on 30 Dec 1994
Last Applicant/ Owned by
66, rue BrunswickDollard-des-Ormeaux
Serial Number
740967 filed on 10th Nov 1993
Registration Number
TMA437801 registered on 30th Dec 1994
Registration expiry Date
30th Dec 2034Correspondent Address
1100, boul. René-Lévesque Ouest25e ÉtageMontréal
Trademark usage description
services de commandes postales.Vienna Information
24 . 3 . 1
Seals or stampsSceaux ou cachets
24 . 3 . 2
Seals or stamps attached or applied to a document, ribbon or other objectSceaux ou cachets attachés à ou appliqués sur un document, un ruban ou un autre objet
24 . 3 . 7
Seals or stamps, circularSceaux ou cachets circulaires
24 . 3 . 11
Seals or stamps with representations of heavenly bodies or natural phenomenaSceaux ou cachets avec la représentation de corps célestes ou de phénomènes naturels
1 . 1 . 1
1 . 1 . 2
One starUne étoile
1 . 1 . 10
Stars with more than four pointsÉtoiles à plus de quatre pointes
1 . 3 . 2
Other representations of the sunAutres représentations du soleil
1 . 3 . 15
Sun with rays constituted by rectilinear lines, sheaves of lines or bandsSoleil à rayons constitués par des traits, des faisceaux de traits ou des bandes rectilignes
26 . 4 . 2
26 . 4 . 9
Several quadrilaterals juxtaposed, joined or intersectingPlusieurs quadrilatères, juxtaposés, accolés ou se coupant
26 . 4 . 18
Quadrilaterals containing one or more lettersQuadrilatères contenant une ou plusieurs lettres
26 . 3 . 23
Lines or bands forming an angle -- Note: Including chevrons and arrowheads formed by lines or bands.Lignes ou bandes formant un angle -- Note: Y compris les chevrons et les pointes de flèches formées par des lignes ou des bandes.
Action Taken | Status |
Submitted for opposition 48 on 1st May 2001 | Agent Changed |
Submitted for opposition 55 on 30th Dec 1994 | Registered |
Submitted for opposition 50 on 4th Nov 1994 | Allowed |
Submitted for opposition 51 on 4th Nov 1994 | Allowance Notice Sent |
Submitted for opposition 42 on 10th Aug 1994 | Advertised |
Submitted for opposition 26 on 16th Jun 1994 | Approved |
Submitted for opposition 22 on 30th May 1994 | Search Recorded |
Submitted for opposition 31 on 2th Dec 1993 | Formalized |
Submitted for opposition 30 on 10th Nov 1993 | Filed |
Submitted for opposition 1 on 10th Nov 1993 | Created |