About 193 Trademarks found for “MAJOR*”
Mark | Details | Status | Class/Description | |
MAJOREL Majorel Group Luxembourg S.A. 1955494 4 Apr 2019 | SEARCHED on 13 Feb 2023 | Equipements pour le traitement de l'information; logiciels; logiciels ... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Equipements pour le traitement de l'information; logiciels; logiciels d'automatisation des processus; applications logicielles informatiques téléchargeables; programmes informatiques permettant de simuler une conversation avec un et plusieurs humains par échange vocal et textuel « chatbot »; éléments graphiques téléchargeables pour téléphones mobiles; logiciels de jeux; logiciels économiseurs d'écran pour ordinateurs, enregistrés et téléchargeables; plateformes informatiques sous forme de logiciels enregistrés et téléchargeables; unités centrales de traitement nommément processeurs; programmes d'ordinateurs enregistrés; programmes du système d'exploitation enregistrés pour ordinateurs; programmes d'ordinateurs nommément logiciels téléchargeables; publications électroniques téléchargeables Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Publicité; organisation, mise en place et gestion de campagnes publicitaires par tous moyens de communication; production de films publicitaires; rédaction de textes publicitaires; gestion des affaires commerciales; administration commerciale; travaux de bureau; service d'aide dans l'exploitation et la direction d'une entreprise commerciale; services de traitement du courrier; services de traitement administratif des emails sortant et entrant; services d'aide à la direction des affaires et des fonctions commerciales d'une entreprise industrielle et commerciale; services de gestion des risques liés aux médias sociaux; regroupement pour le compte de tiers, par l'intermédiaire de magasins de détail, de magasins en gros, de distributeurs automatiques, de catalogues de vente par correspondance et par des moyens électroniques tels que des sites web et par le biais d'émissions de télé-achat, de produits divers à l'exception de leur transport permettant aux clients de les voir et de les acheter commodément; services d'enregistrement, de transcription, de composition, de compilation et de systématisation d'informations, de données, de communications écrites et d'enregistrements ; services de gestion administrative et commerciale de réseaux sociaux nommément modération; distribution et diffusion de matériel publicitaire nommément messages, tracts, prospectus, imprimés, échantillons; services d'abonnement; abonnement à des services de télécommunications pour des tiers; administration commerciale de licences de produits et de services de tiers; administration de programmes pour grands voyageurs; administration de programmes de fidélisation de consommateurs; affichage publicitaire; services d'agences d'informations commerciales; services d'agences de publicité; aide à la direction des affaires; aide à la direction d'entreprises industrielles et commerciales; analyse du prix de revient; services d'approvisionnement pour des tiers nommément achat de produits et de services pour d'autres entreprises; assistance administrative pour répondre à des appels d'offres; audit comptable et financier; audits d'entreprises nommément analyses commerciales; services de bureaux de placement; services de comparaison de prix; comptabilité, tenue de livres, tenue de comptes; conception de matériels publicitaires; conseils en organisation et direction des affaires; services de conseils en gestion de personnel; conseils en communication nommément relations publiques; consultation pour la direction des affaires; consultation professionnelle d'affaires; services de consultations et de conseils relatifs aux affaires; services de dactylographie; établissement et dépôt de déclarations fiscales; démonstration de produits; enregistrement de listes de cadeaux; mise à disposition d'espaces de vente en ligne pour acheteurs et vendeurs de produits et services; estimation en affaires commerciales; études de marché; services d'expertise en productivité d'entreprise; facturation; production de films publicitaires; gérance administrative d'hôtels; services de gestion informatisée de fichiers; gestion administrative externalisée d'entreprises; services de gestion administrative de sinistre dans le cadre de contrats d'assurances; gestion externalisée de services après-vente; gestion commerciale de programmes de remboursement pour des tiers; gestion administrative de plaintes d'utilisateurs; informations d'affaires; informations et conseils commerciaux aux consommateurs en matière de choix de produits et de services; informations commerciales par le biais de sites web; services de conseils en amélioration de l'expérience client; services d'intermédiaires commerciaux dans le cadre de la mise en relation d'éventuels investisseurs privés avec des entrepreneurs à la recherche de financements; recherches de parraineurs; services d'intermédiation commerciale nommément conciergerie; investigations pour affaires; management de transition; marketing; marketing ciblé; marketing dans le cadre de l'édition de logiciels; télémarketing; marketing numérique; mise à jour de documentation publicitaire; mise en pages à buts publicitaires; mise à jour et maintenance de données dans des bases de données informatiques; mise à jour et maintenance d'informations dans des registres; négociation et conclusion de transactions commerciales pour des tiers; négociation de contrats d'affaires pour des tiers; optimisation de moteurs de recherche à des fins de promotion de vente; optimisation du trafic pour des sites web; services de photocopie; reproduction de documents; portage salarial; préparation de feuilles de paye; présentation de produits sur tout moyen de communication pour la vente au détail; travaux de bureau nommément services de programmation de rendez-vous; travaux de bureau nommément services de rappel de rendez-vous; services de réponse téléphonique pour abonnés absents; promotion des ventes pour des tiers; publicité par correspondance; publicité en ligne sur un réseau informatique; recherche de données dans des fichiers informatiques pour des tiers; recherches pour affaires; recherches en marketing; recrutement de personnel; services de gestion externalisée des ressources humaines; rédaction de textes publicitaires; référencement de sites web à but commercial et publicitaire; relations publiques; établissement de relevés de comptes; renseignements d'affaires; services de revues de presse; service de gestion de forums de discussion; production d'émissions de télé-achat; services de secrétariat; sélection du personnel par procédés psychotechniques; sondage d'opinion; établissement de statistiques; services de sténographie; systématisation d'informations dans des bases de données informatiques; services de télémarketing; assistance commerciale nommément services de sous-traitance; traitement de texte; mise en page à but publicitaire; traitement administratif de commandes d'achats; travaux de bureau nommément transcription de communications; services de revue de presse; services de veille concurrentielle; services de veille commerciale; vérification de comptes; services de conseils dans le domaine de l'externalisation des services d'une entreprise ... Class 036 Insurance & Financial Services Services d'assurance; affaires financières; affaires monétaires; affaires immobilières; services des courtiers en valeurs et en biens; services de courtiers en assurance; services de souscription d'assurances; services actuariels; affacturage; services d'agences de recouvrement de créances; services d'agences de logements; analyse financière; attribution de remises dans les établissements de tiers adhérents par le biais d'une carte de membre; services bancaires; services bancaires en ligne; services de cautionnement; établissement de dossiers de crédit; services de paiement des salaires; émission de chèques de voyage; services de collecte de bienfaisance; organisation de collectes; consultation en matière financière; consultation en matière d'assurances; services d'estimation fiscale; estimations financières nommément assurances, banques, immobilier; estimations financières des coûts de réparation; évaluations financières pour répondre à des appels d'offres; services de financement; gestion financière; gestion financière de paiements de remboursements pour des tiers; informations financières; informations en matière d'assurances; informations financières par le biais de sites web; paiement par acomptes; recouvrement de loyers; souscription de contrats d'assurances; traitement de paiements par cartes de crédit et de débit; vérification des chèques Class 038 Communications Services Télécommunications; services d'acheminement et de jonction pour télécommunications; télécommunications nommément services d'affichage électronique; services d'agences de presse; services d'appel radioélectrique nommément radio, téléphone et autres moyens de communications électroniques; fourniture de canaux de télécommunication destinés aux services de télé-achat; services de communication par téléphones portables; communications téléphoniques; communications par terminaux d'ordinateurs; communications radiophoniques; mise à disposition de forums de discussion sur l'internet; mise à disposition de forums en ligne; fourniture d'accès utilisateur à des réseaux informatiques mondiaux; fourniture d'accès à des bases de données; informations en matière de télécommunications; services de messagerie vocale; location de modems et d'appareils de télécommunications; raccordement par télécommunications à un réseau informatique mondial; services de téléconférences; télédiffusion; services téléphoniques; transmission de messages et d'images assistée par ordinateur; transmission de courriels; transmission de fichiers numériques; transmission de données en flux continu nommément streaming; transmission de séquences vidéo à la demande; services de visioconférence Class 039 Transportation & Storage Services Organisation de voyages; affranchissement du courrier; distribution et livraison de courrier et de colis; entreposage de supports de données et de documents stockés électroniquement; transport nommément opérations de secours; services de remorquage en cas de pannes de véhicules; transports en ambulance; services de chauffeurs; courtage de transport; organisation de croisières; emballage de produits, conditionnement de produits; informations en matière de transport; livraison de marchandises, distribution nommément livraison de produits; services de logistique en matière de transport; messagerie nommément de courrier et marchandises; ramassage de produits recyclables; réservation de places de voyage; réservations pour le transport; réservations pour les voyages Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Éducation nommément académies; services de formation destinés aux entreprises; orientation professionnelle nommément conseils en matière d'éducation et de formation; services de calligraphes; coaching nommément formation; organisation et conduite de colloques, conférences, congrès, séminaires, symposiums, ateliers de formation, forums éducatifs non virtuels; éducation et divertissement nommément organisation de concours ; enseignement par correspondance; enseignement, éducation, instruction; services d'examens pédagogiques; démonstration nommément formation pratique; services de formation par le biais de simulateurs; organisation et conduite de forums éducatifs non virtuels; informations en matière d'éducation; orientation professionnelle nommément conseils en matière d'éducation et de formation; services de photographie; reportages photographiques; recyclage professionnel; production d'émissions de radio et de télévision; mise à disposition d'émissions de télévision, non téléchargeables, par le biais de services de vidéo à la demande; services de traduction; tutorat; enregistrement [filmage] sur bandes vidéo; mise à disposition de films, non téléchargeables, par le biais de services de vidéo à la demande; édition et micro-édition; microfilmage; montage de bandes vidéo; divertissement nommément planification de réceptions; postsynchronisation; reportages photographiques; réservation de places de spectacles Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Services scientifiques et technologiques ainsi que services de recherches et de conception y relatifs; services d'analyses et de recherches industrielles; analyses sectorielles; conception et développement d'ordinateurs, de logiciels et d'applications pour téléphones portables; services de conception infographique; services d'ingénieurs et de scientifiques en charge d'évaluations, d'estimations, de recherches et de rapports dans les domaines scientifique et technologique y compris les services de conseils technologiques; analyse de systèmes informatiques; services de sous-traitance nommément assistance et support techniques; services de sous-traitance nommément assistance et support techniques notamment dans le domaine des équipements informatiques, des produits multi-médias et de téléphonie; analyses graphologiques; services de chiffrement de données; services de conception d'art graphique; services d'infographie; services de conception graphique; conception de systèmes informatiques; conduite d'études de projets techniques; services de conseillers en matière de conception et de développement de matériel informatique; services de conseillers en matière de sécurité sur internet; services de conseillers en matière de sécurité des données; conseils en conception de sites web; conseils en technologie de l'information; services de conseils technologiques; services de conseils en technologies informatiques; services de conseils en technologies des télécommunications; consultation en matière de logiciels; consultation en matière de sécurité informatique; contrôle de qualité; contrôle technique de véhicules automobiles; conversion de données et de documents d'un support physique vers un support électronique; création et entretien de sites web pour des tiers; création et conception de répertoires d'informations basés sur des sites web pour des tiers nommément services de technologies de l'information; désimlockage de téléphones mobiles; dessin industriel; services de dessinateurs pour emballages; développement de logiciels dans le cadre de l'édition de logiciels; duplication de programmes