Trademarkia Logo



on 22 Apr 2021

Last Applicant/ Owned by


8902-115 StGrande Prairie




Serial Number

1893649 filed on 13th Apr 2018

Registration Number

TMA1098750 registered on 22nd Apr 2021

Registration expiry Date

22nd Apr 2031

Correspondent Address


P.O. Box 2088, Station DOttawa





Trademark usage description

cylinders used to transport compressed gas sold empty; metal racks used for the transportation of compressed gas cylinders trailers designed for the Read More

Vienna Information

1 . 5 . 1

Terrestrial globesGlobes terrestres

1 . 5 . 9

Terrestrial globes with plantsGlobes terrestres avec végétaux

1 . 5 . 6

Terrestrial globes with a banderole or an inscriptionGlobes terrestres avec banderole ou inscription

27 . 3 . 1

Letters or numerals representing a human being or a part of the human body, an animal or a part of an animal's body, a plant, a heavenly body, a natural phenomenon or an objectLettres ou chiffres représentant un être humain ou une partie du corps humain, un animal ou une partie du corps d'un animal, un végétal, un corps céleste, un phénomène naturel ou un objet

27 . 3 . 11

Letters or numerals representing a plantLettres ou chiffres représentant un végétal

5 . 3 . 4

Vine leaves (except 5.3.19), plane leaves, maple leavesFeuilles de vigne (excepté 5.3.19), de platane, d'érable

5 . 3 . 50

11-pointed Canadian maple leaf (leaves)Feuille d'érable du Canada à onze pointes

5 . 3 . 14

One leafUne feuille

Classification Information

Class [006]
Cylinders used to transport compressed gas sold empty; metal racks used for the transportation of compressed gas cylinders

Classification kind code


Class [012]
Trailers designed for the transportation of compressed gas cylinders

Classification kind code


Class [037]
Purging wireline lubricators, blowout preventer (BOPs), pressure vessels, pipelines, pressure relief valves, shutoff valves, pneumatic valves, and sub-surface safety valves storage vessels, storage tanks to remove hydrocarbon or other hazardous gas and liquids before disassembly, removal and placing in service; displacing / displacement, namely, the replacement of flammable gases in wireline lubricators, blowout preventer (BOPs), pressure vessels, storage vessels, storage tanks, pipelines, pressure relief valves, shutoff valves, pneumatic valves, and sub-surface safety valves, namely, with an inert gas to avoid cross contamination of fluids and gases to prevent chemical reactions, to prevent fire, explosions and injury to workers during construction, maintenance and servicing; nitrogen blanketing, namely, the injection of an inert gas into a void or space to prevent hydrocarbon gas (sweet or sour) or any other flammable gases from coming into contact with the atmosphere while performing service work such as snubbing, wireline operations and purging storage tanks to prevent fire, explosions and injury to workers during maintenance; commissioning of new wells, facilities and leak detection services, namely, purging all the air and oxygen out of the pressure vessels, wellhead production equipment and pipelines prior to placing the well into production to remove / replace flammable gases and liquids and simultaneously check for leaks; facility maintenance, namely, purge pipelines, pressure relief valves, shutoff valves, pneumatic valves, and subsurface safety valves and pressure vessels to remove hazardous / flammable product and to purge the air out of the system before introducing flammable products and pressure testing to ensure the integrity of the equipment and to prevent fire, explosions and injury to workers during maintenance; purging and testing during wireline operations, namely, purging and pressure testing oil and gas well lubricators to remove flammable gases and substances prior to installation and maintenance operation to prevent fire, explosions and injury to workers

Classification kind code


Class [039]
The transportation of compressed gases by truck

Classification kind code


Class [040]
Consulting services in the field of manufacturing compressed gas cylinders, transportation racks for holding compressed gas cylinders during transport and trailers for transporting compressed gas cylinders, all to the specification of others

Classification kind code


Class [042]
Consulting services in the field of designing compressed gas cylinders, transportation racks for holding compressed gas cylinders during transport and trailers for transporting compressed gas cylinders, all to the specification of others; pressure testing wellhead production equipment prior to the commencement of snubbing operations, namely, pressure test blowout preventer (BOPs), lines and other working components to eliminate the possibility of leaks; pressure testing of wireline lubricators, blowout preventer (BOPs), pressure vessels, storage vessels, storage tanks, pipelines, pressure relief valves, shutoff valves, pneumatic valves, and sub-surface safety valves, to ensure integrity before placing in service

Classification kind code


Mark Details

Serial Number


Mark Type


Legal History

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Action TakenStatus
Submitted for opposition 42
on 27th Jan 2021
Submitted for opposition 26
on 29th Dec 2020
Submitted for opposition 27
on 29th Dec 2020
Approval Notice Sent
Submitted for opposition 15
on 7th Aug 2020
Correspondence Created
Submitted for opposition 15
on 5th May 2020
Correspondence Created
Submitted for opposition 22
on 21st Oct 2019
Search Recorded
Submitted for opposition 20
on 21st Oct 2019
Examiner's First Report
Submitted for opposition 31
on 19th Apr 2018
Submitted for opposition 1
on 16th Apr 2018
Submitted for opposition 30
on 13th Apr 2018