on 23 Sept 2010
Last Applicant/ Owned by
Corso Liberta' 6614053, Canelli (Asti)
Serial Number
1426457 filed on 2th Feb 2009
Registration Number
TMA777951 registered on 23rd Sept 2010
Registration expiry Date
23rd Sept 2025Correspondent Address
1, Place Ville MarieSuite 2500, Montreal
Trademark usage description
wines, sparkling wines, aperitifs.Vienna Information
25 . 1 . 15
Labels, collarettes (bottle-neck labels) -- Note: Not including tie-on labels (20.5.15).Étiquettes, collerettes -- Note: Non compris les étiquettes volantes (20.5.15).
25 . 1 . 19
Other labelsAutres étiquettes
26 . 4 . 2
26 . 4 . 5
One quadrilateralUn quadrilatère
26 . 4 . 12
Quadrilaterals containing one or more other geometrical figures -- Note: Including quadrilaterals containing bent or straight lines (except 26.4.11).Quadrilatères contenant une ou plusieurs autres figures géométriques -- Note: Y compris les quadrilatères contenant des lignes courbées ou droites (excepté 26.4.11).
26 . 4 . 18
Quadrilaterals containing one or more lettersQuadrilatères contenant une ou plusieurs lettres
24 . 9 . 1
Crowns closed at the top (by cap of estate or chapeau)Couronnes fermées dans leur partie supérieure (avec dôme ou calotte)
24 . 9 . 5
One crownUne couronne
24 . 9 . 13
Crowns surmounted with a crossCouronnes surmontées d'une croix
24 . 9 . 16
Crowns accompanied by another inscriptionCouronnes accompagnées d'une autre inscription
24 . 9 . 24
Crowns with another figurative elementCouronnes avec un autre élément figuratif
9 . 1 . 10
Ribbons, bowsRubans, noeuds
26 . 11 . 3
More than two lines or two bandsPlus de deux lignes ou de deux bandes
26 . 11 . 9
Oblique lines or bandsLignes ou bandes obliques
26 . 11 . 10
Straight lines or bandsLignes ou bandes droites
CIPO Classification Code
Action Taken | Status |
Submitted for opposition 50 on 13th Aug 2010 | Allowed |
Submitted for opposition 42 on 28th Apr 2010 | Advertised |
Submitted for opposition 26 on 22nd Apr 2010 | Approved |
Submitted for opposition 130 on 25th Mar 2010 | Note to file |
Submitted for opposition 27 on 4th Mar 2010 | Approval Notice Sent |
Submitted for opposition 22 on 2th Sept 2009 | Search Recorded |
Submitted for opposition 20 on 2th Sept 2009 | Examiner's First Report |
Submitted for opposition 1 on 3rd Feb 2009 | Created |
Submitted for opposition 31 on 3rd Feb 2009 | Formalized |
Submitted for opposition 30 on 2th Feb 2009 | Filed |