informatiques; travaux d'ingénieurs nommément expertises; services externalisés en matière de technologies de l'information; sites web nommément hébergement de sites informatiques; hébergement de serveurs; informations en matière de technologie informatique et de programmation par le biais de sites web; ingénierie; installation de logiciels; logiciel-service [SaaS]; location de logiciels informatiques; maintenance de logiciels d'ordinateurs; mise à jour de logiciels; scanning nommément numérisation de documents; location d'ordinateurs; plateforme informatique en tant que service [PaaS]; programmation pour ordinateurs; services de protection contre les virus informatiques; recherche et développement de nouveaux produits pour des tiers; recherches techniques; recherches scientifiques; récupération de données informatiques; rédaction technique; sauvegarde externe de données; location de serveurs web; stockage électronique de données; surveillance de systèmes informatiques pour la détection de pannes; surveillance de systèmes informatiques pour la détection d'accès non autorisés et d'atteintes à la protection de données; surveillance électronique d'informations d'identification personnelle pour la détection de vols d'identité par le biais d'internet; surveillance électronique d'opérations par carte de crédit pour la détection de fraudes par internet; télésurveillance de systèmes informatiques Class 043 Restaurant and Hotel Services Réservation de logements pour voyageurs; services d'accueil en hébergement temporaire nommément gestion des entrées et des sorties; location de logements temporaires; location de salles de réunions Class 045 Personal & Legal & Social Services Services juridiques; services de sécurité pour la protection physique des biens matériels; administration juridique de licences; services juridiques nommément concession de licences de logiciels; services juridiques nommément concession de licences dans le cadre de l'édition de logiciels; conseils juridiques pour répondre à des appels d'offres; services de contentieux; services d'élaboration de documents juridiques; services juridiques nommément enregistrement de noms de domaine; services juridiques en rapport avec la négociation de contrats pour des tiers; location de noms de domaine sur internet; recherches légales et recherches judiciaires; services de réseautage social en ligne; services de veille juridique | ||
MAJOR MOISTURE JUNE JACOBS LABORATORIES LLC 1938289 28 Dec 2018 | REGISTERED on 27 Apr 2022 | Non-medicated skin care preparations; skin care cleansers; Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Non-medicated skin care preparations; skin care cleansers; | ||
MAJOR LEAGUE RUGBY Major League Rugby, LLC 1918913 7 Sept 2018 | OPPOSED on 13 Feb 2025 | Clothing, namely, athletic tops, athletic bottoms, athletic footwear; ... Class 025 Class 025 Clothing Products Clothing, namely, athletic tops, athletic bottoms, athletic footwear; headwear, namely, caps and visors; hats; beanies; baseball caps; aprons; scarves; jumpers; sporting and athletic clothing, namely, tracksuits, shirts, singlets, shorts, swimming shorts, and socks; boxer shorts; dressing gowns; bathrobes; jackets; jerseys; children's wear, namely, sports jerseys, shirts, tracksuits, shorts, pants, jackets, and scarves; babywear, namely, sports jerseys, shirts, pants; earmuffs, gloves, headbands, casual hoods, leggings, leg warmers, mittens, ear muffs, neckties, pocket squares, ponchos, socks, tee-shirts, athletic uniforms Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Retail store services featuring clothing, toys, and playthings, dinnerware, books, kitchen linen, bedroom linen, posters, prints, postcards, paper stationary, pens, pencils, jewelry, pins, patches, magnets, stickers, sunglasses, reusable water bottles, travel mugs, cases for tablets, computers and phones, sporting goods, sports memorabilia; marketing services, namely, promoting the goods and services of others by arranging for sponsors to affiliate their goods and services with rugby teams, rugby competitions, rugby games, rugby tournaments, and rugby awards programs; dissemination of advertising for others via an on-line electronic communications network and stadium advertising; entertainment marketing services, namely, promoting rugby competitions and rugby teams for others; on-line retail store services featuring clothing, souvenirs, toys, playthings, and the consumer goods of others in the field of sporting goods; rugby association services, namely, promoting the interests of member clubs, scheduling games, and promoting interest in sports ... Class 038 Communications Services Providing access to a website featuring sports and entertainment information in the nature of podcasts, blogs, webcasts, panel commentaries, and television programs on the topics of sporting events, sports leagues, sports figures and human interest stories in the field of sports; Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Education and entertainment services in the nature of organizing, conducting and operating professional rugby games, exhibitions, tournaments; educational services, namely, physical education programs in the field of rugby; rental of stadium facilities; educational services, namely, conducting training programs in the field of rugby; educational services, namely, conducting online nondownloadable exhibitions and displays and interactive exhibits in the field of rugby; entertainment services in the nature of hosting rugby games; entertainment services, namely, organization and presentation of rugby competitions; entertainment services, namely, live musical and dance performances provided during intervals at sports events; entertainment services, namely, production and distribution of television programs featuring sports, news and current affairs rendered through the media of television, cable, satellite, radio, telephone and broadband systems, and via the internet and portable and wireless communication devices; entertainment, namely, television show production regarding rugby games and tournaments; conducting educational exhibitions in the field of rugby; conducting entertainment exhibitions in the field of rugby; organizing and conducting rugby tournaments and international rugby tournaments, all rendered live and through broadcast media including television and radio, and via a global computer network and an online network; providing online guides to personalized and interactive television programming production of radio and television programs; production and distribution of radio programs; production and distribution of television shows; production of cable television programs; distribution of television programming to cable and satellite television; rugby fan clubs services; providing physical fitness assessment and qualification services for rugby coaches, players and team staff; provision of courses of instruction in coaching, sports medicine and player development in the field of rugby; sports refereeing; providing indoor and outdoor sports arena facilities; providing rugby club recreation facilities, namely rugby league playing fields, stadiums and rugby club recreation houses; organizing sports leagues, competitions and arranging sports events for rugby, football, soccer, baseball, basketball, lacrosse, volleyball and track and field; organizing of community sporting and entertainment events, namely exhibitions and competitions in the fields rugby, football, soccer, baseball, basketball, lacrosse, track and field, volleyball and sports performance training; organizing sports award ceremonies; providing information via a website, namely information relating to the sport of rugby, namely team information, player statistics and related news; providing news in the field of sports; providing sports and entertainment information in the nature of podcasts, blogs, webcasts, panel commentaries, and television programs on the topics of sporting events, sports leagues, sports figures and human interest stories in the field of sports, via the Internet, via television broadcasting, radio and via a website | ||
![]() | MAJOR MANGO DESIGN THE JEL SERT CO. 1909323 13 Jul 2018 | REGISTERED on 21 Dec 2020 | Frozen confections, namely, freezer pops Class 030 Class 030 Staple Food Products Frozen confections, namely, freezer pops | |
MAJOR MANGO THE JEL SERT CO. 1909322 13 Jul 2018 | REGISTERED on 21 Dec 2020 | Frozen confections, namely, freezer bars Class 030 Class 030 Staple Food Products Frozen confections, namely, freezer bars | ||
MAJOR UNIVERSAL YARN INC. 1908340 9 Jul 2018 | REGISTERED on 4 Dec 2020 | Yarn Class 023 Class 023 Yarns and Threads Yarn | ||
MAJOR TOM MAJOR TOM AGENCY INC. 1899346 15 May 2018 | REGISTERED on 30 Dec 2020 | Marketing services, namely, consumer marketing research in the nature ... Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Marketing services, namely, consumer marketing research in the nature of research and planning in the area of customer experience of digital usability testing and user experience design; developing marketing strategies and marketing concepts for others; consulting services relating to advertising and marketing, namely developing and implementing marketing and advertising strategies and concepts for third parties, and brand development for third parties; media planning and media buying services, namely, sourcing optimal media platforms for advertising and communication campaigns for others, selecting optimal media platforms for advertising and communication campaigns for others, and buying optimal media platforms for advertising and communication campaigns for others; advice in the field of business marketing; marketing analysis services; business marketing consulting services; advertising copywriting; advisory services for business management; business management services, namely marketing automation and email management services Class 042 Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Computer website design; computer graphics design services; computer programming and software design; computer programming services; design and development of computer software; design and creating web sites for others | ||
![]() | MAJOR TOM DESIGN MAJOR TOM AGENCY INC. 1899347 15 May 2018 | REGISTERED on 30 Dec 2020 | Marketing services, namely, consumer marketing research in the nature ... Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Marketing services, namely, consumer marketing research in the nature of research and planning in the area of customer experience of digital usability testing and user experience design; developing marketing strategies and marketing concepts for others; consulting services relating to advertising and marketing, namely developing and implementing marketing and advertising strategies and concepts for third parties, and brand development for third parties; media planning and media buying services, namely, sourcing optimal media platforms for advertising and communication campaigns for others, selecting optimal media platforms for advertising and communication campaigns for others, and buying optimal media platforms for advertising and communication campaigns for others; advice in the field of business marketing; marketing analysis services; business marketing consulting services; advertising copywriting; advisory services for business management; business management services, namely marketing automation and email management services Class 042 Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Computer website design; computer graphics design services; computer programming and software design; computer programming services; design and development of computer software; design and creating web sites for others | |
MAJOR LEAGUE SHOOTING GRUNT STYLE LLC 1888310 15 Mar 2018 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 15 Dec 2020 | Promotional sponsorship of sporting events; Promotional sponsorship of... Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Promotional sponsorship of sporting events; Promotional sponsorship of individuals and teams participating in sporting events; Endorsement services, namely, promoting the goods and services of others; Promoting sports competitions and events of others Class 041 Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Entertainment in the nature of organizing competitions in the field of sports; Providing information relating to sports and sporting events; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable articles in the field of sports; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable articles in the field of firearm safety; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable articles in the field of weapons; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable articles in the field of marksmanship; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable articles in the field of fishing; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable articles in the field of hunting; Providing a web site featuring sporting information; Providing a website featuring information relating to the sport of marksmanship; Providing a website featuring information relating to the sport of shooting; Providing a website featuring information relating to the sport of fishing; Providing a website featuring information relating to the sport of hunting; Providing a website featuring information relating to the sport of archery; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable videos in the field of archery; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable videos in the field of fishing; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable videos in the field of marksmanship; providing a website featuring non-downloadable videos in the field of shooting; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable videos in the field of gun safety; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable videos in the field of sports; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable videos in the field of hunting; Providing sports information; Training in the use and operation of weapons; Arranging and conducting athletic competitions; Conducting of sports competitions; Organization of sports competitions; Organizing sporting events, namely, marksmanship, shooting, archery, and fishing events, competitions, and tournaments; Organizing, conducting and operating marksmanship, shooting, archery, and fishing tournaments; Organizing, conducting and operating sporting tournaments; Providing a website featuring information about hunting and fishing; Providing on-line training lectures, videos, diagrams, and articles in the field of firearm safety; Providing on-line training lectures, videos, diagrams, and articles in the field of weapon use; Providing sports training information and advice via a website; Sports training services | ||
