on 16 Feb 2010
Last Applicant/ Owned by
600 Yosemite BoulevardModesto, California 95354
Serial Number
1444413 filed on 10th Jul 2009
Correspondent Address
Trademark usage description
wines.Vienna Information
2 . 7 . 23
Groups stylized, shadows or silhouettes of groups -- Note: Including groups of stick figures.Groupes stylisés, ombres ou silhouettes de groupes -- Note: Y compris les groupes de bonshommes-allumettes.
2 . 9 . 8
Lips, mouths, tonguesLèvres, bouches, langues
2 . 9 . 14
Hands, folded hands, fingers, handprints or fingerprints, armsMains, mains jointes, doigts, empreintes de mains ou de doigts, bras
3 . 1 . 14
Bears, koalas, wombatsOurs, koalas, wombats
3 . 1 . 16
Heads of animals of series ITêtes d'animaux de la série I
3 . 7 . 4
Turkeys, pheasants, peacocks, hoopoesDindons, faisans, paons, huppes
4 . 5 . 2
Personified objects, combinations of objects representing a personageObjets personnifiés, assemblages d'objets représentant un personnage
4 . 5 . 21
Masks or fanciful or unidentifiable headsMasques ou têtes de fantaisie ou non identifiables
7 . 11 . 1
9 . 9 . 1
9 . 9 . 11
Sports footwear, ski bootsChaussures de sport, chaussures de ski
15 . 7 . 9
Other wheels, with or without spokes -- Note: Not including tyred wheels and vehicle wheels mounted on axles (18.1.21).Autres roues, avec ou sans rayons -- Note: Non compris les roues avec pneu et les roues de véhicule montées sur essieux (18.1.21).
18 . 1 . 5
Bicycles, motorcycles, motor scooters, tricyclesBicyclettes, motocyclettes, scooters, tricycles
25 . 1 . 15
Labels, collarettes (bottle-neck labels) -- Note: Not including tie-on labels (20.5.15).Étiquettes, collerettes -- Note: Non compris les étiquettes volantes (20.5.15).
27 . 5 . 1
Letters presenting a special form of writingLettres présentant un graphisme spécial
27 . 5 . 4
Letters embellished or decorated with a drawing or composed of a collection of drawingsLettres enjolivées ou ornées d'un dessin ou composées par un assemblage de dessins
27 . 5 . 17
Letters in heavy charactersLettres en caractères massifs
27 . 5 . 25
Letters presenting some other special form of writingLettres présentant un autre graphisme spécial
27 . 7 . 1
Numerals presenting a special form of writingChiffres présentant un graphisme spécial
27 . 7 . 17
Numerals in heavy charactersChiffres en caractères massifs
27 . 7 . 25
Numerals presenting some other special form of writingChiffres présentant un autre graphisme spécial
CIPO Classification Code
Action Taken | Status |
Submitted for opposition 5 on 16th Feb 2010 | Withdrawn by Owner |
Submitted for opposition 15 on 12th Jan 2010 | Correspondence Created |
Submitted for opposition 22 on 1st Dec 2009 | Search Recorded |
Submitted for opposition 20 on 1st Dec 2009 | Examiner's First Report |
Submitted for opposition 67 on 25th Nov 2009 | Agent Name Changed |
Submitted for opposition 68 on 25th Nov 2009 | Rep for Service Name Changed |
Submitted for opposition 31 on 15th Jul 2009 | Formalized |
Submitted for opposition 1 on 13th Jul 2009 | Created |
Submitted for opposition 30 on 10th Jul 2009 | Filed |