on 30 Dec 1977
Last Applicant/ Owned by
625 Henry AvenueWinnipeg
Serial Number
393598 filed on 20th Jan 1976
Registration Number
TMA225107 registered on 30th Dec 1977
Registration expiry Date
30th Dec 2032Correspondent Address
2100 Livingston Place222-3rd Avenue SWCalgary
Trademark usage description
ice making machinery. ice bags, bags containing ice cubes and block of ice and ice cream bars.Vienna Information
18 . 1 . 1
Vehicles propelled by human or animal power (except 18.1.5 and 18.1.14)Véhicules mus par la force de l'homme ou de l'animal (excepté 18.1.5 et 18.1.14)
18 . 1 . 3
Horse-drawn carriages or chariots with four or more wheelsVoitures ou chars hippomobiles à quatre roues ou plus
2 . 1 . 20
Men mounted on or accompanied by a horse, a mule or a donkeyHommes montés sur un cheval, un mulet, un âne, ou accompagnés de ceux-ci
4 . 5 . 5
Other unidentifiable personifications, other fantastic beings of human appearance -- Notes: (a) Including snowmen, scarecrows and ghosts. -- (b) Not including dwarfs (2.1.7), allegorical or mythological personages (2.1.22 or 2.3.22), winged or horned creatures classified in division 4.1.Autres formes personnifiées non identifiables, autres êtres de fantaisie d'aspect humain -- Notes: (a) Y compris les bonshommes de neige, les épouvantails et les fantômes. -- (b) Non compris les nains (2.1.7), les personnages allégoriques ou mythologiques (2.1.22 ou 2.3.22), les personnages ailés ou cornus classés dans la division 4.1.
19 . 1 . 4
Tins and cans, pails, watering cans -- Note: Not including hermetically sealed tins (19.3.1 or 19.3.3).Bidons, seaux, arrosoirs
6 . 7 . 4
Built-up areasAgglomérations
6 . 7 . 5
Built-up areas composed of skyscrapersAgglomérations formées de gratte-ciel
7 . 1 . 8
Houses, skyscrapersMaisons, gratte-ciel
7 . 1 . 12
Urban houses, skyscrapersMaisons urbaines, gratte-ciel
25 . 1 . 6
Banderoles, cartouchesBanderoles, cartouches
Action Taken | Status |
Submitted for opposition 87 on 7th Apr 2008 | Rep for Service Changed |
Submitted for opposition 60 on 16th Jan 2008 | Renewal Notice Sent |
Submitted for opposition 61 on 30th Dec 2007 | Renewed |
Submitted for opposition 57 on 28th Oct 2003 | Amendment to Registration |
Submitted for opposition 80 on 28th Oct 2003 | Change of Title Registered |
Submitted for opposition 87 on 28th Oct 2003 | Rep for Service Changed |
Submitted for opposition 68 on 19th Oct 1999 | Rep for Service Name Changed |
Submitted for opposition 61 on 30th Dec 1992 | Renewed |
Submitted for opposition 55 on 30th Dec 1977 | Registered |
Submitted for opposition 30 on 20th Jan 1976 | Filed |