About 1,138 Trademarks found for “ALLURA-FIRE”
Mark | Details | Status | Class/Description | |
WORLD POLICE & FIRE GAMES LA SOCIÉTÉ DES JEUX MONDIAUX DES POLICIERS ET POMPIERS QUÉBEC 2005 INC. 1166285 29 Jan 2003 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 2 Nov 2005 | Papier à lettres, des brochures et des chandails (polos).,Blousons, ca... Class 002 Class 002 Paint Products Papier à lettres, des brochures et des chandails (polos). Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Blousons, casquettes, T-shirts, porte-documents et survêtements. ... Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Souliers, bottes, sandales, mocassins, pantoufles, tabliers, ascots, ceintures, boucles de ceinture, chemisiers, capes, bonnets, manteaux, cravates, culottes, plastrons, robes, survêtements d'entraînement, vestes de sport, sous-vêtements, gants, mouchoirs, chapeaux, casquettes, bandeaux de tête, foulards de tête, bonneterie, vestes, jerseys, chasubles, combinaisons-pantalons, pantalons, jeans, mitaines, manchons, salopettes, couvre-chaussures, imperméables, culottes, costumes de plage, maillots de bain, ponchos, foulards, châles, chemises, jupes, pyjamas, sarraus, mantoles, complets, bretelles, débardeurs, collants, toques, gilets, chandails, pulls, casquettes, visières; mousse et sels pour le bain, eaux de Cologne, parfums, crème et mousse pour le rasage, huile et lait pour le bronzage de la peau, savons, eau de toilette, rouge à lèvres, fards, vernis à ongles, parfums, brosse à dos, gants de toilette, brosses à cheveux, brosses à dents, brosses à ongles, ciseaux, trousses de manucure, rasoirs, rasoirs électriques, papier démaquillant, trousses de premiers soins, petites serviettes en papier, plateaux à savons, porte-brosses à dents; literies, nommément; draps, dessus-de-lit, couvertures et couvre-lit, bâche, rideaux, coussins, linges à vaisselles, tentures, serviettes, porte-bouteilles, carpettes, serviettes de table, oreillers, taies d'oreiller, jardinières, serviettes, tapis de tables, nappes, tapisseries, couvre-théières, napperons, mitaines à four; boutons, nécessaires à tapisserie sur canevas, outils d'utilisations pour la fabrication artisanale de la broderie, de la couture, tissus frappés pour la broderie, écussons et emblèmes brodés, tapisseries, tissus à la verge et cuirs synthétiques, dés à coudre; sacs à dos, sacs de sport, sacs de plastique, valises, besace, porte-documents, bourses, portefeuilles, porte-cartes de crédit, coffrets, boîtiers pour médailles, malles, sacs fourre-tout, étuis à peigne, signets, étuis pour articles de toilette, plaque d'identification, étuis et montures pour celles-ci; sièges en cuir, sièges en plastique, sièges pliants et coussins; parapluies, images de tous genres; équipement photographique, vidéo et audio, nommément; appareils photographiques, projecteurs, films, photos, photographies, albums, images, bulletins, catalogues, billets, pochettes, formulaires, livres, napperons de restaurant, laissez-passer, posters, affiches, cartes de signalisation, certificats, épreuves, lampes, abat-jour, tables, écrans, diapositives, épreuves transparentes, visionneuses, bandes vidéo, CD-ROM et cassettes préenregistrés comportant des enregistrements musicaux, des chansons publiées pour World Police Fire Games Québec 2005, la trame sonore de la cérémonie d'ouverture et de clôture, des "jam" sessions et des concerts pour World Police Fire Games Québec 2005 ou comportant du matériel photographique ou audio-visuel relié au World Police Fire Games Québec 2005, bandes, téléviseurs, radios, étagères, étuis pour le transport, catalogue de disques, couvercles de plateau, en papier, en plastique et métalliques, émetteurs-récepteurs portatifs, pochettes de disque, pochettes de cassette, ordinateurs, magnétoscopes; articles de sport, équipement athlétique, nommément; maillots extenseurs, haltères, ceintures d'exercice, bancs d'exercice, bicyclettes d'exercice, souliers d'exercice, lunettes de sécurité, casques protecteurs, couvertures pour chevaux, pistolets, fusils, arc, patin à roulettes, cordes, selles, traîneaux, gants de sport, traîneaux sauvages, raquettes de badminton, balles de baseball, gants de baseball, ballons de basketball, palmes pour la nage, lunettes pour la nage, masque pour la nage, tubas pour la nage, bicyclettes, clochettes pour bicyclette, avertisseurs pour bicyclettes, feux pour bicyclettes, sacs pour cyclotourisme, sacs d'entraînement de boxe, shorts de boxe, sacs de bowling, étuis de bowling, fléchettes, cibles pour jeux de fléchettes, jeux de fléchettes, ballons de football, casques de football, sacs de golf, balles de golf, poussettes de golf, gants de golf, bourses de golf pour dames, cadrans de leçon de golf, tees de golf, serviettes de golf, parapluies de golf, ballons de handball, gants de handball, gants de hockey, casques de hockey, casques de moto, chandails de hockey, boules de billards, étagères, boules de billards, marqueurs muraux pour le billard, skis, sacs de ski, ballons de soccer, balles de balle-molle, bâtons de balle-molle, gants de balle-molle, balles de squash, lunettes de protection pour le squash, raquettes de squash, balles de ping-pong, ensembles de ping-pong, balles de tennis, balles volley, skis de fond, ainsi que cires, sifflets, compas, brûleurs d'encens ou d'huiles essentielles, chaufferettes pour les mains, podomètres, jeux et jouets, nommément; punching-ball, balles, ballons, pompes pour ballons, clochettes, flûtes, planeurs, cordes à sauter, automobiles d'enfants, cerf-volants, billes, marionnettes, hochets, toupies, sifflets, seaux, trottinettes, pâtes à modeler, découpages, crayons à colorier, livres à colorier, planches de jeu, jeux de table, casse-tête, roues de fortune, jeux de cartes, jetons, mélangeurs de cartes, plateaux, tables de jeux, chaises de jeux et combinaisons et ensembles de tous les articles mentionnés ci-dessus, jetons, porte-jetons, dés, jouets de construction, jouets fonctionnant à piles, jouets de plage, jouets gonflables, animaux jouets, jouets rembourrés, trousses à jeux à trois dimensions, blocs de construction, articles ménagers, décorations et autres articles du même genre, nommément: cendriers, paniers, pinceaux à badigeonner, stores, bouteilles, bouchons de bouteilles, ouvre-bouteilles, bols, moules à beurre, plateaux à gâteaux, bougies, bougeoirs, mouchettes, chandeliers, candélabres, tapis, ensembles de sculpture, girandoles, lustres, baguettes, couverts, vaisselle de table, ensemble de huiliers, tasses, coutellerie, ménagères, coupoirs, tasses à café, plats, soupières, coquetières, coquetiers, figurines, lampes de poche, service de fondue, verres, gobelets, bourriches, cintres coussins pour les pieds, jardinières, bocaux, couteaux, lampes, plateaux tournants, dessous de plat, moulins à épices et moulins à café, miroirs, chopes, supports, échoppes, casse-noix, pose-plats, seaux, pichets, napperons, ensembles de couverts, pots à plantes, plateaux, écuelles, pots, carpettes, boîtes à sandwiches, soucoupes, abat-jours, cordons de store, shakers, sorbetières, cuillers, tapisseries, théières, comptes-minutes, boîtes en fer blanc, fontaines, bouteilles isolantes, vases, publication, nommément; livres pour enfants, pour adolescents, et pour adultes, albums de collectionneurs, casse-tête, guides, recueils de musique et (ou) de chansons, agendas et registres, calendriers, brochures, bandes dessinées, tableaux de croissance, périodiques, cartes, journaux, feuilles de musique, feuilles, classeurs, porte-journaux, étalages pour publications, combinaisons, agendas, albums, auto-relieurs, couvertures de livres, serre-livres, signets, couverture de dossiers, tableaux d'affichage, calculatrice, calendriers, blocs calendriers, supports à calendriers, cartes de style contemporain, affiches murales, coupons, enveloppes, autocollants, cartes postales, porte-cartes, planchette porte-papiers, fusains, boîte à document, enveloppes, gommes à effacer, carnets de cadre, papier d'emballage cadeau, cartes de souhaits, livres d'invitations, couvre-lettres, agendas, bloc-notes, plaques avec nom, calepins, mémorandums, cartes à écrire, papier à écrire, notes de remerciements, presse-papiers, stylos, crayons, boîtes à crayons, coffrets à crayons, taille-crayons, cartes de convives, agendas de poche, règles, papier brouillon, aide-mémoire des achats à effectuer, sacs à provisions, monnaies, timbres, mascottes, livrets de timbres, étiquettes, répertoires téléphoniques, papier d'emballage, papier à écrire, tablette pour écrire, papier décoratif, papier d'aluminium, distributeurs de gobelets en papier, papier à tapisser, étiquettes gommées à décalcomanies, étiquettes adhésives à apposer sur les pare-chocs, papier contact, écussons, insignes à apposer à chaud, emblèmes à apposer à chaud, décalcomanies à apposer par repassage, étiquettes adhésives, étiquettes munies de ficelles, étiquettes, porte-étiquettes, marqueurs à étiquettes, boîtes à courrier, supports à agenda, papier mémos, crayons-feutre tampons, timbres, distributeurs de papier, papier à tapisser les étagères, pailles pour boire, adhésifs, chiffres adhésifs, étiquettes adhésives pour automobiles; articles de fumeurs et accessoires de réception, nommément; cendriers, cigares, boîtes à cigares, cigarettes, boîtes à cigarettes, coffrets à cigarettes, porte-cigarettes, cigarillos, briquets, briquets de poche, briquets de table, allumettes, pipes, assortiments d'articles de fumeur, râteliers pour articles de fumeurs, tabac, boîtes à cigares pourvues d'un humidificateur, blagues à tabac, râteliers tournants, bouteilles, bars portatifs, nécessaires pour bar, signes pour bar, carafes, mélanges à cocktails, tire-bouchons, étiquettes de carafes, marqueurs à boisson, flacons, gourdes, seaux à glace, pinces à glace, doseurs à alcool, étiquettes pour les alcools, bols à punch, mélanges pour boisson non alcooliques, chopes à bières, verres à pied, agitateurs, fouets à champagne, cure-dents, porte-bouteilles; souvenirs et cadeaux, nommément; couvertures, peaux, arrangements floraux, artificiels, plantes artificielles, emblèmes pour automobiles, insignes paniers, emblèmes pour bicyclettes, porte-feuilles, couvertures de livres, boomerangs, insignes, boutons, cannes, serviettes, calendriers, porte-monnaie, représentations de personnages de Noël, plaques commémoratives, écussons, décalcomanies, figurines, pièces d'artifice, drapeaux, boules de neige, cadeaux en verre, tableaux de croissance, barrettes à cheveux, éventails, kaléidoscope, breloques et porte-clefs, étuis à clefs, supports pour cadre de plaque d'immatriculation, porte-cartes pour permis de conduire, cartes géographiques, marionnettes, masques, constructions miniatures, mobiles, sculptures, maquettes, tirelires, pinces à billets, murales, figurines musicales, dispositifs, émetteurs de bruits, chapeaux de nouveauté, crayons de nouveauté, enveloppes, ombrelles, presse-papiers, décorations pour colis, paniers de réception, poupées-jouets pour réception, allumettes de réception, pièces pour rapiécer, étuis à crayons, ensembles de stylos, fanions, plaques, chemises en plastique, couteaux de poche, étiquettes applicables par pression, poudriers de sac à main, hochets, boîtes à recettes, plaques murales portant des recettes, souvenirs scéniques, albums de découpures, statuettes, chopes à bière, tapisseries, jetons, motifs totémiques, tirelires en forme de tours, ornements arboricoles, breloques, trousses de toilette, décors muraux, ornements muraux, plaques murales, portefeuilles, bracelets de montre et bracelets de montre en cuir, bandeaux de poignet, souvenirs en forme de boules de neige et bouteilles remplies d'eaux, soucoupes, banques, coffres, porcelaine, tasses, plaques d'immatriculation, souvenirs s'attachant au curseur des fermetures éclair, bannières, baguettes, cloches, gourdes, encens, brûleurs d'encens, dessous de bouteilles, aimants, plombs, napperons, avertisseurs; équipement pour le camping et l'extérieur et produits apparentés, nommément: matelas, chaises, glacières, accessoires de vaisselle, nommément verres et tasses, cruches, tabourets, tables, havresacs, lampes-tempête, ustensiles pour la cuisson à l'extérieur, sacs à dos, sac de couchage, tentes, accessoire de canotage, nommément: canots, coussins de sauvetage, brassières de sauvetage, vestes de sauvetage, pagaies, briquets, torches, coussins de bateau; bijoux et articles décoratifs, nommément: anneaux s'attachant autour de la cheville, barrettes, bracelets, broches, ensemble de brosses, plateaux à brosses, et peignes, chaînes, porte-bonheur, barrettes de col, épingles de col, peignes, ensembles de peignes, assortiments de peignes et brosses pour enfants, poudriers, croix, crucifix, boutons de manchettes, garnitures de toilette, boucles d'oreilles, coffrets à boucles d'oreilles, organisateurs de boucles d'oreilles, lingots métalliques, lingots miniatures, boîtes à bijoux, coffres à bijoux, écrins à bijoux, épingles de revers, médaillons de parure, médailles, rubans à médailles, rubans à médailles, médaillons, boîtes à musique, cassettes musicales préenregistrées comportant des enregistrements musicaux, des chansons publiées pour Québec 2005, la trame sonore de la cérémonie d'ouverture et de clôture, des "jam" sessions et des concerts pour World Police Fire Games Québec 2005, colliers, pendentifs, boîtes à pilules, épingles, agrafes à cravate, épingles à cravate, broquettes à cravate, trophées, plateaux à maquillage, bracelets de force, breloques, breloques