About 3,756 Trademarks found for “CHAUVILIN-S”
Mark | Details | Status | Class/Description | |
![]() | S EXEL INDUSTRIES 2250123 12 Dec 2022 | SEARCHED on 26 Jul 2024 | Pulvérisateurs motorisés pour produits liquides, pulvérulents ou fibre... Class 007 Class 007 Machinery Products Pulvérisateurs motorisés pour produits liquides, pulvérulents ou fibreux, à savoir pistolets de pulvérisation automatiques ou électriques pour l'application de revêtements de colle, de vernis, et de peinture sur des matériaux; pulvérisateurs automatiques à jet pour la pulvérisation de liquides, poudres, mastics, colles ou vernis; pulvérisateurs automatiques de peinture électrostatique; pulvérisateurs automatiques à fonctionnement électrique et têtes de pulvérisation automatiques en tant que parties structurelles correspondantes, pour la peinture et pour l'émaillage électrostatique; outils d'ateliers de peinture autres qu'outils à main à fonctionnement manuel pour la pulvérisation pneumatique, hydraulique ou électrostatique de peinture liquide, de poudre, de mastic, de colle ou de vernis, à savoir pulvérisateurs automatiques; pulvérisateurs [machines] de produits liquides, à savoir pistolets automatiques ou électriques destinés à l'impression sur des matériaux; pulvérisateurs automatiques à jets de produits liquides; pistolets de pulvérisation à fonctionnement électrique utilisant des pompes pour l'application de peintures, vernis, mastics, colles, enduits, poudres et fibres; pistolets de pulvérisation automatiques à fonctionnement électrique en tant que parties de machines pour l'application de peinture sur des matériaux, mastics, colles, enduits, poudres et fibres; pistolets de pulvérisation à fonctionnement électrique en tant que parties de machines tenus à la main pour l'application de peintures, mastics, colles, enduits, poudres et fibres, à savoir pistolets applicateurs pour le collage, l'étanchéité, l'insonorisation et l'élimination de joints; matériels et équipements industriels pour ateliers de collage, peinture, revêtement et vernissage, à savoir pistolets pulvérisateurs pneumatiques et leurs parties structurelles sous forme de rampes et buses, pistolets d'application pneumatiques et leurs parties structurelles sous forme de rampes et buses; pistolets de pulvérisation automatiques [parties de machines] pour l'application et l'impression de peintures, de vernis, sur des matériaux; pistolets de pulvérisation [parties de machines] tenus à la main actionnés autrement que manuellement pour l'application et l'impression de peintures, de vernis; appareils pour la pulvérisation de gouttelettes de liquides transportés par soufflerie d'air en tant que parties de machines de pulvérisation; appareils pour la pulvérisation de gouttelettes de liquides projetées par des pompes centrifuges en tant que parties de machines de pulvérisation et machines d'application; pompes en tant que parties de machines, à savoir parties d'installations et machines pour le collage, l'étanchéité, l'insonorisation et l'élimination de joints; pompes en tant que parties de machines pour machines de pulvérisation utilisées pour l'application de peintures, mastics, colles, enduits, poudres et fibres; pompes en tant que parties de groupes moteurs; pompes en tant que parties de machines pour l'aspiration de liquides et de colle; pompes de distribution de liquides sous pression en tant que parties de machines; pompes centrifuges; machines centrifuges; pompes d'aspiration d'air; pompes à vide; pompes à air comprimé, pompes pneumatiques, pompes hydrauliques; distributeurs en tant que parties de machines pour unités de dosage de machines pour matières liquides, poudreuses ou fibreuses; distributeurs [machines] de produits liquides; dispositifs de transport et récupération de produits liquides [machines]; dispositifs de raclage [machines]; changeurs de teinte et vannes pour distribuer la peinture vers les dispositifs de pulvérisation; outils à main à fonctionnement électrique, à savoir buses de pulvérisation en tant que parties de pulvérisateurs à fonctionnement électrique, pistolets pulvérisateurs et lances de pulvérisation; outillage pneumatique pour la peinture et le revêtement à savoir buses, rampes, lances et pistolets pneumatiques; outillage d'ateliers de peinture pour la projection pneumatique, hydraulique ou d'application électrostatique de peinture, de vernis; buses en tant que parties de machines pour la pulvérisation de produits liquides, pulvérulents ou fibreux; matériels et équipements industriels pour ateliers de peinture, revêtement et vernissage, à savoir buses, rampes et pistolets pneumatiques de pulvérisation, buses, rampes et pistolets pneumatiques d'application et d'impression; rampes en tant que parties de machines de pulvérisation ou d'impression utilisées pour l'application de peintures, mastics, colles, enduits, poudres et fibres; rampes de pulvérisation en tant que parties de machines de pulvérisation; parties de machines, à savoir rampes de pulvérisation sous forme de rampes verticales utilisant la pulvérisation assistée par air pour la projection de liquides; rampes en tant que parties de machines de pulvérisation utilisées pour l'application et l'impression de peinture, de vernis; rampes de pulvérisation; descentes (rampes verticales) de pulvérisation à jet porté pour projection de liquides; lances de pulvérisation en tant que parties de machines; lances de pulvérisation; soupapes en tant que parties de machines, à savoir parties de machines et installations de machines pour le collage, l'étanchéité, l'insonorisation et l'élimination de joints; moteurs et groupes moteurs, autres que pour véhicules terrestres; filtres en tant que parties de machines, à savoir filtres pour buses de pulvérisation en tant que parties de machines; machines de filtration pour la distribution de colle ou d'étanchéité; filtres en tant que parties de machines, moteurs ou groupes moteurs, à savoir filtres pour distributeurs de colle ou d'étanchéité; cartouches pour machines à filtrer; cartouches pour machines à filtrer l'air, le gaz, les poussières; machines à filtrer; dispositifs de commande de machines ou de moteurs pour pulvérisateurs, pistolets, destinés à l'application et l'impression de peinture, de vernis; dispositifs de commande de systèmes de filtration d'air, de gaz, de poussières; mécanismes de commande en tant que parties constitutives de machines, moteurs ou groupes moteurs pour pulvérisateurs de machines, pistolets de pulvérisation de machines, et pour machines pour l'application de revêtements de colle; dispositifs électroniques de commande de pulvérisateurs de produits liquides et visqueux; dispositifs électroniques de commande et régulation de la tension et du courant pour les systèmes électrostatiques: compresseurs d'air; compresseurs d'air et parties constitutives d'installations à air comprimé; compresseurs à piston; compresseurs d'air fixes d'atelier; compresseurs d'air mobiles et portables; turbines, autres que pour véhicules terrestres, destinées à des appareils et machines pour la pulvérisation de peintures, poudres, mastics, colles, vernis; machines et parties de machines pour le nettoyage et le traitement de surfaces avant l'application de peintures, vernis, colles ou enduits de mastic, à savoir ponceuses, polisseuses, grattoirs, brosses; parties de machines pour machines de peinture, de poudrage, d'émaillage et de flocage; régulateurs de pression en tant que parties de machines, à savoir parties d'installations et machines pour le collage, l'étanchéité, l'insonorisation et l'élimination de joints ainsi que pour les produits liquides; régulateurs de pression pour le dosage, la régulation de flux de produit; machines pour la récupération de produits pulvérulents et fibreux, à savoir machines pour la récupération de poudres de peinture et de flocage; cribles en tant que machines; blocs changeurs de produits en tant que parties de machines pour machines industrielles de peinture ou de flocage; réservoirs-distributeurs de poudre, vendus vides, en tant que parties de machines; parties de machines, à savoir réservoirs-distributeurs de peinture liquide vendus vides; parties de machines, à savoir réservoirs-distributeurs de colle, vendus vides; réservoirs-distributeurs de liquide (peinture, vernis); parties de machines pour générateurs électrostatiques et générateurs de haute tension; robots industriels; robots industriels pour la réalisation de revêtements de surfaces; robots [machines]; robots [machines] destinés à l'application et l'impression; appareils d'automation [machines] pour la réalisation industrielle d'application et d'impression; machines pour la production industrielle de revêtements de surface; machines pour le tri de colle ou d'étanchéité; parties de machines pour le tri de peintures, poudres, mastics, colles, vernis et revêtements de surface pour machines de pulvérisation industrielles; appareils et équipements de triage [machines] à savoir trieurs [parties de machines] permettant le choix automatisé de peintures, vernis appliqués par des machines de pulvérisation industrielle pour le revêtement de surfaces; machines et machines-outils pour l'impression sur tôle; machines et machines-outils à imprimer à usage industriel; machines et machines-outils d'impression de peinture, de colle, de mastic, de produit visqueux, à usage industriel. Class 008 Class 008 Hand Tool Products Pulvérisateurs à fonctionnement manuel, pour la pulvérisation de peintures, poudres, mastics, colles, vernis; pulvérisateurs à jet d'air à fonctionnement manuel; instruments à fonctionnement manuel, à savoir pulvérisateurs pour produits liquides, poudres; pulvérisateurs