on 12 Feb 2024
Last Applicant/ Owned by
Third Floor, North Tower, 2000 Avenue of the StarsLos Angeles, CA 90067
Serial Number
2084942 filed on 16th Feb 2021
Registration Number
TMA1221120 registered on 12th Feb 2024
Registration expiry Date
12th Feb 2034Correspondent Address
550 Burrard Street, Suite 1900Vancouver
Trademark usage description
bourbonVienna Information
2 . 1 . 24
Several menPlusieurs hommes
2 . 1 . 30
Other menAutres hommes
2 . 1 . 16
Shadows or silhouettes of menOmbres ou silhouettes d'hommes
2 . 1 . 23
Men stylized -- Note: Including stick figures of men.Hommes stylisés -- Note: Y compris les bonshommes-allumettes d'hommes.
5 . 7 . 2
Ears of cereals (wheat, rye, barley, etc.), ears of maize, ears of sorghumÉpis de céréales (froment, seigle, orge, etc.), épis de maïs, épis de sorgho
5 . 1 . 5
One tree or one bushUn arbre ou un arbuste
5 . 1 . 3
Trees or bushes of some other shapeArbres ou arbustes présentant une autre forme
5 . 1 . 11
Deciduous treesFeuillus
5 . 1 . 16
Trees or bushes in stylized formArbres ou arbustes stylisés
3 . 7 . 10
3 . 7 . 24
Birds or bats stylized, in shadow or in silhouetteOiseaux ou chauves-souris stylisés, en ombre ou en silhouette
3 . 7 . 16
Birds in flight or with outspread wingsOiseaux en vol ou à ailes largement déployées
3 . 7 . 26
Groups of birds or batsGroupes d'oiseaux ou de chauves-souris
26 . 4 . 2
26 . 4 . 5
One quadrilateralUn quadrilatère
26 . 4 . 14
Quadrilaterals containing representations of human beings or parts of the human bodyQuadrilatères contenant la représentation d'êtres humains ou de parties du corps humain
26 . 4 . 15
Quadrilaterals containing representations of animals or parts of animals' bodies or plantsQuadrilatères contenant la représentation d'animaux, de parties du corps d'un animal ou de végétaux
26 . 4 . 17
Quadrilaterals containing one or more numeralsQuadrilatères contenant un ou plusieurs chiffres
26 . 4 . 18
Quadrilaterals containing one or more lettersQuadrilatères contenant une ou plusieurs lettres
26 . 4 . 22
Quadrilaterals containing other inscriptionsQuadrilatères contenant d'autres inscriptions
27 . 5 . 1
Letters presenting a special form of writingLettres présentant un graphisme spécial
27 . 5 . 13
Letters in the form of a signature, illegible signaturesLettres sous la forme d'une signature, signatures illisibles
27 . 1 . 1
Letters or numerals forming geometrical figures, written or typographical matter in perspectiveLettres ou chiffres formant des figures géométriques, inscriptions en perspective
27 . 1 . 9
Letters or numerals forming a plano-concave figureLettres ou chiffres formant une figure plan-concave
27 . 1 . 12
Letters or numerals forming a figure in the shape of an arc of a circleLettres ou chiffres formant une figure en arc de cercle
Action Taken | Status |
Submitted for opposition 47 on 27th Mar 2023 | Advertisement Removed |
Submitted for opposition 42 on 15th Mar 2023 | Advertised |
Submitted for opposition 27 on 20th Feb 2023 | Approval Notice Sent |
Submitted for opposition 26 on 20th Feb 2023 | Approved |
Submitted for opposition 22 on 14th Feb 2023 | Search Recorded |
Submitted for opposition 67 on 7th Oct 2022 | Agent Name Changed |
Submitted for opposition 287 on 27th Apr 2022 | Pre-Assessment Letter Sent |
Submitted for opposition 30 on 16th Feb 2021 | Filed |
Submitted for opposition 1 on 16th Feb 2021 | Created |
Submitted for opposition 31 on 16th Feb 2021 | Formalized |