on 30 Jan 2019
Last Applicant/ Owned by
11 rue LemieuxVal-des-Monts
Serial Number
1843562 filed on 12th Jun 2017
Registration Number
TMA1014173 registered on 30th Jan 2019
Registration expiry Date
30th Jan 2034Trademark usage description
club social de motocyclistes pour vétérans.Vienna Information
2 . 3 . 1
Heads, bustsTêtes, bustes
23 . 5 . 1
23 . 5 . 11
Other parts of armourAutres parties d'armures
2 . 3 . 4
Women wearing folk or historical costume -- Notes: (a) Including, for example, cowgirls, native Americans, eskimos, indigenous women, wearing their traditional clothing. (b) Not including women wearing a kimono, a sari or a djellaba (2.3.9).Femmes portant un costume folklorique ou historique -- Notes: (a) Y compris par exemple les cow-girls, les natifs américains, les esquimaux, les femmes autochtones, portant leurs vêtements traditionnels. (b) Non compris les femmes portant un kimono, un sari ou une djellaba (2.3.9).
23 . 5 . 5
Helmets being parts of armourCasques (parties d'armures)
3 . 6 . 1
Parts of the bodies of quadrupeds or of quadrumana, skeletons, skullsParties du corps de quadrupèdes ou de quadrumanes, squelettes, crânes
3 . 6 . 6
14 . 7 . 2
14 . 7 . 3
Two hammers, two sledge-hammers or two axes, crossedDeux marteaux, deux masses ou deux haches croisés
27 . 1 . 1
Letters or numerals forming geometrical figures, written or typographical matter in perspectiveLettres ou chiffres formant des figures géométriques, inscriptions en perspective
27 . 1 . 12
Letters or numerals forming a figure in the shape of an arc of a circleLettres ou chiffres formant une figure en arc de cercle
2 . 3 . 25
Armed women or women wearing armour or a uniformFemmes armées ou portant une armure ou un uniforme
26 . 4 . 1
26 . 4 . 5
One quadrilateralUn quadrilatère
26 . 4 . 14
Quadrilaterals containing representations of human beings or parts of the human bodyQuadrilatères contenant la représentation d'êtres humains ou de parties du corps humain
26 . 4 . 16
Quadrilaterals containing other figurative elementsQuadrilatères contenant d'autres éléments figuratifs
26 . 4 . 24
Quadrilaterals with dark surfaces or parts of surfacesQuadrilatères avec surface ou partie de la surface foncée
Action Taken | Status |
Submitted for opposition 15 on 29th Jan 2019 | Correspondence Created |
Submitted for opposition 50 on 14th Dec 2018 | Allowed |
Submitted for opposition 51 on 14th Dec 2018 | Allowance Notice Sent |
Submitted for opposition 42 on 29th Aug 2018 | Advertised |
Submitted for opposition 26 on 9th Aug 2018 | Approved |
Submitted for opposition 22 on 19th Jun 2018 | Search Recorded |
Submitted for opposition 27 on 19th Jun 2018 | Approval Notice Sent |
Submitted for opposition 31 on 21st Jun 2017 | Formalized |
Submitted for opposition 1 on 20th Jun 2017 | Created |
Submitted for opposition 30 on 12th Jun 2017 | Filed |