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on 30 Dec 2024

Last Applicant/ Owned by

Sugeysi Alcocer Coronado

4055 Parkside Village DrUnit 2412Mississauga




Serial Number

2278101 filed on 30th Aug 2023


Trademark usage description

all purpose cleaning preparation; all-purpose household cleaning preparations; bathroom cleaning preparations; cleaning preparations for bathroom use; Read More

Vienna Information

1 . 15 . 7

Sparks, explosions, exploding fireworks -- Note: Not including sparks represented by uneven-pointed stars (1.1.1).Étincelles, explosions, feux d'artifice -- Note: Non compris les étincelles constituées d'étoiles à pointes irrégulières (1.1.1).

1 . 15 . 21

Bubbles, frothy masses -- Note: Including speech bubbles.Bulles, masses mousseuses -- Note: Y compris les bulles de bandes dessinées.

5 . 3 . 4

Vine leaves (except 5.3.19), plane leaves, maple leavesFeuilles de vigne (excepté 5.3.19), de platane, d'érable

5 . 3 . 14

One leafUne feuille

5 . 3 . 50

11-pointed Canadian maple leaf (leaves)Feuille d'érable du Canada à onze pointes

7 . 1 . 8

Houses, skyscrapersMaisons, gratte-ciel

7 . 1 . 12

Urban houses, skyscrapersMaisons urbaines, gratte-ciel

7 . 1 . 24

Dwellings or buildings stylizedHabitations ou bâtiments stylisés

7 . 5 . 15

Fountains, basins, swimming pools, sprays or jets of water, wellsFontaines, bassins, piscines, jeux ou jets d'eau, puits

11 . 7 . 1

Household utensils not classified in divisions 11.1 or 11.3Articles de ménage non classés dans les divisions 11.1 ou 11.3

11 . 7 . 7

Brooms, window cleaning instrumentsBalais, racloirs à vitre

15 . 3 . 1

Machines for household use -- Note: Not including kitchen machines (11.1.10), washing machines (13.3.23) and household drying equipment (13.3.24).Machines pour le ménage -- Note: Non compris les machines de cuisine (11.1.10), les machines à laver (13.3.23) et les appareils de ménage à sécher (13.3.24).

15 . 3 . 5

Vacuum cleaners, polishersAspirateurs de poussière, cireuses

19 . 1 . 1

Large cylindrical or elliptical containers (such as tanks, oxygent tanks, gas bottles, barrels)Gros récipients cylindriques ou elliptiques (par exemple citernes, réservoirs d¿oxygène, bonbonnes à gaz, tonneaux)

19 . 1 . 4

Tins and cans, pails, watering cans -- Note: Not including hermetically sealed tins (19.3.1 or 19.3.3).Bidons, seaux, arrosoirs

19 . 1 . 8

Vats, wooden buckets, milking pailsCuveaux, seilles, seaux à traire

19 . 7 . 25

Other bottles or flasksAutres bouteilles ou flacons

24 . 1 . 5

Shields containing other figurative elements or inscriptionsÉcus contenant d'autres éléments figuratifs ou des inscriptions

24 . 1 . 7

Shields containing representations of heavenly bodies or natural phenomenaÉcus contenant la représentation de corps célestes ou de phénomènes naturels

24 . 1 . 10

Shields containing representations of plantsÉcus contenant la représentation de végétaux

24 . 1 . 11

Shields containing representations of landscapes, dwellings, buildings or structural worksÉcus contenant la représentation de paysages, d'habitations, de bâtiments ou d'ouvrages d'art

24 . 1 . 12

Shields containing representations of manufactured or industrial articlesÉcus contenant la représentation d'objets manufacturés ou industriels

24 . 1 . 17

Shields with figurative elements or inscriptions placed outsideÉcus avec des éléments figuratifs ou des inscriptions à l'extérieur

24 . 1 . 20

Shields with figurative elements or inscriptions placed outside in any other wayÉcus avec des éléments figuratifs ou des inscriptions à l'extérieur, disposés autrement

25 . 5 . 5

Backgrounds divided crosswise, vertically and horizontallyFonds partagés en croix dans le sens vertical et le sens horizontal

26 . 11 . 1

One line or one bandUne ligne ou une bande

26 . 11 . 7

Vertical lines or bandsLignes ou bandes verticales

26 . 11 . 10

Straight lines or bandsLignes ou bandes droites

Classification Information

Class [003]
All purpose cleaning preparation; all-purpose household cleaning preparations; bathroom cleaning preparations; cleaning preparations for bathroom use; cleaning preparations for dishes; cleaning preparations for laundry and bathrooms; cleaning preparations for ovens, barbecue grills, metal surfaces and stainless steel; cleaning preparations for use in toilets; cleaning preparations for wood, household surfaces and floor; dry cleaning preparations; dry-cleaning preparations; floor cleaning preparations; glass cleaning preparations; hand cleaning preparations; kitchen cleaning preparations; oven cleaning preparations

Classification kind code


Class [037]
Maid services

Classification kind code


Mark Details

Serial Number


Mark Type


Legal History

Action TakenStatus
Submitted for opposition 22
on 30th Dec 2024
Search Recorded
Submitted for opposition 20
on 30th Dec 2024
Examiner's First Report
Submitted for opposition 30
on 30th Aug 2023
Submitted for opposition 1
on 30th Aug 2023
Submitted for opposition 31
on 30th Aug 2023