on 21 Sept 2020
Last Applicant/ Owned by
130-7180 Kerr StVancouver
Serial Number
1762421 filed on 7th Jan 2016
Trademark usage description
fish; fish and meat preserves; game; meat; meat spreads; prepared meat; preserved meat; salted meats; smoked meatVienna Information
26 . 1 . 1
26 . 1 . 3
One circle or ellipseUn cercle ou une ellipse
26 . 1 . 21
Circles or ellipses containing inscriptions arranged in circular or elliptical formCercles ou ellipses contenant des inscriptions disposées en cercles ou en ellipses
26 . 11 . 2
Two lines or bandsDeux lignes ou bandes
26 . 11 . 12
Curved lines or bands (except a 26.11.13)Lignes ou bandes courbes (excepté a 26.11.13)
3 . 4 . 7
Deer, stags, elk, reindeer, fawns, antelopesChevreuils, cerfs, élans, rennes, faons, antilopes
3 . 4 . 13
Heads of animals of series IV, with hornsTêtes d'animaux de la série IV, avec cornes
3 . 4 . 14
Heads of stagsTêtes de cerfs
3 . 7 . 4
Turkeys, pheasants, peacocks, hoopoesDindons, faisans, paons, huppes
3 . 7 . 24
Birds or bats stylized or personifiedOiseaux ou chauves-souris stylisés ou personnifiés
3 . 4 . 20
Heads of pigs or of boarsTêtes de porcs ou de sangliers
3 . 7 . 6
Ducks, geese, swansCanards, oies, cygnes
3 . 7 . 19
Heads of birds, parts of birds, feathers, footprints, skeletons of birdsTêtes d'oiseaux, parties d'oiseaux, plumes, empreintes de pattes, squelettes d'oiseaux
3 . 4 . 11
Goats, sheep, moufflons, chamoisChèvres, moutons, mouflons, chamois
3 . 4 . 13
Heads of animals of series IV, with hornsTêtes d'animaux de la série IV, avec cornes
3 . 4 . 11
Goats, sheep, moufflons, chamoisChèvres, moutons, mouflons, chamois
3 . 4 . 12
Heads of animals of series IV, without horns (except 3.4.20)Têtes d'animaux de la série IV, sans cornes (excepté 3.4.20)
3 . 7 . 3
Cocks, hens, chickensCoqs, poules, poussins
3 . 7 . 19
Heads of birds, parts of birds, feathers, footprints, skeletons of birdsTêtes d'oiseaux, parties d'oiseaux, plumes, empreintes de pattes, squelettes d'oiseaux
3 . 4 . 1
3 . 4 . 2
Cows, calvesVaches, veaux
3 . 4 . 13
Heads of animals of series IV, with hornsTêtes d'animaux de la série IV, avec cornes
3 . 9 . 1
Fish, animals of fish-like formPoissons, animaux ayant la forme de poissons
3 . 9 . 24
Animals of division 3.9 stylizedAnimaux de la division 3.9 stylisés
3 . 5 . 1
Rabbits, haresLapins, lièvres
3 . 5 . 20
Heads of animals of series VTêtes d'animaux de la série V
3 . 5 . 24
Animals of series V stylizedAnimaux de la série V stylisés
Action Taken | Status |
Submitted for opposition 42 on 3rd Apr 2019 | Advertised |
Submitted for opposition 26 on 14th Mar 2019 | Approved |
Submitted for opposition 27 on 25th Jan 2019 | Approval Notice Sent |
Submitted for opposition 15 on 5th Jun 2018 | Correspondence Created |
Submitted for opposition 15 on 29th Sept 2017 | Correspondence Created |
Submitted for opposition 22 on 13th Oct 2016 | Search Recorded |
Submitted for opposition 20 on 13th Oct 2016 | Examiner's First Report |
Submitted for opposition 31 on 12th Jan 2016 | Formalized |
Submitted for opposition 1 on 8th Jan 2016 | Created |
Submitted for opposition 30 on 7th Jan 2016 | Filed |