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Mark | Details | Status | Class/Description | |
MASHAWI ABDUL-KADER ALZAHAL 2035405 20 Jun 2020 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 31 Jan 2023 | Hotel, restaurant and catering services Class 043 Class 043 Restaurant and Hotel Services Hotel, restaurant and catering services | ||
ZWI ZWI Therapeutics, Inc. 2046737 6 May 2020 | CANCELLED | Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of autoimmune diseases a... Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and disorders, genetic diseases and disorders, oncological diseases and disorders, hematological diseases and disorders, cardiovascular diseases and disorders, respiratory diseases and disorders, gastrointestinal diseases and disorders, ophthalmological diseases and disorders, nephrological diseases and disorders, pain, and allergies; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of inflammatory diseases and disorders, namely, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, inflammatory bowel diseases, inflammatory connective tissue diseases, vasculitis, synovitis, inflammatory muscle diseases and disorders, Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of neurological diseases and disorders, namely, Abarognosis, Acquired Epileptiform Aphasia, Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, Adrenoleukodystrophy, Agenesis of the corpus callosum, Agnosia, Aicardi syndrome, Alexander disease, Alien hand syndrome, Allochiria, Alpers' disease, Alternating hemiplegia, Alzheimer's disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Anencephaly, Angelman syndrome, Angiomatosis, Anoxia, anxiety disorders, Aphasia, Apraxia, Arachnoid cysts, Arachnoiditis, Arnold- Chiari malformation, Arteriovenous malformation, Ataxia Telangiectasia, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Auditory processing disorder, Autonomic Dysfunction, Back Pain, Batten disease, Behcet's disease, Bell's palsy, Benign Essential Blepharospasm, Benign Intracranial Hypertension, Bilateral frontoparietal polymicrogyria, Binswanger's disease, Blepharospasm, Bloch-Sulzberger syndrome, Brachial plexus injury, Brain abscess, Brain damage, brain diseases, Brain injury, Brown-Séquard syndrome, Canavan disease, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Causalgia, central nervous system infections, central nervous system movement disorders, Central pain syndrome, Central pontine myelinolysis, Centronuclear myopathy, Cephalic disorder, Cerebral aneurysm, Cerebral arteriosclerosis, Cerebral atrophy, Cerebral gigantism, Cerebral palsy, Cerebral vasculitis, Cervical spinal stenosis, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, Chiari malformation, Chorea, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), Inflammatory demyelinating polyneuopathy, Idiopathic Inflammatory Demyelinating Diseases, Progressive inflammatory neuropathy, Chronic pain, Coffin Lowry syndrome, cognitive disorders, Coma, Complex regional pain syndrome, Compression neuropathy, Congenital facial diplegia, Corticobasal degeneration, Cranial arteritis, Craniosynostosis, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Cumulative trauma disorders, Cushing's syndrome, Cytomegalic inclusion body disease (CIBD), Cytomegalovirus Infection, Dandy-Walker syndrome, Dawson disease, De Morsier's syndrome, Dejerine-Klumpke palsy, Dejerine-Sottas disease, Delayed sleep phase syndrome, Dementia, depression, Dermatomyositis, Developmental dyspraxia, Diabetic neuropathy, Diffuse sclerosis, Dravet syndrome, Dysautonomia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Dystonia, Empty sella syndrome, Encephalitis, Encephalocele, Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis, Encopresis, Epilepsy, Erb's palsy, Erythromelalgia, Essential tremor, Fabry's disease, Fahr's syndrome, Fainting, Familial spastic paralysis, Febrile seizures, Fisher syndrome, Friedreich's ataxia, Fibromyalgia, Gaucher's disease, Gerstmann's syndrome, Giant cell arteritis, Giant cell inclusion disease, Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy, Gray matter heterotopia, Guillain-Barré syndrome, HTLV-1 associated myelopathy, Hallervorden-Spatz disease, Head injury, Headache, Hemifacial Spasm, Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia, Heredopathia atactica polyneuritiformis, Herpes zoster oticus, Herpes zoster, Hirayama syndrome, Holoprosencephaly, Huntington's disease, Hydranencephaly, Hydrocephalus, Hypercortisolism, Hypoxia, Immune-Mediated encephalomyelitis, Inclusion body myositis, Incontinentia pigmenti, Infantile phytanic acid storage disease, Infantile Refsum disease, Infantile spasms, Inflammatory myopathy, inflammatory-related pain, insomnia, Intracranial cyst, Intracranial hypertension, Joubert syndrome, Karak syndrome, Kearns-Sayre syndrome, Kennedy disease, Kinsbourne syndrome, Klippel Feil syndrome, Krabbe disease, Kugelberg-Welander disease, Kuru, Lafora disease, Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, Landau-Kleffner syndrome, Lateral medullary (Wallenberg) syndrome, Learning disabilities, namely dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia and auditory processing disorder, and Leigh's disease, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, Leukodystrophy, Lewy body dementia, Lissencephaly, Locked-In syndrome, Lou Gehrig's disease, Lumbar disc disease, Lumbar spinal stenosis, Lyme disease-Neurological Sequelae, Machado-Joseph disease (Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3), Macrencephaly, Macropsia, Megalencephaly, Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome, Menieres disease, Meningitis, Menkes disease, Metachromatic leukodystrophy, Microcephaly, Micropsia, Migraine, Miller Fisher syndrome, Mini-stroke (transient ischemic attack), Mitochondrial myopathy, Mobius syndrome, Monomelic amyotrophy, mood disorders, Motor Neurone Disease, Motor skills disorder, Moyamoya disease, Mucopolysaccharidoses, Multi-infarct dementia, Multifocal motor neuropathy, Multiple sclerosis, Multiple system atrophy, Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Myalgic encephalomyelitis, Myasthenia gravis, Myelinoclastic diffuse sclerosis, Myoclonic Encephalopathy of infants, Myoclonus, Myopathy, Myotubular myopathy, Myotonia congenital, Narcolepsy, Neurofibromatosis, Neurolep tic malignant syndrome, Neurological manifestations of AIDS, Neurological sequelae of lupus, Neuromyotonia, Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, Neuronal migration disorders, neuropathic pain, Niemann-Pick disease, Non 24-hour sleep-wake syndrome, Nonverbal learning disorder, O'Sullivan- McLeod syndrome, Occipital Neuralgia, Occult Spinal Dysraphism Sequence, ocular motility disorders, Ohtahara syndrome, Olivopontocerebellar atrophy, Opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome, Optic neuritis, Orthostatic Hypotension, Overuse syndrome, Palinopsia, Paresthesia, Parkinson's disease, Paramyotonia Congenita, Paraneoplastic diseases, Paroxysmal attacks, Parry-Romberg syndrome, Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease, Periodic Paralyses, Peripheral neuropathy, Persistent Vegetative State, Pervasive developmental disorders, Photic sneeze reflex, Phytanic acid storage disease, Pick's disease, Pinched nerve, Polymicrogyria (PMG), Polio, Polymicrogyria, Polymyositis, Porencephaly, Post-Polio syndrome, Postherpetic Neuralgia (PHN), Postinfectious Encephalomyelitis, Postural Hypotension, Prader-Willi syndrome, Primary Lateral Sclerosis, Prion diseases, Progressive hemifacial atrophy, Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Pseudotumor cerebri, psychoses, Rabies, Ramsay- Hunt syndrome (Type I and Type II), Rasmussen's encephalitis, Reflex neurovascular dystrophy, Refsum disease, Repetitive motion disorders, Repetitive stress injury, Restless legs syndrome, Retrovirus-associated myelopathy, Rett syndrome, Reye's syndrome, Rhythmic Movement Disorder, Romberg syndrome, Saint Vitus dance, Sandhoff disease, Schizophrenia, Schilder's disease, Schizencephaly, seizure disorders, Sensory integration dysfunction, Septo-optic dysplasia, Shaken baby syndrome, Shingles, Shy-Drager syndrome, Sjögren's syndrome, Sleep apnea, Sleeping sickness, Snatiation, Sotos syndrome, Spasticity, Spina bifida, spinal cord diseases, Spinal cord injury, Spinal muscular atrophy, Spinocerebellar ataxia, Steele-Richardson-Olszewski syndrome, Stiff-person syndrome, Stroke, Sturge-Weber syndrome, Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, Subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy, Superficial siderosis, Sydenham's chorea, Syncope, Synesthesia, Syringomyelia, Tarsal tunnel syndrome, Tardive dyskinesia, Tarlov cyst, Tay-Sachs disease, Temporal arteritis, Tetanus, Tethered spinal cord syndrome, Thomsen disease, Thoracic outlet syndrome, Tic Douloureux, Todd's paralysis, Tourette syndrome, Toxic encephalopathy, Transient ischemic attack, Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, Transverse myelitis, Traumatic brain injury, Tremor, Trigeminal neuralgia, Tropical spastic paraparesis, Trypanosomiasis, Tuberous sclerosis, Von Hippel-Lindau disease, Viliuisk Encephalomyelitis, Wallenberg's syndrome, Werdnig-Hoffman