on 31 Oct 2023
Last Applicant/ Owned by
619-4538 Kingsway AveBurnaby
Serial Number
1960262 filed on 1st May 2019
Trademark usage description
online sales of health supplements, health foods, maternity and baby products, medicinal products. import and export agency warehousing and storageVienna Information
5 . 3 . 14
One leafUne feuille
5 . 3 . 11
Other leavesAutres feuilles
5 . 3 . 13
Stylized leavesFeuilles stylisées
25 . 5 . 1
Backgrounds divided into two, verticallyFonds partagés en deux dans le sens vertical
26 . 4 . 4
Other irregular parallelograms, trapezia and quadrilaterals, quadrilaterals containing one or more rounded cornersAutres parallélogrammes, trapèzes et quadrilatères irréguliers, quadrilatères avec un ou plusieurs coins arrondis
26 . 4 . 5
One quadrilateralUn quadrilatère
26 . 4 . 12
Quadrilaterals containing one or more other geometrical figures -- Note: Including quadrilaterals containing bent or straight lines (except 26.4.11).Quadrilatères contenant une ou plusieurs autres figures géométriques -- Note: Y compris les quadrilatères contenant des lignes courbées ou droites (excepté 26.4.11).
26 . 4 . 15
Quadrilaterals containing representations of animals or parts of animals' bodies or plantsQuadrilatères contenant la représentation d'animaux, de parties du corps d'un animal ou de végétaux
26 . 4 . 18
Quadrilaterals containing one or more lettersQuadrilatères contenant une ou plusieurs lettres
26 . 4 . 24
Quadrilaterals with dark surfaces or parts of surfacesQuadrilatères avec surface ou partie de la surface foncée
26 . 4 . 26
Quadrilaterals with cutout areasQuadrilatères avec des zones découpées
26 . 11 . 1
One line or one bandUne ligne ou une bande
26 . 11 . 7
Vertical lines or bandsLignes ou bandes verticales
26 . 11 . 10
Straight lines or bandsLignes ou bandes droites
28 . 3 . 0
Inscriptions in Chinese, Japanese or Korean charactersInscriptions en caractères chinois, japonais ou coréens
29 . 1 . 4
29 . 1 . 3
29 . 1 . 6
White, grey, silverBlanc, gris, argent
29 . 1 . 8
Action Taken | Status |
Submitted for opposition 15 on 10th Sept 2024 | Correspondence Created |
Submitted for opposition 22 on 31st Oct 2023 | Search Recorded |
Submitted for opposition 20 on 31st Oct 2023 | Examiner's First Report |
Submitted for opposition 287 on 30th May 2022 | Pre-Assessment Letter Sent |
Submitted for opposition 31 on 6th May 2019 | Formalized |
Submitted for opposition 30 on 1st May 2019 | Filed |
Submitted for opposition 1 on 1st May 2019 | Created |