à fonctionnement manuel pour produits chimiques; pulvérisateurs à main à fonctionnement manuel pour la pulvérisation de peintures, poudres, mastics, colles, vernis; pistolets pulvérisateurs à main pour la pulvérisation de produits chimiques, à fonctionnement manuel; pistolets à colle à main, à fonctionnement manuel; pistolets pulvérisateurs à main à fonctionnement manuel pour produits liquides et en poudre; outils et instruments à main à fonctionnement manuel pour le traitement de surfaces avant peinture, collage, vernissage ou revêtement de mastic, à savoir pistolets électrostatiques à main; pistolets de pulvérisation de peinture à fonctionnement manuel; pistolets de pulvérisation portatifs à fonctionnement manuel pour la peinture électrostatique; pistolets de pulvérisation portatifs à fonctionnement manuel pour l'émaillage électrostatique; pistolets de pulvérisation portatifs à fonctionnement manuel pour le poudrage électrostatique; pistolets pulvérisateurs à main à fonctionnement manuel pour la peinture liquide ou pour vernis; pistolets manuels de flockage électrostatique actionnés manuellement; pistolets manuels pour l'application et l'impression, actionnés manuellement, de produits liquides; pistolets manuels d'application et d'impression de peinture, de vernis, actionnés manuellement; applicateurs à fonctionnement manuel pour produits chimiques sous forme de buses; lances de pulvérisation à main pour produits liquides, poudres; lances de pulvérisateurs à main actionnés manuellement pour l'application et l'impression de peintures, vernis. ... Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Équipements de domotique composés de matériel informatique, dispositifs de commande filaires et sans fil, et logiciels téléchargeables pour l'automatisation de la pulvérisation et de l'application; logiciels téléchargeables pour la régulation de machines de pompage, dosage, régulation de débit, température et pression de liquides et produits à haute viscosité; applications logicielles informatiques téléchargeables destinés aux machines d'impression de peinture, de vernis, sur tous matériaux; applications logicielles informatiques téléchargeables destinés aux machines de pulvérisation de peinture, de vernis, sur tous matériaux; applications logicielles informatiques téléchargeables destinés aux machines d'application de peinture, de vernis, sur tous matériaux; applications logicielles informatiques téléchargeables, à savoir logiciels d'exploitation pour machines de pulvérisation et d'application de colle sur des matériaux; programmes informatiques pour la commande des machines à usage industriel; programmes informatiques pour la commande des machines d'impression à usage industriel; logiciels pour la commande des machines à usage industriel; logiciels pour la commande des machines d'impression à usage industriel; cartes à circuits électroniques et boîtiers de commande sous forme de rayonnages de commande pour systèmes automatiques et logiciels téléchargeables pour la régulation de machines de pompage, dosage, régulation de débit, température et pression de liquides et produits à haute viscosité. Class 017 Rubber Products Tuyaux flexibles non métalliques chauds ou froids pour le transport de produits et liquides à haute viscosité. Class 019 Non-Metallic Building Material Products Cabines non métalliques permettant le collage, la peinture, le poudrage, l'émaillage, le flocage de produits, dans des espaces clos; stations sous forme de cabines d'application de colle et d'étanchéité, non métalliques, pour le collage de matériaux; ateliers (cabines non métalliques) pour l'impression de matériaux. Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Conception et développement de logiciels de commande de processus; conception, développement, maintenance et mise à jour de logiciels de commande de processus; création de programmes de commande pour l'exécution automatisée de mesures, réglages et distribution des machines d'impression de peinture; développement de logiciels destinés à être utilisés avec des dispositifs de commande programmables pour les machines d'impression de peinture: installation de logiciels informatiques destinés aux machines d'impression de peinture; installation de programmes informatiques destinés aux machines d'impression de peinture; installation et maintenance de logiciels destinés aux machines d'impression de peinture; installation et maintenance de programmes informatiques destinés aux machines d'impression de peinture; location de logiciels destinés aux machines d'impression de peinture; location d'appareils de mesure; location de logiciels d'application; location de programmes informatiques destinés aux machines d'impression de peinture. | |
![]() | S Stropus Ltd. 2277009 28 Nov 2022 | SEARCHED on 27 Nov 2024 | Recorded and downloadable media files, software, computers and compute... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Recorded and downloadable media files, software, computers and computer peripheral device; recorded and downloadable media files, namely, video files, audio files, image files and text files in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; electronic publications, downloadable; downloadable e-wallets; downloadable emoticons for mobile phones; interfaces for computers; memory cards for video game machines; integrated circuit cards (smart cards); computer hardware; computer hardware in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; computer game software, downloadable; computer game software, recorded; joysticks for use with computers, other than for video games; computer keyboards; computer programs, downloadable; computer programs, downloadable in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; computer programs, recorded; computer programs, recorded in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; computer operating programs, recorded; computer operating programs, recorded in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; computer software applications, downloadable; computer software applications, downloadable in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; mouse (computer peripheral); processors (central processing units); downloadable ring tones for mobile phones; computer software, recorded; computer software, recorded in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; downloadable video game software; downloadable interactive video game software; downloadable computer programs for playing electronic games and computer software platforms downloaded via the Internet, electronic mail or via portable, mobile, handheld or tablet devices, for use in accessing social networks; electronic downloadable publications in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; electronic downloadable publications in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events, distributed via the Internet, electronic mail or portable, mobile, handheld and tablet devices; recorded or downloadable applications for electronic games; computer software downloadable and recorded for a game engine for developing and using video games; downloadable and recorded computer game software for generating and displaying slot machine betting results; downloadable or recorded computer software for casino games, slot machines and online electronic games; downloadable game software for electronic devices; downloadable sports betting game software; downloadable graphical user interface software; interactive software; interactive computer systems; interactive entertainment software for computers; downloadable computer software used in the provision of entertainment services, namely, in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance; entertainment systems consisting of computer hardware and downloadable game software; computer software and computers with multimedia and interactive functions; apparatus and devices for recording, transmission, reproduction of sound, data and images; downloadable computer software and downloadable computer software platform, incorporating a single or multiple computer applications featuring functional and graphical elements for creating, operating, managing, monitoring and supervising on-line gaming, betting and gambling portals, contests and tournaments, and for management of customer relationship and customer accounts; downloadable computer game software and computer software for gambling used for slot machines; downloadable computer game programs and computer programs for gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, card games, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, for electronic mobile devices and cell phones; downloadable computer game software applications and computer software applications for gambling; downloadable computer software, in particular, for gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, for playing via telecommunications networks and the Internet, with or without prizes; electronic virtual reality motion simulators; virtual reality headsets; virtual reality game headsets; downloadable virtual reality software for simulation while playing video games; downloadable virtual and augmented reality software for playing video games; downloadable virtual reality software for telecommunications; downloadable virtual reality game software; computer virtual reality game hardware; electronic number generators; electronic number generators in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; downloadable computer operating systems software; recorded computer game programs with sports elements; 3D spectacles; connected bracelets (measuring instruments); downloadable