porte-clefs, porte-clefs, porte-clefs avec plaques, pendules, supports à lunettes, chausse-pieds, baromètres, chronomètres, chronographes, compas, jumelles, loupes, lunettes de soleil, thermomètres, décalcomanies, écussons et étiquettes; affiches bannières, oriflammes, banderoles, dossards, tentes, kiosques, marquises, devantures, souvenirs, nommément des véhicules de pompiers miniatures, statuettes, fanions, drapeaux, insignes, macarons, plaques, boîtes en carton, boîtes à jouet, boîtes à courrier, boîtes en bois, boîtiers pour CD; papeterie, nommément papier à lettre, blocs-notes, enveloppes, presse-papier; pochettes; vêtements et articles vestimentaires pour hommes, dames et enfants, nommément chandails, T-shirts. Class 006 Metal Products La planification, l'organisation, la coordination, le contrôle, la réalisation, la publicité et la diffusion par le biais de la radio, la télévision, affiches et livrets promotionnels, magazines, journaux, de manière électronique, nommément par Internet, CD-ROM préenregistrés comportant des extraits visuels et sonores reliés au World Police Fire Games Québec 2005 et par des vidéo clips et ce, selon les besoins de la requérante et en association avec les Jeux Mondiaux des Policiers et Pompiers, conformément aux règlements de la World Police and Fire Games Federation. Class 007 Machinery Products Class 008 Hand Tool Products Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Class 010 Medical Instrument Products Class 011 Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking Class 012 Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water Class 013 Firearm Products Class 014 Jewelry Products Class 015 Musical Instrument Products Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Class 017 Rubber Products Class 018 Leather Products not including clothing Class 020 Furniture Products Class 021 Houseware and Glass Products Class 022 Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products Class 024 Fabrics Class 025 Clothing Products Class 026 Lace, Ribbons & Embroidery and Fancy Goods Class 027 Floor Covering products Class 028 Toys and Sporting Goods Products Class 030 Staple Food Products Class 032 Light Beverage Products Class 034 Smoker's Products Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services | ||
WINNIPEG FIRE PARAMEDIC SERVICE THE CITY OF WINNIPEG 914831 5 Dec 2002 | ADVERTISED on 8 Jan 2003 | Chemicals and adhesives,Paints, varnishes and lacquers,Bleaching, clea... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemicals and adhesives Class 002 Class 002 Paint Products Paints, varnishes and lacquers ... Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Bleaching, cleaning preparations and non-medicated cosmetics Class 004 Lubricant and Fuel Products Industrial oils, greases and fuels Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Pharmaceuticals and herbicides Class 006 Metal Products Common metals Class 007 Machinery Products Machinery Class 008 Hand Tool Products Hand tools Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Electrical, scientific and teaching apparatus and software Class 010 Medical Instrument Products Medical and veterinary devices Class 011 Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking Environmental control items Class 012 Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water Vehicles Class 013 Firearm Products Guns and ammunitions Class 014 Jewelry Products Precious and semi-precious metals, and jewellery Class 015 Musical Instrument Products Musical instruments Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Paper and printed goods Class 017 Rubber Products Rubber and rubber goods Class 018 Leather Products not including clothing Leather and artificial leather goods Class 019 Non-Metallic Building Material Products Non-metallic building materials Class 020 Furniture Products Furniture, mirrors, articles not included in other classes Class 021 Houseware and Glass Products Household goods and glass Class 022 Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products Ropes and fibres Class 023 Yarns and Threads Yarns and threads Class 024 Fabrics Textiles and textile goods Class 025 Clothing Products Clothing, footwear, headgear Class 026 Lace, Ribbons & Embroidery and Fancy Goods Sewing and decorative items including slide fasteners Class 027 Floor Covering products Floor coverings Class 028 Toys and Sporting Goods Products Games, toys and playthings, sporting articles Class 029 Meats and Processed Food Products Meats and processed foods Class 030 Staple Food Products Staple foods Class 031 Natural Agricultural Products Agricultural, horticultural and forestry Class 032 Light Beverage Products Beer and non-alcoholic beverages Class 033 Wines and Spirits Products Wines and spirits Class 034 Smoker's Products Smoker's articles Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Advertising, marketing, promotional and business Class 036 Insurance & Financial Services Insurance and financial Class 037 Construction and Repair Services Building construction and repair Class 038 Communications Services Telecommunications Class 039 Transportation & Storage Services Transportation and storage Class 040 Treatment & Processing of Materials Services Treatment of materials Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Education and entertainment Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Computer and scientific Class 043 Restaurant and Hotel Services Accommodation, food and drink Class 044 Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services Medical and veterinary, beauty, agricultural and forestry Class 045 Personal & Legal & Social Services Personal and legal | ||
FIRE BREATHIN' GOURMET FOODS PROKOPICH BRENNAN MIKAEL 'TRADING AS' FIRE BREATHIN' GOURMET FOODS 1158176 12 Nov 2002 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 21 Apr 2004 | Wholesaler of canned or preserved specialty foods.,Spicy pearl onions,... Class 025 Class 025 Clothing Products Class 029 Class 029 Meats and Processed Food Products Pickled and or marinated canned vegetables. Spicy foods in general. Canned spicy grean beans (full length). ... Class 030 Staple Food Products Spicy asparagus (full length) Class 031 Natural Agricultural Products Spicy pearl onions Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Wholesaler of canned or preserved specialty foods. | ||
FIRE IN THE ROCKIES PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE OF CALGARY 1158504 7 Nov 2002 | WITHDRAWN BY OWNER on 9 Jan 2004 | Operation of youth, young adult and leaders conferences. Class 041 Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Operation of youth, young adult and leaders conferences. | ||
TWIN-HEADED FIRE DRAGON KONAMI CORPORATION A LEGAL ENTITY 1126217 21 Dec 2001 | ABANDONED SECTION 40(3) on 12 Jan 2005 | Stand-alone video game machines; hand-held units for playing electroni... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Class 016 Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Brochures and booklets relating to computer and video games; video game strategy guide books; video game strategy guide magazines; card game strategy guide books; card game strategy guide magazines; card game instruction books; card game instruction magazines; posters; playing cards and instruction manual sold therewith; computer game instruction manuals; printed game instruction sheets; printed scoring sheets; trading cards; calendars; loose-leaf binders; stationery, namely letter paper and envelopes; ball point pens, pencils, mechanical pencils, rubber erasers, pen cases. ... Class 028 Toys and Sporting Goods Products Stand-alone video game machines; hand-held units for playing electronic games; board games and instructional manuals sold as a unit therewith; card games; dice; game equipment, namely, chips; toys, namely, action figures; dolls and playsets therefor. | ||
CHARUBIN THE FIRE KNIGHT KONAMI CORPORATION A LEGAL ENTITY 1126313 21 Dec 2001 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 7 Oct 2003 | Stand-alone video game machines; hand-held units for playing electroni... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Computer products, namely computer game programs; video game cartridges; video game CD-ROMs; video game machines for use with televisions; computer game CD-ROMs; video game programs; video game programs for use with television sets; video game joysticks. Class 016 Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Brochures and booklets relating to computer and video games; video game strategy guide books; video game strategy guide magazines; card game strategy guide books; card game strategy guide magazines; card game instruction books; card game instruction magazines; posters; playing cards and instruction manual sold therewith; computer game instruction manuals; printed game instruction sheets; printed scoring sheets; trading cards; calendars; loose-leaf binders; stationery, namely letter paper and envelopes; ball point pens, pencils, mechanical pencils, rubber erasers, pen cases. ... Class 028 Toys and Sporting Goods Products Stand-alone video game machines; hand-held units for playing electronic games; board games and instructional manuals sold as a unit therewith; card games; dice; game equipment, namely, chips; toys, namely, action figures; dolls and playsets therefor. | ||
FIRE AND ICE PRINCESS 577121 BC LTD. 1118983 22 Oct 2001 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 21 Jul 2003 | Wholesale sales of both loose and set diamonds to jewellers, jewellery... Class 006 Class 006 Metal Products Class 014 Class 014 Jewelry Products ... Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Class 020 Furniture Products Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Class 039 Transportation & Storage Services Class 040 Treatment & Processing of Materials Services Loose diamonds and set diamonds; personal decorative articles, namely jewellery, rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, tie clips, cuff links, wristwatches, pendants, pins, and anklets; printed, lithographed and engraved material namely, books, brochures, pamphlets, postcards, calenders, pictures and posters; writing instruments, namely pencils, markers, pens; paper bags, writing paper and envelopes; desk blotters, memo paper, and note paper; packaging material namely boxes and protective sheaths for carrying and storing diamonds; and diamond supplies namely magnifying loops and tweezers. Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Wholesale sales of both loose and set diamonds to jewellers, jewellery designers, jewellery manufacturers, goldsmiths, and to other retail outlets and marketing of both loose and set diamonds using magazine advertisements, promotional videos, brochures, mail-outs, cards and price lists; retail sales of diamonds and jewellery; promotion of diamonds and diamond cutting to the public, jewellers and jewellery manufacturers; wholesale and retail sales of diamond-related products, namely printed, lithographed and engraved material namely, books, brochures, pamphlets, postcards, calenders, pictures and posters; paper products and office supplies namely, writing instruments, namely pencils, markers, pens, writing paper and envelopes; business supplies namely, desk blotters, memo paper, and note paper; packaging material namely boxes and protective sheaths for carrying and storing diamonds, diamond supplies such as magnifying loops and tweezers. | ||
REGISTERED FIRE PROTECTION TECHNICIAN APPLIED SCIENCE TECHNOLOGISTS AND TECHNICIANS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 912606 25 Sept 2000 | ADVERTISED on 29 Nov 2000 | Chemicals and adhesives,Paints, varnishes and lacquers,Bleaching, clea... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemicals and adhesives Class 002 Class 002 Paint Products Paints, varnishes and lacquers ... Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Bleaching, cleaning preparations and non-medicated cosmetics Class 004 Lubricant and Fuel Products Industrial oils, greases and fuels Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Pharmaceuticals and herbicides Class 006 Metal Products Common metals Class 007 Machinery Products Machinery Class 008 Hand Tool Products Hand tools Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Electrical, scientific and teaching apparatus and software Class 010 Medical Instrument Products Medical and veterinary devices Class 011 Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking Environmental control items Class 012 Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water Vehicles Class 013 Firearm Products Guns and ammunitions Class 014 Jewelry Products Precious and semi-precious metals, and jewellery Class 015 Musical Instrument Products Musical instruments Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Paper and printed goods Class 017 Rubber Products Rubber and rubber goods Class 018 Leather Products not including clothing Leather and artificial leather goods Class 019 Non-Metallic Building Material Products Non-metallic building materials Class 020 Furniture Products Furniture, mirrors, articles not included in other classes Class 021 Houseware and Glass Products Household goods and glass Class 022 Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products Ropes and fibres Class 023 Yarns and Threads Yarns and threads Class 024 Fabrics Textiles and textile goods Class 025 Clothing Products Clothing, footwear, headgear Class 026 Lace, Ribbons & Embroidery and Fancy Goods Sewing and decorative items including slide fasteners Class 027 Floor Covering products Floor coverings Class 028 Toys and Sporting Goods Products Games, toys and playthings, sporting articles Class 029 Meats and Processed Food Products Meats and processed foods Class 030 Staple Food Products Staple foods Class 031 Natural Agricultural Products Agricultural, horticultural and forestry Class 032 Light Beverage Products Beer and non-alcoholic beverages Class 033 Wines and Spirits Products Wines and spirits Class 034 Smoker's Products Smoker's articles Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Advertising, marketing, promotional and business Class 036 Insurance & Financial Services Insurance and financial Class 037 Construction and Repair Services Building construction and repair Class 038 Communications Services Telecommunications Class 039 Transportation & Storage Services Transportation and storage Class 040 Treatment & Processing of Materials Services Treatment of materials Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Education and entertainment Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Computer and scientific Class 043 Restaurant and Hotel Services Accommodation, food and drink Class 044 Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services Medical and veterinary, beauty, agricultural and forestry Class 045 Personal & Legal & Social Services Personal and legal | ||
