on 10 Oct 2008
Last Applicant/ Owned by
One Gillette ParkBoston, MA 02127
Serial Number
1275551 filed on 13th Oct 2005
Registration Number
TMA725938 registered on 10th Oct 2008
Registration expiry Date
10th Oct 2033Correspondent Address
150 York Street, Suite 400Toronto
Trademark usage description
shaving preparations.Vienna Information
1 . 7 . 6
Crescent moon, half-moonCroissant, demi-lune
26 . 2 . 1
Segments of circles or ellipses (except 26.2.7)Segments de cercle ou d'ellipse (excepté 26.2.7)
27 . 5 . 1
Letters presenting a special form of writingLettres présentant un graphisme spécial
27 . 5 . 8
Letters linked to or containing a figurative element -- Note: Letters representing a human being or a part of the human body, an animal or a part of an animal's body, a plant, a heavenly body, a natural phenomenon or an object are classified in division 27.3.Lettres liées à un élément figuratif ou contenant un élément figuratif -- Note: Les lettres représentant un être humain ou une partie du corps humain, un animal ou une partie du corps d'un animal, un végétal, un corps céleste, un phénomène naturel ou un objet sont classées dans la division 27.3.
26 . 1 . 1
26 . 1 . 3
One circle or ellipseUn cercle ou une ellipse
26 . 1 . 16
Circles or ellipses containing other figurative elementsCercles ou ellipses contenant d'autres éléments figuratifs
26 . 11 . 3
More than two lines or two bandsPlus de deux lignes ou de deux bandes
26 . 11 . 8
Horizontal lines or bandsLignes ou bandes horizontales
26 . 11 . 10
Straight lines or bandsLignes ou bandes droites
1 . 13 . 1
Armillary spheres, planetaria, astronomic orbits, atomic models, molecular modelsSphères armillaires, planétariums, orbites astronomiques, schémas d'atomes, schémas de molécules
1 . 13 . 15
Atomic models, molecular models, representations of human, animal or vegetal cellsSchémas atomiques, schémas de molécules, représentations de cellules humaines, animales ou végétales
Action Taken | Status |
Submitted for opposition 50 on 13th Apr 2007 | Allowed |
Submitted for opposition 51 on 13th Apr 2007 | Allowance Notice Sent |
Submitted for opposition 42 on 24th Jan 2007 | Advertised |
Submitted for opposition 26 on 21st Dec 2006 | Approved |
Submitted for opposition 20 on 8th Jun 2006 | Examiner's First Report |
Submitted for opposition 22 on 25th Apr 2006 | Search Recorded |
Submitted for opposition 90 on 9th Nov 2005 | Clerical Correction |
Submitted for opposition 1 on 14th Oct 2005 | Created |
Submitted for opposition 31 on 14th Oct 2005 | Formalized |
Submitted for opposition 30 on 13th Oct 2005 | Filed |