disease, West syndrome, Whiplash, Williams syndrome, Wilson's disease, and Zellweger syndrome; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of metabolic diseases and disorders, namely, phenylketonuria (PKU), diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypoglycaemia, gout, anemia, bulimia nervosa, anorexia, obesity, weight loss and weight management, Pompe disease, hepatitis, non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), non alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), liver fibroids, cirrhosis, and hypothyroidism; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of infectious diseases, namely, bacterial infections, viral infections, fungal infections, parasitic infections, protozoal infections, preon infections, and worm infections; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of musculo-skeletal diseases and disorders, namely, connective tissue diseases, bone diseases, osteoporosis, spinal diseases, back pain, gout, fractures, sprains, sports injuries, osteogenesis imperfecta, muscle wasting (cachexia), renal osteodystrophy, muscular dystrophy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Becker muscular dystrophy, Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD), Merosin-deficient congenital muscular dystrophy type 1A (MDC1A), proximal spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), myotonic dystrophy, oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD), myotonic dystrophy type 1, myotonic dystrophy type 2, cartilage injuries, joint replacement, osteoarthritis, neuromuscular disorders, Pompe disease, -thalassemia, dystrophin Kobe, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, cystic fibrosis, Merosin-deficient congenital muscular dystrophy type 1A (MDC1A), proximal spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), Huntington's disease, Huntington disease-like 2 (HDL2), myotonic dystrophy, spinocerebellar ataxia, spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA), dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA), frontotemporal dementia, Fragile X syndrome, fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1), fragile X mental retardation 2 (FMR2), Fragile XE mental retardation (FRAXE), Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA), obesity, fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS), myoclonic epilepsy, oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD), syndromic X-linked mental retardation, non-syndromic X-linked mental retardation, myotonic dystrophy, myotonic dystrophy type 1, myotonic dystrophy type 2, epilepsy, Dravet syndrome, lysosomal storage disease, Parkinson's Disease, autism, heart disease, arthritis, yellow fever, sickle cell disease, cardiovascular disease, Achlorhydra Autoimmune Active Chronic Hepatitis, Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis, Acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis, Addison's Disease, Agammaglobulinemia, Alopecia areata, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Anti-GBM/TBM Nephritis, Antiphospholipid syndrome, Antisynthetase syndrome, polyarticular Arthritis, Atopic allergy, Atopic Dermatitis, Autoimmune Aplastic Anemia, Autoimmune cardiomyopathy, Autoimmune enteropathy, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Autoimmune hepatitis, Autoimmune inner ear disease, Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome, Autoimmune peripheral neuropathy, Autoimmune pancreatitis, Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome, Autoimmune progesterone dermatitis, Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura, Autoimmune uveitis, Balo disease, Balo concentric sclerosis, Bechets Syndrome, Berger's disease, Bickerstaffs encephalitis, Blau syndrome, Bullous Pemphigoid, Castleman's disease, Celiac disease, Chagas disease, Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome, Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis, Chronic lyme disease, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Churg-Strauss syndrome, Cicatricial Pemphigoid, Coeliac Disease, Cogan syndrome, Cold agglutinin disease, Complement component 2 deficiency, Cranial arteritis, CREST syndrome, Crohn's Disease, Cushing's Syndrome, Cutaneous leukocytoclastic angiitis, Dego's disease, Dercum's disease, Dermatitis herpetiformis, Dermatomyositis, Diabetes mellitus type 1, Diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis, Dressler's syndrome, Discoid lupus erythematosus, Eczema, Endometriosis, Enthesitis-related arthritis, Eosinophilic fasciitis, Eosinophilic gastroenteritis, Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, Erythema nodosum, Essential mixed cryoglobulinemia, Evan's syndrome, Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, Fibromyalgia, Fibromyositis, Fibrosing aveolitis, Gastritis, Gastrointestinal pemphigoid, Giant cell arteritis, Glomerulonep hritis, glycogen storage diseases, Goodpasture's syndrome, Graves' disease, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Hashimoto's encephalitis, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Haemolytic anaemia, Henoch-Schonlein purpura, Herpes gestationis, Hidradenitis suppurativa, Hirschsprung disease, Hughes syndrome, Hypogammaglobulinemia, Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, IgA nephropathy, Inclusion body myositis, Interstitial cystitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, Kawasaki's Disease, Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, Leukocytoclastic vasculitis, Lichen planus, Lichen sclerosus, Linear IgA disease, Lou Gehrig's Disease, Lupoid hepatitis, Lupus erythematosus, Majeed syndrome, Meniere's disease, Microscopic polyangiitis, Miller-Fisher syndrome, Mixed Connective Tissue Disease, Morphea, Mowat-Wilson syndrome, Mucha-Habermann disease, Muckle-Wells syndrome, Multiple Myeloma, Myasthenia gravis, Myositis, Narcolepsy, Neuromyelitis optica, Neuromyotonia, Noonan syndrome, Occular cicatricial pemphigoid, Opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome, Ord thyroiditis, Palindromic rheumatism, Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcus (PANDAS), Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration, Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, Parry Romberg syndrome, Parsonnage-Turner syndrome, Pars planitis, Pemphigus, Pemphigus vulgaris, Pernicious anaemia, Perivenous encephalomyelitis, POEMS syndrome, Polyarteritis nodosa, Polymyalgia rheumatica, Polymyositis, Primary biliary cirrhosis, Primary sclerosing cholangitis, Psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Pyoderma gangrenosum, Pure red cell aplasia, Rasmussen's encephalitis, Raynaud phenomenon, Relapsing polychondritis, Reiter's syndrome, Restless leg syndrome, Retroperitoneal fibrosis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Rheumatoid fever, Sarcoidosis, Schizophrenia, Schmidt syndrome, Schnitzler syndrome, Scleritis, Scleroderma, Sjögren's syndrome, Spondyloarthropathy, Sticky blood syndrome, Still's Disease, Stiff person syndrome, Subacute bacterial endocarditis (SBE), Susac's syndrome, Sweet syndrome, Sydenham Chorea, Sympathetic ophthalmia, Takayasu's arteritis, Temporal arteritis, Tolosa-Hunt syndrome, Transverse Myelitis, Ulcerative Colitis, Undifferentiated connective tissue disease, Undifferentiated spondyloarthropathy, Vasculitis, Vitiligo, Wegener's granulomatosis, Wilson's syndrome, and Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of endocrinological diseases and disorders, namely, growth and thyroid disorders, hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, testosterone and androgen disorders, estrogen disorders, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, premenstrual syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of dermatological diseases and disorders, namely, Acneiform eruptions, Autoinflammatory syndromes, Chronic blistering, Conditions of the mucous membranes, Conditions of the skin appendages, Conditions of the subcutaneous fat, Congenital anomalies, Connective tissue diseases (such as Abnormalities of dermal fibrous and elastic tissue), Dermal and subcutaneous growths, Dermatitis (including Atopic Dermatitis, Contact Dermatitis, Eczema, Pustular Dermatitis, and Seborrheic Dermatitis), Disturbances of pigmentation, Drug eruptions, Endocrine-related skin disease, Eosinophilic, Epidermal nevi, neoplasms, cysts, Erythemas, Genodermatoses, Infection-related skin disease, Lichenoid eruptions, Lymphoid-related skin disease, Monocyte- and macrophage-related skin disease, Mucinoses, Neurocutaneous, Noninfectious immunodeficiency-related skin disease, Nutrition-related skin disease, Papulosquamous hyperkeratotic (including Palmoplantar keratodermas), Pregnancy-related skin disease, Pruritic, Psoriasis, Reactive neutrophilic, Recalcitrant palmoplantar eruptions, Urticaria and angioedema, Vascular-related skin disease, bee stings, sunburn, rashes, sores, corns, calluses, alopecia, and androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness); pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of genitourinary diseases and disorders, namely, urological diseases and disorders, infertility, sexually transmitted diseases, inflammatory pelvic diseases, incontinence, prostate diseases and disorders, bladder diseases and disorders, vasomotor and menopausal symptoms, endometriosis and uterine fibroids, leiomyoma, endourology and kidney stones and gallstones, pre-eclampsia and pre-term labor, prostatitis, nephritis, cystitis, vaginitis, renal disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, erectile dysfunction, male and female sexual dysfunction disorders namely arousal disorder, pain disorder, desire disorder and orgasm disorder, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, and infertility. Class 042 Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Pharmaceutical research and development services. | ||
