| FERMENTALG FERMENTALG, Société anonyme 1937418 20 Dec 2018 | | Protéine [matière première] pour la fabrication de produits pour l'ali... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Protéine [matière première] pour la fabrication de produits pour l'alimentation animale, de produits pour l'alimentation humaine et de boissons, pour la fabrication de compléments alimentaires, pour la fabrication de cosmétiques; protéines pour la fabrication de denrées alimentaires pour l'alimentation humaine et pour l'alimentation animale; protéines, antioxydants et vitamines pour la fabrication de compléments alimentaires; enzymes pour la transformation de dérivés alimentaires; pectine pour l'industrie alimentaire; vitamines destinées à l'industrie alimentaire; amidon pour la fabrication de compléments alimentaires dans l'industrie alimentaire, nommément, maïs, patates; enzymes pour la fabrication d'alicaments; engrais à base d'acides aminés; acides gras, acides gras polyinsaturés; esters produits à partir d'acides gras [pour procédés de fabrication]; préparations d'oligo-éléments pour la croissance des plantes; fertilisants à base d'algues; produits pour l'épuration du gaz; produits chimiques pour l'épuration de l'eau; préparations diagnostiques de recherche scientifique pour déceler la présence de contaminants dans les aliments; papier réactifs à usage scientifique ou pour la recherche; cultures de micro-organismes et de bactéries servants d'additifs alimentaires; préparations chimiques destinées à conserver les aliments; stimulateurs de croissance pour plantes contenant des micro-organismes nommément engrais pour la croissance des plantes; culture d'organismes microbiotiques servant d'additifs alimentaires; composts, engrais, fertilisants; engrais à base d'algues marines; préparations et cultures de micro-organismes destinées à l'industrie alimentaire humaine ou animale, à l'industrie nutraceutique humaine ou animale, à l'industrie cosmétique; cultures bactériennes pour l'industrie alimentaire; produits chimiques pour la protection des micro-organismes en cultures; réactifs chimiques pour l'identification de micro-organismes; micro-organismes utilisés pour le traitement de l'eau; microalgues pour l'épuration des eaux résiduaires; nutriments pour algues; compost à base d'algues; engrais à base d'algues marines; extraits d'algues de mer utilisés comme fertilisants; substances destinées à contrôler la croissance d'algues aquatiques; agents chimiques pour fabriquer des colorants; produits chimiques destinés à la fabrication de teintures à textiles; préparations chimiques pour fabriquer des colorants; agents pénétrants pour l'impression textile et la teinture nommément agents biochimiques textiles. Class 002 Teintures alimentaires, colorants alimentaires, pigments organiques et encres comestibles; colorants pour aliments ; colorants pour boissons ; bases colorantes pour peintures nommément colorants pour la fabrication de peinture; colorants du verre ; colorants pour le bois ; colorants anticorrosion destinés au mélange des peintures pour la sélection de teintes nommément peinture anticorrosion; teintures à textile, teintures pour aliments; fixateurs de teintures ; teintures destinées à l'industrie textile ; préparations destinées à la teinture dans la masse de matériaux; Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Agents blanchissants pour ongles ; agents structurants nommément laques pour les cheveux; astringents à usage cosmétique ; bases pour les ongles [cosmétiques] ; bâtonnets ouatés à usage cosmétique ; baumes pour la peau autre qu'à usage médical nommément baumes pour dissimuler les imperfections de la peau; bois odorants ; brumisateurs à usage cosmétique ; colles pour renforcer les ongles ; cotons imprégnés de produits cosmétiques ; crayons à l'usage cosmétique ; crèmes cosmétiques ; crèmes pour blanchir la peau ; crèmes pour le cuir ; crèmes pour les ongles ; dentifrices ; déodorants et antiperspirants ; dépilatoires ; dissolvants pour vernis à ongles [cosmétiques] ; durcisseurs d'ongles; eaux de toilette ; encens ; exfoliants cosmétiques pour le corps ; eye-liners ; fards ; gel à ongles ; gels de massage autres qu'à usage médical; gels et sels pour le bain et la douche non à usage médical ; gels hydratants ; gels, mousses, baumes et produits sous la forme d'aérosol pour le coiffage et le soin des cheveux ; gels, sels et préparations cosmétiques nommément crèmes pour le bain et la douche non à usage médical ; graisses à usage cosmétique ; henné à usage cosmétique ; huiles corporelles à usage cosmétique; huiles cosmétiques ; huiles de toilette ; huiles essentielles à usage cosmétique, huiles essentielles comme aromatisant alimentaire; huiles pour le soin des cheveux ; huiles cosmétiques pour les mains ; huiles, lotions