About 4,208 Trademarks found for “M-WARRIOR ”
Mark | Details | Status | Class/Description | |
![]() | M MERIDIAM 2170041 26 Nov 2021 | SEARCHED on 15 Jun 2023 | Placement de fonds; services d'investissement de fonds; services d'inv... Class 036 Class 036 Insurance & Financial Services Placement de fonds; services d'investissement de fonds; services d'investissement et de gestion de portefeuilles; constitution ou investissement de capitaux; gestion de fonds d'investissement de capitaux; montage d'investissements financiers; gestion d'actifs; financement de projets d'infrastructure et de projets d'énergie. Class 042 Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Gestion, planification et supervision de projets d'infrastructures et de projets d'énergie; services de conception et services de développement de projets d'infrastructure et de projets d'énergie; établissement du calendrier de projets; mise à disposition d'informations concernant des études de projets techniques et des recherches relatives à l'utilisation d'énergies naturelles; services de conseils et d'informations en matière d'infrastructures; services d'assistance en infrastructures; planification, développement et gestion de l'utilisation optimale des ressources d'énergie; conseils et expertises techniques dans le domaine des énergies. | |
![]() | M MISCHIEVOUS LLC 2149839 25 Oct 2021 | REGISTERED on 30 Sept 2024 | Battery chargers for laptop computers; battery chargers for mobile pho... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Battery chargers for laptop computers; battery chargers for mobile phones; battery chargers for tablet computers; battery chargers for use with telephones; cell phone auxiliary cables; cell phone battery chargers for use in vehicles; chargers for batteries in personal electronic devices, namely, laptop computers, for mobile phones, for tablet computers and for use with telephones; USB cables for cellphones; wireless battery chargers for personal electronic devices, namely, laptop computers, for mobile phones, for tablet computers and for use with telephones. | |
![]() | M MATERRUP 2184867 8 Oct 2021 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 5 Jun 2024 | Accélérateurs chimiques; accélérateurs de consolidation; accélérateurs... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Accélérateurs chimiques; accélérateurs de consolidation; accélérateurs de prise de ciment; accélérateurs de prise pour béton; additifs chimiques destinés à l'industrie; additifs chimiques destinés à l'imperméabilisation du béton; additifs chimiques destinés au béton; adhésifs, autres que pour la papeterie ou le ménage; adhésifs de structure destinés à la construction; adhésifs destinés à l'industrie du bâtiment; adhésifs pour mortier et béton; adjuvants chimiques destinés à l'industrie; adjuvants du béton; agents de contrôle de la prise de béton et de mortier [produits chimiques]; agents de démoulage; agents de durcissement du béton; agents dispersants; agents dispersants pour ciment; agents durcisseurs pour ouvrages de maçonnerie; agents liants pour le béton; agents liants utilisés comme adjuvants pour ciment; agents surfactifs destinés au béton; agglutinants, adjuvants et liants pour argile; agglutinants pour béton; agglutinants pour ciment; agglutinants pour mortier; argile utilisée comme agent chimique; produits chimiques sous forme de poudre à utiliser comme liant chimique; catalyseurs chimiques; ciment colle; ciments adhésifs; clinkers de magnésite; composés chimiques pour la cure du béton; composés pour lier le béton; compositions chimiques destinées au traitement du béton; compositions chimiques destinées à la construction; compositions pour fixer le ciment; Kaolin; liants chimiques pour le béton; liants chimiques autres que pour le ménage ou la papeterie; mélanges de réactifs chimiques, autres qu'à usage médical ou vétérinaire; précurseurs chimiques pour la fabrication de matériaux de construction; préparations chimiques destinées à la fabrication de matériaux de construction; préparations pour procédés de durcissement; produits chimiques à usage industriel; produits chimiques destinés aux procédés de fabrication; produits chimiques pour la fabrication de liants; produits chimiques pour la cémentation à usage industriel; produits pour la conservation du ciment; retardateurs et accélérateurs de prise; retardateurs et accélérateurs de prise pour béton; stabilisateurs chimiques pour la fabrication de matériaux de construction; substances chimiques utilisées comme additifs pour l'asphalte; additifs pour béton; durcisseurs pour le béton; compositions chimiques pour renforcer le béton; compositions chimiques pour durcir le béton; produits chimiques pour l'aération du béton; produits chimiques destinés à la fabrication de béton; produits pour la conservation du béton à l'exception des peintures et des huiles; additifs pour le ciment; compositions chimiques pour renforcer le ciment; produits chimiques utilisés comme additifs pour le ciment; potasse; potasse caustique [hydroxyde de potassium]; soude caustique; sels de soude [produits chimiques]; additifs chimiques pour l'argile; chaux vive; silicates; Kaolin calciné à usage industriel; alumine; carbonates; oxyde de fer. Class 019 Class 019 Non-Metallic Building Material Products Abris non métalliques; liants pour la fabrication des matériaux de construction non métalliques; agrégats; argile; argile comme matériau de construction; armatures non métalliques pour la construction; asphalte; barrières de démarcation en matériaux non métalliques; bassins [piscines, constructions non métalliques]; béton; béton à couler; béton armé; béton polymère; béton prémélangé prêt à l'emploi; béton prêt à l'emploi; bitume; blocs de ciment; blocs de béton; blocs de construction non métalliques; bornes en béton ou en ciment; briques et briquettes [matériaux de construction], y compris les briques et les briquettes de terre; bustes en béton; cailloux; calcaire; calcite; cendre d'argile; châssis non métalliques en tant qu'éléments de construction; charpentes non métalliques; chape [ragréage]; chaux; cheminées non métalliques; chaux éteinte pour la construction; carreaux de béton et de ciment; ciment; cloisons non métalliques; ciment pour la construction; constructions non métalliques; coulis de ciment; conduites en béton; clôtures non métalliques; dalles de béton; dalles en ciment; éléments de construction préfabriqués non métalliques à assembler sur place; éléments de construction préformés en béton; éléments et matériaux pour la construction et le bâtiment en sable, pierre, roche, argile, minéraux et béton; enduits [matériaux de construction]; granulats destinés à la préparation du béton; gravier; glissières de sécurité non métalliques; liants pour l'entretien des routes; liants pour le briquetage; matériaux de construction en béton; matériaux et éléments de construction non métalliques; minéraux destinés à la construction; minéraux destinés au bâtiment; mortier; mortier pour la construction; mortiers prêts à l'emploi; murs en béton; panneaux de béton; poteaux en ciment ou en béton; liants pour la fabrication des briquettes et de briques; poteaux non métalliques; maisons préfabriquées non métalliques; pièces de construction préfabriquées non métalliques; objets d'art en pierre, en ciment, en béton ou en marbre; pierre, roche, argile et minéraux; pavés en béton; parapets en matériaux non métalliques; planchers de béton et de ciment; plaques de ciment; plaques en béton; poutres en béton; poutres non métalliques; produits de finition en béton texturé; quartz; revêtements en béton; revêtements muraux en ciment; revêtements extérieurs en fibrociment; sable; sables destinés à la préparation de bétons; silice pour la construction; terre cuite [matériau de construction]; unités de construction modulaires non métalliques. ... Class 020 Furniture Products Attaches non métalliques; bacs non métalliques de collecte; bancs [meubles]; barils non métalliques; blocs-cuisines [mobilier]; bouées d'amarrage; bureaux [meubles] et tables non métalliques; cadres non métalliques; chaînes non métalliques; cloisons pour pièces; comptoirs [meubles]; consoles [meubles]; contenants non métalliques et fermetures de contenants ni en métal, ni en papier; échelles non métalliques; marchepieds non métalliques; meubles, y compris les meubles d'extérieur; mobilier, y compris le mobilier d'extérieur; mobilier urbain non métallique en tant que tables, bancs, chaises, sièges, barrières, clôtures et mobilier urbain non métallique pour le sport et les jeux; coupe-feu à usage domestique; plans de travail [mobilier]; plateaux non métalliques; rayonnages [meubles]; récipients non métalliques autres qu'à usage domestique ou pour la cuisine; réservoirs d'eau non métalliques [conteneurs]; sièges non métalliques; tables; tabourets. Class 037 Construction and Repair Services Aménagement de locaux commerciaux, de bureaux, d'espaces publics et de lieux d'habitation [construction et installation]; bétonnage; broyage du béton; conseils en matière de génie civil [construction]; construction de structures par le coulage de béton; services de construction, notamment de logements et d'infrastructures; construction d'éléments de bâtiments; construction d'ouvrages ruraux; édification de bâtiments préfabriqués; installation de mobilier urbain; entretien, maintenance et réparation de bâtiments et de constructions; inspection de bâtiments dans le cadre de travaux de construction; installation de meubles; installation de mobilier urbain; informations en matière de construction; informations en matière de réparation, d'entretien et de maintenance de bâtiments et de structures; installation de systèmes de protection de l'environnement; menuiserie; supervision et direction de travaux de construction; services de restauration (remise en l'état) de locaux d'habitation et commerciaux, ainsi que d'infrastructures; surfaçage des chaussées de routes et de trottoirs; services de moulage du béton pour la construction; services de conseils et d'information concernant l'ensemble des services précités. Class 040 Treatment & Processing of Materials Services Affinage des rebuts de construction et d'excavation (traitement et transformation de matériaux); assemblage de composants au moyen d'adhésifs; assemblage de matériaux sur commande pour des tiers; broyage de la pierre et d'autres matériaux en vue de leur valorisation [recyclage]; consultation en matière d'élimination de la pollution; consultation technique en traitement des déchets, de recyclage et de valorisation de déchets; conversion de déchets, notamment de déchets de construction et de terres excavées, en matières premières pour l'industrie de la construction; élimination des déchets; fabrication d'éléments moulés sur commande; fabrication sur mesure d'éléments de construction préfabriqués; fabrication sur mesure de bâtiments préfabriqués; filtration et tri de matériaux en vue de leur valorisation [recyclage]; informations en matière de traitement de matériaux; location d'équipement pour le traitement et la transformation de matériaux et pour la fabrication sur mesure; purification de sols, de terres excavées et de minéraux en vue de leur valorisation [recyclage]; recyclage d'ordures; recyclage de déchets; recyclage de matériaux de construction; recyclage de minéraux; services de recyclage; services de traitement des sols et de terres excavés en vue de leur valorisation [recyclage]; traitement de matériaux; traitement de sols et de minéraux en vue de leur valorisation [recyclage]; traitement de déchets industriels et de construction; traitement de produits chimiques; traitement du béton; traitement [recyclage] de déchets; tri de déchets et de matières premières de récupération (transformation et recyclage); valorisation de matériaux contenus dans des déchets et des terres excavées; valorisation et traitement physiques et chimiques de solides en vue de leur réemploi; services de conseils et d'information concernant l'ensemble des services précités. Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Analyse de comportements de structures de bâtiments; audits en matière d'énergie et environnementale; analyse de matériaux pour la construction; analyse et évaluation de la conception de produits pour la construction; services d'architecture, y compris d'architecture intérieure, et établissements de plans pour la construction, y compris fournis en ligne; conception architecturale pour l'aménagement urbain; conception architecturale; conception de bâtiments, y compris de bâtiments préfabriqués ou modulaires; conception de brochures explicatives sur des constructions préfabriquées ou modulaires, notamment par modules en béton encastrables; conception de locaux commerciaux, de magasins, de bureaux et de surfaces commerciales (architecture, y compris architecture d'intérieur); conception technique; conception de produits pour le compte de tiers, notamment de bâtiments et de structures préfabriquées ou modulables; conception de produits d'ingénierie pour la construction; conception des extérieurs des bâtiments; conception et création de sites Internet et de pages Web proposant de modéliser des constructions et leurs composants; conception et développement de nouveaux produits pour la construction, pour le compte de tiers; conception et développement de logiciels, notamment pour la modélisation de constructions; essais de nouveaux produits pour la construction; conception et mise à jour de logiciels proposant de modéliser des constructions; conception graphique; conception graphique assistée par ordinateur; conseils en architecture; consultation dans le domaine de la création architecturale; consultation dans le domaine de l'établissement de plans pour la construction; contrôle de la qualité de matériaux de et de bâtiments terminés; consultation en matière environnementale et de préservation des ressources naturelles, ainsi que de recyclage et de développement durable; contrôle de sécurité de produits de construction; dessin technique; laboratoires de recherche, notamment en lien avec des technologies de construction visant à décarboner des matériaux de construction et à capter le carbone; développement de logiciels, notamment pour la modélisation de constructions; développement de techniques de fabrication dans le domaine immobilier; étude de projet technique concernant l'économie de la construction [coûts de la construction]; études environnementales; fourniture de logiciels non téléchargeables en ligne pour la modélisation de constructions; gestion de projets architecturaux; inspection de bâtiments [expertise]; logiciel-service [SaaS] pour modéliser des constructions; mise à disposition d'informations dans le domaine de la conception architecturale par l'intermédiaire d'un site web; plateforme informatique en tant que service [PaaS] permettant la modélisation de constructions; plates-formes pour la création graphique en tant que logiciels à la demande [SaaS]; préparation de dessins architecturaux, y compris assisté par ordinateur; préparation de manuels techniques dans le domaine de la construction; préparation de plans et rapports architecturaux; réalisation d'études de projets techniques pour des projets de construction; recherche et développement dans le domaine de la construction; recherche, développement et conception de nouvelles technologies, notamment dans les domaines du traitement des matériaux et de la construction, en ce compris en vue de les décarboner et de capter le carbone; recherches en architecture; services d'urbanisme; services d'ingénierie dans le domaine de la technologie de la construction; services de conception assistée par ordinateur dans le cadre de projets de construction; services de conseils dans le domaine de l'architecture et de l'élaboration de plans de construction; services de conseils et d'information concernant l'ensemble des services précités. | |
![]() | M MOWALOLA LTD 2186310 7 Oct 2021 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 5 Jun 2024 | Computer software, hardware and programs; mobile apps; computer softwa... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Computer software, hardware and programs; mobile apps; computer software, hardware, programs and mobile apps in relation to beauty and fashion; computer software, hardware and programs for document creation, production, conversion, recording, indexing, archiving, printing, displaying, viewing, publishing (including electronic publishing), transmission, encryption, management, typography and distribution; apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; recorded and downloadable media; e-books; e-books in relation to fashion; downloadable and electronic publications; printed publications in electronically readable form; downloadable electronic books, magazines, newsletters, newspapers, journals, and other publications; downloadable prerecorded audio and audiovisual content, information, and commentary; downloadable digital media and recordings containing sound, images, text, information, signals or software; downloadable electronic publications of books, audio books, magazines, and journals; electronic bulletin boards; podcasts; video podcasts; webcasts; podcasts, video podcasts and webcasts in relation to beauty and fashion; podcasts, video podcasts and webcasts for teaching, instruction, entertainment or educational purposes; electronic files; data recordings including audio, video, still and moving images and text; DVDs and other digital recording media; sound and video recordings; sound carriers; records, discs, tapes, cassettes, cartridges, cards and other carriers, all bearing or for use in bearing sound recordings, video recordings, data, images, graphics, text, programs or information; CD-ROMs, DVDs; media content; downloadable educational media; encoded gift cards; encoded loyalty cards; smart watches; spectacles; sunglasses. Class 014 Class 014 Jewelry Products Precious metals and their alloys; precious stones and semi precious stones; pearls; jewellery; jewellery made of precious and semi-precious stones; jewellery products, articles and items; personal jewellery; personalised jewellery; engraved and custom made jewellery; horological and chronometric instruments; jewellery boxes and watch boxes; gemstones; beads for making jewellery; lockets; medals; medallions; necklaces; rings [jewellery]; signet rings; bracelets; bangles; earrings; pendants; pins [jewellery]; brooches [jewellery]; amulets; lockets; body chains; anklets; chains [jewellery]; charms; trinkets; badges of precious metal; clasps for jewellery; cuff links; clocks; boxes of precious metal; key rings and key chains, and charms therefor; statues and figurines made of or coated with precious or semi-precious metals or stones or imitations thereof; ornaments made of or coated with precious or semi-precious metals or stones or imitations thereof; jewellery cases; jewellery rolls; watches; wrist watches; electric watches; pocket watches; watches made of precious metals or coated therewith; bands for watches; chains for watches; straps for watches; parts and fittings for watches; chronographs; cases for watches; presentation boxes for watches; bracelets and watches combined. ... Class 018 Leather Products not including clothing Leather and imitations of leather; leather pouches; leather straps; leather boxes; leather bags; bags; luggage and carrying bags; souvenir bags; shopping bags; weekend bags; cosmetic bags; wash bags for carrying toiletries; handbags; shoulder bags; carrying bags; cross-body bags; duffle bags; leather bags; travel bags; suitcases; work bags; bum bags; belt bags and hip bags; clutch bags; tote bags; sports bags; sports packs; all-purpose sport bags; gym bags; barrel bags; backpacks; rucksacks; camping bags; hiking bags; credit card cases; wallets; purses; pouches; umbrellas. Class 025 Clothing Products Clothing, footwear, headwear; uniforms; workwear; sportswear; gym clothing; thermal clothing; waterproof clothing; maternity wear; sweatbands; wristbands; headbands; leisure wear; beach wear; casualwear; tops; printed tops; short-sleeved, long- sleeved and sleeveless tops; t-shirts; sleeveless tshirts; printed t-shirts; short-sleeved and long-sleeved t-shirts; shirts; polo shirts; vests; tank tops; stringer vests; hoodies; sweatshirts; jerseys; dungarees; overalls; bodysuits; playsuits; jumpsuits; jeans; trousers; skirts; sweat pants; pants; joggers; track pants; shorts; tracksuits; leggings; tights; lingerie; hosiery; stockings; lounge wear; nightwear; pyjamas; robes; underwear and undergarments; slips; bras; knickers; camisoles; outwear; jackets; gilets; coats; parkas; ponchos; shawls; waistcoats; bodywarmers; suits; blazers; knitwear; cardigans; sweaters; pullovers; jumpers; dresses; socks; shoes; slippers; sandals; heels; boots; trainers; sneakers; clogs; running shoes; cleats for attachment to sports shoes; hats; caps; snapbacks; visors; sports headgear other than helmets; scarves; gloves; belts. Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Advertising, marketing and promotional services; business management; business administration; office functions; loyalty, incentive and bonus program services; publicity services; online and offline wholesale, retail, import and export services for the sale of non-medicated cosmetics and toiletry preparations, cosmetics, skincare cosmetics, body care cosmetics, cleansers, exfoliators, beauty masks, cosmetic tonics, lotions and creams, moisturising creams, sunscreen creams, hand creams, body creams, night creams, day creams, eye creams, eye washes - not for medical purposes, soaps and gels, bath and shower gels, bath preparations, bath soaps, baths salts, bath bombs, bubble baths, beauty serums, anti-ageing serums, perfumery, fragrances, incense, essential oils, hair oils, bath oils, body oils, face oils, massage oils, facial massage oils, body massage oils, essences, cleansing milk, body milk, moisturising milk, bath milk, beauty milk, makeup, makeup setting sprays, makeup foundations, concealer, lipsticks, lip gloss, lip liners, blushers, mascara, lash extensions, eye shadows, eye liner, bronzers, skin toners, highlighters (make-up), makeup primers, make-up powder, eye make-up, make-up removing preparations, makeup removers, nail cosmetics, nail care products [cosmetics], cosmetic nail preparations, nail polish, nail varnish, nail enamels, nail gels, nail glitters, nail decolorants, nail cream, lotions for strengthening the nails, nail strengtheners, nail hardeners, nail tips, nail whiteners, nail conditioners, false nails, artificial nails, nail care preparations, nail buffing preparations, nail polish pens, nail repair preparations, gel nail removers, nail polish remover pens, nail enamel removers, nail-polish removers, nail varnish removing preparations [cosmetics], nail primer, nail art stickers, nail polishing powder, nail polish top coat, nail polish base coat, adhesives for artificial nails, glue for strengthening nails, adhesives for fixing false nails, preparations for removing gel nails, glaze activator for strengthening nails, nail manicure products [preparations], nail revitalising lotions [cosmetics], nail treatment gels [cosmetics], hair products, haircare preparations, hair cleaning preparations, hair shampoos, hair conditioners, hair colourings, hair dyes, cleaner for cosmetic brushes, non-medicated dentifrices, bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use, cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, baby wipes, wipes incorporating cleaning preparations, moist wipes for sanitary and cosmetic purposes, facial wipes impregnated with cosmetics, bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use, cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, computer software, hardware and programs, mobile apps, computer software, hardware, programs and mobile apps in relation to beauty and fashion, computer software, hardware and programs for document creation, production, conversion, recording, indexing, archiving, printing, displaying, viewing, publishing (including electronic publishing), transmission, encryption, management, typography and distribution, apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data, recorded and downloadable media, e-books, e-books in relation to fashion, downloadable and electronic publications, printed publications in electronically readable form, downloadable electronic books, magazines, newsletters, newspapers, journals, and other publications, downloadable prerecorded audio and audiovisual content, information, and commentary, downloadable digital media and recordings containing sound, images, text, information, signals or software, downloadable electronic publications of books, audio books, magazines, and journals, electronic bulletin boards, podcasts, video podcasts, webcasts, podcasts, video podcasts and webcasts in relation to beauty and fashion, podcasts, video podcasts and webcasts for teaching, instruction, entertainment or educational purposes, electronic files, data recordings including audio, video, still and moving images and text, DVDs and other digital recording media, sound and video recordings, sound carriers, records, discs, tapes, cassettes, cartridges, cards and other carriers, all bearing or for use in bearing sound recordings, video recordings, data, images, graphics, text, programs or information, CD-ROMs, DVDs, media content, downloadable educational media, encoded gift cards, encoded loyalty cards, smart watches, spectacles, sunglasses, precious metals and their alloys, precious stones and semi precious stones, pearls, jewellery, jewellery made of precious and semi-precious stones, jewellery products, articles and items, personal jewellery, personalised jewellery, engraved and custom made jewellery, horological and chronometric instruments, jewellery boxes and watch boxes, gemstones, beads for making jewellery, lockets, medals, medallions, necklaces, rings [jewellery], signet rings, bracelets, bangles, earrings, pendants, pins [jewellery], brooches [jewellery], amulets, lockets, body chains, anklets, chains [jewellery], charms, trinkets, badges of precious metal, clasps for jewellery, cuff links, clocks, boxes of precious metal, key rings and key chains, and charms therefor, statues and figurines made of or coated with precious or semi-precious metals or stones or imitations thereof, ornaments made of or coated with precious or semi-precious metals or stones or imitations thereof, jewellery cases, jewellery rolls, watches, wrist watches, electric watches, pocket watches, watches made of precious metals or coated therewith, bands for watches, chains for watches, straps for watches, parts and fittings for watches, chronographs, cases for watches, presentation boxes for watches, bracelets and watches combined, leather and imitations of leather, leather pouches, leather straps, leather boxes, leather bags, bags, luggage and carrying bags, souvenir bags, shopping bags, weekend bags, cosmetic bags, wash bags for carrying toiletries, handbags, shoulder bags, carrying bags, cross-body bags, duffle bags, leather bags, travel bags, suitcases, work bags, bum bags, belt bags and hip bags, clutch bags, tote bags, sports bags, sports packs, all-purpose sport bags, gym bags, yoga mat bags, barrel bags, backpacks, rucksacks, camping bags, hiking bags, credit card cases, wallets, purses, pouches, umbrellas, clothing, footwear, headwear, uniforms, workwear, sportswear, gym clothing, thermal clothing, waterproof clothing, maternity wear, sweatbands, wristbands, headbands, leisure wear, beach wear, casualwear, tops, printed tops, short-sleeved, long- sleeved and sleeveless tops, t-shirts, sleeveless tshirts, printed t-shirts, short-sleeved and long-sleeved t-shirts, shirts, polo shirts, vests, tank tops, stringer vests, hoodies, sweatshirts, jerseys, dungarees, overalls, bodysuits, playsuits, jumpsuits, jeans, trousers, skirts, sweat pants, pants, joggers, track pants, shorts, tracksuits, leggings, tights, lingerie, hosiery, stockings, lounge wear, nightwear, pyjamas, robes, underwear and undergarments, slips, bras, knickers, camisoles, outwear, jackets, gilets, coats, parkas, ponchos, shawls, waistcoats, bodywarmers, suits, blazers, knitwear, cardigans, sweaters, pullovers, jumpers, dresses, socks, shoes, slippers, sandals, heels, boots, trainers, sneakers, clogs, running shoes, cleats for attachment to sports shoes, hats, caps, snapbacks, visors, sports headgear other than helmets, scarves, gloves, belts. Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Education services; providing of training; education and training in relation to beauty and fashion; organising, arranging and conducting educational and training courses, classes, seminars, events, workshops, tutorials, online courses and conferences in relation to beauty and fashion; entertainment services; organising, arranging and conducting fashion shows for entertainment purposes; organising and presenting displays of entertainment relating to style and fashion; sporting and cultural activities. Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Design services; design of clothing, footwear and headgear; design of fashion accessories; design of jewellery; fashion design consulting services; design and development of computer software and hardware; quality control and authentication services. | |
![]() | M MNTN INC. 2145173 5 Oct 2021 | REGISTERED on 10 May 2024 | Ad serving, namely, placing advertisements on websites for others usin... Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Ad serving, namely, placing advertisements on websites for others using specialized computer software; development of internet advertising concepts; internet advertising services; marketing services, namely, conducting consumer tracking behavior research and consumer trend analysis; preparation of custom advertisements for others; preparing and placing advertisements for others. | |
![]() | m Mirum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2149700 5 Oct 2021 | OPPOSED on 10 Jun 2024 | Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of rare liver diseases a... Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of rare liver diseases and disorders; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of organs directly relating to liver diseases, namely, gastroenterological, intestine, bowel, stomach and digestive disorders, kidney diseases and disorders, and gastro-intestinal diseases. | |
![]() | m MEDNIKOV ANTON ANDREEVICH 2149676 30 Sept 2021 | REGISTERED on 6 Dec 2024 | Aromatic essential oils; air fragrancing preparations; scented water; ... Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Aromatic essential oils; air fragrancing preparations; scented water; essential oils of lemon; essential oils of citron; aromatic potpourris; aromatics for perfumes; fumigating incenses for fragrancing rooms, ethereal essences for the manufacture of perfumes Class 004 Class 004 Lubricant and Fuel Products Nightlight candles and scented candles | |
![]() | M JOINT-STOCK COMPANY «MOY SPORT» 2156075 29 Sept 2021 | REGISTERED on 9 Sept 2024 | Alcohol breath testing units; GPS receivers; GPS transmitters; gps tra... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Alcohol breath testing units; GPS receivers; GPS transmitters; gps tracking device to be worn on the wrist of an athlete during endurance events; biochip sensors; smart bracelets; electronic key fobs being remote control apparatus; bathroom scales; electronic weighing scales for personal use; scales with body mass analysers; medical scales; hands-free kits for telephones; joysticks for use with computers, other than for video games; electronic interactive whiteboards; electronic notice boards; dressmakers' measures; measuring tapes; pressure gauges; temperature indicators; interfaces for computers, namely, electroencephalography (EEG) helmets allowing users to interface with computer hardware via brain activity; interface boards for computers; interface cards for computers; encoded key cards; electronic book readers; computers; laptop computers; tablet computers; notebook computers; security tokens [encryption devices]; coin-operated mechanisms for television sets; computer hardware; backlit signs; electronic LED signs; illuminated signs; electronic distance meters; laser distance meters; distance sensors; laser speed detectors; speed guns for recording velocity of ball pitches; speed meters; augmented reality software for sports teaching; virtual reality software for sports teaching; downloadable and recorded computer software in the form of a mobile application for accessing and viewing data, namely, for obtaining advice and assistance relating to sports and physical activities; sports training apparatus featuring electronic sensors and software to analyze sports performance and electronically display results; augmented reality software for sports training; virtual reality software for sports training; computer game software, recorded; computer game software, downloadable; computer screen saver software, recorded or downloadable; downloadable digital content in the form of electronic publications of booklets, books, brochures, handbooks, magazines, newsletters, and pamphlets; blank integrated circuit cards; smartglasses; smartphones; smartwatches; bar code readers; flash card readers; optical disc readers; downloadable image files; downloadable music files; animated cartoons; usb flash drives. Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Providing an online commercial information directory on the Internet; advertising agency services; cost price analysis; business auditing; computerized file management; book-keeping; demonstration of goods, namely, demonstration of sports equipment; stenographic transcription; transcription of messages; opinion polling; market studies; business research investigations; business research services; marketing research; marketing consulting services; marketing research; marketing strategies for others; business management of sports people; updating and maintenance of information in registries in the field of competitive sports; updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; creating and updating advertising material for others; word processing; updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; commercial intermediation services for commercial transactions for third parties in the field of sports equipment; providing business information in the field of competitive sports; providing business information via a website in the field of competitive sports; providing commercial information and advice for consumers in the choice of products and services in the field of competitive sports; provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; web indexing for commercial or advertising purposes; providing and rental of advertising space on the internet; dissemination of advertising material for others; preparation and realization of media advertising for others being direct mail; online advertising for others via a computer communications network; compilation of statistics; management and compilation of computerized databases; systemization of information into computer databases; compilation, production and dissemination of advertising matter for others; administration of consumer loyalty programs; administration of frequent flyer programs; administrative processing of purchase orders; public relations; search engine optimization for sales promotion; price comparison services; business efficiency expert services. ... Class 038 Communications Services Broadcasting of electronic game play and electronic game competitions over global communications networks, the internet and wireless networks; electronic bulletin board services [telecommunications services]; providing user access to global computer networks; providing access to databases; providing internet chatrooms; providing telecommunications connections to the Internet in a café environment; providing telecommunication channels for shopping via television services; video-on-demand transmission; transmission of greeting cards online; cellular text messaging services; automated telephone voice message services; recording, storage and subsequent transmission of voice and text messages by telephone; transmission of messages by telephone; transmission of digital files; providing access to an interactive online forum for communication on topics of general interest and sports; videoconferencing services; transmission of electronic mail; teleconferencing services; streaming of audio and video recordings of live events; streaming of audio and video content via the internet, other computer networks, wireless networks and electronic communication networks. Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Educational services provided by sports schools; education and training for personnel, team and organizational development in the field of sports competition organization; rental of sports grounds; rental of tennis courts; booking of seats for shows; videotaping; physical education; microfilming; videotape editing; operation of a correspondence school; providing correspondence courses featuring training for personnel, team and organizational development in the field of sports competition; computer-based simulation instruction for people to foster skill improvement by teaching sports skills; operation of recreational sports facilities; arranging and conducting conferences, workshops and seminars in the field of competitive sports; organization of sports competitions; sign language interpretation; vocational guidance services; electronic publication of on-line videos, not downloadable, in the field of competitive sports via the internet; providing online music, not downloadable; providing films, not downloadable, via video-on-demand services; preparing, administering and analyzing qualifying examinations in the field of competitive sports; online publication of electronic books and journals; publication of educational texts; entertainment ticket agency services; sport camp services; photography; photographic reporting; timing of sports events. Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Computer system analysis; recovery of computer data; installation of computer software; research and development of new products for others; scientific research for medical purposes in the field of kinesiology; computer software consultancy; data security consultancy; updating of computer software; monitoring of computer systems by remote access; software as a service [SaaS] featuring software for obtaining advice and assistance relating to sports and physical activities; maintenance of computer software; digitization of documents [scanning]; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; urban planning; rental of computer software; computer software design; creating and designing website-based indexes of information for others [information technology services]; computer programming; technical writing; copying of computer programs; cloud computing provider services for general storage of data; off-site data backup; electronic data storage for archiving business records and personal records. | |
![]() | M TIANYU WANG 2133068 14 Sept 2021 | REGISTERED on 13 Sept 2023 | Bed blankets; bed sheets; bedsheets; blanket throws; curtain holders o... Class 024 Class 024 Fabrics Bed blankets; bed sheets; bedsheets; blanket throws; curtain holders of textile material; curtain loops of textile material; curtains made of textile fabrics; curtains of textile; cushion covers; decorative wall hangings of textile; furniture coverings of textile; lap blankets; pillow cases; pillow covers; shower curtains; silk blankets; table cloth of textile; table covers; textile place mats; toilet seat covers of textile | |
![]() | M MAXCYTE INC. 2165237 16 Jul 2021 | REGISTERED on 1 Nov 2024 | Cells for medical or clinical use, for use in the treatment of disease... Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Cells for medical or clinical use, for use in the treatment of disease; gene therapy products, namely, genetically engineered tissues for transplant purposes, namely, transplantation into human tissues. Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Scientific apparatus and instruments, namely, electroporation apparatus and transfection devices for cell modification; scientific apparatus for cell modification, namely, electroporation apparatus and transfection devices; scientific apparatus and instruments for scientific research and development, namely, electroporation apparatus and transfection devices for transfection of cells for medical and clinical use; cell culture apparatus, namely, electroporation apparatus and transfection devices, for laboratory use; blood cell analysing apparatus, namely, electroporation apparatus and transfection devices, other than for medical use; electronic blood oxygen saturation recorders, other than for medical use; electric instruments, namely, electroporation apparatus and transfection devices, for use in the diagnosis of blood, laboratory apparatus; scientific apparatus, namely, electroporation apparatus and transfection devices, for use in testing blood and blood cells, other than for medical use. ... Class 010 Medical Instrument Products Medical devices, namely, electroporation apparatus and transfection devices used in connection with cell therapy. Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Training in the use and operation of scientific apparatus, namely, electroporation apparatus and transfection devices, for cell modification and scientific apparatus and instruments for scientific research and development, namely, electroporation apparatus and transfection devices, and consultation relating thereto for transfection of cells for medical and clinical use. Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Technical support services, namely, troubleshooting in the nature of the maintenance and repair of computer software for scientific research and development in the field of cell modification, namely, electroporation and transfection devices; consulting services in the fields of selection, implementation and use of computer hardware and software systems and scientific apparatus for scientific research and development in the field of cell modification, namely, electroporation and transfection devices; scientific research services in the field of cell modification; biological, scientific, and medical research and consultation services in the field of cell modification namely, electroporation apparatus and transfection devices for transfection of cells for medical and clinical use; product research and development in the fields of biology and medical sciences. |
on 15 Jun 2023
2170041 · 26 Nov 2021
Class 036
Insurance & Financial Services
Placement de fonds; services d'investissement de fonds; services d'investissement et de gestion de portefeuilles; constitution ou investissement de capitaux; gestion de fonds d'investissement de capitaux; montage d'investissements financiers; gestion d'actifs; financement de projets d'infrastructure et de projets d'énergie.
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Gestion, planification et supervision de projets d'infrastructures et de projets d'énergie; services de conception et services de développement de projets d'infrastructure et de projets d'énergie; établissement du calendrier de projets; mise à disposition d'informations concernant des études de projets techniques et des recherches relatives à l'utilisation d'énergies naturelles; services de conseils et d'informations en matière d'infrastructures; services d'assistance en infrastructures; planification, développement et gestion de l'utilisation optimale des ressources d'énergie; conseils et expertises techniques dans le domaine des énergies.
Placement de fonds; services d'investissement de fonds; services d'inv...
on 30 Sept 2024
2149839 · 25 Oct 2021
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Battery chargers for laptop computers; battery chargers for mobile phones; battery chargers for tablet computers; battery chargers for use with telephones; cell phone auxiliary cables; cell phone battery chargers for use in vehicles; chargers for batteries in personal electronic devices, namely, laptop computers, for mobile phones, for tablet computers and for use with telephones; USB cables for cellphones; wireless battery chargers for personal electronic devices, namely, laptop computers, for mobile phones, for tablet computers and for use with telephones.
Battery chargers for laptop computers; battery chargers for mobile pho...
on 5 Jun 2024
2184867 · 8 Oct 2021
Class 001
Chemical Products
Accélérateurs chimiques; accélérateurs de consolidation; accélérateurs de prise de ciment; accélérateurs de prise pour béton; additifs chimiques destinés à l'industrie; additifs chimiques destinés à l'imperméabilisation du béton; additifs chimiques destinés au béton; adhésifs, autres que pour la papeterie ou le ménage; adhésifs de structure destinés à la construction; adhésifs destinés à l'industrie du bâtiment; adhésifs pour mortier et béton; adjuvants chimiques destinés à l'industrie; adjuvants du béton; agents de contrôle de la prise de béton et de mortier [produits chimiques]; agents de démoulage; agents de durcissement du béton; agents dispersants; agents dispersants pour ciment; agents durcisseurs pour ouvrages de maçonnerie; agents liants pour le béton; agents liants utilisés comme adjuvants pour ciment; agents surfactifs destinés au béton; agglutinants, adjuvants et liants pour argile; agglutinants pour béton; agglutinants pour ciment; agglutinants pour mortier; argile utilisée comme agent chimique; produits chimiques sous forme de poudre à utiliser comme liant chimique; catalyseurs chimiques; ciment colle; ciments adhésifs; clinkers de magnésite; composés chimiques pour la cure du béton; composés pour lier le béton; compositions chimiques destinées au traitement du béton; compositions chimiques destinées à la construction; compositions pour fixer le ciment; Kaolin; liants chimiques pour le béton; liants chimiques autres que pour le ménage ou la papeterie; mélanges de réactifs chimiques, autres qu'à usage médical ou vétérinaire; précurseurs chimiques pour la fabrication de matériaux de construction; préparations chimiques destinées à la fabrication de matériaux de construction; préparations pour procédés de durcissement; produits chimiques à usage industriel; produits chimiques destinés aux procédés de fabrication; produits chimiques pour la fabrication de liants; produits chimiques pour la cémentation à usage industriel; produits pour la conservation du ciment; retardateurs et accélérateurs de prise; retardateurs et accélérateurs de prise pour béton; stabilisateurs chimiques pour la fabrication de matériaux de construction; substances chimiques utilisées comme additifs pour l'asphalte; additifs pour béton; durcisseurs pour le béton; compositions chimiques pour renforcer le béton; compositions chimiques pour durcir le béton; produits chimiques pour l'aération du béton; produits chimiques destinés à la fabrication de béton; produits pour la conservation du béton à l'exception des peintures et des huiles; additifs pour le ciment; compositions chimiques pour renforcer le ciment; produits chimiques utilisés comme additifs pour le ciment; potasse; potasse caustique [hydroxyde de potassium]; soude caustique; sels de soude [produits chimiques]; additifs chimiques pour l'argile; chaux vive; silicates; Kaolin calciné à usage industriel; alumine; carbonates; oxyde de fer.
Class 019
Non-Metallic Building Material Products
Abris non métalliques; liants pour la fabrication des matériaux de construction non métalliques; agrégats; argile; argile comme matériau de construction; armatures non métalliques pour la construction; asphalte; barrières de démarcation en matériaux non métalliques; bassins [piscines, constructions non métalliques]; béton; béton à couler; béton armé; béton polymère; béton prémélangé prêt à l'emploi; béton prêt à l'emploi; bitume; blocs de ciment; blocs de béton; blocs de construction non métalliques; bornes en béton ou en ciment; briques et briquettes [matériaux de construction], y compris les briques et les briquettes de terre; bustes en béton; cailloux; calcaire; calcite; cendre d'argile; châssis non métalliques en tant qu'éléments de construction; charpentes non métalliques; chape [ragréage]; chaux; cheminées non métalliques; chaux éteinte pour la construction; carreaux de béton et de ciment; ciment; cloisons non métalliques; ciment pour la construction; constructions non métalliques; coulis de ciment; conduites en béton; clôtures non métalliques; dalles de béton; dalles en ciment; éléments de construction préfabriqués non métalliques à assembler sur place; éléments de construction préformés en béton; éléments et matériaux pour la construction et le bâtiment en sable, pierre, roche, argile, minéraux et béton; enduits [matériaux de construction]; granulats destinés à la préparation du béton; gravier; glissières de sécurité non métalliques; liants pour l'entretien des routes; liants pour le briquetage; matériaux de construction en béton; matériaux et éléments de construction non métalliques; minéraux destinés à la construction; minéraux destinés au bâtiment; mortier; mortier pour la construction; mortiers prêts à l'emploi; murs en béton; panneaux de béton; poteaux en ciment ou en béton; liants pour la fabrication des briquettes et de briques; poteaux non métalliques; maisons préfabriquées non métalliques; pièces de construction préfabriquées non métalliques; objets d'art en pierre, en ciment, en béton ou en marbre; pierre, roche, argile et minéraux; pavés en béton; parapets en matériaux non métalliques; planchers de béton et de ciment; plaques de ciment; plaques en béton; poutres en béton; poutres non métalliques; produits de finition en béton texturé; quartz; revêtements en béton; revêtements muraux en ciment; revêtements extérieurs en fibrociment; sable; sables destinés à la préparation de bétons; silice pour la construction; terre cuite [matériau de construction]; unités de construction modulaires non métalliques.
Class 020
Furniture Products
Attaches non métalliques; bacs non métalliques de collecte; bancs [meubles]; barils non métalliques; blocs-cuisines [mobilier]; bouées d'amarrage; bureaux [meubles] et tables non métalliques; cadres non métalliques; chaînes non métalliques; cloisons pour pièces; comptoirs [meubles]; consoles [meubles]; contenants non métalliques et fermetures de contenants ni en métal, ni en papier; échelles non métalliques; marchepieds non métalliques; meubles, y compris les meubles d'extérieur; mobilier, y compris le mobilier d'extérieur; mobilier urbain non métallique en tant que tables, bancs, chaises, sièges, barrières, clôtures et mobilier urbain non métallique pour le sport et les jeux; coupe-feu à usage domestique; plans de travail [mobilier]; plateaux non métalliques; rayonnages [meubles]; récipients non métalliques autres qu'à usage domestique ou pour la cuisine; réservoirs d'eau non métalliques [conteneurs]; sièges non métalliques; tables; tabourets.
Class 037
Construction and Repair Services
Aménagement de locaux commerciaux, de bureaux, d'espaces publics et de lieux d'habitation [construction et installation]; bétonnage; broyage du béton; conseils en matière de génie civil [construction]; construction de structures par le coulage de béton; services de construction, notamment de logements et d'infrastructures; construction d'éléments de bâtiments; construction d'ouvrages ruraux; édification de bâtiments préfabriqués; installation de mobilier urbain; entretien, maintenance et réparation de bâtiments et de constructions; inspection de bâtiments dans le cadre de travaux de construction; installation de meubles; installation de mobilier urbain; informations en matière de construction; informations en matière de réparation, d'entretien et de maintenance de bâtiments et de structures; installation de systèmes de protection de l'environnement; menuiserie; supervision et direction de travaux de construction; services de restauration (remise en l'état) de locaux d'habitation et commerciaux, ainsi que d'infrastructures; surfaçage des chaussées de routes et de trottoirs; services de moulage du béton pour la construction; services de conseils et d'information concernant l'ensemble des services précités.
Class 040
Treatment & Processing of Materials Services
Affinage des rebuts de construction et d'excavation (traitement et transformation de matériaux); assemblage de composants au moyen d'adhésifs; assemblage de matériaux sur commande pour des tiers; broyage de la pierre et d'autres matériaux en vue de leur valorisation [recyclage]; consultation en matière d'élimination de la pollution; consultation technique en traitement des déchets, de recyclage et de valorisation de déchets; conversion de déchets, notamment de déchets de construction et de terres excavées, en matières premières pour l'industrie de la construction; élimination des déchets; fabrication d'éléments moulés sur commande; fabrication sur mesure d'éléments de construction préfabriqués; fabrication sur mesure de bâtiments préfabriqués; filtration et tri de matériaux en vue de leur valorisation [recyclage]; informations en matière de traitement de matériaux; location d'équipement pour le traitement et la transformation de matériaux et pour la fabrication sur mesure; purification de sols, de terres excavées et de minéraux en vue de leur valorisation [recyclage]; recyclage d'ordures; recyclage de déchets; recyclage de matériaux de construction; recyclage de minéraux; services de recyclage; services de traitement des sols et de terres excavés en vue de leur valorisation [recyclage]; traitement de matériaux; traitement de sols et de minéraux en vue de leur valorisation [recyclage]; traitement de déchets industriels et de construction; traitement de produits chimiques; traitement du béton; traitement [recyclage] de déchets; tri de déchets et de matières premières de récupération (transformation et recyclage); valorisation de matériaux contenus dans des déchets et des terres excavées; valorisation et traitement physiques et chimiques de solides en vue de leur réemploi; services de conseils et d'information concernant l'ensemble des services précités.
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Analyse de comportements de structures de bâtiments; audits en matière d'énergie et environnementale; analyse de matériaux pour la construction; analyse et évaluation de la conception de produits pour la construction; services d'architecture, y compris d'architecture intérieure, et établissements de plans pour la construction, y compris fournis en ligne; conception architecturale pour l'aménagement urbain; conception architecturale; conception de bâtiments, y compris de bâtiments préfabriqués ou modulaires; conception de brochures explicatives sur des constructions préfabriquées ou modulaires, notamment par modules en béton encastrables; conception de locaux commerciaux, de magasins, de bureaux et de surfaces commerciales (architecture, y compris architecture d'intérieur); conception technique; conception de produits pour le compte de tiers, notamment de bâtiments et de structures préfabriquées ou modulables; conception de produits d'ingénierie pour la construction; conception des extérieurs des bâtiments; conception et création de sites Internet et de pages Web proposant de modéliser des constructions et leurs composants; conception et développement de nouveaux produits pour la construction, pour le compte de tiers; conception et développement de logiciels, notamment pour la modélisation de constructions; essais de nouveaux produits pour la construction; conception et mise à jour de logiciels proposant de modéliser des constructions; conception graphique; conception graphique assistée par ordinateur; conseils en architecture; consultation dans le domaine de la création architecturale; consultation dans le domaine de l'établissement de plans pour la construction; contrôle de la qualité de matériaux de et de bâtiments terminés; consultation en matière environnementale et de préservation des ressources naturelles, ainsi que de recyclage et de développement durable; contrôle de sécurité de produits de construction; dessin technique; laboratoires de recherche, notamment en lien avec des technologies de construction visant à décarboner des matériaux de construction et à capter le carbone; développement de logiciels, notamment pour la modélisation de constructions; développement de techniques de fabrication dans le domaine immobilier; étude de projet technique concernant l'économie de la construction [coûts de la construction]; études environnementales; fourniture de logiciels non téléchargeables en ligne pour la modélisation de constructions; gestion de projets architecturaux; inspection de bâtiments [expertise]; logiciel-service [SaaS] pour modéliser des constructions; mise à disposition d'informations dans le domaine de la conception architecturale par l'intermédiaire d'un site web; plateforme informatique en tant que service [PaaS] permettant la modélisation de constructions; plates-formes pour la création graphique en tant que logiciels à la demande [SaaS]; préparation de dessins architecturaux, y compris assisté par ordinateur; préparation de manuels techniques dans le domaine de la construction; préparation de plans et rapports architecturaux; réalisation d'études de projets techniques pour des projets de construction; recherche et développement dans le domaine de la construction; recherche, développement et conception de nouvelles technologies, notamment dans les domaines du traitement des matériaux et de la construction, en ce compris en vue de les décarboner et de capter le carbone; recherches en architecture; services d'urbanisme; services d'ingénierie dans le domaine de la technologie de la construction; services de conception assistée par ordinateur dans le cadre de projets de construction; services de conseils dans le domaine de l'architecture et de l'élaboration de plans de construction; services de conseils et d'information concernant l'ensemble des services précités.
Accélérateurs chimiques; accélérateurs de consolidation; accélérateurs...
on 5 Jun 2024
2186310 · 7 Oct 2021
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Computer software, hardware and programs; mobile apps; computer software, hardware, programs and mobile apps in relation to beauty and fashion; computer software, hardware and programs for document creation, production, conversion, recording, indexing, archiving, printing, displaying, viewing, publishing (including electronic publishing), transmission, encryption, management, typography and distribution; apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; recorded and downloadable media; e-books; e-books in relation to fashion; downloadable and electronic publications; printed publications in electronically readable form; downloadable electronic books, magazines, newsletters, newspapers, journals, and other publications; downloadable prerecorded audio and audiovisual content, information, and commentary; downloadable digital media and recordings containing sound, images, text, information, signals or software; downloadable electronic publications of books, audio books, magazines, and journals; electronic bulletin boards; podcasts; video podcasts; webcasts; podcasts, video podcasts and webcasts in relation to beauty and fashion; podcasts, video podcasts and webcasts for teaching, instruction, entertainment or educational purposes; electronic files; data recordings including audio, video, still and moving images and text; DVDs and other digital recording media; sound and video recordings; sound carriers; records, discs, tapes, cassettes, cartridges, cards and other carriers, all bearing or for use in bearing sound recordings, video recordings, data, images, graphics, text, programs or information; CD-ROMs, DVDs; media content; downloadable educational media; encoded gift cards; encoded loyalty cards; smart watches; spectacles; sunglasses.
Class 014
Jewelry Products
Precious metals and their alloys; precious stones and semi precious stones; pearls; jewellery; jewellery made of precious and semi-precious stones; jewellery products, articles and items; personal jewellery; personalised jewellery; engraved and custom made jewellery; horological and chronometric instruments; jewellery boxes and watch boxes; gemstones; beads for making jewellery; lockets; medals; medallions; necklaces; rings [jewellery]; signet rings; bracelets; bangles; earrings; pendants; pins [jewellery]; brooches [jewellery]; amulets; lockets; body chains; anklets; chains [jewellery]; charms; trinkets; badges of precious metal; clasps for jewellery; cuff links; clocks; boxes of precious metal; key rings and key chains, and charms therefor; statues and figurines made of or coated with precious or semi-precious metals or stones or imitations thereof; ornaments made of or coated with precious or semi-precious metals or stones or imitations thereof; jewellery cases; jewellery rolls; watches; wrist watches; electric watches; pocket watches; watches made of precious metals or coated therewith; bands for watches; chains for watches; straps for watches; parts and fittings for watches; chronographs; cases for watches; presentation boxes for watches; bracelets and watches combined.
Class 018
Leather Products not including clothing
Leather and imitations of leather; leather pouches; leather straps; leather boxes; leather bags; bags; luggage and carrying bags; souvenir bags; shopping bags; weekend bags; cosmetic bags; wash bags for carrying toiletries; handbags; shoulder bags; carrying bags; cross-body bags; duffle bags; leather bags; travel bags; suitcases; work bags; bum bags; belt bags and hip bags; clutch bags; tote bags; sports bags; sports packs; all-purpose sport bags; gym bags; barrel bags; backpacks; rucksacks; camping bags; hiking bags; credit card cases; wallets; purses; pouches; umbrellas.
Class 025
Clothing Products
Clothing, footwear, headwear; uniforms; workwear; sportswear; gym clothing; thermal clothing; waterproof clothing; maternity wear; sweatbands; wristbands; headbands; leisure wear; beach wear; casualwear; tops; printed tops; short-sleeved, long- sleeved and sleeveless tops; t-shirts; sleeveless tshirts; printed t-shirts; short-sleeved and long-sleeved t-shirts; shirts; polo shirts; vests; tank tops; stringer vests; hoodies; sweatshirts; jerseys; dungarees; overalls; bodysuits; playsuits; jumpsuits; jeans; trousers; skirts; sweat pants; pants; joggers; track pants; shorts; tracksuits; leggings; tights; lingerie; hosiery; stockings; lounge wear; nightwear; pyjamas; robes; underwear and undergarments; slips; bras; knickers; camisoles; outwear; jackets; gilets; coats; parkas; ponchos; shawls; waistcoats; bodywarmers; suits; blazers; knitwear; cardigans; sweaters; pullovers; jumpers; dresses; socks; shoes; slippers; sandals; heels; boots; trainers; sneakers; clogs; running shoes; cleats for attachment to sports shoes; hats; caps; snapbacks; visors; sports headgear other than helmets; scarves; gloves; belts.
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Advertising, marketing and promotional services; business management; business administration; office functions; loyalty, incentive and bonus program services; publicity services; online and offline wholesale, retail, import and export services for the sale of non-medicated cosmetics and toiletry preparations, cosmetics, skincare cosmetics, body care cosmetics, cleansers, exfoliators, beauty masks, cosmetic tonics, lotions and creams, moisturising creams, sunscreen creams, hand creams, body creams, night creams, day creams, eye creams, eye washes - not for medical purposes, soaps and gels, bath and shower gels, bath preparations, bath soaps, baths salts, bath bombs, bubble baths, beauty serums, anti-ageing serums, perfumery, fragrances, incense, essential oils, hair oils, bath oils, body oils, face oils, massage oils, facial massage oils, body massage oils, essences, cleansing milk, body milk, moisturising milk, bath milk, beauty milk, makeup, makeup setting sprays, makeup foundations, concealer, lipsticks, lip gloss, lip liners, blushers, mascara, lash extensions, eye shadows, eye liner, bronzers, skin toners, highlighters (make-up), makeup primers, make-up powder, eye make-up, make-up removing preparations, makeup removers, nail cosmetics, nail care products [cosmetics], cosmetic nail preparations, nail polish, nail varnish, nail enamels, nail gels, nail glitters, nail decolorants, nail cream, lotions for strengthening the nails, nail strengtheners, nail hardeners, nail tips, nail whiteners, nail conditioners, false nails, artificial nails, nail care preparations, nail buffing preparations, nail polish pens, nail repair preparations, gel nail removers, nail polish remover pens, nail enamel removers, nail-polish removers, nail varnish removing preparations [cosmetics], nail primer, nail art stickers, nail polishing powder, nail polish top coat, nail polish base coat, adhesives for artificial nails, glue for strengthening nails, adhesives for fixing false nails, preparations for removing gel nails, glaze activator for strengthening nails, nail manicure products [preparations], nail revitalising lotions [cosmetics], nail treatment gels [cosmetics], hair products, haircare preparations, hair cleaning preparations, hair shampoos, hair conditioners, hair colourings, hair dyes, cleaner for cosmetic brushes, non-medicated dentifrices, bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use, cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, baby wipes, wipes incorporating cleaning preparations, moist wipes for sanitary and cosmetic purposes, facial wipes impregnated with cosmetics, bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use, cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, computer software, hardware and programs, mobile apps, computer software, hardware, programs and mobile apps in relation to beauty and fashion, computer software, hardware and programs for document creation, production, conversion, recording, indexing, archiving, printing, displaying, viewing, publishing (including electronic publishing), transmission, encryption, management, typography and distribution, apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data, recorded and downloadable media, e-books, e-books in relation to fashion, downloadable and electronic publications, printed publications in electronically readable form, downloadable electronic books, magazines, newsletters, newspapers, journals, and other publications, downloadable prerecorded audio and audiovisual content, information, and commentary, downloadable digital media and recordings containing sound, images, text, information, signals or software, downloadable electronic publications of books, audio books, magazines, and journals, electronic bulletin boards, podcasts, video podcasts, webcasts, podcasts, video podcasts and webcasts in relation to beauty and fashion, podcasts, video podcasts and webcasts for teaching, instruction, entertainment or educational purposes, electronic files, data recordings including audio, video, still and moving images and text, DVDs and other digital recording media, sound and video recordings, sound carriers, records, discs, tapes, cassettes, cartridges, cards and other carriers, all bearing or for use in bearing sound recordings, video recordings, data, images, graphics, text, programs or information, CD-ROMs, DVDs, media content, downloadable educational media, encoded gift cards, encoded loyalty cards, smart watches, spectacles, sunglasses, precious metals and their alloys, precious stones and semi precious stones, pearls, jewellery, jewellery made of precious and semi-precious stones, jewellery products, articles and items, personal jewellery, personalised jewellery, engraved and custom made jewellery, horological and chronometric instruments, jewellery boxes and watch boxes, gemstones, beads for making jewellery, lockets, medals, medallions, necklaces, rings [jewellery], signet rings, bracelets, bangles, earrings, pendants, pins [jewellery], brooches [jewellery], amulets, lockets, body chains, anklets, chains [jewellery], charms, trinkets, badges of precious metal, clasps for jewellery, cuff links, clocks, boxes of precious metal, key rings and key chains, and charms therefor, statues and figurines made of or coated with precious or semi-precious metals or stones or imitations thereof, ornaments made of or coated with precious or semi-precious metals or stones or imitations thereof, jewellery cases, jewellery rolls, watches, wrist watches, electric watches, pocket watches, watches made of precious metals or coated therewith, bands for watches, chains for watches, straps for watches, parts and fittings for watches, chronographs, cases for watches, presentation boxes for watches, bracelets and watches combined, leather and imitations of leather, leather pouches, leather straps, leather boxes, leather bags, bags, luggage and carrying bags, souvenir bags, shopping bags, weekend bags, cosmetic bags, wash bags for carrying toiletries, handbags, shoulder bags, carrying bags, cross-body bags, duffle bags, leather bags, travel bags, suitcases, work bags, bum bags, belt bags and hip bags, clutch bags, tote bags, sports bags, sports packs, all-purpose sport bags, gym bags, yoga mat bags, barrel bags, backpacks, rucksacks, camping bags, hiking bags, credit card cases, wallets, purses, pouches, umbrellas, clothing, footwear, headwear, uniforms, workwear, sportswear, gym clothing, thermal clothing, waterproof clothing, maternity wear, sweatbands, wristbands, headbands, leisure wear, beach wear, casualwear, tops, printed tops, short-sleeved, long- sleeved and sleeveless tops, t-shirts, sleeveless tshirts, printed t-shirts, short-sleeved and long-sleeved t-shirts, shirts, polo shirts, vests, tank tops, stringer vests, hoodies, sweatshirts, jerseys, dungarees, overalls, bodysuits, playsuits, jumpsuits, jeans, trousers, skirts, sweat pants, pants, joggers, track pants, shorts, tracksuits, leggings, tights, lingerie, hosiery, stockings, lounge wear, nightwear, pyjamas, robes, underwear and undergarments, slips, bras, knickers, camisoles, outwear, jackets, gilets, coats, parkas, ponchos, shawls, waistcoats, bodywarmers, suits, blazers, knitwear, cardigans, sweaters, pullovers, jumpers, dresses, socks, shoes, slippers, sandals, heels, boots, trainers, sneakers, clogs, running shoes, cleats for attachment to sports shoes, hats, caps, snapbacks, visors, sports headgear other than helmets, scarves, gloves, belts.
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Education services; providing of training; education and training in relation to beauty and fashion; organising, arranging and conducting educational and training courses, classes, seminars, events, workshops, tutorials, online courses and conferences in relation to beauty and fashion; entertainment services; organising, arranging and conducting fashion shows for entertainment purposes; organising and presenting displays of entertainment relating to style and fashion; sporting and cultural activities.
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Design services; design of clothing, footwear and headgear; design of fashion accessories; design of jewellery; fashion design consulting services; design and development of computer software and hardware; quality control and authentication services.
Computer software, hardware and programs; mobile apps; computer softwa...
on 10 May 2024
2145173 · 5 Oct 2021
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Ad serving, namely, placing advertisements on websites for others using specialized computer software; development of internet advertising concepts; internet advertising services; marketing services, namely, conducting consumer tracking behavior research and consumer trend analysis; preparation of custom advertisements for others; preparing and placing advertisements for others.
Ad serving, namely, placing advertisements on websites for others usin...
on 10 Jun 2024
Mirum Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
2149700 · 5 Oct 2021
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of rare liver diseases and disorders; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of organs directly relating to liver diseases, namely, gastroenterological, intestine, bowel, stomach and digestive disorders, kidney diseases and disorders, and gastro-intestinal diseases.
Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of rare liver diseases a...
on 6 Dec 2024
2149676 · 30 Sept 2021
Class 003
Cosmetics and Cleaning Products
Aromatic essential oils; air fragrancing preparations; scented water; essential oils of lemon; essential oils of citron; aromatic potpourris; aromatics for perfumes; fumigating incenses for fragrancing rooms, ethereal essences for the manufacture of perfumes
Class 004
Lubricant and Fuel Products
Nightlight candles and scented candles
Aromatic essential oils; air fragrancing preparations; scented water; ...
on 9 Sept 2024
2156075 · 29 Sept 2021
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Alcohol breath testing units; GPS receivers; GPS transmitters; gps tracking device to be worn on the wrist of an athlete during endurance events; biochip sensors; smart bracelets; electronic key fobs being remote control apparatus; bathroom scales; electronic weighing scales for personal use; scales with body mass analysers; medical scales; hands-free kits for telephones; joysticks for use with computers, other than for video games; electronic interactive whiteboards; electronic notice boards; dressmakers' measures; measuring tapes; pressure gauges; temperature indicators; interfaces for computers, namely, electroencephalography (EEG) helmets allowing users to interface with computer hardware via brain activity; interface boards for computers; interface cards for computers; encoded key cards; electronic book readers; computers; laptop computers; tablet computers; notebook computers; security tokens [encryption devices]; coin-operated mechanisms for television sets; computer hardware; backlit signs; electronic LED signs; illuminated signs; electronic distance meters; laser distance meters; distance sensors; laser speed detectors; speed guns for recording velocity of ball pitches; speed meters; augmented reality software for sports teaching; virtual reality software for sports teaching; downloadable and recorded computer software in the form of a mobile application for accessing and viewing data, namely, for obtaining advice and assistance relating to sports and physical activities; sports training apparatus featuring electronic sensors and software to analyze sports performance and electronically display results; augmented reality software for sports training; virtual reality software for sports training; computer game software, recorded; computer game software, downloadable; computer screen saver software, recorded or downloadable; downloadable digital content in the form of electronic publications of booklets, books, brochures, handbooks, magazines, newsletters, and pamphlets; blank integrated circuit cards; smartglasses; smartphones; smartwatches; bar code readers; flash card readers; optical disc readers; downloadable image files; downloadable music files; animated cartoons; usb flash drives.
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Providing an online commercial information directory on the Internet; advertising agency services; cost price analysis; business auditing; computerized file management; book-keeping; demonstration of goods, namely, demonstration of sports equipment; stenographic transcription; transcription of messages; opinion polling; market studies; business research investigations; business research services; marketing research; marketing consulting services; marketing research; marketing strategies for others; business management of sports people; updating and maintenance of information in registries in the field of competitive sports; updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; creating and updating advertising material for others; word processing; updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; commercial intermediation services for commercial transactions for third parties in the field of sports equipment; providing business information in the field of competitive sports; providing business information via a website in the field of competitive sports; providing commercial information and advice for consumers in the choice of products and services in the field of competitive sports; provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; web indexing for commercial or advertising purposes; providing and rental of advertising space on the internet; dissemination of advertising material for others; preparation and realization of media advertising for others being direct mail; online advertising for others via a computer communications network; compilation of statistics; management and compilation of computerized databases; systemization of information into computer databases; compilation, production and dissemination of advertising matter for others; administration of consumer loyalty programs; administration of frequent flyer programs; administrative processing of purchase orders; public relations; search engine optimization for sales promotion; price comparison services; business efficiency expert services.
Class 038
Communications Services
Broadcasting of electronic game play and electronic game competitions over global communications networks, the internet and wireless networks; electronic bulletin board services [telecommunications services]; providing user access to global computer networks; providing access to databases; providing internet chatrooms; providing telecommunications connections to the Internet in a café environment; providing telecommunication channels for shopping via television services; video-on-demand transmission; transmission of greeting cards online; cellular text messaging services; automated telephone voice message services; recording, storage and subsequent transmission of voice and text messages by telephone; transmission of messages by telephone; transmission of digital files; providing access to an interactive online forum for communication on topics of general interest and sports; videoconferencing services; transmission of electronic mail; teleconferencing services; streaming of audio and video recordings of live events; streaming of audio and video content via the internet, other computer networks, wireless networks and electronic communication networks.
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Educational services provided by sports schools; education and training for personnel, team and organizational development in the field of sports competition organization; rental of sports grounds; rental of tennis courts; booking of seats for shows; videotaping; physical education; microfilming; videotape editing; operation of a correspondence school; providing correspondence courses featuring training for personnel, team and organizational development in the field of sports competition; computer-based simulation instruction for people to foster skill improvement by teaching sports skills; operation of recreational sports facilities; arranging and conducting conferences, workshops and seminars in the field of competitive sports; organization of sports competitions; sign language interpretation; vocational guidance services; electronic publication of on-line videos, not downloadable, in the field of competitive sports via the internet; providing online music, not downloadable; providing films, not downloadable, via video-on-demand services; preparing, administering and analyzing qualifying examinations in the field of competitive sports; online publication of electronic books and journals; publication of educational texts; entertainment ticket agency services; sport camp services; photography; photographic reporting; timing of sports events.
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Computer system analysis; recovery of computer data; installation of computer software; research and development of new products for others; scientific research for medical purposes in the field of kinesiology; computer software consultancy; data security consultancy; updating of computer software; monitoring of computer systems by remote access; software as a service [SaaS] featuring software for obtaining advice and assistance relating to sports and physical activities; maintenance of computer software; digitization of documents [scanning]; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; urban planning; rental of computer software; computer software design; creating and designing website-based indexes of information for others [information technology services]; computer programming; technical writing; copying of computer programs; cloud computing provider services for general storage of data; off-site data backup; electronic data storage for archiving business records and personal records.
Alcohol breath testing units; GPS receivers; GPS transmitters; gps tra...
on 13 Sept 2023
2133068 · 14 Sept 2021
Class 024
Bed blankets; bed sheets; bedsheets; blanket throws; curtain holders of textile material; curtain loops of textile material; curtains made of textile fabrics; curtains of textile; cushion covers; decorative wall hangings of textile; furniture coverings of textile; lap blankets; pillow cases; pillow covers; shower curtains; silk blankets; table cloth of textile; table covers; textile place mats; toilet seat covers of textile
Bed blankets; bed sheets; bedsheets; blanket throws; curtain holders o...
on 1 Nov 2024
2165237 · 16 Jul 2021
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Cells for medical or clinical use, for use in the treatment of disease; gene therapy products, namely, genetically engineered tissues for transplant purposes, namely, transplantation into human tissues.
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Scientific apparatus and instruments, namely, electroporation apparatus and transfection devices for cell modification; scientific apparatus for cell modification, namely, electroporation apparatus and transfection devices; scientific apparatus and instruments for scientific research and development, namely, electroporation apparatus and transfection devices for transfection of cells for medical and clinical use; cell culture apparatus, namely, electroporation apparatus and transfection devices, for laboratory use; blood cell analysing apparatus, namely, electroporation apparatus and transfection devices, other than for medical use; electronic blood oxygen saturation recorders, other than for medical use; electric instruments, namely, electroporation apparatus and transfection devices, for use in the diagnosis of blood, laboratory apparatus; scientific apparatus, namely, electroporation apparatus and transfection devices, for use in testing blood and blood cells, other than for medical use.
Class 010
Medical Instrument Products
Medical devices, namely, electroporation apparatus and transfection devices used in connection with cell therapy.
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Training in the use and operation of scientific apparatus, namely, electroporation apparatus and transfection devices, for cell modification and scientific apparatus and instruments for scientific research and development, namely, electroporation apparatus and transfection devices, and consultation relating thereto for transfection of cells for medical and clinical use.
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Technical support services, namely, troubleshooting in the nature of the maintenance and repair of computer software for scientific research and development in the field of cell modification, namely, electroporation and transfection devices; consulting services in the fields of selection, implementation and use of computer hardware and software systems and scientific apparatus for scientific research and development in the field of cell modification, namely, electroporation and transfection devices; scientific research services in the field of cell modification; biological, scientific, and medical research and consultation services in the field of cell modification namely, electroporation apparatus and transfection devices for transfection of cells for medical and clinical use; product research and development in the fields of biology and medical sciences.
Cells for medical or clinical use, for use in the treatment of disease...
Mars canada inc. (61)
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Saudi Arabia
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$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
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$899 / 1 class + gov fee
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$899 / 1 class + gov fee
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Dominican Republic
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
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El Salvador
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
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$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Hong Kong (SAR)
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$1499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
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$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
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$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Madrid Protocol (WIPO)
$1999 / 1 class + gov fee
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$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
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$899 / 1 class + gov fee
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$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Puerto Rico
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Sri Lanka
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
United Republic of Tanzania
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
West Bank, Palestine
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Antigua and Barbuda
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Bosnia and Herzegovina
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Burkina Faso
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
Cabo Verde
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Central African Republic (CAR)
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Cote d'Ivoire
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Equatorial Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
Marshall Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
North Macedonia
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Papua New Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Kitts and Nevis
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Lucia
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
San Marino
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sao Tome and Principe
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sierra Leone
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Solomon Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
South Sudan
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1599 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Trinidad and Tobago
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee