Last Applicant/ Owned by
Hauptstrasse 55CH-5736 Burg
Serial Number
450992 filed on 7th Mar 1980
Registration Number
TMA294958 registered on 14th Sept 1984
Registration expiry Date
14th Sept 2014Correspondent Address
1100-150 York StreetToronto
Trademark usage description
tobacco; cigars, cigarillos, cheroots, cigarettes, smoking and chewing tobacco; smokers' needs, namely pipes, pipe-cleaners, cigar-cutters, cigar and Read MoreVienna Information
2 . 1 . 1
Heads, bustsTêtes, bustes
2 . 1 . 5
Men wearing a dinner jacket or a suitHommes portant un smoking ou un costume
26 . 1 . 2
26 . 1 . 14
Circles or ellipses containing representations of human beings or parts of the human bodyCercles ou ellipses contenant la représentation d'êtres humains ou de parties du corps humain
5 . 1 . 3
Trees or bushes of some other shapeArbres ou arbustes présentant une autre forme
5 . 1 . 12
Palm trees, banana treesPalmiers, bananiers
5 . 1 . 8
More than three trees or three bushes, thickets, copses -- Note: When the group of trees represented becomes a forest, it will be placed in 6.19.1.Plus de trois arbres ou de trois arbustes, bosquets, taillis -- Note: Dès le moment où l'ensemble des arbres représentés devient une forêt, il sera rangé en 6.19.1.
6 . 7 . 11
Urban landscapes or village scenes with water, river or streamPaysages urbains ou de village avec plan d'eau, fleuve, rivière ou ruisseau
6 . 3 . 1
Lacustrine or maritime scenesPaysages lacustres ou marins
6 . 3 . 6
7 . 1 . 8
Houses, skyscrapersMaisons, gratte-ciel
CIPO Classification Code
CIPO Classification Code
CIPO Classification Code
CIPO Classification Code
Action Taken | Status |
Submitted for opposition 75 on 23rd Apr 2015 | Automatic Expungement - Failure to renew |
Submitted for opposition 60 on 1st Oct 2014 | Renewal Notice Sent |
Submitted for opposition 67 on 9th Jul 2001 | Agent Name Changed |
Submitted for opposition 68 on 9th Jul 2001 | Rep for Service Name Changed |
Submitted for opposition 61 on 14th Sept 1999 | Renewed |
Submitted for opposition 55 on 14th Sept 1984 | Registered |
Submitted for opposition 30 on 7th Mar 1980 | Filed |