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Trademark Search in Canada

on 11 Dec 2024

Last Applicant/ Owned by

Obshchestvo s ogranichennoyotvetstvennostyu "INGRAT"

Stepana Supruna str., 3, underground floor. I-II/5, inner city territory, municipal district Airport RU-125167 Moscow


Serial Number

2109810 filed on 15th Mar 2021

Correspondent Address


(WITMART INC)18 King Street East, Suite 1400Toronto





Trademark usage description

vodka based beverages; absinthe; aperitifs; wine-based aperitifs; alcoholic aperitif bitters; aperitifs with a distilled alcoholic liquor base; liquor Read More

Vienna Information

25 . 1 . 15

Labels, collarettes (bottle-neck labels) -- Note: Not including tie-on labels (20.5.15).Étiquettes, collerettes -- Note: Non compris les étiquettes volantes (20.5.15).

17 . 1 . 1

Horological instrumentsHorlogerie

17 . 1 . 2

Circular dials with or without hands -- Note: Not including dials of measuring instruments other than horological (17.5.1).Cadrans circulaires avec ou sans aiguilles -- Note: Non compris les cadrans d'appareils de mesure ne relevant pas de l'horlogerie (17.5.1).

26 . 1 . 2


26 . 1 . 1


26 . 1 . 3

One circle or ellipseUn cercle ou une ellipse

26 . 1 . 12

Circles or ellipses containing one or more other geometrical figures -- Note: Including circles or ellipses containing bent or straight lines (except 26.1.10).Cercles ou ellipses contenant une ou plusieurs autres figures géométriques -- Note: Y compris les cercles ou ellipses contenant des lignes courbées ou droites (excepté 26.1.10).

26 . 1 . 24

Circles or ellipses with dark surfaces or parts of surfacesCercles ou ellipses avec surface ou partie de la surface foncée

26 . 1 . 18

Circles or ellipses containing one or more lettersCercles ou ellipses contenant une ou plusieurs lettres

26 . 1 . 5

More than two circles or ellipses, inside one another, spiralsPlus de deux cercles ou ellipses, les uns dans les autres, spirales

26 . 1 . 7

Circles containing one or more ellipsesCercles contenant une ou plusieurs ellipses

25 . 7 . 1

Surfaces or backgrounds covered with repeated geometrical figures or designsSurfaces ou fonds couverts de figures ou de motifs géométriques répétés

25 . 7 . 8

Surfaces or backgrounds covered with other repeated geometrical figures or designsSurfaces ou fonds couverts d'autres figures ou motifs géométriques répétés

26 . 1 . 26

Circles or ellipses with cutout areasCercles ou ellipses avec des zones découpées

26 . 11 . 1

One line or one bandUne ligne ou une bande

26 . 11 . 11

Broken lines or bands (except a 26.11.13)Lignes ou bandes brisées (excepté a 26.11.13)

26 . 11 . 12

Curved lines or bands (except a 26.11.13)Lignes ou bandes courbes (excepté a 26.11.13)

25 . 7 . 20

Surfaces or backgrounds covered with lines or bandsSurfaces ou fonds couverts de lignes ou de bandes

25 . 7 . 21

Surfaces or backgrounds covered with straight lines or bandsSurfaces ou fonds couverts de lignes ou de bandes droites

3 . 3 . 1

Horses, mulesChevaux, mulets

3 . 3 . 24

Animals of series III stylized, in shadow or in silhouetteAnimaux de la série III stylisés, en ombre ou en silhouette

18 . 1 . 1

Vehicles propelled by human or animal power (except 18.1.5 and 18.1.14)Véhicules mus par la force de l'homme ou de l'animal (excepté 18.1.5 et 18.1.14)

18 . 1 . 3

Horse-drawn carriages or chariots with four or more wheelsVoitures ou chars hippomobiles à quatre roues ou plus

26 . 11 . 2

Two lines or bandsDeux lignes ou bandes

26 . 11 . 8

Horizontal lines or bandsLignes ou bandes horizontales

26 . 11 . 11

Broken lines or bands (except a 26.11.13)Lignes ou bandes brisées (excepté a 26.11.13)

26 . 5 . 1

One polygonUn polygone

26 . 5 . 6

Polygonal figures with one or more convex or concave sidesFigures polygonales à un ou plusieurs côtés convexes ou concaves

26 . 5 . 8

Polygons with one or more truncated or rounded anglesPolygones avec un ou plusieurs angles tronqués ou arrondis

26 . 5 . 9

Polygons containing one or more circles or ellipsesPolygones contenant un ou plusieurs cercles ou ellipses

26 . 5 . 11

Polygons containing one or more quadrilateralsPolygones contenant un ou plusieurs quadrilatères

26 . 5 . 14

Polygons containing representations of human beings or parts of the human bodyPolygones contenant la représentation d'êtres humains ou de parties du corps humain

26 . 5 . 16

Polygons containing other figurative elementsPolygones contenant d'autres éléments figuratifs

26 . 5 . 18

Polygons containing one or more lettersPolygones contenant une ou plusieurs lettres

26 . 4 . 2


26 . 4 . 5

One quadrilateralUn quadrilatère

26 . 4 . 12

Quadrilaterals containing one or more other geometrical figures -- Note: Including quadrilaterals containing bent or straight lines (except 26.4.11).Quadrilatères contenant une ou plusieurs autres figures géométriques -- Note: Y compris les quadrilatères contenant des lignes courbées ou droites (excepté 26.4.11).

26 . 4 . 15

Quadrilaterals containing representations of animals or parts of animals' bodies or plantsQuadrilatères contenant la représentation d'animaux, de parties du corps d'un animal ou de végétaux

26 . 4 . 16

Quadrilaterals containing other figurative elementsQuadrilatères contenant d'autres éléments figuratifs

26 . 4 . 24

Quadrilaterals with dark surfaces or parts of surfacesQuadrilatères avec surface ou partie de la surface foncée

25 . 5 . 2

Backgrounds divided into two, horizontallyFonds partagés en deux dans le sens horizontal

25 . 12 . 3

Moiré surfaces or backgroundsSurfaces ou fonds moirés

27 . 7 . 1

Numerals presenting a special form of writingChiffres présentant un graphisme spécial

27 . 7 . 23

Roman numeralsChiffres romains

29 . 1 . 6

White, grey, silverBlanc, gris, argent

29 . 1 . 8


29 . 1 . 4


29 . 1 . 7


29 . 1 . 2

Yellow, goldJaune, or

Classification Information

Class [033]
Vodka based beverages; absinthe; aperitifs; wine-based aperitifs; alcoholic aperitif bitters; aperitifs with a distilled alcoholic liquor base; liquor-based aperitifs; arrack [arak]; baijiu [Chinese distilled alcoholic beverage]; brandy; cooking brandy; vermouth; wine; white wines; grape wine; sparkling grape wines; sparkling wines; naturally sparkling wines; cooking wine; strawberry wine; red wines; still wines; sweet wines; table wines; fruit wines; sparkling fruit wines; piquette; whisky; vodka; anisette; grappa; kirsch; fruit vodka; alcoholic eggnog; gin; digestifs [liqueurs and spirits]; alcoholic cocktails; prepared alcoholic cocktails; alcoholic cocktails containing milk; prepared wine cocktails; alcoholic fruit cocktail drinks; crème liqueurs; fortified wines; curacao; anise [liqueur]; blackcurrant liqueur; liqueurs; aperitifs with a distilled alcoholic liquor base; coffee-based liqueurs; herb liqueurs; alcoholic bitters; rum; vodka, flavoured vodka beverages, vodka-based beverages; distilled spirits of rice [awamori]; alcoholic fruit beverages; alcoholic coffee-based beverages; alcoholic tea-based beverages; blended malt Scotch whiskyalcoholic beverages containing fruit; flavored malt-based alcoholic spritzers; bourbon; wine-based beverages; rum-based beverages; distilled spirits, namely vodka; wines, wine-based beverages and alcoholic wine-based beverages; alcoholic energy drinks; mead [hydromel]; peppermint liqueurs; bitters; nira being sugarcane-based alcoholic beverage; alcoholic punch; wine punch; rum; sugar cane juice rum; sake; cherry cider; perry; apple cider; cider; alcoholic cocktail mixes; alcoholic cordials; low alcohol wine; rice alcohol [spirits]; cherry brandy; schnapps; sorghum-based Chinese spirits; fruit extracts, alcoholic; alcoholic essences for making spirituous liqueur.

Classification kind code


Mark Details

Serial Number


Mark Type


Legal History

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Action TakenStatus
Submitted for opposition 135
on 27th Oct 2022
Amendment to Application
Submitted for opposition 22
on 12th Sept 2022
Search Recorded
Submitted for opposition 20
on 12th Sept 2022
Examiner's First Report
Submitted for opposition 223
on 12th Sept 2022
Total Provisional Refusal
Submitted for opposition 256
on 28th Mar 2022
Notification of Possible Opposition Sent
Submitted for opposition 257
on 27th May 2021
Designation Notification - Madrid Protocol
Submitted for opposition 31
on 26th May 2021
Submitted for opposition 1
on 26th May 2021
Submitted for opposition 228
on 15th Mar 2021
International Registration
Submitted for opposition 30
on 15th Mar 2021