![]() | UKIWI N Z SKIN CARE COMPANY LIMITED 2020699 14 Feb 2020 | REGISTERED on 18 May 2022 | Preparations for care, treatment and beautification of the skin, scalp... Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Preparations for care, treatment and beautification of the skin, scalp and hair; toiletries, namely, bath and shower gels, deodorants for body care; cosmetics; bar soap, hand soap, cosmetic soap; essential oils for aromatherapy; perfume; nail care preparations; shampoo; conditioner; skin care preparations; sunscreen preparations; lip care preparations; tanning preparations; dentifrices and preparations for use in the mouth, namely, mouthwashes, toothpaste. Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Pharmaceutical preparations and substances for treating and preventing skin and nail diseases; medicated preparations in gel form for use in the mouth, namely, medicated mouthwash, medicated mouth rinse, mouth cavity cleansers, and medicated toothpaste. ... Class 021 Houseware and Glass Products Toothbrushes; containers for toothbrushes; holders for toothbrushes; dental floss. | |
![]() | WI WIRECARD AG 2021666 16 Jan 2020 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 30 Nov 2023 | Electric, electronic and optical devices and instruments, and parts th... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Electric, electronic and optical devices and instruments, and parts therefor, for the recording, processing, receiving, transmission, sending, storage, exchange and output of messages, images, speech and data (included in this class); data carriers containing recorded computer software, in particular magnetic and optical data carriers containing computer software, in particular applications software, operating systems software, database software, data encoding software, data decoding software and software for processing digital signatures; calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers and parts therefore; active and passive electronic components, in particular integrated and non-integrated semiconductor components; printed circuit boards with and without electronic components; apparatus for processing card transactions and data relating thereto and for payment processing; apparatus for verifying data on magnetically encoded cards; magnetic payment cards; magnetically encoded cards; smart cards (programmable); computer hardware and software (recorded and/or downloadable) for facilitating and administering payment, banking, credit card, debit card, payment card, electronic payments, electronic processing and transmission of bill payment data, cash disbursement, transaction authentication, routing, authorization and settlement services, fraud detection and control; apparatus for tracking, management and analysis of financial accounts via a global computer network; computer hardware and software for facilitating payment transactions by electronic means over wireless networks, global computer networks and/or mobile telecommunications devices; computer hardware and encryption software, encryption keys, digital certificates, digital signatures, software for secure data storage and retrieval and transmission of confidential customer information used by individuals, banking and financial institutions; computer software and hardware that facilitates the identification and authentication of near field communication (NFC) devices and radio frequency identification (RFID) devices; software application for use in connection with contactless payment terminals for the purpose of allowing merchants to accept contactless mobile commerce transactions; magnetic encoded cards and cards containing an integrated circuit chip (smart cards); computer software designed to enable smart cards to interact with terminals and readers; computer software for processing electronic payments and for transferring funds to and from others; computer software relating to the handling of financial transactions; encoded loyalty cards; computer chatbot software for simulating converstions. Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Advertising; organization of exhibitions for advertising purposes; marketing consulting services; market research services; tracking, analysing, forecasting and reporting purchase behaviour; all of the aforementioned services are limited to those offered by a technology and financial services provider in the IT, banking and finance sector; business advisory services; billing services; commercial information agencies; presentation of goods on communication media for retail purposes; price comparison services; organization of exhibitions for commercial purposes; promoting the sale of the goods and services of others by means of rewards and incentives generated in connection with the use of electronic payment; business administration of loyalty and rewards programs; business consulting services in the field of online payments; administrative services in order to manage and track payment transactions via electronic communications networks for business purposes; business information management, namely, electronic reporting of business analytics relating to payment processing, authentication, tracking, and invoicing; business management, namely, optimization of payments for businesses; commercial and business management assistance; advisory services for business management; marketing studies; computerized file management; statistical information (business); preparation of statements of accounts; book-keeping; business research; computer database management; providing information regarding purchase of goods and services online via the internet and other computer networks; outsourcing the processing of documents and data for a company, namely compilation of information in computer databases, input and processing of data, information, images and documents; maintenance of computerized databases; information, advisory and consultancy services related to all the aforesaid services; management of telephone call centers for others. ... Class 036 Insurance & Financial Services Insurance services; insurance information; clearing, in particular international credit card and direct debit clearing; financial services; monetary affairs; administration of financial affairs; credit card and debit card services; provision of finance services; money transmission services; processing of financial transactions both online via a computer database or via telecommunications; electronic financial transaction services in the nature of clearing and reconciling financial transactions via a global computer network; processing of credit and debit transactions by telephone and telecommunication link; financial services, namely, the provision of contactless mobile payments through merchants at retail, online and wholesale locations; financial transfers and transactions, and payment services; electronic commerce payment services; electronic processing of payments; electronic payment services involving electronic processing and subsequent transmission of bill payment data; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to the aforementioned services; debt collection services; loan services; loan (financing of -); credit services; financial risk management and assessment services; risk management consultancy [financial]; issuance of credit cards. Class 038 Communications Services Telecommunications; mobile telecommunication services; internet based telecommunication services; telecommunications services relating to electronic commerce and banking; data communication services; electronic data transmission over a global remote data processing network, including the internet; transmission of information in the field of financial services; transmission of data through the use of electronic image processing by mobile telephone link; receipt and/or delivery of messages, documents and other data via the internet; electronic mail, message sending and receiving services; television, radio and internet broadcasting services; providing multi-user access to a secure computerized information network for the transfer and dissemination of a range of information in the field of financial services; telecommunications services provided via prepaid telephone calling cards; leasing access time to a computer database; providing secure access to computer networks, servers and to the internet; telecommunications for secure remote transactions and payment; providing of access for the computerised management of secure remote transactions and payment systems; electronic transmission of e-commerce transaction data and information; facilitating access to third party web sites via a universal login; providing user access to an online computer network that enables users to transfer personal identity data and share personal identity data with and among multiple websites; electronic exchange of data via computer networks; transferring information and data via computer networks; rental and leasing of access time to a computer database; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services. Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Computer programming, in particular programming of computer software and assemblages of computer software modules, creating computer software and assemblages of computer software modules, upgrading and maintenance of computer software and of assemblages of computer software modules; software as a service [SaaS] services; consulting services in the field of software as a service [SaaS]; data conversion of electronic information; analysis of technical data; electronic data storage and data backup, recovery of computer data, data conversion of computer program data or information [not physical conversion] and technical data analysis; creating and development of computer databases; rental and leasing of computer software and computer database software for others, on a contract basis; hosting computer databases; analysis of information technology systems; technical analysis of information on validity and viability; evaluation and inspection of information technology systems; consultancy with regard to the technical aspects of information technology systems; services of an information technology engineer; computer programming services; rental and leasing of information technology systems, namely, programming and technical advisory services and technical application of planning regarding solutions based on IT; leasing of computers and computer equipment for third parties on a contract basis; data encryption services; verification of personal identification, namely electronic signature verification and authorisation services, digital signature verification and authorisation services; technical consultation services in the field of computer programming, data encryption and decryption and local area network security; technological consultancy services in the field of financial computer networks, data processing and secure communications; computerised data storage related to customer information; providing user authentication services using hardware and software technology for e-commerce transactions; consultancy relating to the creation and design of websites for e-commerce, limited to the service offered by a technology and financial services provider in the IT, banking and finance sector; maintenance of software used in the field of e-commerce. Class 045 Personal & Legal & Social Services Licensing of computer software; forensic analysis of financial transactions for fraud prevention purposes; security assessment of risks. | |
USTAWI GIPEFI II 2014325 14 Jan 2020 | REGISTERED on 13 Jul 2022 | Après-shampooings; préparations pour le bain, à usage non médical, nom... Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Après-shampooings; préparations pour le bain, à usage non médical, nommément, cristaux pour le bain, bains moussants non médicamenteux pour le corps, gels de bain, huiles de bain; bougies de massage à usage cosmétique; brillants à lèvres; cire à épiler; préparations de collagène à usage cosmétique; préparations cosmétiques pour le bain, nommément, bains moussants à usage cosmétique; cosmétiques pour cils, sourcils; produits cosmétiques pour les soins de la peau; préparations cosmétiques pour l'amincissement; préparation pour blanchir la peau; crèmes cosmétiques; décolorants à usage cosmétique; produits de démaquillage; déodorants corporels, personnel, pour le soin du corps; dépilatoires; produits de rasage; dissolvants pour vernis à ongles; fards; laits de toilette; lotions pour les cheveux; laques pour les cheveux; préparations pour le lissage des cheveux; produits de maquillage; mascara; masques de beauté; parfums; rouge à lèvres; savons, nommément, pains de savon, savon de beauté, déodorant, à barbe, liquide pour le corps, pour les mains; shampooing; produits pour le soin des ongles, nommément, crèmes pour les ongles, dissolvants de vernis à ongles, couche de finition pour les ongles, teintures pour cheveux; vernis à ongles. Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Produits dermatologiques et pharmaceutiques pour les soins de la peau, nommément, savons antibactériens pour la peau, pour le traitement de l'assèchement de la peau liée à la grossesse; produits antisolaires à usage médical, nommément, onguents contre les brûlures du soleil; produits pharmaceutiques, nommément, astringents, baume antigel à usage pharmaceutique, pour le traitement et la prévention du cancer; aliments et substances diététiques à usage médical, nommément, compléments diététiques à base de protéines de soja, à base de blé, composées de vitamines, de minéraux, d'acides aminés et d'oligoéléments; bains médicaux, nommément sels pour bain à usage médical, préparations thérapeutiques pour le bain; crèmes antibiotiques et antipruritiques, gels topiques pour traitement des cicatrices, lotions médicamenteuses pour les coups de soleil, insectifuge, calamine, sérums antitoxiques et antivenimeux, et pommades antibiotiques et antipruritiques, à usage médical; préparation à base de plantes à usage médical, nommément suppléments à base de plantes pour l'état général de la santé et le bien-être; compléments alimentaires et nutritionnels, nommément, de graines de lin, de lécithine, de levure, de pollen, minéraux et vitaminés, désinfectants, nommément, à mains, pour ongles, multi-usages; herbes médicinales pour traiter l'hyper-pigmentation et contre la pollution. ... Class 044 Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services Services de coiffure; épilation à la cire; services de manucure; massage; services de salons de beauté; services de soin de beauté fournis par des solariums; services de visagistes. | ||
ZIWI JIANFENG HU 2005403 8 Jan 2020 | REGISTERED on 30 Sept 2024 | Exercise mats; Wallpaper; Non-textile wall hangings; Textile wallpape... Class 027 Class 027 Floor Covering products Exercise mats; Wallpaper; Non-textile wall hangings; Textile wallpaper; Floor mats; Carpet underlay; Nonslip mats for baths; Door mats; Vinyl floor coverings. | ||
YWI NEO BIZ SOLUTIONS INC. 2000425 10 Dec 2019 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 21 Jun 2022 | Immigration and education consulting Class 045 Class 045 Personal & Legal & Social Services Immigration and education consulting | ||
SOKITWI TIANYOU WEN 1990089 15 Oct 2019 | REGISTERED on 16 Aug 2024 | Kites; Tables for table football; Portable games with liquid crystal d... Class 028 Class 028 Toys and Sporting Goods Products Kites; Tables for table football; Portable games with liquid crystal displays; Flying discs; Building blocks; Bath toys; Electronic learning toys; Electronic action toys; Plastic character toys; Dolls; Bells for Christmas trees; Spinning tops; Toy models; Radio controlled toy vehicles; Toy drones; Rods for fishing; Toy watches; Draughts; Playing cards; Chess sets; Rackets, namely, tennis rackets; Exercise balls; Paddle surfboards; Bows for archery; Archery implements, namely, archery arm guards, and arrow points for archery; | ||
Sokiwi Feifan Huang 1990047 14 Oct 2019 | ADVERTISED on 22 Jan 2025 | Paper; Tissues of paper for removing make-up; Office perforators; Adve... Class 016 Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Paper; Tissues of paper for removing make-up; Office perforators; Advertisement boards of paper or cardboard; Postcards; Greeting cards; Almanacs; Water colour pens; Canvas for painting; Silver paper; Packing paper; Plastic wrap; expanding files; writing stationery; Steel pens; Paint boxes for use in schools; printed instructor materials, namely, presentation slides, and lesson notes; Architects' models; Blackboards | ||
SUSEWI SUSEWI LIMITED 2035961 20 Aug 2019 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 2 Aug 2022 | Fertilisers; additives for fertilisers; algae for use as fertiliser; a... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Fertilisers; additives for fertilisers; algae for use as fertiliser; algae for use as an additive for fertilisers; additives for use in cement; algae for use as an additive for cement; proteins and protein substitutes for the food industry; algae based proteins and protein substitutes for the food industry; lipids and lipid substitutes for the food industry; algae based lipids and lipid substitutes for the food industry; fatty acids and fatty acid substitutes for use in the food industry; algae based fatty acids and fatty acid substitutes for the food industry. Class 031 Class 031 Natural Agricultural Products Algae for human and animal consumption; foodstuffs for fish; foodstuffs for animals. |
on 31 Jan 2023
2035405 · 20 Jun 2020
Class 043
Restaurant and Hotel Services
Hotel, restaurant and catering services
Hotel, restaurant and catering services
ZWI Therapeutics, Inc.
2046737 · 6 May 2020
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and disorders, genetic diseases and disorders, oncological diseases and disorders, hematological diseases and disorders, cardiovascular diseases and disorders, respiratory diseases and disorders, gastrointestinal diseases and disorders, ophthalmological diseases and disorders, nephrological diseases and disorders, pain, and allergies; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of inflammatory diseases and disorders, namely, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, inflammatory bowel diseases, inflammatory connective tissue diseases, vasculitis, synovitis, inflammatory muscle diseases and disorders, Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of neurological diseases and disorders, namely, Abarognosis, Acquired Epileptiform Aphasia, Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, Adrenoleukodystrophy, Agenesis of the corpus callosum, Agnosia, Aicardi syndrome, Alexander disease, Alien hand syndrome, Allochiria, Alpers' disease, Alternating hemiplegia, Alzheimer's disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Anencephaly, Angelman syndrome, Angiomatosis, Anoxia, anxiety disorders, Aphasia, Apraxia, Arachnoid cysts, Arachnoiditis, Arnold- Chiari malformation, Arteriovenous malformation, Ataxia Telangiectasia, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Auditory processing disorder, Autonomic Dysfunction, Back Pain, Batten disease, Behcet's disease, Bell's palsy, Benign Essential Blepharospasm, Benign Intracranial Hypertension, Bilateral frontoparietal polymicrogyria, Binswanger's disease, Blepharospasm, Bloch-Sulzberger syndrome, Brachial plexus injury, Brain abscess, Brain damage, brain diseases, Brain injury, Brown-Séquard syndrome, Canavan disease, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Causalgia, central nervous system infections, central nervous system movement disorders, Central pain syndrome, Central pontine myelinolysis, Centronuclear myopathy, Cephalic disorder, Cerebral aneurysm, Cerebral arteriosclerosis, Cerebral atrophy, Cerebral gigantism, Cerebral palsy, Cerebral vasculitis, Cervical spinal stenosis, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, Chiari malformation, Chorea, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), Inflammatory demyelinating polyneuopathy, Idiopathic Inflammatory Demyelinating Diseases, Progressive inflammatory neuropathy, Chronic pain, Coffin Lowry syndrome, cognitive disorders, Coma, Complex regional pain syndrome, Compression neuropathy, Congenital facial diplegia, Corticobasal degeneration, Cranial arteritis, Craniosynostosis, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Cumulative trauma disorders, Cushing's syndrome, Cytomegalic inclusion body disease (CIBD), Cytomegalovirus Infection, Dandy-Walker syndrome, Dawson disease, De Morsier's syndrome, Dejerine-Klumpke palsy, Dejerine-Sottas disease, Delayed sleep phase syndrome, Dementia, depression, Dermatomyositis, Developmental dyspraxia, Diabetic neuropathy, Diffuse sclerosis, Dravet syndrome, Dysautonomia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Dystonia, Empty sella syndrome, Encephalitis, Encephalocele, Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis, Encopresis, Epilepsy, Erb's palsy, Erythromelalgia, Essential tremor, Fabry's disease, Fahr's syndrome, Fainting, Familial spastic paralysis, Febrile seizures, Fisher syndrome, Friedreich's ataxia, Fibromyalgia, Gaucher's disease, Gerstmann's syndrome, Giant cell arteritis, Giant cell inclusion disease, Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy, Gray matter heterotopia, Guillain-Barré syndrome, HTLV-1 associated myelopathy, Hallervorden-Spatz disease, Head injury, Headache, Hemifacial Spasm, Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia, Heredopathia atactica polyneuritiformis, Herpes zoster oticus, Herpes zoster, Hirayama syndrome, Holoprosencephaly, Huntington's disease, Hydranencephaly, Hydrocephalus, Hypercortisolism, Hypoxia, Immune-Mediated encephalomyelitis, Inclusion body myositis, Incontinentia pigmenti, Infantile phytanic acid storage disease, Infantile Refsum disease, Infantile spasms, Inflammatory myopathy, inflammatory-related pain, insomnia, Intracranial cyst, Intracranial hypertension, Joubert syndrome, Karak syndrome, Kearns-Sayre syndrome, Kennedy disease, Kinsbourne syndrome, Klippel Feil syndrome, Krabbe disease, Kugelberg-Welander disease, Kuru, Lafora disease, Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, Landau-Kleffner syndrome, Lateral medullary (Wallenberg) syndrome, Learning disabilities, namely dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia and auditory processing disorder, and Leigh's disease, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, Leukodystrophy, Lewy body dementia, Lissencephaly, Locked-In syndrome, Lou Gehrig's disease, Lumbar disc disease, Lumbar spinal stenosis, Lyme disease-Neurological Sequelae, Machado-Joseph disease (Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3), Macrencephaly, Macropsia, Megalencephaly, Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome, Menieres disease, Meningitis, Menkes disease, Metachromatic leukodystrophy, Microcephaly, Micropsia, Migraine, Miller Fisher syndrome, Mini-stroke (transient ischemic attack), Mitochondrial myopathy, Mobius syndrome, Monomelic amyotrophy, mood disorders, Motor Neurone Disease, Motor skills disorder, Moyamoya disease, Mucopolysaccharidoses, Multi-infarct dementia, Multifocal motor neuropathy, Multiple sclerosis, Multiple system atrophy, Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Myalgic encephalomyelitis, Myasthenia gravis, Myelinoclastic diffuse sclerosis, Myoclonic Encephalopathy of infants, Myoclonus, Myopathy, Myotubular myopathy, Myotonia congenital, Narcolepsy, Neurofibromatosis, Neurolep tic malignant syndrome, Neurological manifestations of AIDS, Neurological sequelae of lupus, Neuromyotonia, Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, Neuronal migration disorders, neuropathic pain, Niemann-Pick disease, Non 24-hour sleep-wake syndrome, Nonverbal learning disorder, O'Sullivan- McLeod syndrome, Occipital Neuralgia, Occult Spinal Dysraphism Sequence, ocular motility disorders, Ohtahara syndrome, Olivopontocerebellar atrophy, Opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome, Optic neuritis, Orthostatic Hypotension, Overuse syndrome, Palinopsia, Paresthesia, Parkinson's disease, Paramyotonia Congenita, Paraneoplastic diseases, Paroxysmal attacks, Parry-Romberg syndrome, Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease, Periodic Paralyses, Peripheral neuropathy, Persistent Vegetative State, Pervasive developmental disorders, Photic sneeze reflex, Phytanic acid storage disease, Pick's disease, Pinched nerve, Polymicrogyria (PMG), Polio, Polymicrogyria, Polymyositis, Porencephaly, Post-Polio syndrome, Postherpetic Neuralgia (PHN), Postinfectious Encephalomyelitis, Postural Hypotension, Prader-Willi syndrome, Primary Lateral Sclerosis, Prion diseases, Progressive hemifacial atrophy, Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Pseudotumor cerebri, psychoses, Rabies, Ramsay- Hunt syndrome (Type I and Type II), Rasmussen's encephalitis, Reflex neurovascular dystrophy, Refsum disease, Repetitive motion disorders, Repetitive stress injury, Restless legs syndrome, Retrovirus-associated myelopathy, Rett syndrome, Reye's syndrome, Rhythmic Movement Disorder, Romberg syndrome, Saint Vitus dance, Sandhoff disease, Schizophrenia, Schilder's disease, Schizencephaly, seizure disorders, Sensory integration dysfunction, Septo-optic dysplasia, Shaken baby syndrome, Shingles, Shy-Drager syndrome, Sjögren's syndrome, Sleep apnea, Sleeping sickness, Snatiation, Sotos syndrome, Spasticity, Spina bifida, spinal cord diseases, Spinal cord injury, Spinal muscular atrophy, Spinocerebellar ataxia, Steele-Richardson-Olszewski syndrome, Stiff-person syndrome, Stroke, Sturge-Weber syndrome, Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, Subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy, Superficial siderosis, Sydenham's chorea, Syncope, Synesthesia, Syringomyelia, Tarsal tunnel syndrome, Tardive dyskinesia, Tarlov cyst, Tay-Sachs disease, Temporal arteritis, Tetanus, Tethered spinal cord syndrome, Thomsen disease, Thoracic outlet syndrome, Tic Douloureux, Todd's paralysis, Tourette syndrome, Toxic encephalopathy, Transient ischemic attack, Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, Transverse myelitis, Traumatic brain injury, Tremor, Trigeminal neuralgia, Tropical spastic paraparesis, Trypanosomiasis, Tuberous sclerosis, Von Hippel-Lindau disease, Viliuisk Encephalomyelitis, Wallenberg's syndrome, Werdnig-Hoffman disease, West syndrome, Whiplash, Williams syndrome, Wilson's disease, and Zellweger syndrome; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of metabolic diseases and disorders, namely, phenylketonuria (PKU), diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypoglycaemia, gout, anemia, bulimia nervosa, anorexia, obesity, weight loss and weight management, Pompe disease, hepatitis, non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), non alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), liver fibroids, cirrhosis, and hypothyroidism; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of infectious diseases, namely, bacterial infections, viral infections, fungal infections, parasitic infections, protozoal infections, preon infections, and worm infections; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of musculo-skeletal diseases and disorders, namely, connective tissue diseases, bone diseases, osteoporosis, spinal diseases, back pain, gout, fractures, sprains, sports injuries, osteogenesis imperfecta, muscle wasting (cachexia), renal osteodystrophy, muscular dystrophy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Becker muscular dystrophy, Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD), Merosin-deficient congenital muscular dystrophy type 1A (MDC1A), proximal spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), myotonic dystrophy, oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD), myotonic dystrophy type 1, myotonic dystrophy type 2, cartilage injuries, joint replacement, osteoarthritis, neuromuscular disorders, Pompe disease, -thalassemia, dystrophin Kobe, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, cystic fibrosis, Merosin-deficient congenital muscular dystrophy type 1A (MDC1A), proximal spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), Huntington's disease, Huntington disease-like 2 (HDL2), myotonic dystrophy, spinocerebellar ataxia, spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA), dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA), frontotemporal dementia, Fragile X syndrome, fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1), fragile X mental retardation 2 (FMR2), Fragile XE mental retardation (FRAXE), Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA), obesity, fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS), myoclonic epilepsy, oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD), syndromic X-linked mental retardation, non-syndromic X-linked mental retardation, myotonic dystrophy, myotonic dystrophy type 1, myotonic dystrophy type 2, epilepsy, Dravet syndrome, lysosomal storage disease, Parkinson's Disease, autism, heart disease, arthritis, yellow fever, sickle cell disease, cardiovascular disease, Achlorhydra Autoimmune Active Chronic Hepatitis, Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis, Acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis, Addison's Disease, Agammaglobulinemia, Alopecia areata, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Anti-GBM/TBM Nephritis, Antiphospholipid syndrome, Antisynthetase syndrome, polyarticular Arthritis, Atopic allergy, Atopic Dermatitis, Autoimmune Aplastic Anemia, Autoimmune cardiomyopathy, Autoimmune enteropathy, Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Autoimmune hepatitis, Autoimmune inner ear disease, Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome, Autoimmune peripheral neuropathy, Autoimmune pancreatitis, Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome, Autoimmune progesterone dermatitis, Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura, Autoimmune uveitis, Balo disease, Balo concentric sclerosis, Bechets Syndrome, Berger's disease, Bickerstaffs encephalitis, Blau syndrome, Bullous Pemphigoid, Castleman's disease, Celiac disease, Chagas disease, Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome, Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis, Chronic lyme disease, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Churg-Strauss syndrome, Cicatricial Pemphigoid, Coeliac Disease, Cogan syndrome, Cold agglutinin disease, Complement component 2 deficiency, Cranial arteritis, CREST syndrome, Crohn's Disease, Cushing's Syndrome, Cutaneous leukocytoclastic angiitis, Dego's disease, Dercum's disease, Dermatitis herpetiformis, Dermatomyositis, Diabetes mellitus type 1, Diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis, Dressler's syndrome, Discoid lupus erythematosus, Eczema, Endometriosis, Enthesitis-related arthritis, Eosinophilic fasciitis, Eosinophilic gastroenteritis, Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, Erythema nodosum, Essential mixed cryoglobulinemia, Evan's syndrome, Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, Fibromyalgia, Fibromyositis, Fibrosing aveolitis, Gastritis, Gastrointestinal pemphigoid, Giant cell arteritis, Glomerulonep hritis, glycogen storage diseases, Goodpasture's syndrome, Graves' disease, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Hashimoto's encephalitis, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Haemolytic anaemia, Henoch-Schonlein purpura, Herpes gestationis, Hidradenitis suppurativa, Hirschsprung disease, Hughes syndrome, Hypogammaglobulinemia, Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, IgA nephropathy, Inclusion body myositis, Interstitial cystitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, Kawasaki's Disease, Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, Leukocytoclastic vasculitis, Lichen planus, Lichen sclerosus, Linear IgA disease, Lou Gehrig's Disease, Lupoid hepatitis, Lupus erythematosus, Majeed syndrome, Meniere's disease, Microscopic polyangiitis, Miller-Fisher syndrome, Mixed Connective Tissue Disease, Morphea, Mowat-Wilson syndrome, Mucha-Habermann disease, Muckle-Wells syndrome, Multiple Myeloma, Myasthenia gravis, Myositis, Narcolepsy, Neuromyelitis optica, Neuromyotonia, Noonan syndrome, Occular cicatricial pemphigoid, Opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome, Ord thyroiditis, Palindromic rheumatism, Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcus (PANDAS), Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration, Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, Parry Romberg syndrome, Parsonnage-Turner syndrome, Pars planitis, Pemphigus, Pemphigus vulgaris, Pernicious anaemia, Perivenous encephalomyelitis, POEMS syndrome, Polyarteritis nodosa, Polymyalgia rheumatica, Polymyositis, Primary biliary cirrhosis, Primary sclerosing cholangitis, Psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Pyoderma gangrenosum, Pure red cell aplasia, Rasmussen's encephalitis, Raynaud phenomenon, Relapsing polychondritis, Reiter's syndrome, Restless leg syndrome, Retroperitoneal fibrosis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Rheumatoid fever, Sarcoidosis, Schizophrenia, Schmidt syndrome, Schnitzler syndrome, Scleritis, Scleroderma, Sjögren's syndrome, Spondyloarthropathy, Sticky blood syndrome, Still's Disease, Stiff person syndrome, Subacute bacterial endocarditis (SBE), Susac's syndrome, Sweet syndrome, Sydenham Chorea, Sympathetic ophthalmia, Takayasu's arteritis, Temporal arteritis, Tolosa-Hunt syndrome, Transverse Myelitis, Ulcerative Colitis, Undifferentiated connective tissue disease, Undifferentiated spondyloarthropathy, Vasculitis, Vitiligo, Wegener's granulomatosis, Wilson's syndrome, and Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of endocrinological diseases and disorders, namely, growth and thyroid disorders, hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, testosterone and androgen disorders, estrogen disorders, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, premenstrual syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of dermatological diseases and disorders, namely, Acneiform eruptions, Autoinflammatory syndromes, Chronic blistering, Conditions of the mucous membranes, Conditions of the skin appendages, Conditions of the subcutaneous fat, Congenital anomalies, Connective tissue diseases (such as Abnormalities of dermal fibrous and elastic tissue), Dermal and subcutaneous growths, Dermatitis (including Atopic Dermatitis, Contact Dermatitis, Eczema, Pustular Dermatitis, and Seborrheic Dermatitis), Disturbances of pigmentation, Drug eruptions, Endocrine-related skin disease, Eosinophilic, Epidermal nevi, neoplasms, cysts, Erythemas, Genodermatoses, Infection-related skin disease, Lichenoid eruptions, Lymphoid-related skin disease, Monocyte- and macrophage-related skin disease, Mucinoses, Neurocutaneous, Noninfectious immunodeficiency-related skin disease, Nutrition-related skin disease, Papulosquamous hyperkeratotic (including Palmoplantar keratodermas), Pregnancy-related skin disease, Pruritic, Psoriasis, Reactive neutrophilic, Recalcitrant palmoplantar eruptions, Urticaria and angioedema, Vascular-related skin disease, bee stings, sunburn, rashes, sores, corns, calluses, alopecia, and androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness); pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of genitourinary diseases and disorders, namely, urological diseases and disorders, infertility, sexually transmitted diseases, inflammatory pelvic diseases, incontinence, prostate diseases and disorders, bladder diseases and disorders, vasomotor and menopausal symptoms, endometriosis and uterine fibroids, leiomyoma, endourology and kidney stones and gallstones, pre-eclampsia and pre-term labor, prostatitis, nephritis, cystitis, vaginitis, renal disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, erectile dysfunction, male and female sexual dysfunction disorders namely arousal disorder, pain disorder, desire disorder and orgasm disorder, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, and infertility.
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Pharmaceutical research and development services.
Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of autoimmune diseases a...
on 18 May 2022
2020699 · 14 Feb 2020
Class 003
Cosmetics and Cleaning Products
Preparations for care, treatment and beautification of the skin, scalp and hair; toiletries, namely, bath and shower gels, deodorants for body care; cosmetics; bar soap, hand soap, cosmetic soap; essential oils for aromatherapy; perfume; nail care preparations; shampoo; conditioner; skin care preparations; sunscreen preparations; lip care preparations; tanning preparations; dentifrices and preparations for use in the mouth, namely, mouthwashes, toothpaste.
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Pharmaceutical preparations and substances for treating and preventing skin and nail diseases; medicated preparations in gel form for use in the mouth, namely, medicated mouthwash, medicated mouth rinse, mouth cavity cleansers, and medicated toothpaste.
Class 021
Houseware and Glass Products
Toothbrushes; containers for toothbrushes; holders for toothbrushes; dental floss.
Preparations for care, treatment and beautification of the skin, scalp...
on 30 Nov 2023
2021666 · 16 Jan 2020
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Electric, electronic and optical devices and instruments, and parts therefor, for the recording, processing, receiving, transmission, sending, storage, exchange and output of messages, images, speech and data (included in this class); data carriers containing recorded computer software, in particular magnetic and optical data carriers containing computer software, in particular applications software, operating systems software, database software, data encoding software, data decoding software and software for processing digital signatures; calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers and parts therefore; active and passive electronic components, in particular integrated and non-integrated semiconductor components; printed circuit boards with and without electronic components; apparatus for processing card transactions and data relating thereto and for payment processing; apparatus for verifying data on magnetically encoded cards; magnetic payment cards; magnetically encoded cards; smart cards (programmable); computer hardware and software (recorded and/or downloadable) for facilitating and administering payment, banking, credit card, debit card, payment card, electronic payments, electronic processing and transmission of bill payment data, cash disbursement, transaction authentication, routing, authorization and settlement services, fraud detection and control; apparatus for tracking, management and analysis of financial accounts via a global computer network; computer hardware and software for facilitating payment transactions by electronic means over wireless networks, global computer networks and/or mobile telecommunications devices; computer hardware and encryption software, encryption keys, digital certificates, digital signatures, software for secure data storage and retrieval and transmission of confidential customer information used by individuals, banking and financial institutions; computer software and hardware that facilitates the identification and authentication of near field communication (NFC) devices and radio frequency identification (RFID) devices; software application for use in connection with contactless payment terminals for the purpose of allowing merchants to accept contactless mobile commerce transactions; magnetic encoded cards and cards containing an integrated circuit chip (smart cards); computer software designed to enable smart cards to interact with terminals and readers; computer software for processing electronic payments and for transferring funds to and from others; computer software relating to the handling of financial transactions; encoded loyalty cards; computer chatbot software for simulating converstions.
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Advertising; organization of exhibitions for advertising purposes; marketing consulting services; market research services; tracking, analysing, forecasting and reporting purchase behaviour; all of the aforementioned services are limited to those offered by a technology and financial services provider in the IT, banking and finance sector; business advisory services; billing services; commercial information agencies; presentation of goods on communication media for retail purposes; price comparison services; organization of exhibitions for commercial purposes; promoting the sale of the goods and services of others by means of rewards and incentives generated in connection with the use of electronic payment; business administration of loyalty and rewards programs; business consulting services in the field of online payments; administrative services in order to manage and track payment transactions via electronic communications networks for business purposes; business information management, namely, electronic reporting of business analytics relating to payment processing, authentication, tracking, and invoicing; business management, namely, optimization of payments for businesses; commercial and business management assistance; advisory services for business management; marketing studies; computerized file management; statistical information (business); preparation of statements of accounts; book-keeping; business research; computer database management; providing information regarding purchase of goods and services online via the internet and other computer networks; outsourcing the processing of documents and data for a company, namely compilation of information in computer databases, input and processing of data, information, images and documents; maintenance of computerized databases; information, advisory and consultancy services related to all the aforesaid services; management of telephone call centers for others.
Class 036
Insurance & Financial Services
Insurance services; insurance information; clearing, in particular international credit card and direct debit clearing; financial services; monetary affairs; administration of financial affairs; credit card and debit card services; provision of finance services; money transmission services; processing of financial transactions both online via a computer database or via telecommunications; electronic financial transaction services in the nature of clearing and reconciling financial transactions via a global computer network; processing of credit and debit transactions by telephone and telecommunication link; financial services, namely, the provision of contactless mobile payments through merchants at retail, online and wholesale locations; financial transfers and transactions, and payment services; electronic commerce payment services; electronic processing of payments; electronic payment services involving electronic processing and subsequent transmission of bill payment data; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to the aforementioned services; debt collection services; loan services; loan (financing of -); credit services; financial risk management and assessment services; risk management consultancy [financial]; issuance of credit cards.
Class 038
Communications Services
Telecommunications; mobile telecommunication services; internet based telecommunication services; telecommunications services relating to electronic commerce and banking; data communication services; electronic data transmission over a global remote data processing network, including the internet; transmission of information in the field of financial services; transmission of data through the use of electronic image processing by mobile telephone link; receipt and/or delivery of messages, documents and other data via the internet; electronic mail, message sending and receiving services; television, radio and internet broadcasting services; providing multi-user access to a secure computerized information network for the transfer and dissemination of a range of information in the field of financial services; telecommunications services provided via prepaid telephone calling cards; leasing access time to a computer database; providing secure access to computer networks, servers and to the internet; telecommunications for secure remote transactions and payment; providing of access for the computerised management of secure remote transactions and payment systems; electronic transmission of e-commerce transaction data and information; facilitating access to third party web sites via a universal login; providing user access to an online computer network that enables users to transfer personal identity data and share personal identity data with and among multiple websites; electronic exchange of data via computer networks; transferring information and data via computer networks; rental and leasing of access time to a computer database; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services.
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Computer programming, in particular programming of computer software and assemblages of computer software modules, creating computer software and assemblages of computer software modules, upgrading and maintenance of computer software and of assemblages of computer software modules; software as a service [SaaS] services; consulting services in the field of software as a service [SaaS]; data conversion of electronic information; analysis of technical data; electronic data storage and data backup, recovery of computer data, data conversion of computer program data or information [not physical conversion] and technical data analysis; creating and development of computer databases; rental and leasing of computer software and computer database software for others, on a contract basis; hosting computer databases; analysis of information technology systems; technical analysis of information on validity and viability; evaluation and inspection of information technology systems; consultancy with regard to the technical aspects of information technology systems; services of an information technology engineer; computer programming services; rental and leasing of information technology systems, namely, programming and technical advisory services and technical application of planning regarding solutions based on IT; leasing of computers and computer equipment for third parties on a contract basis; data encryption services; verification of personal identification, namely electronic signature verification and authorisation services, digital signature verification and authorisation services; technical consultation services in the field of computer programming, data encryption and decryption and local area network security; technological consultancy services in the field of financial computer networks, data processing and secure communications; computerised data storage related to customer information; providing user authentication services using hardware and software technology for e-commerce transactions; consultancy relating to the creation and design of websites for e-commerce, limited to the service offered by a technology and financial services provider in the IT, banking and finance sector; maintenance of software used in the field of e-commerce.
