on 18 Jan 2022
Last Applicant/ Owned by
#100, 111 - 5th Ave SW, Suite 389Calgary
Serial Number
1904768 filed on 18th Jun 2018
Registration Number
TMA1117941 registered on 18th Jan 2022
Registration expiry Date
18th Jan 2032Correspondent Address
2100 Livingston Place222-3rd Avenue SWCalgary
Trademark usage description
downloadable computer application software for mobile phones and mobile devices that allows users to post, search, review and respond to classified ad Read MoreVienna Information
27 . 3 . 1
Letters or numerals representing a human being or a part of the human body, an animal or a part of an animal's body, a plant, a heavenly body, a natural phenomenon or an objectLettres ou chiffres représentant un être humain ou une partie du corps humain, un animal ou une partie du corps d'un animal, un végétal, un corps céleste, un phénomène naturel ou un objet
27 . 3 . 15
Letters or numerals representing an objectLettres ou chiffres représentant un objet
7 . 1 . 6
Towers or masts, derricks (except 7.1.16) -- Notes: (a) Including transmitting masts. -- (b) Not including Eiffel Tower (7.5.2).Tours, derricks (excepté 7.1.16) -- Notes: (a) Y compris les tours-émetteurs. -- (b) Non compris la tour Eiffel (7.5.2).
9 . 7 . 1
9 . 7 . 21
Protective helmets -- Note: Not including helmets as parts of armour (23.5.5) and Mercury's helmet (with wings) (24.11.14).Casques de protection -- Note: Non compris les casques parties d'armures (23.5.5) et le casque ailé de Mercure (24.11.14).
14 . 3 . 1
Nails, screws, bolts, rivets, dowel pins, screw nuts, drawing pins -- Note: See also 9.5.1.Clous, vis, boulons, rivets, goujons, écrous, punaises -- Note: Voir aussi 9.5.1.
14 . 3 . 13
Terminal connectors for cables, cable clamps, collars, junction sleeves, rings, washers, eyelets, clips, segments, joints, gasketsCosses pour câbles, pince-câbles, colliers, manchons, anneaux, rondelles, oeillets, clips, segments, joints
2 . 1 . 15
Other professionals (men) -- Note: Including astronauts.Autres professionnels -- Note: Y compris les astronautes.
2 . 1 . 16
Shadows or silhouettes of menOmbres ou silhouettes d'hommes
14 . 1 . 1
Tubes, pipes, sluicesTubes, tuyaux, vannes
27 . 5 . 1
Letters presenting a special form of writingLettres présentant un graphisme spécial
27 . 5 . 12
Letters crossed or barred by letters, numerals or a figurative elementLettres traversées ou barrées par des lettres, des chiffres ou un élément figuratif
27 . 5 . 4
Letters embellished or decorated with a drawing or composed of a collection of drawingsLettres enjolivées ou ornées d'un dessin ou composées par un assemblage de dessins
Action Taken | Status |
Submitted for opposition 190 on 21st Jul 2021 | Registration Pending |
Submitted for opposition 191 on 21st Jul 2021 | Registration Fee Notice Sent |
Submitted for opposition 42 on 28th Apr 2021 | Advertised |
Submitted for opposition 26 on 22nd Mar 2021 | Approved |
Submitted for opposition 27 on 22nd Mar 2021 | Approval Notice Sent |
Submitted for opposition 22 on 2th Sept 2020 | Search Recorded |
Submitted for opposition 20 on 2th Sept 2020 | Examiner's First Report |
Submitted for opposition 31 on 20th Jun 2018 | Formalized |
Submitted for opposition 30 on 18th Jun 2018 | Filed |
Submitted for opposition 1 on 18th Jun 2018 | Created |