MAJORA BRANDSTER BRANDING LTD. 1861150 4 Oct 2017 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 24 Sept 2019 | Agricultural, forestry, and horticultural chemicals; chemicals used in... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Aluminium paints, anticorrosive paints, antifouling paints, anticorrosive paints, asbestos paints, automotive paints, bactericidal paints, ceramic paints, damp proofing paints, enamel paints, fabric paints, fireproof paints, floor paints, fluorescent paints, heat resistant paints, luminous paints, oil paints, varnishes, lacquers preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood colorants for use in the manufacture of beverages, cosmetics, food, paper and plastic molding compounds wood mordants; mordants for leather, for the textile industry and for dyeing natural fibres raw natural resins metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists Class 002 Class 002 Paint Products Bleaching preparations and other substances in the nature of laundry bleach and laundry additives for water softening all for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, namely, cleaning preparations for cleansing drains, dry cleaning preparations, all purpose cleaning preparations, polishing wax, scouring solutions and general use abrasives; bath soaps in liquid, solid or gel form; body soaps; liquid soaps for hands and face; cosmetic soaps; fragrances and perfumery; essential oils for the manufacture of perfumes; essential oils as perfume for laundry purposes, essential oils for aromatherapy; cosmetics; make-up; eye make-up; eyeliners; blushers; lipsticks; hair lotions; dentifrices ... Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Industrial oils and greases; industrial lubricants; castor oil for industrial purposes; hardened oils for industrial use; industrial lubricants; all purpose lubricants; dust removing preparations; dust-binding compositions; fuels, namely, alcohol fuel, aviation fuel, bagasse for use as fuel, benzene fuel, benzine fuel, biofuel, butane fuel, charcoal for fuel, coal based fuels, denaturated fuel alcohols, diesel fuel, ethanol fuels, fuel for domestic heating, fuel for lighters, fuel from crude oil, fuel gas, fuel oil, fuel pellets, lamp fuels, lighting fuel, methanol fuel, methylated spirits for fuel, mineral motor fuel, motor fuel, propane for use as fuel, solidified gas for fuel, wood heating fuel pellets, woodfuel and xylene fuel; candles and wicks for candles for lighting Class 004 Lubricant and Fuel Products Pharmaceuticals, namely, anti-infectives, psychotropics, antihelmintics, lipid lowering agents, inducers of erections, ocular pharmaceuticals, antibacterial pharmaceuticals, cardiovascular pharmaceuticals, anti-diabetic pharmaceuticals, dermatological pharmaceutical products, pharmaceutical antiviral preparations, pharmaceutical antitussive-cold preparations, pharmaceutical preparations for wounds and for treating allergies; veterinary preparations, namely, antioxidants, pain relief medication, bacterial and bacteriological preparations for veterinary use, diagnostic preparations for veterinary use, veterinary preparations for treatment of intestinal bacteria and for destroying parasites; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; Dietetic foods and beverages adapted for medical and veterinary use; food for babies; dietary supplements for general health and well-being; plasters, namely, medical and surgical plasters; material for stopping teeth; dental wax; all purpose disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermins and parasites; preparations for destroying mice; fungicides; herbicides Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Common metals and their alloys; metal ores; metal building materials, namely, soffits, fascia, ceiling boards and floor boards, ductile iron piles, portable metal levees, gabions of steel wire, composite panels, metal decorative fireplace facings, stair nosing of metal, drywall corner bead of metal, awnings of metal, metal canopies, metal countertops for further installation; transportable greenhouses of metal for household use; non-electrical lifting cables; non-electrical elevator cables; non-electrical wire fencing; small items of metal hardware, namely, metal dust proof strikes, hardware mounting system comprised of metal brackets for bath accessories and decorative hooks, double-end swivels, carabiners of metal, high security locks and sheet metal plates; branching pipes of metal including those from alloy steel and titanium; metal safes Class 006 Metal Products Industrial robots; aeronautic engines; marine enginesnd parts and fittings thereof; metalworking machine tools; milling cutters machine tools; dies for use with machine tools; machine tools for the metalworking industry; machine tools for the textile industry;motors and engines used in industrial applications; machine coupling and belting, except for land vehicles; agricultural implements other than hand-operated, namely, cultivators, disk harrows, seed drills, seeders, incorporators, hay balers, coulters, and tractor towed agricultural implements in the nature of rollers, corn huskers, hay rakes, harvesters, reapers, mowers, plows; incubators for eggs; automatic vending machines Class 007 Machinery Products Hand-operated hand and tools and implements, namely, riveting tools, abrading tools, pumps, chisels, locking clamp tools, dies, sharpening tools and instruments, cutting tools, tile spacer removal tools, vegetable shredders, slicers, shears, choppers, hair clippers, wrenches, saws, lifting jacks, hammers, plumbing snakes, tiller, lawn edgers, nail extractors, nail pullers, nail and pin punches, chisels, files, hoes, reamers, screwdrivers, reaching devices for picking up and removing trash, litter and objects, lawn rakes, rabbeting planes, billhooks, press machines for paper making, book binding, embossing and relief and intaglio printing, hand-operated automotive repair tools, namely, brake and engine cylinder hones, magnetic pick-up tools, drum brake adjusting tools, brake pad spreaders, brake spring removers, disc brake piston cubes, ring and valve spring compressors, valve spring depressors, ball joint separators, valve holders; cutlery; side arms not including firearms, namely, swords and hunting knives; blades for electric razors Class 008 Hand Tool Products Computer hardware; Computer software, namely, downloadable computer software for word processing, computer software for document management, for application and database integration, for producing financial models, for use as a spreadsheet, for use in database management, for authorizing access to databases, for creating searchable databases of information and data, for use in customer relationship management (CRM), to automate data warehousing, and for the collection, editing, organizing, modifying, book marking, transmission, storage and sharing of data and information, software that provides real-time, integrated business management intelligence by combining information from various databases and presenting it in an easy-to-understand user interface; Computer software, namely, communications software for connecting computer network users, global computer networks, computer software for controlling self-service terminals, for administration of computer networks, for wireless content delivery, for administration of computer local area networks, for use in computer access control, for controlling and managing access server applications, for controlling and managing access server applications, for monitoring and controlling communication between computers and automated machine systems, to maintain and operate computer system, for providing access to the Internet; Computer software for processing digital images, for processing digital music files, for organizing and viewing digital images and photographs, for creating and editing music and sounds, for creating digital animation and special effects of images, for manipulating digital audio information for use in audio media applications, to enhance the audio-visual capabilities of multimedia applications, namely, for the integration of text, audio, graphics, still images and moving pictures; Computer software, namely, computer software for encryption, computer software development tools, computer operating software, computer graphics software, computer game software, computer anti-virus software, computer software for the creation of firewalls, computer software and firmware for operating system programs, computer aided design (CAD) software for general use, computer aided manufacturing (CAM) software for general use; computer peripherals; electronic data processing apparatus; computer networking hardware and data communications equipment, namely, electronic communications systems comprised of computer hardware for the transmission of data between two points, computer network adapters, switches, routers, and hubs; computer components and parts, namely, electronic components for computers; computer memory devices; electronic control apparatus, namely, electronic controllers for computer hardware and peripherals excluding gaming apparatus, electric control panels, computer terminals and electronic controls for machines; programmed-data-carrying electronic circuits; electric wires for communication equipment; electrodes; telephones; aerials; batteries; micro processors; computer keyboards; motion picture films about video recordings featuring music and artistic performances, education, entertainment, fashion, sports and culture Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Surgical apparatus and instruments for medical use; dental apparatus and instruments, namely, apex locator, polymerisation apparatus, milling apparatus, intra-oral light systems, ultrasound and x-ray apparatus for dental imaging and orthodontic machines and instruments for dental purposes; surgical veterinary apparatus and instruments, namely, castrating, animal euthanasia, x-ray, and surgical apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs; artificial eyes; orthopedic articles, namely, orthopedic belts, orthopedic braces, orthopedic footwear, orthopedic soles, orthopedic walkers and orthopedic supports; suture materials; apparatus for artificial respiration; apparatus for blood analysis Class 010 Medical Instrument Products Accent lights for indoor use; aquarium lights; automobile lights; book lights; ceiling lights; Christmas tree lights; air valves for steam heating installations; automatic temperature regulators for central heating radiators; central heating radiators; commercial cooking ovens; beverage cooling and ice dispensing machines; chemical fiber drying machines; air impellers for ventilation; automatic water dispensers for pets; air filtering units for removing dust, smoke and allergens from the air Class 011 Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking Vehicles, namely, automobiles, motorcycles, airplanes; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water, namely, land vehicles, vessels in the nature of boats and ships, airplanes; anti-theft alarms for vehicles Class 012 Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water Firearms; Air guns; automatic guns; flare pistols ammunition; bullets; cartridge dies; detonators; explosive fuses; fireworks; firecrackers Class 013 Firearm Products Precious metals; alloys of precious metal precious stones; Ingots of precious metals; charms in precious metals or coated therewith fancy keyrings of precious metals; jewellery; amulets being jewellery; beads for making jewellery; charms for jewellery; jewelry and imitation jewelry; clocks and watches; chronometers Class 014 Jewelry Products Musical instruments, namely, percussion instruments, stringed musical instruments, woodwind musical instruments, and electronic musical instruments; cases for musical instruments Class 015 Musical Instrument Products Paper; cardboard; printed publications and printed matter, namely, printed certificates, booklets, coupons, lectures, leaflets, paper signs, manuals, curricula, newsletters, informational cards and brochures in the fields of art, music and artistic performances, entertainment, fashion, sports, culture, general human interest, film production, languages, science and technology, law; inking Ribbons for computer printers; bookbinding materials; books in the field of art, music and artistic performances, entertainment, fashion, sports, culture, general human interest, film production, languages, science and technology, law; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' paint brushes; music sheets; printed music scores on sheets; periodical magazines in the field of art, music and artistic performances, entertainment, fashion, sports, culture, general human interest, film production, languages, science and technology, law; photographs; stationery and educational supplies, namely, blank note books and school supply kits containing various combinations of selected school supplies, namely, writing instruments, pens, pencils, mechanical pencils, erasers, markers, crayons, highlighter pens, folders, notebooks, paper, protractors, paper clips, pencil sharpeners, writing grips, glue for stationery or household use and book marks; typewriters; printed instructional and teaching material, except apparatus, namely in the field of art, music and artistic performances, entertainment, fashion, sports, culture, general human interest, film production, languages, science and technology, law; plastic materials, namely, bags and bubble packs; plastic film for packaging; self-adhesive plastic sheets for lining shelves; printing blocks Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Silicon rubber; crude rubber; foam rubber; industrial packaging containers of rubber; gutta-percha; asbestos; mica plastics in extruded form used in production insulating fabrics; insulating oils, paints, tapes, plaster, washers, varnish, sleeves for power lines; plastic junctions for flexible pipes; plastic water pipes Class 017 Rubber Products Leather and imitation leather; leather and imitation leather bags animal skins and hides; luggage; back packs; umbrellas and parasols walking sticks; whips; harnesses and saddlery; animal identification collars; animal leashes; clothing for pets Class 018 Leather Products not including clothing Building materials (nonmetallic), namely, building stone, building sand, building paper, building glass, logs used as building material, mortar, non-metallic minerals for building and for construction, plaster for use in building, reeds for building, rock crystal for use as building materials, sandstone for building, serpentine building materials, terra cotta, tar and pitch, timber, lumber, tombstones, tufa, volcanic ash, xylolith, alabaster, andesite, asphalt, calcite, cement mixes, concrete, clay ash, feldspar, geotextiles, grout, macadam nonmetallic rigid pipes for building asphalt, pitch and bitumen ceramic monuments; monuments of concrete; monuments of marble; monuments of stone Class 019 Non-Metallic Building Material Products Furniture, namely, bathroom furniture, bedroom furniture, dining room furniture, camping furniture, computer furniture, garden furniture, kitchen furniture, lawn furniture, living room furniture, office furniture, outdoor furniture, patio furniture, school furniture and furniture parts of all the aforesaid goods; chairs, cabinets, chests, doors, mirrors, picture frames, sea shells, meerschaum, yellow amber Class 020 Furniture Products Textiles and substitutes for textiles, namely, bed and table linen, bunting of textile and plastic, canvas for embroidery and tapestry, textile fabrics and labels, woven fabrics and knitted fabrics; blankets and linen for household purposes; curtains; furniture coverings of textile and plastic Class 022 Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products Ropes; strings; tents; awnings; tarpaulins; sails; climbing ropes; anchoring ropes; straw ropes; nets, namely, animal feeding nets, fishing nets, twine for nets, camouflage nets for radar and visual use and snare nets; cotton netting; chemical fiber nettings; glass fiber netting; hemp nettings; silk netting; wadding for padding and stuffing; raw textile fibres; synthetic fibres Class 023 Yarns and Threads Yarns; threads and yarns for textile use; embroidery thread Class 024 Fabrics Textiles and substitutes for textiles, namely, bed and table linen, bunting of textile and plastic, canvas for embroidery and tapestry, textile fabrics, woven fabrics and knitted fabrics; linen for household purposes; curtains Class 025 Clothing Products Clothing, namely, shirts, pants, coats, dresses, tops and bottoms; footwear; athletic footwear; beach footwear; casual footwear; climbing footwear; exercise footwear; infant footwear; headwear; caps; swimwear; sportswear; leisurewear, namely, leisure suits and shoes Class 026 Lace, Ribbons & Embroidery and Fancy Goods Lace; Embroidery; ribbons; textile braid; buttons for clothing; hooks and eyes; pins, namely, hair pins, hat pins, curling pins, safety pins, bobby pins, marking pins, ornamental novelty pins; sewing and binding needles; artificial flowers Class 027 Floor Covering products Carpets and rugs; door mats; bath mats; linoleum anti-slip floor coverings for use on staircases; decorative wall hangings, not of textile Class 028 Toys and Sporting Goods Products Games and playthings, namely, board games, tabletop games, action target games, party games, puzzles, playing cards and card games, mechanical toys, parlor games, stuffed toys, toy vehicles video game machines; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes, namely, springboards, appliances for gymnastics, athletic supporters, protective supports for shoulders and elbows, sleds, weight lifting belts, athletic tape, waist trimmer exercise belts Christmas tree ornaments and decorations Class 029 Meats and Processed Food Products Meat, fish, poultry and game meat extracts preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables jellies and jams; compotes eggs milk and milk products edible oils and fats Class 030 Staple Food Products Coffee; tea; cocoa; artificial coffee; rice; tapioca; sago; flour; preparations made from cereals, namely, breakfast cereals, cereal bars and cereal-based snack food; bread; pastries; sugar confectionery; edible ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast; baking-powder; salt and pepper; mustard; vinegar; salad sauces; sauces for barbecued meat; spices; ice Class 031 Natural Agricultural Products Grains for planting, agricultural seeds, bulbs for agricultural purposes; seeds for horticultural purposes, bulbs for horticultural purposes; live trees, palm tree; partly worked palm trees leaves; live anchovies; live clams; live crabs; live poultry; fresh fruits and vegetables; unprocessed cereal, vegetable seeds, crop seeds, fresh herb; natural plants and flowers; fresh flowers; food for pets; malt for brewing and distilling Class 032 Light Beverage Products Beer; mineral and aerated waters; non-alcoholic beverages, namely, beer flavored beverages, beverages containing fruit juices, beverages flavored with tea, carbonated beverages and drinks, cocktails, cordials, fruit drinks, punch and extracts, honey-based beverages, kvass, rice punch and cinnamon punch with dried persimmon; fruit beverages and fruit juices; preparations for making all of the aforesaid beverages Class 033 Wines and Spirits Products Alcoholic beverages (except beers), namely, winebased beverages, alcoholic punches, alcoholic coolers, alcoholic cocktails, alcoholic fruit drinks Class 034 Smoker's Products Tobacco flints and firestones cigarettes; cigarette filters; e-cigarettes; matches; ashtrays Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Provision of information and advice to consumers regarding the selection of products and items to be purchased; provision of business and commercial information; advertising and business management consultancy; personnel recruitment; personnel management consulting; advertising agency services; advertising the goods and services of others; mediation of contracts for purchase and sale of products and services; advertising services for promoting the brokerage of stocks and other securities for others; advertising services of a radio and television advertising agency; negotiation of business contracts for others; business management and organization consultancy; computerized file management; rental of advertising space; rental of advertising space on web sites; leasing of office equipment; rental of office machinery and equipment; market analysis and research services; market research studies; computer database management services; retail store services featuring clothing, books, computer equipment, computer software, furniture, grocery, jewellery, food, cosmetics, toys, automobile parts and audio equipment Class 036 Insurance & Financial Services Insurance services; financially-guaranteed financing; venture capital financing; project financing; financing of loans and purchases; investment of funds for others; capital investment; financial planning and investment advisory services; advisory services in the field of credit and debit control, investment, grants and financing of loans; assessment and management of real estate; financial management; investment management; management of portfolios comprising securities; brokerage in the field of art, insurance, stocks, commodities, business, investment, mortgage, real estate, security; real estate services; leasing of real estate; real estate consultancy; real estate investment services; real estate valuation services; real estate services; real estate appraisal Class 037 Construction and Repair Services Building construction services building maintenance and repair installation, maintenance and repair of computer apparatus and instruments, electronic data processing apparatus and instruments and telecommunications apparatus and instruments Class 038 Communications Services Telecommunication services, namely, telecommunication access services, digital network telecommunications services, transmission of webcasts and podcasts, providing electronic message alerts via the internet, personal communication services and, providing multiple-user access to a global computer network, transmission of voice, data, graphics, images, audio and video by means of telecommunications networks, wireless communication networks, and the Internet; communication services, namely, electronic transmission of voices, transmission of voice, audio, visual images and data by telecommunications networks, wireless communication networks, the Internet, information services networks and data networks, electronic transmission of data and documents among users of computers; telecommunication routing and junction services; transmission of data; electronic transmission of images, photographs, graphic images and illustrations over a global computer network; transmission of data, audio, video and multimedia files by telecommunications networks, wireless communication networks, the Internet, information services networks and data networks; broadcasting of television programmes; simulcasting broadcast television over global communication networks, the Internet and wireless networks; video on demand transmissions; providing access to digital music websites on the internet; provision of access to the Internet; provision of access to a global computer network; video-on-demand transmission services; webcasting of fashion shows; provision of telecommunication access to video and audio content provided via an online video-on-demand service; satellite communication services; telecommunications gateway services Class 039 Transportation & Storage Services Transportation of passengers and goods by bus, rail, air, boat packing, crating and warehousing services arranging travel tours travel guide and travel information services travel and tour information service; travel services, namely, travel guide services, travel ticket reservation services Class 040 Treatment & Processing of Materials Services Chemical treatment of textile; printing of books; printing of patterns on textiles; mold and mildew prevention treatment of animal feed, fur, textile, wood, manufacture of jewellery and watches, fuel treatment services, chemical treatment of textile; incineration of waste and trash; waste water treatment services; waste management contracting services Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Production of radio and television programmes; film production; educational research services; education and training services, namely, providing classes, seminars, workshops in the fields of art, music and artistic performances, entertainment, fashion, sports, culture, general human interest, film production, languages, science and technology, law; law enforcement training services; language training services; language training services; Entertainment services, namely, multimedia production services, organizing, arranging, and hosting social entertainment events, presenting live musical performances; Film distribution; providing television programmes, not downloadable, via video-on-demand transmission services; arranging and conducting seminars in the field of art, music and artistic performances, entertainment, fashion, sports, culture, general human interest, film production, languages, science and technology, law; Arranging and conducting educational congresses in the field of art, music and artistic performances, entertainment, fashion, sports, culture, general human interest, film production, languages, science and technology, law; Organization of exhibitions for cultural and educational purposes; publication of electronic books and journals on-line Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Design, maintenance, development and updating of computer software; urban planning; construction planning; technical support services in the form of troubleshooting of computer hardware and software problems; technical support in the form of monitoring global computer network systems; design and development of computer hardware and software; technical consultancy in the field of environmental science; technical consultancy in the field of road cutting technology; commercial art design; graphic design; computer animation production services; clothing design; creating and maintaining web sites; medical research services; research and development of new products for others; building and maintaining websites Class 043 Restaurant and Hotel Services Hotel accommodation services; hotel reservations; bar services; catering of food and drinks; cafe services; restaurant services; bed and breakfast services; catering for the provision of food and beverages Class 044 Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services Medical imaging; medical screening; medical testing services; medical fitness evaluation; medical diagnostic services; medical equipment rental; medical clinics; veterinary services beautician services; beauty salons vermin exterminating for agriculture, horticulture and forestry; aerial and surface spreading of fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals Class 045 Personal & Legal & Social Services Agricultural, forestry, and horticultural chemicals; chemicals used in industry, science and photography, namely, catalysts for use in the manufacture of industrial chemicals, chemicals for the manufacture of paints, pigments, adhesives, leather, paper, soap and solvents, chemical agents for binding, coating and impregnating textiles, furs and leather, nonwovens and fabrics, glassfrosting and staining chemicals, lithographic chemicals, stainpreventing chemicals for use on fabrics, tempering and soldering chemicals, welding and brazing chemicals, waxbleaching chemicals, reducing agents for use in photography, chemical compositions for developing photographs, sensitized cloth for photography unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics fertilizers and manures fire extinguishing chemicals metal tempering chemicals metal tempering preparations; chemical preparations for preserving foodstuffs leather tanning agents; sumac for use in tanning adhesives for use in the construction industry, furniture industry, textile industry, consumer packaging industry; bookbinding adhesives |
on 13 Feb 2023
Majorel Group Luxembourg S.A.
1955494 · 4 Apr 2019
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Equipements pour le traitement de l'information; logiciels; logiciels d'automatisation des processus; applications logicielles informatiques téléchargeables; programmes informatiques permettant de simuler une conversation avec un et plusieurs humains par échange vocal et textuel « chatbot »; éléments graphiques téléchargeables pour téléphones mobiles; logiciels de jeux; logiciels économiseurs d'écran pour ordinateurs, enregistrés et téléchargeables; plateformes informatiques sous forme de logiciels enregistrés et téléchargeables; unités centrales de traitement nommément processeurs; programmes d'ordinateurs enregistrés; programmes du système d'exploitation enregistrés pour ordinateurs; programmes d'ordinateurs nommément logiciels téléchargeables; publications électroniques téléchargeables
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Publicité; organisation, mise en place et gestion de campagnes publicitaires par tous moyens de communication; production de films publicitaires; rédaction de textes publicitaires; gestion des affaires commerciales; administration commerciale; travaux de bureau; service d'aide dans l'exploitation et la direction d'une entreprise commerciale; services de traitement du courrier; services de traitement administratif des emails sortant et entrant; services d'aide à la direction des affaires et des fonctions commerciales d'une entreprise industrielle et commerciale; services de gestion des risques liés aux médias sociaux; regroupement pour le compte de tiers, par l'intermédiaire de magasins de détail, de magasins en gros, de distributeurs automatiques, de catalogues de vente par correspondance et par des moyens électroniques tels que des sites web et par le biais d'émissions de télé-achat, de produits divers à l'exception de leur transport permettant aux clients de les voir et de les acheter commodément; services d'enregistrement, de transcription, de composition, de compilation et de systématisation d'informations, de données, de communications écrites et d'enregistrements ; services de gestion administrative et commerciale de réseaux sociaux nommément modération; distribution et diffusion de matériel publicitaire nommément messages, tracts, prospectus, imprimés, échantillons; services d'abonnement; abonnement à des services de télécommunications pour des tiers; administration commerciale de licences de produits et de services de tiers; administration de programmes pour grands voyageurs; administration de programmes de fidélisation de consommateurs; affichage publicitaire; services d'agences d'informations commerciales; services d'agences de publicité; aide à la direction des affaires; aide à la direction d'entreprises industrielles et commerciales; analyse du prix de revient; services d'approvisionnement pour des tiers nommément achat de produits et de services pour d'autres entreprises; assistance administrative pour répondre à des appels d'offres; audit comptable et financier; audits d'entreprises nommément analyses commerciales; services de bureaux de placement; services de comparaison de prix; comptabilité, tenue de livres, tenue de comptes; conception de matériels publicitaires; conseils en organisation et direction des affaires; services de conseils en gestion de personnel; conseils en communication nommément relations publiques; consultation pour la direction des affaires; consultation professionnelle d'affaires; services de consultations et de conseils relatifs aux affaires; services de dactylographie; établissement et dépôt de déclarations fiscales; démonstration de produits; enregistrement de listes de cadeaux; mise à disposition d'espaces de vente en ligne pour acheteurs et vendeurs de produits et services; estimation en affaires commerciales; études de marché; services d'expertise en productivité d'entreprise; facturation; production de films publicitaires; gérance administrative d'hôtels; services de gestion informatisée de fichiers; gestion administrative externalisée d'entreprises; services de gestion administrative de sinistre dans le cadre de contrats d'assurances; gestion externalisée de services après-vente; gestion commerciale de programmes de remboursement pour des tiers; gestion administrative de plaintes d'utilisateurs; informations d'affaires; informations et conseils commerciaux aux consommateurs en matière de choix de produits et de services; informations commerciales par le biais de sites web; services de conseils en amélioration de l'expérience client; services d'intermédiaires commerciaux dans le cadre de la mise en relation d'éventuels investisseurs privés avec des entrepreneurs à la recherche de financements; recherches de parraineurs; services d'intermédiation commerciale nommément conciergerie; investigations pour affaires; management de transition; marketing; marketing ciblé; marketing dans le cadre de l'édition de logiciels; télémarketing; marketing numérique; mise à jour de documentation publicitaire; mise en pages à buts publicitaires; mise à jour et maintenance de données dans des bases de données informatiques; mise à jour et maintenance d'informations dans des registres; négociation et conclusion de transactions commerciales pour des tiers; négociation de contrats d'affaires pour des tiers; optimisation de moteurs de recherche à des fins de promotion de vente; optimisation du trafic pour des sites web; services de photocopie; reproduction de documents; portage salarial; préparation de feuilles de paye; présentation de produits sur tout moyen de communication pour la vente au détail; travaux de bureau nommément services de programmation de rendez-vous; travaux de bureau nommément services de rappel de rendez-vous; services de réponse téléphonique pour abonnés absents; promotion des ventes pour des tiers; publicité par correspondance; publicité en ligne sur un réseau informatique; recherche de données dans des fichiers informatiques pour des tiers; recherches pour affaires; recherches en marketing; recrutement de personnel; services de gestion externalisée des ressources humaines; rédaction de textes publicitaires; référencement de sites web à but commercial et publicitaire; relations publiques; établissement de relevés de comptes; renseignements d'affaires; services de revues de presse; service de gestion de forums de discussion; production d'émissions de télé-achat; services de secrétariat; sélection du personnel par procédés psychotechniques; sondage d'opinion; établissement de statistiques; services de sténographie; systématisation d'informations dans des bases de données informatiques; services de télémarketing; assistance commerciale nommément services de sous-traitance; traitement de texte; mise en page à but publicitaire; traitement administratif de commandes d'achats; travaux de bureau nommément transcription de communications; services de revue de presse; services de veille concurrentielle; services de veille commerciale; vérification de comptes; services de conseils dans le domaine de l'externalisation des services d'une entreprise
Class 036
Insurance & Financial Services
Services d'assurance; affaires financières; affaires monétaires; affaires immobilières; services des courtiers en valeurs et en biens; services de courtiers en assurance; services de souscription d'assurances; services actuariels; affacturage; services d'agences de recouvrement de créances; services d'agences de logements; analyse financière; attribution de remises dans les établissements de tiers adhérents par le biais d'une carte de membre; services bancaires; services bancaires en ligne; services de cautionnement; établissement de dossiers de crédit; services de paiement des salaires; émission de chèques de voyage; services de collecte de bienfaisance; organisation de collectes; consultation en matière financière; consultation en matière d'assurances; services d'estimation fiscale; estimations financières nommément assurances, banques, immobilier; estimations financières des coûts de réparation; évaluations financières pour répondre à des appels d'offres; services de financement; gestion financière; gestion financière de paiements de remboursements pour des tiers; informations financières; informations en matière d'assurances; informations financières par le biais de sites web; paiement par acomptes; recouvrement de loyers; souscription de contrats d'assurances; traitement de paiements par cartes de crédit et de débit; vérification des chèques
Class 038
Communications Services
Télécommunications; services d'acheminement et de jonction pour télécommunications; télécommunications nommément services d'affichage électronique; services d'agences de presse; services d'appel radioélectrique nommément radio, téléphone et autres moyens de communications électroniques; fourniture de canaux de télécommunication destinés aux services de télé-achat; services de communication par téléphones portables; communications téléphoniques; communications par terminaux d'ordinateurs; communications radiophoniques; mise à disposition de forums de discussion sur l'internet; mise à disposition de forums en ligne; fourniture d'accès utilisateur à des réseaux informatiques mondiaux; fourniture d'accès à des bases de données; informations en matière de télécommunications; services de messagerie vocale; location de modems et d'appareils de télécommunications; raccordement par télécommunications à un réseau informatique mondial; services de téléconférences; télédiffusion; services téléphoniques; transmission de messages et d'images assistée par ordinateur; transmission de courriels; transmission de fichiers numériques; transmission de données en flux continu nommément streaming; transmission de séquences vidéo à la demande; services de visioconférence
Class 039
Transportation & Storage Services
Organisation de voyages; affranchissement du courrier; distribution et livraison de courrier et de colis; entreposage de supports de données et de documents stockés électroniquement; transport nommément opérations de secours; services de remorquage en cas de pannes de véhicules; transports en ambulance; services de chauffeurs; courtage de transport; organisation de croisières; emballage de produits, conditionnement de produits; informations en matière de transport; livraison de marchandises, distribution nommément livraison de produits; services de logistique en matière de transport; messagerie nommément de courrier et marchandises; ramassage de produits recyclables; réservation de places de voyage; réservations pour le transport; réservations pour les voyages
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Éducation nommément académies; services de formation destinés aux entreprises; orientation professionnelle nommément conseils en matière d'éducation et de formation; services de calligraphes; coaching nommément formation; organisation et conduite de colloques, conférences, congrès, séminaires, symposiums, ateliers de formation, forums éducatifs non virtuels; éducation et divertissement nommément organisation de concours ; enseignement par correspondance; enseignement, éducation, instruction; services d'examens pédagogiques; démonstration nommément formation pratique; services de formation par le biais de simulateurs; organisation et conduite de forums éducatifs non virtuels; informations en matière d'éducation; orientation professionnelle nommément conseils en matière d'éducation et de formation; services de photographie; reportages photographiques; recyclage professionnel; production d'émissions de radio et de télévision; mise à disposition d'émissions de télévision, non téléchargeables, par le biais de services de vidéo à la demande; services de traduction; tutorat; enregistrement [filmage] sur bandes vidéo; mise à disposition de films, non téléchargeables, par le biais de services de vidéo à la demande; édition et micro-édition; microfilmage; montage de bandes vidéo; divertissement nommément planification de réceptions; postsynchronisation; reportages photographiques; réservation de places de spectacles
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Services scientifiques et technologiques ainsi que services de recherches et de conception y relatifs; services d'analyses et de recherches industrielles; analyses sectorielles; conception et développement d'ordinateurs, de logiciels et d'applications pour téléphones portables; services de conception infographique; services d'ingénieurs et de scientifiques en charge d'évaluations, d'estimations, de recherches et de rapports dans les domaines scientifique et technologique y compris les services de conseils technologiques; analyse de systèmes informatiques; services de sous-traitance nommément assistance et support techniques; services de sous-traitance nommément assistance et support techniques notamment dans le domaine des équipements informatiques, des produits multi-médias et de téléphonie; analyses graphologiques; services de chiffrement de données; services de conception d'art graphique; services d'infographie; services de conception graphique; conception de systèmes informatiques; conduite d'études de projets techniques; services de conseillers en matière de conception et de développement de matériel informatique; services de conseillers en matière de sécurité sur internet; services de conseillers en matière de sécurité des données; conseils en conception de sites web; conseils en technologie de l'information; services de conseils technologiques; services de conseils en technologies informatiques; services de conseils en technologies des télécommunications; consultation en matière de logiciels; consultation en matière de sécurité informatique; contrôle de qualité; contrôle technique de véhicules automobiles; conversion de données et de documents d'un support physique vers un support électronique; création et entretien de sites web pour des tiers; création et conception de répertoires d'informations basés sur des sites web pour des tiers nommément services de technologies de l'information; désimlockage de téléphones mobiles; dessin industriel; services de dessinateurs pour emballages; développement de logiciels dans le cadre de l'édition de logiciels; duplication de programmes informatiques; travaux d'ingénieurs nommément expertises; services externalisés en matière de technologies de l'information; sites web nommément hébergement de sites informatiques; hébergement de serveurs; informations en matière de technologie informatique et de programmation par le biais de sites web; ingénierie; installation de logiciels; logiciel-service [SaaS]; location de logiciels informatiques; maintenance de logiciels d'ordinateurs; mise à jour de logiciels; scanning nommément numérisation de documents; location d'ordinateurs; plateforme informatique en tant que service [PaaS]; programmation pour ordinateurs; services de protection contre les virus informatiques; recherche et développement de nouveaux produits pour des tiers; recherches techniques; recherches scientifiques; récupération de données informatiques; rédaction technique; sauvegarde externe de données; location de serveurs web; stockage électronique de données; surveillance de systèmes informatiques pour la détection de pannes; surveillance de systèmes informatiques pour la détection d'accès non autorisés et d'atteintes à la protection de données; surveillance électronique d'informations d'identification personnelle pour la détection de vols d'identité par le biais d'internet; surveillance électronique d'opérations par carte de crédit pour la détection de fraudes par internet; télésurveillance de systèmes informatiques
Class 043
Restaurant and Hotel Services
Réservation de logements pour voyageurs; services d'accueil en hébergement temporaire nommément gestion des entrées et des sorties; location de logements temporaires; location de salles de réunions
Class 045
Personal & Legal & Social Services
Services juridiques; services de sécurité pour la protection physique des biens matériels; administration juridique de licences; services juridiques nommément concession de licences de logiciels; services juridiques nommément concession de licences dans le cadre de l'édition de logiciels; conseils juridiques pour répondre à des appels d'offres; services de contentieux; services d'élaboration de documents juridiques; services juridiques nommément enregistrement de noms de domaine; services juridiques en rapport avec la négociation de contrats pour des tiers; location de noms de domaine sur internet; recherches légales et recherches judiciaires; services de réseautage social en ligne; services de veille juridique
Equipements pour le traitement de l'information; logiciels; logiciels ...
on 27 Apr 2022
1938289 · 28 Dec 2018
Class 003
Cosmetics and Cleaning Products
Non-medicated skin care preparations; skin care cleansers;
Non-medicated skin care preparations; skin care cleansers;
on 13 Feb 2025
Major League Rugby, LLC
1918913 · 7 Sept 2018
Class 025
Clothing Products
Clothing, namely, athletic tops, athletic bottoms, athletic footwear; headwear, namely, caps and visors; hats; beanies; baseball caps; aprons; scarves; jumpers; sporting and athletic clothing, namely, tracksuits, shirts, singlets, shorts, swimming shorts, and socks; boxer shorts; dressing gowns; bathrobes; jackets; jerseys; children's wear, namely, sports jerseys, shirts, tracksuits, shorts, pants, jackets, and scarves; babywear, namely, sports jerseys, shirts, pants; earmuffs, gloves, headbands, casual hoods, leggings, leg warmers, mittens, ear muffs, neckties, pocket squares, ponchos, socks, tee-shirts, athletic uniforms
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Retail store services featuring clothing, toys, and playthings, dinnerware, books, kitchen linen, bedroom linen, posters, prints, postcards, paper stationary, pens, pencils, jewelry, pins, patches, magnets, stickers, sunglasses, reusable water bottles, travel mugs, cases for tablets, computers and phones, sporting goods, sports memorabilia; marketing services, namely, promoting the goods and services of others by arranging for sponsors to affiliate their goods and services with rugby teams, rugby competitions, rugby games, rugby tournaments, and rugby awards programs; dissemination of advertising for others via an on-line electronic communications network and stadium advertising; entertainment marketing services, namely, promoting rugby competitions and rugby teams for others; on-line retail store services featuring clothing, souvenirs, toys, playthings, and the consumer goods of others in the field of sporting goods; rugby association services, namely, promoting the interests of member clubs, scheduling games, and promoting interest in sports
Class 038
Communications Services
Providing access to a website featuring sports and entertainment information in the nature of podcasts, blogs, webcasts, panel commentaries, and television programs on the topics of sporting events, sports leagues, sports figures and human interest stories in the field of sports;
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Education and entertainment services in the nature of organizing, conducting and operating professional rugby games, exhibitions, tournaments; educational services, namely, physical education programs in the field of rugby; rental of stadium facilities; educational services, namely, conducting training programs in the field of rugby; educational services, namely, conducting online nondownloadable exhibitions and displays and interactive exhibits in the field of rugby; entertainment services in the nature of hosting rugby games; entertainment services, namely, organization and presentation of rugby competitions; entertainment services, namely, live musical and dance performances provided during intervals at sports events; entertainment services, namely, production and distribution of television programs featuring sports, news and current affairs rendered through the media of television, cable, satellite, radio, telephone and broadband systems, and via the internet and portable and wireless communication devices; entertainment, namely, television show production regarding rugby games and tournaments; conducting educational exhibitions in the field of rugby; conducting entertainment exhibitions in the field of rugby; organizing and conducting rugby tournaments and international rugby tournaments, all rendered live and through broadcast media including television and radio, and via a global computer network and an online network; providing online guides to personalized and interactive television programming production of radio and television programs; production and distribution of radio programs; production and distribution of television shows; production of cable television programs; distribution of television programming to cable and satellite television; rugby fan clubs services; providing physical fitness assessment and qualification services for rugby coaches, players and team staff; provision of courses of instruction in coaching, sports medicine and player development in the field of rugby; sports refereeing; providing indoor and outdoor sports arena facilities; providing rugby club recreation facilities, namely rugby league playing fields, stadiums and rugby club recreation houses; organizing sports leagues, competitions and arranging sports events for rugby, football, soccer, baseball, basketball, lacrosse, volleyball and track and field; organizing of community sporting and entertainment events, namely exhibitions and competitions in the fields rugby, football, soccer, baseball, basketball, lacrosse, track and field, volleyball and sports performance training; organizing sports award ceremonies; providing information via a website, namely information relating to the sport of rugby, namely team information, player statistics and related news; providing news in the field of sports; providing sports and entertainment information in the nature of podcasts, blogs, webcasts, panel commentaries, and television programs on the topics of sporting events, sports leagues, sports figures and human interest stories in the field of sports, via the Internet, via television broadcasting, radio and via a website
Clothing, namely, athletic tops, athletic bottoms, athletic footwear; ...
on 21 Dec 2020
1909323 · 13 Jul 2018
Class 030
Staple Food Products
Frozen confections, namely, freezer pops
Frozen confections, namely, freezer pops
on 21 Dec 2020
1909322 · 13 Jul 2018
Class 030
Staple Food Products
Frozen confections, namely, freezer bars
Frozen confections, namely, freezer bars
on 4 Dec 2020
1908340 · 9 Jul 2018
Class 023
Yarns and Threads
on 30 Dec 2020
1899346 · 15 May 2018
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Marketing services, namely, consumer marketing research in the nature of research and planning in the area of customer experience of digital usability testing and user experience design; developing marketing strategies and marketing concepts for others; consulting services relating to advertising and marketing, namely developing and implementing marketing and advertising strategies and concepts for third parties, and brand development for third parties; media planning and media buying services, namely, sourcing optimal media platforms for advertising and communication campaigns for others, selecting optimal media platforms for advertising and communication campaigns for others, and buying optimal media platforms for advertising and communication campaigns for others; advice in the field of business marketing; marketing analysis services; business marketing consulting services; advertising copywriting; advisory services for business management; business management services, namely marketing automation and email management services
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Computer website design; computer graphics design services; computer programming and software design; computer programming services; design and development of computer software; design and creating web sites for others
Marketing services, namely, consumer marketing research in the nature ...
on 30 Dec 2020
1899347 · 15 May 2018
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Marketing services, namely, consumer marketing research in the nature of research and planning in the area of customer experience of digital usability testing and user experience design; developing marketing strategies and marketing concepts for others; consulting services relating to advertising and marketing, namely developing and implementing marketing and advertising strategies and concepts for third parties, and brand development for third parties; media planning and media buying services, namely, sourcing optimal media platforms for advertising and communication campaigns for others, selecting optimal media platforms for advertising and communication campaigns for others, and buying optimal media platforms for advertising and communication campaigns for others; advice in the field of business marketing; marketing analysis services; business marketing consulting services; advertising copywriting; advisory services for business management; business management services, namely marketing automation and email management services
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Computer website design; computer graphics design services; computer programming and software design; computer programming services; design and development of computer software; design and creating web sites for others
Marketing services, namely, consumer marketing research in the nature ...
on 15 Dec 2020
1888310 · 15 Mar 2018
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Promotional sponsorship of sporting events; Promotional sponsorship of individuals and teams participating in sporting events; Endorsement services, namely, promoting the goods and services of others; Promoting sports competitions and events of others
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Entertainment in the nature of organizing competitions in the field of sports; Providing information relating to sports and sporting events; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable articles in the field of sports; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable articles in the field of firearm safety; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable articles in the field of weapons; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable articles in the field of marksmanship; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable articles in the field of fishing; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable articles in the field of hunting; Providing a web site featuring sporting information; Providing a website featuring information relating to the sport of marksmanship; Providing a website featuring information relating to the sport of shooting; Providing a website featuring information relating to the sport of fishing; Providing a website featuring information relating to the sport of hunting; Providing a website featuring information relating to the sport of archery; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable videos in the field of archery; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable videos in the field of fishing; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable videos in the field of marksmanship; providing a website featuring non-downloadable videos in the field of shooting; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable videos in the field of gun safety; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable videos in the field of sports; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable videos in the field of hunting; Providing sports information; Training in the use and operation of weapons; Arranging and conducting athletic competitions; Conducting of sports competitions; Organization of sports competitions; Organizing sporting events, namely, marksmanship, shooting, archery, and fishing events, competitions, and tournaments; Organizing, conducting and operating marksmanship, shooting, archery, and fishing tournaments; Organizing, conducting and operating sporting tournaments; Providing a website featuring information about hunting and fishing; Providing on-line training lectures, videos, diagrams, and articles in the field of firearm safety; Providing on-line training lectures, videos, diagrams, and articles in the field of weapon use; Providing sports training information and advice via a website; Sports training services
Promotional sponsorship of sporting events; Promotional sponsorship of...
on 24 Sept 2019
1861150 · 4 Oct 2017
Class 001
Chemical Products
Aluminium paints, anticorrosive paints, antifouling paints, anticorrosive paints, asbestos paints, automotive paints, bactericidal paints, ceramic paints, damp proofing paints, enamel paints, fabric paints, fireproof paints, floor paints, fluorescent paints, heat resistant paints, luminous paints, oil paints, varnishes, lacquers preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood colorants for use in the manufacture of beverages, cosmetics, food, paper and plastic molding compounds wood mordants; mordants for leather, for the textile industry and for dyeing natural fibres raw natural resins metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists
Class 002
Paint Products
Bleaching preparations and other substances in the nature of laundry bleach and laundry additives for water softening all for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, namely, cleaning preparations for cleansing drains, dry cleaning preparations, all purpose cleaning preparations, polishing wax, scouring solutions and general use abrasives; bath soaps in liquid, solid or gel form; body soaps; liquid soaps for hands and face; cosmetic soaps; fragrances and perfumery; essential oils for the manufacture of perfumes; essential oils as perfume for laundry purposes, essential oils for aromatherapy; cosmetics; make-up; eye make-up; eyeliners; blushers; lipsticks; hair lotions; dentifrices
Class 003
Cosmetics and Cleaning Products
Industrial oils and greases; industrial lubricants; castor oil for industrial purposes; hardened oils for industrial use; industrial lubricants; all purpose lubricants; dust removing preparations; dust-binding compositions; fuels, namely, alcohol fuel, aviation fuel, bagasse for use as fuel, benzene fuel, benzine fuel, biofuel, butane fuel, charcoal for fuel, coal based fuels, denaturated fuel alcohols, diesel fuel, ethanol fuels, fuel for domestic heating, fuel for lighters, fuel from crude oil, fuel gas, fuel oil, fuel pellets, lamp fuels, lighting fuel, methanol fuel, methylated spirits for fuel, mineral motor fuel, motor fuel, propane for use as fuel, solidified gas for fuel, wood heating fuel pellets, woodfuel and xylene fuel; candles and wicks for candles for lighting
Class 004
Lubricant and Fuel Products
Pharmaceuticals, namely, anti-infectives, psychotropics, antihelmintics, lipid lowering agents, inducers of erections, ocular pharmaceuticals, antibacterial pharmaceuticals, cardiovascular pharmaceuticals, anti-diabetic pharmaceuticals, dermatological pharmaceutical products, pharmaceutical antiviral preparations, pharmaceutical antitussive-cold preparations, pharmaceutical preparations for wounds and for treating allergies; veterinary preparations, namely, antioxidants, pain relief medication, bacterial and bacteriological preparations for veterinary use, diagnostic preparations for veterinary use, veterinary preparations for treatment of intestinal bacteria and for destroying parasites; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; Dietetic foods and beverages adapted for medical and veterinary use; food for babies; dietary supplements for general health and well-being; plasters, namely, medical and surgical plasters; material for stopping teeth; dental wax; all purpose disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermins and parasites; preparations for destroying mice; fungicides; herbicides
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Common metals and their alloys; metal ores; metal building materials, namely, soffits, fascia, ceiling boards and floor boards, ductile iron piles, portable metal levees, gabions of steel wire, composite panels, metal decorative fireplace facings, stair nosing of metal, drywall corner bead of metal, awnings of metal, metal canopies, metal countertops for further installation; transportable greenhouses of metal for household use; non-electrical lifting cables; non-electrical elevator cables; non-electrical wire fencing; small items of metal hardware, namely, metal dust proof strikes, hardware mounting system comprised of metal brackets for bath accessories and decorative hooks, double-end swivels, carabiners of metal, high security locks and sheet metal plates; branching pipes of metal including those from alloy steel and titanium; metal safes
Class 006
Metal Products
Industrial robots; aeronautic engines; marine enginesnd parts and fittings thereof; metalworking machine tools; milling cutters machine tools; dies for use with machine tools; machine tools for the metalworking industry; machine tools for the textile industry;motors and engines used in industrial applications; machine coupling and belting, except for land vehicles; agricultural implements other than hand-operated, namely, cultivators, disk harrows, seed drills, seeders, incorporators, hay balers, coulters, and tractor towed agricultural implements in the nature of rollers, corn huskers, hay rakes, harvesters, reapers, mowers, plows; incubators for eggs; automatic vending machines
Class 007
Machinery Products
Hand-operated hand and tools and implements, namely, riveting tools, abrading tools, pumps, chisels, locking clamp tools, dies, sharpening tools and instruments, cutting tools, tile spacer removal tools, vegetable shredders, slicers, shears, choppers, hair clippers, wrenches, saws, lifting jacks, hammers, plumbing snakes, tiller, lawn edgers, nail extractors, nail pullers, nail and pin punches, chisels, files, hoes, reamers, screwdrivers, reaching devices for picking up and removing trash, litter and objects, lawn rakes, rabbeting planes, billhooks, press machines for paper making, book binding, embossing and relief and intaglio printing, hand-operated automotive repair tools, namely, brake and engine cylinder hones, magnetic pick-up tools, drum brake adjusting tools, brake pad spreaders, brake spring removers, disc brake piston cubes, ring and valve spring compressors, valve spring depressors, ball joint separators, valve holders; cutlery; side arms not including firearms, namely, swords and hunting knives; blades for electric razors
Class 008
Hand Tool Products
Computer hardware; Computer software, namely, downloadable computer software for word processing, computer software for document management, for application and database integration, for producing financial models, for use as a spreadsheet, for use in database management, for authorizing access to databases, for creating searchable databases of information and data, for use in customer relationship management (CRM), to automate data warehousing, and for the collection, editing, organizing, modifying, book marking, transmission, storage and sharing of data and information, software that provides real-time, integrated business management intelligence by combining information from various databases and presenting it in an easy-to-understand user interface; Computer software, namely, communications software for connecting computer network users, global computer networks, computer software for controlling self-service terminals, for administration of computer networks, for wireless content delivery, for administration of computer local area networks, for use in computer access control, for controlling and managing access server applications, for controlling and managing access server applications, for monitoring and controlling communication between computers and automated machine systems, to maintain and operate computer system, for providing access to the Internet; Computer software for processing digital images, for processing digital music files, for organizing and viewing digital images and photographs, for creating and editing music and sounds, for creating digital animation and special effects of images, for manipulating digital audio information for use in audio media applications, to enhance the audio-visual capabilities of multimedia applications, namely, for the integration of text, audio, graphics, still images and moving pictures; Computer software, namely, computer software for encryption, computer software development tools, computer operating software, computer graphics software, computer game software, computer anti-virus software, computer software for the creation of firewalls, computer software and firmware for operating system programs, computer aided design (CAD) software for general use, computer aided manufacturing (CAM) software for general use; computer peripherals; electronic data processing apparatus; computer networking hardware and data communications equipment, namely, electronic communications systems comprised of computer hardware for the transmission of data between two points, computer network adapters, switches, routers, and hubs; computer components and parts, namely, electronic components for computers; computer memory devices; electronic control apparatus, namely, electronic controllers for computer hardware and peripherals excluding gaming apparatus, electric control panels, computer terminals and electronic controls for machines; programmed-data-carrying electronic circuits; electric wires for communication equipment; electrodes; telephones; aerials; batteries; micro processors; computer keyboards; motion picture films about video recordings featuring music and artistic performances, education, entertainment, fashion, sports and culture
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Surgical apparatus and instruments for medical use; dental apparatus and instruments, namely, apex locator, polymerisation apparatus, milling apparatus, intra-oral light systems, ultrasound and x-ray apparatus for dental imaging and orthodontic machines and instruments for dental purposes; surgical veterinary apparatus and instruments, namely, castrating, animal euthanasia, x-ray, and surgical apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs; artificial eyes; orthopedic articles, namely, orthopedic belts, orthopedic braces, orthopedic footwear, orthopedic soles, orthopedic walkers and orthopedic supports; suture materials; apparatus for artificial respiration; apparatus for blood analysis
Class 010
Medical Instrument Products
Accent lights for indoor use; aquarium lights; automobile lights; book lights; ceiling lights; Christmas tree lights; air valves for steam heating installations; automatic temperature regulators for central heating radiators; central heating radiators; commercial cooking ovens; beverage cooling and ice dispensing machines; chemical fiber drying machines; air impellers for ventilation; automatic water dispensers for pets; air filtering units for removing dust, smoke and allergens from the air
Class 011
Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking
Vehicles, namely, automobiles, motorcycles, airplanes; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water, namely, land vehicles, vessels in the nature of boats and ships, airplanes; anti-theft alarms for vehicles
Class 012
Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water
Firearms; Air guns; automatic guns; flare pistols ammunition; bullets; cartridge dies; detonators; explosive fuses; fireworks; firecrackers
Class 013
Firearm Products
Precious metals; alloys of precious metal precious stones; Ingots of precious metals; charms in precious metals or coated therewith fancy keyrings of precious metals; jewellery; amulets being jewellery; beads for making jewellery; charms for jewellery; jewelry and imitation jewelry; clocks and watches; chronometers
Class 014
Jewelry Products
Musical instruments, namely, percussion instruments, stringed musical instruments, woodwind musical instruments, and electronic musical instruments; cases for musical instruments
Class 015
Musical Instrument Products
Paper; cardboard; printed publications and printed matter, namely, printed certificates, booklets, coupons, lectures, leaflets, paper signs, manuals, curricula, newsletters, informational cards and brochures in the fields of art, music and artistic performances, entertainment, fashion, sports, culture, general human interest, film production, languages, science and technology, law; inking Ribbons for computer printers; bookbinding materials; books in the field of art, music and artistic performances, entertainment, fashion, sports, culture, general human interest, film production, languages, science and technology, law; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' paint brushes; music sheets; printed music scores on sheets; periodical magazines in the field of art, music and artistic performances, entertainment, fashion, sports, culture, general human interest, film production, languages, science and technology, law; photographs; stationery and educational supplies, namely, blank note books and school supply kits containing various combinations of selected school supplies, namely, writing instruments, pens, pencils, mechanical pencils, erasers, markers, crayons, highlighter pens, folders, notebooks, paper, protractors, paper clips, pencil sharpeners, writing grips, glue for stationery or household use and book marks; typewriters; printed instructional and teaching material, except apparatus, namely in the field of art, music and artistic performances, entertainment, fashion, sports, culture, general human interest, film production, languages, science and technology, law; plastic materials, namely, bags and bubble packs; plastic film for packaging; self-adhesive plastic sheets for lining shelves; printing blocks
Class 016
Paper Goods and Printed Material
Silicon rubber; crude rubber; foam rubber; industrial packaging containers of rubber; gutta-percha; asbestos; mica plastics in extruded form used in production insulating fabrics; insulating oils, paints, tapes, plaster, washers, varnish, sleeves for power lines; plastic junctions for flexible pipes; plastic water pipes
Class 017
Rubber Products
Leather and imitation leather; leather and imitation leather bags animal skins and hides; luggage; back packs; umbrellas and parasols walking sticks; whips; harnesses and saddlery; animal identification collars; animal leashes; clothing for pets
Class 018
Leather Products not including clothing
Building materials (nonmetallic), namely, building stone, building sand, building paper, building glass, logs used as building material, mortar, non-metallic minerals for building and for construction, plaster for use in building, reeds for building, rock crystal for use as building materials, sandstone for building, serpentine building materials, terra cotta, tar and pitch, timber, lumber, tombstones, tufa, volcanic ash, xylolith, alabaster, andesite, asphalt, calcite, cement mixes, concrete, clay ash, feldspar, geotextiles, grout, macadam nonmetallic rigid pipes for building asphalt, pitch and bitumen ceramic monuments; monuments of concrete; monuments of marble; monuments of stone
Class 019
Non-Metallic Building Material Products
Furniture, namely, bathroom furniture, bedroom furniture, dining room furniture, camping furniture, computer furniture, garden furniture, kitchen furniture, lawn furniture, living room furniture, office furniture, outdoor furniture, patio furniture, school furniture and furniture parts of all the aforesaid goods; chairs, cabinets, chests, doors, mirrors, picture frames, sea shells, meerschaum, yellow amber
Class 020
Furniture Products
Textiles and substitutes for textiles, namely, bed and table linen, bunting of textile and plastic, canvas for embroidery and tapestry, textile fabrics and labels, woven fabrics and knitted fabrics; blankets and linen for household purposes; curtains; furniture coverings of textile and plastic
Class 022
Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products
Ropes; strings; tents; awnings; tarpaulins; sails; climbing ropes; anchoring ropes; straw ropes; nets, namely, animal feeding nets, fishing nets, twine for nets, camouflage nets for radar and visual use and snare nets; cotton netting; chemical fiber nettings; glass fiber netting; hemp nettings; silk netting; wadding for padding and stuffing; raw textile fibres; synthetic fibres
Class 023
Yarns and Threads
Yarns; threads and yarns for textile use; embroidery thread
Class 024
Textiles and substitutes for textiles, namely, bed and table linen, bunting of textile and plastic, canvas for embroidery and tapestry, textile fabrics, woven fabrics and knitted fabrics; linen for household purposes; curtains
Class 025
Clothing Products
Clothing, namely, shirts, pants, coats, dresses, tops and bottoms; footwear; athletic footwear; beach footwear; casual footwear; climbing footwear; exercise footwear; infant footwear; headwear; caps; swimwear; sportswear; leisurewear, namely, leisure suits and shoes
Class 026
Lace, Ribbons & Embroidery and Fancy Goods
Lace; Embroidery; ribbons; textile braid; buttons for clothing; hooks and eyes; pins, namely, hair pins, hat pins, curling pins, safety pins, bobby pins, marking pins, ornamental novelty pins; sewing and binding needles; artificial flowers
Class 027
Floor Covering products
Carpets and rugs; door mats; bath mats; linoleum anti-slip floor coverings for use on staircases; decorative wall hangings, not of textile
Class 028
Toys and Sporting Goods Products
Games and playthings, namely, board games, tabletop games, action target games, party games, puzzles, playing cards and card games, mechanical toys, parlor games, stuffed toys, toy vehicles video game machines; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes, namely, springboards, appliances for gymnastics, athletic supporters, protective supports for shoulders and elbows, sleds, weight lifting belts, athletic tape, waist trimmer exercise belts Christmas tree ornaments and decorations
Class 029
Meats and Processed Food Products
Meat, fish, poultry and game meat extracts preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables jellies and jams; compotes eggs milk and milk products edible oils and fats
Class 030
Staple Food Products
Coffee; tea; cocoa; artificial coffee; rice; tapioca; sago; flour; preparations made from cereals, namely, breakfast cereals, cereal bars and cereal-based snack food; bread; pastries; sugar confectionery; edible ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast; baking-powder; salt and pepper; mustard; vinegar; salad sauces; sauces for barbecued meat; spices; ice
Class 031
Natural Agricultural Products
Grains for planting, agricultural seeds, bulbs for agricultural purposes; seeds for horticultural purposes, bulbs for horticultural purposes; live trees, palm tree; partly worked palm trees leaves; live anchovies; live clams; live crabs; live poultry; fresh fruits and vegetables; unprocessed cereal, vegetable seeds, crop seeds, fresh herb; natural plants and flowers; fresh flowers; food for pets; malt for brewing and distilling
Class 032
Light Beverage Products
Beer; mineral and aerated waters; non-alcoholic beverages, namely, beer flavored beverages, beverages containing fruit juices, beverages flavored with tea, carbonated beverages and drinks, cocktails, cordials, fruit drinks, punch and extracts, honey-based beverages, kvass, rice punch and cinnamon punch with dried persimmon; fruit beverages and fruit juices; preparations for making all of the aforesaid beverages
Class 033
Wines and Spirits Products
Alcoholic beverages (except beers), namely, winebased beverages, alcoholic punches, alcoholic coolers, alcoholic cocktails, alcoholic fruit drinks
Class 034
Smoker's Products
Tobacco flints and firestones cigarettes; cigarette filters; e-cigarettes; matches; ashtrays
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Provision of information and advice to consumers regarding the selection of products and items to be purchased; provision of business and commercial information; advertising and business management consultancy; personnel recruitment; personnel management consulting; advertising agency services; advertising the goods and services of others; mediation of contracts for purchase and sale of products and services; advertising services for promoting the brokerage of stocks and other securities for others; advertising services of a radio and television advertising agency; negotiation of business contracts for others; business management and organization consultancy; computerized file management; rental of advertising space; rental of advertising space on web sites; leasing of office equipment; rental of office machinery and equipment; market analysis and research services; market research studies; computer database management services; retail store services featuring clothing, books, computer equipment, computer software, furniture, grocery, jewellery, food, cosmetics, toys, automobile parts and audio equipment
Class 036
Insurance & Financial Services
Insurance services; financially-guaranteed financing; venture capital financing; project financing; financing of loans and purchases; investment of funds for others; capital investment; financial planning and investment advisory services; advisory services in the field of credit and debit control, investment, grants and financing of loans; assessment and management of real estate; financial management; investment management; management of portfolios comprising securities; brokerage in the field of art, insurance, stocks, commodities, business, investment, mortgage, real estate, security; real estate services; leasing of real estate; real estate consultancy; real estate investment services; real estate valuation services; real estate services; real estate appraisal
Class 037
Construction and Repair Services
Building construction services building maintenance and repair installation, maintenance and repair of computer apparatus and instruments, electronic data processing apparatus and instruments and telecommunications apparatus and instruments
Class 038
Communications Services
Telecommunication services, namely, telecommunication access services, digital network telecommunications services, transmission of webcasts and podcasts, providing electronic message alerts via the internet, personal communication services and, providing multiple-user access to a global computer network, transmission of voice, data, graphics, images, audio and video by means of telecommunications networks, wireless communication networks, and the Internet; communication services, namely, electronic transmission of voices, transmission of voice, audio, visual images and data by telecommunications networks, wireless communication networks, the Internet, information services networks and data networks, electronic transmission of data and documents among users of computers; telecommunication routing and junction services; transmission of data; electronic transmission of images, photographs, graphic images and illustrations over a global computer network; transmission of data, audio, video and multimedia files by telecommunications networks, wireless communication networks, the Internet, information services networks and data networks; broadcasting of television programmes; simulcasting broadcast television over global communication networks, the Internet and wireless networks; video on demand transmissions; providing access to digital music websites on the internet; provision of access to the Internet; provision of access to a global computer network; video-on-demand transmission services; webcasting of fashion shows; provision of telecommunication access to video and audio content provided via an online video-on-demand service; satellite communication services; telecommunications gateway services
Class 039
Transportation & Storage Services
Transportation of passengers and goods by bus, rail, air, boat packing, crating and warehousing services arranging travel tours travel guide and travel information services travel and tour information service; travel services, namely, travel guide services, travel ticket reservation services
Class 040
Treatment & Processing of Materials Services
Chemical treatment of textile; printing of books; printing of patterns on textiles; mold and mildew prevention treatment of animal feed, fur, textile, wood, manufacture of jewellery and watches, fuel treatment services, chemical treatment of textile; incineration of waste and trash; waste water treatment services; waste management contracting services
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Production of radio and television programmes; film production; educational research services; education and training services, namely, providing classes, seminars, workshops in the fields of art, music and artistic performances, entertainment, fashion, sports, culture, general human interest, film production, languages, science and technology, law; law enforcement training services; language training services; language training services; Entertainment services, namely, multimedia production services, organizing, arranging, and hosting social entertainment events, presenting live musical performances; Film distribution; providing television programmes, not downloadable, via video-on-demand transmission services; arranging and conducting seminars in the field of art, music and artistic performances, entertainment, fashion, sports, culture, general human interest, film production, languages, science and technology, law; Arranging and conducting educational congresses in the field of art, music and artistic performances, entertainment, fashion, sports, culture, general human interest, film production, languages, science and technology, law; Organization of exhibitions for cultural and educational purposes; publication of electronic books and journals on-line
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Design, maintenance, development and updating of computer software; urban planning; construction planning; technical support services in the form of troubleshooting of computer hardware and software problems; technical support in the form of monitoring global computer network systems; design and development of computer hardware and software; technical consultancy in the field of environmental science; technical consultancy in the field of road cutting technology; commercial art design; graphic design; computer animation production services; clothing design; creating and maintaining web sites; medical research services; research and development of new products for others; building and maintaining websites
Class 043
Restaurant and Hotel Services
Hotel accommodation services; hotel reservations; bar services; catering of food and drinks; cafe services; restaurant services; bed and breakfast services; catering for the provision of food and beverages
Class 044
Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services
Medical imaging; medical screening; medical testing services; medical fitness evaluation; medical diagnostic services; medical equipment rental; medical clinics; veterinary services beautician services; beauty salons vermin exterminating for agriculture, horticulture and forestry; aerial and surface spreading of fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals
Class 045
Personal & Legal & Social Services
Agricultural, forestry, and horticultural chemicals; chemicals used in industry, science and photography, namely, catalysts for use in the manufacture of industrial chemicals, chemicals for the manufacture of paints, pigments, adhesives, leather, paper, soap and solvents, chemical agents for binding, coating and impregnating textiles, furs and leather, nonwovens and fabrics, glassfrosting and staining chemicals, lithographic chemicals, stainpreventing chemicals for use on fabrics, tempering and soldering chemicals, welding and brazing chemicals, waxbleaching chemicals, reducing agents for use in photography, chemical compositions for developing photographs, sensitized cloth for photography unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics fertilizers and manures fire extinguishing chemicals metal tempering chemicals metal tempering preparations; chemical preparations for preserving foodstuffs leather tanning agents; sumac for use in tanning adhesives for use in the construction industry, furniture industry, textile industry, consumer packaging industry; bookbinding adhesives
Agricultural, forestry, and horticultural chemicals; chemicals used in...
Major league baseball properties inc. (4)
Mattel inc. (4)
Big comfy corp. (3)
Dickie-spielzeug gmbh & co. kg (3)
Major corp (3)
Majorica internacional s.L. (3)
Mds power inc. (3)
Paper education company inc. (3)
1226281 bc ltd (2)
Carrie liu (2)
Class 35 (46)
Class 25 (43)
Class 41 (43)
Class 9 (40)
Class 28 (35)
Class 16 (26)
Class 14 (20)
Class 30 (19)
Class 20 (18)
Class 42 (18)
Class 3 (17)
Class 18 (16)
Class 21 (16)
Class 37 (14)
Class 5 (13)
Class 24 (13)
Class 43 (12)
Class 6 (11)
Class 34 (11)
Class 26 (10)
Class 38 (10)
Class 11 (9)
Class 29 (9)
Class 7 (8)
Class 31 (8)
Class 36 (8)
Class 19 (7)
Class 27 (7)
Class 32 (7)
Class 17 (6)
Class 39 (6)
Class 44 (6)
Class 8 (5)
Class 12 (5)
Class 33 (5)
Class 40 (5)
Class 10 (4)
Class 45 (4)
Class 22 (3)
Class 1 (2)
Class 2 (2)
Class 4 (2)
Class 23 (2)
Class 13 (1)
Class 15 (1)
Smart & biggar lp (27)
Gowling wlg (canada) llp (21)
Cassels brock & blackwell llp (6)
Marks & clerk (4)
Mbm intellectual property agency (4)
Riches, mckenzie & herbert llp (4)
Cabinet juridique st. lawrence s.E.N.C.R.L. (3)
Mcmillan llp (3)
Perley-robertson, hill & mcdougall llp (3)
Apply for Trademark
Select countries to protect your logo trademark
Trademark Name
Country Selected
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
United States
$99 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
European Union
$700 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
South Korea
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$99 / 1 class + gov fee
United Kingdom
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$299 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
United Arab Emirates
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
New Zealand
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
South Africa
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Saudi Arabia
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
British Virgin Islands
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
Costa Rica
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Czech Republic
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Dominican Republic
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
El Salvador
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Hong Kong (SAR)
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$1499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Madrid Protocol (WIPO)
$1999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Puerto Rico
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Sri Lanka
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
United Republic of Tanzania
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
West Bank, Palestine
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Antigua and Barbuda
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Bosnia and Herzegovina
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Burkina Faso
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
Cabo Verde
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Central African Republic (CAR)
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Cote d'Ivoire
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Equatorial Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
Marshall Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
North Macedonia
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Papua New Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Kitts and Nevis
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Lucia
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
San Marino
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sao Tome and Principe
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sierra Leone
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Solomon Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
South Sudan
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1599 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Trinidad and Tobago
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee