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on 22 Feb 2022

Last Applicant/ Owned by


Maarweg 16550825 Köln


Serial Number

2010234 filed on 17th Dec 2019

Correspondent Address







Trademark usage description

computer programs, recorded; computer software, recorded; computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; computer programs, downloadable; elec Read More

Vienna Information

3 . 7 . 17

Wings, stylized or not -- Notes: (a) Including wings constituting a symbol or an emblem. -- (b) Not including wheels or wheel segments with wings (15.7.17), staves with wings (24.11.3) and Mercury's helmet (with wings) (24.11.14).Ailes, stylisées ou non -- Notes: (a) Y compris les ailes constituant un symbole ou un emblème. -- (b) Non compris les roues ou segments de roues ailés (15.7.17), les bâtons avec ailes (24.11.3) et le casque ailé de Mercure (24.11.14).

25 . 3 . 1

Horizontally elongated surfacesSurfaces de forme allongée dans le sens horizontal

25 . 3 . 5

Elongated surfaces with one short side convex or concaveSurfaces de forme allongée avec un petit côté convexe ou concave

26 . 4 . 1


26 . 4 . 4

Other irregular parallelograms, trapezia and quadrilaterals, quadrilaterals containing one or more rounded cornersAutres parallélogrammes, trapèzes et quadrilatères irréguliers, quadrilatères avec un ou plusieurs coins arrondis

26 . 4 . 6

Quadrilateral figures with one or more convex or concave sides -- Note: Not including elongated surfaces with one or more convex or concave sides (25.3.1).Figures quadrilatérales à un ou plusieurs côtés convexes ou concaves -- Note: Non compris les surfaces allongées avec un ou plusieurs côtés convexes ou concaves (25.3.1).

26 . 4 . 9

Several quadrilaterals juxtaposed, joined or intersectingPlusieurs quadrilatères, juxtaposés, accolés ou se coupant

26 . 4 . 24

Quadrilaterals with dark surfaces or parts of surfacesQuadrilatères avec surface ou partie de la surface foncée

26 . 11 . 3

More than two lines or two bandsPlus de deux lignes ou de deux bandes

26 . 11 . 6

Thick lines, bandsLignes épaisses, bandes

26 . 11 . 8

Horizontal lines or bandsLignes ou bandes horizontales

26 . 11 . 10

Straight lines or bandsLignes ou bandes droites

27 . 5 . 1

Letters presenting a special form of writingLettres présentant un graphisme spécial

27 . 5 . 7

Letters surmounted by a sign of disproportionate size -- Note: Includes, for instance, a letter i surmounted by a disproportionate dot, by a star or a flower.Lettres surmontées d'un signe de dimension disproportionnée -- Note: Comprend par exemple la lettre i surmontée d'un point disproportionné, d'une étoile ou d'une fleur.

27 . 5 . 8

Letters linked to or containing a figurative element -- Note: Letters representing a human being or a part of the human body, an animal or a part of an animal's body, a plant, a heavenly body, a natural phenomenon or an object are classified in division 27.3.Lettres liées à un élément figuratif ou contenant un élément figuratif -- Note: Les lettres représentant un être humain ou une partie du corps humain, un animal ou une partie du corps d'un animal, un végétal, un corps céleste, un phénomène naturel ou un objet sont classées dans la division 27.3.

29 . 1 . 3


29 . 1 . 4


29 . 1 . 1

Red, pink, orangeRouge, rose, orangé

29 . 1 . 2

Yellow, goldJaune, or

29 . 1 . 8


Classification Information

Class [009]
Computer programs, recorded; computer software, recorded; computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; computer programs, downloadable; electronic publications, downloadable; computer software applications, downloadable.

Classification kind code


Class [035]
Computerised file management; updating and maintenance of information in registries; updating of advertising material; business inquiries; provision of an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; providing business information via a web site; professional business consultancy; commercial information and advice for consumers in the choice of products and services; business information; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; registration of written communications and data; systemization of information into computer databases; compilation of information into computer databases.

Classification kind code


Class [038]
Providing user access to global computer networks; transmission of digital files; providing access to databases.

Classification kind code


Class [042]
Information technology [IT] consultancy; computer software consultancy; electronic data storage; computer programming; creating and designing website-based indexes of information for others [information technology services]; conversion of computer programs and data, other than physical conversion; software as a service [SaaS].

Classification kind code


Mark Details

Serial Number


Mark Type


Legal History

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Action TakenStatus
Submitted for opposition 22
on 12th May 2021
Search Recorded
Submitted for opposition 20
on 12th May 2021
Examiner's First Report
Submitted for opposition 223
on 12th May 2021
Total Provisional Refusal
Submitted for opposition 48
on 18th Dec 2020
Agent Changed
Submitted for opposition 256
on 7th Dec 2020
Notification of Possible Opposition Sent
Submitted for opposition 257
on 6th Feb 2020
Designation Notification - Madrid Protocol
Submitted for opposition 1
on 5th Feb 2020
Submitted for opposition 31
on 5th Feb 2020
Submitted for opposition 30
on 17th Dec 2019
Submitted for opposition 228
on 17th Dec 2019
International Registration