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on 10 Jan 2023

Last Applicant/ Owned by


Konstantinou Paparrigopoulou 14,Heathrow tower, Flat/Office 201CY-3016 Limassol


Serial Number

2067822 filed on 27th Jul 2020


Trademark usage description

computer software applications, downloadable. providing internet chatrooms, teleconferencing services, video conferencing services. booking of seats Read More

Vienna Information

14 . 1 . 13

Chains, links of chainChaînes, anneaux de chaînes

14 . 1 . 15

Links of chainAnneaux de chaînes

25 . 3 . 1

Horizontally elongated surfacesSurfaces de forme allongée dans le sens horizontal

25 . 3 . 3

Elongated surfaces with two short sides convex or concaveSurfaces de forme allongée avec deux petits côtés convexes ou concaves

26 . 4 . 2


26 . 4 . 4

Other irregular parallelograms, trapezia and quadrilaterals, quadrilaterals containing one or more rounded cornersAutres parallélogrammes, trapèzes et quadrilatères irréguliers, quadrilatères avec un ou plusieurs coins arrondis

26 . 4 . 5

One quadrilateralUn quadrilatère

26 . 4 . 26

Quadrilaterals with cutout areasQuadrilatères avec des zones découpées

27 . 1 . 1

Letters or numerals forming geometrical figures, written or typographical matter in perspectiveLettres ou chiffres formant des figures géométriques, inscriptions en perspective

27 . 1 . 2

Letters or numerals forming a square or a rectangle (surface or periphery)Lettres ou chiffres formant un carré ou un rectangle (surface ou pourtour)

27 . 3 . 1

Letters or numerals representing a human being or a part of the human body, an animal or a part of an animal's body, a plant, a heavenly body, a natural phenomenon or an objectLettres ou chiffres représentant un être humain ou une partie du corps humain, un animal ou une partie du corps d'un animal, un végétal, un corps céleste, un phénomène naturel ou un objet

27 . 3 . 15

Letters or numerals representing an objectLettres ou chiffres représentant un objet

27 . 5 . 1

Letters presenting a special form of writingLettres présentant un graphisme spécial

27 . 5 . 14

Letters repeated by mirror effect or symmetrically in any positionLettres répétées par effet de miroir ou symétriquement dans une position quelconque

27 . 5 . 22

Monograms formed of intertwined, overlapping or otherwise combined lettersMonogrammes formés par des lettres enlacées, se chevauchant ou combinées autrement

29 . 1 . 4


29 . 1 . 8


29 . 1 . 6

White, grey, silverBlanc, gris, argent

Classification Information

Class [009]
Computer software applications, downloadable.

Classification kind code


Class [038]
Providing internet chatrooms, teleconferencing services, video conferencing services.

Classification kind code


Class [041]
Booking of seats for shows, ticket agency services [entertainment], club services [entertainment or education].

Classification kind code


Class [042]
Software as a service [SaaS], software development in the framework of software publishing.

Classification kind code


Class [045]
Online social networking services.

Classification kind code


Mark Details

Serial Number


Mark Type


Legal History

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Action TakenStatus
Submitted for opposition 14
on 18th Oct 2022
Default Notice Sent
Submitted for opposition 22
on 30th Mar 2022
Search Recorded
Submitted for opposition 20
on 30th Mar 2022
Examiner's First Report
Submitted for opposition 223
on 30th Mar 2022
Total Provisional Refusal
Submitted for opposition 256
on 4th Oct 2021
Notification of Possible Opposition Sent
Submitted for opposition 257
on 3rd Dec 2020
Designation Notification - Madrid Protocol
Submitted for opposition 1
on 2th Dec 2020
Submitted for opposition 31
on 2th Dec 2020
Submitted for opposition 30
on 27th Jul 2020
Submitted for opposition 228
on 27th Jul 2020
International Registration