on 28 May 2001
Last Applicant/ Owned by
10 Manoel StreetP.O. Box 161Castries
Serial Number
867528 filed on 27th Jan 1998
Registration Number
TMA545720 registered on 28th May 2001
Registration expiry Date
28th May 2031Correspondent Address
130 Queens Quay EastEast Tower, Suite 809Toronto,
Trademark usage description
guava shells in syrup, papaya chunks in syrup, grated coconut in syrup, and guava marmalade.Vienna Information
7 . 15 . 8
Representations of wood -- Note: Includes both the representation of natural wood surfaces, bark for instance, and that of wood cut with or against the grain. The representation of wood as an ornamental background will be placed in the appropriate sections of category 25.Représentations du bois -- Note: Seront rangées dans cette section aussi bien la représentation de la surface du bois brut, par exemple de l'écorce, que celle de la surface du bois découpé dans le plan horizontal ou vertical du tronc. La représentation du bois formant un fond ornemental sera rangée dans les sections appropriées de la catégorie 25.
25 . 7 . 20
Surfaces or backgrounds covered with lines or bandsSurfaces ou fonds couverts de lignes ou de bandes
25 . 7 . 21
Surfaces or backgrounds covered with straight lines or bandsSurfaces ou fonds couverts de lignes ou de bandes droites
26 . 4 . 4
Other irregular parallelograms, trapezia and quadrilaterals, quadrilaterals containing one or more rounded cornersAutres parallélogrammes, trapèzes et quadrilatères irréguliers, quadrilatères avec un ou plusieurs coins arrondis
26 . 4 . 2
26 . 4 . 7
Two quadrilaterals, one inside the otherDeux quadrilatères, l'un dans l'autre
CIPO Classification Code
Action Taken | Status |
Submitted for opposition 67 on 4th Jul 2000 | Agent Name Changed |
Submitted for opposition 14 on 25th Apr 2000 | Default Notice Sent |
Submitted for opposition 12 on 2th Nov 1999 | Extension of Time |
Submitted for opposition 12 on 26th Apr 1999 | Extension of Time |
Submitted for opposition 12 on 23rd Oct 1998 | Extension of Time |
Submitted for opposition 20 on 5th Jun 1998 | Examiner's First Report |
Submitted for opposition 22 on 26th May 1998 | Search Recorded |
Submitted for opposition 31 on 6th Feb 1998 | Formalized |
Submitted for opposition 1 on 2th Feb 1998 | Created |
Submitted for opposition 30 on 27th Jan 1998 | Filed |