on 8 Oct 2020
Last Applicant/ Owned by
5 Orange LaneMoncton
Serial Number
1129913 filed on 1st Feb 2002
Registration Number
TMA635620 registered on 17th Mar 2005
Registration expiry Date
17th Mar 2020Correspondent Address
27 Herriott Street Suite 2Perth
Trademark usage description
brewed alcoholic beverages, namely ale. t-shirts. sweat shirts, denim shirts, sport jerseys, hats and caps; glass beer steins, ceramic beer mugs, bo Read MoreVienna Information
25 . 1 . 15
Labels, collarettes (bottle-neck labels) -- Note: Not including tie-on labels (20.5.15).Étiquettes, collerettes -- Note: Non compris les étiquettes volantes (20.5.15).
25 . 1 . 19
Other labelsAutres étiquettes
2 . 1 . 1
Heads, bustsTêtes, bustes
5 . 7 . 2
Ears of cereals (wheat, rye, barley, etc.), ears of maize, ears of sorghumÉpis de céréales (froment, seigle, orge, etc.), épis de maïs, épis de sorgho
9 . 1 . 11
Cloth, network, flat linen, curtains, carpets -- Note: Not including nets for fishing, hunting or games (21.3.16).Tissus, filets, linges plats, rideaux, tapis -- Note: Non compris les filets pour la pêche, la chasse ou le jeu (21.3.16).
9 . 1 . 18
Cloth in pieces or in rollsTissus en pièces ou en rouleaux
25 . 7 . 20
Surfaces or backgrounds covered with lines or bandsSurfaces ou fonds couverts de lignes ou de bandes
25 . 7 . 21
Surfaces or backgrounds covered with straight lines or bandsSurfaces ou fonds couverts de lignes ou de bandes droites
27 . 1 . 1
Letters or numerals forming geometrical figures, written or typographical matter in perspectiveLettres ou chiffres formant des figures géométriques, inscriptions en perspective
27 . 1 . 12
Letters or numerals forming a figure in the shape of an arc of a circleLettres ou chiffres formant une figure en arc de cercle
25 . 7 . 1
Surfaces or backgrounds covered with repeated geometrical figures or designsSurfaces ou fonds couverts de figures ou de motifs géométriques répétés
25 . 7 . 3
Surfaces or backgrounds covered with squares or rectangles (except a 25.7.4)Surfaces ou fonds couverts de carrés ou de rectangles (excepté a 25.7.4)
CIPO Classification Code
CIPO Classification Code
CIPO Classification Code
CIPO Classification Code
Action Taken | Status |
Submitted for opposition 50 on 27th Aug 2004 | Allowed |
Submitted for opposition 51 on 27th Aug 2004 | Allowance Notice Sent |
Submitted for opposition 42 on 9th Jun 2004 | Advertised |
Submitted for opposition 26 on 4th May 2004 | Approved |
Submitted for opposition 15 on 23rd Dec 2003 | Correspondence Created |
Submitted for opposition 20 on 10th Apr 2003 | Examiner's First Report |
Submitted for opposition 22 on 27th Mar 2003 | Search Recorded |
Submitted for opposition 31 on 27th Feb 2002 | Formalized |
Submitted for opposition 1 on 7th Feb 2002 | Created |
Submitted for opposition 30 on 1st Feb 2002 | Filed |