Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Pharmaceutical preparations, namely, acne cleansers; pharmaceutical preparations, namely, acne creams; anti-bacterial pharmaceutical preparations, namely natural pharmaceutical tablets, dry-filled capsules, liquid-filled capsules, and topical extracts for wound healing, antiseptic, disinfectant and cleansing purposes; anti-cancer pharmaceutical preparations, namely natural pharmaceutical tablets, dry-filled capsules, liquid-filled capsules, and ingestible liquid extracts for human colorectal cancer, human breast cancer, human cervical cancer and other cancers; allergy, decongestant and diet capsules for pharmaceutical purposes; capsules for veterinary pharmaceutical preparations, namely natural pharmaceutical dry-filled capsules and liquid-filled capsules from aqueous and ethanolic extracts for treatment of parasite infestation, diarrhoea, fasciolosis, rural chickens against newcastle disease, coccidiosis, helminthiasis, animal trypanosomosis, anthelmintic, acaricidal and insecticidal, digestive and topical ulcers; chemical products for pharmaceutical use; chemicals for pharmaceutical use; digestives for pharmaceutical purposes, namely, pharmaceutical preparations for treating digestive system disorders; pharmaceutical preparations, namely, anti-inflammatory elixirs; extracts of hop plants in capsule form for pharmaceutical purposes; lotions for pharmaceutical purposes, namely, antibacterial hand lotions, calamine lotion, insect repellent lotion; pharmaceutical moisturising preparations for use on the skin, namely, medicated body moisturizers; moisturising skin creams, namely, medicated creams for moisturising the skin; pharmaceutical moisturising skin lotions, namely, medicated lotions for moisturizing the skin; pharmaceutical moisturizers, namely, medicated body and face moisturizers; moisturizing medicated creams for the skin; natural pharmaceutical products, namely, anti-inflammatories; pharmaceutical pain killers, namely, anti-inflammatories; pharmaceutical lipsalves, namely natural pharmaceutical liquid extracts added to a medical or cosmetic preparation for cold, coryza, rhinitis, sinusitis, influenza, flu, cold in the head, ozena, chill, nose infections, black tongue, saliva, sialogogue, teeth hygiene, dental hygiene, caries, gingivitis, odontalgia, pyorrhea, toothaches, dental pain, and topical extracts from aqueous and ethanolic and bark pulp as a poultice for abscess, boils, bubo, carbuncle, chancre, cyst, ecthyma, furuncle, herpes, pimples, pruritus, pustules, scurfs, skin lesion, skin disease, namely, dermatitis, skin infection, skin rash, ulcer, aspergillosis, acarus, antifungal, fongicide, dermatomycosis, eczema, erysipelas, fungicide, herpes, impetigo, itching, mange, mycosia, nettle-rash, pelada, purpura, ringworm, tinea capitis, scabies, vitiligo, burn, hygroma, oedema, brucellosis, dropsy, vesicant for removing warts, cut, wound, chap, insect bites, wound healing agent, antiseptic, disinfectant, cicatrizing, maturative, vulnerary and wound infection; angostura, croton and mangrove barks for pharmaceutical purposes, chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes, namely, for the diagnosis of pregnancy, anti-inflammatory decoctions for pharmaceutical purposes, excipients for pharmaceutical purposes, namely, gelatin used in the manufacturing of pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical preparations and pharmaceutical products, namely natural pharmaceutical tablets, natural decoctions for use in pharmaceutical tablets, natural excipients for use in pharmaceutical tablets, dry-filled capsules, liquid-filled capsules, and liquid extracts for abdominal pain, dyspepsia, enteritis, stomach aches, stomach pains, stomachic, gastric ulcer, stomach ulcer, colic, colitis, gastritis, gastralgia, heartburn, bowels, gut, intestinal complaint, ague, fevers, malaria, paludism, antipyretic, amenorrhoea, emmenagogue, anaemia, asthenia, cachexia, drepanocytosis (sickle cell), fatigue, fortifying, growth, kwashiorkor, performance improvement, impotency, rachitis, reconstituant, weight loss, restorative, stimulant, tonic, weakness, waist troubles, virility, potency, antalgic, sick headache, cephalalgy, migraine, anti-inflammatory, arthritis, articular pains, cramp, kidney pain, lameness, antidote, detoxicant, antivenom, antipoison, bile, cholagogue, bile lithiasis, bilious disorder, blood circulation, blood cleansing, anticoagulant, cardiotonic, cardiac stimulant, analeptic, namely, central nervous system, chlamydia, syphilis, venereal illness, blennorrage, gonorrhoea, sexually transmitted diseases, cirrhosis, liver disease, jaundice, icterus, hepatic, hepatitis, hepatic insufficiency, hepatotoxic, cold, coryza, rhinitis, sinusitis, influenza, flu, cold in the head, ozena, chill, nose infections, cough, tuberculosis, hoarseness, pneumonia, pleuropneumonia, persistent cough, bronchitis, chest pain, pleurisy, pulmonary diseases, lung diseases, decongestant, depuratives for the body, diuretic, diabetes, hypoglycaemic, diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, dyspnoea, asthma, respiratory disease, emphysema, breathing difficulty, emetic, vomitive, enteritis, pyrosis, intestinal inflammation, gastroenteritis, enteralgic, exiting, fowl pox, cow pox, goat pox, smallpox, salmonellosis, gastrointestinal diseases, haemorrhagic diarrhoea, hygroma, oedema, brucellosis, dropsy, vesicant for removing warts, candidiasis, inflammation of the mammary glands, mastitis, internal injury, internal wound, internal parasitism, ascaris, amoebiasis, anthelmintic, bilharziosis, botfly, colibacillus, cysticercose, cococsidiosis, distomatosis, fascioliasis, fluke, gadfly, hookworm, helminthiasis, maggot, myasis, onchocerciasis, pin worm, roundworm, schistosomiasis, small intestinal worms (oxyure), tapeworm, teniasis, trichina, vermifuge, worm infestation, intestinal parasites, craw, giardiasis, laxative, purgative, constipation, cathartic, drastic, leprosy, measles, chickenpox, varicella, painful menstruation, dysmenorrhoea, hypermenorrhoea, phlebitis, psychosis, neurosis, debility, psychological problem, madness, neurasthenia, purification, insanity, sexual incapacity, sexual asthenia, frigidity, aphrodisiac, snake bite, sting by a venomous animal, insect bites, sterility, reproduction promotion, infertility, impotence, barrenness, sudorific, diaphoretic, tetanus, meningitis, trypanosomiasis, sleeping sickness, urogenital infection, ureteral pain, endometritis, urinary disease, cystitis, yellow fever, black tongue, saliva, sialogogue, teeth hygiene, dental hygiene, caries, gingivitis, odontalgia, pyorrhea, toothaches, dental pain, blepharitis, blindness, cataract, bad vision at night, conjunctivitis, eye disease, glaucoma, ophthalmia, trachoma, syphilis, venereal illness, infection of and pus in candidiasis, prolapse of the intestine, prolapse of the rectum, prostate, urogenital infection, and topical extracts from aqueous and ethanolic and bark pulp as a poultice for abscess, boils, bubo, carbuncle, chancre, cyst, ecthyma, furuncle, herpes, pimples, pruritus, pustules, scurfs, skin lesion, skin disease, namely, dermatitis, skin infection, skin rash, ulcer, aspergillosis, acarus, antifungal, athletic foot, fongicide, dermatomycosis, eczema, erysipelas, fungicide, impetigo, itching, mange, mycosia, nettle-rash, pelada, purpura, ringworm, tinea capitis, scabies, tinea, vitiligo, whitlow, dandruff, burn, compress, bandage, plaster, dressing of, poultice, hygroma, oedema, brucellosis, dropsy, vesicant for removing warts, inflammation of the mammary glands, mastitis, injury, cut, wound, chap, insect bites, measles, chickenpox, varicella, phlebitis, wound healing agent, antiseptic, disinfectant, cicatrizing, maturative, vulnerary and wound infection; pharmaceutical preparations being antiulceratives; pharmaceutical preparations containing vitamins; pharmaceutical preparations for alleviating disorders of the brain, namely for the treatment of epilepsy, seizure; pharmaceutical preparations for animals, namely, anaesthetic, analgesic, anti-inflammatories; pharmaceutical preparations for application to the skin, namely topical anti-inflammatories; pharmaceutical preparations for human use, namely, anaesthetic, analgesic, anti-inflammatories; pharmaceutical preparations for nasal use, namely, medicated nasal spray preparations; pharmaceutical preparations for oral use, namely, medicated oral care gels, oral analgesics; pharmaceutical preparations for personal use, topical use, and in the form of emulsions, namely natural pharmaceutical liquid extracts added to a medical, hygiene or cosmetic preparation for cold, coryza, rhinitis, sinusitis, influenza, flu, cold in the head, ozena, chill, nose infections, black tongue, saliva, sialogogue, teeth hygiene, dental hygiene, caries, gingivitis, odontalgia, pyorrhea, toothaches, dental pain, and topical extracts from aqueous and ethanolic and bark pulp as a poultice for abscess, boils, bubo, carbuncle, chancre, cyst, ecthyma, furuncle, herpes, pimples, pruritus, pustules, scurfs, skin lesion, skin disease, namely, dermatitis, skin infection, skin rash, ulcer, aspergillosis, acarus, antifungal, fongicide, dermatomycosis, eczema, erysipelas, fungicide, herpes, impetigo, itching, mange, mycosia, nettle-rash, pelada, purpura, ringworm, tinea capitis, scabies, vitiligo, burn, hygroma, oedema, brucellosis, dropsy, vesicant for removing warts, cut, wound, chap, insect bites, wound healing agent, antiseptic, disinfectant, cicatrizing, maturative, vulnerary and wound infection; pharmaceutical preparations for skin care, namely, acne creams, acne cleansers, medicated mosturising creams and lotions for the face and body; pharmaceutical preparations for the relief of insect bites; pharmaceutical preparations for the relief of insect stings; pharmaceutical preparations for the topical treatment of dermatological disorders namely, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, ichthyosis, vitiligo, urticaria and alopecia areata; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of blackheads; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of depressive illness; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of dermatological disorders, namely, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, ichthyosis, vitiligo, urticaria and alopecia areata; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of digestive maladies; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of disorders of the gastro-enterological tract; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of gastric diseases; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of gynaecological disorders; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of joint related diseases; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of pimples; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of premenstrual tension; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of psoriasis; pharmaceutical preparations for treating dandruff; pharmaceutical preparations for use in dentistry; pharmaceutical preparations for use in gynaecology; pharmaceutical preparations for use in the treatment of arthritis; pharmaceutical preparations for use in the treatment of arthrosis; pharmaceutical preparations for use in the treatment of pimples; pharmaceutical preparations for use in the treatment of rheumatism; pharmaceutical preparations for use in the treatment seborrheic dermatitis; pharmaceutical preparations for use in with an automated bacterial protection, namely antibiotics; pharmaceutical preparations for veterinary use, namely natural pharmaceutical dry-filled capsules, liquid-filled capsules from aqueous and ethanolic extracts added to a medical, hygiene or cosmetic preparation for treatment of parasite infestation, diarrhoea, fasciolosis, rural chickens against newcastle disease, coccidiosis, helminthiasis, animal trypanosomosis, anthelmintic, acaricidal and insecticidal, digestive and topical ulcers; pharmaceutical preparations in the form of tablets, namely, anti-inflammatories; pharmaceutical products derived from natural sources, namely, anti-inflammatories; pharmaceutical products for invalids, namely natural pharmaceutical tablets, dry-filled capsules, liquid-filled capsules, and liquid extracts for abdominal pain, dyspepsia, enteritis, stomach aches, stomach pains, stomachic, gastric ulcer, stomach ulcer, colic, colitis, gastritis, gastralgia, heartburn, bowels, gut, intestinal complaint, ague, fevers, malaria, paludism, antipyretic, anaemia, asthenia, cachexia, drepanocytosis (sickle cell), fatigue, fortifying, growth, kwashiorkor, rachitis, reconstituant, weight loss, restorative, stimulant, tonic, weakness, waist troubles, virility, potency, antalgic, sick headache, cephalalgy, migraine, anti-inflammatory, arthritis, articular pains, cramp, kidney pain, lameness, antidote, detoxicant, antivenom, antipoison, bile, cholagogue, bile lithiasis, bilious disorder, blood circulation, blood cleansing, anticoagulant, cardiotonic, cardiac stimulant, analeptic, namely, central nervous system, chlamydia, syphilis, venereal illness, blennorrage, gonorrhoea, sexually transmitted diseases, cirrhosis, liver disease, jaundice, icterus, hepatic, hepatitis, hepatic insufficiency, hepatotoxic, cold, coryza, rhinitis, sinusitis, influenza, flu, cold in the head, ozena, chill, nose infections, compress, bandage, plaster, dressing of, poultice, cough, tuberculosis, hoarseness, pneumonia, pleuropneumonia, persistent cough, bronchitis, chest pain, pleurisy, pulmonary diseases, lung diseases, decongestant, depuratives for the body, diuretic, diabetes, hypoglycaemic, diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, dyspnoea, asthma, respiratory disease, emphysema, breathing difficulty, emetic, vomitive, enteritis, pyrosis, intestinal inflammation, gastroenteritis, enteralgic, exiting, stimulating, fowl pox, cow pox, goat pox, smallpox, salmonellosis, gastrointestinal diseases, haemorrhagic diarrhoea, hygroma, oedema, brucellosis, dropsy, vesicant for removing warts, candidiasis, inflammation of the mammary glands, mastitis, internal injury, internal wound, internal parasitism, ascaris, amoebiasis, anthelmintic, bilharziosis, botfly, colibacillus, cysticercose, cococsidiosis, distomatosis, fascioliasis, fluke, gadfly, hookworm, helminthiasis, maggot, myasis, onchocerciasis, pin worm, roundworm, schistosomiasis, small intestinal worms (oxyure), tapeworm, teniasis, trichina, vermifuge, worm infestation, intestinal parasites, craw, giardiasis, laxative, purgative, constipation, cathartic, drastic, leprosy, measles, chickenpox, varicella, painful menstruation, dysmenorrhoea, hypermenorrhoea, phlebitis, psychosis, neurosis, debility, psychological problem, madness, neurasthenia, purification, insanity, sexual incapacity, sexual asthenia, frigidity, aphrodisiac, snake bite, sting by a venomous animal, insect bites, sterility, reproduction promotion, infertility, impotence, barrenness, sudorific, diaphoretic, tetanus, meningitis, trypanosomiasis, sleeping sickness, urogenital infection, ureteral pain, endometritis, urinary disease, cystitis, yellow fever, black tongue, saliva, sialogogue, teeth hygiene, dental hygiene, caries, gingivitis, odontalgia, pyorrhea, toothaches, dental pain, blepharitis, blindness, cataract, bad vision at night, conjunctivitis, eye disease, glaucoma, ophtalmia, trachoma, infection of and pus in candidiasis, prolapse of the intestine, prolapse of the rectum, prostate, sexual incapacity, sexual asthenia, frigidity, aphrodisiac, urogenital infection, ureteral pain, endometritis, urinary disease, cystitis, and topical extracts from aqueous and ethanolic and bark pulp as a poultice for abscess, boils, bubo, carbuncle, chancre, cyst, ecthyma, furuncle, herpes, pimples, pruritus, pustules, scurfs, skin lesion, skin disease, namely, dermatitis, skin infection, skin rash, ulcer, aspergillosis, acarus, antifungal, athletic foot, fongicide, dermatomycosis, eczema, erysipelas, fungicide, herpes, impetigo, itching, mange, mycosia, nettle-rash, pelada, purpura, ringworm, tinea capitis, scabies, tinea, vitiligo, whitlow, dandruff, burn, compress, bandage, plaster, dressing of, poultice, hygroma, oedema, brucellosis, dropsy, vesicant for removing warts, inflammation of the mammary glands, mastitis, injury, cut, wound, chap, insect bites, measles, chickenpox, varicella, phlebitis, wound healing agent, antiseptic, disinfectant, cicatrizing, maturative, vulnerary and wound infection; pharmaceutical products for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders; pharmaceutical products for use by humans, namely, anaesthetic, analgesic, anti-inflammatories; pharmaceutical products in gel form, namely, anti-inflammatories; pharmaceutical products in the nature of anthelmintic preparations; pharmaceutical saline solutions for topical sinus and nasal irrigation purposes; pharmaceutical anti-allergic substances; pharmaceutical tablets, namely, anti-inflammatories; hop plant extracts for pharmaceutical purposes; ; hop plant extracts for pharmaceutical use; pharmaceutical preparations for application to the body, namely, medicated body creams; pharmaceutical preparations for application to the scalp for the treatment of psoriasis; pharmaceutical preparations for application to the skin, namely, medicated skin moisturizing creams, anti-inflammatory creams; pharmaceutical preparations for body care, namely, medicated body creams; preparations of plants for pharmaceutical use, namely, anti-inflammatories; psycho-pharmaceutical preparations; pharmaceutical regimen preparations, namely, anti-inflammatories; pharmaceutical skincare preparations containing cannabis for medicinal purposes; pharmaceutical sprays for use on the body, namely, anti-inflammatory spray; stimulants for pharmaceutical purposes, namely, respiratory stimulants; tablets namely, anti-inflammatories; topical pharmaceutical compositions, namely, anti-inflammatories.