graphics for mobile phones; computer screen saver software, recorded or downloadable; downloadable image files; downloadable music files; encoded magnetic cards; protected encoded identity cards; identity cards with encoded protective features; magnetic encoded identity cards with holograms; photographic and cinematographic apparatus and instruments for use in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; downloadable computer game programs for pocket devices. Class 038 Class 038 Communications Services Telecommunication services; telecommunication services to provide access to games, gambling and content; providing access to databases; providing information in the field of telecommunications; providing user access to global computer networks; providing internet chatrooms; providing internet chatrooms in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; providing online forums; providing online forums in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; communications by fibre optic networks / communications by fiber optic networks; communications by computer terminals; video-on-demand transmission; transmission of electronic mail; computer aided transmission of messages and images; computer aided transmission of messages and images i in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; transmission of podcasts; transmission of digital files; transmission of digital files in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; message sending; message sending in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; videoconferencing services; electronic bulletin board services (telecommunications services); telecommunications routing and junction services; news agency services; streaming of data; rental of access time to global computer networks; wireless broadcasting; providing access to databases featuring information content of websites and portals as communication services; audio, video and multimedia broadcasting via the Internet and other communication networks; broadcasting services; communication services via computer networks; communication services via computer networks in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; data transmission by electronic means; data transmission services; electronic data transmission, including audiovisual data, via a global computer network or the Internet; electronic communication services; data transmission via electronic communication; data transmission via electronic communication in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; electronic data exchange services; electronic messaging services; electronic messaging services in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; electronic messaging services via computers; electronic messaging services via computers in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; rental of access time to computer databases; video and audio material streaming services on the Internet; electronic transmission and dissemination of data, including information, via computer networks and the Internet; electronic transmission and dissemination of data, including information, via computer networks and the Internet in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; electronic transmission of data, audio, video and multimedia files, including transmission of downloadable files and files transmitted over a global computer network; transmission of information in real time; transmission (routing) of audio, images and digital signals. ... Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Entertainment services; dubbing; language interpretation; providing films, not downloadable, via video-on-demand services; sound engineering services for events; sound engineering services for events in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; organization of shows (impresario services) for entertainment purposes; organization of shows (impresario services) in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; party planning (entertainment); video editing services for events; video editing services for events in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; lighting technician services for events; music composition services; production of shows; film production, other than advertising films; film production, other than advertising films in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; scriptwriting, other than for advertising purposes; scriptwriting, other than for advertising purposes in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; writing of texts; writing of texts in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; presentation of live performances; rental of audio equipment; rental of audio equipment in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; rental of show scenery; rental of show scenery in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; rental of sound recordings; rental of sound recordings in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; publication of texts, other than publicity texts; electronic desktop publishing; providing user reviews for entertainment purposes; providing information in the field of entertainment; providing online videos, not downloadable; providing online electronic publications, not downloadable; practical training (demonstration); training services provided via simulators; games equipment rental; rental of training simulators; providing casino facilities (gambling); game services provided online from a computer network; providing amusement arcade services; gambling services; providing information in the field of gambling; organization of competitions in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, card games, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, by providing the related content live or via television, or online via computer databases, or via the internet, or via portable, mobile, handheld or tablet devices; organization of lotteries, including live or via television, or online via computer databases, or via the Internet, or via portable, mobile, handheld or tablet devices; organization of sports competitions, including live or via television, or online via computer databases, or via the Internet, or via portable, mobile, handheld or tablet devices; layout services, other than for advertising purposes; online gambling services provided via a computer network; virtual reality gaming services provided online from a computer network; providing online and offline gaming services for accepting bets; providing online and offline game services, where the result depends on the mastery, skill of the player; providing online and offline game services for the control of entertainment games, in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; arranging, conducting and presenting, other than for commercial or advertising purposes, of tournaments, competitions, game shows, and other entertainment events live or via television, or online via computer databases, or via the Internet, or via portable, mobile, handheld or tablet devices; organization and conducting presentations of the aforesaid services, other than for commercial or advertising purposes; providing information in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; organization games, gaming entertainments, namely shows, tournaments, competitions and conducting their presentations, other than for commercial or advertising purposes; providing the aforesaid services online via computer databases, or via the Internet, or via portable, mobile, handheld or tablet devices; providing online game services for electronic games provided via the Internet. Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Design and development of computer hardware and software; computer system analysis; computer system analysis in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events and for providing access to the related content; graphic arts design; graphic design of promotional materials; off-site data backup; research and development of new products for others; duplication of computer programs; electronic data storage; electronic monitoring of personally identifying information to detect identity theft via the internet; providing information relating to computer technology and programming via a website; installation of computer software; information technology services provided on an outsourcing basis; computer programming; conversion of computer programs and data, other than physical conversion; computer technology consultancy; Internet security consultancy; data security consultancy; information technology (IT) consultancy; computer software consultancy; computer security consultancy; consultancy in the design and development of computer hardware; website design consultancy; monitoring of computer systems for detecting unauthorized access or data breach; monitoring of computer systems to detect breakdowns; monitoring of computer systems by remote access; maintenance of computer software; updating of computer software; platform as a service (PaaS); user authentication services using technology for e-commerce transactions; user authentication services using single sign-on technology for online software applications; hosting computer websites; data encryption services; software as a service (SaaS); computer system design; rental of web servers; rental of computer software; industrial design; development of computer platforms; software development in the framework of software publishing; creating and maintaining websites for others; creating and designing website-based indexes of information, for others (information technology services); providing virtual computer systems through cloud computing; server hosting; styling (industrial design); computer system administration of user accounts in computer networks; computer-aided videographic design; computer-aided videographic design in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; development of software in accordance with the individual needs of the client; development of interactive multimedia software; development of software for data conversion and conversion of multimedia content into various protocols; design and development of software for computer games and virtual reality; leasing of computer hardware; software development of Internet platforms; development and design of computer software for video games; testing of computer hardware and software; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for access and operation in cloud computing environments; software as a service (SaaS), namely, a web platform that provides software for viewing, detecting, searching, configuring content, managing and exploring content in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for computer games and gambling; providing temporary use of non-downloadable game software; research, development and design of computer software for a computer platform that includes one or more applications that contain functional and graphical elements in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance; application service providers (ASP), namely, hosting computer software applications of others for creating, using, managing, monitoring and supervising online gaming and gambling portals, contests and tournaments, and for managing customer relationships and customer accounts; providing temporary use of non-downloadable software for creating, using, managing, monitoring and supervising on-line gaming, betting and gambling portals, contests and tournaments, and for management of customer relationship and customer accounts. | |
![]() | S SÖZER KUYUMCULUK SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI 2238496 24 Nov 2022 | SEARCHED on 13 May 2024 | Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery, precious and semi-preciou... Class 014 Class 014 Jewelry Products Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery, precious and semi-precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Advertising; business management, organization and administration; office functions; bringing together, for benefit of others, of a variety of precious metals and their alloys, jewellery, precious and semi-precious stones, horological and chronometric instruments enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods. | |
![]() | S EGST Israel Ltd 2242755 16 Nov 2022 | APPROVED on 3 Feb 2025 | Baby strollers; wheels for strollers; handles for strollers; locks for... Class 012 Class 012 Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water Baby strollers; wheels for strollers; handles for strollers; locks for strollers; fitted stroller mosquito nets; children's safety seats for vehicles; vehicle safety seats for babies; back seat organizers specially adapted for use in cars; cervical cushions specially adapted for automobile seats; car seat safety harnesses, namely, seat inserts; baby carriage canopies to protect against rain, sun and wind; baskets adapted for attachment to strollers; special needs strollers; wheels for special needs strollers; fitted special needs stroller mosquito nets; locks for special needs strollers; stroller boards designed to be attached to strollers; strollers connected as bike trailers. Class 020 Class 020 Furniture Products Furniture and furniture accessories for babies, toddlers and children, namely feeding chairs; booster chairs (not for vehicle use); pillows; mattresses; bed bases for mattresses; bottle caps, not of metal; cradles; diaper changing mats; diaper changing stations; changing tables for babies; safety gates (not made from metal); nursing pillows; portable seats for toilet use; child resistant safety closures, not of metal, for containers; bumper guards for cribs, other than bed linen; fittings, not of metal, for beds; stools; baby walkers. ... Class 028 Toys and Sporting Goods Products Toys, games and playthings for babies, toddlers and children, namely swings, balance bicycle. | |
![]() | S HUMAI HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS (SHENZHEN) CO. LTD. 2219362 2 Nov 2022 | REGISTERED on 2 Aug 2024 | Ankle chains; bracelets; children's jewellery; clock and watch hands; ... Class 014 Class 014 Jewelry Products Ankle chains; bracelets; children's jewellery; clock and watch hands; clocks and watches; earrings; finger rings; hand chains; jewelry; jewelry brooches; jewelry cases; jewelry rings; men's jewellery; necklaces; pendants; women's jewelry | |
![]() | S SIGNODE INDUSTRIAL GROUP LLC 2222920 20 Oct 2022 | REGISTERED on 21 Jun 2024 | Plastic strapping for bundling loads of goods. Class 022 Class 022 Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products Plastic strapping for bundling loads of goods. | |
![]() | S AUDI AG 2233116 18 Oct 2022 | ADVERTISED on 29 Jan 2025 | Audio equipment for vehicles, namely, loud speakers for automotive aud... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Audio equipment for vehicles, namely, loud speakers for automotive audio systems; digital maps for autonomous vehicles; driver systems for autonomous vehicles; electronic data recorders for land vehicles; emergency light bars for vehicles; fuel level indicators for vehicles; heads-up displays for motor vehicles; kilometer recorders for vehicles; navigation apparatus for vehicles in the form of on-board computers; radios for vehicles; rearview cameras for vehicles; speedometers for vehicles; vehicle safety equipment, namely, back-up sensors and cameras; vehicle tracking devices; apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data, namely, DVD recorders, digital video recorders, digital music players, CD players, radio players, video cameras; recorded and downloadable media, namely, CDs containing music, CDs containing navigation data, CDs containing car manuals; optical discs, mp3 cards and USB flash drives containing manuals, navigation data and software for operating invehicle infotainment systems, virtual assistant software for use in automobiles, blank digital or analogue recording and storage media, namely, blank laser discs, hard discs, optical discs, and USB flash drives; cash registers; computers and computer peripheral devices, namely, digital cameras, keyboards, modems, mice, printers, scanners, speakers; diving suits, divers' masks, ear plugs for divers, nose clips for divers and swimmers, gloves for divers, breathing apparatus for underwater swimming; spectacle cases; spectacle frames; downloadable electronic publications, namely, booklets, books, brochures, handbooks, magazines, newsletters and pamphlets. Class 012 Class 012 Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water Automobiles and their constructive parts. ... Class 014 Jewelry Products Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery, precious and semi-precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments, namely watches; cases for watches [presentation]. Class 025 Clothing Products Casual clothing, formal wear, sports clothing, children's clothing, golf wear, outdoor winter clothing, rainwear, ski-wear; caps, hats, sun visors, berets, hooded jackets, hooded sweaters, hooded pullovers, ear muffs, head bands, toques. Class 027 Floor Covering products Car mats. | |
![]() | S Serenity LLC 2229691 12 Oct 2022 | DEFAULT - SEARCHED | Pants; denim pants,Hoodies; pullovers; shirts; shorts; bottoms as clot... Class 025 Class 025 Clothing Products Pants; denim pants | |
![]() | S SURF TECHNICIANS LLC 2239865 10 Oct 2022 | REGISTERED on 9 Sept 2024 | Clothing, namely, shirts, T-shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, and hats.... Class 025 Class 025 Clothing Products Clothing, namely, shirts, T-shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, and hats. Class 028 Class 028 Toys and Sporting Goods Products Sports equipment, namely, surfboards, longboard surfboards, shortboard surfboards, grovelers being surfboards, funboard surfboards, midlength surfboards, softboards in the nature of surfboards and paddle boards, soft top boards in the nature of surfboards and paddle boards, paddleboards, prone paddle boards, stand-up paddle boards, stand-up surf paddle boards, inflatable paddle boards, touring stand-up paddle boards and stand-up surf paddle boards; surf and paddle board accessories, namely, stand-up board paddles; parts and fittings for water sports equipment, namely, replacement fins for surfboards, replacement fins for prone paddle boards, replacement fins for stand-up paddle boards; traction pads for paddle boards, surfboard traction pads; bags specifically adapted for stand-up paddle boards, bags specifically adapted for surfboards; surfboard leashes, stand-up paddle board leashes; covers specifically adapted for paddles for paddle boards; pumps for inflating sports equipment, namely, pumps for inflating paddle boards; surfboard and paddle board repair patches in the nature of tape and repair putty. ... Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Online retail store services featuring water sports equipment and related products and accessories; online retail store services featuring surfboards and paddle boards; online retail store services featuring foils and wings for use with surfboards, stand-up boards, wake boards and kite boards; online retail store services featuring tie downs for surfboards; online retail store services featuring apparel. | |
![]() | S SK hynix NAND Product Solutions Corp. 2218459 27 Sept 2022 | APPROVED on 7 Feb 2025 | Solid state drives; semiconductors; flash memory cards, secure digital... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Solid state drives; semiconductors; flash memory cards, secure digital memory cards; blank USB flash drives. Class 040 Class 040 Treatment & Processing of Materials Services Custom manufacture of semiconductors, flash memory cards and secure digital memory cards. |
on 26 Jul 2024
2250123 · 12 Dec 2022
Class 007
Machinery Products
Pulvérisateurs motorisés pour produits liquides, pulvérulents ou fibreux, à savoir pistolets de pulvérisation automatiques ou électriques pour l'application de revêtements de colle, de vernis, et de peinture sur des matériaux; pulvérisateurs automatiques à jet pour la pulvérisation de liquides, poudres, mastics, colles ou vernis; pulvérisateurs automatiques de peinture électrostatique; pulvérisateurs automatiques à fonctionnement électrique et têtes de pulvérisation automatiques en tant que parties structurelles correspondantes, pour la peinture et pour l'émaillage électrostatique; outils d'ateliers de peinture autres qu'outils à main à fonctionnement manuel pour la pulvérisation pneumatique, hydraulique ou électrostatique de peinture liquide, de poudre, de mastic, de colle ou de vernis, à savoir pulvérisateurs automatiques; pulvérisateurs [machines] de produits liquides, à savoir pistolets automatiques ou électriques destinés à l'impression sur des matériaux; pulvérisateurs automatiques à jets de produits liquides; pistolets de pulvérisation à fonctionnement électrique utilisant des pompes pour l'application de peintures, vernis, mastics, colles, enduits, poudres et fibres; pistolets de pulvérisation automatiques à fonctionnement électrique en tant que parties de machines pour l'application de peinture sur des matériaux, mastics, colles, enduits, poudres et fibres; pistolets de pulvérisation à fonctionnement électrique en tant que parties de machines tenus à la main pour l'application de peintures, mastics, colles, enduits, poudres et fibres, à savoir pistolets applicateurs pour le collage, l'étanchéité, l'insonorisation et l'élimination de joints; matériels et équipements industriels pour ateliers de collage, peinture, revêtement et vernissage, à savoir pistolets pulvérisateurs pneumatiques et leurs parties structurelles sous forme de rampes et buses, pistolets d'application pneumatiques et leurs parties structurelles sous forme de rampes et buses; pistolets de pulvérisation automatiques [parties de machines] pour l'application et l'impression de peintures, de vernis, sur des matériaux; pistolets de pulvérisation [parties de machines] tenus à la main actionnés autrement que manuellement pour l'application et l'impression de peintures, de vernis; appareils pour la pulvérisation de gouttelettes de liquides transportés par soufflerie d'air en tant que parties de machines de pulvérisation; appareils pour la pulvérisation de gouttelettes de liquides projetées par des pompes centrifuges en tant que parties de machines de pulvérisation et machines d'application; pompes en tant que parties de machines, à savoir parties d'installations et machines pour le collage, l'étanchéité, l'insonorisation et l'élimination de joints; pompes en tant que parties de machines pour machines de pulvérisation utilisées pour l'application de peintures, mastics, colles, enduits, poudres et fibres; pompes en tant que parties de groupes moteurs; pompes en tant que parties de machines pour l'aspiration de liquides et de colle; pompes de distribution de liquides sous pression en tant que parties de machines; pompes centrifuges; machines centrifuges; pompes d'aspiration d'air; pompes à vide; pompes à air comprimé, pompes pneumatiques, pompes hydrauliques; distributeurs en tant que parties de machines pour unités de dosage de machines pour matières liquides, poudreuses ou fibreuses; distributeurs [machines] de produits liquides; dispositifs de transport et récupération de produits liquides [machines]; dispositifs de raclage [machines]; changeurs de teinte et vannes pour distribuer la peinture vers les dispositifs de pulvérisation; outils à main à fonctionnement électrique, à savoir buses de pulvérisation en tant que parties de pulvérisateurs à fonctionnement électrique, pistolets pulvérisateurs et lances de pulvérisation; outillage pneumatique pour la peinture et le revêtement à savoir buses, rampes, lances et pistolets pneumatiques; outillage d'ateliers de peinture pour la projection pneumatique, hydraulique ou d'application électrostatique de peinture, de vernis; buses en tant que parties de machines pour la pulvérisation de produits liquides, pulvérulents ou fibreux; matériels et équipements industriels pour ateliers de peinture, revêtement et vernissage, à savoir buses, rampes et pistolets pneumatiques de pulvérisation, buses, rampes et pistolets pneumatiques d'application et d'impression; rampes en tant que parties de machines de pulvérisation ou d'impression utilisées pour l'application de peintures, mastics, colles, enduits, poudres et fibres; rampes de pulvérisation en tant que parties de machines de pulvérisation; parties de machines, à savoir rampes de pulvérisation sous forme de rampes verticales utilisant la pulvérisation assistée par air pour la projection de liquides; rampes en tant que parties de machines de pulvérisation utilisées pour l'application et l'impression de peinture, de vernis; rampes de pulvérisation; descentes (rampes verticales) de pulvérisation à jet porté pour projection de liquides; lances de pulvérisation en tant que parties de machines; lances de pulvérisation; soupapes en tant que parties de machines, à savoir parties de machines et installations de machines pour le collage, l'étanchéité, l'insonorisation et l'élimination de joints; moteurs et groupes moteurs, autres que pour véhicules terrestres; filtres en tant que parties de machines, à savoir filtres pour buses de pulvérisation en tant que parties de machines; machines de filtration pour la distribution de colle ou d'étanchéité; filtres en tant que parties de machines, moteurs ou groupes moteurs, à savoir filtres pour distributeurs de colle ou d'étanchéité; cartouches pour machines à filtrer; cartouches pour machines à filtrer l'air, le gaz, les poussières; machines à filtrer; dispositifs de commande de machines ou de moteurs pour pulvérisateurs, pistolets, destinés à l'application et l'impression de peinture, de vernis; dispositifs de commande de systèmes de filtration d'air, de gaz, de poussières; mécanismes de commande en tant que parties constitutives de machines, moteurs ou groupes moteurs pour pulvérisateurs de machines, pistolets de pulvérisation de machines, et pour machines pour l'application de revêtements de colle; dispositifs électroniques de commande de pulvérisateurs de produits liquides et visqueux; dispositifs électroniques de commande et régulation de la tension et du courant pour les systèmes électrostatiques: compresseurs d'air; compresseurs d'air et parties constitutives d'installations à air comprimé; compresseurs à piston; compresseurs d'air fixes d'atelier; compresseurs d'air mobiles et portables; turbines, autres que pour véhicules terrestres, destinées à des appareils et machines pour la pulvérisation de peintures, poudres, mastics, colles, vernis; machines et parties de machines pour le nettoyage et le traitement de surfaces avant l'application de peintures, vernis, colles ou enduits de mastic, à savoir ponceuses, polisseuses, grattoirs, brosses; parties de machines pour machines de peinture, de poudrage, d'émaillage et de flocage; régulateurs de pression en tant que parties de machines, à savoir parties d'installations et machines pour le collage, l'étanchéité, l'insonorisation et l'élimination de joints ainsi que pour les produits liquides; régulateurs de pression pour le dosage, la régulation de flux de produit; machines pour la récupération de produits pulvérulents et fibreux, à savoir machines pour la récupération de poudres de peinture et de flocage; cribles en tant que machines; blocs changeurs de produits en tant que parties de machines pour machines industrielles de peinture ou de flocage; réservoirs-distributeurs de poudre, vendus vides, en tant que parties de machines; parties de machines, à savoir réservoirs-distributeurs de peinture liquide vendus vides; parties de machines, à savoir réservoirs-distributeurs de colle, vendus vides; réservoirs-distributeurs de liquide (peinture, vernis); parties de machines pour générateurs électrostatiques et générateurs de haute tension; robots industriels; robots industriels pour la réalisation de revêtements de surfaces; robots [machines]; robots [machines] destinés à l'application et l'impression; appareils d'automation [machines] pour la réalisation industrielle d'application et d'impression; machines pour la production industrielle de revêtements de surface; machines pour le tri de colle ou d'étanchéité; parties de machines pour le tri de peintures, poudres, mastics, colles, vernis et revêtements de surface pour machines de pulvérisation industrielles; appareils et équipements de triage [machines] à savoir trieurs [parties de machines] permettant le choix automatisé de peintures, vernis appliqués par des machines de pulvérisation industrielle pour le revêtement de surfaces; machines et machines-outils pour l'impression sur tôle; machines et machines-outils à imprimer à usage industriel; machines et machines-outils d'impression de peinture, de colle, de mastic, de produit visqueux, à usage industriel.
Class 008
Hand Tool Products
Pulvérisateurs à fonctionnement manuel, pour la pulvérisation de peintures, poudres, mastics, colles, vernis; pulvérisateurs à jet d'air à fonctionnement manuel; instruments à fonctionnement manuel, à savoir pulvérisateurs pour produits liquides, poudres; pulvérisateurs à fonctionnement manuel pour produits chimiques; pulvérisateurs à main à fonctionnement manuel pour la pulvérisation de peintures, poudres, mastics, colles, vernis; pistolets pulvérisateurs à main pour la pulvérisation de produits chimiques, à fonctionnement manuel; pistolets à colle à main, à fonctionnement manuel; pistolets pulvérisateurs à main à fonctionnement manuel pour produits liquides et en poudre; outils et instruments à main à fonctionnement manuel pour le traitement de surfaces avant peinture, collage, vernissage ou revêtement de mastic, à savoir pistolets électrostatiques à main; pistolets de pulvérisation de peinture à fonctionnement manuel; pistolets de pulvérisation portatifs à fonctionnement manuel pour la peinture électrostatique; pistolets de pulvérisation portatifs à fonctionnement manuel pour l'émaillage électrostatique; pistolets de pulvérisation portatifs à fonctionnement manuel pour le poudrage électrostatique; pistolets pulvérisateurs à main à fonctionnement manuel pour la peinture liquide ou pour vernis; pistolets manuels de flockage électrostatique actionnés manuellement; pistolets manuels pour l'application et l'impression, actionnés manuellement, de produits liquides; pistolets manuels d'application et d'impression de peinture, de vernis, actionnés manuellement; applicateurs à fonctionnement manuel pour produits chimiques sous forme de buses; lances de pulvérisation à main pour produits liquides, poudres; lances de pulvérisateurs à main actionnés manuellement pour l'application et l'impression de peintures, vernis.
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Équipements de domotique composés de matériel informatique, dispositifs de commande filaires et sans fil, et logiciels téléchargeables pour l'automatisation de la pulvérisation et de l'application; logiciels téléchargeables pour la régulation de machines de pompage, dosage, régulation de débit, température et pression de liquides et produits à haute viscosité; applications logicielles informatiques téléchargeables destinés aux machines d'impression de peinture, de vernis, sur tous matériaux; applications logicielles informatiques téléchargeables destinés aux machines de pulvérisation de peinture, de vernis, sur tous matériaux; applications logicielles informatiques téléchargeables destinés aux machines d'application de peinture, de vernis, sur tous matériaux; applications logicielles informatiques téléchargeables, à savoir logiciels d'exploitation pour machines de pulvérisation et d'application de colle sur des matériaux; programmes informatiques pour la commande des machines à usage industriel; programmes informatiques pour la commande des machines d'impression à usage industriel; logiciels pour la commande des machines à usage industriel; logiciels pour la commande des machines d'impression à usage industriel; cartes à circuits électroniques et boîtiers de commande sous forme de rayonnages de commande pour systèmes automatiques et logiciels téléchargeables pour la régulation de machines de pompage, dosage, régulation de débit, température et pression de liquides et produits à haute viscosité.
Class 017
Rubber Products
Tuyaux flexibles non métalliques chauds ou froids pour le transport de produits et liquides à haute viscosité.
Class 019
Non-Metallic Building Material Products
Cabines non métalliques permettant le collage, la peinture, le poudrage, l'émaillage, le flocage de produits, dans des espaces clos; stations sous forme de cabines d'application de colle et d'étanchéité, non métalliques, pour le collage de matériaux; ateliers (cabines non métalliques) pour l'impression de matériaux.
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Conception et développement de logiciels de commande de processus; conception, développement, maintenance et mise à jour de logiciels de commande de processus; création de programmes de commande pour l'exécution automatisée de mesures, réglages et distribution des machines d'impression de peinture; développement de logiciels destinés à être utilisés avec des dispositifs de commande programmables pour les machines d'impression de peinture: installation de logiciels informatiques destinés aux machines d'impression de peinture; installation de programmes informatiques destinés aux machines d'impression de peinture; installation et maintenance de logiciels destinés aux machines d'impression de peinture; installation et maintenance de programmes informatiques destinés aux machines d'impression de peinture; location de logiciels destinés aux machines d'impression de peinture; location d'appareils de mesure; location de logiciels d'application; location de programmes informatiques destinés aux machines d'impression de peinture.
Pulvérisateurs motorisés pour produits liquides, pulvérulents ou fibre...
on 27 Nov 2024
Stropus Ltd.
2277009 · 28 Nov 2022
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Recorded and downloadable media files, software, computers and computer peripheral device; recorded and downloadable media files, namely, video files, audio files, image files and text files in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; electronic publications, downloadable; downloadable e-wallets; downloadable emoticons for mobile phones; interfaces for computers; memory cards for video game machines; integrated circuit cards (smart cards); computer hardware; computer hardware in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; computer game software, downloadable; computer game software, recorded; joysticks for use with computers, other than for video games; computer keyboards; computer programs, downloadable; computer programs, downloadable in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; computer programs, recorded; computer programs, recorded in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; computer operating programs, recorded; computer operating programs, recorded in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; computer software applications, downloadable; computer software applications, downloadable in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; mouse (computer peripheral); processors (central processing units); downloadable ring tones for mobile phones; computer software, recorded; computer software, recorded in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; downloadable video game software; downloadable interactive video game software; downloadable computer programs for playing electronic games and computer software platforms downloaded via the Internet, electronic mail or via portable, mobile, handheld or tablet devices, for use in accessing social networks; electronic downloadable publications in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; electronic downloadable publications in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events, distributed via the Internet, electronic mail or portable, mobile, handheld and tablet devices; recorded or downloadable applications for electronic games; computer software downloadable and recorded for a game engine for developing and using video games; downloadable and recorded computer game software for generating and displaying slot machine betting results; downloadable or recorded computer software for casino games, slot machines and online electronic games; downloadable game software for electronic devices; downloadable sports betting game software; downloadable graphical user interface software; interactive software; interactive computer systems; interactive entertainment software for computers; downloadable computer software used in the provision of entertainment services, namely, in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance; entertainment systems consisting of computer hardware and downloadable game software; computer software and computers with multimedia and interactive functions; apparatus and devices for recording, transmission, reproduction of sound, data and images; downloadable computer software and downloadable computer software platform, incorporating a single or multiple computer applications featuring functional and graphical elements for creating, operating, managing, monitoring and supervising on-line gaming, betting and gambling portals, contests and tournaments, and for management of customer relationship and customer accounts; downloadable computer game software and computer software for gambling used for slot machines; downloadable computer game programs and computer programs for gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, card games, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, for electronic mobile devices and cell phones; downloadable computer game software applications and computer software applications for gambling; downloadable computer software, in particular, for gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, for playing via telecommunications networks and the Internet, with or without prizes; electronic virtual reality motion simulators; virtual reality headsets; virtual reality game headsets; downloadable virtual reality software for simulation while playing video games; downloadable virtual and augmented reality software for playing video games; downloadable virtual reality software for telecommunications; downloadable virtual reality game software; computer virtual reality game hardware; electronic number generators; electronic number generators in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; downloadable computer operating systems software; recorded computer game programs with sports elements; 3D spectacles; connected bracelets (measuring instruments); downloadable graphics for mobile phones; computer screen saver software, recorded or downloadable; downloadable image files; downloadable music files; encoded magnetic cards; protected encoded identity cards; identity cards with encoded protective features; magnetic encoded identity cards with holograms; photographic and cinematographic apparatus and instruments for use in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; downloadable computer game programs for pocket devices.
Class 038
Communications Services
Telecommunication services; telecommunication services to provide access to games, gambling and content; providing access to databases; providing information in the field of telecommunications; providing user access to global computer networks; providing internet chatrooms; providing internet chatrooms in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; providing online forums; providing online forums in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; communications by fibre optic networks / communications by fiber optic networks; communications by computer terminals; video-on-demand transmission; transmission of electronic mail; computer aided transmission of messages and images; computer aided transmission of messages and images i in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; transmission of podcasts; transmission of digital files; transmission of digital files in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; message sending; message sending in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; videoconferencing services; electronic bulletin board services (telecommunications services); telecommunications routing and junction services; news agency services; streaming of data; rental of access time to global computer networks; wireless broadcasting; providing access to databases featuring information content of websites and portals as communication services; audio, video and multimedia broadcasting via the Internet and other communication networks; broadcasting services; communication services via computer networks; communication services via computer networks in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; data transmission by electronic means; data transmission services; electronic data transmission, including audiovisual data, via a global computer network or the Internet; electronic communication services; data transmission via electronic communication; data transmission via electronic communication in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; electronic data exchange services; electronic messaging services; electronic messaging services in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; electronic messaging services via computers; electronic messaging services via computers in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; rental of access time to computer databases; video and audio material streaming services on the Internet; electronic transmission and dissemination of data, including information, via computer networks and the Internet; electronic transmission and dissemination of data, including information, via computer networks and the Internet in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; electronic transmission of data, audio, video and multimedia files, including transmission of downloadable files and files transmitted over a global computer network; transmission of information in real time; transmission (routing) of audio, images and digital signals.
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Entertainment services; dubbing; language interpretation; providing films, not downloadable, via video-on-demand services; sound engineering services for events; sound engineering services for events in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; organization of shows (impresario services) for entertainment purposes; organization of shows (impresario services) in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; party planning (entertainment); video editing services for events; video editing services for events in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; lighting technician services for events; music composition services; production of shows; film production, other than advertising films; film production, other than advertising films in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; scriptwriting, other than for advertising purposes; scriptwriting, other than for advertising purposes in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; writing of texts; writing of texts in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; presentation of live performances; rental of audio equipment; rental of audio equipment in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; rental of show scenery; rental of show scenery in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; rental of sound recordings; rental of sound recordings in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; publication of texts, other than publicity texts; electronic desktop publishing; providing user reviews for entertainment purposes; providing information in the field of entertainment; providing online videos, not downloadable; providing online electronic publications, not downloadable; practical training (demonstration); training services provided via simulators; games equipment rental; rental of training simulators; providing casino facilities (gambling); game services provided online from a computer network; providing amusement arcade services; gambling services; providing information in the field of gambling; organization of competitions in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, card games, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, by providing the related content live or via television, or online via computer databases, or via the internet, or via portable, mobile, handheld or tablet devices; organization of lotteries, including live or via television, or online via computer databases, or via the Internet, or via portable, mobile, handheld or tablet devices; organization of sports competitions, including live or via television, or online via computer databases, or via the Internet, or via portable, mobile, handheld or tablet devices; layout services, other than for advertising purposes; online gambling services provided via a computer network; virtual reality gaming services provided online from a computer network; providing online and offline gaming services for accepting bets; providing online and offline game services, where the result depends on the mastery, skill of the player; providing online and offline game services for the control of entertainment games, in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; arranging, conducting and presenting, other than for commercial or advertising purposes, of tournaments, competitions, game shows, and other entertainment events live or via television, or online via computer databases, or via the Internet, or via portable, mobile, handheld or tablet devices; organization and conducting presentations of the aforesaid services, other than for commercial or advertising purposes; providing information in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; organization games, gaming entertainments, namely shows, tournaments, competitions and conducting their presentations, other than for commercial or advertising purposes; providing the aforesaid services online via computer databases, or via the Internet, or via portable, mobile, handheld or tablet devices; providing online game services for electronic games provided via the Internet.
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Design and development of computer hardware and software; computer system analysis; computer system analysis in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events and for providing access to the related content; graphic arts design; graphic design of promotional materials; off-site data backup; research and development of new products for others; duplication of computer programs; electronic data storage; electronic monitoring of personally identifying information to detect identity theft via the internet; providing information relating to computer technology and programming via a website; installation of computer software; information technology services provided on an outsourcing basis; computer programming; conversion of computer programs and data, other than physical conversion; computer technology consultancy; Internet security consultancy; data security consultancy; information technology (IT) consultancy; computer software consultancy; computer security consultancy; consultancy in the design and development of computer hardware; website design consultancy; monitoring of computer systems for detecting unauthorized access or data breach; monitoring of computer systems to detect breakdowns; monitoring of computer systems by remote access; maintenance of computer software; updating of computer software; platform as a service (PaaS); user authentication services using technology for e-commerce transactions; user authentication services using single sign-on technology for online software applications; hosting computer websites; data encryption services; software as a service (SaaS); computer system design; rental of web servers; rental of computer software; industrial design; development of computer platforms; software development in the framework of software publishing; creating and maintaining websites for others; creating and designing website-based indexes of information, for others (information technology services); providing virtual computer systems through cloud computing; server hosting; styling (industrial design); computer system administration of user accounts in computer networks; computer-aided videographic design; computer-aided videographic design in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance, including for arranging tournaments, competitions, game shows, events; development of software in accordance with the individual needs of the client; development of interactive multimedia software; development of software for data conversion and conversion of multimedia content into various protocols; design and development of software for computer games and virtual reality; leasing of computer hardware; software development of Internet platforms; development and design of computer software for video games; testing of computer hardware and software; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for access and operation in cloud computing environments; software as a service (SaaS), namely, a web platform that provides software for viewing, detecting, searching, configuring content, managing and exploring content in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for computer games and gambling; providing temporary use of non-downloadable game software; research, development and design of computer software for a computer platform that includes one or more applications that contain functional and graphical elements in the field of gambling, betting, wagering, lotteries, casinos, educational games, games, where the result depends on mastery, skill of the player and other games of chance; application service providers (ASP), namely, hosting computer software applications of others for creating, using, managing, monitoring and supervising online gaming and gambling portals, contests and tournaments, and for managing customer relationships and customer accounts; providing temporary use of non-downloadable software for creating, using, managing, monitoring and supervising on-line gaming, betting and gambling portals, contests and tournaments, and for management of customer relationship and customer accounts.
Recorded and downloadable media files, software, computers and compute...
on 13 May 2024
2238496 · 24 Nov 2022
Class 014
Jewelry Products
Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery, precious and semi-precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments.
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Advertising; business management, organization and administration; office functions; bringing together, for benefit of others, of a variety of precious metals and their alloys, jewellery, precious and semi-precious stones, horological and chronometric instruments enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods.
Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery, precious and semi-preciou...
on 3 Feb 2025
EGST Israel Ltd
2242755 · 16 Nov 2022
Class 012
Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water
Baby strollers; wheels for strollers; handles for strollers; locks for strollers; fitted stroller mosquito nets; children's safety seats for vehicles; vehicle safety seats for babies; back seat organizers specially adapted for use in cars; cervical cushions specially adapted for automobile seats; car seat safety harnesses, namely, seat inserts; baby carriage canopies to protect against rain, sun and wind; baskets adapted for attachment to strollers; special needs strollers; wheels for special needs strollers; fitted special needs stroller mosquito nets; locks for special needs strollers; stroller boards designed to be attached to strollers; strollers connected as bike trailers.
Class 020
Furniture Products
Furniture and furniture accessories for babies, toddlers and children, namely feeding chairs; booster chairs (not for vehicle use); pillows; mattresses; bed bases for mattresses; bottle caps, not of metal; cradles; diaper changing mats; diaper changing stations; changing tables for babies; safety gates (not made from metal); nursing pillows; portable seats for toilet use; child resistant safety closures, not of metal, for containers; bumper guards for cribs, other than bed linen; fittings, not of metal, for beds; stools; baby walkers.
Class 028
Toys and Sporting Goods Products
Toys, games and playthings for babies, toddlers and children, namely swings, balance bicycle.
Baby strollers; wheels for strollers; handles for strollers; locks for...
on 2 Aug 2024
2219362 · 2 Nov 2022
Class 014
Jewelry Products
Ankle chains; bracelets; children's jewellery; clock and watch hands; clocks and watches; earrings; finger rings; hand chains; jewelry; jewelry brooches; jewelry cases; jewelry rings; men's jewellery; necklaces; pendants; women's jewelry
Ankle chains; bracelets; children's jewellery; clock and watch hands; ...
on 21 Jun 2024
2222920 · 20 Oct 2022
Class 022
Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products
Plastic strapping for bundling loads of goods.
Plastic strapping for bundling loads of goods.
on 29 Jan 2025
2233116 · 18 Oct 2022
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Audio equipment for vehicles, namely, loud speakers for automotive audio systems; digital maps for autonomous vehicles; driver systems for autonomous vehicles; electronic data recorders for land vehicles; emergency light bars for vehicles; fuel level indicators for vehicles; heads-up displays for motor vehicles; kilometer recorders for vehicles; navigation apparatus for vehicles in the form of on-board computers; radios for vehicles; rearview cameras for vehicles; speedometers for vehicles; vehicle safety equipment, namely, back-up sensors and cameras; vehicle tracking devices; apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data, namely, DVD recorders, digital video recorders, digital music players, CD players, radio players, video cameras; recorded and downloadable media, namely, CDs containing music, CDs containing navigation data, CDs containing car manuals; optical discs, mp3 cards and USB flash drives containing manuals, navigation data and software for operating invehicle infotainment systems, virtual assistant software for use in automobiles, blank digital or analogue recording and storage media, namely, blank laser discs, hard discs, optical discs, and USB flash drives; cash registers; computers and computer peripheral devices, namely, digital cameras, keyboards, modems, mice, printers, scanners, speakers; diving suits, divers' masks, ear plugs for divers, nose clips for divers and swimmers, gloves for divers, breathing apparatus for underwater swimming; spectacle cases; spectacle frames; downloadable electronic publications, namely, booklets, books, brochures, handbooks, magazines, newsletters and pamphlets.
Class 012
Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water
Automobiles and their constructive parts.
Class 014
Jewelry Products
Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery, precious and semi-precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments, namely watches; cases for watches [presentation].
Class 025
Clothing Products
Casual clothing, formal wear, sports clothing, children's clothing, golf wear, outdoor winter clothing, rainwear, ski-wear; caps, hats, sun visors, berets, hooded jackets, hooded sweaters, hooded pullovers, ear muffs, head bands, toques.
Class 027
Floor Covering products
Car mats.
Audio equipment for vehicles, namely, loud speakers for automotive aud...
Serenity LLC
2229691 · 12 Oct 2022
Class 025
Clothing Products
Pants; denim pants
Pants; denim pants,Hoodies; pullovers; shirts; shorts; bottoms as clot...
on 9 Sept 2024
2239865 · 10 Oct 2022
Class 025
Clothing Products
Clothing, namely, shirts, T-shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, and hats.
Class 028
Toys and Sporting Goods Products
Sports equipment, namely, surfboards, longboard surfboards, shortboard surfboards, grovelers being surfboards, funboard surfboards, midlength surfboards, softboards in the nature of surfboards and paddle boards, soft top boards in the nature of surfboards and paddle boards, paddleboards, prone paddle boards, stand-up paddle boards, stand-up surf paddle boards, inflatable paddle boards, touring stand-up paddle boards and stand-up surf paddle boards; surf and paddle board accessories, namely, stand-up board paddles; parts and fittings for water sports equipment, namely, replacement fins for surfboards, replacement fins for prone paddle boards, replacement fins for stand-up paddle boards; traction pads for paddle boards, surfboard traction pads; bags specifically adapted for stand-up paddle boards, bags specifically adapted for surfboards; surfboard leashes, stand-up paddle board leashes; covers specifically adapted for paddles for paddle boards; pumps for inflating sports equipment, namely, pumps for inflating paddle boards; surfboard and paddle board repair patches in the nature of tape and repair putty.
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Online retail store services featuring water sports equipment and related products and accessories; online retail store services featuring surfboards and paddle boards; online retail store services featuring foils and wings for use with surfboards, stand-up boards, wake boards and kite boards; online retail store services featuring tie downs for surfboards; online retail store services featuring apparel.
Clothing, namely, shirts, T-shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, and hats....
on 7 Feb 2025
SK hynix NAND Product Solutions Corp.
2218459 · 27 Sept 2022
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Solid state drives; semiconductors; flash memory cards, secure digital memory cards; blank USB flash drives.
Class 040
Treatment & Processing of Materials Services
Custom manufacture of semiconductors, flash memory cards and secure digital memory cards.
Solid state drives; semiconductors; flash memory cards, secure digital...
The bank of nova scotia (88)
Rothmans benson & hedges inc. (33)
Mercedes-benz group ag (27)
Samsung electronics co. ltd. (26)
Standard & poor's financial services llc (19)
Skechers u.S.A. inc. ii a virginia corporation (13)
Igt canada solutions ulc (11)
Skechers u.S.A., inc. ii (11)
Shopify inc. (10)
Microsoft corporation (9)
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Marks & clerk (119)
Borden ladner gervais llp (106)
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Osler, hoskin & harcourt llp (62)
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$799 / 1 class + gov fee
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$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
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$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
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$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
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$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Equatorial Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
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$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
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$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
Marshall Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
North Macedonia
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Papua New Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Kitts and Nevis
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Lucia
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
San Marino
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sao Tome and Principe
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sierra Leone
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Solomon Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
South Sudan
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1599 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Trinidad and Tobago
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee