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on 29 Dec 2023

Last Applicant/ Owned by


15355 De Havilland CourtWellington FL 33414


Serial Number

2189357 filed on 7th Apr 2022

Registration Number

TMA1216521 registered on 29th Dec 2023

Registration expiry Date

7th Apr 2032


Trademark usage description

downloadable mobile applications for accessing and streaming audiovisual and multimedia content for equestrian sporting events, competitions and news Read More

Vienna Information

4 . 5 . 13

Geometrical figures or solids or combinations of geometrical figures or solids representing an animalFigures ou corps géométriques ou assemblages de figures ou de corps géométriques représentant un animal

3 . 3 . 1

Horses, mulesChevaux, mulets

3 . 3 . 24

Animals of series III stylized, in shadow or in silhouetteAnimaux de la série III stylisés, en ombre ou en silhouette

26 . 11 . 3

More than two lines or two bandsPlus de deux lignes ou de deux bandes

26 . 11 . 8

Horizontal lines or bandsLignes ou bandes horizontales

26 . 11 . 10

Straight lines or bandsLignes ou bandes droites

26 . 11 . 13

Wavy lines or bands, zigzag lines or bandsLignes ou bandes ondulées, en dents de scie

26 . 11 . 21

Set of lines evoking speed or propulsionEnsemble de lignes évoquant la vitesse ou la propulsion

25 . 12 . 1

Surfaces or backgrounds covered with rays or radiating linesSurfaces ou fonds rayonnés

26 . 1 . 1


26 . 1 . 3

One circle or ellipseUn cercle ou une ellipse

26 . 1 . 12

Circles or ellipses containing one or more other geometrical figures -- Note: Including circles or ellipses containing bent or straight lines (except 26.1.10).Cercles ou ellipses contenant une ou plusieurs autres figures géométriques -- Note: Y compris les cercles ou ellipses contenant des lignes courbées ou droites (excepté 26.1.10).

26 . 1 . 15

Circles or ellipses containing representations of animals, parts of animals' bodies or plantsCercles ou ellipses contenant la représentation d'animaux, de parties du corps d'un animal ou de végétaux

26 . 1 . 18

Circles or ellipses containing one or more lettersCercles ou ellipses contenant une ou plusieurs lettres

26 . 1 . 21

Circles or ellipses containing inscriptions arranged in circular or elliptical formCercles ou ellipses contenant des inscriptions disposées en cercles ou en ellipses

26 . 1 . 26

Circles or ellipses with cutout areasCercles ou ellipses avec des zones découpées

27 . 5 . 1

Letters presenting a special form of writingLettres présentant un graphisme spécial

27 . 5 . 11

Letters underlined, overlined, framed or barred by one or more strokesLettres soulignées, surlignées, encadrées ou barrées d'un ou de plusieurs traits

Classification Information

Class [009]
Downloadable mobile applications for accessing and streaming audiovisual and multimedia content for equestrian sporting events, competitions and news via the internet and global communications networks; downloadable mobile applications in the nature of mobile applications for displaying information relating to equestrian sporting events, schedules, media guides, audio and visual recordings.

Classification kind code


Class [041]
Entertainment services in the nature of equestrian sports events; organizing exhibitions for equestrian sporting purposes; entertainment services, namely, organizing and conducting an array of equestrian sporting events rendered live and recorded for the purpose of distribution through broadcast media; entertainment services, namely, provision of on-going multimedia programs in the field of television and video entertainment featuring equestrian sporting events, competitions and news distributed via various platforms across multiple forms of transmission media.

Classification kind code


Mark Details

Serial Number


Mark Type


Legal History

Show more

Action TakenStatus
Submitted for opposition 190
on 29th Dec 2023
Registration Pending
Submitted for opposition 55
on 29th Dec 2023
Submitted for opposition 42
on 11th Oct 2023
Submitted for opposition 222
on 11th Oct 2023
Opposition Start Date Notice Sent
Submitted for opposition 26
on 15th Sept 2023
Submitted for opposition 27
on 15th Sept 2023
Approval Notice Sent
Submitted for opposition 22
on 11th Sept 2023
Search Recorded
Submitted for opposition 256
on 3rd Apr 2023
Notification of Possible Opposition Sent
Submitted for opposition 257
on 2th Jun 2022
Designation Notification - Madrid Protocol
Submitted for opposition 31
on 1st Jun 2022