ON FIRE FOR LIFE ANTHONY MCCLANAHAN 1045024 8 Feb 2000 | ABANDONED SECTION 40(3) on 26 Feb 2003 | Clothing namely, anoraks; aprons; ascots; baby bibs; bandannas; baseba... Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Clothing namely, anoraks; aprons; ascots; baby bibs; bandannas; baseball shirts; baseball stockings; baseball uniforms; baseball caps; basketball uniforms; basketball jerseys; basketball socks; basketball shorts; basketball pants; beach coats; belt buckles; belts; bib ties; bibs; blouses; body suits; booties; boots; bowling shirts; boxing trunks; bunting bags; buttons; caps; hats; berets; sport caps; golf caps; golf hats; straw hats; visors; capes; coats; fur coats; fur cloaks; jackets; blazers; topcoats; waistcoats; parkas; ponchos; collars; coveralls; cravats; cuff links; cummerbunds; diaper covers; diaper liners; diapers; dickeys; dresses; ear muffs; football shirts; football pants; football jackets; gloves; mittens; goggles; golf pants; golf shirts; golf jackets; golf shorts; gym shirts; gym shorts; gym pants; hair bows; handkerchiefs; jodhpurs; judo uniforms; jumpers; jumpsuits; laces; ladies' panties; lingerie; camisoles; negligees; foundation garments; brassieres; briefs; underwear; slips; garter belts; garters; lounge wear robes; sleepwear namely, night shirts, nightgowns, pajamas, bath wraps, bathrobes, dressing gowns, housecoats, kimonos, robes, wraparounds and wraps; thermal underwear; bed jackets; mantles; masquerade masks; masquerade costumes; muffs; neckties; neck warmers; one-piece jumpsuits; overalls; pants; jeans; trousers; knickers; scrub pants; rugby pants; polo shirts; polo pajamas; pullovers; purses; rain ponchos; raincoats; rainsuits; storm suits; storm coats; wind protection jacket; ribbons; sandals; sashes; scarves; shawls; shirts; dress shirts; tops; tank tops; jerseys; turtlenecks; knit shirts; smocks; rugby shirts; shorts; skirts; slacks; snow suits; snowmobile suits; soccer pants; soccer shirts; socks; hosiery; panty hose; leg warmers; leggings; leotards; sport shirts; stockings; suits; suspenders; sweat shirts; sweatband wristlets; sweaters; cardigans; sweat jackets; sweatpants; sweat shorts; sweat suits; jogging suits; track suits; swim pants; bikinis; swim trunks; halters; sunsuits; beach cover-ups; tennis pants; tennis shirts; tennis jackets; tennis shorts; tie tack sets; tie clasps; ties; tights; track and field shirts; track and field pants; tunics; tuxedos; uniforms; vests; warm-up tops; warm-up suits; warm-up pants; wrestling singlets; shoes; boots; athletic shoes; jogging shoes; overshoes; pumps; rubber boots; shoe laces; slip-ons; slippers; thongs; toe rubbers; caps; hats; head bands; straw hats; cowboy hats; visors; swim caps; toques; ear-muffs; fur hats; cosmetics and personal hygiene products namely, after-shave lotion; air fresheners; anti-perspirant; barrettes; bath oils; bath lotions; bath powders; bath and beauty soaps; bath beads; bath salts; blush; bobby pins; body lotions; body shampoo; hair brushes; bubble bath; candles; body cleansing lotions; cologne; hair combs; cosmetic cases; cosmetic wipes; cotton swabs; cover sticks; cream rinses; cuticle remover; decorative scented pouches; decorative scented purses; dental and denture cleaners; dental floss; dentrifices; denture adhesives; emery boards; eye makeup; eye liner pencils; eye shadows; eyebrow pencils; face and body cleansers; face and body shampoo; face makeup; facial powder compacts; face and body scrub; face powders; facial foundation makeup; false eye lashes; foundation; gels; hair shampoos; hair tonics; hair lotions; hair conditioners; hair sprays; hair colourings; hair dressings; hair rinses; highlighter cremes; lip stick; lip lining pencils; lip balms; lotions; manicure sets; mascara; mirrors; moisturizer preparations; moisturizing lotions; mouthwash; nail files; nail lacquer; nail polishes; panty shields; perfume; permanent wave preparations; potpourris; razor blades; razors; rouge; hair and body shampoo; shaving creams, foams, gels, lotions and soaps; skin balms; skin lotions; bathing soaps; stringents; sunblocks and sunscreens; suntan lotions and oils; talcum powders; tampons; toilet soap; toilet soaps; toilet water sprays; tooth gel; toothbrushes; toothpaste; vitamins; electric and battery powered products namely, amplifiers; pre-recorded audio tapes; cameras and electronic calculators; cassette recorders; chronometers; clocks; pre-recorded audio and computer compact disc containing music, games software, computer screen savers; compact disc players; electric lamps; electric night lights; flashlights; gramophones; indoor lighting fixtures; optical viewers; pagers; patch cords; pen lights; phonograph record cases; phonographs; pictorial inserts; pre-amplifiers; punched cards; radio phonographs; radios; stereo receivers; record cases; speakers; speakers and patch cords; tape decks; tape recorders; telephones; stereo tuners; video games and electronic games; watches; eyewear namely, binoculars; eyeglass cases; eyeglasses and sunglasses and frames therefor; goggles; novelty eyeglasses; protective glasses; safety glasses; food namely, carbonated and non-carbonated soft drinks; non-alcoholic carbonated beverages; milk; chocolate milk; coffee; tea; non-alcoholic malt beverages; distilled alcoholic beverages; liqueurs; brewed alcoholic beverages; wine; fermented alcoholic beverages; flavoured ice water; aerated waters; mineral water; spring water; fruit juices; juices; apple juice; orange juice; vegetable juices; fruit juice concentrates; baking-powder; baking soda; biscuits; bread; bubble gum; cakes; canned and preserved fruits and vegetables; breakfast cereals; cheese flavoured puffs; cheese; chewing gum; chips; chocolate bars; chocolate; cocoa; confectioneries; cookies; crackers; doughnuts; dried soups; edible nuts; edible seeds; flavoured syrup; french fries; fruits; fruits and cereals for babies; flavoured gelatin; herbs; honey; hamburgers; hot dogs; tinned meats; jams; jellies; ketchup; lollipops; muffins; mustard; nuts; pancakes; pasta; pastries; peanut butter; pepper; pickles; pies; pizza; popcorn; potato chips; preserves; pretzels; puddings; raisins; relishes; rice; rolls; salads; salt; seasonings; soup; spices; sugar; sugar confectionery; chocolate syrups; corn syrups; syrup flavoring; maple syrup; pancake syrups; table syrups; syrup topping; soft drink syrups; fruit juice syrups; malt beverage syrups; tarts; tinned fruits; tinned pastas; tinned vegetables; vegetables; vinegar; vitamins; waffles; yeast; yogurt; bubble gum; caramel corn; chewing gum; chocolate; chocolate bars; doughnuts; dried fruits; fudge; hard candy; ice cream; ice cream bars; licorice; lollipops; popcorn; potato chips; soft candy; toffee; yogurt; ice pops; ices; frozen yogurt; frozen bars; sherbet; baby products namely, baby carriers; bunting bags; bassinets; cradles; dressing tables; high chairs; infant towels; infant seats; infant undershirts; infants' and children's hosiery; playpens; rattles; receiving blankets; badges; barrettes; belt buckles; jewelry namely, bracelets, broaches, chains, charms, rings, costume jewelry, cufflinks, earrings, neck chains, necklaces, pendants, pins, pocket watches, ponytail holders, stickpins, tie bars, tie clasps, tie tacks, tie pins, watches, watch straps, watch chains and wrist bands; wallets; hair clips; jewelry boxes; key rings and chains; clocks; travel alarm clocks; music boxes; awards namely, badges, plaques, trophies, medallions and medals; money clips; ashtrays; barbecue cooking utensils; beer steins; beer mugs; beverage trays; beverage coolers; bowls; buckets; bud vases; candle holders; candles; candy jars; canisters; canvas wine bottle bags; carafes; carving boards; ceramic plates; ceramic coin banks; ceramic mugs; ceramic cups; ceramic steins; cheese boards; china cups; chopping block; cigarette lighters; clocks; cloths; coasters; coffee pots; commemorative plates; cookie jars; cookie rolling pins; cups; cutting boards; decanters; dinner bells; dish towels; dishes; drinking and decorative glasses; egg timers; figurines; flasks; fly swatters; food storage containers; glass plates; glass mugs; glass jars; goblets; hairbrushes; ice cube trays; ice cream containers; insulating sleeve holders for beverage containers; jar openers; jars; jugs; juice pitchers; lunch boxes; magnets; match boxes; matches; mixing bowls; mugs; napkin holders; napkins; oven mitts; pans; paper cups; paper towels; paper weights; paper plates; pewter mugs; picnic coolers; pill-boxes; pitchers; placemats; plastic and paper dinnerware; plastic dishes and cutlery; plates; platters; polyurethane beverage can holders; porcelain wares namely porcelain ashtrays, porcelain bells, porcelain vases, porcelain trinket boxes, porcelain figurines, and porcelain dishes; pot holders; pots; pottery; recipe files; removable insulators for drink cans; bottles and lunch boxes; salt and pepper sets; saucers; serviettes and envelopes; serving trays; serving platters; shooter glasses; shot glasses; soap dishes; soap cups; spatulas; spice mills; sponges; stained glass; steins; storage jars; sugar bowls and creamer sets; swizzle sticks; tankards; teapots; thermal insulated bottles; tongs; toothbrush holders; tooth brushes; trays; tumblers; vacuum bottles; vases; wastebaskets; water carriers; water bottles; wine caddies; beach towels; bed covers; bedspread skirts; bedspreads; blankets; carpets; cloth covers; coasters; comforters; cotton upholstery fabric; curtains; cushions; door knob covers; draperies; cushions; duvets; fabric flags; face cloths; mattress covers and pads; mattresses; murals and wallpaper; napkins; pennants; pictures; pillow cases; pillow shams; pillows; place mats; plaques; pot holders; quilt covers; quilts; rugs; serviettes; sleeping bags; slumber bags; table mats; table covers and table cloths; towels; hooded towels; travel blankets; decorative wall hangings; wash cloths; yarn; all-purpose gear-carrying bags; all-purpose sporting goods bags; athletic bags; attaché cases; backpacks; knapsacks; baggage; barrel bags; beach bags; billfolds; book packs; briefcases; business card holders; card holders; card cases; carry-on bags; change holders; comb cases; compacts; cosmetic cases; cosmetic bags; credit card cases; cushion bags; drawstring bags; duffel bags; duffel tote bags; equipment bags; flight bags; garment bags; garment travel bags; glasses cases; gym bags; handbags; harnesses; insulated an non-insulated tote bags; key pouches; key cases; key fobs; cloth and straw handbags; luggage tags; manicure cases; money clips; overnight bags; overnight cases; parasols; passport covers; picket cases; pocket portfolios; pocket books; purse mirrors and compacts; purses; riding whips; riding and hunting crops; satchels; school bags; shaving bags; shoulder bags; tote bags; suit bags for travel; suitcases; toiletry bags sold empty; toiletry pouches; traveling bags; traveling cases; trunks; umbrellas; vanity cases; walking sticks; wallets; wardrobe bags; animal blankets; artificial flowers and plants; ashtrays; balloons, belts; bottle openers; brooches; bumper stickers; novelty buttons; car emblems; artistic and decorative carvings; charms; coffee coasters; coins; commemorative plates; computer mouse pads; crests; cufflinks; decorative boxes; earrings; artistic engravings; figurines; flags; miniature sport helmets; miniature footballs; hockey pucks; baseballs; basketballs; soccer balls; inflatable toys; kaleidoscopes; labels; license holders; license plate holders; lighters; maps; mascots being life size or replicas thereof; matchbooks; miniature basketball hoops; music boxes; nail clippers; novelty hats; patches; piggy banks; plaques; posters; prints; ribbons; sculptures; seat cushions; souvenir albums; statuettes; stone etchings; straps; teaspoons; toy models of vehicles; trading cards; transfers; trophies; walking sticks; activity books; address books; adhesive stickers; adhesive backed message covers; adhesive pads; adhesive tape dispensers; agenda books; agendas; albums; announcement cards; appointment books; assorted paper refills; autograph books; badges; balloons; ball-point pens; binders; birthday books; blackboards; blotters; book covers; book marks; bookkeeping and accounting forms; booklets and brochures; bows; bulletin boards; business cards; business card cases; cake decorations; calculators; calendar pads; calendars; candles; greeting and playing cards; cartoon books; catalogues; chalk; chalkboards; children's books; chequebook covers; clip boards; coffee table books; colouring books; comic books; comics; coupon books; crackers; crayons; crests; cut-out books; decals; desk sets; desk pads; desk pen sets; diaries; dictionaries; doilies; drinking straws; emblems; envelopes; erasers; event programs and magazines; fabric bookmarks; felt pens; fountain pens; game books; gummed labels; heat transfers and decals; highlighter pens; hobby kits; horns; illustrated story books; invitations; invoice forms; joke books; labels; layout chalks; letter-holding boxes; letter paper; letter openers; letterhead; loose-leaf binders; magazines; magnifying glasses; markers; marking pens; mechanical pencils; menus; napkins; newspapers; note pads; note books; note paper; publications namely guide books, directories, programs and calendars; wrapping paper; pads; paintbrushes; paint-by-numbers books; paintings; paint and art pallets; paper packaging boxes; paper hats; paper clips; paper cups; paper plates; paper folders; paper tablecloths; paper ribbons and streamers; paper board display; paperweights; party favours; pen stands; pencil sharpeners; pencil and supply cases; pencils; pens; periodicals; photo albums; photograph books; photographs; place mats; playing cards; pocket secretaries; pop-up books; post cards; posters; pictorial prints; read-along books; record jackets; report covers; ribbons; ring binders; rubber stamps; rule books; rulers; school bags; score pads; score cards; scrap books; scribble pads; seals; self-adhesive note pads; serviettes; sheets of music; photographic slides; souvenir books; stamp pads; stamp albums; staplers and staples; sticker books; sticker albums; story books; straws; table centre pieces; table cloths; tally cards; telephone cards; telephone note pads; tickets and vouchers for games and events; facial tissues; toilet paper; transparent tape dispensers; travel books; tray liners; typewriter ribbons; wipe-clean colouring surfaces; wooden boxes; workbooks; writing kits; writing paper; writing paper; yearbooks; air mattresses; air beds; ammunition and cases; animal calls; archery bows; archery gloves and finger tabs; archery bow strings; archery sets; arm guards; arrows; athletic supports; athletic visors; axes for mountaineering and climbing; badminton nets; badminton gut; badminton birds; badminton racquets; badminton presses; bag tags; bag covers; balance beams; ball cases; ball markers; ball and glove sets; ball retrievers; ball and bat sets; ball and paddle sets; ball and net sets; ball and hoop sets; balls and projectiles; bandage wrap; barbecue cooking utensils; barbells; baseball sliding pads; baseball bats; baseball gloves; baseball uniforms; baseball gloves; baseball hats; baseballs; bases; basketball nets; basketball net stands; basketball backboards; basketball uniforms; basketballs; baskets for use in basketball; bat bags; batons; baseball bats; beach balls; bench warmers; bicycle helmets; bicycles; bicycle horns; bird calls; boats; body brushes; boot bags; bowling gloves; bowling balls; boxing bandages; boxing mouth pieces; boxing shorts; boxing striking bags; boxing gloves; breast plates; breeches; bridles; brooms; camp stoves; camping tents; canoes; carts; catcher's masks; catcher's protectors; catcher's leg guards; catcher's mitts; chin pads; chronometers; climbing rope; climbing helmets; golf club heads; golf club grips; golf club inserts; golf club shafts; golf club covers; golf clubs; crampons; crops; croquet sets; cross bars; cue racks; cues; curling brooms; curling stones; cushions; darts and dart boards; decoys; dinghies; diving masks; dumbbells; ear plugs; elbow pads; fencing gloves; fencing swords; figure skates; fins; firearms; floats; flying rings and discs; football chin straps; football duffel bags; football kicking tees; football blocking rest; football blocking dummy; football face guards; football helmets; football pads; football hose; football uniforms; footballs; free weights; golf markers and tees; gas stoves; goal posts; goals; goggles; golf balls; golf gloves; golf carts; golf bags; golf shoe case; ground sheet; gun cleaning preparations; handballs; hockey face masks; hockey uniforms; hockey gloves; hockey shin guards; hockey sticks; hockey nets; hockey pads; hockey skates; hockey helmets; hockey pucks; home plates; hoops; horizontal beams; horns; horseshoe sets; hurdles; ice hockey balls; ice axes; in-line roller skates; inflatable swimming pools; inflatable rafts; iron boots; javelins; jumping rope; jumping skis; kites; knee pads; lanterns; life jackets; life preservers; mallets; marbles; mattresses; mess tins; minnow pails; mouth guards; mudguards and reflectors; nose clips; nose plugs; parachutes; parallel bars; ping pong tables; pistols; pitons; plastic swimming pools; pool tables; pool balls; protective caps; protective glasses; protective masks; quivers; racing skates; racket and ball sets; racket press; rafts; reels; rods; roller-skates; rowing machines; rucksacks; rugby balls; rugby pads; saddles; safety straps; safety helmets; scooter bikes; scuba masks; seat covers; shot puts; shoulder pads; shuttlecocks; side horses; sinkers; skate boards; skate guards; skate blades; ski bindings; ski helmets; ski bags; ski boots; ski wax; ski gloves; skipping ropes; skis; sleds; sleeping bags; snorkels; snow boards; soccer balls; soccer uniforms; soccer nets; softballs; speedometers; spinners; sporting events calculators; squash balls and racquets; stadium robes; stair steppers; starting blocks; stationary ski trainers; stationary exercise bicycles; stirrups; stop watches; surf boards; surfriders; swim caps; swim masks; swim fins; swim goggles; swimming gloves; table tennis tables; table tennis rackets; table tennis balls; table tennis sets; tackle boxes; targets; tees; tennis sets; tennis balls; tennis racquets and presses; tennis shirts; tennis shorts; tennis nets; tent pegs; tents; timers; toboggans; tow ropes; tow harnesses; trampolines; treadmills; tricycles; uniforms; vaulting poles; vaulting standards; vaulting springs; vaulting poles; volley balls; volley ball nets; water skis; water bottles; water balls; water brushes; weight training machines; weight-lifting bars; weight lifting belts; weights; wet suits; whistles; wire arches and stakes for croquet; action figures; toy airplanes; articulated toy dolls; balloons; bath toys; battery operated sewing machine; battery operated toys; beach toys; bicycles; blackboards; blocks and beads; board games; building and construction toys; card games; pre-recorded audio and video cassettes; chalkboards; chess and checker sets; colouring sets; construction toy kits; crayon by number kits; cribbage boards; dart games; dice games; die cast toys; doll clothing accessories; dolls; troll dolls; doodle art with or without markers; electronic toys and games; electronic and non-electronic action games; figurines; flash cards; flying discs; geometric puzzles; hobby kits; horseshoes; ironing boards; jack-in-the boxes; jigsaw puzzles; kites; lightsticks; marbles; marionettes; mechanical toys; model vehicles; model kits; modeling compounds; modeling clay; musical toys; paint by number sets; paint sets; parlor games; pencil sets and cases; pinball games; playing cards; stuffed toys; pogo sticks; poster kits; posters for colouring; punching bag toys; puppets; push or pull toys; rag dolls; rattles; records; refrigerators; remote control model toys; ride-on toys; road racing and train sets; toy rockets; roller-skates; rub-on picture kits; pails; sandbox toys; savings banks; scale models; shovels; shuffle boards; skate boards; skipping ropes; squeeze toys; stamp and colour sets; talking dolls or toys; telephones; spinning tops; toy chests; toy movie viewers; toy telephones; toy swords; toy blocks; toy cameras; toy model kits; toy trains; toy watches; toy mixers; toy knives; toy machines; toy microwaves; toy movie projectors and video; toy-boxes; toy vehicles; toy musical instruments; toy guns; toy holsters; wind-up toys; windsocks; air cushions; air mattresses; area rugs; automobile windshield shades; bathmats; bean bag chairs; belt buckles; bench warmers; blinds and window shades; cameras; can/bottle openers; car deodorants; car cushions; card cases; carpets; change purses; cigar cases; cigar boxes; cigar cutters; cinematographic and video films; coat hangers; coin operated arcade games and pinball machines; coin banks; condoms; cup holders; curtains; cushions; cutlery namely knives, forks and spoons; decorative figurines; decorative containers; director chairs; doorknob hangers; drapes; electrical outlet plates; emblems; embroidered patches for clothing; fabric; folding stadium seats; frames for photographs and pictures; hand fans; hand puppets; holograms; jewelry cases; lamp shades; lanterns; laundry bags; letter openers; litter bags; lunch boxes and pails; magnetic signs; magnifying glasses; mattresses; mirror stands; mirrors; motion pictures; murals; music boxes; nail clippers; novelty buttons; opera glasses; ornaments and decorations for Christmas trees; paintings; clothing and novelty patches; photographic slide transparencies; picture frames; pictures; pillows; pincushions; placemats; plaques; plastic puzzles; pocket knives; radios; scissors; sewing cases and sets; slumber bags; collector spoons; rubber stamps; stationary and mobile figurines; straws; tape measures and rules; telescopes; thermometers; thimbles; threads; toothbrush holders; toy building; traveling blankets; trays; trophies; tweezers; umbrellas; visor mirrors for motor vehicles; and wall plaques. Class 004 Class 004 Lubricant and Fuel Products Fundraising services for others; entertainment services namely, the organization, coordination, sponsorship of and obtaining sponsorship for, production and management of live performances in the nature of sporting and cultural events; operation of athletic training camps, namely, football camps, hockey camps, baseball camps, basketball camps, volleyball camps, gymnastic camps, soccer camps, and martial arts camp; broadcasting and rebroadcasting of such live performances through television, radio, satellite, audio, video and visual media; restaurant services, bar services; advertising services namely the development, design, sponsorship, and delivery of products and services of others; operation of retail, wholesale and mail order businesses for the sale of clothing, cosmetics, souvenirs, beverages, food, jewelry, housewares, dishes, toys, books, magazines, photographs, postcards, school accessories, and sporting goods; coordination and supply of personnel for sports, entertainment, theatrical and cultural events, meetings, trade shows and conventions; distribution of a membership card allowing for discounts and rebates to the holders of the card at participating businesses; merchandise packaging services; and licensing of the trade mark to others for the sale of clothing, cosmetics, souvenirs, beverages, food, jewelry, housewares, dishes, toys, books, magazines, photographs, postcards, school accessories, and sporting goods ... Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Class 006 Metal Products Class 007 Machinery Products Class 008 Hand Tool Products Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Class 010 Medical Instrument Products Class 011 Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking Class 012 Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water Class 013 Firearm Products Class 014 Jewelry Products Class 015 Musical Instrument Products Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Class 017 Rubber Products Class 018 Leather Products not including clothing Class 019 Non-Metallic Building Material Products Class 021 Houseware and Glass Products Class 022 Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products Class 023 Yarns and Threads Class 024 Fabrics Class 025 Clothing Products Class 026 Lace, Ribbons & Embroidery and Fancy Goods Class 027 Floor Covering products Class 028 Toys and Sporting Goods Products Class 029 Meats and Processed Food Products Class 030 Staple Food Products Class 031 Natural Agricultural Products Class 032 Light Beverage Products Class 033 Wines and Spirits Products Class 034 Smoker's Products Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Class 036 Insurance & Financial Services Class 038 Communications Services Class 039 Transportation & Storage Services Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Class 043 Restaurant and Hotel Services Class 045 Personal & Legal & Social Services | ||
INTERNATIONAL FIRE PERFORMANCE CODE INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL. INC. 1036530 12 Nov 1999 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 10 Oct 2001 | Monographs, books, pamphlets and printed materials. Class 016 Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Monographs, books, pamphlets and printed materials. |
on 2 Nov 2005
1166285 · 29 Jan 2003
Class 002
Paint Products
Papier à lettres, des brochures et des chandails (polos).
Class 003
Cosmetics and Cleaning Products
Blousons, casquettes, T-shirts, porte-documents et survêtements.
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Souliers, bottes, sandales, mocassins, pantoufles, tabliers, ascots, ceintures, boucles de ceinture, chemisiers, capes, bonnets, manteaux, cravates, culottes, plastrons, robes, survêtements d'entraînement, vestes de sport, sous-vêtements, gants, mouchoirs, chapeaux, casquettes, bandeaux de tête, foulards de tête, bonneterie, vestes, jerseys, chasubles, combinaisons-pantalons, pantalons, jeans, mitaines, manchons, salopettes, couvre-chaussures, imperméables, culottes, costumes de plage, maillots de bain, ponchos, foulards, châles, chemises, jupes, pyjamas, sarraus, mantoles, complets, bretelles, débardeurs, collants, toques, gilets, chandails, pulls, casquettes, visières; mousse et sels pour le bain, eaux de Cologne, parfums, crème et mousse pour le rasage, huile et lait pour le bronzage de la peau, savons, eau de toilette, rouge à lèvres, fards, vernis à ongles, parfums, brosse à dos, gants de toilette, brosses à cheveux, brosses à dents, brosses à ongles, ciseaux, trousses de manucure, rasoirs, rasoirs électriques, papier démaquillant, trousses de premiers soins, petites serviettes en papier, plateaux à savons, porte-brosses à dents; literies, nommément; draps, dessus-de-lit, couvertures et couvre-lit, bâche, rideaux, coussins, linges à vaisselles, tentures, serviettes, porte-bouteilles, carpettes, serviettes de table, oreillers, taies d'oreiller, jardinières, serviettes, tapis de tables, nappes, tapisseries, couvre-théières, napperons, mitaines à four; boutons, nécessaires à tapisserie sur canevas, outils d'utilisations pour la fabrication artisanale de la broderie, de la couture, tissus frappés pour la broderie, écussons et emblèmes brodés, tapisseries, tissus à la verge et cuirs synthétiques, dés à coudre; sacs à dos, sacs de sport, sacs de plastique, valises, besace, porte-documents, bourses, portefeuilles, porte-cartes de crédit, coffrets, boîtiers pour médailles, malles, sacs fourre-tout, étuis à peigne, signets, étuis pour articles de toilette, plaque d'identification, étuis et montures pour celles-ci; sièges en cuir, sièges en plastique, sièges pliants et coussins; parapluies, images de tous genres; équipement photographique, vidéo et audio, nommément; appareils photographiques, projecteurs, films, photos, photographies, albums, images, bulletins, catalogues, billets, pochettes, formulaires, livres, napperons de restaurant, laissez-passer, posters, affiches, cartes de signalisation, certificats, épreuves, lampes, abat-jour, tables, écrans, diapositives, épreuves transparentes, visionneuses, bandes vidéo, CD-ROM et cassettes préenregistrés comportant des enregistrements musicaux, des chansons publiées pour World Police Fire Games Québec 2005, la trame sonore de la cérémonie d'ouverture et de clôture, des "jam" sessions et des concerts pour World Police Fire Games Québec 2005 ou comportant du matériel photographique ou audio-visuel relié au World Police Fire Games Québec 2005, bandes, téléviseurs, radios, étagères, étuis pour le transport, catalogue de disques, couvercles de plateau, en papier, en plastique et métalliques, émetteurs-récepteurs portatifs, pochettes de disque, pochettes de cassette, ordinateurs, magnétoscopes; articles de sport, équipement athlétique, nommément; maillots extenseurs, haltères, ceintures d'exercice, bancs d'exercice, bicyclettes d'exercice, souliers d'exercice, lunettes de sécurité, casques protecteurs, couvertures pour chevaux, pistolets, fusils, arc, patin à roulettes, cordes, selles, traîneaux, gants de sport, traîneaux sauvages, raquettes de badminton, balles de baseball, gants de baseball, ballons de basketball, palmes pour la nage, lunettes pour la nage, masque pour la nage, tubas pour la nage, bicyclettes, clochettes pour bicyclette, avertisseurs pour bicyclettes, feux pour bicyclettes, sacs pour cyclotourisme, sacs d'entraînement de boxe, shorts de boxe, sacs de bowling, étuis de bowling, fléchettes, cibles pour jeux de fléchettes, jeux de fléchettes, ballons de football, casques de football, sacs de golf, balles de golf, poussettes de golf, gants de golf, bourses de golf pour dames, cadrans de leçon de golf, tees de golf, serviettes de golf, parapluies de golf, ballons de handball, gants de handball, gants de hockey, casques de hockey, casques de moto, chandails de hockey, boules de billards, étagères, boules de billards, marqueurs muraux pour le billard, skis, sacs de ski, ballons de soccer, balles de balle-molle, bâtons de balle-molle, gants de balle-molle, balles de squash, lunettes de protection pour le squash, raquettes de squash, balles de ping-pong, ensembles de ping-pong, balles de tennis, balles volley, skis de fond, ainsi que cires, sifflets, compas, brûleurs d'encens ou d'huiles essentielles, chaufferettes pour les mains, podomètres, jeux et jouets, nommément; punching-ball, balles, ballons, pompes pour ballons, clochettes, flûtes, planeurs, cordes à sauter, automobiles d'enfants, cerf-volants, billes, marionnettes, hochets, toupies, sifflets, seaux, trottinettes, pâtes à modeler, découpages, crayons à colorier, livres à colorier, planches de jeu, jeux de table, casse-tête, roues de fortune, jeux de cartes, jetons, mélangeurs de cartes, plateaux, tables de jeux, chaises de jeux et combinaisons et ensembles de tous les articles mentionnés ci-dessus, jetons, porte-jetons, dés, jouets de construction, jouets fonctionnant à piles, jouets de plage, jouets gonflables, animaux jouets, jouets rembourrés, trousses à jeux à trois dimensions, blocs de construction, articles ménagers, décorations et autres articles du même genre, nommément: cendriers, paniers, pinceaux à badigeonner, stores, bouteilles, bouchons de bouteilles, ouvre-bouteilles, bols, moules à beurre, plateaux à gâteaux, bougies, bougeoirs, mouchettes, chandeliers, candélabres, tapis, ensembles de sculpture, girandoles, lustres, baguettes, couverts, vaisselle de table, ensemble de huiliers, tasses, coutellerie, ménagères, coupoirs, tasses à café, plats, soupières, coquetières, coquetiers, figurines, lampes de poche, service de fondue, verres, gobelets, bourriches, cintres coussins pour les pieds, jardinières, bocaux, couteaux, lampes, plateaux tournants, dessous de plat, moulins à épices et moulins à café, miroirs, chopes, supports, échoppes, casse-noix, pose-plats, seaux, pichets, napperons, ensembles de couverts, pots à plantes, plateaux, écuelles, pots, carpettes, boîtes à sandwiches, soucoupes, abat-jours, cordons de store, shakers, sorbetières, cuillers, tapisseries, théières, comptes-minutes, boîtes en fer blanc, fontaines, bouteilles isolantes, vases, publication, nommément; livres pour enfants, pour adolescents, et pour adultes, albums de collectionneurs, casse-tête, guides, recueils de musique et (ou) de chansons, agendas et registres, calendriers, brochures, bandes dessinées, tableaux de croissance, périodiques, cartes, journaux, feuilles de musique, feuilles, classeurs, porte-journaux, étalages pour publications, combinaisons, agendas, albums, auto-relieurs, couvertures de livres, serre-livres, signets, couverture de dossiers, tableaux d'affichage, calculatrice, calendriers, blocs calendriers, supports à calendriers, cartes de style contemporain, affiches murales, coupons, enveloppes, autocollants, cartes postales, porte-cartes, planchette porte-papiers, fusains, boîte à document, enveloppes, gommes à effacer, carnets de cadre, papier d'emballage cadeau, cartes de souhaits, livres d'invitations, couvre-lettres, agendas, bloc-notes, plaques avec nom, calepins, mémorandums, cartes à écrire, papier à écrire, notes de remerciements, presse-papiers, stylos, crayons, boîtes à crayons, coffrets à crayons, taille-crayons, cartes de convives, agendas de poche, règles, papier brouillon, aide-mémoire des achats à effectuer, sacs à provisions, monnaies, timbres, mascottes, livrets de timbres, étiquettes, répertoires téléphoniques, papier d'emballage, papier à écrire, tablette pour écrire, papier décoratif, papier d'aluminium, distributeurs de gobelets en papier, papier à tapisser, étiquettes gommées à décalcomanies, étiquettes adhésives à apposer sur les pare-chocs, papier contact, écussons, insignes à apposer à chaud, emblèmes à apposer à chaud, décalcomanies à apposer par repassage, étiquettes adhésives, étiquettes munies de ficelles, étiquettes, porte-étiquettes, marqueurs à étiquettes, boîtes à courrier, supports à agenda, papier mémos, crayons-feutre tampons, timbres, distributeurs de papier, papier à tapisser les étagères, pailles pour boire, adhésifs, chiffres adhésifs, étiquettes adhésives pour automobiles; articles de fumeurs et accessoires de réception, nommément; cendriers, cigares, boîtes à cigares, cigarettes, boîtes à cigarettes, coffrets à cigarettes, porte-cigarettes, cigarillos, briquets, briquets de poche, briquets de table, allumettes, pipes, assortiments d'articles de fumeur, râteliers pour articles de fumeurs, tabac, boîtes à cigares pourvues d'un humidificateur, blagues à tabac, râteliers tournants, bouteilles, bars portatifs, nécessaires pour bar, signes pour bar, carafes, mélanges à cocktails, tire-bouchons, étiquettes de carafes, marqueurs à boisson, flacons, gourdes, seaux à glace, pinces à glace, doseurs à alcool, étiquettes pour les alcools, bols à punch, mélanges pour boisson non alcooliques, chopes à bières, verres à pied, agitateurs, fouets à champagne, cure-dents, porte-bouteilles; souvenirs et cadeaux, nommément; couvertures, peaux, arrangements floraux, artificiels, plantes artificielles, emblèmes pour automobiles, insignes paniers, emblèmes pour bicyclettes, porte-feuilles, couvertures de livres, boomerangs, insignes, boutons, cannes, serviettes, calendriers, porte-monnaie, représentations de personnages de Noël, plaques commémoratives, écussons, décalcomanies, figurines, pièces d'artifice, drapeaux, boules de neige, cadeaux en verre, tableaux de croissance, barrettes à cheveux, éventails, kaléidoscope, breloques et porte-clefs, étuis à clefs, supports pour cadre de plaque d'immatriculation, porte-cartes pour permis de conduire, cartes géographiques, marionnettes, masques, constructions miniatures, mobiles, sculptures, maquettes, tirelires, pinces à billets, murales, figurines musicales, dispositifs, émetteurs de bruits, chapeaux de nouveauté, crayons de nouveauté, enveloppes, ombrelles, presse-papiers, décorations pour colis, paniers de réception, poupées-jouets pour réception, allumettes de réception, pièces pour rapiécer, étuis à crayons, ensembles de stylos, fanions, plaques, chemises en plastique, couteaux de poche, étiquettes applicables par pression, poudriers de sac à main, hochets, boîtes à recettes, plaques murales portant des recettes, souvenirs scéniques, albums de découpures, statuettes, chopes à bière, tapisseries, jetons, motifs totémiques, tirelires en forme de tours, ornements arboricoles, breloques, trousses de toilette, décors muraux, ornements muraux, plaques murales, portefeuilles, bracelets de montre et bracelets de montre en cuir, bandeaux de poignet, souvenirs en forme de boules de neige et bouteilles remplies d'eaux, soucoupes, banques, coffres, porcelaine, tasses, plaques d'immatriculation, souvenirs s'attachant au curseur des fermetures éclair, bannières, baguettes, cloches, gourdes, encens, brûleurs d'encens, dessous de bouteilles, aimants, plombs, napperons, avertisseurs; équipement pour le camping et l'extérieur et produits apparentés, nommément: matelas, chaises, glacières, accessoires de vaisselle, nommément verres et tasses, cruches, tabourets, tables, havresacs, lampes-tempête, ustensiles pour la cuisson à l'extérieur, sacs à dos, sac de couchage, tentes, accessoire de canotage, nommément: canots, coussins de sauvetage, brassières de sauvetage, vestes de sauvetage, pagaies, briquets, torches, coussins de bateau; bijoux et articles décoratifs, nommément: anneaux s'attachant autour de la cheville, barrettes, bracelets, broches, ensemble de brosses, plateaux à brosses, et peignes, chaînes, porte-bonheur, barrettes de col, épingles de col, peignes, ensembles de peignes, assortiments de peignes et brosses pour enfants, poudriers, croix, crucifix, boutons de manchettes, garnitures de toilette, boucles d'oreilles, coffrets à boucles d'oreilles, organisateurs de boucles d'oreilles, lingots métalliques, lingots miniatures, boîtes à bijoux, coffres à bijoux, écrins à bijoux, épingles de revers, médaillons de parure, médailles, rubans à médailles, rubans à médailles, médaillons, boîtes à musique, cassettes musicales préenregistrées comportant des enregistrements musicaux, des chansons publiées pour Québec 2005, la trame sonore de la cérémonie d'ouverture et de clôture, des "jam" sessions et des concerts pour World Police Fire Games Québec 2005, colliers, pendentifs, boîtes à pilules, épingles, agrafes à cravate, épingles à cravate, broquettes à cravate, trophées, plateaux à maquillage, bracelets de force, breloques, breloques porte-clefs, porte-clefs, porte-clefs avec plaques, pendules, supports à lunettes, chausse-pieds, baromètres, chronomètres, chronographes, compas, jumelles, loupes, lunettes de soleil, thermomètres, décalcomanies, écussons et étiquettes; affiches bannières, oriflammes, banderoles, dossards, tentes, kiosques, marquises, devantures, souvenirs, nommément des véhicules de pompiers miniatures, statuettes, fanions, drapeaux, insignes, macarons, plaques, boîtes en carton, boîtes à jouet, boîtes à courrier, boîtes en bois, boîtiers pour CD; papeterie, nommément papier à lettre, blocs-notes, enveloppes, presse-papier; pochettes; vêtements et articles vestimentaires pour hommes, dames et enfants, nommément chandails, T-shirts.
Class 006
Metal Products
La planification, l'organisation, la coordination, le contrôle, la réalisation, la publicité et la diffusion par le biais de la radio, la télévision, affiches et livrets promotionnels, magazines, journaux, de manière électronique, nommément par Internet, CD-ROM préenregistrés comportant des extraits visuels et sonores reliés au World Police Fire Games Québec 2005 et par des vidéo clips et ce, selon les besoins de la requérante et en association avec les Jeux Mondiaux des Policiers et Pompiers, conformément aux règlements de la World Police and Fire Games Federation.
Class 007
Machinery Products
Class 008
Hand Tool Products
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Class 010
Medical Instrument Products
Class 011
Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking
Class 012
Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water
Class 013
Firearm Products
Class 014
Jewelry Products
Class 015
Musical Instrument Products
Class 016
Paper Goods and Printed Material
Class 017
Rubber Products
Class 018
Leather Products not including clothing
Class 020
Furniture Products
Class 021
Houseware and Glass Products
Class 022
Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products
Class 024
Class 025
Clothing Products
Class 026
Lace, Ribbons & Embroidery and Fancy Goods
Class 027
Floor Covering products
Class 028
Toys and Sporting Goods Products
Class 030
Staple Food Products
Class 032
Light Beverage Products
Class 034
Smoker's Products
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Papier à lettres, des brochures et des chandails (polos).,Blousons, ca...
on 8 Jan 2003
914831 · 5 Dec 2002
Class 001
Chemical Products
Chemicals and adhesives
Class 002
Paint Products
Paints, varnishes and lacquers
Class 003
Cosmetics and Cleaning Products
Bleaching, cleaning preparations and non-medicated cosmetics
Class 004
Lubricant and Fuel Products
Industrial oils, greases and fuels
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Pharmaceuticals and herbicides
Class 006
Metal Products
Common metals
Class 007
Machinery Products
Class 008
Hand Tool Products
Hand tools
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Electrical, scientific and teaching apparatus and software
Class 010
Medical Instrument Products
Medical and veterinary devices
Class 011
Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking
Environmental control items
Class 012
Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water
Class 013
Firearm Products
Guns and ammunitions
Class 014
Jewelry Products
Precious and semi-precious metals, and jewellery
Class 015
Musical Instrument Products
Musical instruments
Class 016
Paper Goods and Printed Material
Paper and printed goods
Class 017
Rubber Products
Rubber and rubber goods
Class 018
Leather Products not including clothing
Leather and artificial leather goods
Class 019
Non-Metallic Building Material Products
Non-metallic building materials
Class 020
Furniture Products
Furniture, mirrors, articles not included in other classes
Class 021
Houseware and Glass Products
Household goods and glass
Class 022
Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products
Ropes and fibres
Class 023
Yarns and Threads
Yarns and threads
Class 024
Textiles and textile goods
Class 025
Clothing Products
Clothing, footwear, headgear
Class 026
Lace, Ribbons & Embroidery and Fancy Goods
Sewing and decorative items including slide fasteners
Class 027
Floor Covering products
Floor coverings
Class 028
Toys and Sporting Goods Products
Games, toys and playthings, sporting articles
Class 029
Meats and Processed Food Products
Meats and processed foods
Class 030
Staple Food Products
Staple foods
Class 031
Natural Agricultural Products
Agricultural, horticultural and forestry
Class 032
Light Beverage Products
Beer and non-alcoholic beverages
Class 033
Wines and Spirits Products
Wines and spirits
Class 034
Smoker's Products
Smoker's articles
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Advertising, marketing, promotional and business
Class 036
Insurance & Financial Services
Insurance and financial
Class 037
Construction and Repair Services
Building construction and repair
Class 038
Communications Services
Class 039
Transportation & Storage Services
Transportation and storage
Class 040
Treatment & Processing of Materials Services
Treatment of materials
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Education and entertainment
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Computer and scientific
Class 043
Restaurant and Hotel Services
Accommodation, food and drink
Class 044
Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services
Medical and veterinary, beauty, agricultural and forestry
Class 045
Personal & Legal & Social Services
Personal and legal
Chemicals and adhesives,Paints, varnishes and lacquers,Bleaching, clea...
on 21 Apr 2004
1158176 · 12 Nov 2002
Class 025
Clothing Products
Class 029
Meats and Processed Food Products
Pickled and or marinated canned vegetables. Spicy foods in general. Canned spicy grean beans (full length).
Class 030
Staple Food Products
Spicy asparagus (full length)
Class 031
Natural Agricultural Products
Spicy pearl onions
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Wholesaler of canned or preserved specialty foods.
Wholesaler of canned or preserved specialty foods.,Spicy pearl onions,...
on 9 Jan 2004
1158504 · 7 Nov 2002
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Operation of youth, young adult and leaders conferences.
Operation of youth, young adult and leaders conferences.
on 12 Jan 2005
1126217 · 21 Dec 2001
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Class 016
Paper Goods and Printed Material
Brochures and booklets relating to computer and video games; video game strategy guide books; video game strategy guide magazines; card game strategy guide books; card game strategy guide magazines; card game instruction books; card game instruction magazines; posters; playing cards and instruction manual sold therewith; computer game instruction manuals; printed game instruction sheets; printed scoring sheets; trading cards; calendars; loose-leaf binders; stationery, namely letter paper and envelopes; ball point pens, pencils, mechanical pencils, rubber erasers, pen cases.
Class 028
Toys and Sporting Goods Products
Stand-alone video game machines; hand-held units for playing electronic games; board games and instructional manuals sold as a unit therewith; card games; dice; game equipment, namely, chips; toys, namely, action figures; dolls and playsets therefor.
Stand-alone video game machines; hand-held units for playing electroni...
on 7 Oct 2003
1126313 · 21 Dec 2001
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Computer products, namely computer game programs; video game cartridges; video game CD-ROMs; video game machines for use with televisions; computer game CD-ROMs; video game programs; video game programs for use with television sets; video game joysticks.
Class 016
Paper Goods and Printed Material
Brochures and booklets relating to computer and video games; video game strategy guide books; video game strategy guide magazines; card game strategy guide books; card game strategy guide magazines; card game instruction books; card game instruction magazines; posters; playing cards and instruction manual sold therewith; computer game instruction manuals; printed game instruction sheets; printed scoring sheets; trading cards; calendars; loose-leaf binders; stationery, namely letter paper and envelopes; ball point pens, pencils, mechanical pencils, rubber erasers, pen cases.
Class 028
Toys and Sporting Goods Products
Stand-alone video game machines; hand-held units for playing electronic games; board games and instructional manuals sold as a unit therewith; card games; dice; game equipment, namely, chips; toys, namely, action figures; dolls and playsets therefor.
Stand-alone video game machines; hand-held units for playing electroni...
on 21 Jul 2003
577121 BC LTD.
1118983 · 22 Oct 2001
Class 006
Metal Products
Class 014
Jewelry Products
Class 016
Paper Goods and Printed Material
Class 020
Furniture Products
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Class 039
Transportation & Storage Services
Class 040
Treatment & Processing of Materials Services
Loose diamonds and set diamonds; personal decorative articles, namely jewellery, rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, tie clips, cuff links, wristwatches, pendants, pins, and anklets; printed, lithographed and engraved material namely, books, brochures, pamphlets, postcards, calenders, pictures and posters; writing instruments, namely pencils, markers, pens; paper bags, writing paper and envelopes; desk blotters, memo paper, and note paper; packaging material namely boxes and protective sheaths for carrying and storing diamonds; and diamond supplies namely magnifying loops and tweezers.
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Wholesale sales of both loose and set diamonds to jewellers, jewellery designers, jewellery manufacturers, goldsmiths, and to other retail outlets and marketing of both loose and set diamonds using magazine advertisements, promotional videos, brochures, mail-outs, cards and price lists; retail sales of diamonds and jewellery; promotion of diamonds and diamond cutting to the public, jewellers and jewellery manufacturers; wholesale and retail sales of diamond-related products, namely printed, lithographed and engraved material namely, books, brochures, pamphlets, postcards, calenders, pictures and posters; paper products and office supplies namely, writing instruments, namely pencils, markers, pens, writing paper and envelopes; business supplies namely, desk blotters, memo paper, and note paper; packaging material namely boxes and protective sheaths for carrying and storing diamonds, diamond supplies such as magnifying loops and tweezers.
Wholesale sales of both loose and set diamonds to jewellers, jewellery...
on 29 Nov 2000
912606 · 25 Sept 2000
Class 001
Chemical Products
Chemicals and adhesives
Class 002
Paint Products
Paints, varnishes and lacquers
Class 003
Cosmetics and Cleaning Products
Bleaching, cleaning preparations and non-medicated cosmetics
Class 004
Lubricant and Fuel Products
Industrial oils, greases and fuels
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Pharmaceuticals and herbicides
Class 006
Metal Products
Common metals
Class 007
Machinery Products
Class 008
Hand Tool Products
Hand tools
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Electrical, scientific and teaching apparatus and software
Class 010
Medical Instrument Products
Medical and veterinary devices
Class 011
Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking
Environmental control items
Class 012
Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water
Class 013
Firearm Products
Guns and ammunitions
Class 014
Jewelry Products
Precious and semi-precious metals, and jewellery
Class 015
Musical Instrument Products
Musical instruments
Class 016
Paper Goods and Printed Material
Paper and printed goods
Class 017
Rubber Products
Rubber and rubber goods
Class 018
Leather Products not including clothing
Leather and artificial leather goods
Class 019
Non-Metallic Building Material Products
Non-metallic building materials
Class 020
Furniture Products
Furniture, mirrors, articles not included in other classes
Class 021
Houseware and Glass Products
Household goods and glass
Class 022
Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products
Ropes and fibres
Class 023
Yarns and Threads
Yarns and threads
Class 024
Textiles and textile goods
Class 025
Clothing Products
Clothing, footwear, headgear
Class 026
Lace, Ribbons & Embroidery and Fancy Goods
Sewing and decorative items including slide fasteners
Class 027
Floor Covering products
Floor coverings
Class 028
Toys and Sporting Goods Products
Games, toys and playthings, sporting articles
Class 029
Meats and Processed Food Products
Meats and processed foods
Class 030
Staple Food Products
Staple foods
Class 031
Natural Agricultural Products
Agricultural, horticultural and forestry
Class 032
Light Beverage Products
Beer and non-alcoholic beverages
Class 033
Wines and Spirits Products
Wines and spirits
Class 034
Smoker's Products
Smoker's articles
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Advertising, marketing, promotional and business
Class 036
Insurance & Financial Services
Insurance and financial
Class 037
Construction and Repair Services
Building construction and repair
Class 038
Communications Services
Class 039
Transportation & Storage Services
Transportation and storage
Class 040
Treatment & Processing of Materials Services
Treatment of materials
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Education and entertainment
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Computer and scientific
Class 043
Restaurant and Hotel Services
Accommodation, food and drink
Class 044
Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services
Medical and veterinary, beauty, agricultural and forestry
Class 045
Personal & Legal & Social Services
Personal and legal
Chemicals and adhesives,Paints, varnishes and lacquers,Bleaching, clea...
on 26 Feb 2003
1045024 · 8 Feb 2000
Class 003
Cosmetics and Cleaning Products
Clothing namely, anoraks; aprons; ascots; baby bibs; bandannas; baseball shirts; baseball stockings; baseball uniforms; baseball caps; basketball uniforms; basketball jerseys; basketball socks; basketball shorts; basketball pants; beach coats; belt buckles; belts; bib ties; bibs; blouses; body suits; booties; boots; bowling shirts; boxing trunks; bunting bags; buttons; caps; hats; berets; sport caps; golf caps; golf hats; straw hats; visors; capes; coats; fur coats; fur cloaks; jackets; blazers; topcoats; waistcoats; parkas; ponchos; collars; coveralls; cravats; cuff links; cummerbunds; diaper covers; diaper liners; diapers; dickeys; dresses; ear muffs; football shirts; football pants; football jackets; gloves; mittens; goggles; golf pants; golf shirts; golf jackets; golf shorts; gym shirts; gym shorts; gym pants; hair bows; handkerchiefs; jodhpurs; judo uniforms; jumpers; jumpsuits; laces; ladies' panties; lingerie; camisoles; negligees; foundation garments; brassieres; briefs; underwear; slips; garter belts; garters; lounge wear robes; sleepwear namely, night shirts, nightgowns, pajamas, bath wraps, bathrobes, dressing gowns, housecoats, kimonos, robes, wraparounds and wraps; thermal underwear; bed jackets; mantles; masquerade masks; masquerade costumes; muffs; neckties; neck warmers; one-piece jumpsuits; overalls; pants; jeans; trousers; knickers; scrub pants; rugby pants; polo shirts; polo pajamas; pullovers; purses; rain ponchos; raincoats; rainsuits; storm suits; storm coats; wind protection jacket; ribbons; sandals; sashes; scarves; shawls; shirts; dress shirts; tops; tank tops; jerseys; turtlenecks; knit shirts; smocks; rugby shirts; shorts; skirts; slacks; snow suits; snowmobile suits; soccer pants; soccer shirts; socks; hosiery; panty hose; leg warmers; leggings; leotards; sport shirts; stockings; suits; suspenders; sweat shirts; sweatband wristlets; sweaters; cardigans; sweat jackets; sweatpants; sweat shorts; sweat suits; jogging suits; track suits; swim pants; bikinis; swim trunks; halters; sunsuits; beach cover-ups; tennis pants; tennis shirts; tennis jackets; tennis shorts; tie tack sets; tie clasps; ties; tights; track and field shirts; track and field pants; tunics; tuxedos; uniforms; vests; warm-up tops; warm-up suits; warm-up pants; wrestling singlets; shoes; boots; athletic shoes; jogging shoes; overshoes; pumps; rubber boots; shoe laces; slip-ons; slippers; thongs; toe rubbers; caps; hats; head bands; straw hats; cowboy hats; visors; swim caps; toques; ear-muffs; fur hats; cosmetics and personal hygiene products namely, after-shave lotion; air fresheners; anti-perspirant; barrettes; bath oils; bath lotions; bath powders; bath and beauty soaps; bath beads; bath salts; blush; bobby pins; body lotions; body shampoo; hair brushes; bubble bath; candles; body cleansing lotions; cologne; hair combs; cosmetic cases; cosmetic wipes; cotton swabs; cover sticks; cream rinses; cuticle remover; decorative scented pouches; decorative scented purses; dental and denture cleaners; dental floss; dentrifices; denture adhesives; emery boards; eye makeup; eye liner pencils; eye shadows; eyebrow pencils; face and body cleansers; face and body shampoo; face makeup; facial powder compacts; face and body scrub; face powders; facial foundation makeup; false eye lashes; foundation; gels; hair shampoos; hair tonics; hair lotions; hair conditioners; hair sprays; hair colourings; hair dressings; hair rinses; highlighter cremes; lip stick; lip lining pencils; lip balms; lotions; manicure sets; mascara; mirrors; moisturizer preparations; moisturizing lotions; mouthwash; nail files; nail lacquer; nail polishes; panty shields; perfume; permanent wave preparations; potpourris; razor blades; razors; rouge; hair and body shampoo; shaving creams, foams, gels, lotions and soaps; skin balms; skin lotions; bathing soaps; stringents; sunblocks and sunscreens; suntan lotions and oils; talcum powders; tampons; toilet soap; toilet soaps; toilet water sprays; tooth gel; toothbrushes; toothpaste; vitamins; electric and battery powered products namely, amplifiers; pre-recorded audio tapes; cameras and electronic calculators; cassette recorders; chronometers; clocks; pre-recorded audio and computer compact disc containing music, games software, computer screen savers; compact disc players; electric lamps; electric night lights; flashlights; gramophones; indoor lighting fixtures; optical viewers; pagers; patch cords; pen lights; phonograph record cases; phonographs; pictorial inserts; pre-amplifiers; punched cards; radio phonographs; radios; stereo receivers; record cases; speakers; speakers and patch cords; tape decks; tape recorders; telephones; stereo tuners; video games and electronic games; watches; eyewear namely, binoculars; eyeglass cases; eyeglasses and sunglasses and frames therefor; goggles; novelty eyeglasses; protective glasses; safety glasses; food namely, carbonated and non-carbonated soft drinks; non-alcoholic carbonated beverages; milk; chocolate milk; coffee; tea; non-alcoholic malt beverages; distilled alcoholic beverages; liqueurs; brewed alcoholic beverages; wine; fermented alcoholic beverages; flavoured ice water; aerated waters; mineral water; spring water; fruit juices; juices; apple juice; orange juice; vegetable juices; fruit juice concentrates; baking-powder; baking soda; biscuits; bread; bubble gum; cakes; canned and preserved fruits and vegetables; breakfast cereals; cheese flavoured puffs; cheese; chewing gum; chips; chocolate bars; chocolate; cocoa; confectioneries; cookies; crackers; doughnuts; dried soups; edible nuts; edible seeds; flavoured syrup; french fries; fruits; fruits and cereals for babies; flavoured gelatin; herbs; honey; hamburgers; hot dogs; tinned meats; jams; jellies; ketchup; lollipops; muffins; mustard; nuts; pancakes; pasta; pastries; peanut butter; pepper; pickles; pies; pizza; popcorn; potato chips; preserves; pretzels; puddings; raisins; relishes; rice; rolls; salads; salt; seasonings; soup; spices; sugar; sugar confectionery; chocolate syrups; corn syrups; syrup flavoring; maple syrup; pancake syrups; table syrups; syrup topping; soft drink syrups; fruit juice syrups; malt beverage syrups; tarts; tinned fruits; tinned pastas; tinned vegetables; vegetables; vinegar; vitamins; waffles; yeast; yogurt; bubble gum; caramel corn; chewing gum; chocolate; chocolate bars; doughnuts; dried fruits; fudge; hard candy; ice cream; ice cream bars; licorice; lollipops; popcorn; potato chips; soft candy; toffee; yogurt; ice pops; ices; frozen yogurt; frozen bars; sherbet; baby products namely, baby carriers; bunting bags; bassinets; cradles; dressing tables; high chairs; infant towels; infant seats; infant undershirts; infants' and children's hosiery; playpens; rattles; receiving blankets; badges; barrettes; belt buckles; jewelry namely, bracelets, broaches, chains, charms, rings, costume jewelry, cufflinks, earrings, neck chains, necklaces, pendants, pins, pocket watches, ponytail holders, stickpins, tie bars, tie clasps, tie tacks, tie pins, watches, watch straps, watch chains and wrist bands; wallets; hair clips; jewelry boxes; key rings and chains; clocks; travel alarm clocks; music boxes; awards namely, badges, plaques, trophies, medallions and medals; money clips; ashtrays; barbecue cooking utensils; beer steins; beer mugs; beverage trays; beverage coolers; bowls; buckets; bud vases; candle holders; candles; candy jars; canisters; canvas wine bottle bags; carafes; carving boards; ceramic plates; ceramic coin banks; ceramic mugs; ceramic cups; ceramic steins; cheese boards; china cups; chopping block; cigarette lighters; clocks; cloths; coasters; coffee pots; commemorative plates; cookie jars; cookie rolling pins; cups; cutting boards; decanters; dinner bells; dish towels; dishes; drinking and decorative glasses; egg timers; figurines; flasks; fly swatters; food storage containers; glass plates; glass mugs; glass jars; goblets; hairbrushes; ice cube trays; ice cream containers; insulating sleeve holders for beverage containers; jar openers; jars; jugs; juice pitchers; lunch boxes; magnets; match boxes; matches; mixing bowls; mugs; napkin holders; napkins; oven mitts; pans; paper cups; paper towels; paper weights; paper plates; pewter mugs; picnic coolers; pill-boxes; pitchers; placemats; plastic and paper dinnerware; plastic dishes and cutlery; plates; platters; polyurethane beverage can holders; porcelain wares namely porcelain ashtrays, porcelain bells, porcelain vases, porcelain trinket boxes, porcelain figurines, and porcelain dishes; pot holders; pots; pottery; recipe files; removable insulators for drink cans; bottles and lunch boxes; salt and pepper sets; saucers; serviettes and envelopes; serving trays; serving platters; shooter glasses; shot glasses; soap dishes; soap cups; spatulas; spice mills; sponges; stained glass; steins; storage jars; sugar bowls and creamer sets; swizzle sticks; tankards; teapots; thermal insulated bottles; tongs; toothbrush holders; tooth brushes; trays; tumblers; vacuum bottles; vases; wastebaskets; water carriers; water bottles; wine caddies; beach towels; bed covers; bedspread skirts; bedspreads; blankets; carpets; cloth covers; coasters; comforters; cotton upholstery fabric; curtains; cushions; door knob covers; draperies; cushions; duvets; fabric flags; face cloths; mattress covers and pads; mattresses; murals and wallpaper; napkins; pennants; pictures; pillow cases; pillow shams; pillows; place mats; plaques; pot holders; quilt covers; quilts; rugs; serviettes; sleeping bags; slumber bags; table mats; table covers and table cloths; towels; hooded towels; travel blankets; decorative wall hangings; wash cloths; yarn; all-purpose gear-carrying bags; all-purpose sporting goods bags; athletic bags; attaché cases; backpacks; knapsacks; baggage; barrel bags; beach bags; billfolds; book packs; briefcases; business card holders; card holders; card cases; carry-on bags; change holders; comb cases; compacts; cosmetic cases; cosmetic bags; credit card cases; cushion bags; drawstring bags; duffel bags; duffel tote bags; equipment bags; flight bags; garment bags; garment travel bags; glasses cases; gym bags; handbags; harnesses; insulated an non-insulated tote bags; key pouches; key cases; key fobs; cloth and straw handbags; luggage tags; manicure cases; money clips; overnight bags; overnight cases; parasols; passport covers; picket cases; pocket portfolios; pocket books; purse mirrors and compacts; purses; riding whips; riding and hunting crops; satchels; school bags; shaving bags; shoulder bags; tote bags; suit bags for travel; suitcases; toiletry bags sold empty; toiletry pouches; traveling bags; traveling cases; trunks; umbrellas; vanity cases; walking sticks; wallets; wardrobe bags; animal blankets; artificial flowers and plants; ashtrays; balloons, belts; bottle openers; brooches; bumper stickers; novelty buttons; car emblems; artistic and decorative carvings; charms; coffee coasters; coins; commemorative plates; computer mouse pads; crests; cufflinks; decorative boxes; earrings; artistic engravings; figurines; flags; miniature sport helmets; miniature footballs; hockey pucks; baseballs; basketballs; soccer balls; inflatable toys; kaleidoscopes; labels; license holders; license plate holders; lighters; maps; mascots being life size or replicas thereof; matchbooks; miniature basketball hoops; music boxes; nail clippers; novelty hats; patches; piggy banks; plaques; posters; prints; ribbons; sculptures; seat cushions; souvenir albums; statuettes; stone etchings; straps; teaspoons; toy models of vehicles; trading cards; transfers; trophies; walking sticks; activity books; address books; adhesive stickers; adhesive backed message covers; adhesive pads; adhesive tape dispensers; agenda books; agendas; albums; announcement cards; appointment books; assorted paper refills; autograph books; badges; balloons; ball-point pens; binders; birthday books; blackboards; blotters; book covers; book marks; bookkeeping and accounting forms; booklets and brochures; bows; bulletin boards; business cards; business card cases; cake decorations; calculators; calendar pads; calendars; candles; greeting and playing cards; cartoon books; catalogues; chalk; chalkboards; children's books; chequebook covers; clip boards; coffee table books; colouring books; comic books; comics; coupon books; crackers; crayons; crests; cut-out books; decals; desk sets; desk pads; desk pen sets; diaries; dictionaries; doilies; drinking straws; emblems; envelopes; erasers; event programs and magazines; fabric bookmarks; felt pens; fountain pens; game books; gummed labels; heat transfers and decals; highlighter pens; hobby kits; horns; illustrated story books; invitations; invoice forms; joke books; labels; layout chalks; letter-holding boxes; letter paper; letter openers; letterhead; loose-leaf binders; magazines; magnifying glasses; markers; marking pens; mechanical pencils; menus; napkins; newspapers; note pads; note books; note paper; publications namely guide books, directories, programs and calendars; wrapping paper; pads; paintbrushes; paint-by-numbers books; paintings; paint and art pallets; paper packaging boxes; paper hats; paper clips; paper cups; paper plates; paper folders; paper tablecloths; paper ribbons and streamers; paper board display; paperweights; party favours; pen stands; pencil sharpeners; pencil and supply cases; pencils; pens; periodicals; photo albums; photograph books; photographs; place mats; playing cards; pocket secretaries; pop-up books; post cards; posters; pictorial prints; read-along books; record jackets; report covers; ribbons; ring binders; rubber stamps; rule books; rulers; school bags; score pads; score cards; scrap books; scribble pads; seals; self-adhesive note pads; serviettes; sheets of music; photographic slides; souvenir books; stamp pads; stamp albums; staplers and staples; sticker books; sticker albums; story books; straws; table centre pieces; table cloths; tally cards; telephone cards; telephone note pads; tickets and vouchers for games and events; facial tissues; toilet paper; transparent tape dispensers; travel books; tray liners; typewriter ribbons; wipe-clean colouring surfaces; wooden boxes; workbooks; writing kits; writing paper; writing paper; yearbooks; air mattresses; air beds; ammunition and cases; animal calls; archery bows; archery gloves and finger tabs; archery bow strings; archery sets; arm guards; arrows; athletic supports; athletic visors; axes for mountaineering and climbing; badminton nets; badminton gut; badminton birds; badminton racquets; badminton presses; bag tags; bag covers; balance beams; ball cases; ball markers; ball and glove sets; ball retrievers; ball and bat sets; ball and paddle sets; ball and net sets; ball and hoop sets; balls and projectiles; bandage wrap; barbecue cooking utensils; barbells; baseball sliding pads; baseball bats; baseball gloves; baseball uniforms; baseball gloves; baseball hats; baseballs; bases; basketball nets; basketball net stands; basketball backboards; basketball uniforms; basketballs; baskets for use in basketball; bat bags; batons; baseball bats; beach balls; bench warmers; bicycle helmets; bicycles; bicycle horns; bird calls; boats; body brushes; boot bags; bowling gloves; bowling balls; boxing bandages; boxing mouth pieces; boxing shorts; boxing striking bags; boxing gloves; breast plates; breeches; bridles; brooms; camp stoves; camping tents; canoes; carts; catcher's masks; catcher's protectors; catcher's leg guards; catcher's mitts; chin pads; chronometers; climbing rope; climbing helmets; golf club heads; golf club grips; golf club inserts; golf club shafts; golf club covers; golf clubs; crampons; crops; croquet sets; cross bars; cue racks; cues; curling brooms; curling stones; cushions; darts and dart boards; decoys; dinghies; diving masks; dumbbells; ear plugs; elbow pads; fencing gloves; fencing swords; figure skates; fins; firearms; floats; flying rings and discs; football chin straps; football duffel bags; football kicking tees; football blocking rest; football blocking dummy; football face guards; football helmets; football pads; football hose; football uniforms; footballs; free weights; golf markers and tees; gas stoves; goal posts; goals; goggles; golf balls; golf gloves; golf carts; golf bags; golf shoe case; ground sheet; gun cleaning preparations; handballs; hockey face masks; hockey uniforms; hockey gloves; hockey shin guards; hockey sticks; hockey nets; hockey pads; hockey skates; hockey helmets; hockey pucks; home plates; hoops; horizontal beams; horns; horseshoe sets; hurdles; ice hockey balls; ice axes; in-line roller skates; inflatable swimming pools; inflatable rafts; iron boots; javelins; jumping rope; jumping skis; kites; knee pads; lanterns; life jackets; life preservers; mallets; marbles; mattresses; mess tins; minnow pails; mouth guards; mudguards and reflectors; nose clips; nose plugs; parachutes; parallel bars; ping pong tables; pistols; pitons; plastic swimming pools; pool tables; pool balls; protective caps; protective glasses; protective masks; quivers; racing skates; racket and ball sets; racket press; rafts; reels; rods; roller-skates; rowing machines; rucksacks; rugby balls; rugby pads; saddles; safety straps; safety helmets; scooter bikes; scuba masks; seat covers; shot puts; shoulder pads; shuttlecocks; side horses; sinkers; skate boards; skate guards; skate blades; ski bindings; ski helmets; ski bags; ski boots; ski wax; ski gloves; skipping ropes; skis; sleds; sleeping bags; snorkels; snow boards; soccer balls; soccer uniforms; soccer nets; softballs; speedometers; spinners; sporting events calculators; squash balls and racquets; stadium robes; stair steppers; starting blocks; stationary ski trainers; stationary exercise bicycles; stirrups; stop watches; surf boards; surfriders; swim caps; swim masks; swim fins; swim goggles; swimming gloves; table tennis tables; table tennis rackets; table tennis balls; table tennis sets; tackle boxes; targets; tees; tennis sets; tennis balls; tennis racquets and presses; tennis shirts; tennis shorts; tennis nets; tent pegs; tents; timers; toboggans; tow ropes; tow harnesses; trampolines; treadmills; tricycles; uniforms; vaulting poles; vaulting standards; vaulting springs; vaulting poles; volley balls; volley ball nets; water skis; water bottles; water balls; water brushes; weight training machines; weight-lifting bars; weight lifting belts; weights; wet suits; whistles; wire arches and stakes for croquet; action figures; toy airplanes; articulated toy dolls; balloons; bath toys; battery operated sewing machine; battery operated toys; beach toys; bicycles; blackboards; blocks and beads; board games; building and construction toys; card games; pre-recorded audio and video cassettes; chalkboards; chess and checker sets; colouring sets; construction toy kits; crayon by number kits; cribbage boards; dart games; dice games; die cast toys; doll clothing accessories; dolls; troll dolls; doodle art with or without markers; electronic toys and games; electronic and non-electronic action games; figurines; flash cards; flying discs; geometric puzzles; hobby kits; horseshoes; ironing boards; jack-in-the boxes; jigsaw puzzles; kites; lightsticks; marbles; marionettes; mechanical toys; model vehicles; model kits; modeling compounds; modeling clay; musical toys; paint by number sets; paint sets; parlor games; pencil sets and cases; pinball games; playing cards; stuffed toys; pogo sticks; poster kits; posters for colouring; punching bag toys; puppets; push or pull toys; rag dolls; rattles; records; refrigerators; remote control model toys; ride-on toys; road racing and train sets; toy rockets; roller-skates; rub-on picture kits; pails; sandbox toys; savings banks; scale models; shovels; shuffle boards; skate boards; skipping ropes; squeeze toys; stamp and colour sets; talking dolls or toys; telephones; spinning tops; toy chests; toy movie viewers; toy telephones; toy swords; toy blocks; toy cameras; toy model kits; toy trains; toy watches; toy mixers; toy knives; toy machines; toy microwaves; toy movie projectors and video; toy-boxes; toy vehicles; toy musical instruments; toy guns; toy holsters; wind-up toys; windsocks; air cushions; air mattresses; area rugs; automobile windshield shades; bathmats; bean bag chairs; belt buckles; bench warmers; blinds and window shades; cameras; can/bottle openers; car deodorants; car cushions; card cases; carpets; change purses; cigar cases; cigar boxes; cigar cutters; cinematographic and video films; coat hangers; coin operated arcade games and pinball machines; coin banks; condoms; cup holders; curtains; cushions; cutlery namely knives, forks and spoons; decorative figurines; decorative containers; director chairs; doorknob hangers; drapes; electrical outlet plates; emblems; embroidered patches for clothing; fabric; folding stadium seats; frames for photographs and pictures; hand fans; hand puppets; holograms; jewelry cases; lamp shades; lanterns; laundry bags; letter openers; litter bags; lunch boxes and pails; magnetic signs; magnifying glasses; mattresses; mirror stands; mirrors; motion pictures; murals; music boxes; nail clippers; novelty buttons; opera glasses; ornaments and decorations for Christmas trees; paintings; clothing and novelty patches; photographic slide transparencies; picture frames; pictures; pillows; pincushions; placemats; plaques; plastic puzzles; pocket knives; radios; scissors; sewing cases and sets; slumber bags; collector spoons; rubber stamps; stationary and mobile figurines; straws; tape measures and rules; telescopes; thermometers; thimbles; threads; toothbrush holders; toy building; traveling blankets; trays; trophies; tweezers; umbrellas; visor mirrors for motor vehicles; and wall plaques.
Class 004
Lubricant and Fuel Products
Fundraising services for others; entertainment services namely, the organization, coordination, sponsorship of and obtaining sponsorship for, production and management of live performances in the nature of sporting and cultural events; operation of athletic training camps, namely, football camps, hockey camps, baseball camps, basketball camps, volleyball camps, gymnastic camps, soccer camps, and martial arts camp; broadcasting and rebroadcasting of such live performances through television, radio, satellite, audio, video and visual media; restaurant services, bar services; advertising services namely the development, design, sponsorship, and delivery of products and services of others; operation of retail, wholesale and mail order businesses for the sale of clothing, cosmetics, souvenirs, beverages, food, jewelry, housewares, dishes, toys, books, magazines, photographs, postcards, school accessories, and sporting goods; coordination and supply of personnel for sports, entertainment, theatrical and cultural events, meetings, trade shows and conventions; distribution of a membership card allowing for discounts and rebates to the holders of the card at participating businesses; merchandise packaging services; and licensing of the trade mark to others for the sale of clothing, cosmetics, souvenirs, beverages, food, jewelry, housewares, dishes, toys, books, magazines, photographs, postcards, school accessories, and sporting goods
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Class 006
Metal Products
Class 007
Machinery Products
Class 008
Hand Tool Products
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Class 010
Medical Instrument Products
Class 011
Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking
Class 012
Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water
Class 013
Firearm Products
Class 014
Jewelry Products
Class 015
Musical Instrument Products
Class 016
Paper Goods and Printed Material
Class 017
Rubber Products
Class 018
Leather Products not including clothing
Class 019
Non-Metallic Building Material Products
Class 021
Houseware and Glass Products
Class 022
Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products
Class 023
Yarns and Threads
Class 024
Class 025
Clothing Products
Class 026
Lace, Ribbons & Embroidery and Fancy Goods
Class 027
Floor Covering products
Class 028
Toys and Sporting Goods Products
Class 029
Meats and Processed Food Products
Class 030
Staple Food Products
Class 031
Natural Agricultural Products
Class 032
Light Beverage Products
Class 033
Wines and Spirits Products
Class 034
Smoker's Products
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Class 036
Insurance & Financial Services
Class 038
Communications Services
Class 039
Transportation & Storage Services
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Class 043
Restaurant and Hotel Services
Class 045
Personal & Legal & Social Services
Clothing namely, anoraks; aprons; ascots; baby bibs; bandannas; baseba...
Fire & flower inc. (13)
Amazon technologies inc. (9)
F&i beverages ag (9)
Konami corporation a legal entity (9)
Beverly hills jewellers mfg ltd (8)
Igt canada solutions ulc (8)
Amazon technologies, inc. (6)
Revlon (suisse) s.A. (6)
Spring meadow nursery inc. (6)
Blueprint technologies ltd. (5)
Class 9 (355)
Class 41 (221)
Class 35 (213)
Class 16 (165)
Class 25 (164)
Class 42 (159)
Class 28 (139)
Class 11 (135)
Class 30 (123)
Class 21 (112)
Class 37 (104)
Class 14 (103)
Class 45 (100)
Class 3 (87)
Class 18 (82)
Class 29 (81)
Class 6 (80)
Class 32 (77)
Class 4 (76)
Class 5 (76)
Class 20 (73)
Class 24 (68)
Class 38 (68)
Class 40 (67)
Class 1 (66)
Class 34 (66)
Class 31 (64)
Class 36 (64)
Class 43 (63)
Class 7 (60)
Class 33 (58)
Class 8 (53)
Class 39 (53)
Class 19 (50)
Class 44 (49)
Class 17 (46)
Class 26 (46)
Class 12 (42)
Class 2 (37)
Class 10 (37)
Class 13 (36)
Class 22 (34)
Class 27 (33)
Class 15 (23)
Class 23 (20)
Smart & biggar lp (132)
Gowling wlg (canada) llp (100)
Marks & clerk (35)
Borden ladner gervais llp (30)
Riches, mckenzie & herbert llp (24)
Norton rose fulbright canada llp/s.E.N.C.R.L.,s.R.L. (23)
Clark wilson llp (20)
Dale & lessmann llp (18)
Colleen caissie-dupuis (17)
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United Kingdom
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
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$699 / 1 class + gov fee
United Arab Emirates
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
New Zealand
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
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South Africa
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Saudi Arabia
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British Virgin Islands
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
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Czech Republic
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Dominican Republic
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
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El Salvador
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Hong Kong (SAR)
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$1499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Madrid Protocol (WIPO)
$1999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Puerto Rico
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Sri Lanka
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
United Republic of Tanzania
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
West Bank, Palestine
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Antigua and Barbuda
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Bosnia and Herzegovina
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Burkina Faso
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
Cabo Verde
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Central African Republic (CAR)
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Cote d'Ivoire
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Equatorial Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
Marshall Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
North Macedonia
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Papua New Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Kitts and Nevis
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Lucia
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
San Marino
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sao Tome and Principe
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sierra Leone
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Solomon Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
South Sudan
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1599 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Trinidad and Tobago
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee