on 12 Jan 2015
Last Applicant/ Owned by
12/1 Moo.4Namai, LadlumkaewPathumthani 12140
Serial Number
1557884 filed on 23rd Dec 2011
Registration Number
TMA893711 registered on 12th Jan 2015
Registration expiry Date
12th Jan 2030Correspondent Address
Trademark usage description
edible seaweed and seaweed snacks.Vienna Information
1 . 15 . 21
Bubbles, frothy masses -- Note: Including speech bubbles.Bulles, masses mousseuses -- Note: Y compris les bulles de bandes dessinées.
2 . 1 . 1
Heads, bustsTêtes, bustes
2 . 1 . 30
Other menAutres hommes
2 . 5 . 2
2 . 5 . 4
Children wearing folk or historical costume -- Note: Including, for example, cowboys, native Americans, eskimos, indigenous children, wearing their traditional clothing.Enfants portant un costume folklorique ou historique -- Note: Y compris par exemple les cow-boys, les natifs américains, les esquimaux, les enfants autochtones, portant leurs vêtements traditionnels.
2 . 5 . 1
Heads, bustsTêtes, bustes
26 . 1 . 1
26 . 1 . 6
Several circles or ellipses, juxtaposed, tangential or intersectingPlusieurs cercles ou ellipses, juxtaposés, tangents ou se coupant
26 . 1 . 22
Circles or ellipses containing inscriptions arranged in some other formCercles ou ellipses contenant des inscriptions présentées selon une autre disposition
26 . 1 . 24
Circles or ellipses with dark surfaces or parts of surfacesCercles ou ellipses avec surface ou partie de la surface foncée
1 . 15 . 7
Sparks, explosions, exploding fireworks -- Note: Not including sparks represented by uneven-pointed stars (1.1.1).Étincelles, explosions, feux d'artifice -- Note: Non compris les étincelles constituées d'étoiles à pointes irrégulières (1.1.1).
26 . 11 . 1
One line or one bandUne ligne ou une bande
26 . 11 . 6
Thick lines, bandsLignes épaisses, bandes
26 . 11 . 12
Curved lines or bands (except a 26.11.13)Lignes ou bandes courbes (excepté a 26.11.13)
27 . 5 . 1
Letters presenting a special form of writingLettres présentant un graphisme spécial
27 . 5 . 8
Letters linked to or containing a figurative element -- Note: Letters representing a human being or a part of the human body, an animal or a part of an animal's body, a plant, a heavenly body, a natural phenomenon or an object are classified in division 27.3.Lettres liées à un élément figuratif ou contenant un élément figuratif -- Note: Les lettres représentant un être humain ou une partie du corps humain, un animal ou une partie du corps d'un animal, un végétal, un corps céleste, un phénomène naturel ou un objet sont classées dans la division 27.3.
28 . 3 . 0
Inscriptions in Chinese, Japanese or Korean charactersInscriptions en caractères chinois, japonais ou coréens
CIPO Classification Code
Action Taken | Status |
Submitted for opposition 50 on 27th Sept 2013 | Allowed |
Submitted for opposition 42 on 12th Jun 2013 | Advertised |
Submitted for opposition 26 on 23rd May 2013 | Approved |
Submitted for opposition 130 on 14th May 2013 | Note to file |
Submitted for opposition 27 on 2th Apr 2013 | Approval Notice Sent |
Submitted for opposition 22 on 26th Jul 2012 | Search Recorded |
Submitted for opposition 20 on 26th Jul 2012 | Examiner's First Report |
Submitted for opposition 31 on 4th Jan 2012 | Formalized |
Submitted for opposition 1 on 28th Dec 2011 | Created |
Submitted for opposition 30 on 23rd Dec 2011 | Filed |