et crèmes d'aromathérapie à usage cosmétique ; laits cosmétiques ; détachants à lessive; lingettes imprégnées de produits cosmétiques ; lotion tonique pour le visage, le corps et les mains à usage cosmétique; lotions capillaires ; lotions corporelles hydratantes ; lotions à usage cosmétique ; lotions, crèmes, huiles, gels, pommades, baumes de massage, à usage cosmétique ; maquillage ; mascara ; masques capillaires ; masques de beauté ; motifs décoratifs à usage cosmétique ; mousses cosmétiques pour les cheveux ; ouate à usage cosmétique ; parfums ; parfums d'ambiance ; pierres parfumées ; pommades à usage cosmétique ; pots-pourris odorants ; préparations cosmétiques anti-âge; huiles, lotions, crèmes et gels cosmétiques pour le visage ; préparations cosmétiques pour l'amincissement ; préparations d'aromathérapie nommément crèmes d'aromathérapie; préparations de massage non médicamenteuses nommément crèmes de massage; préparations et traitements capillaires nommément préparations cosmétiques de soin capillaire ; abrasif pour préparer la surface des ongles pour appliquer du poli ; préparations moussantes pour le bain ; préparations pour le rasage et l'épilation ; préparations cosmétiques pour le soin de la peau ; cosmétiques et produits de maquillage ; produits de démaquillage ; produits de maquillage ; produits de parfumerie ; produits de pédicure nommément crèmes pour les pieds, désincrustants exfoliants pour les pieds, lotion pour les pieds, savons contre la transpiration des pieds, déodorants pour pieds; produits de rasage; produits de toilette contre la transpiration; préparations de soin pour les ongles à usage cosmétique ; produits hydratants nommément crèmes, lotions et gels hydratants; produits nettoyants pour la peau; produits pour parfumer le linge ; rouge à lèvres ; sachets d'encens; savons de soins corporels; sérums de beauté, sérums faciaux à usage cosmétique ; serviettes imprégnées de lotions cosmétiques ; shampooings, après-shampooings; recharges de parfums pour diffuseurs électriques de parfums d'intérieur ; vernis à ongles.
Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Compléments alimentaires à base de poudre de protéines; compléments alimentaires à base de plantes pour l'état général de la santé et le bien-être; vitamines, minéraux, acides gras et oligo-éléments à usage non médical; suppléments diététiques riches en fibres nommément compléments diététiques à base de blé; compléments minéraux nutritionnels; extraits de plantes pour l'état général de la santé et le bien-être; compléments minéraux nutritionnels pour bébés; laits en poudre pour bébés; boissons et aliments pour bébés, lait et produits laitiers pour bébés, aliments contenant des céréales et/ou préparations à base de céréales pour bébés; compléments minéraux nutritionnels pour animaux; huiles et émulsions à usage médical contenant des acides gras pour le traitement de maladies neurodégénératives, ophtalmologiques, cardiovasculaires et inflammatoires, cancers, troubles de l'humeur, naissances prématurées; substances et produits diététiques pour l'état général de la santé et le bien-être, nommément suppléments nutritionnels diététiques pour renforcer l'immunité; antioxydants utilisés comme compléments alimentaires; préparations d'huiles marines nommément huiles de poisson comestibles à usage médical, huile de foie de morue, huile de thon, huile d'onagre, destinées aux compléments alimentaires; suppléments d'acides gras Oméga-3; compléments alimentaires à base de suppléments d'acides gras Oméga 3; compléments alimentaires à base d'huiles marines nommément huile de poisson comestible à usage médical, huile de foie de morue, huile de thon, huile d'onagre; compléments alimentaires à base d'huiles de poisson nommément huile de poisson comestible à usage médical, huile de foie de morue, huile de thon, huile; huile de poisson comestible à usage médical, huile de foie de morue, huile de thon, huile d'onagre; huiles essentielles micro-encapsulées pour l'état général de la santé et le bien-être, nommément huile de poisson ou de microalgues comestible à usage médical; huiles émulsionnées pour l'état général de la santé et le bien-être nommément huile de poisson ou de microalgues comestible à usage médical; produits pharmaceutiques et vétérinaires pour le traitement de maladies neurodégénératives, ophtalmologiques, cardiovasculaires et inflammatoires, cancers, troubles de l'humeur, naissances prématurées; produits hygiéniques pour l'état général de la santé et le bien-être, nommément produits d'hygiène buccale à usage médical; emplâtres pour pansements; matériel pour plomber les dents et pour empreintes dentaires; désinfectants multi-usage; produits pour la destruction des animaux nuisibles; fongicides, herbicides; eau de mer pour bains médicinaux; culottes ou serviettes hygiéniques; préparations chimiques à usage médical et pharmaceutique pour le traitement de maladies neurodégénératives, ophtalmologiques, cardiovasculaires et inflammatoires, cancers, troubles de l'humeur, naissances prématurées; herbes médicinales traditionnelles chinoises pour l'état général de la santé et le bien-être¸ nommément pour aider au sommeil, pour contrôler la pression sanguine, pour le traitement des allergies; tisanes pour la santé et le bien-être général; parasiticides; sucre candi à usage médical; alliages de métaux précieux à usage dentaire; préparations de micro-organismes, nommément microalgues et macroalgues, à usage médical ou vétérinaire pour le traitement de maladies neurodégénératives, ophtalmologiques, cardiovasculaires et inflammatoires, cancers, troubles de l'humeur, naissances prématurées; cultures de micro-organismes, nommément microalgues et macroalgues, à usage médical ou vétérinaire pour le traitement de maladies neurodégénératives, ophtalmologiques, cardiovasculaires et inflammatoires, cancers, troubles de l'humeur, naissances prématurées; réactifs colorants pour détecter la plaque dentaire; produits pour le réchauffement musculaire nommément crèmes analgésiques.
Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Recherches scientifiques dans le domaine de la biologie, biotechnologie, études des micro-organismes, microalgues ; recherches en chimie, pharmacologie ; mise au point de molécules, micro-organismes, bio procédés ; recherche et développement de nouveaux produits pour des tiers; développement de concepts énergétiques intégrés ; conseils professionnels dans le domaine de l'économie énergétique ; services de conseils technologiques dans le domaine de la production d'énergie alternative ; services d'ingénierie en matière de production d'électricité et de gaz naturel ; recherche biotechnologique ; services d'essais biotechnologiques ; services de recherche en biochimie ; conseils en biotechnologie ; recherche biotechnologique relative à l'industrie ; recherche et développement en biochimie ; services de développement de médicaments; recherches en biochimie ; services de conseil en matière de biochimie ; services de conception concernant les usines pour l'industrie biotechnologique ; recherche et développement dans le domaine pharmaceutique et biotechnologique ; services de conception en matière de systèmes de traitement pour l'industrie biotechnologique ; recherche et développement dans le domaine scientifique en lien avec les algues ; recherche et développement dans le domaine de la santé animale et humaine ; recherche et développement de nouveaux produits pour des tiers ; location d'appareils et d'instruments de laboratoire ; services de recherche industrielle et scientifique dans le domaine de la biochimie; recherche et développement dans le domaine des micro-organismes et des cellules; mise à disposition d'informations concernant des services d'analyse et de recherche industrielles. | |
| SHAQUILLE O'NEAL XLG ABG-SHAQ LLC 1872206 11 Dec 2017 | on 26 Jan 2021 | Clothing, namely, men's suits, tuxedos, sport coats, pants, shirts, sw... Class 025 Class 025 Clothing Products Clothing, namely, men's suits, tuxedos, sport coats, pants, shirts, sweaters, coats, jackets, neckwear, socks, belts. | |
A CORPORATION OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE 1861339 5 Oct 2017 | on 27 Apr 2021 | Computer software for the professional exchange of information about t... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Computer software for the professional exchange of information about the law, law firm management, and the local and global practice and development of law; computer software, namely, downloadable electronic publications in the nature of books, guides, and magazine in the field of law, law firm management, and the local and global practice and development of law Class 016 Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Paper; printed matter, namely, books, brochures, pamphlets, newspapers, handbooks, journals, guides, digests, magazines, and periodicals in the field of law, law firm management, and the local and global practice and development of law; bookbinding material; photographs; artists' materials, namely, pens, pencils, pastels, brushes, charcoal, watercolor, paint; typewriters and office requisites except furniture, namely, labels, envelopes, folders, binders, sheet protectors, files, notebooks, desk accessories namely, staplers and staples, bookbinding machines, paper binding machines, paper weights; printed instructional and teaching material namely books, booklets, report guides, articles, manuals in the field of law, law firm management, and the local and global practice and development of law; plastic materials for packaging, namely, plastic bags for packaging, plastic film for packaging, plastic packaging wrap; printing blocks; newsletters in the field of the local and global practice and development of law to promote the interests of member law firms through the professional exchange of information about law firm management, legal issues, and the local and global practice and development of law Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Business management; business administration services; providing office functions namely, secretarial and clerical services; providing business management and organization consultancy to lawyers, law firms and law students; association services, namely, promoting the interests of member law firms through the professional exchange of information about the local and global practice and development of law; compilation and systematization of information about law firm management, legal issues, local and global legal practice and legal developments into computer databases
Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Education services, namely, providing workshops, seminars, conferences, classes, lectures, presentations, panel discussions, teleseminars, teleclasses, retreats, and mentoring in the field of local and global practice and development of law; providing of training in the field of law, law firm management, and the local and global practice and development of law; entertainment, namely, conducting and providing educational seminars, conferences and meetings in the field of law firm practice and management, legal services, law firm marketing, issues affecting law firms, and law firm and lawyer networking, all for educational purposes, and distributing printed, audio and/or electronic course materials in connection therewith; providing online non-downloadable newsletters, books, newspapers, articles, monographs, audio recordings, and audio-visual recordings in the field of the local and global practice and development of law and to promote the interests of member law firms through the professional exchange of information, all for educational purposes; hosting educational and social event meetings, conferences and seminars regarding the local and global practice and development of law and permitting attendees to engage in the professional exchange of information on these topics, all for educational purposes; arranging and conducting of educational colloquiums, conferences, congresses, seminars and symposiums in the field of law, law firm management, and the local and global practice and development of law; publication of books, magazines, newspapers and pamphlets; publication of texts namely legal publications, brochures, manuals, books, booklets, and newsletters all in the field of legal matters, issues, affairs and services
Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Providing temporary use of online non-downloadable computer software for management of a database featuring legal information
Class 045 Personal & Legal & Social Services Legal services; security services for the protection of property and individuals, namely, consulting in the field of privacy and security laws, regulations and requirements, personal security consultation, physical security consultation, providing information in the field of personal and physical security; providing information about the local and global practice of law and the development of law; supplying professional information regarding the evolution and the practice of law on a general and local level; referrals for legal services; legal advice services to industrial and commercial enterprises, to members of liberal professions, and to associations in the fields of law and business management and organization; Providing information and responding to inquiries regarding local and global law and legal practices | |
| FLG WENZHOU BOMEI BATHROOM CO. LTD 1856226 7 Sept 2017 | on 2 Apr 2019 | Bath installations; bath plumbing fixtures; electric lights for christ... Class 011 Class 011 Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking Bath installations; bath plumbing fixtures; electric lights for christmas trees; faucet taps; faucets; incandescent burners; mixer taps for water pipes; washers for water taps. Class 021 Class 021 Houseware and Glass Products Pipe line cocks; three way pipes for water heating installations; water intake apparatus, namely, water supply pipes, water storage reservoirs and tanks, ball faucet, flow restrictor. | |
| ISLG TOLOGIX EXPERT SYSTEMS INC. 1827234 14 Mar 2017 | on 13 Jul 2018 | Electronic databases in the field of law,Computer database management ... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Electronic databases in the field of law Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Computer database management services; database marketing services in the form of compiling customer specific databases Class 038 Communications Services Leasing access time to a computer database containing value added content and expert knowledge for dissemination to others in the field of law
Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Software as a service (SAAS) services featuring database software that captures value added content and expert knowledge for dissemination to others in the field of law; cloud computing providing software for database management; database design and development | |
| MLG Major League Gaming Corp. 1802305 27 Sept 2016 | on 11 Jan 2019 | Entertainment services in the nature of eSports and video game contest... Class 041 Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Entertainment services in the nature of eSports and video game contests, games, tournaments, exhibitions, competitions and events; Entertainment services, in the nature of eSports and video game contests, games, tournaments, exhibitions, competitions and events rendered live at indoor and outdoor venues and through the media of radio, television, or the Internet; Providing a web-based system and on-line portal for gamers to participate in on-line gaming, operation and coordination of game tournaments, leagues and tours for computer game playing purposes; Organizing eSports and video gaming leagues; Production of television and global computer communications programs and network broadcast programs featuring news highlights, eSports and video game contests, games, tournaments, exhibitions, competitions and events; Entertainment services, namely, providing online videos featuring eSports and video games being played by others; Entertainment services, namely, live performances by video game players; Providing online news, information and commentary in the fields of eSports, video gaming, video games, and video game players; Entertainment services, namely non-downloadable software that allows users to create, modify, upload, download, share, preview, and publish user created interactive video game content, music, and other media files via a global computer network; Entertainment services, namely, exhibits composed of interactive displays, participatory activities and contests centered around video gaming. | |
| FLEXI-ALG WELLA OPERATIONS US LLC 1788365 23 Jun 2016 | on 27 Jul 2017 | Chemical preparations used in industry for the production of cosmetic ... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemical preparations used in industry for the production of cosmetic preparations, namely hair care preparations and hair styling preparations. Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Hair care preparations and hair styling preparations. | |
| BLG TRITON INVESTMENT GROUP PTE. LTD. A LEGAL ENTITY 1762765 11 Jan 2016 | on 5 Nov 2018 | Konjak starch; binding agents for ice cream; thickening agents for coo... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Class 029 Class 029 Meats and Processed Food Products Aquatic plant extract for food; fruit jellies; jellies for food; food gelling agent, namely, crystal freeze; agar-agar; albumen for culinary purposes; kelp powder; kelp; ham. Class 030 Staple Food Products Konjak starch; binding agents for ice cream; thickening agents for cooking foodstuffs; sausage binding agents; binding agents for ice cream [edible ices]; starch for food; wheat flour; fondants [confectionery]; powders for ice cream; fruit jellies [confectionery]. | |
| FACE DESIGN & LG LG CORP. 1761215 24 Dec 2015 | on 11 Jan 2019 | Skin lotions; moisturizing skin lotions; facial concentrated emulsion;... Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Skin lotions; moisturizing skin lotions; facial concentrated emulsion; after shave lotions; skin conditioners; skin cleansing creams; skin moisturizing creams; toilet water; beauty masks; cosmetic preparations for body care; cosmetic soaps; bath soaps; body cleansers; body mist; body gel; bath gel; body cream scrub; hair care preparations; hair shampoo; hair rinses; hair spray; hair mousse; hair gel; hair dyes; nail care preparations; cream dentifrices; dentifrices; teeth whitening preparations; pencil for tooth whitening purpose; tooth whitening patches not for medical purposes; detergents for dishwashing machines; laundry detergents for household use; fabric softeners for laundry use; dry-cleaning preparations. | |
| FACE DESIGN & LG LG CORP. 1759158 11 Dec 2015 | on 3 Oct 2019 | LED camera lenses; Camera modules; Voice coil motors for camera; Actua... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products LED camera lenses; Camera modules; Voice coil motors for camera; Actuator for driving camera; Optical image stabilization [OIS] for camera; LED flash for camera; LED flash for mobile camera; Cameras for vehicles; Car recognizing cameras; Black box camera for cars; Cameras for smart television; IP network cameras; Inertial sensors; Motion detecting sensors; Noise sensors; Pressure sensors; Temperature sensors; On-board diagnosis systems for vehicles used to monitor emission control; Fingerprint authentication sensor; Wireless power chargers; Transmitters for wireless cellular phone chargers; Receivers for wireless cellular phone chargers; Cellular phone battery chargers; DC-DC converters; Supercapacitors; Wireless smart phone chargers for cars; Batteries for automobiles; Batteries for electronic shelf label; Apparatus for reproducing images for cars, namely, cameras; Video recording apparatus for vehicles, namely, video cameras; Car televisions; Digital stereo tuners; Digital radio receivers and radio signal tuners; LED displays for smart phone; Wireless communication apparatus for vehicles, namely, handheld computers, tablet computers, wireless and satellite telephones, satellite transmitters, satellite receivers, wireless modems, radio transmitters, radio receivers, antennas, namely radio antennas and antennas for wireless communication apparatus for transmitting and receiving voice, video and internet data; Navigation apparatus for vehicles in the form of on-board computers; Wireless communication apparatus, namely, mobile phone handsets and walkie-talkies; Wireless communication devices, namely, mobile phones, smart phones and personal digital assistants; Wireless phone transmitters and receivers; Radar detector modules, namely, radar detectors, radar receivers with amplifiers and radars; Radar object detectors for vehicles; Wi-Fi modules; Frequency repeaters for wireless communication [router]; Global positioning systems (GPS) consisting of computers, computer software, transmitters, receivers, and network interface devices; Computer software for use in Real Time Location Systems, namely, for tracking automobiles through an assembly line; Remote control apparatus applying internet of things [IoT], namely, electromechanical controls for water heaters, electromechanical controls for room thermostats, electronic control systems for room locking systems and electrical control systems for lighting systems; Electronic communication module for automobiles having wireless technology for exchanging information between navigational systems; Computer application software that enables electronic wireless communication between automobile drivers; Software for managing automobile battery; System software for managing automobile battery; System hardware for managing automobile battery; computer application software for implementing Internet of things [IoT] devices, namely, software for connecting computers, televisions, cameras, smart phones, mobile phones, LED display panels, LED monitors, air conditioners, electric ranges, microwave ovens, conventional ovens, dishwashers, washing machines, refrigerators and security alarms to each other and the internet so that such devices are able to transmit and receive remote commands and to report operational data; Wireless communication devices and apparatus using Internet of things [IoT], namely, wireless local area network modules and wireless local area network routers; Network devices used with or for the internet of things [IoT], namely, network routers, network servers, computer network adapters, computer network bridges and computer network switches; Downloadable computer software for use in monitoring, analyzing, managing, optimizing and automating the security and management of IoT (internet of things) devices, namely, computers, televisions, cameras, smart phones, mobile phones, LED display panels, LED monitors, air conditioners, electric ranges, microwave ovens, conventional ovens, dishwashers, washing machines, refrigerators and security alarms; Computer software enabling real time interactive communication between automobile drivers and automobile manufacturers via a wireless communication network; Touch panels; computer touch-screens; computer touch-screen sensors for use with automotive consoles; Electronic driver-interface display screen for providing navigational assistance while operating a vehicle; Display panels, namely, television display panels, smartphone display panels and computer display panels; LED large screen displays; LED manipulators, namely, motion sensors for motion recognition; Light emitting diode [LED] display screens; LED monitors; LED screen display apparatus, namely, digital signage display panels; Stand type displays using LED; Equipment for measuring optical features of LED lighting, namely, lighting control panels; Polarizing films used to increase brightness and contrast of LED display panels; LED test handlers used to check defects on LED chips or LED panels, measure their electric and optic characteristics and classify the chips (or panels) by the test results; LED plane tables, namely, LED flat panels used in LED downlights, LED stripe lights, LED flood lights, led high bay lights and LED street lights; LED display panels; Computer hardware that enables real time information exchange and information access to human/apparatus/machines/equipments; Electronic shelf label; Electro-magnetic absorbing and shielding films used in mobile phones, smart phones, LED display screens and wireless smartphone chargers to minimize electromagnetic interference with peripheral electronic devices and protect crucial integrated circuit of main board from electromagnetic noise; Touch panels for vehicles; Rigid flexible printed circuit board [PCB]; LED monitors; Automobile motor controlling circuit; LED driving devices, namely, LED drivers for supplying power to LED lighting fixtures; LED optical filters for screens; Coolers for LED, namely, LED heat sinks and LED cooling fans; Photomasks for the production of integrated circuits; LED elements, namely, mid power LED chips and high power LED chips for use in televisions; Glass substrate for use with LED monitors; Electronic circuit boards for LED lighting fixtures; LED circuit, namely, LED circuit boards containing integrated LEDs, OLEDs, polymer light-emitting diodes; Semi-conductor memory chips, namely, DRAM chips, SRAM chips, M-RAM (Magnetoresistive random-access memory) chips, P-RAM (Phase-change Memory) chips, PROM chips and NVRAM chips; Circuit boards; Shield film made of electronic wave nano materials for attaching semiconductor element; Semi-conductor wafers; Driving IC and power management IC (PMIC) for display; Integrated circuit chips for use in smart cards; Printed electronic circuits for apparatus and cards bearing integrated circuits; video surveillance cameras used for monitoring Internet of things [IoT]; Lenses, namely, anti-reflective lenses, camera lenses, optical lenses and magnifying lenses; Gas meter displays for use in automobile Class 011 Class 011 Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking Lamps for automobiles; Rear lamps for automobiles; Light emitting diode lights for automobiles; Interior lights for automobiles; Fog lamps [lights] for automobiles; Headlamps for automobiles; Lights for vehicles; Brake light for automobiles; LED luminaries; Light emitting diodes [LED] bulbs; LED lighting equipment, namely, LED flashlights, LED landscape lights; LED flash for cameras; Organic light emitting diodes [OLED] lighting fixtures; Lighting fixtures; Vehicle dynamo lamps; LED lighting tubes; LED packages consisting of LED light bulbs, LED luminaires; LED modules in whole or partially consisting of integrated LEDs, OLEDs, and polymer emitting diodes; LED backlights; Organic light emitting diodes [OLED]; UV LED packages, namely, UV LEDs for use in air cleaners, water purifiers and water sterilizers having the function of purifying and sterilizing air or water by emitting ultraviolet rays; Thermoelectric cooling and heating modules for use in refrigerators, electric dehumidifiers for household purposes, water purifiers for household purposes, electric dishwashers and electric wine cellars Class 012 Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water Electrically powered motor vehicles; Adaptive Front lighting System [AFS] consisting of electric and electronic sensors, transducers and actuators used to measure steering angle and vehicle speed in order to control vehicle headlamps; Steering wheels for automobiles; Steering wheels for railway vehicles; Mobile phone charging holders for automobile; Cup holders for automobiles using thermo-electric module; Car seats using thermo-electric module; Oil pumps for automobiles; Electric bicycles; Anti-lock Brake System [ABS] for automobiles; Break actuator for land vehicles; Brakes for land vehicles; Stator for automobile engines; Gearboxes for motor cars; Driving motors for land vehicles; Driving chains for land vehicles; Power transmissions and gearings for land vehicles; Motors for land vehicles; Electric motors for motor cars; Servomotors for land vehicles; Electric motors for land vehicles; Motors for gear-shifting of land vehicles; Electric motors for land vehicles; Anti-lock Brake System [ABS] motors for automobiles; Driving motors for hybrid cars; Electric motors for operating Adaptive Front lighting System [AFS] consisting of electric and electronic sensors, transducers and actuators used to measure steering angle and vehicle speed in order to control vehicle headlamps; Electronic power steering system [EPS] motor for land vehicles; Engine, motor, rubber belt and brake for land vehicles | |