About 199 Trademarks found for “Po*is”
Mark | Details | Status | Class/Description | |
POULE DES BOIS Marie Line Tremblay 2371681 30 Dec 2024 | FORMALIZED on 30 Dec 2024 | Antisudorifiques et huiles essentielles à usage personnel; articles de... Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Antisudorifiques et huiles essentielles à usage personnel; articles de toilette non médicamenteux, nommément gel douche, savon pour le corps, savon liquide pour le corps, savon à raser et crème douche; aérosols parfumés pour les cheveux et le corps; barres de savon pour le visage à usage cosmétique; barres de shampooing; barres revitalisantes pour les cheveux à usage cosmétique; baume de conditionnement de la peau aux fins de cosmétiques; colognes, lotions, crèmes, hydratants, baumes, émulsions, gels et liquides après-rasage; compacts cosmétiques contenant de la poudre pressée pour le visage et du fond de teint en crème; cosmétiques, nommément rouges à lèvres, baumes à lèvres non médicamenteux, crayons à lèvres, brillants à lèvres, ombre à paupières, traceurs pour les yeux, crayons pour les yeux, mascara, fards à joues en crème et en poudre, poudre pour le visage, fonds de teint liquides et en crème; cosmétiques, vernis à ongles, polis à ongles; crème non médicamenteuse pour les éruptions cutanées; crème pour le visage et le corps; crèmes pour la peau non médicamentées infusées d'huiles essentielles pour l'aromathérapie; déodorants et antisudorifiques à usage personnel; désodorisants parfumés d'atmosphère en spray; détergents à lessive; huiles essentielles et mélanges d'huiles essentielles pour usage personnel; lingettes humides à usage hygiénique et cosmétique; nettoyants non médicamentés infusés d'huiles essentielles pour l'aromathérapie; pains de savon; poudre capillaire utilisée comme shampooing sec à des fins cosmétiques; produits de protection solaire pour les lèvres; produits de soins capillaires, nommément revitalisants et shampooing; préparations démêlantes pour cheveux; savons désodorisants; sprays parfumés et désodorisants pour tissus;; vernis à ongles cosmétiques; écrans solaires Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Antisudorifiques médicamenteux; bracelets répulsifs pour insectes; bâtonnets lubrifiants pour la peau afin d'éviter les frottements; crème solaire médicamenteuse; crèmes et pommades protectrices et hydratantes médicinales contre les coups de soleil; crèmes médicamenteuses pour soulager des piqûres et morsures d'insectes; encens répulsif pour insectes; lotion anti-mouches; lotions antibactériennes pour les mains; lotions médicamenteuses pour les coups de soleil; répulsifs anti-moustiques; répulsifs contre les insectes sous la forme de bougies; répulsifs pour animaux; sprays médicamenteux pour soulager des piqûres et morsures d'insectes; stylo applicateur rempli d'onguent médicamenteux pour soulager les piqûres et morsures d'insectes; vaporisateurs anti-moustiques ... Class 011 Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking Vêtements chauffés électriquement, nommément des gants, des mitaines, des chaussettes, des pantalons, des shorts, des vestes et des gilets Class 012 Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water Bicyclettes; bicyclettes de sport; bicyclettes à assistance motorisée; bicyclettes électriques; bicyclettes électriques pliantes; bâches adaptées pour bicyclettes; cadres pour plaques d'immatriculation de véhicules Class 013 Firearm Products Bandoulières pour armes; bandoulières pour cartouches ou étuis à munitions; bretelles pour armes à feu; housses pour armes à feu; supports pour armes à feu; étuis pour armes à feu Class 014 Jewelry Products Bijoux de fantaisie; bijoux en métaux non précieux; bijoux en métaux précieux; bijoux et montres; bijoux, pierres précieuses et semi-précieuses; boîtes à bijoux; breloques porte-clés en cuir; breloques porte-clés en imitations de cuir; breloques pour chaînes porte-clés; breloques pour porte-clés; coffres à bijoux; cordons porte-clés; porte-clés; porte-clés promotionnels; étuis à bijoux Class 018 Leather Products not including clothing Bandanas pour animaux de compagnie; bandoulières; habits pour animaux de compagnie; harnais pour animaux de compagnie; housse de protection ajustée pour sacs à dos; parapluies et ombrelles; parasols; petits sacs à dos; petits sacs à main; pochettes d'accessoires de sac à dos; sacs banane; sacs de chasse; sacs de chasse sportive; sacs de plage; sacs de provisions isolés; sacs de sport, sacs à bandoulière croisée, sacs à bandoulière et sacs à dos; sacs fourre tout à bandoulière; sacs fourre-tout; sacs à chaussures pour le voyage; sacs à cordon coulissant; sacs à cosmétiques vendus vides; sacs à dos; sacs à dos d'alpinisme; sacs à dos d'école; sacs à dos de randonnée; sacs à dos de sport; sacs à dos pour animaux de compagnie; sacs à dos à roulettes; sacs à dos, sacs à bandoulière; sacs à main, porte-monnaie et portefeuilles; valises; vêtements chauds pour chiens; vêtements pour animaux de compagnie, colliers pour animaux de compagnie, laisses pour animaux; étiquettes à bagages; étuis et porte-cartes de crédit; étuis pour clés Class 021 Houseware and Glass Products Bols pour animaux de compagnie; bols à soupe; bouteilles de plastique; bouteilles de voyage; bouteilles isolantes; bouteilles isolantes pour les aliments; bouteilles à eau en acier inoxydable réutilisables vendues vides; ceintures porte-bouteilles de sport; contenants en verre pour aliments; contenants isothermes pour aliments et boissons; contenants à breuvages; gobelets; isolants pour cannettes ou bouteilles de bière; ouvre-bouteilles; plat et assiettes; sacs isothermes; sous-verres; tapis de bar pour égoutter et sécher les ustensiles de cocktail et les verres; tasses à café; verres en plastique; verres à bière; verres à boire; verres à vin Class 024 Fabrics Couettes de lit; couettes et édredons; draps de lit; jetés; linge de cuisine; literie; nappe en tissu; rideaux de douche; sacs de couchage; serviettes de bain; serviettes de plage; serviettes en matières textiles; serviettes en microfibre; serviettes rafraîchissantes en textile; taies d'oreillers Class 025 Clothing Products Articles chaussants de plage, à savoir sandales et chaussures de plage; bikini; blouses, casquettes, robes, chapeaux, vestes, pantalons, chemises, shorts, jupes, bas, chandails, tee-shirts et sous-vêtements; bottes de chasse; bottes de cowboy; bottes de neige; bottes de travail; bottes en caoutchouc; bretelles de pantalons; camisoles; ceintures pour vêtements; chaussettes en laine; chaussettes et chaussons; chaussures de loisirs; chaussures de pluie; chaussures de sport; chaussures et bottes de pêche; chaussures sport; chaussures tout-aller; couvre maillot de bain; cravates; cuissards; doudounes sans manches; foulards; gants; gilets; gilets de pêche; guêtre de cou pour la protection solaire; guêtres; habits de motoneige; hauts de sport; jupes de sport; leggings, vêtements de nuit, vêtements de bain; maillots sportifs; manteaux; manteaux sport; pantalons; pantalons de sport; poches de vêtements; pyjamas pour adultes; pyjamas pour bébés; robes de bal, robes de chambre, robes de soirée, robes du soir, robes de mariage; robes de sport; sacs à chaussures de chasse; salopette à bretelles pour la chasse; salopettes; sandales de bain; shorts de sport; souliers; souliers de sport; sous-vêtements; sous-vêtements en laine; soutien-gorge de sport; soutiens-gorge, culottes, lingerie; tabliers; tuques; vestes de camouflage; vestes de duvet; vestes de pêche; vestes sport; vêtements de camouflage pour la chasse; vêtements de loisirs; vêtements de protection contre le soleil; vêtements pour la pêche; vêtements, à savoir, les couches de base Class 028 Toys and Sporting Goods Products Affûts de chasse; amorces artificielles pour la pêche; appeaux pour la chasse; appelants pour la chasse au gibier d'eau; appuis pour canne à pêche; appâts artificiels pour la pêche; appâts de pêche en cuiller; arcs de chasse; attirail de pêche; aérosols éliminant les odeurs, à utiliser pendant la chasse et les loisirs de plein air; bas de ligne de pêche; bobs de pêche; bouées de pêche pour la pêche à la ligne; boîtes pour articles de pêche; boîtes pour mouches à pêche; cannes à pêche; cuillères tournantes pour la pêche; décocheurs au poignet pour la chasse et l'archerie; décorations pour arbres de noël, sauf les lumières, les bougies et les confiseries; flottes pour la pêche; flotteurs pour la pêche; gaffes de pêche; gants de pêche en tant que gants renforcés pour la manipulation des bas de ligne; guides de canne à pêche; guides de ligne de pêche; hameçons et leurres de pêche; leurres odorants pour la chasse ou la pêche; lignes de pêche; mouches à pêche; moulinets de cannes à pêche; plombs de pêche; produits de camouflage odorants pour la chasse; produits odorants pour l'attraction d'animaux pour la chasse; sacs de pêche; sangles utilisées pour la chasse aux oiseaux; supports pour cannes à pêche; écrans de camouflage pour la chasse; émerillons de pêche; épuisettes pour la pêche; étuis de cannes à pêche Class 030 Staple Food Products Barres de chocolat; barres de céréales; barres énergisantes; breuvages à base de cacao; cacao; café; chocolat et bonbons; sauce épicée, mayonnaise, épices et marinades sèches; épices, marinades, assaisonnements Class 032 Light Beverage Products Bières Class 033 Wines and Spirits Products Cocktails alcoolisés; crèmes de liqueurs; liqueur; vin, saké, soju, whisky, gin, rhum, téquila, vodka, brandy; vins et cidres Class 039 Transportation & Storage Services Fourniture d'informations de voyage sur les expéditions de chasse; fourniture d'informations de voyage sur les expéditions de pêche; offre d'un site web d'information sur le voyage; organisation de voyages et de sorties en bateau; organisation de voyages organisés Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Développement, création, production, distribution et postproduction d'émissions de télévision; développement, création, production, distribution et postproduction de films; enseignement de la chasse; enseignement de la pêche; mise à disposition d'informations dans le domaine de la chasse à caractère récréatif; mise à disposition d'informations dans le domaine de la pêche à caractère récréatif; organisation de compétitions de pêche sportive; organisation de concours de pêche; organisation de fêtes de pêche; organisation de parties de chasse; organisation et déroulement de tournoi de pêche; pêche récréative; services d'éducation, nommément la fourniture de vidéos d'instruction en ligne dans le domaine de la survie hivernale en plein air, du canotage, du camping, de la pêche, de la chasse, de la cuisine, de la maroquinerie; services de divertissement, nommément la fourniture de vidéos non téléchargeables en ligne dans le domaine des activités de plein air, nommément la randonnée en canot, le camping, la pêche, la chasse, la cuisine, la maroquinerie | ||
POLARIS POLARIS INDUSTRIES INC. 2343106 8 Aug 2024 | FORMALIZED on 8 Aug 2024 | Metal shackles for lifting, rigging or towing; snatch blocks without h... Class 006 Class 006 Metal Products Metal shackles for lifting, rigging or towing; snatch blocks without hook for winches Class 007 Class 007 Machinery Products Winches; air compressors ... Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Protective riding glasses; battery packs/banks Class 011 Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking Headlamps; flashlights; LED off-road light kit comprised of a light bar and small light cube Class 012 Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water Tire repair kit composed of tire repair patches, rubber cement and tire repair plugs; vehicle tire deflators; trailer hitches; D-ring received hitch Class 022 Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products Synthetic winch rope; synthetic ropes; Cargo and carrier equipment for vehicles comprised of textile materials, namely, tow ropes, tow straps, ratchet tie-down straps, lashing straps and tarp straps; synthetic soft shackles for rigging, lifting and towing vehicles Class 025 Clothing Products Off-road riding gloves; neck and face gaiters | ||
POLARIS SHOPIFY INC. 2333407 18 Jun 2024 | FORMALIZED on 18 Jun 2024 | Downloadable software for building user interfaces for use in the reta... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Downloadable software for building user interfaces for use in the retail and e-commerce industry; downloadable application programming interface (API) software for enabling software developers to build software applications for use in the retail and e-commerce industry; downloadable software development kits (SDK) for building user interfaces for use in the retail and e-commerce industry; downloadable software featuring customizable templates for use in creating customized storefronts for online retail stores encompassing electronic shopping carts for e-commerce purposes. Class 041 Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Publication of educational materials, namely, publishing of articles, manuals, and journals all in the field of software development relating to building user interfaces for use in the retail and e-commerce industry; online publication of educational blogs in the field of software development relating to building user interfaces for use in the retail and e-commerce industry providing on-line tutorial videos for software developers in the field of building user interfaces for use in the retail and e-commerce industry, not downloadable; providing online non-downloadable electronic publications in the nature of articles, tutorial e-books, guides, and manuals all in the field of software development relating to building user interfaces for use in the retail and e-commerce industry; educational services, namely, organizing and conducting of conferences, courses, and seminars all in the field of software development relating to building user interfaces for use in the retail and e-commerce industry. ... Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for building user interfaces for use in the retail and e-commerce industry; platform as a service (PAAS) featuring computer software platforms for building user interfaces for use in the retail and e-commerce industry; technical support services, namely, troubleshooting of computer software problems. | ||
POLARIS Hamilton Germany GmbH 2378123 13 Jun 2024 | FORMALIZED on 5 Feb 2025 | Machines, namely, industrial robots, stacking equipment; machines for ... Class 007 Class 007 Machinery Products Machines, namely, industrial robots, stacking equipment; machines for sealing containers; machines for filling containers; machines for washing laboratory apparatus; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); compressors; robotic filling machines; vacuum control valves [parts of engines]; pumps [machines]; pumps [machines]; machines, namely automatic distribution machines; self-regulating pumps [other than for the delivery of fuel at filling stations]; parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Analysis and diagnostic apparatus, not for medical purposes; measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; robotic electrical control apparatus; electronic control apparatus, control units and control systems; apparatus for scientific research and laboratories; scientific, optical, analytical, measuring, dosing, diagnostic and checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments; scientific, optical, analytical, measuring, dispensing, diagnostic and checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments for use in laboratories; laboratory apparatus and instruments for process analytics for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping (OGM), not for medical purposes; automatic pipetting work stations; automatic pipetting workstations for handling and transporting liquids using a number of liquid transfer installations, not for medical purposes; automatic pipetting workstations for handling and transporting liquids using a number of liquid transfer installations for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping (OGM), not for medical purposes; work stations for handling liquids for scientific research and laboratories; laboratory equipment systems consisting of automatic pipetting workstations connected to one another and scientific laboratory apparatus for storage and management of biological, clinical, chemical, forensic and biopharmaceutical substances and samples; laboratory equipment systems consisting of automatic pipetting workstations connected to one another and scientific laboratory apparatus for storage and management of biological, clinical, chemical, forensic and biopharmaceutical substances and samples for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping (OGM); modular and expandable automatic pipetting work stations, for laboratory use, for scientific use; modular and expandable automatic pipetting work stations featuring integrated plate hotels for microtitre plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; modular and expandable automatic pipetting work stations featuring integrated plate hotels for multiwave plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; modular and expandable automatic pipetting work stations featuring integrated plate hotels for the interim storage of microtitre plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; modular and expandable automatic pipetting work stations featuring integrated plate hotels for the interim storage of multiwave plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; modular and expandable automatic pipetting work stations featuring integrated gripper-free transport devices for transporting and positioning the following goods: laboratory equipment, for laboratory use, for scientific use; modular and expandable automatic pipetting work stations featuring integrated gripper-free transport devices for transporting and positioning the following goods: microtiter plate, multiwell plates, pipettes, pipette tips, pipette modules and pipette carriers, for laboratory use, for scientific use; pipetting devices for aspirating and dispensing dosing liquids for laboratory use and scientific purposes for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping (OGM); automatic pipetting work stations for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping (OGM); work stations for handling liquids for scientific research and laboratories; work stations for handling liquids for scientific research and laboratories for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping (OGM); laboratory apparatus and instruments, namely sensors for measuring ph values, dissolved oxygen, oxidation reduction potential, ozone, organic carbon and conductivity, at the same time being provided with an integrated device for enhancing and wired and wireless transmission of sensor signals, for monitoring sensor functions and for controlling and setting sensor calibration; decappers, cappers and cap removers for sample containers; automated decappers, cappers and cap removers for sample containers; cappers and decappers for capping and uncapping of sample vessels with push-in stoppers and screwing and unscrewing of screw caps for sample vessels, for use in the following fields: research in the scientific field and laboratories; cappers and decappers for automated capping and uncapping of sample vessels with push-in stoppers and automated screwing and unscrewing of screw caps for sample vessels, for use in the following fields: research in the scientific field and laboratories; laboratory apparatus and instruments for process analytics, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for biopharmaceutical process applications, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for biopharmaceutical process installations, not for medical purposes; condensers [capacitors]; laboratory apparatus and instruments for clinical chemistry, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for sample preparation and processing in analytical laboratories; laboratory apparatus and instruments for sample preparation and processing in analytical laboratories for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping (OGM); diluters for sample preparation and processing in analytical laboratories; dispensers for sample preparation and processing in analytical laboratories; diluter and dispenser systems for sample preparation in analytical laboratories; dosing devices for use in laboratories; dosing modules for dosing devices for use in laboratories; dosage dispensers for the contactless dispensing of liquids; dosage dispensers for the contactless dispensing of liquids in the nanolitre field; dosage dispensers for the contactless dispensing of small volumes of liquid; nano dispensers for the contactless dispensing liquids for laboratory use and scientific purposes; dosage dispensers for liquid transfer in the nanolitre field for laboratory use and scientific purposes; dosing heads for the contactless dispensing of small volumes of liquid; dosing systems for laboratory use for dispensing liquids in jet mode; dosing systems for laboratory use for dispensing liquids in open-jet mode; dispenser systems for sample processing preparation in analytical laboratories for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping; laboratory apparatus and instruments for in-vitro diagnostics, not for medical purposes; metering apparatus for aspirating and dispensing liquids for laboratory use and scientific purposes; pipetting devices for aspirating and dispensing dosing liquids for laboratory use and scientific purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for blood separation, not for medical purposes; apparatus for scientific research and laboratories for the storage, transport and management of biological, clinical, chemical, forensic and biopharmaceutical substances and samples; laboratory apparatus and instruments for the automated transport of liquids and sample carriers, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for the automated transport of liquids and sample carriers for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping (OGM), not for medical purposes; cell culture apparatus for laboratory use; incubators for laboratory use; laboratory apparatus and instruments for processing, reproduction, purification and isolation of nucleic acids, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for conducting of nucleic acid polymerase chain reactions, not for medical purposes; devices for analyzing genome information; laboratory apparatus and instruments for DNA and RNA preparations and isolation, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for genome sequencing, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for transfection, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for transformation, namely for non-viral transmission of free DNA into competent bacterial cells, fungi, yeast and plants, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for cell screening, not for medical purposes; equilibrium dialysers for determining the binding effect of molecules and ions on proteins, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for examining and determining of ADMET parameters, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for examining the absorption, reabsorption and distribution of pharmaceutical active ingredients in an organism, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for protein crystallography, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for examining and analysing the crystallisation process of chemical substances and pharmaceutical active ingredients, not for medical purposes; differential scanning calorimeters for scientific research and laboratories; laboratory apparatus and instruments for conducting of polymorphism screenings of chemical substances and pharmaceutical active ingredients, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for verifying the storage stability of chemical substances and pharmaceutical active ingredients, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for verification and analysis of the compatibility of mixtures and combinations of different chemical substances and pharmaceutical active ingredients, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for verification and analysis of the suspensibility of solid or lyophilised chemical substances and pharmaceutical active ingredients, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for magnetic separation of cells, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for fluorescence-activated cell sorting, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for generating of cell lines, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for cloning of cells, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for determination and analysis of the alcohol, drug, heavy metal and toxin content in human and animal blood or urine, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for determination and analysis of the arsenic content and arsenic speciation in water and in human and animal foodstuffs, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for determination and analysis of the chromium content and chromium speciation in water and in human and animal foodstuffs, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for determination and analysis of pesticide, herbicide, petroleum, toxin, pathogen and heavy metal content in soil and water samples, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for determination and analysis of the proportion of fat, sugar, glucose, fructose, sucrose and water-soluble vitamins in human and animal foodstuffs, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for conducting of paternity tests, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for development and determination of composition of active ingredients in pharmaceuticals, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for in-vitro diagnostics, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for in-vitro diagnostics, not for medical purposes for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping (OGM); laboratory apparatus and instruments for conducting of allergy tests, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for biomarker and protein analysis, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for analysis of protein sequences, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for analysis of glycan structures, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for conducting analyses of blood and urine of human or animal origin, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for conducting nucleic acid tests, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for conducting ELISA tests, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for immunoassays, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for determination and analysis of the precious metal content in soil and stone samples, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for determination and analysis of anions and inorganic ions in groundwater and drinking water, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for extraction and analysis of oil samples, not for medical purposes; scientific apparatus for determining the water content in petroleum products; laboratory apparatus and instruments for purification of oligonucleotides, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for purification of pharmaceutical active ingredients, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for proteomics, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for electrophoresis, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for conducting of water solubility tests, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for quantitative analysis of xenobiotic and biotic substances in biological systems, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for determination of the undissolved proportion of pharmaceutical active ingredients in chemical solutions, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for wet and dry grinding of particles of pharmaceutical substances, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for measuring of particle size, pharmaceutical substances, not for medical purposes; receiving tanks for scientific and laboratory purposes; collection containers for scientific and laboratory purposes; degassers for scientific and laboratory purposes; instruments for temperature control; temperature indicators; temperature sensing apparatus for scientific use; temperature measuring apparatus for scientific use; digital cameras; wireless and wired transmitters; interfaces (for computers), namely, wireless and wired communications apparatus for the transmission of data interfaces; interfaces for sensors for measuring pH, dissolved oxygen, oxidation reduction potential, ozone, organic carbon and conductivity; apparatus and instruments for use in clinical, analytical and biopharmaceutical laboratories; cytometers; laboratory shakers; heated laboratory shakers; incubators for laboratory use; incubation plates for scientific or laboratory use; incubator shakers for laboratory use; heated incubator shakers for laboratory use; laboratory stirrers; laboratory mixers; warming panels, for use in the following fields: laboratories; sampling devices for laboratory use and scientific purposes; automated sampling devices for laboratory use and scientific purposes; septa for laboratory use and scientific purposes; high-temperature resistant septa for laboratory use and scientific purposes; petri dishes used in laboratory research; computers; tablet computers; portable computers; pipettes; pipettes for aspirating and dispensing liquids for laboratory use and scientific purposes; probes and pipettes for scientific purposes; pipette tips; pipettors; pipetting channels; pipetting heads; pipetting arms; pipette modules; pipette end cutters; pipette accessories, namely pipette holders, pipette carriers and pipette stands; pipette racks for laboratory use; holders for pipette carriers for laboratory use; holders for filling pipettes; filters for pipettes or pipette tips; reusable dispenser syringes for laboratory use; disposable dispenser syringes for laboratory use; automated pipettes; feeders for pipette cyclers, for use in the following fields: laboratories; cycling machines for quantitative polymerase chain reactions, for use in the following fields: laboratories; polymerase chain reaction apparatus, for use in the following fields: laboratories; vacuum apparatus for laboratory use; vacuum pumps for laboratory use; vacuum probes for laboratory use; vacuum stations for laboratory use; laboratory apparatus and instruments for automated refilling of reagents; reagent containers; laboratory centrifuges; filtering units for laboratory use; micropumps for laboratory purposes; analysers for liquids; scientific dispensers included in the class; scientific apparatus and instruments, namely dispensing apparatus attached to bottles, scientific syringes and syringes for use in chemistry, syringes with threaded plungers for use in chemistry; multi-channel syringes with interchangeable needles for gel loading for laboratory purposes; syringe needles for laboratory use; syringe guides for laboratory use; syringe racks for laboratory use; syringe pumps for laboratory use; liquid containers for use in laboratories; laboratory installations, equipment and holders for storage of biological, clinical, chemical, forensic and biopharmaceutical substances and samples; sensors and detectors; sensors for measuring instruments; optical sensors; electro-optical sensors; optical fibre sensors; optical sensors for water level detection; electronic sensors; sensor controllers; housings for measuring equipment and sensors; holding devices for measuring equipment and sensors; diaphragms for scientific apparatus; glassware for use in a laboratory; hollow glass containers for measuring; glassware for scientific use [specifically adapted]; sealing machines for laboratory purposes; laboratory apparatus for collecting, dispensing, transporting and positioning objects and substances in solid, liquid or gas form; analysis robots not for medical purposes; data carriers for recording images, sound and data; mobile and wired data communications apparatus; mobile and wired communications terminals; data communications receivers; data communications hardware; data processing equipment; wireless local area network devices; blank computer storage media; memory card readers; optical cards; electronic interactive apparatus for monitoring sensor functions and for controlling and adjusting sensor calibration of sensors used for measuring ph, dissolved oxygen, oxidation reduction potential, ozone, organic carbon and conductivity; computer software; computer software for determination of the undissolved proportion of pharmaceutical active ingredients in chemical solutions; computer software for conducting, analysis and representation of differential scanning calorimetry; computer software for conducting, analysis and representation of polymorphism screenings of chemical substances and pharmaceutical active ingredients; computer software for analysis and representation of the storage stability of chemical substances and pharmaceutical active ingredients; computer software for analysis and representation of the compatibility of mixtures and combinations of different chemical substances and pharmaceutical active ingredients; computer software for development and determination of the composition of active ingredients in pharmaceuticals, not for medical purposes; computer software for analysis and representation of suspensibility of solid or lyophilised chemical substances and pharmaceutical active ingredients; computer software for inductively coupled plasma spectrometry; computer software for wireless and wired content transmission; database synchronisation software; application software; application software for mobile phones; application software for tablet computers; downloadable software applications for use with mobile and wired apparatus; optical barcode recognition [OBR] software; reporting software; downloadable electronic reports; training software; simulation software [training]; instruction manuals in electronic format; training guides in electronic format; sealers, for use in the following fields: laboratories; welding sealers, for use in the following fields: laboratories; microtiter plate, for use in the following fields: laboratories; sealable microtitre plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; multiwell plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; sealable multi-corrugated plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; microtitre plates incorporating capillaries, for use in the following fields: laboratories; multi-corrugated plates incorporating capillaries, for use in the following fields: laboratories; sealable multi-corrugated plates incorporating capillaries, for use in the following fields: laboratories; microtitre plates laminated with hydrophilic sealing film, for use in the following fields: laboratories; multi-corrugated plates laminated with hydrophilic sealing film, for use in the following fields: laboratories; laboratory trays; sample carrier plates for laboratory use; sealing film for microtitre plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; hydrophilic sealing film for microtitre plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; plate hotels, for use in the following fields: laboratories; plate hotels for microtitre plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; plate hotels for multiwave plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; plate hotels for the interim storage of microtitre plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; plate hotels for the interim storage of multiwave plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; gripper-free devices for positioning laboratory equipment in automatic pipetting work stations; gripper-free devices for positioning microtitre plates for laboratory use in automatic pipetting work stations; gripper-free devices for positioning multiwave plates for laboratory use in automatic pipetting work stations; gripper-free devices for positioning pipettes for laboratory use in automatic pipetting work stations; gripper-free devices for positioning pipette tips for laboratory use in automatic pipetting work stations; gripper-free devices for positioning pipette modules for laboratory use in automatic pipetting work stations; gripper-free devices for positioning pipette carriers for laboratory use in automatic pipetting work stations; optical readers; bar code readers; microplate readers; image scanners; optical scanners; optical flatbed scanners; electronic scanners; digitizing scanners; 3D scanners; scanners for data processing; electronic apparatus for processing data, processing information, storing and displaying data, transmitting and receiving data, transmitting data between computers; laboratory robots; parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; all of the aforesaid excluding software solutions for immunofluorescence diagnostics. ... Class 010 Medical Instrument Products Medical and veterinary apparatus and instruments; diagnostic, examination, and monitoring equipment; pipetting instruments for medical use; pipetting instruments for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping (OGM), for medical purposes; syringes for medical purposes; testing apparatus for medical purposes; analysers for conducting analyses of blood and urine of human or animal origin, for veterinary use; apparatus for DNA and RNA testing for medical purposes; analysis apparatus for conducting of immunoassays for medical purposes; measuring devices for medical use; measuring instruments adapted for medical use; testing instruments for medical purposes; dispensers for administering and selecting reagent instruments for medical use; medical analysis apparatus for use in laboratories; precision instruments for medical purposes; medical instruments for drug abuse testing; cell culture instruments for medical use; analysis robots for medical purposes; analysis robots for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping (OGM), for medical purposes; probes for medical purposes; parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class. Class 011 Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking Heating apparatus, for laboratory use; heated trays, for use in the following fields: laboratories; refrigeration apparatus, for use in the following fields: laboratories. | ||
POLARIS POLARIS TRANSPORT CARRIERS INC. DBA POLARIS TRANSPORTATION GROUP 2330940 5 Jun 2024 | FORMALIZED on 5 Jun 2024 | Cartage services, namely transporting material by truck for others; di... Class 039 Class 039 Transportation & Storage Services Cartage services, namely transporting material by truck for others; distribution services, namely distribution of freight by means of truck transportation; supply chain logistics and reverse logistics services consisting of the transportation of goods for others by truck | ||
POLYVANTIS POLYVANTIS GmbH 2369351 8 May 2024 | FORMALIZED on 18 Dec 2024 | Chemical preparations for use in industry; chemical preparations used ... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemical preparations for use in industry; chemical preparations used in science; chemical preparations for use in photography; chemicals for use in agriculture; chemicals used in horticulture; chemicals used in forestry; chemical preparations and materials for films, photography and printing; detergents for use in manufacture and industry; industrial chemicals; compositions for fire extinguishing and prevention; chemicals and chemical materials used in science; chemicals and chemical materials for use in the manufacture of cosmetics; chemical compositions for use in construction; chemical compositions for water treatment; chemical and organic compositions and substances for treatment of leather and textile; salts for industrial purposes; starches for use in manufacturing and industry; putties, fillers and pastes for use in industry; fillers for vehicle body and tyre repair; synthetic resins, unprocessed; unprocessed plastics; unprocessed and synthetic resins; filtering materials [chemical, mineral, vegetable and other unprocessed materials]; growing media, fertilizers and chemicals for use in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; chemical and organic compositions for use in the manufacture of food and beverages; tanning substances; adhesives for use in industry; acrylic resins, unprocessed; polymer resins, unprocessed; polyamide resins. Class 017 Class 017 Rubber Products Unprocessed and semi-processed rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and substitutes for all these materials; plastics for use in manufacture [in extruded form]; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible hoses [not of metal]; flexible pipes, tubes, hoses, and fittings therefor, including valves, non-metallic; seals, sealants and fillers; insulation and barrier articles and materials; unprocessed and semi-processed rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and substitutes for all these materials, and plastics and resins in extruded form for use in manufacture, not adapted for a specific use, namely polyester, mineral fibres, elastomers, fibres impregnated with synthetic resins; carbon fibres, not for textile use, cellulose acetate film, other than for wrapping and glass wool for insulation; cast nylon for use in manufacture; chemical fibres not for textile use; microporous synthetic sheets for the manufacture of protective clothing, protective work clothing, protective rain clothing and for use in manufacture; microporous synthetic strips for the manufacture of protective clothing; self-lubricating cast polyamides for use in manufacture, being semi-processed polymers; viscose films, namely, plastic films, other than for wrapping and packaging; viscose sheets [semi-finished product]; yarns of ceramic fibres [other than for use in textiles]; semi-worked synthetic resins; semi-worked plastics; shock-absorbing buffers of rubber and packing materials of rubber or plastics; vibration dampers; insulating waterproofing membranes and semi-processed synthetic filtering materials; adhesive tapes, strips, bands and films; clutch linings and partly processed brake lining materials; rubber material for recapping tires; anti-corrosion tapes, being adhesive tapes for industrial use; foam supports for flower arrangements [semi-finished products]; polypropylene films, other than for wrapping and packaging; floor marking tapes; rubber pouches; rubber seals for jars; handles and supports of rubber; threads of plastic for soldering; statues and works of art, namely decorative articles [badges] made of mica, decorative articles [badges] made of rubber, figurines made from rubber; decorative plastics films being semi-finished products; recycled plastics; recycled compound plastics; recycled plastic materials for use in manufacture; recycled compound plastics for use in manufacture; recycled plastic in the form of bars, blocks, pellets, rods, sheets, tubes, for use in further manufacturing; resins in extruded form; extruded plastics [semi-finished products]; plastics in extruded form used in production; plastics in extruded form for use in further manufacturing; extruded plastic in the form of bars, blocks, pellets, rods, sheets, and tubes for use in manufacturing; masking films; window masking films; plastics in the form of sheets, films, blocks, rods and tubes; flexible plastic films, other than for packaging; plastic film for insulating purposes; acrylic sheets for use in manufacture; insulating sheets; acrylic resins, semi-processed; extruded acrylic sheets for the construction of greenhouses; printable acrylic sheets; cast acrylic sheets; acrylic glass, semi-processed; organic glass, semi-processed; plastic film, other than for wrapping; plastic sheeting for agricultural purposes; plastic substances, semi-processed; compositions to prevent the radiation of heat; soundproofing materials; polyamide foams; semi-finished polyamide resins for use in manufacture; semi-finished polyamide resins in the form of foils; semi-finished polyamide resins in the form of sheets; semi-worked polymer resins; translucent twin wall sheets and/or tri-wall sheets made of polycarbonates; safety curtains of asbestos. ... Class 019 Non-Metallic Building Material Products Building and construction materials and elements, not of metal; doors, gates and windows, not of metal; window coverings [outdoor blinds, not of metal and not of textile]; rigid pipes, not of metal, for building; asphalt; pitch; bitumen; unprocessed and semi-processed materials not adapted for any specific use, included in this class, namely pitch, tar, bitumen and asphalt, stone, rock, clay and minerals, wood and artificial wood; structures and transportable buildings, not of metal; statues and works of art of stone, concrete or marble; acoustic panels, not of metal; building glass; floors, not of metal; insulating glass for building. | ||
POWERED BY PROPOLIS Beekeeper's Naturals Inc. 2276527 21 Aug 2023 | ADVERTISED on 8 Jan 2025 | After-sun oils; aromatherapy oils; bath oil; bath oils for cosmetic pu... Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products After-sun oils; aromatherapy oils; bath oil; bath oils for cosmetic purposes; bath soaps in liquid, solid or gel form; body and beauty care cosmetics; body oils; cosmetic bath oils; cosmetic oils; cosmetic oils for the epidermis; cosmetics; cosmetics and makeup; essential oils for aromatherapy; essential oils for personal use; face cream; food flavourings being essential oils; hair oils; lip balm; liquid soap for body washing; massage oils; moisturizing creams; oils for cosmetic purposes; oils for toiletry purposes; skin care preparations; skin creams in liquid and solid form; toothpaste Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Allergy capsules; allergy relief medication; allergy tablets; antibiotic cream; bee pollen used as a dietary supplement; botanical supplements for general health and well-being; botanicals for the treatment of colds and flu; botanicals for the treatment of dental and oral diseases; cough lozenges; cough syrup; dietary supplements for general health and well-being; dietary supplements for promoting weight loss; herbal and dietary supplements for promoting faster muscle recovery after exercise; herbal honey throat lozenges; herbal supplements for general health and well-being; herbal supplements for the treatment of dental and oral diseases; herbal supplements for the treatment of the respiratory system; homeopathic remedies for the treatment of colds and flu; homeopathic remedies for the treatment of dental and oral diseases; homeopathic remedies for the treatment of headaches; homeopathic remedies for the treatment of morning sickness; medicated cold relief candy; medicated throat lozenges; medicated throat sprays; nasal drops for the treatment of allergies; nutritional supplements for building body mass; nutritional supplements for general health and well being; propolis dietary supplements; royal jelly dietary supplements; throat lozenges; vitamin supplements; vitamins ... Class 025 Clothing Products Aprons; athletic apparel; caps; casual clothing; hats; hooded sweat shirts; jackets; longsleeved t-shirts; promotional t-shirts; scarves; shirts; short-sleeved shirts; sportswear; sweatshirts Class 030 Staple Food Products Beverage flavourings; candy; dried herbs for food purposes; energy bars; granola-based snack food; herbal tea beverages; honey; honey for food; propolis; royal jelly; sweets in the form of candy Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services On-line retail store services featuring dietary supplements; online and retail sale of headwear; online sale of cosmetics; online sales of clothing; online sales of food items; online sales of footwear; retail and online sale of lozenges, cough syrup and throat spray; retail sale of clothing; retail sale of cosmetics; retail sale of food; retail sale of footwear; retail services for dietary supplements; retail store services and online retail store services featuring bee products, namely, bee pollen, honey and beeswax; retail stores for the sale of homeopathic medications and nutritional supplements; | ||
Pontis Pontis Realty Inc., Brokerage 2272663 31 Jul 2023 | SEARCHED on 19 Nov 2024 | Advisory services in the field of real estate; arranging of leases and... Class 036 Class 036 Insurance & Financial Services Advisory services in the field of real estate; arranging of leases and rental agreements for real estate; arranging of purchase and sale agreements for real estate; commercial and residential real estate consultancy services; commercial and residential real estate investment consulting services; commercial and residential real estate investment services; commercial real estate leasing; consulting services in the field of real estate; evaluation of real property; investment and acquisition advisory services in the area of real estate and multihousing real estate; lease of real estate; leasing of commercial real estate; leasing of industrial real estate; leasing of mixed-use real estate; leasing of real estate; leasing of residential real estate; providing advice relating to real estate investment; providing information in the field of real estate via the Internet; providing information in the field of residential real estate; providing information, consultancy and advisory services for the evaluation of real property; providing real estate listings and real estate information via the internet; real estate advisory services; real estate agency; real estate agency and brokerage services; real estate agency services; real estate agency services relating to sale of commercial real estate; real estate agency services relating to sale of residential real estate; real estate brokerage; real estate brokerage services; real estate brokers; real estate consultancy; real estate consultancy services; real estate consultation; real estate investment; real estate investment consultancy; real estate investment consulting services; real estate investment services; real estate lease renewal services; real estate lease surrender services; real estate listing services; real estate rental and leasing services; real estate rental services; real estate sale services; real estate services relating to condominium sales services, namely, providing real estate listings for facilitating condominium and residential real estate transactions; real estate services, namely, condominium rentals; real estate services, namely, sale of residential condominiums; real estate valuation services; rental of commercial real estate; rental of real estate; residential real estate agency services; sales of industrial real estate; sub-leasing of real estate; valuations in real estate matters | ||
PODENTIS FMC Corporation 2271183 24 Jul 2023 | REGISTERED on 10 Jan 2025 | Pesticides, insecticides and nematicides for professional lawncare, la... Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Pesticides, insecticides and nematicides for professional lawncare, landscape, golf course and ornamental use. | ||
POLARIS Glass Hardware Australia Pty Ltd 2280935 16 May 2023 | SEARCHED on 11 Dec 2024 | Door hinges of metal; hinges of metal; hinges of metal having a spring... Class 006 Class 006 Metal Products Door hinges of metal; hinges of metal; hinges of metal having a spring action; hinges of metal incorporating a spring; metal hinges; metal anchors; metal anchor sockets for posts; spigots for holding fence members; non-electric metal door closers; metal door latches; metal gate latches; metal door handles; fittings of metal for doors; metal door hardware being non-powered door actuators; metallic door hardware. Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Downloadable electronic publications; interactive electronic publications. ... Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Printed publications. Class 020 Furniture Products Hinges, not of metal; door hinges, not of metal; non-electric door closers, not of metal; non-metal door latches; non-metal door handles; non-metal door fittings; non-metallic door hardware. |
on 30 Dec 2024
Marie Line Tremblay
2371681 · 30 Dec 2024
Class 003
Cosmetics and Cleaning Products
Antisudorifiques et huiles essentielles à usage personnel; articles de toilette non médicamenteux, nommément gel douche, savon pour le corps, savon liquide pour le corps, savon à raser et crème douche; aérosols parfumés pour les cheveux et le corps; barres de savon pour le visage à usage cosmétique; barres de shampooing; barres revitalisantes pour les cheveux à usage cosmétique; baume de conditionnement de la peau aux fins de cosmétiques; colognes, lotions, crèmes, hydratants, baumes, émulsions, gels et liquides après-rasage; compacts cosmétiques contenant de la poudre pressée pour le visage et du fond de teint en crème; cosmétiques, nommément rouges à lèvres, baumes à lèvres non médicamenteux, crayons à lèvres, brillants à lèvres, ombre à paupières, traceurs pour les yeux, crayons pour les yeux, mascara, fards à joues en crème et en poudre, poudre pour le visage, fonds de teint liquides et en crème; cosmétiques, vernis à ongles, polis à ongles; crème non médicamenteuse pour les éruptions cutanées; crème pour le visage et le corps; crèmes pour la peau non médicamentées infusées d'huiles essentielles pour l'aromathérapie; déodorants et antisudorifiques à usage personnel; désodorisants parfumés d'atmosphère en spray; détergents à lessive; huiles essentielles et mélanges d'huiles essentielles pour usage personnel; lingettes humides à usage hygiénique et cosmétique; nettoyants non médicamentés infusés d'huiles essentielles pour l'aromathérapie; pains de savon; poudre capillaire utilisée comme shampooing sec à des fins cosmétiques; produits de protection solaire pour les lèvres; produits de soins capillaires, nommément revitalisants et shampooing; préparations démêlantes pour cheveux; savons désodorisants; sprays parfumés et désodorisants pour tissus;; vernis à ongles cosmétiques; écrans solaires
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Antisudorifiques médicamenteux; bracelets répulsifs pour insectes; bâtonnets lubrifiants pour la peau afin d'éviter les frottements; crème solaire médicamenteuse; crèmes et pommades protectrices et hydratantes médicinales contre les coups de soleil; crèmes médicamenteuses pour soulager des piqûres et morsures d'insectes; encens répulsif pour insectes; lotion anti-mouches; lotions antibactériennes pour les mains; lotions médicamenteuses pour les coups de soleil; répulsifs anti-moustiques; répulsifs contre les insectes sous la forme de bougies; répulsifs pour animaux; sprays médicamenteux pour soulager des piqûres et morsures d'insectes; stylo applicateur rempli d'onguent médicamenteux pour soulager les piqûres et morsures d'insectes; vaporisateurs anti-moustiques
Class 011
Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking
Vêtements chauffés électriquement, nommément des gants, des mitaines, des chaussettes, des pantalons, des shorts, des vestes et des gilets
Class 012
Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water
Bicyclettes; bicyclettes de sport; bicyclettes à assistance motorisée; bicyclettes électriques; bicyclettes électriques pliantes; bâches adaptées pour bicyclettes; cadres pour plaques d'immatriculation de véhicules
Class 013
Firearm Products
Bandoulières pour armes; bandoulières pour cartouches ou étuis à munitions; bretelles pour armes à feu; housses pour armes à feu; supports pour armes à feu; étuis pour armes à feu
Class 014
Jewelry Products
Bijoux de fantaisie; bijoux en métaux non précieux; bijoux en métaux précieux; bijoux et montres; bijoux, pierres précieuses et semi-précieuses; boîtes à bijoux; breloques porte-clés en cuir; breloques porte-clés en imitations de cuir; breloques pour chaînes porte-clés; breloques pour porte-clés; coffres à bijoux; cordons porte-clés; porte-clés; porte-clés promotionnels; étuis à bijoux
Class 018
Leather Products not including clothing
Bandanas pour animaux de compagnie; bandoulières; habits pour animaux de compagnie; harnais pour animaux de compagnie; housse de protection ajustée pour sacs à dos; parapluies et ombrelles; parasols; petits sacs à dos; petits sacs à main; pochettes d'accessoires de sac à dos; sacs banane; sacs de chasse; sacs de chasse sportive; sacs de plage; sacs de provisions isolés; sacs de sport, sacs à bandoulière croisée, sacs à bandoulière et sacs à dos; sacs fourre tout à bandoulière; sacs fourre-tout; sacs à chaussures pour le voyage; sacs à cordon coulissant; sacs à cosmétiques vendus vides; sacs à dos; sacs à dos d'alpinisme; sacs à dos d'école; sacs à dos de randonnée; sacs à dos de sport; sacs à dos pour animaux de compagnie; sacs à dos à roulettes; sacs à dos, sacs à bandoulière; sacs à main, porte-monnaie et portefeuilles; valises; vêtements chauds pour chiens; vêtements pour animaux de compagnie, colliers pour animaux de compagnie, laisses pour animaux; étiquettes à bagages; étuis et porte-cartes de crédit; étuis pour clés
Class 021
Houseware and Glass Products
Bols pour animaux de compagnie; bols à soupe; bouteilles de plastique; bouteilles de voyage; bouteilles isolantes; bouteilles isolantes pour les aliments; bouteilles à eau en acier inoxydable réutilisables vendues vides; ceintures porte-bouteilles de sport; contenants en verre pour aliments; contenants isothermes pour aliments et boissons; contenants à breuvages; gobelets; isolants pour cannettes ou bouteilles de bière; ouvre-bouteilles; plat et assiettes; sacs isothermes; sous-verres; tapis de bar pour égoutter et sécher les ustensiles de cocktail et les verres; tasses à café; verres en plastique; verres à bière; verres à boire; verres à vin
Class 024
Couettes de lit; couettes et édredons; draps de lit; jetés; linge de cuisine; literie; nappe en tissu; rideaux de douche; sacs de couchage; serviettes de bain; serviettes de plage; serviettes en matières textiles; serviettes en microfibre; serviettes rafraîchissantes en textile; taies d'oreillers
Class 025
Clothing Products
Articles chaussants de plage, à savoir sandales et chaussures de plage; bikini; blouses, casquettes, robes, chapeaux, vestes, pantalons, chemises, shorts, jupes, bas, chandails, tee-shirts et sous-vêtements; bottes de chasse; bottes de cowboy; bottes de neige; bottes de travail; bottes en caoutchouc; bretelles de pantalons; camisoles; ceintures pour vêtements; chaussettes en laine; chaussettes et chaussons; chaussures de loisirs; chaussures de pluie; chaussures de sport; chaussures et bottes de pêche; chaussures sport; chaussures tout-aller; couvre maillot de bain; cravates; cuissards; doudounes sans manches; foulards; gants; gilets; gilets de pêche; guêtre de cou pour la protection solaire; guêtres; habits de motoneige; hauts de sport; jupes de sport; leggings, vêtements de nuit, vêtements de bain; maillots sportifs; manteaux; manteaux sport; pantalons; pantalons de sport; poches de vêtements; pyjamas pour adultes; pyjamas pour bébés; robes de bal, robes de chambre, robes de soirée, robes du soir, robes de mariage; robes de sport; sacs à chaussures de chasse; salopette à bretelles pour la chasse; salopettes; sandales de bain; shorts de sport; souliers; souliers de sport; sous-vêtements; sous-vêtements en laine; soutien-gorge de sport; soutiens-gorge, culottes, lingerie; tabliers; tuques; vestes de camouflage; vestes de duvet; vestes de pêche; vestes sport; vêtements de camouflage pour la chasse; vêtements de loisirs; vêtements de protection contre le soleil; vêtements pour la pêche; vêtements, à savoir, les couches de base
Class 028
Toys and Sporting Goods Products
Affûts de chasse; amorces artificielles pour la pêche; appeaux pour la chasse; appelants pour la chasse au gibier d'eau; appuis pour canne à pêche; appâts artificiels pour la pêche; appâts de pêche en cuiller; arcs de chasse; attirail de pêche; aérosols éliminant les odeurs, à utiliser pendant la chasse et les loisirs de plein air; bas de ligne de pêche; bobs de pêche; bouées de pêche pour la pêche à la ligne; boîtes pour articles de pêche; boîtes pour mouches à pêche; cannes à pêche; cuillères tournantes pour la pêche; décocheurs au poignet pour la chasse et l'archerie; décorations pour arbres de noël, sauf les lumières, les bougies et les confiseries; flottes pour la pêche; flotteurs pour la pêche; gaffes de pêche; gants de pêche en tant que gants renforcés pour la manipulation des bas de ligne; guides de canne à pêche; guides de ligne de pêche; hameçons et leurres de pêche; leurres odorants pour la chasse ou la pêche; lignes de pêche; mouches à pêche; moulinets de cannes à pêche; plombs de pêche; produits de camouflage odorants pour la chasse; produits odorants pour l'attraction d'animaux pour la chasse; sacs de pêche; sangles utilisées pour la chasse aux oiseaux; supports pour cannes à pêche; écrans de camouflage pour la chasse; émerillons de pêche; épuisettes pour la pêche; étuis de cannes à pêche
Class 030
Staple Food Products
Barres de chocolat; barres de céréales; barres énergisantes; breuvages à base de cacao; cacao; café; chocolat et bonbons; sauce épicée, mayonnaise, épices et marinades sèches; épices, marinades, assaisonnements
Class 032
Light Beverage Products
Class 033
Wines and Spirits Products
Cocktails alcoolisés; crèmes de liqueurs; liqueur; vin, saké, soju, whisky, gin, rhum, téquila, vodka, brandy; vins et cidres
Class 039
Transportation & Storage Services
Fourniture d'informations de voyage sur les expéditions de chasse; fourniture d'informations de voyage sur les expéditions de pêche; offre d'un site web d'information sur le voyage; organisation de voyages et de sorties en bateau; organisation de voyages organisés
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Développement, création, production, distribution et postproduction d'émissions de télévision; développement, création, production, distribution et postproduction de films; enseignement de la chasse; enseignement de la pêche; mise à disposition d'informations dans le domaine de la chasse à caractère récréatif; mise à disposition d'informations dans le domaine de la pêche à caractère récréatif; organisation de compétitions de pêche sportive; organisation de concours de pêche; organisation de fêtes de pêche; organisation de parties de chasse; organisation et déroulement de tournoi de pêche; pêche récréative; services d'éducation, nommément la fourniture de vidéos d'instruction en ligne dans le domaine de la survie hivernale en plein air, du canotage, du camping, de la pêche, de la chasse, de la cuisine, de la maroquinerie; services de divertissement, nommément la fourniture de vidéos non téléchargeables en ligne dans le domaine des activités de plein air, nommément la randonnée en canot, le camping, la pêche, la chasse, la cuisine, la maroquinerie
Antisudorifiques et huiles essentielles à usage personnel; articles de...
on 8 Aug 2024
2343106 · 8 Aug 2024
Class 006
Metal Products
Metal shackles for lifting, rigging or towing; snatch blocks without hook for winches
Class 007
Machinery Products
Winches; air compressors
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Protective riding glasses; battery packs/banks
Class 011
Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking
Headlamps; flashlights; LED off-road light kit comprised of a light bar and small light cube
Class 012
Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water
Tire repair kit composed of tire repair patches, rubber cement and tire repair plugs; vehicle tire deflators; trailer hitches; D-ring received hitch
Class 022
Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products
Synthetic winch rope; synthetic ropes; Cargo and carrier equipment for vehicles comprised of textile materials, namely, tow ropes, tow straps, ratchet tie-down straps, lashing straps and tarp straps; synthetic soft shackles for rigging, lifting and towing vehicles
Class 025
Clothing Products
Off-road riding gloves; neck and face gaiters
Metal shackles for lifting, rigging or towing; snatch blocks without h...
on 18 Jun 2024
2333407 · 18 Jun 2024
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Downloadable software for building user interfaces for use in the retail and e-commerce industry; downloadable application programming interface (API) software for enabling software developers to build software applications for use in the retail and e-commerce industry; downloadable software development kits (SDK) for building user interfaces for use in the retail and e-commerce industry; downloadable software featuring customizable templates for use in creating customized storefronts for online retail stores encompassing electronic shopping carts for e-commerce purposes.
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Publication of educational materials, namely, publishing of articles, manuals, and journals all in the field of software development relating to building user interfaces for use in the retail and e-commerce industry; online publication of educational blogs in the field of software development relating to building user interfaces for use in the retail and e-commerce industry providing on-line tutorial videos for software developers in the field of building user interfaces for use in the retail and e-commerce industry, not downloadable; providing online non-downloadable electronic publications in the nature of articles, tutorial e-books, guides, and manuals all in the field of software development relating to building user interfaces for use in the retail and e-commerce industry; educational services, namely, organizing and conducting of conferences, courses, and seminars all in the field of software development relating to building user interfaces for use in the retail and e-commerce industry.
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for building user interfaces for use in the retail and e-commerce industry; platform as a service (PAAS) featuring computer software platforms for building user interfaces for use in the retail and e-commerce industry; technical support services, namely, troubleshooting of computer software problems.
Downloadable software for building user interfaces for use in the reta...
on 5 Feb 2025
Hamilton Germany GmbH
2378123 · 13 Jun 2024
Class 007
Machinery Products
Machines, namely, industrial robots, stacking equipment; machines for sealing containers; machines for filling containers; machines for washing laboratory apparatus; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); compressors; robotic filling machines; vacuum control valves [parts of engines]; pumps [machines]; pumps [machines]; machines, namely automatic distribution machines; self-regulating pumps [other than for the delivery of fuel at filling stations]; parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class.
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Analysis and diagnostic apparatus, not for medical purposes; measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; robotic electrical control apparatus; electronic control apparatus, control units and control systems; apparatus for scientific research and laboratories; scientific, optical, analytical, measuring, dosing, diagnostic and checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments; scientific, optical, analytical, measuring, dispensing, diagnostic and checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments for use in laboratories; laboratory apparatus and instruments for process analytics for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping (OGM), not for medical purposes; automatic pipetting work stations; automatic pipetting workstations for handling and transporting liquids using a number of liquid transfer installations, not for medical purposes; automatic pipetting workstations for handling and transporting liquids using a number of liquid transfer installations for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping (OGM), not for medical purposes; work stations for handling liquids for scientific research and laboratories; laboratory equipment systems consisting of automatic pipetting workstations connected to one another and scientific laboratory apparatus for storage and management of biological, clinical, chemical, forensic and biopharmaceutical substances and samples; laboratory equipment systems consisting of automatic pipetting workstations connected to one another and scientific laboratory apparatus for storage and management of biological, clinical, chemical, forensic and biopharmaceutical substances and samples for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping (OGM); modular and expandable automatic pipetting work stations, for laboratory use, for scientific use; modular and expandable automatic pipetting work stations featuring integrated plate hotels for microtitre plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; modular and expandable automatic pipetting work stations featuring integrated plate hotels for multiwave plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; modular and expandable automatic pipetting work stations featuring integrated plate hotels for the interim storage of microtitre plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; modular and expandable automatic pipetting work stations featuring integrated plate hotels for the interim storage of multiwave plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; modular and expandable automatic pipetting work stations featuring integrated gripper-free transport devices for transporting and positioning the following goods: laboratory equipment, for laboratory use, for scientific use; modular and expandable automatic pipetting work stations featuring integrated gripper-free transport devices for transporting and positioning the following goods: microtiter plate, multiwell plates, pipettes, pipette tips, pipette modules and pipette carriers, for laboratory use, for scientific use; pipetting devices for aspirating and dispensing dosing liquids for laboratory use and scientific purposes for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping (OGM); automatic pipetting work stations for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping (OGM); work stations for handling liquids for scientific research and laboratories; work stations for handling liquids for scientific research and laboratories for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping (OGM); laboratory apparatus and instruments, namely sensors for measuring ph values, dissolved oxygen, oxidation reduction potential, ozone, organic carbon and conductivity, at the same time being provided with an integrated device for enhancing and wired and wireless transmission of sensor signals, for monitoring sensor functions and for controlling and setting sensor calibration; decappers, cappers and cap removers for sample containers; automated decappers, cappers and cap removers for sample containers; cappers and decappers for capping and uncapping of sample vessels with push-in stoppers and screwing and unscrewing of screw caps for sample vessels, for use in the following fields: research in the scientific field and laboratories; cappers and decappers for automated capping and uncapping of sample vessels with push-in stoppers and automated screwing and unscrewing of screw caps for sample vessels, for use in the following fields: research in the scientific field and laboratories; laboratory apparatus and instruments for process analytics, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for biopharmaceutical process applications, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for biopharmaceutical process installations, not for medical purposes; condensers [capacitors]; laboratory apparatus and instruments for clinical chemistry, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for sample preparation and processing in analytical laboratories; laboratory apparatus and instruments for sample preparation and processing in analytical laboratories for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping (OGM); diluters for sample preparation and processing in analytical laboratories; dispensers for sample preparation and processing in analytical laboratories; diluter and dispenser systems for sample preparation in analytical laboratories; dosing devices for use in laboratories; dosing modules for dosing devices for use in laboratories; dosage dispensers for the contactless dispensing of liquids; dosage dispensers for the contactless dispensing of liquids in the nanolitre field; dosage dispensers for the contactless dispensing of small volumes of liquid; nano dispensers for the contactless dispensing liquids for laboratory use and scientific purposes; dosage dispensers for liquid transfer in the nanolitre field for laboratory use and scientific purposes; dosing heads for the contactless dispensing of small volumes of liquid; dosing systems for laboratory use for dispensing liquids in jet mode; dosing systems for laboratory use for dispensing liquids in open-jet mode; dispenser systems for sample processing preparation in analytical laboratories for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping; laboratory apparatus and instruments for in-vitro diagnostics, not for medical purposes; metering apparatus for aspirating and dispensing liquids for laboratory use and scientific purposes; pipetting devices for aspirating and dispensing dosing liquids for laboratory use and scientific purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for blood separation, not for medical purposes; apparatus for scientific research and laboratories for the storage, transport and management of biological, clinical, chemical, forensic and biopharmaceutical substances and samples; laboratory apparatus and instruments for the automated transport of liquids and sample carriers, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for the automated transport of liquids and sample carriers for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping (OGM), not for medical purposes; cell culture apparatus for laboratory use; incubators for laboratory use; laboratory apparatus and instruments for processing, reproduction, purification and isolation of nucleic acids, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for conducting of nucleic acid polymerase chain reactions, not for medical purposes; devices for analyzing genome information; laboratory apparatus and instruments for DNA and RNA preparations and isolation, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for genome sequencing, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for transfection, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for transformation, namely for non-viral transmission of free DNA into competent bacterial cells, fungi, yeast and plants, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for cell screening, not for medical purposes; equilibrium dialysers for determining the binding effect of molecules and ions on proteins, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for examining and determining of ADMET parameters, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for examining the absorption, reabsorption and distribution of pharmaceutical active ingredients in an organism, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for protein crystallography, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for examining and analysing the crystallisation process of chemical substances and pharmaceutical active ingredients, not for medical purposes; differential scanning calorimeters for scientific research and laboratories; laboratory apparatus and instruments for conducting of polymorphism screenings of chemical substances and pharmaceutical active ingredients, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for verifying the storage stability of chemical substances and pharmaceutical active ingredients, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for verification and analysis of the compatibility of mixtures and combinations of different chemical substances and pharmaceutical active ingredients, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for verification and analysis of the suspensibility of solid or lyophilised chemical substances and pharmaceutical active ingredients, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for magnetic separation of cells, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for fluorescence-activated cell sorting, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for generating of cell lines, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for cloning of cells, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for determination and analysis of the alcohol, drug, heavy metal and toxin content in human and animal blood or urine, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for determination and analysis of the arsenic content and arsenic speciation in water and in human and animal foodstuffs, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for determination and analysis of the chromium content and chromium speciation in water and in human and animal foodstuffs, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for determination and analysis of pesticide, herbicide, petroleum, toxin, pathogen and heavy metal content in soil and water samples, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for determination and analysis of the proportion of fat, sugar, glucose, fructose, sucrose and water-soluble vitamins in human and animal foodstuffs, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for conducting of paternity tests, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for development and determination of composition of active ingredients in pharmaceuticals, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for in-vitro diagnostics, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for in-vitro diagnostics, not for medical purposes for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping (OGM); laboratory apparatus and instruments for conducting of allergy tests, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for biomarker and protein analysis, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for analysis of protein sequences, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for analysis of glycan structures, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for conducting analyses of blood and urine of human or animal origin, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for conducting nucleic acid tests, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for conducting ELISA tests, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for immunoassays, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for determination and analysis of the precious metal content in soil and stone samples, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for determination and analysis of anions and inorganic ions in groundwater and drinking water, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for extraction and analysis of oil samples, not for medical purposes; scientific apparatus for determining the water content in petroleum products; laboratory apparatus and instruments for purification of oligonucleotides, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for purification of pharmaceutical active ingredients, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for proteomics, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for electrophoresis, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for conducting of water solubility tests, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for quantitative analysis of xenobiotic and biotic substances in biological systems, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for determination of the undissolved proportion of pharmaceutical active ingredients in chemical solutions, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for wet and dry grinding of particles of pharmaceutical substances, not for medical purposes; laboratory apparatus and instruments for measuring of particle size, pharmaceutical substances, not for medical purposes; receiving tanks for scientific and laboratory purposes; collection containers for scientific and laboratory purposes; degassers for scientific and laboratory purposes; instruments for temperature control; temperature indicators; temperature sensing apparatus for scientific use; temperature measuring apparatus for scientific use; digital cameras; wireless and wired transmitters; interfaces (for computers), namely, wireless and wired communications apparatus for the transmission of data interfaces; interfaces for sensors for measuring pH, dissolved oxygen, oxidation reduction potential, ozone, organic carbon and conductivity; apparatus and instruments for use in clinical, analytical and biopharmaceutical laboratories; cytometers; laboratory shakers; heated laboratory shakers; incubators for laboratory use; incubation plates for scientific or laboratory use; incubator shakers for laboratory use; heated incubator shakers for laboratory use; laboratory stirrers; laboratory mixers; warming panels, for use in the following fields: laboratories; sampling devices for laboratory use and scientific purposes; automated sampling devices for laboratory use and scientific purposes; septa for laboratory use and scientific purposes; high-temperature resistant septa for laboratory use and scientific purposes; petri dishes used in laboratory research; computers; tablet computers; portable computers; pipettes; pipettes for aspirating and dispensing liquids for laboratory use and scientific purposes; probes and pipettes for scientific purposes; pipette tips; pipettors; pipetting channels; pipetting heads; pipetting arms; pipette modules; pipette end cutters; pipette accessories, namely pipette holders, pipette carriers and pipette stands; pipette racks for laboratory use; holders for pipette carriers for laboratory use; holders for filling pipettes; filters for pipettes or pipette tips; reusable dispenser syringes for laboratory use; disposable dispenser syringes for laboratory use; automated pipettes; feeders for pipette cyclers, for use in the following fields: laboratories; cycling machines for quantitative polymerase chain reactions, for use in the following fields: laboratories; polymerase chain reaction apparatus, for use in the following fields: laboratories; vacuum apparatus for laboratory use; vacuum pumps for laboratory use; vacuum probes for laboratory use; vacuum stations for laboratory use; laboratory apparatus and instruments for automated refilling of reagents; reagent containers; laboratory centrifuges; filtering units for laboratory use; micropumps for laboratory purposes; analysers for liquids; scientific dispensers included in the class; scientific apparatus and instruments, namely dispensing apparatus attached to bottles, scientific syringes and syringes for use in chemistry, syringes with threaded plungers for use in chemistry; multi-channel syringes with interchangeable needles for gel loading for laboratory purposes; syringe needles for laboratory use; syringe guides for laboratory use; syringe racks for laboratory use; syringe pumps for laboratory use; liquid containers for use in laboratories; laboratory installations, equipment and holders for storage of biological, clinical, chemical, forensic and biopharmaceutical substances and samples; sensors and detectors; sensors for measuring instruments; optical sensors; electro-optical sensors; optical fibre sensors; optical sensors for water level detection; electronic sensors; sensor controllers; housings for measuring equipment and sensors; holding devices for measuring equipment and sensors; diaphragms for scientific apparatus; glassware for use in a laboratory; hollow glass containers for measuring; glassware for scientific use [specifically adapted]; sealing machines for laboratory purposes; laboratory apparatus for collecting, dispensing, transporting and positioning objects and substances in solid, liquid or gas form; analysis robots not for medical purposes; data carriers for recording images, sound and data; mobile and wired data communications apparatus; mobile and wired communications terminals; data communications receivers; data communications hardware; data processing equipment; wireless local area network devices; blank computer storage media; memory card readers; optical cards; electronic interactive apparatus for monitoring sensor functions and for controlling and adjusting sensor calibration of sensors used for measuring ph, dissolved oxygen, oxidation reduction potential, ozone, organic carbon and conductivity; computer software; computer software for determination of the undissolved proportion of pharmaceutical active ingredients in chemical solutions; computer software for conducting, analysis and representation of differential scanning calorimetry; computer software for conducting, analysis and representation of polymorphism screenings of chemical substances and pharmaceutical active ingredients; computer software for analysis and representation of the storage stability of chemical substances and pharmaceutical active ingredients; computer software for analysis and representation of the compatibility of mixtures and combinations of different chemical substances and pharmaceutical active ingredients; computer software for development and determination of the composition of active ingredients in pharmaceuticals, not for medical purposes; computer software for analysis and representation of suspensibility of solid or lyophilised chemical substances and pharmaceutical active ingredients; computer software for inductively coupled plasma spectrometry; computer software for wireless and wired content transmission; database synchronisation software; application software; application software for mobile phones; application software for tablet computers; downloadable software applications for use with mobile and wired apparatus; optical barcode recognition [OBR] software; reporting software; downloadable electronic reports; training software; simulation software [training]; instruction manuals in electronic format; training guides in electronic format; sealers, for use in the following fields: laboratories; welding sealers, for use in the following fields: laboratories; microtiter plate, for use in the following fields: laboratories; sealable microtitre plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; multiwell plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; sealable multi-corrugated plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; microtitre plates incorporating capillaries, for use in the following fields: laboratories; multi-corrugated plates incorporating capillaries, for use in the following fields: laboratories; sealable multi-corrugated plates incorporating capillaries, for use in the following fields: laboratories; microtitre plates laminated with hydrophilic sealing film, for use in the following fields: laboratories; multi-corrugated plates laminated with hydrophilic sealing film, for use in the following fields: laboratories; laboratory trays; sample carrier plates for laboratory use; sealing film for microtitre plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; hydrophilic sealing film for microtitre plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; plate hotels, for use in the following fields: laboratories; plate hotels for microtitre plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; plate hotels for multiwave plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; plate hotels for the interim storage of microtitre plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; plate hotels for the interim storage of multiwave plates, for use in the following fields: laboratories; gripper-free devices for positioning laboratory equipment in automatic pipetting work stations; gripper-free devices for positioning microtitre plates for laboratory use in automatic pipetting work stations; gripper-free devices for positioning multiwave plates for laboratory use in automatic pipetting work stations; gripper-free devices for positioning pipettes for laboratory use in automatic pipetting work stations; gripper-free devices for positioning pipette tips for laboratory use in automatic pipetting work stations; gripper-free devices for positioning pipette modules for laboratory use in automatic pipetting work stations; gripper-free devices for positioning pipette carriers for laboratory use in automatic pipetting work stations; optical readers; bar code readers; microplate readers; image scanners; optical scanners; optical flatbed scanners; electronic scanners; digitizing scanners; 3D scanners; scanners for data processing; electronic apparatus for processing data, processing information, storing and displaying data, transmitting and receiving data, transmitting data between computers; laboratory robots; parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class; all of the aforesaid excluding software solutions for immunofluorescence diagnostics.
Class 010
Medical Instrument Products
Medical and veterinary apparatus and instruments; diagnostic, examination, and monitoring equipment; pipetting instruments for medical use; pipetting instruments for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping (OGM), for medical purposes; syringes for medical purposes; testing apparatus for medical purposes; analysers for conducting analyses of blood and urine of human or animal origin, for veterinary use; apparatus for DNA and RNA testing for medical purposes; analysis apparatus for conducting of immunoassays for medical purposes; measuring devices for medical use; measuring instruments adapted for medical use; testing instruments for medical purposes; dispensers for administering and selecting reagent instruments for medical use; medical analysis apparatus for use in laboratories; precision instruments for medical purposes; medical instruments for drug abuse testing; cell culture instruments for medical use; analysis robots for medical purposes; analysis robots for extracting and isolating Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) DNA, in particular for use in optical genome mapping (OGM), for medical purposes; probes for medical purposes; parts and accessories for all the aforesaid goods, included in this class.
Class 011
Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking
Heating apparatus, for laboratory use; heated trays, for use in the following fields: laboratories; refrigeration apparatus, for use in the following fields: laboratories.
Machines, namely, industrial robots, stacking equipment; machines for ...
on 5 Jun 2024
2330940 · 5 Jun 2024
Class 039
Transportation & Storage Services
Cartage services, namely transporting material by truck for others; distribution services, namely distribution of freight by means of truck transportation; supply chain logistics and reverse logistics services consisting of the transportation of goods for others by truck
Cartage services, namely transporting material by truck for others; di...
on 18 Dec 2024
2369351 · 8 May 2024
Class 001
Chemical Products
Chemical preparations for use in industry; chemical preparations used in science; chemical preparations for use in photography; chemicals for use in agriculture; chemicals used in horticulture; chemicals used in forestry; chemical preparations and materials for films, photography and printing; detergents for use in manufacture and industry; industrial chemicals; compositions for fire extinguishing and prevention; chemicals and chemical materials used in science; chemicals and chemical materials for use in the manufacture of cosmetics; chemical compositions for use in construction; chemical compositions for water treatment; chemical and organic compositions and substances for treatment of leather and textile; salts for industrial purposes; starches for use in manufacturing and industry; putties, fillers and pastes for use in industry; fillers for vehicle body and tyre repair; synthetic resins, unprocessed; unprocessed plastics; unprocessed and synthetic resins; filtering materials [chemical, mineral, vegetable and other unprocessed materials]; growing media, fertilizers and chemicals for use in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; chemical and organic compositions for use in the manufacture of food and beverages; tanning substances; adhesives for use in industry; acrylic resins, unprocessed; polymer resins, unprocessed; polyamide resins.
Class 017
Rubber Products
Unprocessed and semi-processed rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and substitutes for all these materials; plastics for use in manufacture [in extruded form]; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible hoses [not of metal]; flexible pipes, tubes, hoses, and fittings therefor, including valves, non-metallic; seals, sealants and fillers; insulation and barrier articles and materials; unprocessed and semi-processed rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and substitutes for all these materials, and plastics and resins in extruded form for use in manufacture, not adapted for a specific use, namely polyester, mineral fibres, elastomers, fibres impregnated with synthetic resins; carbon fibres, not for textile use, cellulose acetate film, other than for wrapping and glass wool for insulation; cast nylon for use in manufacture; chemical fibres not for textile use; microporous synthetic sheets for the manufacture of protective clothing, protective work clothing, protective rain clothing and for use in manufacture; microporous synthetic strips for the manufacture of protective clothing; self-lubricating cast polyamides for use in manufacture, being semi-processed polymers; viscose films, namely, plastic films, other than for wrapping and packaging; viscose sheets [semi-finished product]; yarns of ceramic fibres [other than for use in textiles]; semi-worked synthetic resins; semi-worked plastics; shock-absorbing buffers of rubber and packing materials of rubber or plastics; vibration dampers; insulating waterproofing membranes and semi-processed synthetic filtering materials; adhesive tapes, strips, bands and films; clutch linings and partly processed brake lining materials; rubber material for recapping tires; anti-corrosion tapes, being adhesive tapes for industrial use; foam supports for flower arrangements [semi-finished products]; polypropylene films, other than for wrapping and packaging; floor marking tapes; rubber pouches; rubber seals for jars; handles and supports of rubber; threads of plastic for soldering; statues and works of art, namely decorative articles [badges] made of mica, decorative articles [badges] made of rubber, figurines made from rubber; decorative plastics films being semi-finished products; recycled plastics; recycled compound plastics; recycled plastic materials for use in manufacture; recycled compound plastics for use in manufacture; recycled plastic in the form of bars, blocks, pellets, rods, sheets, tubes, for use in further manufacturing; resins in extruded form; extruded plastics [semi-finished products]; plastics in extruded form used in production; plastics in extruded form for use in further manufacturing; extruded plastic in the form of bars, blocks, pellets, rods, sheets, and tubes for use in manufacturing; masking films; window masking films; plastics in the form of sheets, films, blocks, rods and tubes; flexible plastic films, other than for packaging; plastic film for insulating purposes; acrylic sheets for use in manufacture; insulating sheets; acrylic resins, semi-processed; extruded acrylic sheets for the construction of greenhouses; printable acrylic sheets; cast acrylic sheets; acrylic glass, semi-processed; organic glass, semi-processed; plastic film, other than for wrapping; plastic sheeting for agricultural purposes; plastic substances, semi-processed; compositions to prevent the radiation of heat; soundproofing materials; polyamide foams; semi-finished polyamide resins for use in manufacture; semi-finished polyamide resins in the form of foils; semi-finished polyamide resins in the form of sheets; semi-worked polymer resins; translucent twin wall sheets and/or tri-wall sheets made of polycarbonates; safety curtains of asbestos.
Class 019
Non-Metallic Building Material Products
Building and construction materials and elements, not of metal; doors, gates and windows, not of metal; window coverings [outdoor blinds, not of metal and not of textile]; rigid pipes, not of metal, for building; asphalt; pitch; bitumen; unprocessed and semi-processed materials not adapted for any specific use, included in this class, namely pitch, tar, bitumen and asphalt, stone, rock, clay and minerals, wood and artificial wood; structures and transportable buildings, not of metal; statues and works of art of stone, concrete or marble; acoustic panels, not of metal; building glass; floors, not of metal; insulating glass for building.
Chemical preparations for use in industry; chemical preparations used ...
on 8 Jan 2025
Beekeeper's Naturals Inc.
2276527 · 21 Aug 2023
Class 003
Cosmetics and Cleaning Products
After-sun oils; aromatherapy oils; bath oil; bath oils for cosmetic purposes; bath soaps in liquid, solid or gel form; body and beauty care cosmetics; body oils; cosmetic bath oils; cosmetic oils; cosmetic oils for the epidermis; cosmetics; cosmetics and makeup; essential oils for aromatherapy; essential oils for personal use; face cream; food flavourings being essential oils; hair oils; lip balm; liquid soap for body washing; massage oils; moisturizing creams; oils for cosmetic purposes; oils for toiletry purposes; skin care preparations; skin creams in liquid and solid form; toothpaste
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Allergy capsules; allergy relief medication; allergy tablets; antibiotic cream; bee pollen used as a dietary supplement; botanical supplements for general health and well-being; botanicals for the treatment of colds and flu; botanicals for the treatment of dental and oral diseases; cough lozenges; cough syrup; dietary supplements for general health and well-being; dietary supplements for promoting weight loss; herbal and dietary supplements for promoting faster muscle recovery after exercise; herbal honey throat lozenges; herbal supplements for general health and well-being; herbal supplements for the treatment of dental and oral diseases; herbal supplements for the treatment of the respiratory system; homeopathic remedies for the treatment of colds and flu; homeopathic remedies for the treatment of dental and oral diseases; homeopathic remedies for the treatment of headaches; homeopathic remedies for the treatment of morning sickness; medicated cold relief candy; medicated throat lozenges; medicated throat sprays; nasal drops for the treatment of allergies; nutritional supplements for building body mass; nutritional supplements for general health and well being; propolis dietary supplements; royal jelly dietary supplements; throat lozenges; vitamin supplements; vitamins
Class 025
Clothing Products
Aprons; athletic apparel; caps; casual clothing; hats; hooded sweat shirts; jackets; longsleeved t-shirts; promotional t-shirts; scarves; shirts; short-sleeved shirts; sportswear; sweatshirts
Class 030
Staple Food Products
Beverage flavourings; candy; dried herbs for food purposes; energy bars; granola-based snack food; herbal tea beverages; honey; honey for food; propolis; royal jelly; sweets in the form of candy
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
On-line retail store services featuring dietary supplements; online and retail sale of headwear; online sale of cosmetics; online sales of clothing; online sales of food items; online sales of footwear; retail and online sale of lozenges, cough syrup and throat spray; retail sale of clothing; retail sale of cosmetics; retail sale of food; retail sale of footwear; retail services for dietary supplements; retail store services and online retail store services featuring bee products, namely, bee pollen, honey and beeswax; retail stores for the sale of homeopathic medications and nutritional supplements;
After-sun oils; aromatherapy oils; bath oil; bath oils for cosmetic pu...
on 19 Nov 2024
Pontis Realty Inc., Brokerage
2272663 · 31 Jul 2023
Class 036
Insurance & Financial Services
Advisory services in the field of real estate; arranging of leases and rental agreements for real estate; arranging of purchase and sale agreements for real estate; commercial and residential real estate consultancy services; commercial and residential real estate investment consulting services; commercial and residential real estate investment services; commercial real estate leasing; consulting services in the field of real estate; evaluation of real property; investment and acquisition advisory services in the area of real estate and multihousing real estate; lease of real estate; leasing of commercial real estate; leasing of industrial real estate; leasing of mixed-use real estate; leasing of real estate; leasing of residential real estate; providing advice relating to real estate investment; providing information in the field of real estate via the Internet; providing information in the field of residential real estate; providing information, consultancy and advisory services for the evaluation of real property; providing real estate listings and real estate information via the internet; real estate advisory services; real estate agency; real estate agency and brokerage services; real estate agency services; real estate agency services relating to sale of commercial real estate; real estate agency services relating to sale of residential real estate; real estate brokerage; real estate brokerage services; real estate brokers; real estate consultancy; real estate consultancy services; real estate consultation; real estate investment; real estate investment consultancy; real estate investment consulting services; real estate investment services; real estate lease renewal services; real estate lease surrender services; real estate listing services; real estate rental and leasing services; real estate rental services; real estate sale services; real estate services relating to condominium sales services, namely, providing real estate listings for facilitating condominium and residential real estate transactions; real estate services, namely, condominium rentals; real estate services, namely, sale of residential condominiums; real estate valuation services; rental of commercial real estate; rental of real estate; residential real estate agency services; sales of industrial real estate; sub-leasing of real estate; valuations in real estate matters
Advisory services in the field of real estate; arranging of leases and...
on 10 Jan 2025
FMC Corporation
2271183 · 24 Jul 2023
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Pesticides, insecticides and nematicides for professional lawncare, landscape, golf course and ornamental use.
Pesticides, insecticides and nematicides for professional lawncare, la...
on 11 Dec 2024
Glass Hardware Australia Pty Ltd
2280935 · 16 May 2023
Class 006
Metal Products
Door hinges of metal; hinges of metal; hinges of metal having a spring action; hinges of metal incorporating a spring; metal hinges; metal anchors; metal anchor sockets for posts; spigots for holding fence members; non-electric metal door closers; metal door latches; metal gate latches; metal door handles; fittings of metal for doors; metal door hardware being non-powered door actuators; metallic door hardware.
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Downloadable electronic publications; interactive electronic publications.
Class 016
Paper Goods and Printed Material
Printed publications.
Class 020
Furniture Products
Hinges, not of metal; door hinges, not of metal; non-electric door closers, not of metal; non-metal door latches; non-metal door handles; non-metal door fittings; non-metallic door hardware.
Door hinges of metal; hinges of metal; hinges of metal having a spring...
The bank of nova scotia (41)
Polaris industries inc. (27)
Dundee corporation (3)
Barcel usa llc (2)
Intervet international b.V. (2)
Lifestyle improvement centers llc (2)
Northern telecom limited (2)
Polaris industries inc. (2)
Siemens healthcare diagnostics inc. (2)
The bank of nova scotia (2)
Class 36 (59)
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Borden ladner gervais llp (33)
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Gowling wlg (canada) llp (11)
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$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$99 / 1 class + gov fee
United Kingdom
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$299 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
United Arab Emirates
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
New Zealand
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
South Africa
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Saudi Arabia
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
British Virgin Islands
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
Costa Rica
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Czech Republic
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Dominican Republic
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
El Salvador
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Hong Kong (SAR)
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$1499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Madrid Protocol (WIPO)
$1999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Puerto Rico
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Sri Lanka
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
United Republic of Tanzania
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
West Bank, Palestine
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Antigua and Barbuda
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Bosnia and Herzegovina
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Burkina Faso
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
Cabo Verde
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Central African Republic (CAR)
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Cote d'Ivoire
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Equatorial Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
Marshall Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
North Macedonia
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Papua New Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Kitts and Nevis
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Lucia
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
San Marino
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sao Tome and Principe
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sierra Leone
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Solomon Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
South Sudan
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1599 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Trinidad and Tobago
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee