About 2,142 Trademarks found for “K-MOLIX”
Mark | Details | Status | Class/Description | |
![]() | K & DESSIN K SOCIÉTÉ DE DROIT FRANÇAIS 1965072 27 May 2019 | SEARCHED on 5 Feb 2024 | Peintures, vernis et laques pour l'industrie, l'artisanat et l'art ; p... Class 002 Class 002 Paint Products Peintures, vernis et laques pour l'industrie, l'artisanat et l'art ; pigments ; encres d'imprimerie; Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Cosmétiques ; produits cosmétiques pour les soins de la peau ; nécessaires de cosmétique ; préparations cosmétiques pour le bronzage de la peau ; préparations d'écrans solaires ; préparations cosmétiques pour l'amincissement ; crayons à usage cosmétique ; crèmes cosmétiques ; produits de démaquillage ; dissolvants pour vernis à ongles ; fards ; lingettes imprégnées de préparations démaquillantes ; lotions à usage cosmétique ; produits de rasage ; lotions après-rasage ; produits de maquillage ; mascara ; masques de beauté ; poudre pour le maquillage ; rouge à lèvres ; vernis à ongles ; crème pour blanchir la peau ; ongles postiches ; étuis pour rouges à lèvres ; produits de parfumerie ; parfums ; déodorants ; eau de Cologne ; eaux de toilette ; huiles essentielles ; huiles à usage cosmétique ; eaux de senteur ; savons; shampooings ; après-shampooings ; préparations pour le bain, non à usage médical ; préparations de toilette ; préparations cosmétiques pour le bain ; laits de toilette ; pierre ponce ; pierres d'alun ; astringents ; sels pour le bain non à usage médical ; dépilatoires ; aérosols pour rafraîchir l'haleine ; gels de massage autres qu'à usage médical ; bains de bouche non à usage médical ; bâtonnets ouatés à usage cosmétique ; encens ; bâtons d'encens ; parfums d'ambiance ; diffuseurs à bâtonnets de parfums d'ambiance ; pots-pourris odorants ; baumes autres qu'à usage médical ; produits de blanchissage ; bois odorants ; bougies de massage à usage cosmétique ; brillants à lèvres ; produits pour faire briller ; cirages pour chaussures ; crèmes pour chaussures ; laques pour les cheveux ; teintures pour cheveux ; teintures cosmétiques ; produits pour parfumer le linge; ... Class 004 Lubricant and Fuel Products Bougies parfumées ; bougies pour arbres de Noël ; bougies [éclairage] ; chandelles ; cierges ; allume-feu ; cire d'abeilles ; cire pour l'éclairage ; matières éclairantes; Class 008 Hand Tool Products Argenterie, coutellerie, fourchettes et cuillers ; couverts, coutellerie, fourchettes et cuillers ; cuillères, fourchettes et couteaux de table en matières plastiques ; cuillères, fourchettes et couteaux de table pour bébés ; outils à main actionnés manuellement ; coupe-ongles électriques ou non électriques ; étuis pour rasoirs ; nécessaires de rasage ; rasoirs électriques ou non électriques ; tondeuses pour la coupe de la barbe ; tondeuses pour la coupe des cheveux, électriques et non électriques nécessaires de manucure électriques ; trousses de manucures ; pinces à épiler; Class 011 Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking Abat-jour ; diffuseurs d'éclairage ; appareils et installations d'éclairage ; lampadaires ; lampes d'éclairage ; lustres ; plafonniers ; verres de lampes ; ampoules d'éclairage ; appareils pour la désodorisation de l'air ; vaporisateurs faciaux; Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Affiches ; albums ; autocollants ; articles de papeterie ; blocs à dessin ; blocs ; papeterie ; bloque-pages ; boîtes en papier ou en carton ; cahiers ; calendriers; carnets ; cartes postales; cartes de v ux ; cartons à chapeaux ; boîtes ; catalogues; chemises pour documents ; coupe-papiers ; ouvre-lettres ; crayons ; instruments de dessin ; instruments d'écriture ; encriers ; enveloppes ; essuie-mains en papier ; produits de l'imprimerie ; imprimés graphiques ; linge de table en papier ; livres; livrets; sous-main ; nécessaires pour écrire ; articles de papeterie ; papier à lettres ; faire-part ; patrons pour la couture ; photographies imprimées ; plumiers ; pochettes pour documents ; porte-chéquiers ; porte-plume ; publications imprimées ; répertoires ; reproductions graphiques ; stylos ; timbres cachets ; dessous de carafes en papier ; nappes en papier ; emballages en papier ou en carton pour bouteilles ; sacs, enveloppes, pochettes en papier ou en matières plastiques pour l'emballage ; sets de table en papier ; figurines en papier mâché ; objets d'art gravés ; images ; aquarelles ; objets d'art lithographiés ; lithographies ; tableaux pour peintures encadrés ou non ; lingettes en papier pour le démaquillage ; mouchoirs de poche en papier; Class 020 Furniture Products Armoires ; bancs ; bibliothèques [meubles] ; buffets ; bureaux [meubles] ; cadres [encadrements] ; canapés ; casiers à bouteilles ; chaises ; sièges ; chaises longues ; commodes ; comptoirs , tables ; consoles [meubles] ; couffins ; coussins ; dessertes ; divans ; étagères [meubles] ; fauteuils ; miroirs ; housses à vêtements [penderie] ; housses pour vêtements [rangement] ; literie à l'exception du linge de lit ; matelas ; meubles de bureau ; mobiles [objets pour la décoration] ; oreillers; paravents [meubles] ; placards ; porte-chapeaux ; porte-livres ; porte-parapluies ; porte-revues ; porte-serviettes [meubles] ; portemanteaux [meubles]; présentoirs ; présentoirs à bijoux ; rideaux de perles pour la décoration ; sofas; sommiers de lits ; stores d'intérieur [mobilier] ; tables [meubles] ; tabourets ; tapis de sol pour le couchage ; vaisseliers ; miroirs tenus à la main [miroirs de toilette] ; anneaux de rideaux ; tringles de rideaux ; appuie-tête [meubles] ; objets d'art en bois, en cire, en plâtre ou en matières plastiques; bustes en bois, en cire, en plâtre ou en matières plastiques ; figurines en bois, en cire, en plâtre ou en matières plastiques ; boîtes en bois ou en matières plastiques ; décorations en matières plastiques pour aliments; Class 021 Houseware and Glass Products Aérateurs de vin ; bouchons en verre ; tire-bouchons, électriques et non électriques ; boîtes à thé ; boules à thé ; services à café ; cafetières non électriques ; filtres à thé ; repose-sachets de thé ; services à thé ; théières ; assiettes ; assiettes jetables ; baguettes [instruments de cuisine] ; beurriers ; bocaux ; boîtes à pain ; boîtes à biscuits ; bols ; bouteilles ; cabarets [plateaux à servir] ; carafes ; casseroles ; chopes à bière ; cloches à beurre ; cloches à fromage ; coquetiers ; cocottes pour cuire à l'étuvée, non électriques ; corbeilles à pain à usage ménager ; corbeilles à usage ménager ; corbeilles à papier ; coupes à fruits ; cristaux [verrerie] ; cuillères à mélanger [ustensiles de cuisine] ; cuillères à glace ; cuiseurs à vapeur non électriques ; cure-dents ; services à épices ; flasques de poche ; gobelets en papier ou en matières plastiques ; gourdes ; légumiers ; services à liqueurs ; louches de service; marmites ; mélangeurs pour boissons [shakers] ; moules [ustensiles de cuisine] ; moulins de cuisine non électriques ; moulins à main à usage domestique ; mugs ; ouvre-bouteilles, électriques et non électriques ; pailles pour la dégustation des boissons ; pinces à glaçons ; pinces à salade ; planches à découper pour la cuisine ; plateaux à usage domestique ; plats ; poivriers ; porte-couteaux pour la table ; presse-fruits non électriques à usage ménager ; ramasse-miettes ; récipients à boire ; récipients pour la cuisine ; saladiers ; salières ; services [vaisselle] ; soucoupes ; soupières ; spatules de cuisine ; sucriers ; tasses ; ustensiles de cuisine ; verre émaillé, autre que pour la construction ; verre brut ou mi-ouvré à l'exception du verre de construction ; verre opale ; verre peint ; verres [récipients] ; verres à boire ; barres et anneaux porte-serviettes ; ronds de serviettes ; ronds de table, ni en papier ni en matières textiles ; sets de table, ni en papier ni en matières textiles ; blaireaux à barbe ; boîtes pour la distribution de serviettes en papier ; boîtes à savon ; boîtes en verre ; porte-blaireaux ; porte-savon ; ustensiles cosmétiques ; ustensiles de toilette ; plumeaux; matériaux pour la brosserie ; brosses à ongles ; brosses de toilette ; brosses à chaussures ; brosses à sourcils ; brosses à dents ; brosses à cils; appareils pour le démaquillage ; nécessaires de toilette ; poudriers ; brûle-parfums ; photophores pour recevoir une bougie ; bustes en porcelaine, en céramique, en faïence, en terre cuite ou en verre ; faïence ; mosaïques en verre autres que pour la construction ; ornements en porcelaine ; porcelaines ; poteries ; supports pour fleurs et plantes [arrangements floraux] ; cache-pot non en papier ; dessous de carafes, ni en papier ni en matières textiles ; dessous-de-plat ; maniques ; porte-cartes de menus ; porte-serviettes de table; pots à fleurs ; pots ; chandeliers ; vases ; chausse-pieds ; embauchoirs à chaussures ; appareils de désodorisation à usage personnel ; diffuseurs d'huiles aromatiques autres que diffuseurs à bâtonnets ; distributeurs de papier hygiénique ; distributeurs de savon ; éponges de toilette ; éponges pour le maquillage ; étuis pour peignes ; peignes électriques ; vaporisateurs à parfum ; dispositifs pour maintenir en forme les cravates; Class 024 Fabrics Linge de bain à l'exception de l'habillement ; linge de lit ; linge ouvré ; linge de table non en papier ; linge de maison ; serviettes de toilette en matières textiles ; tentures murales en matières textiles ; bannières en matières textiles ou en matières plastiques ; cache-sommiers ; canevas pour la tapisserie ou la broderie ; chemins de table non en papier ; coiffes de chapeaux ; tissus de coton ; couvertures de voyage ; couvertures de lit ; couvertures de pique-nique ; couvre-lits ; dessus-de-lit [couvre-lits] ; crépon; dessous de carafes en matières textiles ; doublures [étoffes] ; drapeaux en matières textiles ou en matières plastiques ; draps ; édredons [couvre-pieds de duvet] ; embrasses en matières textiles ; enveloppes de matelas ; essuie-verres ; étiquettes en matières textiles ; tissus d'ameublement ; housses de protection pour meubles ; housses d'oreillers ; housses pour coussins ; housses pour abattants de toilettes ; nappes non en papier ; tapis de table non en papier ; ronds de table en matières textiles ; serviettes de table en matières textiles ; sets de table en matières textiles ; taies d'oreillers ; toiles cirées [nappes] ; toile à matelas ; matières textiles ; flanelle [tissu] ; frise [étoffe] ; cheviottes [étoffes] ; crêpe [tissu] ; damas [étoffe] ; gaze [tissu] ; haire [étoffe] ; jersey [tissu] ; mousseline [tissu] ; moleskine [tissu] ; taffetas [tissu] ; tissus à usage textile; tissus pour chaussures ; tissus pour la lingerie ; tissus recouverts de motifs dessinés pour la broderie ; tissus de soie pour patrons d'imprimerie ; tissus de jute ; tissus de lin ; tissus de soie ; tricots [tissus] ; velours ; zéphyr [tissu] ; gants de toilette ; mouchoirs de poche en matières textiles ; linceuls ; matières plastiques [succédanés du tissu] ; revêtements de meubles en matières plastiques ; revêtements de meubles en matières textiles ; portières [rideaux] ; rideaux en matières textiles ou en matières plastiques ; rideaux de douche en matières textiles ou en matières plastiques; voilages [rideaux] ; serviettes pour le démaquillage; Class 025 Clothing Products Vêtements ; chaussures ; chapellerie ; bandanas ; bandeaux pour la tête ; bas ; bodys comme vêtements de dessous ; bonneterie ; bonnets de bain ; bottes ; bottines ; bretelles ; caleçons [courts] ; caleçons de bain ; casquettes ; ceintures ; châles ; chandails ; chapeaux ; chasubles ; chaussettes ; chemises ; collants ; costumes ; costumes de plage ; cravates ; culottes ; débardeurs de sport ; écharpes ; étoles [fourrures] ; foulards ; fourrures [vêtements] ; gabardines [vêtements] ; gants [habillement] ; gilets ; guêtres ; habillement pour automobilistes ; habillement pour cyclistes ; jarretelles ; jarretières ; jerseys [vêtements] ; jupes ; kimonos ; leggins [pantalons] ; maillots de sport ; maillots de bain ; manteaux ; masques pour dormir ; mitaines ; moufles ; pantalons ; chaussons ; pardessus ; parkas ; peignoirs ; peignoirs de bain ; pèlerines ; pyjamas ; robes ; sandales ; sandales de bain ; saris ; slips ; soutien-gorge ; tee-shirts ; tricots [vêtements] ; turbans ; uniformes ; vestes ; sous-vêtements; Class 027 Floor Covering products Descentes de bain [tapis] ; paillassons ; nattes; papiers peints ; papiers peints textiles ; revêtements de sols ; revêtements muraux en matières textiles ; tapis ; carpettes; sous-tapis ; tatamis ; tentures murales décoratives, non en matières textiles ; toile cirée [linoléum]; Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Services d'architecture ; conseils en architecture ; architecture d'intérieur ; décoration intérieure ; services de conception d'art graphique ; stylisme [esthétique industrielle] ; conception graphique de matériel promotionnel ; conception de cartes de visite ; services de dessinateurs de mode ; essai de textiles; Class 043 Restaurant and Hotel Services Services hôteliers ; services d'agences de logement [hôtels, pensions] ; location de logements temporaires ; services de bars ; services de cafés ; décoration de nourriture ; services de restaurants ; services de traiteurs; | |
K-2500 KEURIG GREEN MOUNTAIN INC. 1964541 23 May 2019 | REGISTERED on 3 Oct 2023 | Electric coffee brewing machines for commercial use; Electric brewing ... Class 011 Class 011 Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking Electric coffee brewing machines for commercial use; Electric brewing machines for making beverages, namely coffee, tea, cocoa, coffee-based beverages, tea-based beverages, dairy-based beverages, and cocoa-based beverages for commercial use; Electric brewing machines for making single-serving or portion-controlled beverages, namely coffee, tea, cocoa, coffee-based beverages, tea-based beverages, dairy-based beverages, and cocoa-based beverages for commercial use; | ||
K-3500 KEURIG GREEN MOUNTAIN INC. 1964542 23 May 2019 | REGISTERED on 3 Oct 2023 | Electric coffee brewing machines for commercial use; Electric brewing ... Class 011 Class 011 Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking Electric coffee brewing machines for commercial use; Electric brewing machines for making beverages, namely coffee, tea, cocoa, coffee-based beverages, tea-based beverages, dairy-based beverages, and cocoa-based beverages for commercial use; Electric brewing machines for making single-serving or portion-controlled beverages, namely coffee, tea, cocoa, coffee-based beverages, tea-based beverages, dairy-based beverages, and cocoa-based beverages for commercial use; | ||
K-GO 102074315 SASKATCHEWAN LTD. 1964217 22 May 2019 | REGISTERED on 15 May 2024 | Downloadable computer software for use in providing motor vehicle tran... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Downloadable computer software for use in providing motor vehicle transportation services, bookings for motor vehicle transportation services and for dispatching motor vehicles to customers; Class 038 Class 038 Communications Services Telecommunications services, namely, routing SMS messages and push-notifications to users of transportation services for automobiles; ... Class 039 Transportation & Storage Services Travel and transportation services, namely, arranging transportation of passengers by motor vehicle; | ||
PRIMAGRO K COG MARKETERS LTD. DBA AGROLIQUID 1963748 17 May 2019 | REGISTERED on 20 Jan 2023 | Fertilizers; fertilizers for agricultural use; fertilizing preparation... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Fertilizers; fertilizers for agricultural use; fertilizing preparations; plant nutrition preparations, all of the foregoing containing potassium | ||
![]() | K DESIGN ESKINDRIAS TAGEGNE 1963113 15 May 2019 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 12 Sept 2024 | Clothing for protection against accidents, bullet-proof clothing, prot... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Clothing for protection against accidents, bullet-proof clothing, protective helmets, mouth guards for sports, smartwatches, eyeglass cases, cases for smartphones, laptop cases, stands, and mounts adapted for handheld electronic devices, namely, smartphones, tablet computers, cameras, and portable sound and video players; Class 014 Class 014 Jewelry Products Jewelry, key rings, key chains, jewelry charms; jewelry boxes, clocks, and watches; ... Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Money clips, cheque book holders, paper-clips, passport holders Class 018 Leather Products not including clothing Luggage and carrying bags, traveling bags, school bags, business card cases, and pocket wallets, pencil cases; Class 025 Clothing Products Pants, jackets, t-shirts, hooded sweatshirts, sweatshirts, hats, bandanas, sweatpants, tracksuit, leggings, boxers, footwear, winter gloves, gloves, long sleeve, short sleeve, tank top, shorts, swim shorts, socks, sleeveless t-shirts, jumpsuits, pajamas, flannel shirts, wind and rain jackets, zip-up fleece sweater, zip-up hooded sweater, athletic leggings, shorts, training pants, Footwear, namely, running shoes, casual shoes, shoes, slippers; Class 036 Insurance & Financial Services Charitable services, namely, providing financial support to underprivileged individuals to facilitate health, wellness, and economic development; charitable fund raising services; Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Entertainment services, namely, hosting social events in the field of art, dance and music; educational services, namely providing online seminars and workshops on personal finances; educational services, namely, providing literacy classes, information services, namely, providing a website with information relating to sporting events, cultural activities, fitness activities; organizing community sporting and cultural events, namely, hosting soccer tournaments, food tastings; | |
![]() | D&K + PING WANG 1962456 13 May 2019 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 16 Jan 2024 | Branching pipes of metal,Asian long tobacco pipe sheaths,Pipe pieces Class 006 Class 006 Metal Products Branching pipes of metal Class 034 Class 034 Smoker's Products Asian long tobacco pipe sheaths | |
K-OZZ PETER BOROS 1962063 9 May 2019 | REGISTERED on 5 Jun 2024 | Electronic publications in the field of property insurance claims, pro... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Electronic publications in the field of property insurance claims, property damage assessment, property damage remedial services, property repair and property restoration, construction cost appraisals, construction project management and supervision Class 016 Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Print publications in the field of property insurance claims, property damage assessment, property damage remedial services, property repair and property restoration, construction cost appraisals, construction project management and supervision ... Class 036 Insurance & Financial Services Insurance claims adjuster services, insurance claims investigation services; consulting services in the field of property insurance claims, property damage assessment, property damage remedial services Class 037 Construction and Repair Services Property damage assessment services, construction assessment services to repair and restore damaged real estate properties, air quality, mold and soil testing services, contaminant investigation services, construction cost appraisals, construction project management; consulting services in the field of property repair, property restoration ,construction cost appraisals, construction project management and supervision | ||
K-DIVE KOBELCO CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY CO., LTD. 1961701 8 May 2019 | APPROVED on 29 Jan 2025 | Metalworking machines and tools; mining machines and apparatus, namely... Class 007 Class 007 Machinery Products Metalworking machines and tools; mining machines and apparatus, namely, machines for geological, mining and ore exploration, drills for the mining industry, mine borers and mine winches; agitators for chemical processing; filtering machines for chemical processing; oil centrifuges; presses for chemical processing; blending machines for chemical processing; dust collecting machines for chemical processing; dust separators for chemical processing; sintering machines for chemical processing; sorting machines for chemical processing; granulating machines for chemical processing; extracting machines for chemical processing; electromechanical machines for chemical industry, namely disintegrators for chemical processing and emulsifying machines for chemical processing; separating machines for chemical processing; grinding mills for chemical processing; kneading machines for chemical processing; crushing machines being blades for bulldozer and bulldozer parts, power shovels, hydraulic excavators and excavators; loading and unloading machines, namely loaders being earth moving machines, earth moving scrapers, front-end loaders, and tractor loaders; bulldozers; excavators; hydraulic excavators; cranes [lifting and hoisting apparatus]; mobile cranes; engines not for land vehicles, namely engines for industrial machinery; air filters for motors and engines; oil filters for motors and engines; waste compacting machines and parts thereof; waste crushing machines and parts thereof; shredders [machines] for industrial use Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Photographic apparatus and instruments, namely, cameras, photographic lenses, photographic filters, photographic flash units for cameras, shutters for cameras, and cases adapted for photographic equipment; cinematographic machines and apparatus, namely, camcorders, video cameras, audio-video receivers, audio and video cables and cable connectors, and video transmitters; optical apparatus and instruments, namely, optical lenses, optical glass, optical sensors, optical cables, optical fibres, optical switches, optical transmitters and optical transceiver; telecommunication machines and apparatus, namely, GPS receivers and transmitters, radio receivers and transmitters, telephone receivers and transmitters, video receivers and transmitters; GPS navigation device, namely, global positioning system (GPS) consisting of computers, computer software, transmitters, receivers, and network interface devices; navigation apparatus for vehicles in the form of on-board computers; satellite navigation systems; satellite navigation devices; computers; screens for use with hydraulic excavators, earth moving machines, cranes and loading and unloading machines, forklift trucks, crawler-tracked loaders and front-end loaders, namely LCD screens, LED screens, and touch screens; computer programs, recorded, namely computer software for detecting and avoiding objects at the blind spots for use with hydraulic excavators, earth moving machines, cranes and loading and unloading machines, forklift trucks, crawler-tracked loaders and front-end loaders, computer software for providing sales information, and repair and maintenance of hydraulic excavators, earth moving machines, cranes and loading and unloading machines, forklift trucks, crawler-tracked loaders and front-end loaders; measuring or testing machines and instruments, namely, sensors for determining position, distance, angle, velocity and acceleration; power distribution or control machines and apparatus, namely, electric power converters, electrical power connectors, power amplifiers, power cables and cords, power switches, power transformers, uninterruptible power supplies and voltage stabilizing power supplies; rotary converters; phase modifiers; remote controls for operating crushing machines being blades for bulldozer and bulldozer parts, power shovels, hydraulic excavators and excavators; remote controls for operating loading and unloading machines, namely loaders being earth moving machines, earth moving scrapers, front-end loaders, and tractor loaders; remote controls for operating metalworking machines and tools; remote controls for operating machines for geological, mining and ore exploration, drills for the mining industry, mine borers and mine winches; remote controls for operating agitators for chemical processing; remote controls for operating filtering machines for chemical processing; remote controls for oil centrifuges; remote controls for presses for chemical processing; remote controls for blending machines for chemical processing; remote controls for operating dust collecting machines for chemical processing; remote controls for dust separators; remote controls for sintering machines for chemical processing; remote controls for sorting machines for chemical processing; remote controls for granulating machines for chemical processing; remote controls for extracting machines for chemical processing; remote controls for electromechanical machines for chemical industry; remote controls for separating machines for chemical processing; remote controls for grinding mills for chemical processing; remote controls for kneading machines for chemical processing; remote controls for operating engines for industrial machinery; remote controls for operating air filters for motors and engines and oil filters for motors and engines; remote controls for operating waste compacting machines and parts thereof; remote controls for operating waste crushing machines and parts thereof; remote controls for cranes [lifting and hoisting apparatus]; remote controls for mobile cranes | ||
![]() | K & DESIGN KNORR-BREMSE AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 1955440 4 Apr 2019 | REGISTERED on 26 Jul 2023 | Compressors, namely, pneumatic compressors, hydraulic compressors, air... Class 007 Class 007 Machinery Products Compressors, namely, pneumatic compressors, hydraulic compressors, air compressors and electric compressors; compressed air systems, namely, compressed air pumps, compressed air engines for industrial machinery, compressed air generators for vehicles; compressed air supply systems, namely, air compressors for vehicle compressed air systems, automotive intake manifolds; electromechanical and electropneumatic entrance systems as parts of door systems for vehicles, namely, electromechanical and electropneumatic drive devices for opening and closing vehicle doors Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Scientific, nautical, surveying, optical, measuring, signaling, controlling apparatus and instruments, namely, electronic distance meters, pressure regulators for vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; measuring couplings for measuring temperature, pressure, quantity and concentration of fluids in hydraulic and pneumatic systems for vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; surveying machines and instruments, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; sensors for measuring vibrations, accelerations and distances, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; electro-optical calibration instruments for use in inspection and measurement of industrial components in the field of vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and controlling electricity, namely, electrical switch plates, electrical transformers, electric power converters, frequency converters, electrical power distribution blocks, electrical controllers engines of vehicle, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; electric apparatus for commutation, namely current switches, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; material testing instruments and machines for testing components of land vehicles, vehicle steering systems, power converters, traction inverters, traction and power components, and industrial conveyor systems for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; lifesaving apparatus and equipment, namely, electronic control systems for land vehicle and industrial manufacturing equipment emergency stop brakes, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; switches, electric, namely electric current switches, electric toggle switches, electric light switches, electric tactile switches, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; high-frequency apparatus, namely, high-frequency power switches, high-frequency switching power supplies, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; telecommunications equipment, namely computer hardware for telecommunications, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; data processing apparatus, namely data cables, data meters, electronic data recorders for vehicles, computers, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; data communications apparatus, namely, wireless routers for voice, data and image transmission, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; telematics apparatus, namely, telematics communication signal processors for the purpose of displaying and reproducing wirelessly transmitted information and data from vehicles, vehicle trailers and components thereof, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; telematics terminal apparatus, namely, telematics communication video display terminals for the purpose of displaying and reproducing wirelessly transmitted information and data from vehicles, vehicle trailers and components thereof, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; computer hardware, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; recorded and downloadable computer software for monitoring vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, for detecting and controlling vehicles, ground faults, broken rails, power failures, switches and lights, for controlling signaling equipment for vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, for facilitating and managing the transportation and delivery of people and goods by road and rail, for facilitating the maintenance of vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, for fleet management, for facilitating and managing logistics of railway systems, for facilitating the training of staff with respect to vehicles and railway stations, for the steering and control of vehicles, for the remote control of railway points, for automatic steering of vehicles, for voltage regulation of vehicles, for tracking and mapping of road and rail traffic, for the management and maintenance of rail and road traffic, for the maintenance of vehicles, for modelling and simulation of road and railway equipment and optimization of road and railway equipment, for cyber security of railway systems, for measuring energy, for controlling energy, for protection against surges or electrical interferences, for controlling doors including railway platform screen doors, for controlling vehicle trailer functions, for monitoring, diagnosing, controlling and operating vehicles, for pressurizing brake systems for land vehicles, for monitoring and controlling brakes for land vehicles, for monitoring and controlling heating, ventilating, air conditioning and air purification equipment, for education featuring instruction in the field of equipment for vehicles, for management and operation of railway stations and railway lines, for use in connecting information systems, for use in monitoring, controlling and operating telecommunications equipment and systems, and for data processing in relation to all of the foregoing, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; downloadable and recorded computer software which creates, controls, records and analyzes virtual reality scenarios, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; recorded and downloadable software for monitoring, controlling and operating electronic driving assistance systems for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; downloadable and recorded computer programs for processing data relating to commercial and rail vehicles, for computerized navigation, and for use in the assisted driving of vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; automatic electronic vehicle speed controllers, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; adaptive speed control (ACC) (software based on sensors), namely adaptive cruise controls for motor vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; recorded and downloadable computer software for adaptive cruise control (ACC), all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; recorded and downloadable computer software for smart vehicle steering, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; recorded and downloadable computer software for smart hydraulic steering, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; recorded and downloadable computer software for monitoring, controlling and operating lane departure warning systems, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; recorded and downloadable computer software for monitoring, controlling and operating side wind compensation systems, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; simulators and computer programs for the steering and control of vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; electronic databases recorded on computer media in the field of commercial vehicles and rail vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; levelling apparatus for land vehicles in the nature of apparatus for the electrical regulation of the height of vehicles and electrical components thereof, namely, height sensors, electronic control panels, automatic valves and recorded and downloadable software for control of vehicle level and height, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; electronic control systems for vehicle doors and railway platform screen doors, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods ... Class 011 Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking Heating, ventilating, air-conditioning apparatus, namely heating elements, heating radiators, ventilating fans, ventilation hoods, air conditioners, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; air treatment apparatus, namely air purification units, air purifying machines, air cleaning units, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods Class 012 Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water Commercial trucks, cars and rail vehicles for long-distance and local transport as well as for passenger and freight transport, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; brakes, brake systems and their parts for vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; pumps, namely, pneumatic pumps, hydraulic pumps, electric pumps for land vehicles, vehicle hydraulic and pneumatic pumps, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; engine air control valves for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; exhaust brakes for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; compressed air tanks, namely, pressure media containers in the nature of brake air cylinders and components of air suspension systems for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; compressed air apparatus for controlling brakes, clutches, and transmissions being structural parts of land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; pneumatic suspension systems in vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; steering units for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; transmissions, transmission control units, transmission components, for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; clutch and clutch actuating units for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; drive gears for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; power-trains, including motors and engines, for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; motors, electric, for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; vehicle wheels, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; axles and axle bearings for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; pedal systems for land vehicles comprised of brake pedals, accelerator pedals, and clutch mechanisms, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; dampers for rotating shafts for land vehicles, torsional vibration dampers, each being parts for land vehicle engines and land vehicle drive shafts, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; door systems, namely, doors for vehicles, in particular exterior doors, interior doors, connecting doors, sliding doors, driver's cab doors, pivot sliding doors, swing doors, and boarding aids for railway vehicles, in particular ramps, sliding steps, folding steps, gap-bridging devices, trapping protection devices being parts of a vehicle door system, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; traction controls, namely, traction control systems for land vehicles comprised of brakes, automatic traction control valves, and an electronic brake module, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; tractions controls, namely, an electronic stability system to allow better control and maneuverability of trucks and trailers, sold as an integral component of trucks and trailers, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; bogies for railway wagons and rail-bound vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; sanding devices, namely, brakes for rail vehicles using sand as a braking medium, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; windscreen wiper and washer systems, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Business management; professional business management consultancy; supply chain management services Class 037 Construction and Repair Services Assembly, modernisation, maintenance, overhauling and repair of vehicles; assembly, installation, modernisation, maintenance, overhauling and repair of electric and electronic apparatus, in particular in vehicles; maintenance and repair of motor vehicle engines; repair and overhaul of compressors, dampers, transmission components, brakes and their parts, control units, valves [machine parts], pedal systems, clutches, motor vehicle engines, heating, ventilating, air conditioning apparatus and air treatment apparatus for land vehicles; overhaul of worn or partially destroyed compressed air machines; vehicle repair consultancy; advisory services relating to the maintenance and repair of mechanical and electrical equipment for vehicles Class 038 Communications Services Telecommunications, namely, electronic mail and facsimile transmission services and instant messaging services, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings; providing telecommunications connections to databases, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings; computerized telecommunications services, namely, providing access to a global computer network, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings; electronic transmission of data, namely email transmission of data and documents via computer terminals, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings; providing multiple user access to global computer information networks for the transfer and dissemination of information and files, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings; providing multiple user access to a global computer network, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings; telematics services, namely telematic in-vehicle communication service providing wireless vehicle navigation and tracking, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings; digital text messaging services via computers connected to the same telematics network, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings; telematics communication services, namely, information transmission by telematics codes in the field of in-vehicle navigation and tracking, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings; interactive broadcasting and communications services, namely interactive teletext services, interactive videotext services, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings; providing multiple-user access to global computer information networks for the transfer and dissemination of a wide range of information, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings; consultancy in the field of telecommunications, namely radio broadcasting consultancy, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings Class 040 Treatment & Processing of Materials Services Treatment and conversion of materials, namely custom assembling of land and rail vehicles and their component parts for others; treatment of rubber by vulcanization in the field of land and rail vehicles; metal tempering, heat treatment of metals; metal plating and laminating; treating materials with ultrasonic waves to modify their properties, namely ultrasonic welding and soldering services; treatment of materials by laser beam, namely laser scribing of metals; treatment of materials using chemicals, namely treatment of materials for the manufacture of steel tubes for HVAC, automotive, oil and gas, fluid power, power generation and recreational vehicle industries; metal casting; custom construction of machines, namely custom building of engines for land vehicles; providing information in the field of heat treatment of metals Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Provision of training courses in the fields of vehicle maintenance, vehicle servicing and vehicle brake systems, land vehicles, commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, agricultural machines, rail vehicles, public transportation services and equipment, state and private railroads, industrial supply, plant construction for power plants, conveyor systems and product safety; provision of online training in the fields of vehicle maintenance, vehicle servicing and vehicle brake systems, land vehicles, commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, agricultural machines, rail vehicles, public transportation services and equipment, state and private railroads, industrial supply, plant construction for power plants, conveyor systems and product safety; consultancy services relating to training in the fields of vehicle maintenance, vehicle servicing and vehicle brake systems, land vehicles, commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, agricultural machines, rail vehicles, public transportation services and equipment, state and private railroads, industrial supply, plant construction for power plants, conveyor systems and product safety Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Scientific and technological services, namely, scientific research and development of new products for others; scientific and industrial research in the fields of land vehicles, commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, agricultural machines, rail vehicles, public transportation equipment, state and private railroads, power plants, conveyor systems, energy consumption, and the reliability, availability, predictive maintenance, preventive maintenance and punctuality of mass transit vehicles, rail vehicles, commercial trucks, truck trailers, buses, and agricultural machines; research in the fields of civil engineering, computer software engineering, construction project engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and traffic engineering; design services, namely technical design of new products for others in the fields of land vehicles, commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, agricultural machines, rail vehicles, public transportation services and equipment, state and private railroads, industrial supply industries, power plants, and conveyor systems; engineering services, namely construction project engineering, computer software engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, traffic engineering; engineering services relating to energy supply systems; engineering services relating to information technology, namely computer hardware engineering, computer software engineering, software design engineering, software testing engineering, software systems integration engineering; design and development of computer software; industrial testing, namely, analyzing and evaluation for others in the field of land vehicles, commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, and agricultural machines, rail vehicles, conveyor systems and their structural parts to assure compliance with commercial and industry standards; quality control testing of land vehicles, commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, and agricultural machines, rail vehicles, conveyor systems and their structural parts; conducting engineering surveys; testing, analysis and evaluation of the goods and services of others for the purpose of certification; materials testing and analysing; providing information in the field of product design; providing information in the field of product development; providing information about industrial analysis and research services in the fields of vehicles, railway stations and railway lines; technological consultancy services in the fields of vehicles, railway stations and railway lines; consultancy services in the field of chemical engineering, construction project engineering, civil engineering, computer software engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and traffic engineering; information technology [IT] consultancy, namely computer software consultancy, computer programming consultancy, computer security consultancy, consultancy in the design and development of computer hardware; advisory services relating to material testing |
on 5 Feb 2024
1965072 · 27 May 2019
Class 002
Paint Products
Peintures, vernis et laques pour l'industrie, l'artisanat et l'art ; pigments ; encres d'imprimerie;
Class 003
Cosmetics and Cleaning Products
Cosmétiques ; produits cosmétiques pour les soins de la peau ; nécessaires de cosmétique ; préparations cosmétiques pour le bronzage de la peau ; préparations d'écrans solaires ; préparations cosmétiques pour l'amincissement ; crayons à usage cosmétique ; crèmes cosmétiques ; produits de démaquillage ; dissolvants pour vernis à ongles ; fards ; lingettes imprégnées de préparations démaquillantes ; lotions à usage cosmétique ; produits de rasage ; lotions après-rasage ; produits de maquillage ; mascara ; masques de beauté ; poudre pour le maquillage ; rouge à lèvres ; vernis à ongles ; crème pour blanchir la peau ; ongles postiches ; étuis pour rouges à lèvres ; produits de parfumerie ; parfums ; déodorants ; eau de Cologne ; eaux de toilette ; huiles essentielles ; huiles à usage cosmétique ; eaux de senteur ; savons; shampooings ; après-shampooings ; préparations pour le bain, non à usage médical ; préparations de toilette ; préparations cosmétiques pour le bain ; laits de toilette ; pierre ponce ; pierres d'alun ; astringents ; sels pour le bain non à usage médical ; dépilatoires ; aérosols pour rafraîchir l'haleine ; gels de massage autres qu'à usage médical ; bains de bouche non à usage médical ; bâtonnets ouatés à usage cosmétique ; encens ; bâtons d'encens ; parfums d'ambiance ; diffuseurs à bâtonnets de parfums d'ambiance ; pots-pourris odorants ; baumes autres qu'à usage médical ; produits de blanchissage ; bois odorants ; bougies de massage à usage cosmétique ; brillants à lèvres ; produits pour faire briller ; cirages pour chaussures ; crèmes pour chaussures ; laques pour les cheveux ; teintures pour cheveux ; teintures cosmétiques ; produits pour parfumer le linge;
Class 004
Lubricant and Fuel Products
Bougies parfumées ; bougies pour arbres de Noël ; bougies [éclairage] ; chandelles ; cierges ; allume-feu ; cire d'abeilles ; cire pour l'éclairage ; matières éclairantes;
Class 008
Hand Tool Products
Argenterie, coutellerie, fourchettes et cuillers ; couverts, coutellerie, fourchettes et cuillers ; cuillères, fourchettes et couteaux de table en matières plastiques ; cuillères, fourchettes et couteaux de table pour bébés ; outils à main actionnés manuellement ; coupe-ongles électriques ou non électriques ; étuis pour rasoirs ; nécessaires de rasage ; rasoirs électriques ou non électriques ; tondeuses pour la coupe de la barbe ; tondeuses pour la coupe des cheveux, électriques et non électriques nécessaires de manucure électriques ; trousses de manucures ; pinces à épiler;
Class 011
Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking
Abat-jour ; diffuseurs d'éclairage ; appareils et installations d'éclairage ; lampadaires ; lampes d'éclairage ; lustres ; plafonniers ; verres de lampes ; ampoules d'éclairage ; appareils pour la désodorisation de l'air ; vaporisateurs faciaux;
Class 016
Paper Goods and Printed Material
Affiches ; albums ; autocollants ; articles de papeterie ; blocs à dessin ; blocs ; papeterie ; bloque-pages ; boîtes en papier ou en carton ; cahiers ; calendriers; carnets ; cartes postales; cartes de v ux ; cartons à chapeaux ; boîtes ; catalogues; chemises pour documents ; coupe-papiers ; ouvre-lettres ; crayons ; instruments de dessin ; instruments d'écriture ; encriers ; enveloppes ; essuie-mains en papier ; produits de l'imprimerie ; imprimés graphiques ; linge de table en papier ; livres; livrets; sous-main ; nécessaires pour écrire ; articles de papeterie ; papier à lettres ; faire-part ; patrons pour la couture ; photographies imprimées ; plumiers ; pochettes pour documents ; porte-chéquiers ; porte-plume ; publications imprimées ; répertoires ; reproductions graphiques ; stylos ; timbres cachets ; dessous de carafes en papier ; nappes en papier ; emballages en papier ou en carton pour bouteilles ; sacs, enveloppes, pochettes en papier ou en matières plastiques pour l'emballage ; sets de table en papier ; figurines en papier mâché ; objets d'art gravés ; images ; aquarelles ; objets d'art lithographiés ; lithographies ; tableaux pour peintures encadrés ou non ; lingettes en papier pour le démaquillage ; mouchoirs de poche en papier;
Class 020
Furniture Products
Armoires ; bancs ; bibliothèques [meubles] ; buffets ; bureaux [meubles] ; cadres [encadrements] ; canapés ; casiers à bouteilles ; chaises ; sièges ; chaises longues ; commodes ; comptoirs , tables ; consoles [meubles] ; couffins ; coussins ; dessertes ; divans ; étagères [meubles] ; fauteuils ; miroirs ; housses à vêtements [penderie] ; housses pour vêtements [rangement] ; literie à l'exception du linge de lit ; matelas ; meubles de bureau ; mobiles [objets pour la décoration] ; oreillers; paravents [meubles] ; placards ; porte-chapeaux ; porte-livres ; porte-parapluies ; porte-revues ; porte-serviettes [meubles] ; portemanteaux [meubles]; présentoirs ; présentoirs à bijoux ; rideaux de perles pour la décoration ; sofas; sommiers de lits ; stores d'intérieur [mobilier] ; tables [meubles] ; tabourets ; tapis de sol pour le couchage ; vaisseliers ; miroirs tenus à la main [miroirs de toilette] ; anneaux de rideaux ; tringles de rideaux ; appuie-tête [meubles] ; objets d'art en bois, en cire, en plâtre ou en matières plastiques; bustes en bois, en cire, en plâtre ou en matières plastiques ; figurines en bois, en cire, en plâtre ou en matières plastiques ; boîtes en bois ou en matières plastiques ; décorations en matières plastiques pour aliments;
Class 021
Houseware and Glass Products
Aérateurs de vin ; bouchons en verre ; tire-bouchons, électriques et non électriques ; boîtes à thé ; boules à thé ; services à café ; cafetières non électriques ; filtres à thé ; repose-sachets de thé ; services à thé ; théières ; assiettes ; assiettes jetables ; baguettes [instruments de cuisine] ; beurriers ; bocaux ; boîtes à pain ; boîtes à biscuits ; bols ; bouteilles ; cabarets [plateaux à servir] ; carafes ; casseroles ; chopes à bière ; cloches à beurre ; cloches à fromage ; coquetiers ; cocottes pour cuire à l'étuvée, non électriques ; corbeilles à pain à usage ménager ; corbeilles à usage ménager ; corbeilles à papier ; coupes à fruits ; cristaux [verrerie] ; cuillères à mélanger [ustensiles de cuisine] ; cuillères à glace ; cuiseurs à vapeur non électriques ; cure-dents ; services à épices ; flasques de poche ; gobelets en papier ou en matières plastiques ; gourdes ; légumiers ; services à liqueurs ; louches de service; marmites ; mélangeurs pour boissons [shakers] ; moules [ustensiles de cuisine] ; moulins de cuisine non électriques ; moulins à main à usage domestique ; mugs ; ouvre-bouteilles, électriques et non électriques ; pailles pour la dégustation des boissons ; pinces à glaçons ; pinces à salade ; planches à découper pour la cuisine ; plateaux à usage domestique ; plats ; poivriers ; porte-couteaux pour la table ; presse-fruits non électriques à usage ménager ; ramasse-miettes ; récipients à boire ; récipients pour la cuisine ; saladiers ; salières ; services [vaisselle] ; soucoupes ; soupières ; spatules de cuisine ; sucriers ; tasses ; ustensiles de cuisine ; verre émaillé, autre que pour la construction ; verre brut ou mi-ouvré à l'exception du verre de construction ; verre opale ; verre peint ; verres [récipients] ; verres à boire ; barres et anneaux porte-serviettes ; ronds de serviettes ; ronds de table, ni en papier ni en matières textiles ; sets de table, ni en papier ni en matières textiles ; blaireaux à barbe ; boîtes pour la distribution de serviettes en papier ; boîtes à savon ; boîtes en verre ; porte-blaireaux ; porte-savon ; ustensiles cosmétiques ; ustensiles de toilette ; plumeaux; matériaux pour la brosserie ; brosses à ongles ; brosses de toilette ; brosses à chaussures ; brosses à sourcils ; brosses à dents ; brosses à cils; appareils pour le démaquillage ; nécessaires de toilette ; poudriers ; brûle-parfums ; photophores pour recevoir une bougie ; bustes en porcelaine, en céramique, en faïence, en terre cuite ou en verre ; faïence ; mosaïques en verre autres que pour la construction ; ornements en porcelaine ; porcelaines ; poteries ; supports pour fleurs et plantes [arrangements floraux] ; cache-pot non en papier ; dessous de carafes, ni en papier ni en matières textiles ; dessous-de-plat ; maniques ; porte-cartes de menus ; porte-serviettes de table; pots à fleurs ; pots ; chandeliers ; vases ; chausse-pieds ; embauchoirs à chaussures ; appareils de désodorisation à usage personnel ; diffuseurs d'huiles aromatiques autres que diffuseurs à bâtonnets ; distributeurs de papier hygiénique ; distributeurs de savon ; éponges de toilette ; éponges pour le maquillage ; étuis pour peignes ; peignes électriques ; vaporisateurs à parfum ; dispositifs pour maintenir en forme les cravates;
Class 024
Linge de bain à l'exception de l'habillement ; linge de lit ; linge ouvré ; linge de table non en papier ; linge de maison ; serviettes de toilette en matières textiles ; tentures murales en matières textiles ; bannières en matières textiles ou en matières plastiques ; cache-sommiers ; canevas pour la tapisserie ou la broderie ; chemins de table non en papier ; coiffes de chapeaux ; tissus de coton ; couvertures de voyage ; couvertures de lit ; couvertures de pique-nique ; couvre-lits ; dessus-de-lit [couvre-lits] ; crépon; dessous de carafes en matières textiles ; doublures [étoffes] ; drapeaux en matières textiles ou en matières plastiques ; draps ; édredons [couvre-pieds de duvet] ; embrasses en matières textiles ; enveloppes de matelas ; essuie-verres ; étiquettes en matières textiles ; tissus d'ameublement ; housses de protection pour meubles ; housses d'oreillers ; housses pour coussins ; housses pour abattants de toilettes ; nappes non en papier ; tapis de table non en papier ; ronds de table en matières textiles ; serviettes de table en matières textiles ; sets de table en matières textiles ; taies d'oreillers ; toiles cirées [nappes] ; toile à matelas ; matières textiles ; flanelle [tissu] ; frise [étoffe] ; cheviottes [étoffes] ; crêpe [tissu] ; damas [étoffe] ; gaze [tissu] ; haire [étoffe] ; jersey [tissu] ; mousseline [tissu] ; moleskine [tissu] ; taffetas [tissu] ; tissus à usage textile; tissus pour chaussures ; tissus pour la lingerie ; tissus recouverts de motifs dessinés pour la broderie ; tissus de soie pour patrons d'imprimerie ; tissus de jute ; tissus de lin ; tissus de soie ; tricots [tissus] ; velours ; zéphyr [tissu] ; gants de toilette ; mouchoirs de poche en matières textiles ; linceuls ; matières plastiques [succédanés du tissu] ; revêtements de meubles en matières plastiques ; revêtements de meubles en matières textiles ; portières [rideaux] ; rideaux en matières textiles ou en matières plastiques ; rideaux de douche en matières textiles ou en matières plastiques; voilages [rideaux] ; serviettes pour le démaquillage;
Class 025
Clothing Products
Vêtements ; chaussures ; chapellerie ; bandanas ; bandeaux pour la tête ; bas ; bodys comme vêtements de dessous ; bonneterie ; bonnets de bain ; bottes ; bottines ; bretelles ; caleçons [courts] ; caleçons de bain ; casquettes ; ceintures ; châles ; chandails ; chapeaux ; chasubles ; chaussettes ; chemises ; collants ; costumes ; costumes de plage ; cravates ; culottes ; débardeurs de sport ; écharpes ; étoles [fourrures] ; foulards ; fourrures [vêtements] ; gabardines [vêtements] ; gants [habillement] ; gilets ; guêtres ; habillement pour automobilistes ; habillement pour cyclistes ; jarretelles ; jarretières ; jerseys [vêtements] ; jupes ; kimonos ; leggins [pantalons] ; maillots de sport ; maillots de bain ; manteaux ; masques pour dormir ; mitaines ; moufles ; pantalons ; chaussons ; pardessus ; parkas ; peignoirs ; peignoirs de bain ; pèlerines ; pyjamas ; robes ; sandales ; sandales de bain ; saris ; slips ; soutien-gorge ; tee-shirts ; tricots [vêtements] ; turbans ; uniformes ; vestes ; sous-vêtements;
Class 027
Floor Covering products
Descentes de bain [tapis] ; paillassons ; nattes; papiers peints ; papiers peints textiles ; revêtements de sols ; revêtements muraux en matières textiles ; tapis ; carpettes; sous-tapis ; tatamis ; tentures murales décoratives, non en matières textiles ; toile cirée [linoléum];
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Services d'architecture ; conseils en architecture ; architecture d'intérieur ; décoration intérieure ; services de conception d'art graphique ; stylisme [esthétique industrielle] ; conception graphique de matériel promotionnel ; conception de cartes de visite ; services de dessinateurs de mode ; essai de textiles;
Class 043
Restaurant and Hotel Services
Services hôteliers ; services d'agences de logement [hôtels, pensions] ; location de logements temporaires ; services de bars ; services de cafés ; décoration de nourriture ; services de restaurants ; services de traiteurs;
Peintures, vernis et laques pour l'industrie, l'artisanat et l'art ; p...
on 3 Oct 2023
1964541 · 23 May 2019
Class 011
Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking
Electric coffee brewing machines for commercial use; Electric brewing machines for making beverages, namely coffee, tea, cocoa, coffee-based beverages, tea-based beverages, dairy-based beverages, and cocoa-based beverages for commercial use; Electric brewing machines for making single-serving or portion-controlled beverages, namely coffee, tea, cocoa, coffee-based beverages, tea-based beverages, dairy-based beverages, and cocoa-based beverages for commercial use;
Electric coffee brewing machines for commercial use; Electric brewing ...
on 3 Oct 2023
1964542 · 23 May 2019
Class 011
Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking
Electric coffee brewing machines for commercial use; Electric brewing machines for making beverages, namely coffee, tea, cocoa, coffee-based beverages, tea-based beverages, dairy-based beverages, and cocoa-based beverages for commercial use; Electric brewing machines for making single-serving or portion-controlled beverages, namely coffee, tea, cocoa, coffee-based beverages, tea-based beverages, dairy-based beverages, and cocoa-based beverages for commercial use;
Electric coffee brewing machines for commercial use; Electric brewing ...
on 15 May 2024
1964217 · 22 May 2019
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Downloadable computer software for use in providing motor vehicle transportation services, bookings for motor vehicle transportation services and for dispatching motor vehicles to customers;
Class 038
Communications Services
Telecommunications services, namely, routing SMS messages and push-notifications to users of transportation services for automobiles;
Class 039
Transportation & Storage Services
Travel and transportation services, namely, arranging transportation of passengers by motor vehicle;
Downloadable computer software for use in providing motor vehicle tran...
on 20 Jan 2023
1963748 · 17 May 2019
Class 001
Chemical Products
Fertilizers; fertilizers for agricultural use; fertilizing preparations; plant nutrition preparations, all of the foregoing containing potassium
Fertilizers; fertilizers for agricultural use; fertilizing preparation...
on 12 Sept 2024
1963113 · 15 May 2019
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Clothing for protection against accidents, bullet-proof clothing, protective helmets, mouth guards for sports, smartwatches, eyeglass cases, cases for smartphones, laptop cases, stands, and mounts adapted for handheld electronic devices, namely, smartphones, tablet computers, cameras, and portable sound and video players;
Class 014
Jewelry Products
Jewelry, key rings, key chains, jewelry charms; jewelry boxes, clocks, and watches;
Class 016
Paper Goods and Printed Material
Money clips, cheque book holders, paper-clips, passport holders
Class 018
Leather Products not including clothing
Luggage and carrying bags, traveling bags, school bags, business card cases, and pocket wallets, pencil cases;
Class 025
Clothing Products
Pants, jackets, t-shirts, hooded sweatshirts, sweatshirts, hats, bandanas, sweatpants, tracksuit, leggings, boxers, footwear, winter gloves, gloves, long sleeve, short sleeve, tank top, shorts, swim shorts, socks, sleeveless t-shirts, jumpsuits, pajamas, flannel shirts, wind and rain jackets, zip-up fleece sweater, zip-up hooded sweater, athletic leggings, shorts, training pants, Footwear, namely, running shoes, casual shoes, shoes, slippers;
Class 036
Insurance & Financial Services
Charitable services, namely, providing financial support to underprivileged individuals to facilitate health, wellness, and economic development; charitable fund raising services;
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Entertainment services, namely, hosting social events in the field of art, dance and music; educational services, namely providing online seminars and workshops on personal finances; educational services, namely, providing literacy classes, information services, namely, providing a website with information relating to sporting events, cultural activities, fitness activities; organizing community sporting and cultural events, namely, hosting soccer tournaments, food tastings;
Clothing for protection against accidents, bullet-proof clothing, prot...
on 16 Jan 2024
1962456 · 13 May 2019
Class 006
Metal Products
Branching pipes of metal
Class 034
Smoker's Products
Asian long tobacco pipe sheaths
Branching pipes of metal,Asian long tobacco pipe sheaths,Pipe pieces
on 5 Jun 2024
1962063 · 9 May 2019
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Electronic publications in the field of property insurance claims, property damage assessment, property damage remedial services, property repair and property restoration, construction cost appraisals, construction project management and supervision
Class 016
Paper Goods and Printed Material
Print publications in the field of property insurance claims, property damage assessment, property damage remedial services, property repair and property restoration, construction cost appraisals, construction project management and supervision
Class 036
Insurance & Financial Services
Insurance claims adjuster services, insurance claims investigation services; consulting services in the field of property insurance claims, property damage assessment, property damage remedial services
Class 037
Construction and Repair Services
Property damage assessment services, construction assessment services to repair and restore damaged real estate properties, air quality, mold and soil testing services, contaminant investigation services, construction cost appraisals, construction project management; consulting services in the field of property repair, property restoration ,construction cost appraisals, construction project management and supervision
Electronic publications in the field of property insurance claims, pro...
on 29 Jan 2025
1961701 · 8 May 2019
Class 007
Machinery Products
Metalworking machines and tools; mining machines and apparatus, namely, machines for geological, mining and ore exploration, drills for the mining industry, mine borers and mine winches; agitators for chemical processing; filtering machines for chemical processing; oil centrifuges; presses for chemical processing; blending machines for chemical processing; dust collecting machines for chemical processing; dust separators for chemical processing; sintering machines for chemical processing; sorting machines for chemical processing; granulating machines for chemical processing; extracting machines for chemical processing; electromechanical machines for chemical industry, namely disintegrators for chemical processing and emulsifying machines for chemical processing; separating machines for chemical processing; grinding mills for chemical processing; kneading machines for chemical processing; crushing machines being blades for bulldozer and bulldozer parts, power shovels, hydraulic excavators and excavators; loading and unloading machines, namely loaders being earth moving machines, earth moving scrapers, front-end loaders, and tractor loaders; bulldozers; excavators; hydraulic excavators; cranes [lifting and hoisting apparatus]; mobile cranes; engines not for land vehicles, namely engines for industrial machinery; air filters for motors and engines; oil filters for motors and engines; waste compacting machines and parts thereof; waste crushing machines and parts thereof; shredders [machines] for industrial use
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Photographic apparatus and instruments, namely, cameras, photographic lenses, photographic filters, photographic flash units for cameras, shutters for cameras, and cases adapted for photographic equipment; cinematographic machines and apparatus, namely, camcorders, video cameras, audio-video receivers, audio and video cables and cable connectors, and video transmitters; optical apparatus and instruments, namely, optical lenses, optical glass, optical sensors, optical cables, optical fibres, optical switches, optical transmitters and optical transceiver; telecommunication machines and apparatus, namely, GPS receivers and transmitters, radio receivers and transmitters, telephone receivers and transmitters, video receivers and transmitters; GPS navigation device, namely, global positioning system (GPS) consisting of computers, computer software, transmitters, receivers, and network interface devices; navigation apparatus for vehicles in the form of on-board computers; satellite navigation systems; satellite navigation devices; computers; screens for use with hydraulic excavators, earth moving machines, cranes and loading and unloading machines, forklift trucks, crawler-tracked loaders and front-end loaders, namely LCD screens, LED screens, and touch screens; computer programs, recorded, namely computer software for detecting and avoiding objects at the blind spots for use with hydraulic excavators, earth moving machines, cranes and loading and unloading machines, forklift trucks, crawler-tracked loaders and front-end loaders, computer software for providing sales information, and repair and maintenance of hydraulic excavators, earth moving machines, cranes and loading and unloading machines, forklift trucks, crawler-tracked loaders and front-end loaders; measuring or testing machines and instruments, namely, sensors for determining position, distance, angle, velocity and acceleration; power distribution or control machines and apparatus, namely, electric power converters, electrical power connectors, power amplifiers, power cables and cords, power switches, power transformers, uninterruptible power supplies and voltage stabilizing power supplies; rotary converters; phase modifiers; remote controls for operating crushing machines being blades for bulldozer and bulldozer parts, power shovels, hydraulic excavators and excavators; remote controls for operating loading and unloading machines, namely loaders being earth moving machines, earth moving scrapers, front-end loaders, and tractor loaders; remote controls for operating metalworking machines and tools; remote controls for operating machines for geological, mining and ore exploration, drills for the mining industry, mine borers and mine winches; remote controls for operating agitators for chemical processing; remote controls for operating filtering machines for chemical processing; remote controls for oil centrifuges; remote controls for presses for chemical processing; remote controls for blending machines for chemical processing; remote controls for operating dust collecting machines for chemical processing; remote controls for dust separators; remote controls for sintering machines for chemical processing; remote controls for sorting machines for chemical processing; remote controls for granulating machines for chemical processing; remote controls for extracting machines for chemical processing; remote controls for electromechanical machines for chemical industry; remote controls for separating machines for chemical processing; remote controls for grinding mills for chemical processing; remote controls for kneading machines for chemical processing; remote controls for operating engines for industrial machinery; remote controls for operating air filters for motors and engines and oil filters for motors and engines; remote controls for operating waste compacting machines and parts thereof; remote controls for operating waste crushing machines and parts thereof; remote controls for cranes [lifting and hoisting apparatus]; remote controls for mobile cranes
Metalworking machines and tools; mining machines and apparatus, namely...
on 26 Jul 2023
1955440 · 4 Apr 2019
Class 007
Machinery Products
Compressors, namely, pneumatic compressors, hydraulic compressors, air compressors and electric compressors; compressed air systems, namely, compressed air pumps, compressed air engines for industrial machinery, compressed air generators for vehicles; compressed air supply systems, namely, air compressors for vehicle compressed air systems, automotive intake manifolds; electromechanical and electropneumatic entrance systems as parts of door systems for vehicles, namely, electromechanical and electropneumatic drive devices for opening and closing vehicle doors
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Scientific, nautical, surveying, optical, measuring, signaling, controlling apparatus and instruments, namely, electronic distance meters, pressure regulators for vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; measuring couplings for measuring temperature, pressure, quantity and concentration of fluids in hydraulic and pneumatic systems for vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; surveying machines and instruments, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; sensors for measuring vibrations, accelerations and distances, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; electro-optical calibration instruments for use in inspection and measurement of industrial components in the field of vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating and controlling electricity, namely, electrical switch plates, electrical transformers, electric power converters, frequency converters, electrical power distribution blocks, electrical controllers engines of vehicle, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; electric apparatus for commutation, namely current switches, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; material testing instruments and machines for testing components of land vehicles, vehicle steering systems, power converters, traction inverters, traction and power components, and industrial conveyor systems for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; lifesaving apparatus and equipment, namely, electronic control systems for land vehicle and industrial manufacturing equipment emergency stop brakes, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; switches, electric, namely electric current switches, electric toggle switches, electric light switches, electric tactile switches, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; high-frequency apparatus, namely, high-frequency power switches, high-frequency switching power supplies, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; telecommunications equipment, namely computer hardware for telecommunications, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; data processing apparatus, namely data cables, data meters, electronic data recorders for vehicles, computers, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; data communications apparatus, namely, wireless routers for voice, data and image transmission, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; telematics apparatus, namely, telematics communication signal processors for the purpose of displaying and reproducing wirelessly transmitted information and data from vehicles, vehicle trailers and components thereof, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; telematics terminal apparatus, namely, telematics communication video display terminals for the purpose of displaying and reproducing wirelessly transmitted information and data from vehicles, vehicle trailers and components thereof, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; computer hardware, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; recorded and downloadable computer software for monitoring vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, for detecting and controlling vehicles, ground faults, broken rails, power failures, switches and lights, for controlling signaling equipment for vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, for facilitating and managing the transportation and delivery of people and goods by road and rail, for facilitating the maintenance of vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, for fleet management, for facilitating and managing logistics of railway systems, for facilitating the training of staff with respect to vehicles and railway stations, for the steering and control of vehicles, for the remote control of railway points, for automatic steering of vehicles, for voltage regulation of vehicles, for tracking and mapping of road and rail traffic, for the management and maintenance of rail and road traffic, for the maintenance of vehicles, for modelling and simulation of road and railway equipment and optimization of road and railway equipment, for cyber security of railway systems, for measuring energy, for controlling energy, for protection against surges or electrical interferences, for controlling doors including railway platform screen doors, for controlling vehicle trailer functions, for monitoring, diagnosing, controlling and operating vehicles, for pressurizing brake systems for land vehicles, for monitoring and controlling brakes for land vehicles, for monitoring and controlling heating, ventilating, air conditioning and air purification equipment, for education featuring instruction in the field of equipment for vehicles, for management and operation of railway stations and railway lines, for use in connecting information systems, for use in monitoring, controlling and operating telecommunications equipment and systems, and for data processing in relation to all of the foregoing, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; downloadable and recorded computer software which creates, controls, records and analyzes virtual reality scenarios, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; recorded and downloadable software for monitoring, controlling and operating electronic driving assistance systems for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; downloadable and recorded computer programs for processing data relating to commercial and rail vehicles, for computerized navigation, and for use in the assisted driving of vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; automatic electronic vehicle speed controllers, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; adaptive speed control (ACC) (software based on sensors), namely adaptive cruise controls for motor vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; recorded and downloadable computer software for adaptive cruise control (ACC), all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; recorded and downloadable computer software for smart vehicle steering, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; recorded and downloadable computer software for smart hydraulic steering, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; recorded and downloadable computer software for monitoring, controlling and operating lane departure warning systems, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; recorded and downloadable computer software for monitoring, controlling and operating side wind compensation systems, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; simulators and computer programs for the steering and control of vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; electronic databases recorded on computer media in the field of commercial vehicles and rail vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; levelling apparatus for land vehicles in the nature of apparatus for the electrical regulation of the height of vehicles and electrical components thereof, namely, height sensors, electronic control panels, automatic valves and recorded and downloadable software for control of vehicle level and height, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; electronic control systems for vehicle doors and railway platform screen doors, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, railway stations and railway lines, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods
Class 011
Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking
Heating, ventilating, air-conditioning apparatus, namely heating elements, heating radiators, ventilating fans, ventilation hoods, air conditioners, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; air treatment apparatus, namely air purification units, air purifying machines, air cleaning units, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods
Class 012
Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water
Commercial trucks, cars and rail vehicles for long-distance and local transport as well as for passenger and freight transport, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; brakes, brake systems and their parts for vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; pumps, namely, pneumatic pumps, hydraulic pumps, electric pumps for land vehicles, vehicle hydraulic and pneumatic pumps, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; engine air control valves for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; exhaust brakes for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; compressed air tanks, namely, pressure media containers in the nature of brake air cylinders and components of air suspension systems for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; compressed air apparatus for controlling brakes, clutches, and transmissions being structural parts of land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; pneumatic suspension systems in vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; steering units for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; transmissions, transmission control units, transmission components, for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; clutch and clutch actuating units for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; drive gears for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; power-trains, including motors and engines, for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; motors, electric, for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; vehicle wheels, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; axles and axle bearings for land vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; pedal systems for land vehicles comprised of brake pedals, accelerator pedals, and clutch mechanisms, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; dampers for rotating shafts for land vehicles, torsional vibration dampers, each being parts for land vehicle engines and land vehicle drive shafts, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; door systems, namely, doors for vehicles, in particular exterior doors, interior doors, connecting doors, sliding doors, driver's cab doors, pivot sliding doors, swing doors, and boarding aids for railway vehicles, in particular ramps, sliding steps, folding steps, gap-bridging devices, trapping protection devices being parts of a vehicle door system, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; traction controls, namely, traction control systems for land vehicles comprised of brakes, automatic traction control valves, and an electronic brake module, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; tractions controls, namely, an electronic stability system to allow better control and maneuverability of trucks and trailers, sold as an integral component of trucks and trailers, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; bogies for railway wagons and rail-bound vehicles, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; sanding devices, namely, brakes for rail vehicles using sand as a braking medium, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods; windscreen wiper and washer systems, all of the aforementioned goods for commercial and rail vehicles, parts and fittings for all of the aforementioned goods
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Business management; professional business management consultancy; supply chain management services
Class 037
Construction and Repair Services
Assembly, modernisation, maintenance, overhauling and repair of vehicles; assembly, installation, modernisation, maintenance, overhauling and repair of electric and electronic apparatus, in particular in vehicles; maintenance and repair of motor vehicle engines; repair and overhaul of compressors, dampers, transmission components, brakes and their parts, control units, valves [machine parts], pedal systems, clutches, motor vehicle engines, heating, ventilating, air conditioning apparatus and air treatment apparatus for land vehicles; overhaul of worn or partially destroyed compressed air machines; vehicle repair consultancy; advisory services relating to the maintenance and repair of mechanical and electrical equipment for vehicles
Class 038
Communications Services
Telecommunications, namely, electronic mail and facsimile transmission services and instant messaging services, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings; providing telecommunications connections to databases, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings; computerized telecommunications services, namely, providing access to a global computer network, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings; electronic transmission of data, namely email transmission of data and documents via computer terminals, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings; providing multiple user access to global computer information networks for the transfer and dissemination of information and files, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings; providing multiple user access to a global computer network, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings; telematics services, namely telematic in-vehicle communication service providing wireless vehicle navigation and tracking, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings; digital text messaging services via computers connected to the same telematics network, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings; telematics communication services, namely, information transmission by telematics codes in the field of in-vehicle navigation and tracking, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings; interactive broadcasting and communications services, namely interactive teletext services, interactive videotext services, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings; providing multiple-user access to global computer information networks for the transfer and dissemination of a wide range of information, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings; consultancy in the field of telecommunications, namely radio broadcasting consultancy, all of the aforementioned services for commercial and rail vehicles, their parts and fittings
Class 040
Treatment & Processing of Materials Services
Treatment and conversion of materials, namely custom assembling of land and rail vehicles and their component parts for others; treatment of rubber by vulcanization in the field of land and rail vehicles; metal tempering, heat treatment of metals; metal plating and laminating; treating materials with ultrasonic waves to modify their properties, namely ultrasonic welding and soldering services; treatment of materials by laser beam, namely laser scribing of metals; treatment of materials using chemicals, namely treatment of materials for the manufacture of steel tubes for HVAC, automotive, oil and gas, fluid power, power generation and recreational vehicle industries; metal casting; custom construction of machines, namely custom building of engines for land vehicles; providing information in the field of heat treatment of metals
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Provision of training courses in the fields of vehicle maintenance, vehicle servicing and vehicle brake systems, land vehicles, commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, agricultural machines, rail vehicles, public transportation services and equipment, state and private railroads, industrial supply, plant construction for power plants, conveyor systems and product safety; provision of online training in the fields of vehicle maintenance, vehicle servicing and vehicle brake systems, land vehicles, commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, agricultural machines, rail vehicles, public transportation services and equipment, state and private railroads, industrial supply, plant construction for power plants, conveyor systems and product safety; consultancy services relating to training in the fields of vehicle maintenance, vehicle servicing and vehicle brake systems, land vehicles, commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, agricultural machines, rail vehicles, public transportation services and equipment, state and private railroads, industrial supply, plant construction for power plants, conveyor systems and product safety
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Scientific and technological services, namely, scientific research and development of new products for others; scientific and industrial research in the fields of land vehicles, commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, agricultural machines, rail vehicles, public transportation equipment, state and private railroads, power plants, conveyor systems, energy consumption, and the reliability, availability, predictive maintenance, preventive maintenance and punctuality of mass transit vehicles, rail vehicles, commercial trucks, truck trailers, buses, and agricultural machines; research in the fields of civil engineering, computer software engineering, construction project engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and traffic engineering; design services, namely technical design of new products for others in the fields of land vehicles, commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, agricultural machines, rail vehicles, public transportation services and equipment, state and private railroads, industrial supply industries, power plants, and conveyor systems; engineering services, namely construction project engineering, computer software engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, traffic engineering; engineering services relating to energy supply systems; engineering services relating to information technology, namely computer hardware engineering, computer software engineering, software design engineering, software testing engineering, software systems integration engineering; design and development of computer software; industrial testing, namely, analyzing and evaluation for others in the field of land vehicles, commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, and agricultural machines, rail vehicles, conveyor systems and their structural parts to assure compliance with commercial and industry standards; quality control testing of land vehicles, commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, and agricultural machines, rail vehicles, conveyor systems and their structural parts; conducting engineering surveys; testing, analysis and evaluation of the goods and services of others for the purpose of certification; materials testing and analysing; providing information in the field of product design; providing information in the field of product development; providing information about industrial analysis and research services in the fields of vehicles, railway stations and railway lines; technological consultancy services in the fields of vehicles, railway stations and railway lines; consultancy services in the field of chemical engineering, construction project engineering, civil engineering, computer software engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and traffic engineering; information technology [IT] consultancy, namely computer software consultancy, computer programming consultancy, computer security consultancy, consultancy in the design and development of computer hardware; advisory services relating to material testing
Compressors, namely, pneumatic compressors, hydraulic compressors, air...
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Micro data base systems inc. (12)
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$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Madrid Protocol (WIPO)
$1999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Puerto Rico
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Sri Lanka
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
United Republic of Tanzania
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
West Bank, Palestine
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Antigua and Barbuda
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Bosnia and Herzegovina
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Burkina Faso
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
Cabo Verde
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Central African Republic (CAR)
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Cote d'Ivoire
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Equatorial Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
Marshall Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
North Macedonia
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Papua New Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Kitts and Nevis
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Lucia
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
San Marino
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sao Tome and Principe
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sierra Leone
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Solomon Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
South Sudan
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1599 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Trinidad and Tobago
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee