on 3 Aug 2017
Last Applicant/ Owned by
C-18, Dalia Estate, Near Fun Republic, Andheri Link Road Andheri (West)Mumbai 400 053
Serial Number
1694689 filed on 19th Sept 2014
Registration Number
TMA977589 registered on 3rd Aug 2017
Registration expiry Date
3rd Aug 2032Correspondent Address
(Fleck Professional Corporation o/a Fleck Innovation Law)First Canadian Place100 King Street West, Suite 5700Toronto
Trademark usage description
catering of food & drinks; restaurant, bar & catering services, cafes & cafeterias; snack bars, restaurants & hotels; providing banquet and banquet ha Read MoreVienna Information
1 . 1 . 1
1 . 1 . 2
One starUne étoile
1 . 1 . 10
Stars with more than four pointsÉtoiles à plus de quatre pointes
1 . 1 . 12
Stars with uneven points -- Note: Including sparks consisting of uneven-pointed stars.Étoiles à pointes irrégulières -- Note: Y compris les étincelles constituées d'étoiles à pointes irrégulières.
1 . 3 . 2
Other representations of the sunAutres représentations du soleil
1 . 3 . 15
Sun with rays constituted by rectilinear lines, sheaves of lines or bandsSoleil à rayons constitués par des traits, des faisceaux de traits ou des bandes rectilignes
1 . 3 . 18
Sun with irregular rays (corona)Soleil à rayonnement irrégulier (corona)
5 . 5 . 19
Other flowers, blossoms -- Notes: (a) Including flowers or blossoms of trees (cherry trees, peach trees, apple trees) and of bushes. -- (b) Including flowers of protea and strelitzia.Autres fleurs -- Notes: (a) Y compris les fleurs d'arbres (cerisiers, pêchers, pommiers) et d'arbustes. -- (b) Y compris les fleurs de protea et de strelitzia.
5 . 5 . 20
Stylized flowersFleurs stylisées
5 . 5 . 21
One flowerUne fleur
24 . 13 . 1
Greek cross, St. Andrew's crossCroix grecque ou de Saint-André
24 . 17 . 1
Punctuation marksSignes de ponctuation
24 . 17 . 2
1 . 15 . 15
13 . 1 . 6
Lamps, fairy lights, lanterns, wireless valvesLampes d'éclairage, lampions, lanternes, lampes de radio
13 . 1 . 7
Oil lamps, lamps emitting a faint lightLampes à huile, lumignons
24 . 15 . 21
Arrowheads -- Note: Not including arrowheads in the form of angles (26.3.23).Pointes de flèches -- Note: Non compris les pointes de flèches en forme d'angles (26.3.23).
26 . 1 . 1
26 . 1 . 3
One circle or ellipseUn cercle ou une ellipse
2 . 1 . 23
Men stylizedHommes stylisés
2 . 1 . 30
Other menAutres hommes
26 . 4 . 3
Rhombs or squares standing on one of the corners thereofLosanges ou carrés sur pointe
1 . 15 . 5
26 . 5 . 1
One polygonUn polygone
1 . 15 . 5
24 . 17 . 25
Other signs, notations or symbolsAutres signes, notations ou symboles
1 . 1 . 1
1 . 1 . 2
One starUne étoile
1 . 1 . 9
Stars with four pointsÉtoiles à quatre pointes
29 . 1 . 2
Yellow, goldJaune, or
29 . 1 . 6
White, grey, silverBlanc, gris, argent
CIPO Classification Code
Action Taken | Status |
Submitted for opposition 51 on 13th May 2016 | Allowance Notice Sent |
Submitted for opposition 50 on 13th May 2016 | Allowed |
Submitted for opposition 42 on 27th Jan 2016 | Advertised |
Submitted for opposition 26 on 7th Jan 2016 | Approved |
Submitted for opposition 27 on 18th Nov 2015 | Approval Notice Sent |
Submitted for opposition 22 on 13th Apr 2015 | Search Recorded |
Submitted for opposition 20 on 13th Apr 2015 | Examiner's First Report |
Submitted for opposition 31 on 24th Sept 2014 | Formalized |
Submitted for opposition 1 on 22nd Sept 2014 | Created |
Submitted for opposition 30 on 19th Sept 2014 | Filed |