on 13 Jun 2016
Last Applicant/ Owned by
Viale Roma, 85MassanzagoFrazione S. Dono (Padova)
Serial Number
1622986 filed on 18th Apr 2013
Registration Number
TMA940790 registered on 13th Jun 2016
Registration expiry Date
13th Jun 2031Correspondent Address
Trademark usage description
anti-corrosive paint, anti-fouling paint, exterior paint, interior paint, house paint, bactericidal paint, non-slip paint, paint for concrete floors, Read MoreVienna Information
27 . 5 . 1
Letters presenting a special form of writingLettres présentant un graphisme spécial
27 . 5 . 5
Letters containing written or typographical matterLettres contenant une inscription
27 . 5 . 8
Letters linked to or containing a figurative element -- Note: Letters representing a human being or a part of the human body, an animal or a part of an animal's body, a plant, a heavenly body, a natural phenomenon or an object are classified in division 27.3.Lettres liées à un élément figuratif ou contenant un élément figuratif -- Note: Les lettres représentant un être humain ou une partie du corps humain, un animal ou une partie du corps d'un animal, un végétal, un corps céleste, un phénomène naturel ou un objet sont classées dans la division 27.3.
18 . 3 . 2
Sailing boats, sailboardsBateaux à voiles, planches à voile
18 . 3 . 5
Ancient sailing boats, with a pronounced sheer, and towering superstructures fore and aftBateaux à voiles anciens, à forte tonture, châteaux avant et arrière très apparents
26 . 4 . 4
Other irregular parallelograms, trapezia and quadrilaterals, quadrilaterals containing one or more rounded cornersAutres parallélogrammes, trapèzes et quadrilatères irréguliers, quadrilatères avec un ou plusieurs coins arrondis
26 . 4 . 5
One quadrilateralUn quadrilatère
26 . 4 . 16
Quadrilaterals containing other figurative elementsQuadrilatères contenant d'autres éléments figuratifs
26 . 4 . 24
Quadrilaterals with dark surfaces or parts of surfacesQuadrilatères avec surface ou partie de la surface foncée
CIPO Classification Code
Action Taken | Status |
Submitted for opposition 42 on 9th Dec 2015 | Advertised |
Submitted for opposition 26 on 19th Nov 2015 | Approved |
Submitted for opposition 27 on 29th Sept 2015 | Approval Notice Sent |
Submitted for opposition 15 on 11th Mar 2015 | Correspondence Created |
Submitted for opposition 15 on 12th Aug 2014 | Correspondence Created |
Submitted for opposition 20 on 7th Jan 2014 | Examiner's First Report |
Submitted for opposition 22 on 20th Dec 2013 | Search Recorded |
Submitted for opposition 30 on 18th Apr 2013 | Filed |
Submitted for opposition 1 on 18th Apr 2013 | Created |
Submitted for opposition 31 on 18th Apr 2013 | Formalized |