls and hosting of voice applications, namely multiple call session mobile applications, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) applications, Text-to- Speech (TTS) applications, voice recognition applications, re-routing phone calls applications; providing access to voice-activated web, mail and news portals; Telephone call queuing services over wired and wireless telecommunication networks for an organization's computer system; Short message service (SMS) push services to push messages over wired and wireless telecommunication networks for an organization's computer system; Click-to-call, dial, chat, talk and text services and real time communications services over wired and wireless telecommunication networks for an organization's computer system. Class 039 Transportation & Storage Services GPS navigation services and satellite positioning services. Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Software as a service (SAAS) services for creating searchable databases of information and data for database management for storing and tracking data about manufacturing, transportation, supply chain, and vehicle fleets (commercial fleets, government fleets and over the road trucking) businesses; Software as a service (SAAS) services featuring cloud-based computer software for cloud automation, namely, orchestration, control and management of virtualized network functions of a software defined network; Cloud orchestration, cloud control and management of virtualized network functions of a software defined network; Platform as a service (PAAS) featuring software platforms for cloud automation, cloud orchestration, cloud control and management of virtualized network functions of a software defined network; Data networking services, namely, cloud automation, cloud orchestration, cloud control for network control and management; Software defined networking (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV); Design and development of computer network protocols; Providing information on computer technology and programming via a web site; computer services, namely providing a secure, web-based service featuring interactive technology that enables customers to remotely manage, administer, modify and control their computer networks and for managing electronic business communications; Telecommunications network deployment services, namely, computer software project management services and software migration services; providing security systems for asset management for manufacturing, transportation, supply chain, vehicle fleets (commercial fleets, government fleets and over the road trucking); Platform as a service (PAAS) featuring computer software platforms for IoT device management, IoT data collection, data processing, data monitoring, data orchestration, data analytics and service integration with other platforms and applications; Provision to others of online, non-downloadable computer software applications for IoT data collection, IoT data processing and IoT data monitoring for temporary use Platform as a service (PAAS) services featuring computer software platforms used for the development of software to test, manage, monitor, connect, control, integrate and operate internet of things (IoT) electric and electronic devices; Platform as a service (PAAS), namely providing computer software platforms for use in the connection and control of internet of things (IoT) electronic devices, namely personal computers, tablet computers and cellular and mobile telephones, wireless and corded headsets and home automation systems comprising wireless and wired controllers, electronic control systems for lighting, HVAC and home security software to control security systems; Platform as a service (PAAS), namely providing computer software platforms for use with application programming interface (API); Information technology security services, namely, firewall design analysis and implementation, internet security vulnerability assessments, enterprise network security assessments, and assessments of cloud storage used in conjunction with data portability and accountability to assure compliance with industry standards; Computer consultation in the field of computer and internet security; computer services, namely, enabling infrastructure as a service (IAAS) for cloud security; Computer monitoring services which track web-based applications performance, internet performance and engage in website stress testing; monitoring of computer systems for security purposes, namely, providing routine intrusion detection scans, breach identification, rogue modem identification and security policy assessments of software certificates; Computer technology consulting services, namely, strategic telecommunications assessments, strategy development, wide area network strategy development, network strategy development, web enablement strategies, and IT disaster recovery for enabling business continuity, and development of strategic voice and multi-channel portals; Providing temporary use of non-downloadable cloud-based telecommunications and data networking software, namely, software and applications for network control and management, for use in automating telecommunication network services, and for managing enterprise business communications; providing non-downloadable cloud-based computer software for cloud automation, namely, orchestration, control and management of virtualized network functions of a software defined network; Software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for cloud automation, cloud orchestration, cloud control and management of virtualized network functions of a software defined network; Platform as a service (PAAS) featuring software platforms for cloud automation, cloud orchestration, cloud control and management of virtualized network functions of a software defined network; Data networking services, namely, cloud automation, cloud orchestration, cloud control for network control and management; Technical consulting services in the field of datacenter architecture, public and private cloud computing solutions and evaluation and implementation of internet connected technology, the internet of things (IoT), platforms and networks; Cloud computing services for use with multi-user computer software platform telecommunication services; conducting business and market research surveys for others via the internet; Automatic speech recognition (ASR) services, namely voice recognition, interactive voice response systems, and interactive transaction processing systems over wired and wireless telecommunication networks for an organization's computer system; Natural language recognition services namely voice recognition, interactive voice response systems, and interactive transaction processing systems over wired and wireless telecommunication networks for an organization's computer system; Predictive telephone dialer, typing and texting services over wired and wireless telecommunication networks for an organization's computer system; Management services for Internet of Things (IOT) over wired and wireless telecommunication networks for an organization's computer system, telephone call, person and assets latitude determining services for determining location of calls, persons and assets over wired and wireless telecommunication networks for an organization's computer system; Live chat services over wired and wireless telecommunication networks for an organization's computer system; Telephone call tracking and analytics services over wired and wireless telecommunication networks for an organization's computer system; Telecommunications routing and junction services over wired and wireless telecommunication networks for an organization's computer system; Operation of a website, website links and apps providing geographic information, map images and trip routing namely hosting a website for and computer software applications for the provision of geographic information, map images, driving and trip routes; Monitoring of computer systems for security purposes; Consulting in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) hardware configurations, telecommunication module designs and certification of such configurations and telecommunication modules; Consulting services in the field of maintaining the security and integrity of databases and platforms for telecommunication services; Consulting services in the field of security intelligence services for use with the internet of things (IoT) for telecommunication services; providing non-downloadable computer software for network control and management, for use in automating managed network services, and for managing enterprise business communications. Class 045 Personal & Legal & Social Services Consulting services in the field of security threat assessments; Security services, namely, providing security assessments for business and governmental agencies. | ||
CHILL AT MORGAN ADHESIVES COMPANY LLC 1892859 10 Apr 2018 | REGISTERED on 31 Mar 2022 | Paper adhesive labels; rolls containing self-adhesive paper for use in... Class 016 Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Paper adhesive labels; rolls containing self-adhesive paper for use in the manufacture of labels Class 017 Class 017 Rubber Products Rolls containing self-adhesive plastic for use in the manufacture of labels ... Class 020 Furniture Products Plastic adhesive labels | ||
AT 100 AS AMERICA INC. 1879947 29 Jan 2018 | REGISTERED on 1 Apr 2021 | Bidets. Class 011 Class 011 Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking Bidets. |
on 30 Aug 2023
2187285 · 21 May 2022
Class 014
Jewelry Products
Agates; agrafe de bijouterie pour adapter les boucles d'oreille à tige à des boucles d'oreille à pince; alliages d'argent; alliages d'or; alliages de métaux précieux; alliages de palladium; alliages de platine; alliages de rhodium; alliages de ruthénium; alliances; amethyst ; anneaux brisés en métaux précieux pour clés; anneaux de mariage; anneaux de piercing; anneaux en argent; apprêts pour la bijouterie; argent; argent et ses alliages; argent filé; articles de bijouterie; articles de bijouterie composés de perles; articles de bijouterie en argent sterling; articles de bijouterie en bronze; articles de bijouterie en matières plastiques; articles de bijouterie en or; articles de bijouterie en plaqué; articles de bijouterie en platine; articles de bijouterie en verre; articles de bijouterie pour chaussures; articles de bijouterie pour femmes; articles de bijouterie pour hommes; articles de bijouterie pour la chapellerie; articles de bijouterie sertis d'agates; articles de bijouterie sertis de diamants; assiettes en argent; bagues; bagues bibelot; bagues bijoux; bagues d'amitié; bagues d'orteil; bagues de fiançailles; bagues en en diamant; bagues en métal précieux; bagues en or; bagues en tant qu'articles de bijouterie; bagues plaquées en métaux précieux; bagues étant des bijoux; barrettes pour cravates western; bijouterie; bijouterie agate; bijouterie pour chaussures; bijouterie pour femmes; bijouterie pour la chapellerie; bijoux; bijoux d'enfants; bijoux d'ornement pour la tête; bijoux de fantaisie; bijoux de métal; bijoux de perles; bijoux en argent; bijoux en argent sterling; bijoux en bronze; bijoux en cloisonné; bijoux en cristal; bijoux en cristal plaqués en métaux précieux; bijoux en fil d'or; bijoux en ivoire; bijoux en jade; bijoux en métaux non précieux; bijoux en or; bijoux en perles; bijoux en platine; bijoux en verre; bijoux et bijoux de fantaisie; bijoux et montres; bijoux et pierres précieuses; bijoux faits de bronze; bijoux faits sur mesure; bijoux fantaisie; bijoux plaqués de métaux précieux; bijoux plaqués en alliages en métaux précieux; bijoux pour enfants; bijoux pour femmes; bijoux pour hommes; bijoux pour la tête; bijoux sertis de pierres précieuses; bijoux véritables et bijoux de fantaisie; bijoux à diamants; bijoux, pierres précieuses; bijoux, pierres précieuses et semi-précieuses; bio jewels; boucles d'oreille en or; boucles d'oreille percées; boucles d'oreilles; boucles d'oreilles argent; boucles d'oreilles de type clou; boucles d'oreilles en métal précieux; boucles d'oreilles pendantes; boucles d'oreilles à clip; boucles d'oreilles à pinces; boucles en métal précieux pour bracelets de montres et bijoux; boucles pour bracelets de montre; boucles pour bracelets de montres; boutons de chemise en métaux précieux; boutons de col en métaux précieux; boutons de manchette et épingles à cravate; boutons de manchettes; boutons de manchettes en métaux précieux; boutons de manchettes en porcelaine; boîtes commémoratives en métal précieux; boîtes d'horloges; boîtes d'horloges en métaux précieux; boîtes d'horloges en métaux précieux ou en plaqué; boîtes d'horloges non en métaux précieux; boîtes décoratives en métaux précieux; boîtes en cuir pour bijoux; boîtes en métaux précieux; boîtes à articles de bijouterie, autres qu'en métaux précieux; boîtes à bijoux; boîtes à bijoux en bois; boîtes à bijoux en cuir; boîtes à bijoux en métal; boîtes à bijoux en métaux précieux; boîtes à bijoux musicales; boîtes à bijoux, non métalliques; boîtiers de montre en métal précieux; boîtiers de montres; boîtiers de montres en métaux précieux ou en plaqué; bracelets bijoux en acier inoxydable; bracelets d'identification; bracelets de cheville; bracelets de cheville en diamant; bracelets de chevilles; bracelets de montres en métal; bracelets de montres en métal ou en cuir ou en plastique; bracelets de montres-bracelets; bracelets de perles; bracelets en argent; bracelets en diamant; bracelets en jonc; bracelets en métaux précieux; bracelets en or; bracelets esclaves; bracelets et sangles de montres; bracelets made of capim dourado; bracelets pour les montres; bracelets pour oeuvres de charité; bracelets-manchettes; breloques de chaînes de montres; breloques en métaux communs; breloques faites ou plaquées de métaux précieux; breloques porte-clés en métal précieux; breloques pour bracelet; breloques pour colliers ras-de-cou; breloques pour la bijouterie; broches comme bijoux; broches d'ornement; broches de bijouterie; broches, à savoir bijoux; bustes en métaux précieux; cabinets d'horloges en métaux précieux; cabinets d'horloges en métaux précieux ou en plaqué; cabinets d'horloges non en métaux précieux; cabochons; cabochons pour la fabrication d'articles de bijouterie; calcédoine; camées; capsules de bouteille en métaux précieux; centres de table en métal précieux; chapelets; chapelets de méditation; chapelets de prière; chaînes de bijouterie; chaînes de bijouterie en métal précieux pour bracelets; chaînes de bijouterie en métaux précieux pour bracelets; chaînes de bijouterie pour bracelets en métal précieux; chaînes de montres; chaînes en métaux précieux pour bracelets; chaînes porte-clés pour utilisation comme bijoux; chaînes pour bijouterie; chaînettes de cheville; chaînettes de cou; citrine quartz; clips d'oreilles; clou pour perçage corporel; coffres à bijoux; coffrets conçus pour contenir des articles de bijouterie; coffrets pour horloges et bijoux; coffrets à bijoux; coffrets à bijoux en bois; coffrets à bijoux en métal précieux; coffrets à bijoux en métaux précieux; coffrets à bijoux et écrins de montre; coffrets à bijoux musicaux; coffrets à bijoux non en métaux précieux; coffrets à colifichets; colliers; colliers breloques; colliers de perles; colliers en argent; colliers en diamants; colliers en or; colliers ras-du-cou; colliers à plastron; cordons porte-clés; cordons pour insignes en métaux précieux; cordons pour porte-clés; coupelles à bijoux; coupes commémoratives en métaux précieux; couronnes de montres; crucifix en métaux précieux autres qu'articles de bijouterie; crucifix en tant qu'articles de bijouterie; créoles; dalles funéraires en métaux précieux; diadèmes; diamant à l'état brut; diamants; diamants bruts; diamants non sertis; diamants taillés; embouts métalliques pour cravates western; fermetures de boucles d'oreilles; fermoirs de bijoux; fermoirs de collier; fermoirs de montres; fermoirs pour la bijouterie; figurines de trophées en métaux précieux et revêtues de ces métaux; figurines décoratives en métaux précieux; figurines en argent; figurines en métaux précieux; figurines en or; figurines en pierres précieuses; figurines revêtues de métaux précieux ou semi-précieux; fils d'argent; fils d'or; filés d'or; fixe-cravates; fixe-cravates en metaux précieux; fixe-foulards en tant que bijoux; fixe-foulards, articles de bijouterie; gemme; gravures en jade en tant que bijoux; hair tie bracelets; housses ajustées pour bagues visant à les protéger des impacts, de l'abrasion et des dommages causés à l'anneau et aux pierres de la bague; imitations de pierres pour la confection d'articles de bijouterie; insignes de boutonnières en métaux précieux; insignes en métal précieux; insignes en métaux précieux; insignes nominatifs en métaux précieux à porter; insignes à épingler en métal précieux; iridium; iridium et ses alliages; jade; jade articles de bijouterie; jadeite; jais brut ou mi-ouvré; jetons de cuivre; jetons métalliques pour distributeurs automatiques ou machines de jeu; jetons métalliques pour transports publics; joaillerie; joncs; lingots d'alliages d'argent; lingots d'alliages d'or; lingots d'alliages de platine; lingots d'argent; lingots d'or; lingots de métaux précieux; lingots de platine; meubles d'horloges; misbaha [chapelets de prière]; monnaies; montres; montres bijoux; médailles; médailles commémoratives; médailles commémoratives en métaux précieux; médailles en métaux précieux; médailles et médaillons; médailles plaquées en métaux précieux; médaillons; médaillons de bijouterie; métaux précieux; métaux précieux bruts; métaux précieux bruts ou mi-ouvrés; métaux précieux et leurs alliages; métaux précieux mi-façonnés; métaux précieux mi-transformés; métaux précieux transformés; métaux semi précieux; néphrite; objets d'art en argent; objets d'art en métaux précieux; olivine; omamori [breloques porte-chance]; opale; opales; or; or brut ou battu; or brut ou mi-ouvré; or et ses alliages; or mi-ouvré; or non travaillé; ornements de chapeaux en métaux précieux; ornements en jais; osmium; osmium et ses alliages; palladium; palladium et ses alliages; parties d'horloges; parties de montres; parures d'ambre jaune; parures en métaux précieux sous forme d'articles de bijouterie; parures pour chaussures en métaux précieux; pendentifs; pendentifs de bijouterie; pendentifs en diamant; perles; perles d'ambre; perles d'ambroïne; perles d'imitation; perles de culture; perles pour bijoux; perles pour la bijouterie; perles pour la confection de bijoux; petites boîtes à bijoux en métaux précieux; petits coffres à bijoux; petits coffres à bijoux en métaux précieux; pierreries; pierres de bijouterie; pierres de méditation; pierres fines; pierres précieuses; pierres précieuses brutes; pierres précieuses brutes et semi-ouvrées ainsi que leurs imitations; pierres précieuses en tant que joyaux précieux; pierres précieuses et semi-précieuses; pierres précieuses mi-ouvrées et leurs imitations; pierres précieuses synthétiques; pierres semi-précieuses; pierres semi-précieuses et précieuses; pinces à cravate, autres qu'en métaux précieux; pinces à cravates; pièces autres que de monnaie; pièces d'or; pièces de bijouterie; pièces de monnaie; pièces de monnaie commémoratives; pièces de monnaie à collectionner; pièces de montres; pièces non monétaires en métaux précieux; pièces non monétaires à des fins de collection; plaques commémoratives en métal précieux; plaques commémoratives en métaux précieux; plaques commémoratives en métaux précieux et revêtues de ces métaux; plaques d'identité en métal précieux pour la bijouterie; plaques de porte-clefs en matières plastiques; plaques de porte-clés en matières plastiques; plaques funéraires en métaux précieux; plaques murales décoratives en métal précieux; plaques pour chaînes porte-clés; platine; platine et ses alliages; pochettes de montres; pochettes à bijoux adaptées; poignées de tiroirs en métaux précieux; porte-clefs; porte-clés; porte-clés avec breloque ou colifichet; porte-clés en métaux précieux; porte-clés fantaisie en métaux précieux; porte-clés promotionnels; porte-clés rétractables; péridot; range-tout pour bijoux; remontoirs de montres; rhodium; rhodium et ses alliages; rouleaux et pochettes de voyage pour bijoux; rouleaux organisateurs de bijoux pour le voyage; rouleaux pour bijoux pour le rangement; rouleaux à bijoux; rouleaux à bijoux pour le voyage; rubelite; rubis; ruthénium; ruthénium et ses alliages; sangles de montres; saphirs; sardonyx; sardonyx à l'état brut; sculptures de jade; sculptures en métaux précieux; sets de pièces de monnaie à collectionner; socles en métaux précieux pour trophées; spinelles; statues d'icônes religieuses en métaux précieux; statues de bureau en métaux précieux; statues de pierres précieuses; statues en métaux précieux; statues en métaux précieux et leurs alliages; statues religieuses en métal précieux; statues revêtues de métaux précieux ou semi-précieux; statuettes en métal précieux; statuettes en métaux précieux; statuettes en métaux précieux et leur alliages; strass; supports pour la collection de pièces de monnaie; talismans; tasses de trophées en métaux précieux et revêtues de ces métaux; tiares; tiges de boucles d'oreilles; topaze; topaze impériale; tourmaline de paraiba; trophées en métaux précieux; trophées faits d'alliages de métaux précieux; trophées plaqués d'alliages de métaux précieux; trophées plaqués de métaux précieux; trousses étuis pour le rangement de bijoux; Écrins; écrins de présentation pour pierres précieuses; écrins en métaux précieux; écrins non en métaux précieux; écrins pour l'horlogerie; écrins pour montres; écrins à bijoux; écrins à bijoux en métal précieux; émeraudes; épingle de cravate; épingles bijouterie; épingles d'ornement; épingles de bijouterie; épingles de cravates; épingles de cravates en métaux précieux; Épingles de parure; épingles à bonnets; épingles à chapeau décoratives; épingles à chapeaux autres qu'en métaux précieux; épingles à chapeaux de bijouterie; épingles à chapeaux décoratives; épingles à chapeaux en métaux précieux; épingles à cravate; épingles-bijoux à utiliser sur un chapeau; épinglettes; épinglettes d'ornement; épinglettes décoratives en métal précieux; épinglettes à cloisonné; épinglettes, à savoir bijoux; étiquettes à coudre en métaux précieux pour vêtements; étuis conçus pour bagues afin de protéger le bord et les pierres des bagues contre les chocs, l'abrasion, et les dégâts; étuis conçus pour contenir des bijoux; étuis pour l'horlogerie; étuis pour montres et horloges; étuis pour montres-bracelets et horloges; étuis à bijoux; étuis à bijoux et bijoux
Agates; agrafe de bijouterie pour adapter les boucles d'oreille à tige...
on 12 Feb 2025
Patriot Research Center, LLC DBA Atlas Pressure Control
2157984 · 4 Jan 2022
Class 040
Treatment & Processing of Materials Services
Technical consulting in the field of oil and gas production and processing.
Technical consulting in the field of oil and gas production and proces...
on 15 Jan 2025
Abatement Technologies, Inc.
2145438 · 5 Nov 2021
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Downloadable software in the nature of a mobile application for connecting dehumidifiers, portable air filtration devices, air movers, commercial drying equipment, and environmental monitors.
Downloadable software in the nature of a mobile application for connec...
on 24 Oct 2023
2139937 · 28 Jul 2021
Class 021
Houseware and Glass Products
Ustensiles de cuisine; poubelles; verres (récipients); vaisselle.
Class 025
Clothing Products
Vêtements; chaussures; chapellerie; chemises; vêtements en cuir; ceintures (habillement); fourrures (vêtements); gants (habillement); foulards; cravates; bonneterie; chaussettes; chaussons; chaussures de plage; chaussures de sport; sous-vêtements; à l'exception des équipements de protection individuelle (EPI), vêtements professionnels, vêtements de protection contre les accidents, les irradiations et le feu, masques de protection.
Ustensiles de cuisine; poubelles; verres (récipients); vaisselle.,Vête...
on 4 Nov 2024
Qatar Investment and Projects Development Holding Company (QIPCO) WLL
2098413 · 8 Apr 2021
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Museums; museum services; museum exhibitions; provision of museum facilities; art gallery services; art exhibition services; conducting guided tours; cultural services and/or activities; operating cultural institutions; provision of facilities and venues for use in providing cultural activities and/or cultural events; arranging, organising, contributing to and conducting of events, exhibitions, conventions, conferences, displays, presentations, shows, lectures and/or symposia all for cultural purposes; education services; entertainment services; providing and contributing to electronic publications; providing on-line publications; photographic library services; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the foregoing.
Museums; museum services; museum exhibitions; provision of museum faci...
on 12 Apr 2023
2069109 · 8 Dec 2020
Class 031
Natural Agricultural Products
Live plants
Live plants
on 27 Jul 2021
1903871 · 12 Jun 2018
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Advertising namely advertising agency services, advertising the goods and services of others; rental of advertising time on communication media; advertising agencies; updating of advertising material; dissemination of advertising matter; sample distribution; business management of performing artists; direct mail advertising of the goods and services of others; compilation of statistics; commercial information and advice for consumers namely providing an on-line commercial information directory on the internet; layout services for advertising purposes; rental of advertising space; marketing services namely business marketing consulting services, conducting market surveys for others, development of marketing strategies and concepts for others, direct marketing of the goods and services of others; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes namely, organization of exhibitions and products presentation in the field of movie, furniture, automotive, food & beverage, pharma, bank, vacation accommodations, consumer electronic goods, fashion show for commercial purposes; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes namely advertising on the Internet for others; production of advertising films; assistance in management of business activities namely business management, business administration; sales promotion for others namely, provision of an on-line marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; publication of publicity texts; on-line advertising on a computer network; advertising by mail order namely direct mail advertising of the goods and services of others; publicity columns preparation; radio advertising for others; television advertising for others; writing of publicity texts; public relations services; sponsorship search namely arranging for sponsors to affiliate their goods and services with those of others; market studies and market research; news clipping services; telemarketing services; opinion polling.
Class 038
Communications Services
Communication by electronic means namely cellular telephone communication, communications by computer terminals, namely allowing computer users to talk and transmit text messages, audio and video messages, email messages, pictures, photographs and animated cartoons from one user to another; wire agency [communication] services namely news agency services; provision of electronic communication links namely providing multiple-user access to a global computer information network, providing access to web sites on the Internet; communication services over computer networks namely on-line advertising the goods and services of others on computer communications networks; provision of on-line communications services namely, providing wireless telephone, Internet and digital messaging services, via electronic communications networks, for the sending and receiving of telephone calls, electronic mail, and other digital data, namely, personal information text messages, text messages, electronic mail, music, movies, videos, multimedia files, namely, files containing a combination of text messages, computer graphics, photographic images, music and videos, calendar and contract information, news, weather, financial information, map and direction information, spreadsheets, graphics, still images, moving pictures, books, magazines, periodicals, newsletters, journals; chatroom services for social networking; providing internet chatrooms; providing online chat rooms for social networking.
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Design, development and updating of computer hardware and computer software; computer software consultancy; web site design consultancy; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; creating and maintaining web sites for others; digitization of documents [scanning]; installation of software; hosting computer sites; graphic art design; development of computer software application solutions.
Advertising namely advertising agency services, advertising the goods ...
on 13 Jul 2022
AT&T Intellectual Property II, L.P.
1901164 · 28 May 2018
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Computer software for creating searchable databases of information and data for manufacturing, transportation, supply chain, vehicle fleets (commercial fleets, government fleets and over the road trucking); Computer software for database management of manufacturing, transportation, supply chain, vehicle fleets (commercial fleets, government fleets and over the road trucking) data; Computer software in the field of asset management for the tracking of assets, namely, vehicle fleets (commercial fleets, government fleets and over the road trucking; Database management software for storing and tracking data about manufacturing, transportation, supply chain and vehicle fleets (commercial fleets, government fleets and over the road trucking); computer software that interfaces directly with digital and online subscribers and users across multi-user platforms for manufacturing, transportation and supply chain for vehicle fleets (commercial fleets, government fleets and over the road trucking); Low power wide area network (LPWAN) equipment and devices, namely, gateways, routers, transceivers, repeaters, converters and optimizers, wave division multiplexers, free-space optics communication transmission system, switches namely Ethernet switches and routers, fiber-to-the-business and Ethernet-over-VDSL access aggregators, terminators and repeaters, and remote presence management products for monitoring and controlling switches, consoles, alarms, sensors and power management products; Software for monitoring and controlling the performance of networks, servers, applications, and information technology elements, managing applications, fixed assets and information technology infrastructure, evaluating performance and diagnosing problems with fixed devices, creating and routing trouble tickets, and tracking resolution activities and solutions; Computer hardware and computer software in the field of connected technology for vehicle fleets (commercial fleets, government fleets and over the road trucking); Computer software for monitoring and controlling defined vehicle networks, internet of things (IoT) vehicle products and artificial intelligence vehicle products; Computer software in the field of defined networking (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV) for use with vehicles of any nature; Data storage devices and computer memory devices, namely, blade servers, central processing units, RAM (random access memory) cards, blank flash memory cards, hard disk drives, and solid state drives; Internet-of-things (IoT) gateway routers in the nature of computer control hardware for use in wireless communications systems, prototyping kits, computer development boards, computer microcontrollers, digital signal processors, digital sound processors, call processors, digital voice signal processors, video processors, wireless audio chips and battery powered audio chips; Internet-of-things (IoT) software, namely, software for digital signal processors and management of Internet-of-things (IoT) networks and applications; Navigation apparatus for vehicles in the form of on-board computers and global positioning system (GPS) receivers; Global positioning system (GPS) consisting of computers, computer software, transmitters, receivers, and network interface devices for vehicles; Global positioning systems (GPS) capable of connecting to a computer; Digital and online format audio and video players capable of connecting to a computer in a vehicle; Handheld digital electronic devices capable of connecting to a computer, namely, mobile telephones, handheld computers, personal digital assistants, electronic personal organizers, electronic tablet and notepad computers; Computer memory cards and computer hardware for bearing and recording computer programs and software for use in collecting, compiling, processing, transmitting and disseminating global positioning system (GPS) data namely, navigation, geographic, mapping, location and point-of-interest information; Computer software for adding GPS data to fleet and vehicle data files; Electronic computer and mobile instruments and software for use in connection with tracking and monitoring vehicles, vehicle expenses and driver behaviour; Electronic speed measuring instruments for vehicles, namely speedometers, tachometers, radars, anemometers, flow meters, range finders, lidars and odometers; Downloadable computer software for navigational instruments, namely global positioning system (GPS) consisting of computers, computer software, transmitters, receivers and network interface devices for vehicles; Computer hardware and computer software, and computer software applications, namely downloadable computer software and downloadable computer software applications, all for tracking persons, objects and vehicles using global positioning system (GPS) data from computers; Computer software and computer software applications for positioning, orientations, tracking, tracing and navigation of persons, objects and vehicles using global positioning system (GPS) data; Computer software, GPS transmitters, audio and video receivers and network interface cards for tracking, tracing and navigation of persons, objects and vehicles using global positioning system (GPS) data; Computer software for satellite and global positioning system (GPS) navigation systems; Computer hardware, computer software and computer software applications, all for electronic map displays; Computer software and computer software applications, namely GPS navigation services software and applications; Satellite and radio transmitters and receivers; Electric and electronic apparatus and equipment, namely, global positioning systems (GPS) for tracking and navigation, consisting of computers, computer software, transmitters, receivers and network interface devices, for tracking and tracing persons, objects and vehicles, and global positioning systems (GPS) consisting of computers, computer software, transmitters, receivers and network interface devices enabled to enter text, take images, and record video for display on a map; electric and electronic apparatus and equipment, namely, computers and receivers for transmitting and receiving map data, navigation information, route alternatives, traffic conditions and weather updates; Satellite transmitters, electric and electronic apparatus for transmission of positions and communications via satellites, satellite navigational apparatus, namely, global positioning systems (GPS) consisting of computers, computer software, transmitters, receivers and network interface devices; vehicle wireless adapters used to link on-board computers to a wireless telecommunications network, sensors for sensing presence of a passenger in the vehicle, for global positioning system (GPS) monitoring for vehicles, for vehicle speed/acceleration monitoring, for tire pressure monitoring, for RFID monitoring of passengers entering and leaving motor vehicle for ridership reporting and passenger tracking, for remote vehicle fault code monitoring and for fuel consumption monitoring, all for vehicles; Computer software for use in the fields of city and municipal infrastructure planning, of city infrastructure safety, of managing city and municipal energy resources and energy consumption and distribution, of energy outage detection and disaster recovery and of prepaid billing and reporting services; Computer software for online and mobile billing services and management of billing and customer accounts and operation of customer service and payment portals.
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Telecommunications services, namely providing telephone and mobile phone communication and internet communication and internet telephony services for call center services for others to monitor and track manufacturing, transportation, supply chain, and vehicle fleets (commercial fleets, government fleets and over the road trucking); Management consulting services, namely, advising telecommunications customers in the planning, implementing, operating, managing and staffing of telecommunications networks.
Class 036
Insurance & Financial Services
Providing automated billing and reporting, e-transfer financial transaction processing and verification, payment processing, funds transfer, billings, collections, credit card, debit card and prepaid card processing; Providing online and mobile billing services and management of billing and customer accounts and customer service portals.
Class 038
Communications Services
Transmission of voice, electronic communication data transmission, electronic graphics communications, namely photographs, graphic arts illustrations, map illustrations and diagrams by means of telephone, cable and satellite transmissions for sensor, navigation, geographic, mapping, location and point-of-interest and asset management over a telecommunication network; Satellite radio, television, telephone and internet broadcasting services; Frame relay telecommunication services, namely providing transmission of electronic communication data between local area networks (LANs) and endpoints in wide area networks (WANs) in the field of manufacturing, transportation, supply chain and vehicle fleets (commercial fleets, government fleets and over the road trucking); Satellite transmission and connectivity communications services, namely voice, electronic communication data transmission, electronic graphics communications, namely photographs, graphic arts illustrations, map illustrations and diagrams by means of telephone, cable and satellite transmissions; Telecommunications services, namely, the transmission of voice and text via wireless telephones, personal communications services; electronic mail services; voice messaging services; communications services, namely, providing low power wide area network (LPWAN) services; providing secure network-enabled cloud services; telecommunications services, namely, electronic transmission of alerts and notifications to enable telecommunications network users to mitigate and take preventive measures against cyber security attacks before such attacks take effect, damage or disable telecommunications networks; telematic in-vehicle communication service providing wireless vehicle navigation and tracking for vehicle fleet management; Virtual network telecommunications services, namely, providing virtual private network (VPN) services; Call recording, call monitoring and automatic call distributor (ACD) services; Audio teleconferencing, video teleconferencing and web audio and video teleconferencing services; Telecommunication services, namely, routing telephone calls and hosting of voice applications, namely multiple call session mobile applications, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) applications, Text-to- Speech (TTS) applications, voice recognition applications, re-routing phone calls applications; providing access to voice-activated web, mail and news portals; Telephone call queuing services over wired and wireless telecommunication networks for an organization's computer system; Short message service (SMS) push services to push messages over wired and wireless telecommunication networks for an organization's computer system; Click-to-call, dial, chat, talk and text services and real time communications services over wired and wireless telecommunication networks for an organization's computer system.
Class 039
Transportation & Storage Services
GPS navigation services and satellite positioning services.
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Software as a service (SAAS) services for creating searchable databases of information and data for database management for storing and tracking data about manufacturing, transportation, supply chain, and vehicle fleets (commercial fleets, government fleets and over the road trucking) businesses; Software as a service (SAAS) services featuring cloud-based computer software for cloud automation, namely, orchestration, control and management of virtualized network functions of a software defined network; Cloud orchestration, cloud control and management of virtualized network functions of a software defined network; Platform as a service (PAAS) featuring software platforms for cloud automation, cloud orchestration, cloud control and management of virtualized network functions of a software defined network; Data networking services, namely, cloud automation, cloud orchestration, cloud control for network control and management; Software defined networking (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV); Design and development of computer network protocols; Providing information on computer technology and programming via a web site; computer services, namely providing a secure, web-based service featuring interactive technology that enables customers to remotely manage, administer, modify and control their computer networks and for managing electronic business communications; Telecommunications network deployment services, namely, computer software project management services and software migration services; providing security systems for asset management for manufacturing, transportation, supply chain, vehicle fleets (commercial fleets, government fleets and over the road trucking); Platform as a service (PAAS) featuring computer software platforms for IoT device management, IoT data collection, data processing, data monitoring, data orchestration, data analytics and service integration with other platforms and applications; Provision to others of online, non-downloadable computer software applications for IoT data collection, IoT data processing and IoT data monitoring for temporary use Platform as a service (PAAS) services featuring computer software platforms used for the development of software to test, manage, monitor, connect, control, integrate and operate internet of things (IoT) electric and electronic devices; Platform as a service (PAAS), namely providing computer software platforms for use in the connection and control of internet of things (IoT) electronic devices, namely personal computers, tablet computers and cellular and mobile telephones, wireless and corded headsets and home automation systems comprising wireless and wired controllers, electronic control systems for lighting, HVAC and home security software to control security systems; Platform as a service (PAAS), namely providing computer software platforms for use with application programming interface (API); Information technology security services, namely, firewall design analysis and implementation, internet security vulnerability assessments, enterprise network security assessments, and assessments of cloud storage used in conjunction with data portability and accountability to assure compliance with industry standards; Computer consultation in the field of computer and internet security; computer services, namely, enabling infrastructure as a service (IAAS) for cloud security; Computer monitoring services which track web-based applications performance, internet performance and engage in website stress testing; monitoring of computer systems for security purposes, namely, providing routine intrusion detection scans, breach identification, rogue modem identification and security policy assessments of software certificates; Computer technology consulting services, namely, strategic telecommunications assessments, strategy development, wide area network strategy development, network strategy development, web enablement strategies, and IT disaster recovery for enabling business continuity, and development of strategic voice and multi-channel portals; Providing temporary use of non-downloadable cloud-based telecommunications and data networking software, namely, software and applications for network control and management, for use in automating telecommunication network services, and for managing enterprise business communications; providing non-downloadable cloud-based computer software for cloud automation, namely, orchestration, control and management of virtualized network functions of a software defined network; Software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for cloud automation, cloud orchestration, cloud control and management of virtualized network functions of a software defined network; Platform as a service (PAAS) featuring software platforms for cloud automation, cloud orchestration, cloud control and management of virtualized network functions of a software defined network; Data networking services, namely, cloud automation, cloud orchestration, cloud control for network control and management; Technical consulting services in the field of datacenter architecture, public and private cloud computing solutions and evaluation and implementation of internet connected technology, the internet of things (IoT), platforms and networks; Cloud computing services for use with multi-user computer software platform telecommunication services; conducting business and market research surveys for others via the internet; Automatic speech recognition (ASR) services, namely voice recognition, interactive voice response systems, and interactive transaction processing systems over wired and wireless telecommunication networks for an organization's computer system; Natural language recognition services namely voice recognition, interactive voice response systems, and interactive transaction processing systems over wired and wireless telecommunication networks for an organization's computer system; Predictive telephone dialer, typing and texting services over wired and wireless telecommunication networks for an organization's computer system; Management services for Internet of Things (IOT) over wired and wireless telecommunication networks for an organization's computer system, telephone call, person and assets latitude determining services for determining location of calls, persons and assets over wired and wireless telecommunication networks for an organization's computer system; Live chat services over wired and wireless telecommunication networks for an organization's computer system; Telephone call tracking and analytics services over wired and wireless telecommunication networks for an organization's computer system; Telecommunications routing and junction services over wired and wireless telecommunication networks for an organization's computer system; Operation of a website, website links and apps providing geographic information, map images and trip routing namely hosting a website for and computer software applications for the provision of geographic information, map images, driving and trip routes; Monitoring of computer systems for security purposes; Consulting in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) hardware configurations, telecommunication module designs and certification of such configurations and telecommunication modules; Consulting services in the field of maintaining the security and integrity of databases and platforms for telecommunication services; Consulting services in the field of security intelligence services for use with the internet of things (IoT) for telecommunication services; providing non-downloadable computer software for network control and management, for use in automating managed network services, and for managing enterprise business communications.
Class 045
Personal & Legal & Social Services
Consulting services in the field of security threat assessments; Security services, namely, providing security assessments for business and governmental agencies.
Computer software for creating searchable databases of information and...
on 31 Mar 2022
1892859 · 10 Apr 2018
Class 016
Paper Goods and Printed Material
Paper adhesive labels; rolls containing self-adhesive paper for use in the manufacture of labels
Class 017
Rubber Products
Rolls containing self-adhesive plastic for use in the manufacture of labels
Class 020
Furniture Products
Plastic adhesive labels
Paper adhesive labels; rolls containing self-adhesive paper for use in...
At&t intellectual property ii, l.P. (75)
At&t corp. (32)
The board of governors of the university of calgary (29)
Bcimc realty corporation (16)
Loblaws inc. (11)
The procter & gamble company (11)
Coty brands management inc. (10)
Acco brands corporation (9)
General electric company (8)
Ivanhoe cambridge ii inc. (8)
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Robic agence pi s.E.C./ robic ip agency lp (36)
Cassels brock & blackwell llp (33)
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$899 / 1 class + gov fee
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$799 / 1 class + gov fee
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$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Hong Kong (SAR)
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$1499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
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$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Madrid Protocol (WIPO)
$1999 / 1 class + gov fee
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$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
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$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
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$899 / 1 class + gov fee
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$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Puerto Rico
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Sri Lanka
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
United Republic of Tanzania
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
West Bank, Palestine
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Antigua and Barbuda
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Bosnia and Herzegovina
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Burkina Faso
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
Cabo Verde
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Central African Republic (CAR)
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Cote d'Ivoire
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Equatorial Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
Marshall Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
North Macedonia
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Papua New Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Kitts and Nevis
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Lucia
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
San Marino
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sao Tome and Principe
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sierra Leone
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Solomon Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
South Sudan
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1599 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Trinidad and Tobago
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee