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Dunrobin Distilleries Coat of Arms
Dunrobin Distilleries Coat of Arms

Last Applicant/ Owned by

Dunrobin Distilleries Ltd.

10 Terry Fox DriveVankleek Hill




Serial Number

1943216 filed on 29th Jan 2019

Correspondent Address


Bay Adelaide Centre - North Tower40 Temperance St.Suite #2700Toronto




Dunrobin Distilleries Coat of Arms

Trademark usage description

juice extractors kitchen knives; zesters motorcycle accessories, namely led lights, flashlights and locks; binoculars; helmets for motorcyclists; ki Read More

Vienna Information

3 . 7 . 6

Ducks, geese, swansCanards, oies, cygnes

3 . 7 . 16

Birds in flight or with outspread wingsOiseaux en vol ou à ailes largement déployées

3 . 1 . 1


3 . 1 . 2

Heraldic lionsLions héraldiques

3 . 1 . 26

Animals of series I standingAnimaux de la série I debout

5 . 5 . 21

One flowerUne fleur

5 . 5 . 19

Other flowers, blossoms -- Notes: (a) Including flowers or blossoms of trees (cherry trees, peach trees, apple trees) and of bushes. -- (b) Including flowers of protea and strelitzia.Autres fleurs -- Notes: (a) Y compris les fleurs d'arbres (cerisiers, pêchers, pommiers) et d'arbustes. -- (b) Y compris les fleurs de protea et de strelitzia.

18 . 3 . 1

Rowing boats, canoes, gondolas, dinghies, kayaksBateaux à rames, pirogues, gondoles, canots, kayaks

18 . 3 . 21

Sails, portholes, oars -- Note: Includes also any other parts of boats not classified in another category, division or section.Voiles, hublots, rames -- Note: Comprend également toute autre partie de bateau non classée dans une autre catégorie, division ou section.

24 . 13 . 9

Crosses formed by intersecting linesCroix formées de lignes qui se coupent

24 . 13 . 25

Other crossesAutres croix

24 . 1 . 3

Shields containing representations of geometrical figures or solids, lines, bands or partitionsÉcus contenant la représentation de figures ou de corps géométriques, des lignes, des bandes ou des partitions

24 . 1 . 5

Shields containing other figurative elements or inscriptionsÉcus contenant d'autres éléments figuratifs ou des inscriptions

24 . 1 . 9

Shields containing representations of animals or parts of animals' bodiesÉcus contenant la représentation d'animaux ou de parties du corps d'un animal

24 . 1 . 10

Shields containing representations of plantsÉcus contenant la représentation de végétaux

24 . 1 . 12

Shields containing representations of manufactured or industrial articlesÉcus contenant la représentation d'objets manufacturés ou industriels

24 . 1 . 17

Shields with figurative elements or inscriptions placed outsideÉcus avec des éléments figuratifs ou des inscriptions à l'extérieur

24 . 1 . 18

Shields surmounted by figurative elements or inscriptionsÉcus surmontés d'éléments figuratifs ou d'inscriptions

24 . 1 . 19

Shields with supportersÉcus avec tenants

24 . 1 . 20

Shields with figurative elements or inscriptions placed outside in any other wayÉcus avec des éléments figuratifs ou des inscriptions à l'extérieur, disposés autrement

25 . 1 . 6

Banderoles, cartouchesBanderoles, cartouches

25 . 5 . 5

Backgrounds divided crosswise, vertically and horizontallyFonds partagés en croix dans le sens vertical et le sens horizontal

27 . 1 . 1

Letters or numerals forming geometrical figures, written or typographical matter in perspectiveLettres ou chiffres formant des figures géométriques, inscriptions en perspective

27 . 1 . 12

Letters or numerals forming a figure in the shape of an arc of a circleLettres ou chiffres formant une figure en arc de cercle

3 . 4 . 7

Deer, stags, elk, reindeer, fawns, antelopesChevreuils, cerfs, élans, rennes, faons, antilopes

3 . 4 . 26

Animals of Series IV standingAnimaux de la série IV debout

3 . 4 . 29

Animals of Series IV with forehoof(s) resting on an escutcheon or other objectAnimaux de la série IV avec sabot(s) antérieur(s) appuyé(s) sur un écusson ou un autre objet

3 . 5 . 5

Beavers, marmots, badgers, martens, mink, wolverines, raccoons, skunks, armadillosCastors, marmottes, blaireaux, martres, visons, gloutons, ratons laveurs, mouffettes, tatous

3 . 5 . 26

Animals of Series V standingAnimaux de la série V debout

5 . 3 . 6

Trefoils -- Note: Including trefoils represented as symbols or appearing on playing cards.Feuilles de trèfle -- Note: Y compris les feuilles de trèfle représentées comme symboles ou figurant sur des jeux de cartes.

5 . 3 . 15

Two to four leavesDeux à quatre feuilles

5 . 3 . 4

Vine leaves (except 5.3.19), plane leaves, maple leavesFeuilles de vigne (excepté 5.3.19), de platane, d'érable

5 . 3 . 51

Other maple leaf (leaves)Autres feuilles d'érable

5 . 3 . 13

Stylized leavesFeuilles stylisées

5 . 3 . 16

More than four leaves, scattered leaves, bunches of leaves -- Note: Not including surfaces or backgrounds covered with a repeated figurative element composed of leaves (25.7.25).Plus de quatre feuilles, feuilles éparses, bouquets de feuilles -- Note: Non compris les surfaces ou fonds couverts d'un élément figuratif répété constitué de feuilles (25.7.25).

2 . 9 . 1

Hearts -- Note: Including also hearts represented as a symbol or on playing cards.Coeurs -- Note: Y compris les coeurs représentés comme symboles ou figurant sur des jeux de cartes.

25 . 1 . 25

Other ornamental motifsAutres motifs ornementaux

14 . 1 . 13

Chains, links of chainChaînes, anneaux de chaînes

25 . 1 . 9

Framework and framesCadres et encadrements

25 . 1 . 10

Complete framework and framesCadres et encadrements entiers

5 . 7 . 2

Ears of cereals (wheat, rye, barley, etc.), ears of maize, ears of sorghumÉpis de céréales (froment, seigle, orge, etc.), épis de maïs, épis de sorgho

23 . 1 . 1

Side arms, spears, swords, daggers -- Note: Not including battle-axes (14.7.2).Armes blanches, lances, épées, poignards -- Note: Non compris les haches de guerre (14.7.2).

25 . 12 . 3

Moiré surfaces or backgroundsSurfaces ou fonds moirés

27 . 5 . 1

Letters presenting a special form of writingLettres présentant un graphisme spécial

27 . 5 . 14

Letters repeated by mirror effect or symmetrically in any positionLettres répétées par effet de miroir ou symétriquement dans une position quelconque

Classification Information

Class [007]
Juice extractors

Classification kind code


Class [008]
Kitchen knives; zesters

Classification kind code


Class [009]
Motorcycle accessories, namely LED lights, flashlights and locks; binoculars; helmets for motorcyclists; kitchen weighing scales; measuring cups; measuring spoons; range finders for golf; sunglasses.

Classification kind code


Class [011]
Barbecues; camping stoves; electric flashlights; Barbecue accessories, namely BBQ covers.

Classification kind code


Class [012]
Canoe paddles; golf carts; license plate holders; luggage racks for motorcycles

Classification kind code


Class [018]
Leather bags adapted for transporting bartender tools and accessories; all-purpose athletic bags.

Classification kind code


Class [020]
Furniture for camping; wood barrels

Classification kind code


Class [021]
Bartender accessories, namely cocktail shakers, stir sticks, cork screws, bottle openers, citrus peelers and zesters; barbecue tongs; cheese boards; cheese graters; cutting boards; drinking flasks; drinking glasses; kitchen ladles; shooter glasses; spatulas for kitchen use; swizzle sticks.

Classification kind code


Class [022]
Paddle boats; windsurf boards; kitesurf board; sails.

Classification kind code


Class [024]
Athletic towels.

Classification kind code


Class [025]
Baseball caps and hats; bathing suits; chaps; deck-shoes; head bands; jogging suits; motorcycle boots; riding gloves; sport bibs; sports jerseys; t-shirts; wind coats; motorcycle jackets.

Classification kind code


Class [028]
Baseball gloves; baseballs; fishing lures; fishing poles; footballs; golf balls; hockey pucks; skateboards; stand-up paddle boards; tennis rackets; Electric skateboards.

Classification kind code


Class [033]
Alcoholic beverages, namely honey mead, maple mead, raddlers, moonshine, and cannabis-infused alcoholic beverages; gift sets comprised of samples of various types of alcoholic beverages; alcoholic coffee-based beverages; alcoholic coolers; gin; limoncello (lemoncello); orangecello; blueberrychello; blackberrycello; strawberrycello; rasberrycello; cherrycello; mangocello; kiwicello; cucumbercello; mead; rum; rye whiskey; sake; vodka; whiskey.

Classification kind code


Class [034]
Cigarette rolling papers; lighters

Classification kind code


Class [043]
Providing information in the nature of recipes for drinks

Classification kind code


Mark Details

Serial Number


Mark Type


Legal History

Action TakenStatus
Submitted for opposition 14
on 17th Oct 2024
Default Notice Sent
Submitted for opposition 12
on 4th Apr 2024
Extension of Time
Submitted for opposition 15
on 29th Sept 2023
Correspondence Created
Submitted for opposition 135
on 8th May 2023
Amendment to Application
Submitted for opposition 48
on 3rd Apr 2023
Agent Changed
Submitted for opposition 22
on 8th Nov 2022
Search Recorded
Submitted for opposition 20
on 8th Nov 2022
Examiner's First Report
Submitted for opposition 31
on 5th Feb 2019
Submitted for opposition 1
on 30th Jan 2019
Submitted for opposition 30
on 29th Jan 2019