Class 045
Personal & Legal & Social Services
Licensing of computer software; forensic analysis of financial transactions for fraud prevention purposes; security assessment of risks.
Electric, electronic and optical devices and instruments, and parts th...
on 13 Jul 2022
2014325 · 14 Jan 2020
Class 003
Cosmetics and Cleaning Products
Après-shampooings; préparations pour le bain, à usage non médical, nommément, cristaux pour le bain, bains moussants non médicamenteux pour le corps, gels de bain, huiles de bain; bougies de massage à usage cosmétique; brillants à lèvres; cire à épiler; préparations de collagène à usage cosmétique; préparations cosmétiques pour le bain, nommément, bains moussants à usage cosmétique; cosmétiques pour cils, sourcils; produits cosmétiques pour les soins de la peau; préparations cosmétiques pour l'amincissement; préparation pour blanchir la peau; crèmes cosmétiques; décolorants à usage cosmétique; produits de démaquillage; déodorants corporels, personnel, pour le soin du corps; dépilatoires; produits de rasage; dissolvants pour vernis à ongles; fards; laits de toilette; lotions pour les cheveux; laques pour les cheveux; préparations pour le lissage des cheveux; produits de maquillage; mascara; masques de beauté; parfums; rouge à lèvres; savons, nommément, pains de savon, savon de beauté, déodorant, à barbe, liquide pour le corps, pour les mains; shampooing; produits pour le soin des ongles, nommément, crèmes pour les ongles, dissolvants de vernis à ongles, couche de finition pour les ongles, teintures pour cheveux; vernis à ongles.
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Produits dermatologiques et pharmaceutiques pour les soins de la peau, nommément, savons antibactériens pour la peau, pour le traitement de l'assèchement de la peau liée à la grossesse; produits antisolaires à usage médical, nommément, onguents contre les brûlures du soleil; produits pharmaceutiques, nommément, astringents, baume antigel à usage pharmaceutique, pour le traitement et la prévention du cancer; aliments et substances diététiques à usage médical, nommément, compléments diététiques à base de protéines de soja, à base de blé, composées de vitamines, de minéraux, d'acides aminés et d'oligoéléments; bains médicaux, nommément sels pour bain à usage médical, préparations thérapeutiques pour le bain; crèmes antibiotiques et antipruritiques, gels topiques pour traitement des cicatrices, lotions médicamenteuses pour les coups de soleil, insectifuge, calamine, sérums antitoxiques et antivenimeux, et pommades antibiotiques et antipruritiques, à usage médical; préparation à base de plantes à usage médical, nommément suppléments à base de plantes pour l'état général de la santé et le bien-être; compléments alimentaires et nutritionnels, nommément, de graines de lin, de lécithine, de levure, de pollen, minéraux et vitaminés, désinfectants, nommément, à mains, pour ongles, multi-usages; herbes médicinales pour traiter l'hyper-pigmentation et contre la pollution.
Class 044
Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services
Services de coiffure; épilation à la cire; services de manucure; massage; services de salons de beauté; services de soin de beauté fournis par des solariums; services de visagistes.
Après-shampooings; préparations pour le bain, à usage non médical, nom...
on 30 Sept 2024
2005403 · 8 Jan 2020
Class 027
Floor Covering products
Exercise mats; Wallpaper; Non-textile wall hangings; Textile wallpaper; Floor mats; Carpet underlay; Nonslip mats for baths; Door mats; Vinyl floor coverings.
Exercise mats; Wallpaper; Non-textile wall hangings; Textile wallpape...
on 21 Jun 2022
2000425 · 10 Dec 2019
Class 045
Personal & Legal & Social Services
Immigration and education consulting
Immigration and education consulting
on 16 Aug 2024
1990089 · 15 Oct 2019
Class 028
Toys and Sporting Goods Products
Kites; Tables for table football; Portable games with liquid crystal displays; Flying discs; Building blocks; Bath toys; Electronic learning toys; Electronic action toys; Plastic character toys; Dolls; Bells for Christmas trees; Spinning tops; Toy models; Radio controlled toy vehicles; Toy drones; Rods for fishing; Toy watches; Draughts; Playing cards; Chess sets; Rackets, namely, tennis rackets; Exercise balls; Paddle surfboards; Bows for archery; Archery implements, namely, archery arm guards, and arrow points for archery;
Kites; Tables for table football; Portable games with liquid crystal d...
on 22 Jan 2025
Feifan Huang
1990047 · 14 Oct 2019
Class 016
Paper Goods and Printed Material
Paper; Tissues of paper for removing make-up; Office perforators; Advertisement boards of paper or cardboard; Postcards; Greeting cards; Almanacs; Water colour pens; Canvas for painting; Silver paper; Packing paper; Plastic wrap; expanding files; writing stationery; Steel pens; Paint boxes for use in schools; printed instructor materials, namely, presentation slides, and lesson notes; Architects' models; Blackboards
Paper; Tissues of paper for removing make-up; Office perforators; Adve...
on 2 Aug 2022
2035961 · 20 Aug 2019
Class 001
Chemical Products
Fertilisers; additives for fertilisers; algae for use as fertiliser; algae for use as an additive for fertilisers; additives for use in cement; algae for use as an additive for cement; proteins and protein substitutes for the food industry; algae based proteins and protein substitutes for the food industry; lipids and lipid substitutes for the food industry; algae based lipids and lipid substitutes for the food industry; fatty acids and fatty acid substitutes for use in the food industry; algae based fatty acids and fatty acid substitutes for the food industry.
Class 031
Natural Agricultural Products
Algae for human and animal consumption; foodstuffs for fish; foodstuffs for animals.
Fertilisers; additives for fertilisers; algae for use as fertiliser; a...
Dywidag-systems international gmbh (3)
Michael jackson (3)
Lion corporation limited (2)
Marisco vineyards limited (2)
Monster energy company (2)
Renegade acupuncturist media llc (2)
Ziwi limited (2)
"Mkr" limited liability company (1)
2545841 ontario inc (1)
A3ms inc. (1)
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Gowling wlg (canada) llp (13)
Smart & biggar lp (13)
Robic agence pi s.E.C./ robic ip agency lp (5)
Borden ladner gervais llp (4)
Norton rose fulbright canada llp/s.E.N.C.R.L.,s.R.L. (4)
Smart & biggar ip agency co. (4)
Anita mar (3)
Heather l. boyd (3)
Moffat & co. (3)
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Country Selected
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
United States
$99 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
European Union
$700 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
South Korea
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$99 / 1 class + gov fee
United Kingdom
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$299 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
United Arab Emirates
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
New Zealand
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
South Africa
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Saudi Arabia
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
British Virgin Islands
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
Costa Rica
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Czech Republic
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Dominican Republic
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
El Salvador
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Hong Kong (SAR)
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$1499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Madrid Protocol (WIPO)
$1999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Puerto Rico
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Sri Lanka
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
United Republic of Tanzania
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
West Bank, Palestine
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Antigua and Barbuda
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Bosnia and Herzegovina
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Burkina Faso
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
Cabo Verde
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Central African Republic (CAR)
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Cote d'Ivoire
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Equatorial Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
Marshall Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
North Macedonia
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Papua New Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Kitts and Nevis
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Lucia
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
San Marino
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sao Tome and Principe
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sierra Leone
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Solomon Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
South Sudan
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1599 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Trinidad and Tobago
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee