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ELEGANCE IS A JOURNEY. AIR FRANCE SOCIÉTÉ AIR FRANCE 2195161 23 Mar 2022 | SEARCHED on 16 Oct 2023 | Publicité; publicité par correspondance; publicité radiophonique; publ... Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Publicité; publicité par correspondance; publicité radiophonique; publicité télévisée; publicité par réseaux Internet, Intranet et Extranet; services mercatiques et de promotion pour des compagnies aériennes; services d'abonnement à des journaux, magazines, revues, périodiques ou à des lettres d'information (pour des tiers); conseils en organisation et direction des affaires; informations d'affaires; renseignements d'affaires; affichage; agences d'informations commerciales; diffusion d'annonces publicitaires; diffusion d'annonces publicitaires par courrier; distribution et diffusion de matériel publicitaire (tracts, prospectus, imprimés, échantillons); mise à jour de documentation publicitaire; reproduction de document; organisation d'expositions à buts commerciaux et de publicité; organisation de concours à des fins publicitaires; promotion de vente de services de tiers par la distribution de matériel imprimé et de concours promotionnels; recueil et systématisation de données dans un fichier central; gestion de fichiers informatiques; gestion de fichiers informatiques notamment sur réseaux Internet, Extranet ou Intranet; gestion de bases de données notamment sur réseaux Internet, Extranet ou Intranet; location d'espaces publicitaires; sondage d'opinion; promotion des ventes (pour des tiers); publication de textes publicitaires; relations publiques; établissement de relevés de comptes; gestion de primes promotionnelles; actions promotionnelles ou publicitaires destinées à fidéliser la clientèle ou le personnel; services de gestion d'un programme de fidélité notamment dans le domaine du transport aérien; passation et réception de commande de produits et de services par réseaux Internet, Intranet et Extranet; services de ventes aux enchères notamment sur réseaux Internet, Extranet ou Intranet; prévisions économiques; gestion administrative ou commerciale de points de fidélité ou de bons dans le cadre d'un programme de fidélisation de clientèle ou de personnel; services d'informations commerciales, de publicité et de promotion des ventes pour des tiers par la gestion de sites Internet marchands; services d'accomplissement de formalités administratives pour le transport international ou national de marchandises et de personnes; services d'abonnement à un service de transport aérien. Class 038 Class 038 Communications Services Télécommunications; communications par terminaux d'ordinateurs; communications radiophoniques; communications téléphoniques; communications télévisuelles; diffusion d'émissions radiophoniques et télévisées; informations en matière de télécommunications; location d'appareils de télécommunication; location d'appareils pour la transmission de messages; location de téléphones; messagerie électronique; messagerie électronique destinée à la mise en relation ou la rencontre de personnes notamment durant leur transport; messagerie électronique destinée à la mise en place d'une communauté virtuelle sur internet; messagerie électronique destinée à la mise en place de réseaux sociaux; courrier électronique; transmission d'informations, de données, de messages, d'images ou de sons notamment dans le cadre du transport aérien ou de la mise en relation de personnes; transmission de messages et d'images assistée par ordinateur; radiotéléphonie mobile; services téléphoniques; diffusion de programmes de radio et de télévision; transmission de dépêches; transmission d'informations par réseaux Internet, intranet et extranet; diffusion de programmes de télévision; transmission d'informations provenant d'une banque de données informatique; services de transmission de données entre systèmes informatiques mis en réseau; transmissions d'informations en ligne; services de courrier électronique; location de temps d'accès à un centre serveur de bases de données (pour la télécommunication); services d'échange de correspondances (télécommunications); services d'affichage électronique notamment dans le domaine du transport aérien ou de la mise en relation de personnes; fourniture d'accès à des sites internet et/ou des moteurs de recherches (portails); location de temps d'accès à des réseaux informatiques; fourniture de forums de discussion sur l'internet notamment dans le domaine du transport aérien ou de la mise en relation de personnes; services de télécommunication permettant d'accéder à une communauté d'échange virtuelle; centres d'appels téléphoniques; collecte et transmission d'informations par téléphone ou par réseaux internet, intranet ou extranet; transmission et diffusion d'informations, de données, de messages, d'images ou de sons sur réseaux internet, intranet ou extranet permettant la réservation de titres de transport aérien ou de billets d'avion; fourniture d'accès à un réseau informatique mondial; fourniture d'accès à un réseau informatique permettant notamment la réservation, la délivrance, l'impression, le retrait de titres de transport aérien ou de billets d'avion; fourniture d'accès à un réseau informatique permettant notamment la réservation de chambres d'hôtels, de places ou de tables de restaurants; services de transmission de commandes à distance par réseaux internet, intranet et extranet. ... Class 039 Transportation & Storage Services Transport aérien; emballage et entreposage de marchandises; transport aérien de passagers; transport aérien de voyageurs; transport aérien d'animaux; services d'organisation de transport aérien; accompagnement de voyageurs dans le cadre de transport aérien; services de compagnies aériennes; organisation de services de transport aérien; services d'hôtesses de l'air (accompagnement de voyageurs); transports aériens; transports aéronautiques; affrètements; agences de tourisme à savoir mise à disposition de tiers d'informations en matière de tarifs, horaires et moyens de transport aérien de passagers et de marchandises; services d'agences de transport aérien; services d'autobus ou d'autocars; livraison de colis; conditionnement de produits; distribution du courrier; distribution de journaux, de magazines, de brochures ou de consignes de sécurité dans les aéroports ou à bord d'avions; dépôt de marchandises; distribution (livraison) de bagages, de repas, de boissons, de produits ou de marchandises; empaquetage de marchandises; informations en matière d'entreposage; organisation d'excursions par transport aérien; services d'expédition; fret aérien (transport de marchandises); informations en matière de transport aérien; informations en matière de transport aérien de passagers, de marchandises et d'animaux; location d'aéronefs ou d'avions; messagerie (courrier ou marchandises); services de parc de stationnement; réservation de titres de transport aérien ou billets d'avions; stockage; visites touristiques par transport aérien; services de transit en aéroport; réservation pour le transport aérien; réservation pour le transport aérien de passagers, de marchandises et d'animaux; réservation pour les voyages par transport aérien; réservation de voyages aériens; transport aérien de valeurs; services de navettes en autobus ou autocars; enregistrement de bagages, de marchandises et de passagers dans le cadre de transport aérien; chargement et déchargement d'avions; mise à disposition de véhicules aériens (location); transport en commun de passagers dans le cadre de transport aérien; assistance en cas de pannes de véhicules aériens (remorquage); location de conteneurs d'entreposage; courtage de fret aérien; courtage de transport aérien; location d'entrepôts; location de fauteuils roulants; mise à disposition de fauteuils roulants pour les passagers dans les aéroports (location); location de places de stationnement; pilotage d'avions ou d'aéronefs; services de sauvetage; opérations de secours (transport); prêt ou mise à disposition de véhicules aériens ou d'avions (location); consultation professionnelle dans le domaine du transport aérien; acheminement de produits alimentaires, de boissons, de repas ou de plateaux repas dans les aéroports et à bord d'avions; chargement et déchargement de marchandises à bord d'avions pour l'armement (équipement) de cabines, d'habitacles, de soutes d'avions; manutention d'avions; manutention de marchandises et de bagages notamment dans les aéroports; manutention (chargement et déchargement) de rampes d'accès ou de passerelles d'avions; organisation de transferts et transits de passagers, d'équipages, de personnel naviguant ou de bagages d'un aéroport ou d'un avion vers un autre aéroport ou avion; distribution d'énergie notamment à bord d'avions; services de réservation de titres de transport aérien, de billets d'avions notamment par réseaux Internet, Intranet ou Extranet; services de réservation et d'attribution de sièges pour le transport aérien; service d'enregistrement prioritaire pour compagnie aérienne; services de réservation, d'attribution de sièges, d'enregistrement et d'embarquement prioritaires pour les personnes voyageant souvent en avion; mise à disposition d'informations en matière de planification et réservation de voyages en avion par voie électronique; services de transport aérien sur la base d'un système de gratification aux voyageurs réguliers. | ||
S'ENVOLER EN TOUTE ELEGANCE. AIR FRANCE SOCIÉTÉ AIR FRANCE 2195162 23 Mar 2022 | SEARCHED on 16 Oct 2023 | Publicité; publicité par correspondance; publicité radiophonique; publ... Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Publicité; publicité par correspondance; publicité radiophonique; publicité télévisée; publicité par réseaux Internet, Intranet et Extranet; services mercatiques et de promotion pour des compagnies aériennes; services d'abonnement à des journaux, magazines, revues, périodiques ou à des lettres d'information (pour des tiers); conseils en organisation et direction des affaires; informations d'affaires; renseignements d'affaires; affichage; agences d'informations commerciales; diffusion d'annonces publicitaires; diffusion d'annonces publicitaires par courrier; distribution et diffusion de matériel publicitaire (tracts, prospectus, imprimés, échantillons); mise à jour de documentation publicitaire; reproduction de document; organisation d'expositions à buts commerciaux et de publicité; organisation de concours à des fins publicitaires; promotion de vente de services de tiers par la distribution de matériel imprimé et de concours promotionnels; recueil et systématisation de données dans un fichier central; gestion de fichiers informatiques; gestion de fichiers informatiques notamment sur réseaux Internet, Extranet ou Intranet; gestion de bases de données notamment sur réseaux Internet, Extranet ou Intranet; location d'espaces publicitaires; sondage d'opinion; promotion des ventes (pour des tiers); publication de textes publicitaires; relations publiques; établissement de relevés de comptes; gestion de primes promotionnelles; actions promotionnelles ou publicitaires destinées à fidéliser la clientèle ou le personnel; services de gestion d'un programme de fidélité notamment dans le domaine du transport aérien; passation et réception de commande de produits et de services par réseaux Internet, Intranet et Extranet; services de ventes aux enchères notamment sur réseaux Internet, Extranet ou Intranet; prévisions économiques; gestion administrative ou commerciale de points de fidélité ou de bons dans le cadre d'un programme de fidélisation de clientèle ou de personnel; services d'informations commerciales, de publicité et de promotion des ventes pour des tiers par la gestion de sites Internet marchands; services d'accomplissement de formalités administratives pour le transport international ou national de marchandises et de personnes; services d'abonnement à un service de transport aérien. Class 038 Class 038 Communications Services Télécommunications; communications par terminaux d'ordinateurs; communications radiophoniques; communications téléphoniques; communications télévisuelles; diffusion d'émissions radiophoniques et télévisées; informations en matière de télécommunications; location d'appareils de télécommunication; location d'appareils pour la transmission de messages; location de téléphones; messagerie électronique; messagerie électronique destinée à la mise en relation ou la rencontre de personnes notamment durant leur transport; messagerie électronique destinée à la mise en place d'une communauté virtuelle sur internet; messagerie électronique destinée à la mise en place de réseaux sociaux; courrier électronique; transmission d'informations, de données, de messages, d'images ou de sons notamment dans le cadre du transport aérien ou de la mise en relation de personnes; transmission de messages et d'images assistée par ordinateur; radiotéléphonie mobile; services téléphoniques; diffusion de programmes de radio et de télévision; transmission de dépêches; transmission d'informations par réseaux Internet, intranet et extranet; diffusion de programmes de télévision; transmission d'informations provenant d'une banque de données informatique; services de transmission de données entre systèmes informatiques mis en réseau; transmissions d'informations en ligne; services de courrier électronique; location de temps d'accès à un centre serveur de bases de données (pour la télécommunication); services d'échange de correspondances (télécommunications); services d'affichage électronique notamment dans le domaine du transport aérien ou de la mise en relation de personnes; fourniture d'accès à des sites internet et/ou des moteurs de recherches (portails); location de temps d'accès à des réseaux informatiques; fourniture de forums de discussion sur l'internet notamment dans le domaine du transport aérien ou de la mise en relation de personnes; services de télécommunication permettant d'accéder à une communauté d'échange virtuelle; centres d'appels téléphoniques; collecte et transmission d'informations par téléphone ou par réseaux internet, intranet ou extranet; transmission et diffusion d'informations, de données, de messages, d'images ou de sons sur réseaux internet, intranet ou extranet permettant la réservation de titres de transport aérien ou de billets d'avion; fourniture d'accès à un réseau informatique mondial; fourniture d'accès à un réseau informatique permettant notamment la réservation, la délivrance, l'impression, le retrait de titres de transport aérien ou de billets d'avion; fourniture d'accès à un réseau informatique permettant notamment la réservation de chambres d'hôtels, de places ou de tables de restaurants; services de transmission de commandes à distance par réseaux internet, intranet et extranet. ... Class 039 Transportation & Storage Services Transport aérien; emballage et entreposage de marchandises; transport aérien de passagers; transport aérien de voyageurs; transport aérien d'animaux; services d'organisation de transport aérien; accompagnement de voyageurs dans le cadre de transport aérien; services de compagnies aériennes; organisation de services de transport aérien; services d'hôtesses de l'air (accompagnement de voyageurs); transports aériens; transports aéronautiques; affrètements; agences de tourisme à savoir mise à disposition de tiers d'informations en matière de tarifs, horaires et moyens de transport aérien de passagers et de marchandises; services d'agences de transport aérien; services d'autobus ou d'autocars; livraison de colis; conditionnement de produits; distribution du courrier; distribution de journaux, de magazines, de brochures ou de consignes de sécurité dans les aéroports ou à bord d'avions; dépôt de marchandises; distribution (livraison) de bagages, de repas, de boissons, de produits ou de marchandises; empaquetage de marchandises; informations en matière d'entreposage; organisation d'excursions par transport aérien; services d'expédition; fret aérien (transport de marchandises); informations en matière de transport aérien; informations en matière de transport aérien de passagers, de marchandises et d'animaux; location d'aéronefs ou d'avions; messagerie (courrier ou marchandises); services de parc de stationnement; réservation de titres de transport aérien ou billets d'avions; stockage; visites touristiques par transport aérien; services de transit en aéroport; réservation pour le transport aérien; réservation pour le transport aérien de passagers, de marchandises et d'animaux; réservation pour les voyages par transport aérien; réservation de voyages aériens; transport aérien de valeurs; services de navettes en autobus ou autocars; enregistrement de bagages, de marchandises et de passagers dans le cadre de transport aérien; chargement et déchargement d'avions; mise à disposition de véhicules aériens (location); transport en commun de passagers dans le cadre de transport aérien; assistance en cas de pannes de véhicules aériens (remorquage); location de conteneurs d'entreposage; courtage de fret aérien; courtage de transport aérien; location d'entrepôts; location de fauteuils roulants; mise à disposition de fauteuils roulants pour les passagers dans les aéroports (location); location de places de stationnement; pilotage d'avions ou d'aéronefs; services de sauvetage; opérations de secours (transport); prêt ou mise à disposition de véhicules aériens ou d'avions (location); consultation professionnelle dans le domaine du transport aérien; acheminement de produits alimentaires, de boissons, de repas ou de plateaux repas dans les aéroports et à bord d'avions; chargement et déchargement de marchandises à bord d'avions pour l'armement (équipement) de cabines, d'habitacles, de soutes d'avions; manutention d'avions; manutention de marchandises et de bagages notamment dans les aéroports; manutention (chargement et déchargement) de rampes d'accès ou de passerelles d'avions; organisation de transferts et transits de passagers, d'équipages, de personnel naviguant ou de bagages d'un aéroport ou d'un avion vers un autre aéroport ou avion; distribution d'énergie notamment à bord d'avions; services de réservation de titres de transport aérien, de billets d'avions notamment par réseaux Internet, Intranet ou Extranet; services de réservation et d'attribution de sièges pour le transport aérien; service d'enregistrement prioritaire pour compagnie aérienne; services de réservation, d'attribution de sièges, d'enregistrement et d'embarquement prioritaires pour les personnes voyageant souvent en avion; mise à disposition d'informations en matière de planification et réservation de voyages en avion par voie électronique; services de transport aérien sur la base d'un système de gratification aux voyageurs réguliers. | ||
![]() | IATF FRANCE IATF FRANCE 2204585 22 Mar 2022 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 20 Sept 2024 | Publications électroniques téléchargeables, à savoir des normes qui dé... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Publications électroniques téléchargeables, à savoir des normes qui déterminent des exigences, des pratiques et des méthodes uniformes pour s'assurer de la qualité dans la conception, le développement, la production, l'installation et l'entretien des automobiles. Class 016 Class 016 Paper Goods and Printed Material Publications, à savoir des normes qui déterminent des exigences, des pratiques et des méthodes uniformes pour s'assurer de la qualité dans la conception, le développement, la production, l'installation et l'entretien des automobiles; bulletins d'information; bulletins d'informations dans le domaine automobile; cahiers; certificats imprimés; dossiers d'informations imprimés; feuilles de résultats; feuillets d'information; fiches [papeterie]; fiches d'information imprimées; graphiques circulaires rotatifs; guides d'études; guides imprimés; impression des graphiques; livrets d'information; manuels d'instruction; manuels imprimés; manuels de référence dans le domaine automobile; matériel de formation imprimé; publications imprimées; rapports imprimés; rapports de recherche imprimés; supports pour dossiers. ... Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Services d'aide et de gestion des affaires; services de consultation et de conseil relatifs aux affaires dans le domaine automobile; services d'analyse et d'information commerciale, et études de marché; établissement de rapports sur des analyses de marché; rapports et analyses statistiques; fourniture d'informations sur les produits à la clientèle; fourniture d'informations relatives au marché des produits dans le domaine de l'automobile; mise à disposition d'informations sur des produits par internet; mise à disposition d'informations en matière de comparaison de produits; services d'informations, de conseils et de consultation dans le domaine de l'automobile; services de collecte de données concernant la qualité de produits et services dans le domaine automobile. Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Fourniture de publications non téléchargeables en ligne, à savoir des normes qui déterminent des exigences, des pratiques et des méthodes uniformes pour s'assurer de la qualité dans la conception, le développement, la production, l'installation et l'entretien des automobiles; mise à disposition de revue en ligne contenant des informations dans le domaine automobile; édition de revues sous forme électronique sur internet; édition et publication de textes écrits, de livres et de périodiques; édition, établissement de rapports et rédaction de textes; mise à disposition de publications électroniques en ligne non téléchargeables; publication de documents et d'articles scientifiques concernant le domaine de l'automobile; publication de fiches de renseignements, de livres instructifs et de livrets dans le domaine automobile; publication de textes et d'images, y compris sous forme électronique, autre qu'à des fins publicitaires; publication de textes sous forme de supports électroniques; rédaction et publication de textes autres que textes publicitaires; fourniture d'informations et d'instruction dans le domaine automobile; mise à disposition d'informations dans le domaine automobile; organisation de formations, de conférences, de séminaires et d'ateliers à des fins de formation; démonstrations à des fins de formation; éducation et formation dans le domaine de l'ingénierie automobile; formation et instruction; publication de lettres d'information en ligne dans le domaine automobile. Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Contrôle de qualité; audits de qualité; evaluation de la qualité; contrôle de qualité de services; contrôle de qualité pour des tiers; contrôle de la qualité des produits et services; évaluation de la qualité de produits; contrôle de la qualité des matières premières; tests, authentification et contrôle de la qualité; services de conseil liés au contrôle de qualité; analyse (contrôle de qualité) de la conception de produits; évaluation (contrôle de qualité) de la conception de produits; services de contrôle de la qualité des produits fabriqués dans le domaine automobile; tests de qualité de produits à des fins de certification; services de tests de contrôle de qualité d'équipements automobile; services de test pour la certification de qualité ou de normes; contrôle de qualité de pièces usinées soudées afin d'en déterminer la solidité. | |
BIOSPHERE INTELLIGENCE GUSTAF LANGENSKIÖLD FOLKE 2210988 22 Mar 2022 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 | Image analyzers; digital indicators; instruments for analysing photogr... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Image analyzers; digital indicators; instruments for analysing photographs; databases (electronic); interactive databases; application software; office and business applications; computer software to enable the searching of data; computer programmes relating to financial matters; enterprise software; interactive business software; machine learning software for finance; computer software for advertising; software for the analysis of business data; information retrieval applications; database engines; data storage programs; computer programs for accessing, browsing and searching online databases; computer software for database management; computer programs in machine readable form for use in database management; computer software for organizing and viewing digital images and photographs; interactive database software; downloadable computer software for blockchain technology; downloadable computer software for the management of data; downloadable computer software for the management of information; downloadable mobile applications for the management of data; downloadable mobile applications for the management of information; business intelligence software; data and file management software and database software; database server software; database synchronization software; data management software; data mining software; document management software; file sharing software; file server software; computer software for producing financial models; computer software for creating searchable databases of information and data; big data management software; computer software for accessing information directories that may be downloaded from the global computer network; software for searching and retrieving information across a computer network; computer search engine software; computer software to enable searching and retrieval of data; software for the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the field of big data; computer software for analysing market information; computer software for processing market information; computer utility programs for file management; personal computer application software for document control systems; augmented reality software for simulation; augmented reality software for education; augmented reality software; augmented reality software for use in mobile devices; augmented reality software for use in mobile devices for integrating electronic data with real world environments; augmented reality software for creating maps; virtual and augmented reality software; virtual reality software for simulation; virtual reality software for education; augmented reality game software; virtual reality software; virtual reality software for telecommunications; computer software for the collection of positioning data; computer software for the compilation of positioning data; computer software for the dissemination of positioning data; computer software for the transmission of positioning data; home automation software; fire mapping and analysis software; map software; environmental control software; environmental monitoring software; machine control software; surveying software; workout logging software; industrial process control software; satellite imagery photo-interpretation software; software for the planning, integration and optimization of smart city applications; artificial intelligence software for analysis; data processing programs; computer software; computer programs for use in trading stocks and bonds; computer programmes for use in telecommunications; computer programs for printing; computer programmes stored in digital form; computer programs, downloadable; computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; computer programmes for data processing; freeware; embedded software; integrated software packages; interactive software. Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Business assistance, management and administrative services; administrative support and data processing services; business consultancy and advisory services; human resources management and recruitment services; administration of contests for advertising purpose; administration of foreign business affairs; administrative assistance in responding to calls for tenders; outsourced administrative management for companies; business project management; business planning services; business services relating to the arrangement of joint ventures; arranging and conducting of business meetings; assistance relating to business organisation; assistance with business planning; business management assistance for industrial organisations; business management assistance in the operation of restaurants; assistance in franchised commercial business management; business management assistance in the establishment of commercial undertakings; business management assistance in the establishment and operation of restaurants; business assistance; business management assistance; assistance to commercial enterprises in the management of their business; lifecycle costing for business purposes; computerised business management [for others]; business efficiency expert services; business assistance relating to the formation of commercial undertakings; business management; business administration and management; business management and consultancy services; business management organisation; corporate management assistance; business management assistance for commercial companies; business management assistance for industrial or commercial companies; business management services relating to electronic commerce; business management services relating to the acquisition of businesses; transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; business management services relating to the development of businesses; online business networking services; business organisation; management advice relating to the recruitment of staff; business strategy services; supervision of businesses on behalf of others; preparation of economic reports; business services relating to the establishment of businesses; business process management and consulting; negotiation of business contracts for others; negotiation of advertising contracts; negotiation of contracts relating to the purchase and sale of goods; negotiation of commercial transactions for third parties; negotiation and conclusion of commercial transactions for third parties; mediation of contracts for purchase and sale of products; mediation of trade business for third parties; mediation of agreements regarding the sale and purchase of goods; mediation and conclusion of commercial transactions for others; customer relationship management; assistance to industrial enterprises in the conduct of their business; management and operation assistance to commercial businesses; help in the management of business affairs or commercial functions of an industrial or commercial enterprise; registration of written communications and data; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; commercial assistance in business management; commercial management; commercial intermediation services; industrial management consultation including cost/yield analyses; business process management; management of business projects [for others]; management assistance in business affairs; management advice relating to the placing of staff; operational business assistance to enterprises; business meeting planning; business management planning; efficiency experts; business networking services; strategic business planning; assistance to management in commercial enterprises in respect of advertising; interim business management; providing user rankings for commercial or advertising purposes; providing user reviews for commercial or advertising purposes; providing academic course administration services for academic institutions; provision of business assistance; business supervision; business management supervision; provision of business and commercial contact information via the internet; providing assistance in the management of business activities; providing assistance in the field of business management and planning; providing assistance in the management of industrial or commercial enterprises; outsource service provider in the field of customer relationship management; business risk management services; business investigations; business representative services; business strategy and planning services; supply chain management services; business risk assessment services; business inquiries; preparation of project studies relating to business matters; business strategy development services; data processing, systematisation and management; acquisition of business information relating to company status; automated data processing; processing of business survey results; on-line data processing services; data processing; data processing for businesses; data processing for the collection of data for business purposes; data processing and verification; data processing services in the field of transportation; online data processing services; data management services; data inputting services; data compilation for others; data search in computer files for others; computerised data processing; computerised data verification; computerised point-of-sale data collection services for retailers; computerised stock management; computerized file management; computerised compilation of customer indexes; data retrieval services; electronic data processing; acquisition of business information relating to company activities; obtaining business statistics [for others]; business statistical studies; acquisition of commercial information; business records management; financial records management; management and compilation of computerised databases; information and data compiling and analyzing relating to business management; business statistical information services; information services relating to data processing; data entry and data processing; computer data entry services; collection of data; collection of statistics for business; compilation of statistics [for business or commercial purposes]; collection and systematisation of information into computer databases; consultancy relating to the preparation of business statistics; consultancy relating to data processing; office functions services for electronically collecting data; office functions services for electronically collating data; office functions services for electronically manipulating data; news clipping services; records management services, namely, document indexing for others; advisory services relating to data processing; advisory services relating to electronic data processing; compilation of information into computerised registers; compilation of directories for publication on the internet; compilation of commercial registers; compilation of business directories; compilation of statistics; compilation and systemization of information used in electronic transmissions; compilation and systemization of written communications and data; compilation of mailing lists; collating of data in computer databases; collecting information for business; compilation of business statistics and commercial information; compilation of business directories for publishing on the internet; compilation of online business directories; compilation of business statistics; compilation of indexed addresses; compilation of information into computer databases; compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; preparation of inventories; compilation of directories for publishing on global computer networks or the internet; collection of commercial information; compilation of lists of prospective customers; compilation of mathematical data; compilation of political statistics; compilation of registers relating to exporters; compilation of registers relating to importers; compilation of statistics relating to advertising; compilation of statistical information; compilation of statistical data relating to business; compilation of statistical data for use in scientific research; compilation of statistical models for the provision of market dynamics information; compilation of information into computer databases; compilation and input of information into computer databases; compilation and systematisation of information in databanks; compilation and systemization of information into computer databases; maintenance of registers [for others]; provision of statistical information relating to business; systemization of information into computer databases; electronic stock management services; services comprising the recording of statistical data; services comprising the composition of statistical data; services comprising the transcription of statistical data; maintenance of personnel records [for others]; maintenance of asset registers [for others]; updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; updating and maintenance of information in registries; sales volume tracking for others; drawing up of business statistical information; maintaining a registry of information; maintaining a registry of animal breeds; maintaining a registry of professional vocational evaluators; preparation of business statistical data; maintaining a registry of certified aerospace technicians; administration of business affairs; subscriptions to electronic journals; administrative management of professional [vocational] certifications; administration relating to business appraisal; administration relating to sales methods; administration relating to marketing; administration relating to business planning; administrative data processing; administrative services relating to the management of legal dockets; administrative services relating to referrals for insurance agents; business administration assistance; arranging of presentations for business purposes; preparation of documents relating to taxation; preparation of documents relating to business; business analysis and information services, and market research; business consultancy to individuals; business consultancy to firms; business planning consultancy; assistance and advice regarding business organization; assistance and advice regarding business management; assistance, advisory services and consultancy with regard to business management; assistance, advisory services and consultancy with regard to business organization; assistance, advisory services and consultancy with regard to business planning; assistance and consultancy relating to business management and organisation; assistance and consultancy services in the field of business management of companies in the energy sector; business expertise services; business consulting; business consultancy relating to the administration of information technology; business consultancy services relating to data processing; business consultancy services relating to manufacturing; business consultancy services relating to disaster planning and recovery; business consultancy services relating to the supply of quality management systems; business management consultancy in the field of executive and leadership development; business management consulting services in the field of information technology; business management consultancy in the field of corporate travel; business organization consultancy; business planning and business continuity consulting; business advisory services relating to company performance; advisory services (business -) relating to the exploitation of inventions; business advice relating to strategic marketing; business consulting services in the agriculture field; business advice relating to marketing management consultations; business advice relating to franchising; business consultancy, in the field of transport and delivery; business advisory services relating to product development; business advisory services relating to product manufacturing; consultancy and advisory services in the field of business strategy; consultancy relating to the establishment and running of businesses; business organization and operation consultancy; business research consulting; business appraisal consultancy; consulting in sales techniques and sales programmes; business management and organization consultancy; business management and enterprise organization consultancy; business management consultancy in the field of transport and delivery; foreign trade consultancy services; business management consultancy, also via the internet; consultancy services regarding business strategies; business management consultancy; business management consultancy and advisory services; corporate management consultancy; professional consultancy relating to business management; professional business consultation relating to the operation of businesses; professional business consultancy; business efficiency advice; business administration consultancy; business management advice relating to manufacturing business; consultancy regarding business organisation and business economics; advice relating to the sale of businesses; risk management consultancy [business]; corporate image development consultation; advice on business matters; providing advice relating to the organisation and management of businesses; advice in the field of business management and marketing; advising industrial enterprises in the conduct of their business; business advice, inquiries or information; advice and information concerning commercial business management; advisory services and information in business organization and management; consultancy regarding the organization or managing of a trade company; advice relating to the organisation and management of business; advising commercial enterprises in the conduct of their business; management advice; advisory and consultancy services relating to import-export agencies; business management advisory services relating to commercial enterprises; business management advisory services relating to industrial enterprises; business management advisory services relating to franchising; business organisation advice; advisory services relating to business organisation and management; advisory services relating to business planning; advisory services (business -) relating to the operation of franchises; advisory services (business -) relating to the management of public sector businesses; advisory services (business -) relating to the management of businesses; advisory services for business management; advisory services relating to business management and business operations; advisory services relating to business risk management; assistance and advice regarding business organisation and management; providing business management start-up support for other businesses; providing assistance in the field of business management; providing assistance in the field of business organisation; development of marketing strategies and concepts; business enquiries and investigations; business appraisals and evaluations in business matters; business appraisals; analysis of business information; analysis of market research data and statistics; business management analysis; analysis of business trends; analysis of marketing trends; analysis of market research data; analysis of market research statistics; analysis of advertising response and market research; business profit analysis; advertising analysis; analysis of company behaviour; market survey analysis; analysis of advertising response; grain market analysis; analysis of business management systems; analysis relating to marketing; business data analysis services; assistance, advisory services and consultancy with regard to business analysis; benchmarking (evaluation of business organisation practices); benchmarking services for business management purposes; commercial information agency services; commercial information agencies [provides business information, e.g., marketing or demographic data]; computerised business information processing services; computerised business information retrieval; provision of computerised business management information; computerised business information services; computerised business research; computerised information services to business opportunities appraisals; computerised market research; computerized market research services; computer assisted business information; provision of on-line business and commercial information; economic analysis for business purposes; economic forecasting; economic forecasting and analysis; economic forecasting analysis for business purposes; economic studies for business purposes; surveys for business purposes; expert evaluations and reports relating to business matters; preparation and compilation of business and commercial reports and information; provision of business and commercial information; business and market research; information in business matters; business research and information services; administration (business -) relating to statistical methods; business analysis; business analysis of markets; business analysis services; business information; business information services provided online from a global computer network or the internet; business information services provided on-line from a computer database or the internet; business research and advisory services; business research and surveys; business research; business research for new businesses; business intelligence services; business investigations; provision of computerised data relating to business; provision of business information relating to the agricultural industry; provision of computerised information relating to business records; conducting online business management research surveys; conducting of business research; conducting of business appraisals; conducting of internal business communication surveys; conducting of market studies involving opinion polling; conducting of business feasibility studies; provision of business information; provision of information relating to data processing; information or enquiries on business and marketing; information and expert opinions relating to companies and business; providing information about commercial business and commercial information via the global computer network; product sales rankings information; provision of information relating to commerce; information services relating to business matters; provision of information concerning commercial sales; consumer market information services; information services relating to businesses; collection of information relating to market research; interviewing for qualitative market research; interviewing for market research purposes; provision of commercial business information by means of a computer database; provision of commercial information; commercial information services; commercial information services provided by access to a computer database; commercial information services, via the internet; market research consultancy; consultancy relating to business analysis; consumer research; consumer profiling for commercial or marketing purposes; consumer response analysis; cost benefit analysis; market research services for publishers; market analysis; real estate marketing analysis; market analysis and research; market assessment services; market research; provision of market research information; marketing forecasting; marketing studies; market information services relating to market statistics; market opinion polling studies; cost price analysis; conducting studies in the field of public relations; commercial lobbying services; public relations consultancy; consultancy regarding public relations communication strategies; media relations services; public relation studies; assistance to management in commercial enterprises in respect of public relations; corporate communications services; consultations relating to business advertising; business consultancy services relating to the marketing of fund raising campaigns; business consultancy services relating to the promotion of fund raising campaigns; business advice relating to marketing; press advertising consultancy; consultations relating to business promotion; business marketing consultancy; consultancy relating to the organisation of promotional campaigns for business; market segmentation consultation; advertising and marketing consultancy; direct marketing consulting; consultancy relating to advertising and promotion services; consultancy relating to advertising; consultancy services relating to advertising, publicity and marketing; consultancy relating to demographics for marketing purposes; consulting services in the field of development of advertising concepts; consultancy services in the field of affiliate marketing; consulting services in the field of internet marketing; consultancy regarding advertising communication strategies; marketing assistance; marketing consulting; marketing advice; professional consultancy relating to marketing; advice relating to marketing management; providing advice relating to the analysis of consumer buying habits; advisory services relating to corporate identity; advisory services relating to promotional activities; providing assistance in the field of business promotion; arranging of demonstrations for advertising purposes; organization of trade fairs; arranging of displays for commercial purposes; organisation of fashion shows for commercial purposes; organization of fashion shows for promotional purposes; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; organisation of events for commercial and advertising purposes; organisation of exhibitions and events for commercial or advertising purposes; organisation of exhibitions for business or commerce; arranging of exhibitions for business purposes; arranging of exhibitions for advertising purposes; arranging and conducting business fairs; arranging and conducting trade shows; arranging and conducting commercial trade shows; arranging and conducting trade shows relating to publishing; arranging and conducting of commercial exhibitions; arranging and conducting of commercial exhibitions and shows; organisation and holding of fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; arranging and conducting of exhibitions for business purposes; arranging and conducting trade fairs; arranging and conducting of fairs and exhibitions for business purposes; arranging and conducting of fairs and exhibitions for advertising purposes; arranging and conducting trade show exhibitions; arranging and conducting of art exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; promoting and conducting trade shows; exhibitions (conducting -) for business purposes; exhibitions (conducting -) for advertising purposes; organisation of exhibitions and trade fairs for business and promotional purposes; conducting virtual trade show exhibitions online; conducting, arranging and organizing trade shows and trade fairs for commercial and advertising purposes; shows (conducting business -); organization of events, exhibitions, fairs and shows for commercial, promotional and advertising purposes; promotion of fairs for trade purposes; planning and conducting of trade fairs, exhibitions and presentations for economic or advertising purposes; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; collection of financial information; issuing of statements of accounts; compilation of scientific information; compilation of toxicological information; compilation of legal information. ... Class 036 Insurance & Financial Services Financial, monetary and banking services; providing stock market information; financial information processing; investment risk assessment services; computerised information relating to financial affairs; computerised financial analysis; computerised financial information services; computerised financial information services; computerised information services for stocks; computerised information services relating to investments; providing financial information on-line; financial research; financial analysis and consultancy; computerised information relating to financial management; financial information; financial information for investors; financial information and evaluations; financial information provided by electronic means; financial information provided by means of a computer database; financial consultancy in relation to the buying and selling of businesses; financial market information services; financial forecasting; financial advice; financial advice relating to trusts; financial advisory services relating to assets management; financial information and advisory services; financial advice relating to investment; financial advisory services provided for bankers; financial valuation relating to heating costs; financial analysis; financial analysis; investment analysis services; financial analysis and research services; financial evaluation and analysis; financial appraisals in responding to calls for tenders; providing financial information by means of a computer database; financial information services; financial information services relating to financial stock markets; financial information services relating to financial bond markets; financial information services relating to lost credit cards; financial investment analysis and stock research; financial consultancy; financial advice and consultancy services; financial advisory services relating to securities; financial advisory services for companies; financial advisory services for individuals; financial and investment consultancy services; financial research; fund investment consultation; share price information services; information services relating to stocks; information services relating to financial appraisals; information services relating to securities; investment analysis; investment information; investment consultancy; investment research; securities portfolio management; financial management of securities; financial strategy consultancy services; financial advisory services; consultancy services relating to personal finance; professional consultancy relating to finance; advisory services relating to [financial] risk management; trustee advisory services; capital investment consultation; advisory services relating to money management; monitoring of financial portfolios; investment management; financial evaluation; financial appraisals and valuations; appraisals relating to financial valuation; financial valuation services; estimates for financial purposes; asset evaluation [financial]; valuation of portfolios of securities; valuation of capital stock; share registration advisory services; financial investment advisory services; financial advisory services; advisory services relating to investments and finance; securities trading advisory services; consultancy services relating to credit; providing financial information; provision of financial information relating to the finance industry involved in environmentally focused investments; providing investors with financial information; providing information, consultancy and advice in the field of investment banking; computerised financial advisory services; financial consultancy and information services; financial analysis services relating to investments; financial information services provided by access to a computer database; financial management and analysis services; information relating to financial management and analysis; financial investment research services; research services relating to investment; provision of computerised financial information; provision of financial information relating to fuel expenditure; provision of financial information for professionals in the field of portfolio management, for portfolio management; provision of financial information relating to shares; provision of financial information relating to the stock exchange; provision of financial information by way of computer terminals; providing financial information via a web site; provision of information relating to financial services; provision of information relating to accounts [financial]; provision of information relating to credit card transactions; provision of pension information; provision of investment information; provision of pricing information about mutual funds; provision of pricing information about indices; provision of pricing information about bonds; provision of advice [financial] to accident investigators; provision of computerised information relating to securities; preparation and analysis of financial reports; preparation of financial analyses relating to securities; preparation of financial reports; venture capital (services for the finding of -); venture capital (services for the provision of -); crowdfunding; financial underwriting and securities issuance (investment banking); investment banking services; financial underwriting; investment banking consulting and advisory services; securities underwriting; underwriting of shares (services for the -); share underwriting; providing information relating to securities underwriting; fund investment services; financial administration of investment funds; trust investment services; mutual funds; mutual fund investment; establishing mutual funds for others; financial management of funds; pension fund financial management; fund management; fund management for private clients; advancement of funds; mutual fund distribution; trusteeship of fund assets; mutual fund management; management of capital investment funds; financial administration of fund investment; investment fund management; pension fund investment management; offshore fund management; financial administration of mutual funds; hedge fund management; hedge fund services; international fund investment; private equity fund investment services; capital fund investment; investment of funds for others; brokerage services relating to mutual funds; offshore utilised funds; financial administration of pension funds; pension funds; advisory services relating to mutual funds; advice relating to pension fund management; hedge fund investment services; provident fund management; provident fund investment; provident fund services; provision of funds; financial administration of private client unit trust; investment fund transfer and transaction services; monitoring of investment funds; monitoring of pension funds; unit trust management; arranging of financial investments; arranging of investments; crowdinvesting services; real estate investment planning; real estate services related to management of property investments; financial investment management services; financial management relating to investment; financial management of collective investment schemes; financial portfolio management; financial services relating to investment; financing of investments; providing financing to emerging and start-up companies; brokerage of financial investments in energy companies; arranging investments, in particular capital investments, financing services and insurance; unit trust trusteeship; financial management of real estate investment; management of investment portfolios; administration of funds and investments; investment management; management of investments for mutual clubs and societies; investment portfolio management services; investment asset management; trust management; financial administration of capital investments; pension investment management; financial administration services relating to investments; acquisition for financial investment; industrial investment; capital investment; equity capital investment; investment by electronic means; investment trusteeship; investment custody; investment management of and distribution of variable annuities; investment trusteeship and advisory services; investment trusteeship services; investment account services; private client investment services; investment services; real estate investment advice; investment advisory services relating to real estate; advisory services relating to unit trusts; providing on-line investment account information; providing investment account information by telephone; share planning services; investment clubs; stock option valuation services; investment of money (services for -); portfolio management; securities lending; investment services; financing services; financial information, data, advice and consultancy services; financial administration of shares; agency services for trading of securities; brokerage services for stocks and bonds; share trading; financial management of shares; stock market services; stock exchange services; brokerage of financial investments in companies; corporate holding of share capital services; exchange of financial operations (agencies for the -); exchange services relating to the trading of commodities; exchange services relating to the trading of futures; stock exchanges for dealing in shares and other financial securities; trading in contracts on stocks; stock exchange information services; stockbroking agency services; stock brokerage services; stock exchange quotations; provision of information concerning stock exchanges; computerised securities brokerage services; derivatives trading services; electronic stock exchange services; financial management of share accounts; financial management of stocks; financial investment in the field of securities; financial information services relating to stocks; financial clearing and settlement services; financial database services relating to commodities; financial management of holding companies; trading in futures; financial services relating to stocks; financial services related to dealing in shares; financial services relating to international securities; financial services relating to securities; commodity trading [financial services]; financial services relating to bonds; financial services related to the sale and purchase of securities; financial securities; brokerage of share subscriptions; custodian services for stocks; stock investment management; share portfolio management; management of portfolios comprising securities; management of portfolios of transferable securities; management of securities; management of transferable securities; stock trading; trading of financial derivatives; trading of securities index futures; trading of securities index futures for others; trading in bonds; trading in options; trading of futures contracts; securities trading services; trading of securities and securities index futures in overseas markets; trading of securities options; trading of securities options for others; trading of overseas market securities futures; trading of overseas market securities futures for others; management of listed securities; provision of information relating to stock exchange prices; stock exchange information provided on-line from a computer database or the internet; equity investment in international companies; securities investment services for personal investors; investment brokerage; investment services in the field of treasury bonds; securities investment services; investment services relating to transferable securities; preparation and quotation of stock exchange prices and indices; traded options brokerage; brokerage for securities liquidation; brokerage of shares and other securities; stocks and bonds brokerage; brokerage of financial derivatives; financial investment brokerage; brokerage of commodities; bullion brokerage services; stock debenture brokerage; brokerage of futures; brokerage of futures contracts; precious metals brokerage; brokerage services on the financial markets; brokerage services relating to securities offering; capital investment brokerage; brokerage services relating to corporate bonds; brokerage services relating to financial instruments; brokerage services for the purchase and sale of obligations; brokerage services for bonds; brokerage services relating to the securities markets; brokerage services relating to debt instruments; stock exchange price quotations; organization of stock exchanges for the benefit of the trade of stocks and other financial values; trading of financial derivatives and financial instruments in trading markets; trading of financial instruments in trading markets; advisory services relating to futures; advisory services relating to international securities; commodity trading for others; futures exchange services; providing information on trading in securities; provision of information and data concerning stock exchanges; providing information relating to the trading of commodity futures; transfer agency services rendered to issuers of investment securities; providing on-line stock exchange information from a computer database or the internet; providing information relating to the trading of securities index futures; providing information relating to the trading of securities and securities index futures in overseas markets; providing information relating to the trading of overseas market securities futures; providing information relating to domestic and overseas market securities futures; share services; automated securities trade execution services; stocks and shares information services; commodity exchange; establishment of portfolios of securities (services for the -); securities brokerage and trading services; stock exchange quotation and listing services; securities and assets brokerage; brokerage services; real estate brokerage; provision of information relating to stock broking; securities brokerage account services; securities settlement; securities exchange services; securities brokerage; securities and commodities brokerage; administration of financial affairs; asset management; provision of financial services by means of a global computer network or the internet; conducting of financial transactions; arranging the provision of finance; arranging finance for businesses; computerised financial services; asset and portfolio management; planning (estate -) [financial]; electronic banking via a global computer network [internet banking]; electronic banking services; treasury services; financial banking; financial research in the field of risk management; financial management; financial management of shares in other companies; financial management of risk capital, investment capital and development capital; financial management for businesses; financial management services provided via the internet; financial management via the internet; financial investment; financial risk management services; financial planning and management; financial consultancy in the field of risk management; financial consultancy services relating to infrastructure investment; financial intermediary services; financial brokerage services; financial risk assessment services; finance services; financial and monetary services; financial services relating to wealth management; financial services relating to savings; financial services provided by electronic means; financial services provided via the internet; financial services provided over the internet and telephone; financial services provided over the telephone and by means of a global computer network or the internet; financial securities custody services; brokerage; venture capital financing; venture capital funding services to emerging and start-up companies; financing of development projects; equity financing; financing services for companies; financing services for the securing of funds in respect of ventures; wealth management; management of corporate finances; personal equity plan management; deposit-holding; capital fund management; financial administration of trusts; management of private equity funds; venture capital management; venture capital fund management; financial administration of savings accounts; asset management; asset management for third parties; pension management services; personal equity plan investment; industrial financing services; raising of financial capital; internet banking; private placement and venture capital investment services; venture capital and project capital investment services; fund raising services via crowdfunding website; capital management; capitalization services; risk management consultancy [financial]; counterparty risk management; brokerage of carbon offsets; brokerage of carbon credits; brokerage services for arranging financing by other financial institutions; independent financial planning advice; provision of finance for business ventures; paperless electronic banking services; raising of funds for financial purposes; personal banking services; personal financial banking services; personal finance services; private banking; project financing; venture capital and venture capital management services; providing funding for research institutions; providing funding for non-profit entities; providing funding for commercial entities; providing funding for the development of new technology; providing information and analysis via the internet in the field of financial investments; providing information relating to trusteeship of financial futures contracts; bank account and savings account services; fixed income investment services; financing and funding services; venture capital funding services for research institutions; venture capital funding services for companies; venture capital funding services for non-profit entities; venture capital funding services for commercial entities; venture capital funding services for universities; venture capital funding services for inventors; savings accounts services; equity release services; debit account services; electronic financial trading services; establishment of trusts (services for the -); monetary affairs; trust advice; provision of financial securities; variable insurance investment services; automated banking services relating to charge card transactions; automated banking services relating to credit card transactions; card accessed banking services; card operated financial services; credit card advisory services; financial evaluation for insurance purposes; financial evaluation for reinsurance purposes; reinsurance underwriting; insurance underwriting consultancy; insurance risk management; non-life insurance underwriting; insurance underwriting services; transit insurance underwriting; appraisals for insurance claims relating to real estate; financial administration of insurance claims; computerised information services relating to insurance; computerised processing of insurance claims; financial guarantee assessment services; financial consultancy and insurance consultancy; financial services relating to insurance; financial services rendered by insurance companies; insurance consultancy; insurance and financial information and consultancy services; arranging of insurance; insurance consultancy; insurance brokerage; insurance services relating to contingency planning; insurance for businesses; insurance information; reinsurance information; reinsurance consultancy; consultancy services relating to insurance; consulting and information concerning insurance; brokerage advisory services relating to insurance; reinsurance brokerage; advisory services relating to insurance claims; financial advisory services relating to insurance contracts; providing online information about insurance from a computer database or the internet; providing online information about reinsurance from a computer database or the internet; providing reinsurance information; insurance brokerage consultancy and information; studies (insurance -); provision of information relating to insurance and financial services; insurance underwriting; arranging business fundraising activities; arranging charitable collections [for others]; arranging of funds for overseas aid projects; arranging of financing for humanitarian projects; arranging fundraising; arranging charitable fundraising activities; arranging charitable fundraising events; organising of charitable collections; providing educational scholarships; philanthropic services concerning monetary donations; financial sponsorship; financial sponsorship of visual arts events; financial sponsorship of cultural events; financial sponsorship and funding of films; financial sponsorship and funding of radio programs; financial sponsorship and funding of television programs; financial grant services; financial sponsorship and patronage; investment of funds for charitable purposes; political fundraising consulting; organization of monetary collections; fundraising; political fundraising; charitable fund raising; charitable fund raising in view of disaster precautions and prevention; providing information relating to charitable fundraising; providing monetary grants to charities; providing project grants for environmental and health awareness projects; provision of charitable fundraising services in relation to carbon offsetting; benevolent fund services; charitable services, namely financial services; eleemosynary services in the field of monetary donations; providing information relating to real estate appraisal; providing information, consultancy and advice in the field of financial valuation; insurance services; currency trading; money exchange agency services; foreign exchange market; buying and selling currency; underwriting in foreign exchange (services for the -); currency exchange services; providing financial information relating to forecasting of foreign exchange rates; currency exchange rate quotations; financial information services relating to currencies; virtual currency services; virtual currency exchange; on-line real-time currency trading; currency transfer services; financial transactions relating to currency swaps; virtual currency transfer services; foreign currency transfer services; trading of commodity futures contracts in exchange markets; computerised financial services relating to foreign currency dealings; conducting foreign exchange transactions for others. Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Electronic publishing services; electronic text publishing services; writing and publishing of texts, other than publicity texts; publishing, reporting, and writing of texts; writing services for blogs; providing information relating to publication and editing of books in the book clubs; on-line publishing services; electronic online publication of periodicals and books; micro-publishing; multimedia publishing; multimedia publishing of books; multimedia publishing of newspapers; multimedia publishing of electronic publications; multimedia publishing of magazines; multimedia publishing of journals; multimedia publishing of magazines, journals and newspapers; multimedia publishing of printed matter; production of radio and television programs; news programming services for transmission across the internet; news reporters services; news syndication for the broadcasting industry; publication of posters; publication of work manuals for business management; publication of year books; publication of leaflets; publishing of documents; publication of documents in the field of training, science, public law and social affairs; publication of electronic books and periodicals on the internet; online publication of electronic books and journals; online publication of electronic newspapers; publication of electronic newspapers accessible via a global computer network; publication of electronic magazines; publication of calendars of events; publication of fact sheets; publication of photographs; publication of manuals; services for the publication of guide books; services for the publication of newsletters; publishing of instructional books; publication of instructional literature; publication of calendars; publication of catalogues; publication of consumer magazines; publication of material which can be accessed from databases or from the internet; publication of multimedia material online; publication of prospectuses; publication of the editorial content of sites accessible via a global computer network; publication of texts; publication of educational texts; publication of texts and images, including in electronic form, except for advertising purposes; publication of texts, other than publicity texts; publishing of magazines in electronic form on the internet; publication of printed matter; publication of printed matter relating to education; publication of printed matter, other than publicity texts, in electronic form; publication of printed matter, other than publicity texts; publication of printed matter, also in electronic form, except for advertising purposes; publication of printed directories; publication of educational teaching materials; publication of educational and training guides; publication of training manuals; publishing of scientific papers; publication of scientific information journals; publishing of web magazines; publication and editing of printed matter; publication and editing of books; publishing services (including electronic publishing services); publishing services for periodical and non-periodical publications, other than publicity texts; publishing services carried out by computerised means; reference libraries of literature and documentary records; creation [writing] of podcasts; creation [writing] of educational content for podcasts; political speech writing; news syndication reporting; speech writing for non-advertising purposes; writing of texts; writing of texts, other than publicity texts; providing on-line non-downloadable general feature magazines; services for the publication of maps; providing electronic publications; providing online electronic publications, not downloadable; provision of information relating to publishing; providing on-line publications; providing publications from a global computer network or the internet which may be browsed; publishing of stories; publication of books; publication of booklets; publication of audio books; publishing of reviews; dissemination of publications; publication of text books; publication of newspapers, periodicals, catalogs and brochures; publication of periodicals and books in electronic form; publication of printed matter in electronic form; publication of printed matter in electronic form on the internet; editing of printed matter containing pictures, other than for advertising purposes; publication of printed matter and printed publications; publication of educational books; publication of magazines; publishing services for books and magazines; newspaper publication; publishing of journals; electronic desktop publishing; electronic publication of texts and printed matter, other than publicity texts, on the internet; publishing services; song publishing; publishing services, except printing; journalism services; editorial consultation; advisory services relating to publishing; consultation services relating to the publication of books; consultation services relating to the publication of written texts; consultation services relating to the publication of magazines; publication of books relating to television programmes; publication of books, magazines, almanacs and journals; publishing a newspaper for customers on the internet; publication of texts in the form of electronic media; publishing of journals, books and handbooks in the field of medicine; publishing and issuing scientific papers in relation to medical technology; multimedia entertainment software publishing services; editing of written texts, other than publicity texts; editing of written texts; providing online graphic novels, not downloadable; providing online non-downloadable comic books and graphic novels; providing online comic books, not downloadable; publication of material on magnetic or optical data media; administration [organisation] of contests; arranging of an annual educational conference; arranging of quizzes; arranging of lectures; arranging of conferences; arranging and conducting of commercial, trade and business conferences; arranging of conferences relating to advertising; arrangement of conventions for educational purposes; organisation of meetings and conferences; arranging of conventions for business purposes; arranging of conventions for cultural purposes; arranging of seminars relating to trade; arrangement of seminars for educational purposes; organisation of seminars and conferences; arranging of seminars relating to business; arranging of competitions for educational purposes; arranging of competitions for education or entertainment; arranging of competitions via the internet; organising of competitions for education; arranging and conducting of conferences and congresses; arranging of demonstrations for educational purposes; arranging and conducting conferences and seminars; arranging and conducting of conventions; arranging and conducting of competitions [education or entertainment]; arranging and conducting competitions; arranging, conducting and organisation of conferences; arranging, conducting and organisation of congresses; arranging, conducting and organisation of seminars; arranging, conducting and organisation of symposiums; arranging of conferences relating to business; arranging of competitions for cultural purposes; arranging of competitions for training purposes; arranging of displays for educational purposes; arranging and conducting of lectures; arranging and conducting of conferences, congresses and symposiums; arranging and conducting of seminars and workshops; arranging and conducting of conferences; arranging and conducting of congresses; arranging and conducting of seminars; arranging and conducting of symposiums; arranging and conducting educational conferences; arranging, conducting and organisation of workshops; arranging of exhibitions for educational purposes; conducting of conventions; organisation of seminars; conducting of conventions for entertainment purposes; conducting of seminars and congresses; conducting of competitions on the internet; arranging of displays for cultural purposes; conducting workshops and seminars in art appreciation; art exhibition services; arrangement of conferences for educational purposes; conducting of exhibitions for educational purposes; organization of competitions; arranging of award ceremonies to recognise bravery; organisation of seminars relating to education; organisation of seminars relating to training; organising of shows for educational purposes; organisation of competitions and awards; conducting of instructional seminars; organisation of quizzes, games and competitions; arranging of exhibitions for training purposes; organising of education exhibitions; planning of lectures for educational purposes; planning of conferences for educational purposes; planning of seminars for educational purposes; seminars; symposiums relating to education; providing information on congress events; cultural, educational or entertainment services provided by art galleries; exhibition services for entertainment purposes; education, entertainment and sports; education and instruction services; business training services; academic examination services; arranging of festivals for educational purposes; organising of educational lectures; organising of business training; provision of training courses; provision of training and education; provision of instruction relating to nutrition; provision of instruction relating to communications techniques; provision of training services for business; provision of training services for industry; arranging of courses of instruction; provision of instruction courses in finance; provision of courses of instruction in the management of information technology; provision of training courses in personal development; provision of instruction courses in general management; provision of training courses for young people in preparation for careers; providing continuing legal education courses; organising of commercial training; organisation of continuing educational seminars; organisation of courses using distance learning methods; organisation of courses using programmed learning methods; organisation of courses using open learning methods; arrangement of training courses in teaching institutes; arranging of presentations for educational purposes; organisation of examinations to grade level of achievement; organisation of examinations [educational]; arranging of workshops; organisation of symposia relating to education; teaching; provision of educational services relating to biological topics; provision of educational services relating to ecological topics; educational services provided to industry; providing of education; preparation of educational courses and examinations; organization of educational congresses; arranging of training courses; providing training courses on business management; organisation of symposia relating to training; review courses for state examinations; arranging professional workshop and training courses; arranging and conducting of lectures for training purposes; arranging and conducting of classes; arranging and conducting of day school courses for adults; arranging and conducting of tutorials; arranging and conducting fairs for academic purposes; arranging and conducting of meetings in the field of education; arranging and conducting of in-person educational forums; arranging and conducting of training courses; arranging and conducting of educational discussion groups, not on-line; arranging and conducting of educational events; arranging and conducting of educational courses; arranging and conducting education fairs; arranging and conducting of training seminars; arranging and conducting of workshops [training]; arranging and conducting of workshops and seminars in self-awareness; employment training; conducting classes in nutrition; arranging of classes; arranging teaching programmes; arranging technical instruction courses; arranging and conducting of lectures for educational purposes; arranging and conducting of wine tasting events for educational purposes; arranging and conducting of displays for educational purposes; provision of computer related training courses; providing courses of instruction for young people; arranging and conducting of colloquiums; advanced training; bookkeeping instruction; computer based educational services in the field of business management; computer education training services; computerised training in career counselling; computer training; demonstration [for instructional purposes]; distance learning services provided online; postgraduate training courses relating to management studies; educational examination; remedial tuition; setting of training standards; setting of educational standards; continuous training; lecture services relating to management skills; lecture services relating to marketing skills; lecture services relating to selling skills; business training provided through a game; management of education services; conducting distance learning instruction at the graduate level; conducting distance learning instruction at the primary level; conducting distance learning instruction at the college level; conducting distance learning instruction at the secondary level; conducting distance learning instruction at the university level; conducting of guided educational tours; conducting of instructional, educational and training courses for young people and adults; conducting of classes; conducting of correspondence courses; conducting training courses relating to nutrition online; conducting courses, seminars and workshops; arranging of workshops and seminars; conducting of courses; conducting of educational events; conducting workshops [training]; primary education services; occupationally orientated instruction; tuition in oenology; coaching in economic and management matters; training services relating to computer-aided testing; training of teachers; training of financial personnel; training and instruction; ecologically orientated aquatic instruction; coaching relating to finance; training services relating to computer-aided manufacturing; training services relating to computer-aided design; training in business skills; training relating to employment skills; training in the operation of computerised systems; training services relating to finance; industrial relations training; training relating to the provision of legal services; instructional services relating to data processing; residential training courses; higher education services; industrial training; provision of information relating to training; information relating to education, provided on-line from a computer database or the internet; bibliographic information; educational examination services (information relating to -); information services relating to books; institutes of education (services provided by -); training in communication techniques; instructional and training services; training courses relating to data base designs; training courses in strategic planning relating to advertising, promotion, marketing and business; training; certification in relation to educational awards; interviewing of contemporary figures for educational purposes; career information and advisory services (educational and training advice); career advisory services (education or training advice); career counseling [education]; business training consultancy services; consultancy services relating to the analysis of training requirements; management training consultancy services; consultancy services relating to the training of employees; training and further training consultancy; consultancy and information services relating to arranging, conducting and organisation of workshops; consultancy services relating to academic subjects; consultation services relating to business education; education and training consultancy; consultancy services relating to the education and training of management and of personnel; consultancy services relating to the development of training courses; correspondence courses, distance learning; courses (training -) relating to law; educational courses relating to finance; courses for the development of consulting skills; personal development training; conducting of business conferences; conducting instructional courses; conducting of courses relating to business administration; conducting of courses relating to business management; conducting educational workshops in the field of business; conducting of educational courses; conducting of educational courses relating to business; conducting of educational courses relating to business management; conducting of educational courses in science; conducting training seminars for clients; teacher training services; business mentoring services; provision of education courses relating to telecommunications; organisation of educational events; organisation of training; organisation of conferences relating to vocational training; organisation of computer related training courses; organisation of guided educational tours; organising of meetings in the field of education; organising of educational games; organisation of training courses; organisation of teaching activities; personnel training; staff training services; know-how transfer [training]; perceptual teaching services; practical training [demonstration]; production of course materials for distribution at lectures for managers; production of course materials for distribution at courses for managers; production of course materials for distribution at seminars for managers; production of course materials for distribution at lectures for professionals; production of course materials for distribution at courses for professionals; production of course materials for distribution at seminars for professionals; production and rental of educational and instructional materials; professional consultancy relating to education; recreation and training services; consultancy services relating to training; consultancy relating to vocational skills training; educational advisory services; advisory services relating to education; schools for wine waiters; school services; dissemination of educational material; technical training relating to geotechnics; technical training relating to industrial risk; information relating to education provided via telephone; organisation of educational award ceremonies; providing computer-delivered educational testing and assessments; providing educational demonstrations; provision of educational examinations; providing of further training courses; providing of continuous training courses; provision of information and preparation of progress reports relating to education and training; providing information about online education; providing of information relating to continuing education via the internet; provision of online training; writing training courses; providing online courses of instruction; provision of facilities for tuition; provision of training via a global computer network; provision of educational information; provision of education courses; providing courses of instruction at college level; providing courses of instruction at high school level; providing online training seminars; vocational training courses (provision of -); providing courses of instruction at post-graduate level; services for arranging teaching programmes; computer training services; services for setting up data processing teaching programs; commercial training services; technological education services; staff training services relating to the retail trade; education services relating to nutrition; vocational training services; educational assessment services; educational institute services; training of personnel in food technology; training relating to data processing techniques; exercise classes; courses (training -) relating to banking; courses (training -) relating to finance; courses (training -) relating to engineering; courses (training -) relating to management; courses (training -) relating to accountancy; courses (training -) relating to research and development; courses (training -) relating to science; tuition in data processing; teaching services for communication skills; tuition in accounts; tuition in management; tuition in law; teaching and training in business, industry and information technology; educating at senior high schools; teaching at elementary schools; teaching at junior high schools; adult education services relating to environmental issues; education services relating to the use of computers in business; education services relating to computer systems; educational services relating to sales training; education services relating to the application of computer systems; education services relating to the application of computer software; educational services relating to oenology; education services in the nature of courses at the university level; educating at university or colleges; management education services; education in the field of computing; education services relating to banking; educational services provided by a school; education services provided by television programmes; educational and teaching services; educational instruction; teaching services relating to business assistance; university services; university education services; providing computer assisted courses of instruction; providing on-line information and news in the field of employment training; providing facilities for educational purposes; provision of instruction relating to data processing; provision of facilities for education; provision of training facilities; educational establishments providing courses of instruction (services of -); provision of education on-line from a computer database or via the internet or extranets; vocational skills training (provision of -); training in the operation of computer programs; training services relating to computer systems; training relating to computer techniques; training relating to sales; sales training services; sales personnel training services; adult training; training in public relations; training in the use of data processing programs; training in the design of software systems; training in the development of software systems; education in the field of data processing; training in the field of communication technologies; training in the field of advertising; training in business management; political debate training and coaching; political speech training and coaching; education and training relating to nature conservation and the environment; education and training in the field of electronic data processing; training relating to employment opportunities; providing of training, teaching and tuition; education and training services in relation to business management; educational and training programs in the field of risk management; academies [education]; education academy services; provision of educational examinations and tests; educational research; education information; education courses relating to automation; educational courses relating to insurance; residential education courses; courses (training -) relating to customer services; educational testing; education advisory services relating to accountancy; educational seminars; educational seminars relating to investigative procedures; training services concerned with the use of computer software; education services relating to conservation; education services relating to the agricultural industry; educational services for providing courses of instruction; educational services relating to zoology; educational services relating to the conservation of nature; training services relating to design; training services relating to management consultancy; educational services for providing courses of education; manufacturing training services; education services relating to vocational training; education services for managerial staff; education services for imparting data processing teaching methods; education services provided by radio; educational services in the nature of coaching; educational services in the nature of correspondence courses; educational services in the nature of correspondence schools; education services in the form of music television programmes; education services relating to business training; education services relating to design; education services relating to industry; educational services relating to management; education services relating to commerce; education services relating to communication skills; education services relating to customer satisfaction; education services relating to modelling; education services relating to water; education services relating to water pollution; education services relating to water management; education services relating to water safety; education services relating to quality services; education services relating to quantum computing; educational services provided by colleges; educational services provided by senior high schools; educational services provided by institutes of higher education; educational services provided by institutes of further education; educational services provided by universities; educational services provided for children; educational services provided for teachers of children; training services provided via simulators; education services provided by television; development of educational courses and examinations; arranging award ceremonies relating to education; educational certification services in the nature of awarding services; developing educational manuals; development of educational materials; further education; postgraduate training courses; postgraduate training courses relating to engineering technology; plant exhibitions; wine tastings [educational services]; wine tasting events for educational purposes; adult education services relating to auditing; adult education services relating to law; adult education services relating to finance; adult education services relating to management; adult education services relating to banking; adult education services relating to commerce; workshops for training purposes; workshops for educational purposes; vocational skills training; career counselling and coaching; vocational education and training services. Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Scientific and technological services; scientific and technology services; computer aided industrial research services; computer aided scientific analysis services; computer aided scientific research services; computerised food analysis services; design and development of industrial products; design and development of consumer products; design and development of engineering products; preparation of maps in digital form; preparation of project analysis studies; industrial research services; technical research services; research and development of new products for others; product research and development services; development of industrial processes; industrial analysis services; industrial research; cartography services; mapping services; consultancy services in the field of technological development; consultancy in the field of energy-saving; consultancy services relating to geotechnics; telecommunications technology consultancy; computer technology consultancy; consultancy in the field of scientific research; consultancy in the field of industrial research; consultancy services relating to technological research; professional consultancy relating to the conservation of energy; professional consultancy relating to marine technology; professional consultancy relating to technology; professional advisory services relating to food technology; technological consultancy relating to fluid dynamics; professional consulting services and advice about agricultural chemistry; advisory services relating to the use of energy; advisory services relating to energy efficiency; advisory services relating to technological research; consultancy relating to technological services in the field of power and energy supply; advisory services relating to science; advisory services relating to scientific research; technical project studies in the field of carbon offsetting; technical design; technical research; technical research in the field of carbon offsetting; technical consultancy relating to product development; technical data analysis services; conducting of technical feasibility studies; technical inspection services; technological consulting services in the field of alternative energy generation; technical advice in connection with energy-saving measures; technological services relating to manufacture; technical writing; technical writing for others; technological analysis services; technological design services; technological consultancy; technological services; providing technological information about environmentally-conscious and green innovations; providing technical advice relating to energy-saving measures; providing scientific and technological information; preparation of reports relating to scientific research; preparation of technological research reports; preparation of scientific reports; preparation of technological reports; preparation of technical studies; preparation of reports relating to technical research; provision of scientific information; conducting of scientific experiments; development of new technology for others; development of new products; development of testing methods; scientific research; scientific research and analysis; scientific research conducted using databases; scientific and industrial research; scientific and technological design; scientific design services; scientific testing services; scientific and technological services; scientific services; scientific services and design relating thereto; scientific services and research relating thereto; design and development of testing and analysis methods; design planning; provision of information relating to industrial design; preparation of reports relating to industrial design; creating and designing website-based indexes of information for others [information technology services]; design of information systems relating to management; designing feasibility studies on designs; database design and development; design and development of networks; web site design and creation services; designing and developing webpages on the internet; design services relating to the development of computerised information processing systems; digitization of documents; services for the digitalization of maps; digitalization of sound and images; document data transfer from one computer format to another; scanning of images; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; compression of data for electronic storage; conversion of texts to digital format; cross-platform conversion of digital content into other forms of digital content; conversion of images from physical to electronic media; services for reproducing computer programs; data storage via blockchain; online data storage; computerised business information storage; computer services concerning electronic data storage; digital distributed storage; electronic data storage; electronic storage of images; electronic storage of digital images; electronic storage of digital photographs; electronic storage of digital audio files; electronic storage of digital video files; electronic storage of documents; electronic storage of files and documents; electronic storage of photographs; electronic storage of audio files; hosting services, software as a service, and rental of software; electronic data back-up; fog computing; hosting of interactive applications; hosting of communication platforms on the internet; hosting of multimedia content for others; hosting of computerized data, files, applications and information; hosting of digital content on the internet; hosting of databases; hosting of digital content; hosting an online website for creating and hosting micro websites for businesses; hosting multimedia educational content; hosting of transaction platforms on the internet; infrastructure as a service [iaas]; interactive hosting services which allow the users to publish and share their own content and images online; data warehousing; leasing of computer software for reading a data base of price quotes; cloud storage services for electronic data; cloud storage services for electronic files; cloud computing; software as a service [saas]; software as a service [saas] featuring software for deep neural networks; software as a service [saas] featuring software for deep learning; software as a service [saas] featuring software for machine learning; software as a service [saas] services featuring software for machine learning, deep learning and deep neural networks; platform as a service [paas]; platform as a service [paas] featuring software platforms for transmission of images, audio-visual content, video content and messages; platforms for artificial intelligence as software as a service [saas]; platforms for graphic design as software as a service [saas]; off-site data backup; temporary electronic storage of information and data; providing artificial intelligence computer programs on data networks; providing computer facilities for the electronic storage of digital data; providing electronic memory space on the internet; providing online non-downloadable software for use in supply chain management; providing online non-downloadable software for use in communication; providing on-line non-downloadable software for database management; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software; providing temporary use of non-downloadable software applications accessible via a website; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for database management; providing temporary use of non-downloadable software; providing temporary use of non-downloadable software to enable sharing of multimedia content and comments among users; providing temporary use of non-downloadable software to enable content providers to track multimedia content; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software; providing temporary use of non-downloadable interactive entertainment software; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable investment software; providing temporary use of non-downloadable software for analyzing financial data and generating reports; providing temporary use of non-downloadable business software; providing temporary use of non-downloadable software applications accessible via a web site; providing temporary use of web-based software; providing temporary use of web-based applications; providing search engines for the internet; providing search engines for obtaining data on a global computer network; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for tracking freight over computer networks, intranets and the internet; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for tracking packages over computer networks, intranets and the internet; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for preparing shipping documents over computer networks, intranets and the internet; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for use in the creation and publication of on-line journals and blogs; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for shipment processing over computer networks, intranets and the internet; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for the management of data; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for the transmission of data; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for the transmission of information; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for the management of information; providing virtual computer environments through cloud computing; providing virtual computer systems through cloud computing; providing online, non-downloadable software; rental of data processing programs; rental of computer software; rental of computer software and programs; rental of computer programs; rental of memory space on servers for hosting electronic bulletin boards; rental of computer database software; rental of database management software; rental of software for data processing; rental of financial management software; rental of computer software, data processing equipment and computer peripheral devices; rental and maintenance of computer software; computer hardware development; computer programming for data duplication and conversion, data coding services being computer programming; biological research; biological research and analysis; biological analysis; biological development services; biotechnological research relating to agriculture; biotechnological research relating to horticulture; biotechnological research relating to industry; research relating to cultivation in agriculture; research relating to animal husbandry; research relating to cultivation in horticulture; research relating to biotechnology; conducting of scientific studies; feasibility studies relating to material analysis; biology consultancy; consultancy relating to biotechnology; analysis of materials; environmental monitoring services; providing information in the field of plant genetics research resources; provision of information concerning research and technical project studies relating to the use of natural energy; providing scientific information in the field of global warming; providing scientific information in the fields of climate change and global warming; providing scientific information in the field of climate change; scientific analysis; analysis and evaluation of product development; analysis and evaluation of product design; analysis of product design; analysis of product development; certification services for the energy efficiency of buildings; certification of educational services; certification [quality control]; authentication of pictures; computer aided diagnostic testing services; computer aided industrial testing; computer aided scientific testing; computer aided testing services; design and testing for new product development; conducting of quality control tests; industrial testing; industrial testing of engineering works; engineering testing; engineering consultancy relating to testing; inspection of fisheries; inspection of agriculture; inspection of foodstuffs; inspection of goods for quality control; consultancy services relating to quality control; quality assurance consultancy; quality assessment; quality audits; quality control; quality control of building materials; quality control of soil products; quality control of raw materials; quality control of services; product quality control testing; quality control of goods and services; quality control for others; quality checking and testing; quality control and authentication services; quality checking; quality testing of products for certification purposes; environmental testing and inspection services; environmental testing of exhaust emissions; environmental testing; process monitoring for quality assurance; product quality testing; product testing; testing, analysis and evaluation of the goods of others for the purpose of certification; testing, analysis and evaluation of the services of others for the purpose of certification; testing, analysis and evaluation of the goods and services of others for the purpose of certification; development of measuring and testing methods; evaluation of product design; product quality evaluation; evaluation of product development; authentication services; scientific risk assessment; computer aided industrial analysis services; design and development of regenerative energy generation systems; preparation of technological reports; expert opinion relating to technology; research and development of new products; research and development of new products for others; research and development in the field of biotechnology; industrial process research; research relating to waste analysis; research of foodstuffs; research of fisheries; industrial analysis and research services; information services relating to the safety of manures used in horticulture; information services relating to the safety of fertilisers used in agriculture; information services relating to the safety of fertilisers used in forestry; information services relating to the safety of fertilisers used in horticulture; agricultural research; air flow measurement services; air flow particle counting services; mathematical research services; greenhouse gas emission measuring and analysis; measurement services; monitoring of commercial and industrial sites for detection of volatile and non-volatile organic compounds; monitoring of events which influence the environment within buildings; monitoring of events which influence the environment within civil engineering structures; monitoring of contaminated land; professional consultancy relating to energy efficiency in buildings; services for monitoring industrial processes; recording data relating to energy consumption in buildings; technological services and research relating thereto; providing scientific research information and results from an online searchable database; providing information about industrial analysis and research services; provision of information relating to technological research; providing on-line information in the field of technological research from a computer database or the internet; providing online information about industrial analysis and research services; provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; services for the provision of technological information; provision of information relating to scientific research; conducting research and technical project studies relating to the use of natural energy; conducting sampling and analysis services to assess pollution levels; conducting sampling and analysis services to check for contamination; technical measuring services; quality evaluation services; computer analysis; data mining; computer programming services for the analysis of data; computer design and development services for the analysis of data; design of data processing apparatus; design of data storage systems; analytical services relating to computer programmes; building and maintaining websites; design of home pages; homepage and webpage design; design of information systems relating to finance; design of software for multimedia data storing and recalling; design and creation of homepages and web pages; design and updating of home pages and web pages; design and creation of homepages and internet pages; design and writing of computer software; design and creation of web sites for others; design and development of computer database programs; design and development of data processing software; research and consultancy services relating to computer software; research, development, design and upgrading of computer software; installation and customisation of computer applications software; installation and maintenance of database software; installation and maintenance of computer programs; installation, setting up and maintenance of computer software; installation, repair and maintenance of computer software; installation and actualisation of programs for data processing; installation, maintenance, repair and servicing of computer software; installation, maintenance, updating and upgrading of computer software; design and development of data processing programs; writing of computer programs; programming of software for database management; programming of edp software; programming of educational software; software engineering; advisory services relating to the use of computer software; compilation of data-processing programs; creating of computer programs; creating and maintaining websites; creating and maintaining web sites for others; creating and maintaining computer sites (web sites) for others; creating, maintaining and hosting the websites of others; writing of programs for data processing; technological advisory services relating to computer programs; computer software technical support services; providing information, advice and consultancy services in the field of computer software; computer systems integration services; internet web site design services; design of computer databases; maintenance of database software; updating of software for data processing; updating and adapting of computer programs according to user requirements; updating and maintenance of computer software and programs; developing and updating computer software; updating and upgrading of computer software; provision of information relating to computer programs; creation of computer programmes for data processing; design of information systems; designing of data processing programmes; computer software design; design of software for processing and distribution of multimedia contents; design of virtual reality software; design of games; website design; design of web pages; creating web pages for others; creating and designing web pages for others; designing and implementing web sites for others; design and maintenance of web sites for others; software design and development; design and development of software in the field of mobile applications; design, creation, hosting and maintenance of websites for others; design, maintenance and updating of computer software; design, maintenance, rental and updating of computer software; design, development and implementation of software; development of computer software application solutions; development of data bases; development of computer database software; creating programmes for data processing; development of data processing programs by order of third parties; development of computer platforms; development of computer codes; development of data programs; development of computer programs for analysis of exhaust gas emissions; software development; development of programmes for data processing; development of software for multimedia data storing and recalling; development of software for processing and distribution of multimedia contents; development of computer software for logistics, supply chain management and e-business portals; development of virtual reality software; website development services; website development for others; development and testing of software; development and maintenance of computer software; development and maintenance of computer database software; development and creation of computer programmes for data processing; development, design and updating of home pages. Class 045 Personal & Legal & Social Services Legal investigation services; consultation in relation to data protection compliance; industrial property consultancy; arbitration services; mediation in legal procedures; intellectual property consultancy services for universities and research institutions; intellectual property consultancy services for non-profit organisations; providing expert legal opinions; providing information about legal services via a website; provision of expert legal opinions; legal information services; legal document preparation services; preparation of legal reports in the field of human rights; providing information on issues concerning human rights; political campaign consulting; lobbying services, other than for commercial purposes; organization of political meetings; political research and analysis; political consulting; political lobbying services; political services; advisory services relating to regulatory affairs; consultancy relating to the protection of geographical indications; arbitration, mediation and dispute resolution services; political information services; political communications services; preparation of regulations being legal services; legal advisory services relating to the preparation of standards; security assessment of risks; legal services. | ||
THE SCIENCE OF FREELANCE 1000074946 ONTARIO INC. 2173946 21 Mar 2022 | FORMALIZED on 21 Mar 2022 | Education, education materials (books), education seminars Class 041 Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Education, education materials (books), education seminars | ||
BEYOND PRESENCE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 2210984 21 Mar 2022 | SEARCHED on 26 Jan 2024 | Ordinateurs; ordinateurs quantiques; matériel informatique; logiciels;... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Ordinateurs; ordinateurs quantiques; matériel informatique; logiciels; ordinateurs destinés à la gestion de données; matériel informatique pour le développement d'applications; logiciels informatiques pour l'exécution de programmes de développement et de programmes d'application dans un environnement de développement commun; matériel informatique et logiciels informatiques pour l'informatique en nuage; matériel informatique et logiciels informatiques pour l'informatique cognitive; matériel informatique et logiciels pour l'intégration de l'intelligence artificielle et de l'apprentissage automatique dans le domaine des mégadonnées; matériel informatique et logiciels informatiques pour la technologie de chaîne de blocs (blockchain); matériel informatique et logiciels pour l'exploration de données de chaînes de blocs; logiciels informatiques pour les transferts entre chaînes de blocs; logiciels informatiques pour interagir avec des plateformes de chaînes de blocs; logiciels, à savoir: chaîne de blocs de cryptomonnaies pour le partage entre pairs de données financières; logiciels téléchargeables pour la production de portefeuilles de cryptomonnaies basés sur la chaîne de blocs permettant aux consommateurs de gagner, d'utiliser et d'échanger des jetons non fongibles pour faciliter les transactions commerciales; matériel informatique quantique; trousses de développement de logiciels quantiques; logiciels informatiques dans le domaine de l'informatique quantique; dispositifs de stockage de données, à savoir bandes magnétiques; dispositifs de stockage de données, à savoir unités de bande magnétique pour ordinateurs; circuits imprimés; circuits intégrés; claviers d'ordinateurs; équipement de traitement de données, à savoir: coupleurs; écrans vidéo; numériseurs informatiques; imprimantes d'ordinateurs; cartes d'interface informatique; cartes d'interface informatique; microprocesseurs; modems; moniteurs d'ordinateurs; mémoires informatiques; unités centrales de traitement; adaptateurs d'alimentation pour ordinateurs; adaptateur de carte informatique; adaptateurs de réseau informatique; composants électroniques pour ordinateurs; matériel informatique pour le traitement de données et la gestion d'informations; semi-conducteurs; enregistreurs à bande; machines à calculer, nommément calculatrices; Caisses enregistreuses; télécopieurs; magnétoscopes; cassette vidéo; puces informatiques; cartes de circuits imprimés; serveurs informatiques; serveurs cloud; matériel informatique pour serveurs d'accès réseau; serveurs de réseau de stockage informatique (SAN); serveurs de messagerie électronique; serveurs Internet; serveurs intranet; serveurs de télécopie en réseau; serveurs de réseau; étuis de transport pour ordinateurs; cartes d'interface informatique; câbles informatiques et pièces de câbles informatiques; cartes modem pour télécopieur informatique; filtres pour écrans d'ordinateurs; filtres optiques pour écrans; tapis de souris; téléavertisseurs radio; manettes d'ordinateur; convertisseurs d'énergie électrique; souris d'ordinateur; cartes à circuits intégrés codées; cartes de circuits intégrés vierges; cartes à puce vierges; cartes d'identité à puce; adaptateurs de cartes informatiques; adaptateurs de réseau informatique; lecteurs pour cartes à circuits intégrés et cartes à puce; micro-ordinateurs; alimentations électriques; alimentations sans interruption; alimentations à découpage haute fréquence; télécommandes pour ordinateurs; parasurtenseurs; terminaux de point de vente; serveurs informatiques; dispositifs de stockage informatique, à savoir: sous-systèmes de stockage à grande vitesse pour le stockage et la sauvegarde de données électroniques localement ou via un réseau de télécommunication; programmes informatiques et logiciels informatiques enregistrés et téléchargeables; programmes d'exploitation informatiques; logiciels de jeux vidéo; systèmes d'exploitation informatiques; logiciels de système d'exploitation informatique; programmes enregistrés d'exploitation d'ordinateurs; logiciels informatiques destinés à fournir un accès multi-utilisateur à un réseau informatique mondial d'informations; logiciels de commerce électronique permettant aux utilisateurs d'effectuer des transactions commerciales électroniques via un réseau informatique mondial; programmes informatiques pour la gestion de documents; logiciels informatiques pour la gestion de bases de données; logiciels informatiques utilisés pour localiser, récupérer et recevoir du texte, des documents électroniques et des images sur des réseaux informatiques internes à l'échelle de l'entreprise et des réseaux informatiques mondiaux locaux et étendus; programmes informatiques pour connecter des ordinateurs entre eux et pour permettre l'informatique sur un réseau informatique mondial; matériel informatique pour télécommunications; logiciels informatiques utilisés pour le développement de logiciels et la création de sites Web et manuels d'utilisation sous forme électronique vendus comme un tout avec ceux-ci; kits de développement de logiciels (SDK); logiciels de développement de sites Web; logiciels informatiques pour la création et la conception de sites Web; manuels d'utilisation d'ordinateurs sous forme électronique; logiciels informatiques pour le contrôle du fonctionnement et de l'exécution de systèmes, programmes et réseaux informatiques; programmes informatiques pour la connexion à des ordinateurs distants et à des réseaux informatiques; logiciels de communication pour la connexion de réseaux informatiques mondiaux; logiciels de communication pour connecter des utilisateurs de réseaux informatiques; logiciels pour la gestion de matériel informatique, de logiciels et de processus qui existent dans un environnement de technologies de l'information, nommément pour l'analyse de données, l'intelligence artificielle, l'apprentissage automatique, la gestion de documents et la gestion de bases de données; systèmes informatiques combinant matériel informatique et logiciels pour la gestion et l'analyse de données et manuels d'instructions numériques vendus comme un tout avec ces produits; système informatique en nuage, nommément matériel informatique et logiciels d'intégration de réseau pour l'approvisionnement dynamique, la virtualisation et la mesure de la consommation de ressources informatiques; logiciels informatiques pour connecter des ordinateurs et pour permettre l'informatique en nuage; logiciels informatiques utilisés pour l'exécution d'applications basées sur l'informatique en nuage; logiciels informatiques pour la gestion et l'automatisation d'infrastructures d'informatique en nuage; logiciels d'informatique en nuage enregistrés ou téléchargeables pour le déploiement et la gestion de machines virtuelles sur une plateforme d'informatique en nuage; logiciels d'apprentissage automatique pour programmes informatiques de réseaux neuronaux profonds; logiciels d'apprentissage automatique utilisés dans des programmes de traitement du langage informatique; logiciels informatiques pour l'évaluation et l'analyse de données utilisant l'apprentissage automatique; logiciels d'intelligence artificielle et d'apprentissage automatique; systèmes informatiques, nommément matériel informatique et logiciels pour l'intégration du traitement du langage naturel (PNL), de la linguistique computationnelle (CL), de la recherche d'informations (IR) et de l'apprentissage automatique (ML), capables de comprendre les requêtes humaines générales et de formuler des réponses; logiciels informatiques pour l'évaluation et l'analyse de données utilisant la linguistique informatique; logiciels pour le développement, la création et l'exploitation d'applications de chaînes de blocs grand public; matériel informatique et logiciels pour le développement et l'essai d'algorithmes quantiques, à savoir: matériel informatique et logiciels pour aider les développeurs à créer des codes de programme à utiliser dans de multiples programmes d'application; systèmes d'exploitation téléchargeables pour ordinateurs quantiques; manuels d'utilisation d'ordinateurs sous forme électronique; publications électroniques, à savoir: manuels d'instructions et guides d'utilisation enregistrés sur des supports lisibles par machine; publications électroniques, à savoir: manuels d'utilisation, guides, brochures, fiches d'information, présentations écrites et manuels d'instructions, tous dans les domaines des logiciels, des ordinateurs, du matériel de système informatique, des systèmes informatiques, du matériel de réseau, des télécommunications, de l'intelligence artificielle, de l'informatique en nuage, technologie de chaîne de blocs, informatique quantique et programmation quantique, traitement de texte, gestion de bases de données, équipement multimédia et de divertissement, commerce électronique, transactions commerciales électroniques via un réseau informatique mondial, services de conseil aux entreprises, services informatiques et technologie informatique. Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Publicité, à savoir: promotion des produits et des services de tiers; consultation en gestion d'entreprise; services de renseignements commerciaux dans le domaine de la gestion des affaires; distribution de prospectus; distribution d'échantillons; organisation d'abonnements à des journaux pour des tiers; comptabilité; reproduction de documents; systématisation de données dans des bases de données informatiques; services de traitement de données dans les domaines des ordinateurs, des logiciels, du matériel informatique, des systèmes informatiques, du matériel réseau, des télécommunications, de l'intelligence artificielle, de l'informatique en nuage, de la technologie de la chaîne de blocs, de l'informatique quantique et de la programmation quantique, du traitement de texte, de la gestion de bases de données, de l'équipement multimédia et de divertissement, commerce électronique, transactions commerciales électroniques via un réseau informatique mondial, services de conseil aux entreprises, services informatiques et technologie informatique; gestion de base de données; organisation d'expositions à des fins commerciales et publicitaires d'une variété de produits et services pour des tiers; services de conseil aux entreprises; services de développement de stratégies commerciales; analyse de données et de statistiques d'études de marché; services de traitement de données informatiques pour l'intelligence artificielle; services de traitement de données informatiques pour l'informatique cognitive; services de traitement de données informatiques pour l'informatique en nuage; services de traitement de données informatiques pour la technologie de chaines de blocs; services de traitement de données informatiques pour la gestion d'informations; services de traitement de données informatiques pour l'informatique quantique et la programmation quantique; organisation et tenue de salons professionnels dans les domaines des ordinateurs, des logiciels, du matériel informatique, des systèmes informatiques, du matériel réseau, des télécommunications, de l'intelligence artificielle, de l'informatique en nuage, de la technologie des chaînes de blocs, de l'informatique quantique et de la programmation quantique, du traitement de texte, de la gestion de bases de données, du multimédia et équipements de divertissement, commerce électronique, transactions commerciales électroniques via un réseau informatique mondial, services de conseil aux entreprises, services informatiques et technologie informatique; services de consultation en affaires pour des systèmes informatiques qui intègrent le traitement du langage naturel (TLN), la linguistique computationnelle (CL), la recherche d'information (RI) et l'apprentissage automatique (ML), qui sont capables de comprendre les requêtes humaines générales et de formuler des réponses; services de consultation commerciale pour entreprises en matière d'intelligence artificielle; services de consultation commerciale pour entreprises concernant l'informatique en nuage; services de consultation en affaires pour les entreprises concernant la technologie de la chaîne de blocs; services de consultation en affaires pour entreprises concernant l'informatique quantique, la programmation quantique ainsi que pour le développement et l'essai d'algorithmes quantiques; services de consultation commerciale pour entreprises en matière de technologies de l'information; analyse et compilation de données commerciales dans les domaines des ordinateurs, des logiciels, du matériel informatique, des systèmes informatiques, du matériel de réseau, des télécommunications, de l'intelligence artificielle, de l'informatique en nuage, de la technologie des chaînes de blocs, de l'informatique quantique et de la programmation quantique, du traitement de texte, de la gestion de bases de données, de l'équipement en multimédia et en divertissement, commerce électronique, transactions commerciales électroniques via un réseau informatique mondial, services de conseil aux entreprises, services informatiques et technologie informatique. ... Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Programmation informatique; Services de logiciel en tant que service (SaaS) proposant des logiciels de gestion de données; services de logiciels en tant que service (SaaS) proposant des logiciels pour l'informatique en nuage; services de logiciels en tant que service (SaaS) proposant des logiciels pour l'intelligence artificielle; services de logiciels en tant que service (SaaS) proposant des logiciels pour l'informatique cognitive; services de logiciels en tant que service (SaaS) proposant des logiciels pour la technologie de chaine de blocs; services de logiciels en tant que service (SaaS) proposant des logiciels pour l'informatique quantique et la programmation quantique; services de logiciel en tant que service (SaaS) proposant des logiciels pour la construction, l'analyse et l'exécution de programmes quantiques et d'algorithmes quantiques; services de logiciels en tant que service (SaaS) proposant des logiciels pour développer et tester des algorithmes quantiques; services de programmation informatique et de conseil informatique pour l'intelligence artificielle; services de programmation informatique et de conseil informatique pour l'informatique cognitive; services de programmation informatique et de conseil informatique de gestion de l'information; services de programmation informatique et conseil informatique pour la gestion des données; services de programmation informatique et de conseil informatique pour l'informatique en nuage (cloud computing); services de programmation informatique et de conseil informatique pour la technologie de chaine de blocs; services de programmation informatique et de conseil informatique pour l'informatique quantique; services de programmation informatique et de conseil informatique pour les logiciels en tant que service (SaaS); conception, installation, mise à jour et entretien de logiciels; conception de logiciels et de matériels informatiques pour le compte de tiers, et services de conseils dans le domaine des ordinateurs; services d'assistance technique, à savoir résolution de problèmes de programmes et logiciels informatiques; services informatiques, à savoir, conception, création et maintenance de sites web pour le compte de tiers; analyse de systèmes informatiques, intégration de bases de données et de réseaux informatiques, programmation d'ordinateurs pour le compte de tiers toutes destinées à des interactions commerciales sur des réseaux informatiques mondiaux; conception de systèmes d'interconnexion d'ordinateurs et de logiciels, à savoir, raccordement électronique d'ordinateurs et de logiciels entre eux; services de test de programme d'ordinateur (logiciel) et de matériel informatique (contrôle de qualité et contrôle technique); études de projets techniques dans le domaine du matériel informatique et des logiciels; conseils informatiques en matière de matériel informatique, à savoir conseils en matière de recherche et développement informatique; conseils et assistance informatiques concernant l'utilisation d'Internet; location d'ordinateurs et de logiciels; recherche scientifique et industrielle, à savoir recherche et développement de nouveaux produits, recherches biologiques, recherches en bactériologie, recherches en chimie, recherches en cosmétologie, recherche en mécanique, recherches géologiques recherches techniques, recherche pharmaceutique, recherche scientifique à buts médicaux; services de technologies de l'information; services d'intégration de systèmes informatiques; services de conseil en matière de conception, sélection, implémentation et utilisation de systèmes d'ordinateurs et de logiciels pour des tiers; services d'assistance technique, à savoir diagnostic de problèmes de matériel informatique et de programmes d'ordinateurs; services de conception de systèmes informatiques pour des tiers; conception de systèmes d'interconnexion d'ordinateurs et de programmes d'ordinateurs, à savoir, intégration de systèmes informatiques et de réseaux informatiques; services de test de programmes d'ordinateurs et de matériel informatique, à savoir, test de logiciels, d'ordinateurs et de serveurs afin d'en assurer le bon fonctionnement; services pour l'informatique en nuage (cloud computing), à savoir services intégrés de matériel informatique et de logiciels réseau pour la fourniture dynamique, la virtualisation et la mesure de consommation de ressources informatiques; fourniture de systèmes informatiques virtuels et d'environnements informatiques virtuels par le biais de l'informatique en nuage; conception et développement de logiciels pour le stockage en nuage de données; services de fournisseurs d'hébergement en nuage informatique (cloud computing); services de stockage de données électroniques et de récupération de données; service de sécurisation des données; services d'assistance informatique rendus par des informaticiens; conception de matériels informatiques pour réseaux informatiques; services d'assistance technique, à savoir résolution de problème de matériels informatiques. | ||
COMFOSILENCE ZEHNDER GROUP INTERNATIONAL AG 2214808 18 Mar 2022 | SEARCHED on 6 Feb 2024 | Appareils et installations de chauffage, de ventilation, de climatisat... Class 011 Class 011 Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking Appareils et installations de chauffage, de ventilation, de climatisation et de purification de l'air; appareils et installations de climatisation; appareils de refroidissement et appareils frigorifiques; séchoirs (appareils), appareils à accumulation de chaleur, installations de filtrage d'air, filtres à air pour la climatisation; filtres à air pour installations de climatisation et usage ménager et installations industrielles; humidificateurs d'air; appareils d'humidification de l'air; déshumidificateurs (sécheurs d'air); sécheurs d'air; appareils et installations de ventilation; installations de récupération de chaleur; récupérateurs de chaleur; échangeurs thermiques; ventilateurs pour échangeurs thermiques; échangeurs thermiques autres que parties de machines; pompes à chaleur; réservoirs d'eau chaude; réservoirs d'eau sous pression; pièces et composants des produits susmentionnés relevant de cette classe. | ||
KABAYAN REMITTANCE KABAYAN REMITTANCE INC 2173529 17 Mar 2022 | REGISTERED on 7 Mar 2024 | Electronic transfer of money; international remittance services; money... Class 036 Class 036 Insurance & Financial Services Electronic transfer of money; international remittance services; money transfer; money transfer services; money wiring services | ||
CADENCE 2859620 ONTARIO INC. 2173553 17 Mar 2022 | REGISTERED on 4 Apr 2024 | Ankle braces for medical purposes; elbow braces for medical purposes; ... Class 010 Class 010 Medical Instrument Products Ankle braces for medical purposes; elbow braces for medical purposes; kinesiology tapes; knee braces; orthopaedic braces Class 028 Class 028 Toys and Sporting Goods Products Exercise resistance bands ... Class 044 Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services Chiropractic; massage services; physiotherapy | ||
SUBSTANCE SUBSTANCE PTY LTD 2213003 16 Mar 2022 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 | Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; ap... Class 010 Class 010 Medical Instrument Products Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; apparatus for achieving physical fitness (for medical use); apparatus for orthopaedic purposes; apparatus for physiotherapeutic treatment; articles for exercising the body (for medical purposes); chemically activated hot and cold gel packs for therapeutic purposes; hot and cold compresses for therapeutic purposes; therapeutic hot and cold compression wraps; heat therapy apparatus and instruments; heat pads and heat packs for therapeutic purposes; medical and therapeutic apparatus and instruments; medical and therapeutic apparatus for use in the treatment of injuries; medical and therapeutic apparatus, devices and instruments for the treatment of pain, stiffness, pressure and soreness; apparatus, devices and instruments for medical rehabilitation; muscle therapy apparatus, devices and instruments; instruments for patient rehabilitation; apparatus for the therapeutic stimulation of the body and muscles; body rehabilitation apparatus for medical purposes; therapeutic apparatus for physical exercise for rehabilitation; massage apparatus for medical rehabilitative purposes; condoms; massage apparatus, instruments and appliances; vaginal syringes; gloves for massage; massage balls; massage mitts; electric massage appliances, namely, electric vibrating massager; massaging apparatus for personal use; massagers for intimate areas; massagers for sexual stimulation; foot massage apparatus; sex toys; sex dolls; adult sexual stimulation aids; vibrators; dildos; clitoris stimulators; artificial vaginas; prostate stimulators; artificial penises; penis enlargers; penis rings; anal plugs; adult sexual stimulation aids, being gags, cuffs, ties, paddles, and floggers; kegel balls (terms too vague in the opinion of the International Bureau - Rule 13 (2) (b) of the Regulations); kegel trainers (terms too vague in the opinion of the International Bureau - Rule 13 (2) (b) of the Regulations); vaginal dilators; parts, fittings and accessories for the aforesaid goods. Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Advertising and marketing services; providing advertisements for goods and services, via a website; retail and wholesale services in relation to massage apparatus, instruments and appliances, gloves for massage, massage balls, massage mitts, electric massage appliances, massaging apparatus for personal use, foot massage apparatus; retail and wholesale services in relation to sexual health and pleasure goods, being condoms, vaginal syringes, massagers for intimate areas, massagers for sexual stimulation, sex toys, sex dolls, adult sexual stimulation aids, vibrators, dildos, clitoris stimulators, artificial vaginas, prostate stimulators, artificial penises, penis enlargers, penis rings, anal plugs, adult sexual stimulation aids, being gags, cuffs, ties, paddles, and floggers, kegel balls, kegel trainers, vaginal dilators, and parts, fittings and accessories for the aforesaid goods, distribution of advertising material; sales promotion; market research; order fulfilment services; including the provision of the aforesaid on-line via a global communication or other network, the worldwide web, the Internet or an intranet; information, consultancy and advisory services for the foregoing. ... Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; conducting seminars, lectures and workshops in the fields of weight loss, weight control, nutrition and fitness; provision of information concerning physical fitness via a website and online database; coaching services; organising, arranging, and/or conducting classes, competitions, seminars, workshops, symposiums, conferences, exhibitions (for entertainment or education purposes); gymnasium services; health club services; sports club services; fitness club services; exercise instruction, advisory and training services; sports tuition, coaching and instruction; training courses; coaching services (education and training); arranging and conducting of seminars, conferences, training courses, workshops (training), symposiums; provision of education and training relating to sex and sexual health; production, presentation and distribution of audio, video, still and moving images and data, other than for advertising or transport purposes; organisation, production and presentation of shows, competitions, games, concerts, exhibitions and events (for entertainment or education purposes); information, consultancy and advisory services for the foregoing; including the provision of the aforesaid on-line via a global communication or other network, the worldwide web, the Internet or an intranet. |
on 16 Oct 2023
2195161 · 23 Mar 2022
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Publicité; publicité par correspondance; publicité radiophonique; publicité télévisée; publicité par réseaux Internet, Intranet et Extranet; services mercatiques et de promotion pour des compagnies aériennes; services d'abonnement à des journaux, magazines, revues, périodiques ou à des lettres d'information (pour des tiers); conseils en organisation et direction des affaires; informations d'affaires; renseignements d'affaires; affichage; agences d'informations commerciales; diffusion d'annonces publicitaires; diffusion d'annonces publicitaires par courrier; distribution et diffusion de matériel publicitaire (tracts, prospectus, imprimés, échantillons); mise à jour de documentation publicitaire; reproduction de document; organisation d'expositions à buts commerciaux et de publicité; organisation de concours à des fins publicitaires; promotion de vente de services de tiers par la distribution de matériel imprimé et de concours promotionnels; recueil et systématisation de données dans un fichier central; gestion de fichiers informatiques; gestion de fichiers informatiques notamment sur réseaux Internet, Extranet ou Intranet; gestion de bases de données notamment sur réseaux Internet, Extranet ou Intranet; location d'espaces publicitaires; sondage d'opinion; promotion des ventes (pour des tiers); publication de textes publicitaires; relations publiques; établissement de relevés de comptes; gestion de primes promotionnelles; actions promotionnelles ou publicitaires destinées à fidéliser la clientèle ou le personnel; services de gestion d'un programme de fidélité notamment dans le domaine du transport aérien; passation et réception de commande de produits et de services par réseaux Internet, Intranet et Extranet; services de ventes aux enchères notamment sur réseaux Internet, Extranet ou Intranet; prévisions économiques; gestion administrative ou commerciale de points de fidélité ou de bons dans le cadre d'un programme de fidélisation de clientèle ou de personnel; services d'informations commerciales, de publicité et de promotion des ventes pour des tiers par la gestion de sites Internet marchands; services d'accomplissement de formalités administratives pour le transport international ou national de marchandises et de personnes; services d'abonnement à un service de transport aérien.
Class 038
Communications Services
Télécommunications; communications par terminaux d'ordinateurs; communications radiophoniques; communications téléphoniques; communications télévisuelles; diffusion d'émissions radiophoniques et télévisées; informations en matière de télécommunications; location d'appareils de télécommunication; location d'appareils pour la transmission de messages; location de téléphones; messagerie électronique; messagerie électronique destinée à la mise en relation ou la rencontre de personnes notamment durant leur transport; messagerie électronique destinée à la mise en place d'une communauté virtuelle sur internet; messagerie électronique destinée à la mise en place de réseaux sociaux; courrier électronique; transmission d'informations, de données, de messages, d'images ou de sons notamment dans le cadre du transport aérien ou de la mise en relation de personnes; transmission de messages et d'images assistée par ordinateur; radiotéléphonie mobile; services téléphoniques; diffusion de programmes de radio et de télévision; transmission de dépêches; transmission d'informations par réseaux Internet, intranet et extranet; diffusion de programmes de télévision; transmission d'informations provenant d'une banque de données informatique; services de transmission de données entre systèmes informatiques mis en réseau; transmissions d'informations en ligne; services de courrier électronique; location de temps d'accès à un centre serveur de bases de données (pour la télécommunication); services d'échange de correspondances (télécommunications); services d'affichage électronique notamment dans le domaine du transport aérien ou de la mise en relation de personnes; fourniture d'accès à des sites internet et/ou des moteurs de recherches (portails); location de temps d'accès à des réseaux informatiques; fourniture de forums de discussion sur l'internet notamment dans le domaine du transport aérien ou de la mise en relation de personnes; services de télécommunication permettant d'accéder à une communauté d'échange virtuelle; centres d'appels téléphoniques; collecte et transmission d'informations par téléphone ou par réseaux internet, intranet ou extranet; transmission et diffusion d'informations, de données, de messages, d'images ou de sons sur réseaux internet, intranet ou extranet permettant la réservation de titres de transport aérien ou de billets d'avion; fourniture d'accès à un réseau informatique mondial; fourniture d'accès à un réseau informatique permettant notamment la réservation, la délivrance, l'impression, le retrait de titres de transport aérien ou de billets d'avion; fourniture d'accès à un réseau informatique permettant notamment la réservation de chambres d'hôtels, de places ou de tables de restaurants; services de transmission de commandes à distance par réseaux internet, intranet et extranet.
Class 039
Transportation & Storage Services
Transport aérien; emballage et entreposage de marchandises; transport aérien de passagers; transport aérien de voyageurs; transport aérien d'animaux; services d'organisation de transport aérien; accompagnement de voyageurs dans le cadre de transport aérien; services de compagnies aériennes; organisation de services de transport aérien; services d'hôtesses de l'air (accompagnement de voyageurs); transports aériens; transports aéronautiques; affrètements; agences de tourisme à savoir mise à disposition de tiers d'informations en matière de tarifs, horaires et moyens de transport aérien de passagers et de marchandises; services d'agences de transport aérien; services d'autobus ou d'autocars; livraison de colis; conditionnement de produits; distribution du courrier; distribution de journaux, de magazines, de brochures ou de consignes de sécurité dans les aéroports ou à bord d'avions; dépôt de marchandises; distribution (livraison) de bagages, de repas, de boissons, de produits ou de marchandises; empaquetage de marchandises; informations en matière d'entreposage; organisation d'excursions par transport aérien; services d'expédition; fret aérien (transport de marchandises); informations en matière de transport aérien; informations en matière de transport aérien de passagers, de marchandises et d'animaux; location d'aéronefs ou d'avions; messagerie (courrier ou marchandises); services de parc de stationnement; réservation de titres de transport aérien ou billets d'avions; stockage; visites touristiques par transport aérien; services de transit en aéroport; réservation pour le transport aérien; réservation pour le transport aérien de passagers, de marchandises et d'animaux; réservation pour les voyages par transport aérien; réservation de voyages aériens; transport aérien de valeurs; services de navettes en autobus ou autocars; enregistrement de bagages, de marchandises et de passagers dans le cadre de transport aérien; chargement et déchargement d'avions; mise à disposition de véhicules aériens (location); transport en commun de passagers dans le cadre de transport aérien; assistance en cas de pannes de véhicules aériens (remorquage); location de conteneurs d'entreposage; courtage de fret aérien; courtage de transport aérien; location d'entrepôts; location de fauteuils roulants; mise à disposition de fauteuils roulants pour les passagers dans les aéroports (location); location de places de stationnement; pilotage d'avions ou d'aéronefs; services de sauvetage; opérations de secours (transport); prêt ou mise à disposition de véhicules aériens ou d'avions (location); consultation professionnelle dans le domaine du transport aérien; acheminement de produits alimentaires, de boissons, de repas ou de plateaux repas dans les aéroports et à bord d'avions; chargement et déchargement de marchandises à bord d'avions pour l'armement (équipement) de cabines, d'habitacles, de soutes d'avions; manutention d'avions; manutention de marchandises et de bagages notamment dans les aéroports; manutention (chargement et déchargement) de rampes d'accès ou de passerelles d'avions; organisation de transferts et transits de passagers, d'équipages, de personnel naviguant ou de bagages d'un aéroport ou d'un avion vers un autre aéroport ou avion; distribution d'énergie notamment à bord d'avions; services de réservation de titres de transport aérien, de billets d'avions notamment par réseaux Internet, Intranet ou Extranet; services de réservation et d'attribution de sièges pour le transport aérien; service d'enregistrement prioritaire pour compagnie aérienne; services de réservation, d'attribution de sièges, d'enregistrement et d'embarquement prioritaires pour les personnes voyageant souvent en avion; mise à disposition d'informations en matière de planification et réservation de voyages en avion par voie électronique; services de transport aérien sur la base d'un système de gratification aux voyageurs réguliers.
Publicité; publicité par correspondance; publicité radiophonique; publ...
on 16 Oct 2023
2195162 · 23 Mar 2022
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Publicité; publicité par correspondance; publicité radiophonique; publicité télévisée; publicité par réseaux Internet, Intranet et Extranet; services mercatiques et de promotion pour des compagnies aériennes; services d'abonnement à des journaux, magazines, revues, périodiques ou à des lettres d'information (pour des tiers); conseils en organisation et direction des affaires; informations d'affaires; renseignements d'affaires; affichage; agences d'informations commerciales; diffusion d'annonces publicitaires; diffusion d'annonces publicitaires par courrier; distribution et diffusion de matériel publicitaire (tracts, prospectus, imprimés, échantillons); mise à jour de documentation publicitaire; reproduction de document; organisation d'expositions à buts commerciaux et de publicité; organisation de concours à des fins publicitaires; promotion de vente de services de tiers par la distribution de matériel imprimé et de concours promotionnels; recueil et systématisation de données dans un fichier central; gestion de fichiers informatiques; gestion de fichiers informatiques notamment sur réseaux Internet, Extranet ou Intranet; gestion de bases de données notamment sur réseaux Internet, Extranet ou Intranet; location d'espaces publicitaires; sondage d'opinion; promotion des ventes (pour des tiers); publication de textes publicitaires; relations publiques; établissement de relevés de comptes; gestion de primes promotionnelles; actions promotionnelles ou publicitaires destinées à fidéliser la clientèle ou le personnel; services de gestion d'un programme de fidélité notamment dans le domaine du transport aérien; passation et réception de commande de produits et de services par réseaux Internet, Intranet et Extranet; services de ventes aux enchères notamment sur réseaux Internet, Extranet ou Intranet; prévisions économiques; gestion administrative ou commerciale de points de fidélité ou de bons dans le cadre d'un programme de fidélisation de clientèle ou de personnel; services d'informations commerciales, de publicité et de promotion des ventes pour des tiers par la gestion de sites Internet marchands; services d'accomplissement de formalités administratives pour le transport international ou national de marchandises et de personnes; services d'abonnement à un service de transport aérien.
Class 038
Communications Services
Télécommunications; communications par terminaux d'ordinateurs; communications radiophoniques; communications téléphoniques; communications télévisuelles; diffusion d'émissions radiophoniques et télévisées; informations en matière de télécommunications; location d'appareils de télécommunication; location d'appareils pour la transmission de messages; location de téléphones; messagerie électronique; messagerie électronique destinée à la mise en relation ou la rencontre de personnes notamment durant leur transport; messagerie électronique destinée à la mise en place d'une communauté virtuelle sur internet; messagerie électronique destinée à la mise en place de réseaux sociaux; courrier électronique; transmission d'informations, de données, de messages, d'images ou de sons notamment dans le cadre du transport aérien ou de la mise en relation de personnes; transmission de messages et d'images assistée par ordinateur; radiotéléphonie mobile; services téléphoniques; diffusion de programmes de radio et de télévision; transmission de dépêches; transmission d'informations par réseaux Internet, intranet et extranet; diffusion de programmes de télévision; transmission d'informations provenant d'une banque de données informatique; services de transmission de données entre systèmes informatiques mis en réseau; transmissions d'informations en ligne; services de courrier électronique; location de temps d'accès à un centre serveur de bases de données (pour la télécommunication); services d'échange de correspondances (télécommunications); services d'affichage électronique notamment dans le domaine du transport aérien ou de la mise en relation de personnes; fourniture d'accès à des sites internet et/ou des moteurs de recherches (portails); location de temps d'accès à des réseaux informatiques; fourniture de forums de discussion sur l'internet notamment dans le domaine du transport aérien ou de la mise en relation de personnes; services de télécommunication permettant d'accéder à une communauté d'échange virtuelle; centres d'appels téléphoniques; collecte et transmission d'informations par téléphone ou par réseaux internet, intranet ou extranet; transmission et diffusion d'informations, de données, de messages, d'images ou de sons sur réseaux internet, intranet ou extranet permettant la réservation de titres de transport aérien ou de billets d'avion; fourniture d'accès à un réseau informatique mondial; fourniture d'accès à un réseau informatique permettant notamment la réservation, la délivrance, l'impression, le retrait de titres de transport aérien ou de billets d'avion; fourniture d'accès à un réseau informatique permettant notamment la réservation de chambres d'hôtels, de places ou de tables de restaurants; services de transmission de commandes à distance par réseaux internet, intranet et extranet.
Class 039
Transportation & Storage Services
Transport aérien; emballage et entreposage de marchandises; transport aérien de passagers; transport aérien de voyageurs; transport aérien d'animaux; services d'organisation de transport aérien; accompagnement de voyageurs dans le cadre de transport aérien; services de compagnies aériennes; organisation de services de transport aérien; services d'hôtesses de l'air (accompagnement de voyageurs); transports aériens; transports aéronautiques; affrètements; agences de tourisme à savoir mise à disposition de tiers d'informations en matière de tarifs, horaires et moyens de transport aérien de passagers et de marchandises; services d'agences de transport aérien; services d'autobus ou d'autocars; livraison de colis; conditionnement de produits; distribution du courrier; distribution de journaux, de magazines, de brochures ou de consignes de sécurité dans les aéroports ou à bord d'avions; dépôt de marchandises; distribution (livraison) de bagages, de repas, de boissons, de produits ou de marchandises; empaquetage de marchandises; informations en matière d'entreposage; organisation d'excursions par transport aérien; services d'expédition; fret aérien (transport de marchandises); informations en matière de transport aérien; informations en matière de transport aérien de passagers, de marchandises et d'animaux; location d'aéronefs ou d'avions; messagerie (courrier ou marchandises); services de parc de stationnement; réservation de titres de transport aérien ou billets d'avions; stockage; visites touristiques par transport aérien; services de transit en aéroport; réservation pour le transport aérien; réservation pour le transport aérien de passagers, de marchandises et d'animaux; réservation pour les voyages par transport aérien; réservation de voyages aériens; transport aérien de valeurs; services de navettes en autobus ou autocars; enregistrement de bagages, de marchandises et de passagers dans le cadre de transport aérien; chargement et déchargement d'avions; mise à disposition de véhicules aériens (location); transport en commun de passagers dans le cadre de transport aérien; assistance en cas de pannes de véhicules aériens (remorquage); location de conteneurs d'entreposage; courtage de fret aérien; courtage de transport aérien; location d'entrepôts; location de fauteuils roulants; mise à disposition de fauteuils roulants pour les passagers dans les aéroports (location); location de places de stationnement; pilotage d'avions ou d'aéronefs; services de sauvetage; opérations de secours (transport); prêt ou mise à disposition de véhicules aériens ou d'avions (location); consultation professionnelle dans le domaine du transport aérien; acheminement de produits alimentaires, de boissons, de repas ou de plateaux repas dans les aéroports et à bord d'avions; chargement et déchargement de marchandises à bord d'avions pour l'armement (équipement) de cabines, d'habitacles, de soutes d'avions; manutention d'avions; manutention de marchandises et de bagages notamment dans les aéroports; manutention (chargement et déchargement) de rampes d'accès ou de passerelles d'avions; organisation de transferts et transits de passagers, d'équipages, de personnel naviguant ou de bagages d'un aéroport ou d'un avion vers un autre aéroport ou avion; distribution d'énergie notamment à bord d'avions; services de réservation de titres de transport aérien, de billets d'avions notamment par réseaux Internet, Intranet ou Extranet; services de réservation et d'attribution de sièges pour le transport aérien; service d'enregistrement prioritaire pour compagnie aérienne; services de réservation, d'attribution de sièges, d'enregistrement et d'embarquement prioritaires pour les personnes voyageant souvent en avion; mise à disposition d'informations en matière de planification et réservation de voyages en avion par voie électronique; services de transport aérien sur la base d'un système de gratification aux voyageurs réguliers.
Publicité; publicité par correspondance; publicité radiophonique; publ...
on 20 Sept 2024
2204585 · 22 Mar 2022
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Publications électroniques téléchargeables, à savoir des normes qui déterminent des exigences, des pratiques et des méthodes uniformes pour s'assurer de la qualité dans la conception, le développement, la production, l'installation et l'entretien des automobiles.
Class 016
Paper Goods and Printed Material
Publications, à savoir des normes qui déterminent des exigences, des pratiques et des méthodes uniformes pour s'assurer de la qualité dans la conception, le développement, la production, l'installation et l'entretien des automobiles; bulletins d'information; bulletins d'informations dans le domaine automobile; cahiers; certificats imprimés; dossiers d'informations imprimés; feuilles de résultats; feuillets d'information; fiches [papeterie]; fiches d'information imprimées; graphiques circulaires rotatifs; guides d'études; guides imprimés; impression des graphiques; livrets d'information; manuels d'instruction; manuels imprimés; manuels de référence dans le domaine automobile; matériel de formation imprimé; publications imprimées; rapports imprimés; rapports de recherche imprimés; supports pour dossiers.
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Services d'aide et de gestion des affaires; services de consultation et de conseil relatifs aux affaires dans le domaine automobile; services d'analyse et d'information commerciale, et études de marché; établissement de rapports sur des analyses de marché; rapports et analyses statistiques; fourniture d'informations sur les produits à la clientèle; fourniture d'informations relatives au marché des produits dans le domaine de l'automobile; mise à disposition d'informations sur des produits par internet; mise à disposition d'informations en matière de comparaison de produits; services d'informations, de conseils et de consultation dans le domaine de l'automobile; services de collecte de données concernant la qualité de produits et services dans le domaine automobile.
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Fourniture de publications non téléchargeables en ligne, à savoir des normes qui déterminent des exigences, des pratiques et des méthodes uniformes pour s'assurer de la qualité dans la conception, le développement, la production, l'installation et l'entretien des automobiles; mise à disposition de revue en ligne contenant des informations dans le domaine automobile; édition de revues sous forme électronique sur internet; édition et publication de textes écrits, de livres et de périodiques; édition, établissement de rapports et rédaction de textes; mise à disposition de publications électroniques en ligne non téléchargeables; publication de documents et d'articles scientifiques concernant le domaine de l'automobile; publication de fiches de renseignements, de livres instructifs et de livrets dans le domaine automobile; publication de textes et d'images, y compris sous forme électronique, autre qu'à des fins publicitaires; publication de textes sous forme de supports électroniques; rédaction et publication de textes autres que textes publicitaires; fourniture d'informations et d'instruction dans le domaine automobile; mise à disposition d'informations dans le domaine automobile; organisation de formations, de conférences, de séminaires et d'ateliers à des fins de formation; démonstrations à des fins de formation; éducation et formation dans le domaine de l'ingénierie automobile; formation et instruction; publication de lettres d'information en ligne dans le domaine automobile.
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Contrôle de qualité; audits de qualité; evaluation de la qualité; contrôle de qualité de services; contrôle de qualité pour des tiers; contrôle de la qualité des produits et services; évaluation de la qualité de produits; contrôle de la qualité des matières premières; tests, authentification et contrôle de la qualité; services de conseil liés au contrôle de qualité; analyse (contrôle de qualité) de la conception de produits; évaluation (contrôle de qualité) de la conception de produits; services de contrôle de la qualité des produits fabriqués dans le domaine automobile; tests de qualité de produits à des fins de certification; services de tests de contrôle de qualité d'équipements automobile; services de test pour la certification de qualité ou de normes; contrôle de qualité de pièces usinées soudées afin d'en déterminer la solidité.
Publications électroniques téléchargeables, à savoir des normes qui dé...
2210988 · 22 Mar 2022
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Image analyzers; digital indicators; instruments for analysing photographs; databases (electronic); interactive databases; application software; office and business applications; computer software to enable the searching of data; computer programmes relating to financial matters; enterprise software; interactive business software; machine learning software for finance; computer software for advertising; software for the analysis of business data; information retrieval applications; database engines; data storage programs; computer programs for accessing, browsing and searching online databases; computer software for database management; computer programs in machine readable form for use in database management; computer software for organizing and viewing digital images and photographs; interactive database software; downloadable computer software for blockchain technology; downloadable computer software for the management of data; downloadable computer software for the management of information; downloadable mobile applications for the management of data; downloadable mobile applications for the management of information; business intelligence software; data and file management software and database software; database server software; database synchronization software; data management software; data mining software; document management software; file sharing software; file server software; computer software for producing financial models; computer software for creating searchable databases of information and data; big data management software; computer software for accessing information directories that may be downloaded from the global computer network; software for searching and retrieving information across a computer network; computer search engine software; computer software to enable searching and retrieval of data; software for the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the field of big data; computer software for analysing market information; computer software for processing market information; computer utility programs for file management; personal computer application software for document control systems; augmented reality software for simulation; augmented reality software for education; augmented reality software; augmented reality software for use in mobile devices; augmented reality software for use in mobile devices for integrating electronic data with real world environments; augmented reality software for creating maps; virtual and augmented reality software; virtual reality software for simulation; virtual reality software for education; augmented reality game software; virtual reality software; virtual reality software for telecommunications; computer software for the collection of positioning data; computer software for the compilation of positioning data; computer software for the dissemination of positioning data; computer software for the transmission of positioning data; home automation software; fire mapping and analysis software; map software; environmental control software; environmental monitoring software; machine control software; surveying software; workout logging software; industrial process control software; satellite imagery photo-interpretation software; software for the planning, integration and optimization of smart city applications; artificial intelligence software for analysis; data processing programs; computer software; computer programs for use in trading stocks and bonds; computer programmes for use in telecommunications; computer programs for printing; computer programmes stored in digital form; computer programs, downloadable; computer software platforms, recorded or downloadable; computer programmes for data processing; freeware; embedded software; integrated software packages; interactive software.
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Business assistance, management and administrative services; administrative support and data processing services; business consultancy and advisory services; human resources management and recruitment services; administration of contests for advertising purpose; administration of foreign business affairs; administrative assistance in responding to calls for tenders; outsourced administrative management for companies; business project management; business planning services; business services relating to the arrangement of joint ventures; arranging and conducting of business meetings; assistance relating to business organisation; assistance with business planning; business management assistance for industrial organisations; business management assistance in the operation of restaurants; assistance in franchised commercial business management; business management assistance in the establishment of commercial undertakings; business management assistance in the establishment and operation of restaurants; business assistance; business management assistance; assistance to commercial enterprises in the management of their business; lifecycle costing for business purposes; computerised business management [for others]; business efficiency expert services; business assistance relating to the formation of commercial undertakings; business management; business administration and management; business management and consultancy services; business management organisation; corporate management assistance; business management assistance for commercial companies; business management assistance for industrial or commercial companies; business management services relating to electronic commerce; business management services relating to the acquisition of businesses; transportation fleet (business management of -) [for others]; business management services relating to the development of businesses; online business networking services; business organisation; management advice relating to the recruitment of staff; business strategy services; supervision of businesses on behalf of others; preparation of economic reports; business services relating to the establishment of businesses; business process management and consulting; negotiation of business contracts for others; negotiation of advertising contracts; negotiation of contracts relating to the purchase and sale of goods; negotiation of commercial transactions for third parties; negotiation and conclusion of commercial transactions for third parties; mediation of contracts for purchase and sale of products; mediation of trade business for third parties; mediation of agreements regarding the sale and purchase of goods; mediation and conclusion of commercial transactions for others; customer relationship management; assistance to industrial enterprises in the conduct of their business; management and operation assistance to commercial businesses; help in the management of business affairs or commercial functions of an industrial or commercial enterprise; registration of written communications and data; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; commercial assistance in business management; commercial management; commercial intermediation services; industrial management consultation including cost/yield analyses; business process management; management of business projects [for others]; management assistance in business affairs; management advice relating to the placing of staff; operational business assistance to enterprises; business meeting planning; business management planning; efficiency experts; business networking services; strategic business planning; assistance to management in commercial enterprises in respect of advertising; interim business management; providing user rankings for commercial or advertising purposes; providing user reviews for commercial or advertising purposes; providing academic course administration services for academic institutions; provision of business assistance; business supervision; business management supervision; provision of business and commercial contact information via the internet; providing assistance in the management of business activities; providing assistance in the field of business management and planning; providing assistance in the management of industrial or commercial enterprises; outsource service provider in the field of customer relationship management; business risk management services; business investigations; business representative services; business strategy and planning services; supply chain management services; business risk assessment services; business inquiries; preparation of project studies relating to business matters; business strategy development services; data processing, systematisation and management; acquisition of business information relating to company status; automated data processing; processing of business survey results; on-line data processing services; data processing; data processing for businesses; data processing for the collection of data for business purposes; data processing and verification; data processing services in the field of transportation; online data processing services; data management services; data inputting services; data compilation for others; data search in computer files for others; computerised data processing; computerised data verification; computerised point-of-sale data collection services for retailers; computerised stock management; computerized file management; computerised compilation of customer indexes; data retrieval services; electronic data processing; acquisition of business information relating to company activities; obtaining business statistics [for others]; business statistical studies; acquisition of commercial information; business records management; financial records management; management and compilation of computerised databases; information and data compiling and analyzing relating to business management; business statistical information services; information services relating to data processing; data entry and data processing; computer data entry services; collection of data; collection of statistics for business; compilation of statistics [for business or commercial purposes]; collection and systematisation of information into computer databases; consultancy relating to the preparation of business statistics; consultancy relating to data processing; office functions services for electronically collecting data; office functions services for electronically collating data; office functions services for electronically manipulating data; news clipping services; records management services, namely, document indexing for others; advisory services relating to data processing; advisory services relating to electronic data processing; compilation of information into computerised registers; compilation of directories for publication on the internet; compilation of commercial registers; compilation of business directories; compilation of statistics; compilation and systemization of information used in electronic transmissions; compilation and systemization of written communications and data; compilation of mailing lists; collating of data in computer databases; collecting information for business; compilation of business statistics and commercial information; compilation of business directories for publishing on the internet; compilation of online business directories; compilation of business statistics; compilation of indexed addresses; compilation of information into computer databases; compiling indexes of information for commercial or advertising purposes; preparation of inventories; compilation of directories for publishing on global computer networks or the internet; collection of commercial information; compilation of lists of prospective customers; compilation of mathematical data; compilation of political statistics; compilation of registers relating to exporters; compilation of registers relating to importers; compilation of statistics relating to advertising; compilation of statistical information; compilation of statistical data relating to business; compilation of statistical data for use in scientific research; compilation of statistical models for the provision of market dynamics information; compilation of information into computer databases; compilation and input of information into computer databases; compilation and systematisation of information in databanks; compilation and systemization of information into computer databases; maintenance of registers [for others]; provision of statistical information relating to business; systemization of information into computer databases; electronic stock management services; services comprising the recording of statistical data; services comprising the composition of statistical data; services comprising the transcription of statistical data; maintenance of personnel records [for others]; maintenance of asset registers [for others]; updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; updating and maintenance of information in registries; sales volume tracking for others; drawing up of business statistical information; maintaining a registry of information; maintaining a registry of animal breeds; maintaining a registry of professional vocational evaluators; preparation of business statistical data; maintaining a registry of certified aerospace technicians; administration of business affairs; subscriptions to electronic journals; administrative management of professional [vocational] certifications; administration relating to business appraisal; administration relating to sales methods; administration relating to marketing; administration relating to business planning; administrative data processing; administrative services relating to the management of legal dockets; administrative services relating to referrals for insurance agents; business administration assistance; arranging of presentations for business purposes; preparation of documents relating to taxation; preparation of documents relating to business; business analysis and information services, and market research; business consultancy to individuals; business consultancy to firms; business planning consultancy; assistance and advice regarding business organization; assistance and advice regarding business management; assistance, advisory services and consultancy with regard to business management; assistance, advisory services and consultancy with regard to business organization; assistance, advisory services and consultancy with regard to business planning; assistance and consultancy relating to business management and organisation; assistance and consultancy services in the field of business management of companies in the energy sector; business expertise services; business consulting; business consultancy relating to the administration of information technology; business consultancy services relating to data processing; business consultancy services relating to manufacturing; business consultancy services relating to disaster planning and recovery; business consultancy services relating to the supply of quality management systems; business management consultancy in the field of executive and leadership development; business management consulting services in the field of information technology; business management consultancy in the field of corporate travel; business organization consultancy; business planning and business continuity consulting; business advisory services relating to company performance; advisory services (business -) relating to the exploitation of inventions; business advice relating to strategic marketing; business consulting services in the agriculture field; business advice relating to marketing management consultations; business advice relating to franchising; business consultancy, in the field of transport and delivery; business advisory services relating to product development; business advisory services relating to product manufacturing; consultancy and advisory services in the field of business strategy; consultancy relating to the establishment and running of businesses; business organization and operation consultancy; business research consulting; business appraisal consultancy; consulting in sales techniques and sales programmes; business management and organization consultancy; business management and enterprise organization consultancy; business management consultancy in the field of transport and delivery; foreign trade consultancy services; business management consultancy, also via the internet; consultancy services regarding business strategies; business management consultancy; business management consultancy and advisory services; corporate management consultancy; professional consultancy relating to business management; professional business consultation relating to the operation of businesses; professional business consultancy; business efficiency advice; business administration consultancy; business management advice relating to manufacturing business; consultancy regarding business organisation and business economics; advice relating to the sale of businesses; risk management consultancy [business]; corporate image development consultation; advice on business matters; providing advice relating to the organisation and management of businesses; advice in the field of business management and marketing; advising industrial enterprises in the conduct of their business; business advice, inquiries or information; advice and information concerning commercial business management; advisory services and information in business organization and management; consultancy regarding the organization or managing of a trade company; advice relating to the organisation and management of business; advising commercial enterprises in the conduct of their business; management advice; advisory and consultancy services relating to import-export agencies; business management advisory services relating to commercial enterprises; business management advisory services relating to industrial enterprises; business management advisory services relating to franchising; business organisation advice; advisory services relating to business organisation and management; advisory services relating to business planning; advisory services (business -) relating to the operation of franchises; advisory services (business -) relating to the management of public sector businesses; advisory services (business -) relating to the management of businesses; advisory services for business management; advisory services relating to business management and business operations; advisory services relating to business risk management; assistance and advice regarding business organisation and management; providing business management start-up support for other businesses; providing assistance in the field of business management; providing assistance in the field of business organisation; development of marketing strategies and concepts; business enquiries and investigations; business appraisals and evaluations in business matters; business appraisals; analysis of business information; analysis of market research data and statistics; business management analysis; analysis of business trends; analysis of marketing trends; analysis of market research data; analysis of market research statistics; analysis of advertising response and market research; business profit analysis; advertising analysis; analysis of company behaviour; market survey analysis; analysis of advertising response; grain market analysis; analysis of business management systems; analysis relating to marketing; business data analysis services; assistance, advisory services and consultancy with regard to business analysis; benchmarking (evaluation of business organisation practices); benchmarking services for business management purposes; commercial information agency services; commercial information agencies [provides business information, e.g., marketing or demographic data]; computerised business information processing services; computerised business information retrieval; provision of computerised business management information; computerised business information services; computerised business research; computerised information services to business opportunities appraisals; computerised market research; computerized market research services; computer assisted business information; provision of on-line business and commercial information; economic analysis for business purposes; economic forecasting; economic forecasting and analysis; economic forecasting analysis for business purposes; economic studies for business purposes; surveys for business purposes; expert evaluations and reports relating to business matters; preparation and compilation of business and commercial reports and information; provision of business and commercial information; business and market research; information in business matters; business research and information services; administration (business -) relating to statistical methods; business analysis; business analysis of markets; business analysis services; business information; business information services provided online from a global computer network or the internet; business information services provided on-line from a computer database or the internet; business research and advisory services; business research and surveys; business research; business research for new businesses; business intelligence services; business investigations; provision of computerised data relating to business; provision of business information relating to the agricultural industry; provision of computerised information relating to business records; conducting online business management research surveys; conducting of business research; conducting of business appraisals; conducting of internal business communication surveys; conducting of market studies involving opinion polling; conducting of business feasibility studies; provision of business information; provision of information relating to data processing; information or enquiries on business and marketing; information and expert opinions relating to companies and business; providing information about commercial business and commercial information via the global computer network; product sales rankings information; provision of information relating to commerce; information services relating to business matters; provision of information concerning commercial sales; consumer market information services; information services relating to businesses; collection of information relating to market research; interviewing for qualitative market research; interviewing for market research purposes; provision of commercial business information by means of a computer database; provision of commercial information; commercial information services; commercial information services provided by access to a computer database; commercial information services, via the internet; market research consultancy; consultancy relating to business analysis; consumer research; consumer profiling for commercial or marketing purposes; consumer response analysis; cost benefit analysis; market research services for publishers; market analysis; real estate marketing analysis; market analysis and research; market assessment services; market research; provision of market research information; marketing forecasting; marketing studies; market information services relating to market statistics; market opinion polling studies; cost price analysis; conducting studies in the field of public relations; commercial lobbying services; public relations consultancy; consultancy regarding public relations communication strategies; media relations services; public relation studies; assistance to management in commercial enterprises in respect of public relations; corporate communications services; consultations relating to business advertising; business consultancy services relating to the marketing of fund raising campaigns; business consultancy services relating to the promotion of fund raising campaigns; business advice relating to marketing; press advertising consultancy; consultations relating to business promotion; business marketing consultancy; consultancy relating to the organisation of promotional campaigns for business; market segmentation consultation; advertising and marketing consultancy; direct marketing consulting; consultancy relating to advertising and promotion services; consultancy relating to advertising; consultancy services relating to advertising, publicity and marketing; consultancy relating to demographics for marketing purposes; consulting services in the field of development of advertising concepts; consultancy services in the field of affiliate marketing; consulting services in the field of internet marketing; consultancy regarding advertising communication strategies; marketing assistance; marketing consulting; marketing advice; professional consultancy relating to marketing; advice relating to marketing management; providing advice relating to the analysis of consumer buying habits; advisory services relating to corporate identity; advisory services relating to promotional activities; providing assistance in the field of business promotion; arranging of demonstrations for advertising purposes; organization of trade fairs; arranging of displays for commercial purposes; organisation of fashion shows for commercial purposes; organization of fashion shows for promotional purposes; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; organisation of events for commercial and advertising purposes; organisation of exhibitions and events for commercial or advertising purposes; organisation of exhibitions for business or commerce; arranging of exhibitions for business purposes; arranging of exhibitions for advertising purposes; arranging and conducting business fairs; arranging and conducting trade shows; arranging and conducting commercial trade shows; arranging and conducting trade shows relating to publishing; arranging and conducting of commercial exhibitions; arranging and conducting of commercial exhibitions and shows; organisation and holding of fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; arranging and conducting of exhibitions for business purposes; arranging and conducting trade fairs; arranging and conducting of fairs and exhibitions for business purposes; arranging and conducting of fairs and exhibitions for advertising purposes; arranging and conducting trade show exhibitions; arranging and conducting of art exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; promoting and conducting trade shows; exhibitions (conducting -) for business purposes; exhibitions (conducting -) for advertising purposes; organisation of exhibitions and trade fairs for business and promotional purposes; conducting virtual trade show exhibitions online; conducting, arranging and organizing trade shows and trade fairs for commercial and advertising purposes; shows (conducting business -); organization of events, exhibitions, fairs and shows for commercial, promotional and advertising purposes; promotion of fairs for trade purposes; planning and conducting of trade fairs, exhibitions and presentations for economic or advertising purposes; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; collection of financial information; issuing of statements of accounts; compilation of scientific information; compilation of toxicological information; compilation of legal information.
Class 036
Insurance & Financial Services
Financial, monetary and banking services; providing stock market information; financial information processing; investment risk assessment services; computerised information relating to financial affairs; computerised financial analysis; computerised financial information services; computerised financial information services; computerised information services for stocks; computerised information services relating to investments; providing financial information on-line; financial research; financial analysis and consultancy; computerised information relating to financial management; financial information; financial information for investors; financial information and evaluations; financial information provided by electronic means; financial information provided by means of a computer database; financial consultancy in relation to the buying and selling of businesses; financial market information services; financial forecasting; financial advice; financial advice relating to trusts; financial advisory services relating to assets management; financial information and advisory services; financial advice relating to investment; financial advisory services provided for bankers; financial valuation relating to heating costs; financial analysis; financial analysis; investment analysis services; financial analysis and research services; financial evaluation and analysis; financial appraisals in responding to calls for tenders; providing financial information by means of a computer database; financial information services; financial information services relating to financial stock markets; financial information services relating to financial bond markets; financial information services relating to lost credit cards; financial investment analysis and stock research; financial consultancy; financial advice and consultancy services; financial advisory services relating to securities; financial advisory services for companies; financial advisory services for individuals; financial and investment consultancy services; financial research; fund investment consultation; share price information services; information services relating to stocks; information services relating to financial appraisals; information services relating to securities; investment analysis; investment information; investment consultancy; investment research; securities portfolio management; financial management of securities; financial strategy consultancy services; financial advisory services; consultancy services relating to personal finance; professional consultancy relating to finance; advisory services relating to [financial] risk management; trustee advisory services; capital investment consultation; advisory services relating to money management; monitoring of financial portfolios; investment management; financial evaluation; financial appraisals and valuations; appraisals relating to financial valuation; financial valuation services; estimates for financial purposes; asset evaluation [financial]; valuation of portfolios of securities; valuation of capital stock; share registration advisory services; financial investment advisory services; financial advisory services; advisory services relating to investments and finance; securities trading advisory services; consultancy services relating to credit; providing financial information; provision of financial information relating to the finance industry involved in environmentally focused investments; providing investors with financial information; providing information, consultancy and advice in the field of investment banking; computerised financial advisory services; financial consultancy and information services; financial analysis services relating to investments; financial information services provided by access to a computer database; financial management and analysis services; information relating to financial management and analysis; financial investment research services; research services relating to investment; provision of computerised financial information; provision of financial information relating to fuel expenditure; provision of financial information for professionals in the field of portfolio management, for portfolio management; provision of financial information relating to shares; provision of financial information relating to the stock exchange; provision of financial information by way of computer terminals; providing financial information via a web site; provision of information relating to financial services; provision of information relating to accounts [financial]; provision of information relating to credit card transactions; provision of pension information; provision of investment information; provision of pricing information about mutual funds; provision of pricing information about indices; provision of pricing information about bonds; provision of advice [financial] to accident investigators; provision of computerised information relating to securities; preparation and analysis of financial reports; preparation of financial analyses relating to securities; preparation of financial reports; venture capital (services for the finding of -); venture capital (services for the provision of -); crowdfunding; financial underwriting and securities issuance (investment banking); investment banking services; financial underwriting; investment banking consulting and advisory services; securities underwriting; underwriting of shares (services for the -); share underwriting; providing information relating to securities underwriting; fund investment services; financial administration of investment funds; trust investment services; mutual funds; mutual fund investment; establishing mutual funds for others; financial management of funds; pension fund financial management; fund management; fund management for private clients; advancement of funds; mutual fund distribution; trusteeship of fund assets; mutual fund management; management of capital investment funds; financial administration of fund investment; investment fund management; pension fund investment management; offshore fund management; financial administration of mutual funds; hedge fund management; hedge fund services; international fund investment; private equity fund investment services; capital fund investment; investment of funds for others; brokerage services relating to mutual funds; offshore utilised funds; financial administration of pension funds; pension funds; advisory services relating to mutual funds; advice relating to pension fund management; hedge fund investment services; provident fund management; provident fund investment; provident fund services; provision of funds; financial administration of private client unit trust; investment fund transfer and transaction services; monitoring of investment funds; monitoring of pension funds; unit trust management; arranging of financial investments; arranging of investments; crowdinvesting services; real estate investment planning; real estate services related to management of property investments; financial investment management services; financial management relating to investment; financial management of collective investment schemes; financial portfolio management; financial services relating to investment; financing of investments; providing financing to emerging and start-up companies; brokerage of financial investments in energy companies; arranging investments, in particular capital investments, financing services and insurance; unit trust trusteeship; financial management of real estate investment; management of investment portfolios; administration of funds and investments; investment management; management of investments for mutual clubs and societies; investment portfolio management services; investment asset management; trust management; financial administration of capital investments; pension investment management; financial administration services relating to investments; acquisition for financial investment; industrial investment; capital investment; equity capital investment; investment by electronic means; investment trusteeship; investment custody; investment management of and distribution of variable annuities; investment trusteeship and advisory services; investment trusteeship services; investment account services; private client investment services; investment services; real estate investment advice; investment advisory services relating to real estate; advisory services relating to unit trusts; providing on-line investment account information; providing investment account information by telephone; share planning services; investment clubs; stock option valuation services; investment of money (services for -); portfolio management; securities lending; investment services; financing services; financial information, data, advice and consultancy services; financial administration of shares; agency services for trading of securities; brokerage services for stocks and bonds; share trading; financial management of shares; stock market services; stock exchange services; brokerage of financial investments in companies; corporate holding of share capital services; exchange of financial operations (agencies for the -); exchange services relating to the trading of commodities; exchange services relating to the trading of futures; stock exchanges for dealing in shares and other financial securities; trading in contracts on stocks; stock exchange information services; stockbroking agency services; stock brokerage services; stock exchange quotations; provision of information concerning stock exchanges; computerised securities brokerage services; derivatives trading services; electronic stock exchange services; financial management of share accounts; financial management of stocks; financial investment in the field of securities; financial information services relating to stocks; financial clearing and settlement services; financial database services relating to commodities; financial management of holding companies; trading in futures; financial services relating to stocks; financial services related to dealing in shares; financial services relating to international securities; financial services relating to securities; commodity trading [financial services]; financial services relating to bonds; financial services related to the sale and purchase of securities; financial securities; brokerage of share subscriptions; custodian services for stocks; stock investment management; share portfolio management; management of portfolios comprising securities; management of portfolios of transferable securities; management of securities; management of transferable securities; stock trading; trading of financial derivatives; trading of securities index futures; trading of securities index futures for others; trading in bonds; trading in options; trading of futures contracts; securities trading services; trading of securities and securities index futures in overseas markets; trading of securities options; trading of securities options for others; trading of overseas market securities futures; trading of overseas market securities futures for others; management of listed securities; provision of information relating to stock exchange prices; stock exchange information provided on-line from a computer database or the internet; equity investment in international companies; securities investment services for personal investors; investment brokerage; investment services in the field of treasury bonds; securities investment services; investment services relating to transferable securities; preparation and quotation of stock exchange prices and indices; traded options brokerage; brokerage for securities liquidation; brokerage of shares and other securities; stocks and bonds brokerage; brokerage of financial derivatives; financial investment brokerage; brokerage of commodities; bullion brokerage services; stock debenture brokerage; brokerage of futures; brokerage of futures contracts; precious metals brokerage; brokerage services on the financial markets; brokerage services relating to securities offering; capital investment brokerage; brokerage services relating to corporate bonds; brokerage services relating to financial instruments; brokerage services for the purchase and sale of obligations; brokerage services for bonds; brokerage services relating to the securities markets; brokerage services relating to debt instruments; stock exchange price quotations; organization of stock exchanges for the benefit of the trade of stocks and other financial values; trading of financial derivatives and financial instruments in trading markets; trading of financial instruments in trading markets; advisory services relating to futures; advisory services relating to international securities; commodity trading for others; futures exchange services; providing information on trading in securities; provision of information and data concerning stock exchanges; providing information relating to the trading of commodity futures; transfer agency services rendered to issuers of investment securities; providing on-line stock exchange information from a computer database or the internet; providing information relating to the trading of securities index futures; providing information relating to the trading of securities and securities index futures in overseas markets; providing information relating to the trading of overseas market securities futures; providing information relating to domestic and overseas market securities futures; share services; automated securities trade execution services; stocks and shares information services; commodity exchange; establishment of portfolios of securities (services for the -); securities brokerage and trading services; stock exchange quotation and listing services; securities and assets brokerage; brokerage services; real estate brokerage; provision of information relating to stock broking; securities brokerage account services; securities settlement; securities exchange services; securities brokerage; securities and commodities brokerage; administration of financial affairs; asset management; provision of financial services by means of a global computer network or the internet; conducting of financial transactions; arranging the provision of finance; arranging finance for businesses; computerised financial services; asset and portfolio management; planning (estate -) [financial]; electronic banking via a global computer network [internet banking]; electronic banking services; treasury services; financial banking; financial research in the field of risk management; financial management; financial management of shares in other companies; financial management of risk capital, investment capital and development capital; financial management for businesses; financial management services provided via the internet; financial management via the internet; financial investment; financial risk management services; financial planning and management; financial consultancy in the field of risk management; financial consultancy services relating to infrastructure investment; financial intermediary services; financial brokerage services; financial risk assessment services; finance services; financial and monetary services; financial services relating to wealth management; financial services relating to savings; financial services provided by electronic means; financial services provided via the internet; financial services provided over the internet and telephone; financial services provided over the telephone and by means of a global computer network or the internet; financial securities custody services; brokerage; venture capital financing; venture capital funding services to emerging and start-up companies; financing of development projects; equity financing; financing services for companies; financing services for the securing of funds in respect of ventures; wealth management; management of corporate finances; personal equity plan management; deposit-holding; capital fund management; financial administration of trusts; management of private equity funds; venture capital management; venture capital fund management; financial administration of savings accounts; asset management; asset management for third parties; pension management services; personal equity plan investment; industrial financing services; raising of financial capital; internet banking; private placement and venture capital investment services; venture capital and project capital investment services; fund raising services via crowdfunding website; capital management; capitalization services; risk management consultancy [financial]; counterparty risk management; brokerage of carbon offsets; brokerage of carbon credits; brokerage services for arranging financing by other financial institutions; independent financial planning advice; provision of finance for business ventures; paperless electronic banking services; raising of funds for financial purposes; personal banking services; personal financial banking services; personal finance services; private banking; project financing; venture capital and venture capital management services; providing funding for research institutions; providing funding for non-profit entities; providing funding for commercial entities; providing funding for the development of new technology; providing information and analysis via the internet in the field of financial investments; providing information relating to trusteeship of financial futures contracts; bank account and savings account services; fixed income investment services; financing and funding services; venture capital funding services for research institutions; venture capital funding services for companies; venture capital funding services for non-profit entities; venture capital funding services for commercial entities; venture capital funding services for universities; venture capital funding services for inventors; savings accounts services; equity release services; debit account services; electronic financial trading services; establishment of trusts (services for the -); monetary affairs; trust advice; provision of financial securities; variable insurance investment services; automated banking services relating to charge card transactions; automated banking services relating to credit card transactions; card accessed banking services; card operated financial services; credit card advisory services; financial evaluation for insurance purposes; financial evaluation for reinsurance purposes; reinsurance underwriting; insurance underwriting consultancy; insurance risk management; non-life insurance underwriting; insurance underwriting services; transit insurance underwriting; appraisals for insurance claims relating to real estate; financial administration of insurance claims; computerised information services relating to insurance; computerised processing of insurance claims; financial guarantee assessment services; financial consultancy and insurance consultancy; financial services relating to insurance; financial services rendered by insurance companies; insurance consultancy; insurance and financial information and consultancy services; arranging of insurance; insurance consultancy; insurance brokerage; insurance services relating to contingency planning; insurance for businesses; insurance information; reinsurance information; reinsurance consultancy; consultancy services relating to insurance; consulting and information concerning insurance; brokerage advisory services relating to insurance; reinsurance brokerage; advisory services relating to insurance claims; financial advisory services relating to insurance contracts; providing online information about insurance from a computer database or the internet; providing online information about reinsurance from a computer database or the internet; providing reinsurance information; insurance brokerage consultancy and information; studies (insurance -); provision of information relating to insurance and financial services; insurance underwriting; arranging business fundraising activities; arranging charitable collections [for others]; arranging of funds for overseas aid projects; arranging of financing for humanitarian projects; arranging fundraising; arranging charitable fundraising activities; arranging charitable fundraising events; organising of charitable collections; providing educational scholarships; philanthropic services concerning monetary donations; financial sponsorship; financial sponsorship of visual arts events; financial sponsorship of cultural events; financial sponsorship and funding of films; financial sponsorship and funding of radio programs; financial sponsorship and funding of television programs; financial grant services; financial sponsorship and patronage; investment of funds for charitable purposes; political fundraising consulting; organization of monetary collections; fundraising; political fundraising; charitable fund raising; charitable fund raising in view of disaster precautions and prevention; providing information relating to charitable fundraising; providing monetary grants to charities; providing project grants for environmental and health awareness projects; provision of charitable fundraising services in relation to carbon offsetting; benevolent fund services; charitable services, namely financial services; eleemosynary services in the field of monetary donations; providing information relating to real estate appraisal; providing information, consultancy and advice in the field of financial valuation; insurance services; currency trading; money exchange agency services; foreign exchange market; buying and selling currency; underwriting in foreign exchange (services for the -); currency exchange services; providing financial information relating to forecasting of foreign exchange rates; currency exchange rate quotations; financial information services relating to currencies; virtual currency services; virtual currency exchange; on-line real-time currency trading; currency transfer services; financial transactions relating to currency swaps; virtual currency transfer services; foreign currency transfer services; trading of commodity futures contracts in exchange markets; computerised financial services relating to foreign currency dealings; conducting foreign exchange transactions for others.
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Electronic publishing services; electronic text publishing services; writing and publishing of texts, other than publicity texts; publishing, reporting, and writing of texts; writing services for blogs; providing information relating to publication and editing of books in the book clubs; on-line publishing services; electronic online publication of periodicals and books; micro-publishing; multimedia publishing; multimedia publishing of books; multimedia publishing of newspapers; multimedia publishing of electronic publications; multimedia publishing of magazines; multimedia publishing of journals; multimedia publishing of magazines, journals and newspapers; multimedia publishing of printed matter; production of radio and television programs; news programming services for transmission across the internet; news reporters services; news syndication for the broadcasting industry; publication of posters; publication of work manuals for business management; publication of year books; publication of leaflets; publishing of documents; publication of documents in the field of training, science, public law and social affairs; publication of electronic books and periodicals on the internet; online publication of electronic books and journals; online publication of electronic newspapers; publication of electronic newspapers accessible via a global computer network; publication of electronic magazines; publication of calendars of events; publication of fact sheets; publication of photographs; publication of manuals; services for the publication of guide books; services for the publication of newsletters; publishing of instructional books; publication of instructional literature; publication of calendars; publication of catalogues; publication of consumer magazines; publication of material which can be accessed from databases or from the internet; publication of multimedia material online; publication of prospectuses; publication of the editorial content of sites accessible via a global computer network; publication of texts; publication of educational texts; publication of texts and images, including in electronic form, except for advertising purposes; publication of texts, other than publicity texts; publishing of magazines in electronic form on the internet; publication of printed matter; publication of printed matter relating to education; publication of printed matter, other than publicity texts, in electronic form; publication of printed matter, other than publicity texts; publication of printed matter, also in electronic form, except for advertising purposes; publication of printed directories; publication of educational teaching materials; publication of educational and training guides; publication of training manuals; publishing of scientific papers; publication of scientific information journals; publishing of web magazines; publication and editing of printed matter; publication and editing of books; publishing services (including electronic publishing services); publishing services for periodical and non-periodical publications, other than publicity texts; publishing services carried out by computerised means; reference libraries of literature and documentary records; creation [writing] of podcasts; creation [writing] of educational content for podcasts; political speech writing; news syndication reporting; speech writing for non-advertising purposes; writing of texts; writing of texts, other than publicity texts; providing on-line non-downloadable general feature magazines; services for the publication of maps; providing electronic publications; providing online electronic publications, not downloadable; provision of information relating to publishing; providing on-line publications; providing publications from a global computer network or the internet which may be browsed; publishing of stories; publication of books; publication of booklets; publication of audio books; publishing of reviews; dissemination of publications; publication of text books; publication of newspapers, periodicals, catalogs and brochures; publication of periodicals and books in electronic form; publication of printed matter in electronic form; publication of printed matter in electronic form on the internet; editing of printed matter containing pictures, other than for advertising purposes; publication of printed matter and printed publications; publication of educational books; publication of magazines; publishing services for books and magazines; newspaper publication; publishing of journals; electronic desktop publishing; electronic publication of texts and printed matter, other than publicity texts, on the internet; publishing services; song publishing; publishing services, except printing; journalism services; editorial consultation; advisory services relating to publishing; consultation services relating to the publication of books; consultation services relating to the publication of written texts; consultation services relating to the publication of magazines; publication of books relating to television programmes; publication of books, magazines, almanacs and journals; publishing a newspaper for customers on the internet; publication of texts in the form of electronic media; publishing of journals, books and handbooks in the field of medicine; publishing and issuing scientific papers in relation to medical technology; multimedia entertainment software publishing services; editing of written texts, other than publicity texts; editing of written texts; providing online graphic novels, not downloadable; providing online non-downloadable comic books and graphic novels; providing online comic books, not downloadable; publication of material on magnetic or optical data media; administration [organisation] of contests; arranging of an annual educational conference; arranging of quizzes; arranging of lectures; arranging of conferences; arranging and conducting of commercial, trade and business conferences; arranging of conferences relating to advertising; arrangement of conventions for educational purposes; organisation of meetings and conferences; arranging of conventions for business purposes; arranging of conventions for cultural purposes; arranging of seminars relating to trade; arrangement of seminars for educational purposes; organisation of seminars and conferences; arranging of seminars relating to business; arranging of competitions for educational purposes; arranging of competitions for education or entertainment; arranging of competitions via the internet; organising of competitions for education; arranging and conducting of conferences and congresses; arranging of demonstrations for educational purposes; arranging and conducting conferences and seminars; arranging and conducting of conventions; arranging and conducting of competitions [education or entertainment]; arranging and conducting competitions; arranging, conducting and organisation of conferences; arranging, conducting and organisation of congresses; arranging, conducting and organisation of seminars; arranging, conducting and organisation of symposiums; arranging of conferences relating to business; arranging of competitions for cultural purposes; arranging of competitions for training purposes; arranging of displays for educational purposes; arranging and conducting of lectures; arranging and conducting of conferences, congresses and symposiums; arranging and conducting of seminars and workshops; arranging and conducting of conferences; arranging and conducting of congresses; arranging and conducting of seminars; arranging and conducting of symposiums; arranging and conducting educational conferences; arranging, conducting and organisation of workshops; arranging of exhibitions for educational purposes; conducting of conventions; organisation of seminars; conducting of conventions for entertainment purposes; conducting of seminars and congresses; conducting of competitions on the internet; arranging of displays for cultural purposes; conducting workshops and seminars in art appreciation; art exhibition services; arrangement of conferences for educational purposes; conducting of exhibitions for educational purposes; organization of competitions; arranging of award ceremonies to recognise bravery; organisation of seminars relating to education; organisation of seminars relating to training; organising of shows for educational purposes; organisation of competitions and awards; conducting of instructional seminars; organisation of quizzes, games and competitions; arranging of exhibitions for training purposes; organising of education exhibitions; planning of lectures for educational purposes; planning of conferences for educational purposes; planning of seminars for educational purposes; seminars; symposiums relating to education; providing information on congress events; cultural, educational or entertainment services provided by art galleries; exhibition services for entertainment purposes; education, entertainment and sports; education and instruction services; business training services; academic examination services; arranging of festivals for educational purposes; organising of educational lectures; organising of business training; provision of training courses; provision of training and education; provision of instruction relating to nutrition; provision of instruction relating to communications techniques; provision of training services for business; provision of training services for industry; arranging of courses of instruction; provision of instruction courses in finance; provision of courses of instruction in the management of information technology; provision of training courses in personal development; provision of instruction courses in general management; provision of training courses for young people in preparation for careers; providing continuing legal education courses; organising of commercial training; organisation of continuing educational seminars; organisation of courses using distance learning methods; organisation of courses using programmed learning methods; organisation of courses using open learning methods; arrangement of training courses in teaching institutes; arranging of presentations for educational purposes; organisation of examinations to grade level of achievement; organisation of examinations [educational]; arranging of workshops; organisation of symposia relating to education; teaching; provision of educational services relating to biological topics; provision of educational services relating to ecological topics; educational services provided to industry; providing of education; preparation of educational courses and examinations; organization of educational congresses; arranging of training courses; providing training courses on business management; organisation of symposia relating to training; review courses for state examinations; arranging professional workshop and training courses; arranging and conducting of lectures for training purposes; arranging and conducting of classes; arranging and conducting of day school courses for adults; arranging and conducting of tutorials; arranging and conducting fairs for academic purposes; arranging and conducting of meetings in the field of education; arranging and conducting of in-person educational forums; arranging and conducting of training courses; arranging and conducting of educational discussion groups, not on-line; arranging and conducting of educational events; arranging and conducting of educational courses; arranging and conducting education fairs; arranging and conducting of training seminars; arranging and conducting of workshops [training]; arranging and conducting of workshops and seminars in self-awareness; employment training; conducting classes in nutrition; arranging of classes; arranging teaching programmes; arranging technical instruction courses; arranging and conducting of lectures for educational purposes; arranging and conducting of wine tasting events for educational purposes; arranging and conducting of displays for educational purposes; provision of computer related training courses; providing courses of instruction for young people; arranging and conducting of colloquiums; advanced training; bookkeeping instruction; computer based educational services in the field of business management; computer education training services; computerised training in career counselling; computer training; demonstration [for instructional purposes]; distance learning services provided online; postgraduate training courses relating to management studies; educational examination; remedial tuition; setting of training standards; setting of educational standards; continuous training; lecture services relating to management skills; lecture services relating to marketing skills; lecture services relating to selling skills; business training provided through a game; management of education services; conducting distance learning instruction at the graduate level; conducting distance learning instruction at the primary level; conducting distance learning instruction at the college level; conducting distance learning instruction at the secondary level; conducting distance learning instruction at the university level; conducting of guided educational tours; conducting of instructional, educational and training courses for young people and adults; conducting of classes; conducting of correspondence courses; conducting training courses relating to nutrition online; conducting courses, seminars and workshops; arranging of workshops and seminars; conducting of courses; conducting of educational events; conducting workshops [training]; primary education services; occupationally orientated instruction; tuition in oenology; coaching in economic and management matters; training services relating to computer-aided testing; training of teachers; training of financial personnel; training and instruction; ecologically orientated aquatic instruction; coaching relating to finance; training services relating to computer-aided manufacturing; training services relating to computer-aided design; training in business skills; training relating to employment skills; training in the operation of computerised systems; training services relating to finance; industrial relations training; training relating to the provision of legal services; instructional services relating to data processing; residential training courses; higher education services; industrial training; provision of information relating to training; information relating to education, provided on-line from a computer database or the internet; bibliographic information; educational examination services (information relating to -); information services relating to books; institutes of education (services provided by -); training in communication techniques; instructional and training services; training courses relating to data base designs; training courses in strategic planning relating to advertising, promotion, marketing and business; training; certification in relation to educational awards; interviewing of contemporary figures for educational purposes; career information and advisory services (educational and training advice); career advisory services (education or training advice); career counseling [education]; business training consultancy services; consultancy services relating to the analysis of training requirements; management training consultancy services; consultancy services relating to the training of employees; training and further training consultancy; consultancy and information services relating to arranging, conducting and organisation of workshops; consultancy services relating to academic subjects; consultation services relating to business education; education and training consultancy; consultancy services relating to the education and training of management and of personnel; consultancy services relating to the development of training courses; correspondence courses, distance learning; courses (training -) relating to law; educational courses relating to finance; courses for the development of consulting skills; personal development training; conducting of business conferences; conducting instructional courses; conducting of courses relating to business administration; conducting of courses relating to business management; conducting educational workshops in the field of business; conducting of educational courses; conducting of educational courses relating to business; conducting of educational courses relating to business management; conducting of educational courses in science; conducting training seminars for clients; teacher training services; business mentoring services; provision of education courses relating to telecommunications; organisation of educational events; organisation of training; organisation of conferences relating to vocational training; organisation of computer related training courses; organisation of guided educational tours; organising of meetings in the field of education; organising of educational games; organisation of training courses; organisation of teaching activities; personnel training; staff training services; know-how transfer [training]; perceptual teaching services; practical training [demonstration]; production of course materials for distribution at lectures for managers; production of course materials for distribution at courses for managers; production of course materials for distribution at seminars for managers; production of course materials for distribution at lectures for professionals; production of course materials for distribution at courses for professionals; production of course materials for distribution at seminars for professionals; production and rental of educational and instructional materials; professional consultancy relating to education; recreation and training services; consultancy services relating to training; consultancy relating to vocational skills training; educational advisory services; advisory services relating to education; schools for wine waiters; school services; dissemination of educational material; technical training relating to geotechnics; technical training relating to industrial risk; information relating to education provided via telephone; organisation of educational award ceremonies; providing computer-delivered educational testing and assessments; providing educational demonstrations; provision of educational examinations; providing of further training courses; providing of continuous training courses; provision of information and preparation of progress reports relating to education and training; providing information about online education; providing of information relating to continuing education via the internet; provision of online training; writing training courses; providing online courses of instruction; provision of facilities for tuition; provision of training via a global computer network; provision of educational information; provision of education courses; providing courses of instruction at college level; providing courses of instruction at high school level; providing online training seminars; vocational training courses (provision of -); providing courses of instruction at post-graduate level; services for arranging teaching programmes; computer training services; services for setting up data processing teaching programs; commercial training services; technological education services; staff training services relating to the retail trade; education services relating to nutrition; vocational training services; educational assessment services; educational institute services; training of personnel in food technology; training relating to data processing techniques; exercise classes; courses (training -) relating to banking; courses (training -) relating to finance; courses (training -) relating to engineering; courses (training -) relating to management; courses (training -) relating to accountancy; courses (training -) relating to research and development; courses (training -) relating to science; tuition in data processing; teaching services for communication skills; tuition in accounts; tuition in management; tuition in law; teaching and training in business, industry and information technology; educating at senior high schools; teaching at elementary schools; teaching at junior high schools; adult education services relating to environmental issues; education services relating to the use of computers in business; education services relating to computer systems; educational services relating to sales training; education services relating to the application of computer systems; education services relating to the application of computer software; educational services relating to oenology; education services in the nature of courses at the university level; educating at university or colleges; management education services; education in the field of computing; education services relating to banking; educational services provided by a school; education services provided by television programmes; educational and teaching services; educational instruction; teaching services relating to business assistance; university services; university education services; providing computer assisted courses of instruction; providing on-line information and news in the field of employment training; providing facilities for educational purposes; provision of instruction relating to data processing; provision of facilities for education; provision of training facilities; educational establishments providing courses of instruction (services of -); provision of education on-line from a computer database or via the internet or extranets; vocational skills training (provision of -); training in the operation of computer programs; training services relating to computer systems; training relating to computer techniques; training relating to sales; sales training services; sales personnel training services; adult training; training in public relations; training in the use of data processing programs; training in the design of software systems; training in the development of software systems; education in the field of data processing; training in the field of communication technologies; training in the field of advertising; training in business management; political debate training and coaching; political speech training and coaching; education and training relating to nature conservation and the environment; education and training in the field of electronic data processing; training relating to employment opportunities; providing of training, teaching and tuition; education and training services in relation to business management; educational and training programs in the field of risk management; academies [education]; education academy services; provision of educational examinations and tests; educational research; education information; education courses relating to automation; educational courses relating to insurance; residential education courses; courses (training -) relating to customer services; educational testing; education advisory services relating to accountancy; educational seminars; educational seminars relating to investigative procedures; training services concerned with the use of computer software; education services relating to conservation; education services relating to the agricultural industry; educational services for providing courses of instruction; educational services relating to zoology; educational services relating to the conservation of nature; training services relating to design; training services relating to management consultancy; educational services for providing courses of education; manufacturing training services; education services relating to vocational training; education services for managerial staff; education services for imparting data processing teaching methods; education services provided by radio; educational services in the nature of coaching; educational services in the nature of correspondence courses; educational services in the nature of correspondence schools; education services in the form of music television programmes; education services relating to business training; education services relating to design; education services relating to industry; educational services relating to management; education services relating to commerce; education services relating to communication skills; education services relating to customer satisfaction; education services relating to modelling; education services relating to water; education services relating to water pollution; education services relating to water management; education services relating to water safety; education services relating to quality services; education services relating to quantum computing; educational services provided by colleges; educational services provided by senior high schools; educational services provided by institutes of higher education; educational services provided by institutes of further education; educational services provided by universities; educational services provided for children; educational services provided for teachers of children; training services provided via simulators; education services provided by television; development of educational courses and examinations; arranging award ceremonies relating to education; educational certification services in the nature of awarding services; developing educational manuals; development of educational materials; further education; postgraduate training courses; postgraduate training courses relating to engineering technology; plant exhibitions; wine tastings [educational services]; wine tasting events for educational purposes; adult education services relating to auditing; adult education services relating to law; adult education services relating to finance; adult education services relating to management; adult education services relating to banking; adult education services relating to commerce; workshops for training purposes; workshops for educational purposes; vocational skills training; career counselling and coaching; vocational education and training services.
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Scientific and technological services; scientific and technology services; computer aided industrial research services; computer aided scientific analysis services; computer aided scientific research services; computerised food analysis services; design and development of industrial products; design and development of consumer products; design and development of engineering products; preparation of maps in digital form; preparation of project analysis studies; industrial research services; technical research services; research and development of new products for others; product research and development services; development of industrial processes; industrial analysis services; industrial research; cartography services; mapping services; consultancy services in the field of technological development; consultancy in the field of energy-saving; consultancy services relating to geotechnics; telecommunications technology consultancy; computer technology consultancy; consultancy in the field of scientific research; consultancy in the field of industrial research; consultancy services relating to technological research; professional consultancy relating to the conservation of energy; professional consultancy relating to marine technology; professional consultancy relating to technology; professional advisory services relating to food technology; technological consultancy relating to fluid dynamics; professional consulting services and advice about agricultural chemistry; advisory services relating to the use of energy; advisory services relating to energy efficiency; advisory services relating to technological research; consultancy relating to technological services in the field of power and energy supply; advisory services relating to science; advisory services relating to scientific research; technical project studies in the field of carbon offsetting; technical design; technical research; technical research in the field of carbon offsetting; technical consultancy relating to product development; technical data analysis services; conducting of technical feasibility studies; technical inspection services; technological consulting services in the field of alternative energy generation; technical advice in connection with energy-saving measures; technological services relating to manufacture; technical writing; technical writing for others; technological analysis services; technological design services; technological consultancy; technological services; providing technological information about environmentally-conscious and green innovations; providing technical advice relating to energy-saving measures; providing scientific and technological information; preparation of reports relating to scientific research; preparation of technological research reports; preparation of scientific reports; preparation of technological reports; preparation of technical studies; preparation of reports relating to technical research; provision of scientific information; conducting of scientific experiments; development of new technology for others; development of new products; development of testing methods; scientific research; scientific research and analysis; scientific research conducted using databases; scientific and industrial research; scientific and technological design; scientific design services; scientific testing services; scientific and technological services; scientific services; scientific services and design relating thereto; scientific services and research relating thereto; design and development of testing and analysis methods; design planning; provision of information relating to industrial design; preparation of reports relating to industrial design; creating and designing website-based indexes of information for others [information technology services]; design of information systems relating to management; designing feasibility studies on designs; database design and development; design and development of networks; web site design and creation services; designing and developing webpages on the internet; design services relating to the development of computerised information processing systems; digitization of documents; services for the digitalization of maps; digitalization of sound and images; document data transfer from one computer format to another; scanning of images; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; compression of data for electronic storage; conversion of texts to digital format; cross-platform conversion of digital content into other forms of digital content; conversion of images from physical to electronic media; services for reproducing computer programs; data storage via blockchain; online data storage; computerised business information storage; computer services concerning electronic data storage; digital distributed storage; electronic data storage; electronic storage of images; electronic storage of digital images; electronic storage of digital photographs; electronic storage of digital audio files; electronic storage of digital video files; electronic storage of documents; electronic storage of files and documents; electronic storage of photographs; electronic storage of audio files; hosting services, software as a service, and rental of software; electronic data back-up; fog computing; hosting of interactive applications; hosting of communication platforms on the internet; hosting of multimedia content for others; hosting of computerized data, files, applications and information; hosting of digital content on the internet; hosting of databases; hosting of digital content; hosting an online website for creating and hosting micro websites for businesses; hosting multimedia educational content; hosting of transaction platforms on the internet; infrastructure as a service [iaas]; interactive hosting services which allow the users to publish and share their own content and images online; data warehousing; leasing of computer software for reading a data base of price quotes; cloud storage services for electronic data; cloud storage services for electronic files; cloud computing; software as a service [saas]; software as a service [saas] featuring software for deep neural networks; software as a service [saas] featuring software for deep learning; software as a service [saas] featuring software for machine learning; software as a service [saas] services featuring software for machine learning, deep learning and deep neural networks; platform as a service [paas]; platform as a service [paas] featuring software platforms for transmission of images, audio-visual content, video content and messages; platforms for artificial intelligence as software as a service [saas]; platforms for graphic design as software as a service [saas]; off-site data backup; temporary electronic storage of information and data; providing artificial intelligence computer programs on data networks; providing computer facilities for the electronic storage of digital data; providing electronic memory space on the internet; providing online non-downloadable software for use in supply chain management; providing online non-downloadable software for use in communication; providing on-line non-downloadable software for database management; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software; providing temporary use of non-downloadable software applications accessible via a website; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for database management; providing temporary use of non-downloadable software; providing temporary use of non-downloadable software to enable sharing of multimedia content and comments among users; providing temporary use of non-downloadable software to enable content providers to track multimedia content; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software; providing temporary use of non-downloadable interactive entertainment software; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable investment software; providing temporary use of non-downloadable software for analyzing financial data and generating reports; providing temporary use of non-downloadable business software; providing temporary use of non-downloadable software applications accessible via a web site; providing temporary use of web-based software; providing temporary use of web-based applications; providing search engines for the internet; providing search engines for obtaining data on a global computer network; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for tracking freight over computer networks, intranets and the internet; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for tracking packages over computer networks, intranets and the internet; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for preparing shipping documents over computer networks, intranets and the internet; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for use in the creation and publication of on-line journals and blogs; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software for shipment processing over computer networks, intranets and the internet; providing temporary use of non-downloadable computer software; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for the management of data; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for the transmission of data; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for the transmission of information; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for the management of information; providing virtual computer environments through cloud computing; providing virtual computer systems through cloud computing; providing online, non-downloadable software; rental of data processing programs; rental of computer software; rental of computer software and programs; rental of computer programs; rental of memory space on servers for hosting electronic bulletin boards; rental of computer database software; rental of database management software; rental of software for data processing; rental of financial management software; rental of computer software, data processing equipment and computer peripheral devices; rental and maintenance of computer software; computer hardware development; computer programming for data duplication and conversion, data coding services being computer programming; biological research; biological research and analysis; biological analysis; biological development services; biotechnological research relating to agriculture; biotechnological research relating to horticulture; biotechnological research relating to industry; research relating to cultivation in agriculture; research relating to animal husbandry; research relating to cultivation in horticulture; research relating to biotechnology; conducting of scientific studies; feasibility studies relating to material analysis; biology consultancy; consultancy relating to biotechnology; analysis of materials; environmental monitoring services; providing information in the field of plant genetics research resources; provision of information concerning research and technical project studies relating to the use of natural energy; providing scientific information in the field of global warming; providing scientific information in the fields of climate change and global warming; providing scientific information in the field of climate change; scientific analysis; analysis and evaluation of product development; analysis and evaluation of product design; analysis of product design; analysis of product development; certification services for the energy efficiency of buildings; certification of educational services; certification [quality control]; authentication of pictures; computer aided diagnostic testing services; computer aided industrial testing; computer aided scientific testing; computer aided testing services; design and testing for new product development; conducting of quality control tests; industrial testing; industrial testing of engineering works; engineering testing; engineering consultancy relating to testing; inspection of fisheries; inspection of agriculture; inspection of foodstuffs; inspection of goods for quality control; consultancy services relating to quality control; quality assurance consultancy; quality assessment; quality audits; quality control; quality control of building materials; quality control of soil products; quality control of raw materials; quality control of services; product quality control testing; quality control of goods and services; quality control for others; quality checking and testing; quality control and authentication services; quality checking; quality testing of products for certification purposes; environmental testing and inspection services; environmental testing of exhaust emissions; environmental testing; process monitoring for quality assurance; product quality testing; product testing; testing, analysis and evaluation of the goods of others for the purpose of certification; testing, analysis and evaluation of the services of others for the purpose of certification; testing, analysis and evaluation of the goods and services of others for the purpose of certification; development of measuring and testing methods; evaluation of product design; product quality evaluation; evaluation of product development; authentication services; scientific risk assessment; computer aided industrial analysis services; design and development of regenerative energy generation systems; preparation of technological reports; expert opinion relating to technology; research and development of new products; research and development of new products for others; research and development in the field of biotechnology; industrial process research; research relating to waste analysis; research of foodstuffs; research of fisheries; industrial analysis and research services; information services relating to the safety of manures used in horticulture; information services relating to the safety of fertilisers used in agriculture; information services relating to the safety of fertilisers used in forestry; information services relating to the safety of fertilisers used in horticulture; agricultural research; air flow measurement services; air flow particle counting services; mathematical research services; greenhouse gas emission measuring and analysis; measurement services; monitoring of commercial and industrial sites for detection of volatile and non-volatile organic compounds; monitoring of events which influence the environment within buildings; monitoring of events which influence the environment within civil engineering structures; monitoring of contaminated land; professional consultancy relating to energy efficiency in buildings; services for monitoring industrial processes; recording data relating to energy consumption in buildings; technological services and research relating thereto; providing scientific research information and results from an online searchable database; providing information about industrial analysis and research services; provision of information relating to technological research; providing on-line information in the field of technological research from a computer database or the internet; providing online information about industrial analysis and research services; provision of scientific information, advice and consultancy in relation to carbon offsetting; services for the provision of technological information; provision of information relating to scientific research; conducting research and technical project studies relating to the use of natural energy; conducting sampling and analysis services to assess pollution levels; conducting sampling and analysis services to check for contamination; technical measuring services; quality evaluation services; computer analysis; data mining; computer programming services for the analysis of data; computer design and development services for the analysis of data; design of data processing apparatus; design of data storage systems; analytical services relating to computer programmes; building and maintaining websites; design of home pages; homepage and webpage design; design of information systems relating to finance; design of software for multimedia data storing and recalling; design and creation of homepages and web pages; design and updating of home pages and web pages; design and creation of homepages and internet pages; design and writing of computer software; design and creation of web sites for others; design and development of computer database programs; design and development of data processing software; research and consultancy services relating to computer software; research, development, design and upgrading of computer software; installation and customisation of computer applications software; installation and maintenance of database software; installation and maintenance of computer programs; installation, setting up and maintenance of computer software; installation, repair and maintenance of computer software; installation and actualisation of programs for data processing; installation, maintenance, repair and servicing of computer software; installation, maintenance, updating and upgrading of computer software; design and development of data processing programs; writing of computer programs; programming of software for database management; programming of edp software; programming of educational software; software engineering; advisory services relating to the use of computer software; compilation of data-processing programs; creating of computer programs; creating and maintaining websites; creating and maintaining web sites for others; creating and maintaining computer sites (web sites) for others; creating, maintaining and hosting the websites of others; writing of programs for data processing; technological advisory services relating to computer programs; computer software technical support services; providing information, advice and consultancy services in the field of computer software; computer systems integration services; internet web site design services; design of computer databases; maintenance of database software; updating of software for data processing; updating and adapting of computer programs according to user requirements; updating and maintenance of computer software and programs; developing and updating computer software; updating and upgrading of computer software; provision of information relating to computer programs; creation of computer programmes for data processing; design of information systems; designing of data processing programmes; computer software design; design of software for processing and distribution of multimedia contents; design of virtual reality software; design of games; website design; design of web pages; creating web pages for others; creating and designing web pages for others; designing and implementing web sites for others; design and maintenance of web sites for others; software design and development; design and development of software in the field of mobile applications; design, creation, hosting and maintenance of websites for others; design, maintenance and updating of computer software; design, maintenance, rental and updating of computer software; design, development and implementation of software; development of computer software application solutions; development of data bases; development of computer database software; creating programmes for data processing; development of data processing programs by order of third parties; development of computer platforms; development of computer codes; development of data programs; development of computer programs for analysis of exhaust gas emissions; software development; development of programmes for data processing; development of software for multimedia data storing and recalling; development of software for processing and distribution of multimedia contents; development of computer software for logistics, supply chain management and e-business portals; development of virtual reality software; website development services; website development for others; development and testing of software; development and maintenance of computer software; development and maintenance of computer database software; development and creation of computer programmes for data processing; development, design and updating of home pages.
Class 045
Personal & Legal & Social Services
Legal investigation services; consultation in relation to data protection compliance; industrial property consultancy; arbitration services; mediation in legal procedures; intellectual property consultancy services for universities and research institutions; intellectual property consultancy services for non-profit organisations; providing expert legal opinions; providing information about legal services via a website; provision of expert legal opinions; legal information services; legal document preparation services; preparation of legal reports in the field of human rights; providing information on issues concerning human rights; political campaign consulting; lobbying services, other than for commercial purposes; organization of political meetings; political research and analysis; political consulting; political lobbying services; political services; advisory services relating to regulatory affairs; consultancy relating to the protection of geographical indications; arbitration, mediation and dispute resolution services; political information services; political communications services; preparation of regulations being legal services; legal advisory services relating to the preparation of standards; security assessment of risks; legal services.
Image analyzers; digital indicators; instruments for analysing photogr...
on 21 Mar 2022
1000074946 ONTARIO INC.
2173946 · 21 Mar 2022
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Education, education materials (books), education seminars
Education, education materials (books), education seminars
on 26 Jan 2024
2210984 · 21 Mar 2022
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Ordinateurs; ordinateurs quantiques; matériel informatique; logiciels; ordinateurs destinés à la gestion de données; matériel informatique pour le développement d'applications; logiciels informatiques pour l'exécution de programmes de développement et de programmes d'application dans un environnement de développement commun; matériel informatique et logiciels informatiques pour l'informatique en nuage; matériel informatique et logiciels informatiques pour l'informatique cognitive; matériel informatique et logiciels pour l'intégration de l'intelligence artificielle et de l'apprentissage automatique dans le domaine des mégadonnées; matériel informatique et logiciels informatiques pour la technologie de chaîne de blocs (blockchain); matériel informatique et logiciels pour l'exploration de données de chaînes de blocs; logiciels informatiques pour les transferts entre chaînes de blocs; logiciels informatiques pour interagir avec des plateformes de chaînes de blocs; logiciels, à savoir: chaîne de blocs de cryptomonnaies pour le partage entre pairs de données financières; logiciels téléchargeables pour la production de portefeuilles de cryptomonnaies basés sur la chaîne de blocs permettant aux consommateurs de gagner, d'utiliser et d'échanger des jetons non fongibles pour faciliter les transactions commerciales; matériel informatique quantique; trousses de développement de logiciels quantiques; logiciels informatiques dans le domaine de l'informatique quantique; dispositifs de stockage de données, à savoir bandes magnétiques; dispositifs de stockage de données, à savoir unités de bande magnétique pour ordinateurs; circuits imprimés; circuits intégrés; claviers d'ordinateurs; équipement de traitement de données, à savoir: coupleurs; écrans vidéo; numériseurs informatiques; imprimantes d'ordinateurs; cartes d'interface informatique; cartes d'interface informatique; microprocesseurs; modems; moniteurs d'ordinateurs; mémoires informatiques; unités centrales de traitement; adaptateurs d'alimentation pour ordinateurs; adaptateur de carte informatique; adaptateurs de réseau informatique; composants électroniques pour ordinateurs; matériel informatique pour le traitement de données et la gestion d'informations; semi-conducteurs; enregistreurs à bande; machines à calculer, nommément calculatrices; Caisses enregistreuses; télécopieurs; magnétoscopes; cassette vidéo; puces informatiques; cartes de circuits imprimés; serveurs informatiques; serveurs cloud; matériel informatique pour serveurs d'accès réseau; serveurs de réseau de stockage informatique (SAN); serveurs de messagerie électronique; serveurs Internet; serveurs intranet; serveurs de télécopie en réseau; serveurs de réseau; étuis de transport pour ordinateurs; cartes d'interface informatique; câbles informatiques et pièces de câbles informatiques; cartes modem pour télécopieur informatique; filtres pour écrans d'ordinateurs; filtres optiques pour écrans; tapis de souris; téléavertisseurs radio; manettes d'ordinateur; convertisseurs d'énergie électrique; souris d'ordinateur; cartes à circuits intégrés codées; cartes de circuits intégrés vierges; cartes à puce vierges; cartes d'identité à puce; adaptateurs de cartes informatiques; adaptateurs de réseau informatique; lecteurs pour cartes à circuits intégrés et cartes à puce; micro-ordinateurs; alimentations électriques; alimentations sans interruption; alimentations à découpage haute fréquence; télécommandes pour ordinateurs; parasurtenseurs; terminaux de point de vente; serveurs informatiques; dispositifs de stockage informatique, à savoir: sous-systèmes de stockage à grande vitesse pour le stockage et la sauvegarde de données électroniques localement ou via un réseau de télécommunication; programmes informatiques et logiciels informatiques enregistrés et téléchargeables; programmes d'exploitation informatiques; logiciels de jeux vidéo; systèmes d'exploitation informatiques; logiciels de système d'exploitation informatique; programmes enregistrés d'exploitation d'ordinateurs; logiciels informatiques destinés à fournir un accès multi-utilisateur à un réseau informatique mondial d'informations; logiciels de commerce électronique permettant aux utilisateurs d'effectuer des transactions commerciales électroniques via un réseau informatique mondial; programmes informatiques pour la gestion de documents; logiciels informatiques pour la gestion de bases de données; logiciels informatiques utilisés pour localiser, récupérer et recevoir du texte, des documents électroniques et des images sur des réseaux informatiques internes à l'échelle de l'entreprise et des réseaux informatiques mondiaux locaux et étendus; programmes informatiques pour connecter des ordinateurs entre eux et pour permettre l'informatique sur un réseau informatique mondial; matériel informatique pour télécommunications; logiciels informatiques utilisés pour le développement de logiciels et la création de sites Web et manuels d'utilisation sous forme électronique vendus comme un tout avec ceux-ci; kits de développement de logiciels (SDK); logiciels de développement de sites Web; logiciels informatiques pour la création et la conception de sites Web; manuels d'utilisation d'ordinateurs sous forme électronique; logiciels informatiques pour le contrôle du fonctionnement et de l'exécution de systèmes, programmes et réseaux informatiques; programmes informatiques pour la connexion à des ordinateurs distants et à des réseaux informatiques; logiciels de communication pour la connexion de réseaux informatiques mondiaux; logiciels de communication pour connecter des utilisateurs de réseaux informatiques; logiciels pour la gestion de matériel informatique, de logiciels et de processus qui existent dans un environnement de technologies de l'information, nommément pour l'analyse de données, l'intelligence artificielle, l'apprentissage automatique, la gestion de documents et la gestion de bases de données; systèmes informatiques combinant matériel informatique et logiciels pour la gestion et l'analyse de données et manuels d'instructions numériques vendus comme un tout avec ces produits; système informatique en nuage, nommément matériel informatique et logiciels d'intégration de réseau pour l'approvisionnement dynamique, la virtualisation et la mesure de la consommation de ressources informatiques; logiciels informatiques pour connecter des ordinateurs et pour permettre l'informatique en nuage; logiciels informatiques utilisés pour l'exécution d'applications basées sur l'informatique en nuage; logiciels informatiques pour la gestion et l'automatisation d'infrastructures d'informatique en nuage; logiciels d'informatique en nuage enregistrés ou téléchargeables pour le déploiement et la gestion de machines virtuelles sur une plateforme d'informatique en nuage; logiciels d'apprentissage automatique pour programmes informatiques de réseaux neuronaux profonds; logiciels d'apprentissage automatique utilisés dans des programmes de traitement du langage informatique; logiciels informatiques pour l'évaluation et l'analyse de données utilisant l'apprentissage automatique; logiciels d'intelligence artificielle et d'apprentissage automatique; systèmes informatiques, nommément matériel informatique et logiciels pour l'intégration du traitement du langage naturel (PNL), de la linguistique computationnelle (CL), de la recherche d'informations (IR) et de l'apprentissage automatique (ML), capables de comprendre les requêtes humaines générales et de formuler des réponses; logiciels informatiques pour l'évaluation et l'analyse de données utilisant la linguistique informatique; logiciels pour le développement, la création et l'exploitation d'applications de chaînes de blocs grand public; matériel informatique et logiciels pour le développement et l'essai d'algorithmes quantiques, à savoir: matériel informatique et logiciels pour aider les développeurs à créer des codes de programme à utiliser dans de multiples programmes d'application; systèmes d'exploitation téléchargeables pour ordinateurs quantiques; manuels d'utilisation d'ordinateurs sous forme électronique; publications électroniques, à savoir: manuels d'instructions et guides d'utilisation enregistrés sur des supports lisibles par machine; publications électroniques, à savoir: manuels d'utilisation, guides, brochures, fiches d'information, présentations écrites et manuels d'instructions, tous dans les domaines des logiciels, des ordinateurs, du matériel de système informatique, des systèmes informatiques, du matériel de réseau, des télécommunications, de l'intelligence artificielle, de l'informatique en nuage, technologie de chaîne de blocs, informatique quantique et programmation quantique, traitement de texte, gestion de bases de données, équipement multimédia et de divertissement, commerce électronique, transactions commerciales électroniques via un réseau informatique mondial, services de conseil aux entreprises, services informatiques et technologie informatique.
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Publicité, à savoir: promotion des produits et des services de tiers; consultation en gestion d'entreprise; services de renseignements commerciaux dans le domaine de la gestion des affaires; distribution de prospectus; distribution d'échantillons; organisation d'abonnements à des journaux pour des tiers; comptabilité; reproduction de documents; systématisation de données dans des bases de données informatiques; services de traitement de données dans les domaines des ordinateurs, des logiciels, du matériel informatique, des systèmes informatiques, du matériel réseau, des télécommunications, de l'intelligence artificielle, de l'informatique en nuage, de la technologie de la chaîne de blocs, de l'informatique quantique et de la programmation quantique, du traitement de texte, de la gestion de bases de données, de l'équipement multimédia et de divertissement, commerce électronique, transactions commerciales électroniques via un réseau informatique mondial, services de conseil aux entreprises, services informatiques et technologie informatique; gestion de base de données; organisation d'expositions à des fins commerciales et publicitaires d'une variété de produits et services pour des tiers; services de conseil aux entreprises; services de développement de stratégies commerciales; analyse de données et de statistiques d'études de marché; services de traitement de données informatiques pour l'intelligence artificielle; services de traitement de données informatiques pour l'informatique cognitive; services de traitement de données informatiques pour l'informatique en nuage; services de traitement de données informatiques pour la technologie de chaines de blocs; services de traitement de données informatiques pour la gestion d'informations; services de traitement de données informatiques pour l'informatique quantique et la programmation quantique; organisation et tenue de salons professionnels dans les domaines des ordinateurs, des logiciels, du matériel informatique, des systèmes informatiques, du matériel réseau, des télécommunications, de l'intelligence artificielle, de l'informatique en nuage, de la technologie des chaînes de blocs, de l'informatique quantique et de la programmation quantique, du traitement de texte, de la gestion de bases de données, du multimédia et équipements de divertissement, commerce électronique, transactions commerciales électroniques via un réseau informatique mondial, services de conseil aux entreprises, services informatiques et technologie informatique; services de consultation en affaires pour des systèmes informatiques qui intègrent le traitement du langage naturel (TLN), la linguistique computationnelle (CL), la recherche d'information (RI) et l'apprentissage automatique (ML), qui sont capables de comprendre les requêtes humaines générales et de formuler des réponses; services de consultation commerciale pour entreprises en matière d'intelligence artificielle; services de consultation commerciale pour entreprises concernant l'informatique en nuage; services de consultation en affaires pour les entreprises concernant la technologie de la chaîne de blocs; services de consultation en affaires pour entreprises concernant l'informatique quantique, la programmation quantique ainsi que pour le développement et l'essai d'algorithmes quantiques; services de consultation commerciale pour entreprises en matière de technologies de l'information; analyse et compilation de données commerciales dans les domaines des ordinateurs, des logiciels, du matériel informatique, des systèmes informatiques, du matériel de réseau, des télécommunications, de l'intelligence artificielle, de l'informatique en nuage, de la technologie des chaînes de blocs, de l'informatique quantique et de la programmation quantique, du traitement de texte, de la gestion de bases de données, de l'équipement en multimédia et en divertissement, commerce électronique, transactions commerciales électroniques via un réseau informatique mondial, services de conseil aux entreprises, services informatiques et technologie informatique.
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Programmation informatique; Services de logiciel en tant que service (SaaS) proposant des logiciels de gestion de données; services de logiciels en tant que service (SaaS) proposant des logiciels pour l'informatique en nuage; services de logiciels en tant que service (SaaS) proposant des logiciels pour l'intelligence artificielle; services de logiciels en tant que service (SaaS) proposant des logiciels pour l'informatique cognitive; services de logiciels en tant que service (SaaS) proposant des logiciels pour la technologie de chaine de blocs; services de logiciels en tant que service (SaaS) proposant des logiciels pour l'informatique quantique et la programmation quantique; services de logiciel en tant que service (SaaS) proposant des logiciels pour la construction, l'analyse et l'exécution de programmes quantiques et d'algorithmes quantiques; services de logiciels en tant que service (SaaS) proposant des logiciels pour développer et tester des algorithmes quantiques; services de programmation informatique et de conseil informatique pour l'intelligence artificielle; services de programmation informatique et de conseil informatique pour l'informatique cognitive; services de programmation informatique et de conseil informatique de gestion de l'information; services de programmation informatique et conseil informatique pour la gestion des données; services de programmation informatique et de conseil informatique pour l'informatique en nuage (cloud computing); services de programmation informatique et de conseil informatique pour la technologie de chaine de blocs; services de programmation informatique et de conseil informatique pour l'informatique quantique; services de programmation informatique et de conseil informatique pour les logiciels en tant que service (SaaS); conception, installation, mise à jour et entretien de logiciels; conception de logiciels et de matériels informatiques pour le compte de tiers, et services de conseils dans le domaine des ordinateurs; services d'assistance technique, à savoir résolution de problèmes de programmes et logiciels informatiques; services informatiques, à savoir, conception, création et maintenance de sites web pour le compte de tiers; analyse de systèmes informatiques, intégration de bases de données et de réseaux informatiques, programmation d'ordinateurs pour le compte de tiers toutes destinées à des interactions commerciales sur des réseaux informatiques mondiaux; conception de systèmes d'interconnexion d'ordinateurs et de logiciels, à savoir, raccordement électronique d'ordinateurs et de logiciels entre eux; services de test de programme d'ordinateur (logiciel) et de matériel informatique (contrôle de qualité et contrôle technique); études de projets techniques dans le domaine du matériel informatique et des logiciels; conseils informatiques en matière de matériel informatique, à savoir conseils en matière de recherche et développement informatique; conseils et assistance informatiques concernant l'utilisation d'Internet; location d'ordinateurs et de logiciels; recherche scientifique et industrielle, à savoir recherche et développement de nouveaux produits, recherches biologiques, recherches en bactériologie, recherches en chimie, recherches en cosmétologie, recherche en mécanique, recherches géologiques recherches techniques, recherche pharmaceutique, recherche scientifique à buts médicaux; services de technologies de l'information; services d'intégration de systèmes informatiques; services de conseil en matière de conception, sélection, implémentation et utilisation de systèmes d'ordinateurs et de logiciels pour des tiers; services d'assistance technique, à savoir diagnostic de problèmes de matériel informatique et de programmes d'ordinateurs; services de conception de systèmes informatiques pour des tiers; conception de systèmes d'interconnexion d'ordinateurs et de programmes d'ordinateurs, à savoir, intégration de systèmes informatiques et de réseaux informatiques; services de test de programmes d'ordinateurs et de matériel informatique, à savoir, test de logiciels, d'ordinateurs et de serveurs afin d'en assurer le bon fonctionnement; services pour l'informatique en nuage (cloud computing), à savoir services intégrés de matériel informatique et de logiciels réseau pour la fourniture dynamique, la virtualisation et la mesure de consommation de ressources informatiques; fourniture de systèmes informatiques virtuels et d'environnements informatiques virtuels par le biais de l'informatique en nuage; conception et développement de logiciels pour le stockage en nuage de données; services de fournisseurs d'hébergement en nuage informatique (cloud computing); services de stockage de données électroniques et de récupération de données; service de sécurisation des données; services d'assistance informatique rendus par des informaticiens; conception de matériels informatiques pour réseaux informatiques; services d'assistance technique, à savoir résolution de problème de matériels informatiques.
Ordinateurs; ordinateurs quantiques; matériel informatique; logiciels;...
on 6 Feb 2024
2214808 · 18 Mar 2022
Class 011
Environmental Control Instrument Products lighting heating cooling cooking
Appareils et installations de chauffage, de ventilation, de climatisation et de purification de l'air; appareils et installations de climatisation; appareils de refroidissement et appareils frigorifiques; séchoirs (appareils), appareils à accumulation de chaleur, installations de filtrage d'air, filtres à air pour la climatisation; filtres à air pour installations de climatisation et usage ménager et installations industrielles; humidificateurs d'air; appareils d'humidification de l'air; déshumidificateurs (sécheurs d'air); sécheurs d'air; appareils et installations de ventilation; installations de récupération de chaleur; récupérateurs de chaleur; échangeurs thermiques; ventilateurs pour échangeurs thermiques; échangeurs thermiques autres que parties de machines; pompes à chaleur; réservoirs d'eau chaude; réservoirs d'eau sous pression; pièces et composants des produits susmentionnés relevant de cette classe.
Appareils et installations de chauffage, de ventilation, de climatisat...
on 7 Mar 2024
2173529 · 17 Mar 2022
Class 036
Insurance & Financial Services
Electronic transfer of money; international remittance services; money transfer; money transfer services; money wiring services
Electronic transfer of money; international remittance services; money...
on 4 Apr 2024
2859620 ONTARIO INC.
2173553 · 17 Mar 2022
Class 010
Medical Instrument Products
Ankle braces for medical purposes; elbow braces for medical purposes; kinesiology tapes; knee braces; orthopaedic braces
Class 028
Toys and Sporting Goods Products
Exercise resistance bands
Class 044
Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services
Chiropractic; massage services; physiotherapy
Ankle braces for medical purposes; elbow braces for medical purposes; ...
2213003 · 16 Mar 2022
Class 010
Medical Instrument Products
Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; apparatus for achieving physical fitness (for medical use); apparatus for orthopaedic purposes; apparatus for physiotherapeutic treatment; articles for exercising the body (for medical purposes); chemically activated hot and cold gel packs for therapeutic purposes; hot and cold compresses for therapeutic purposes; therapeutic hot and cold compression wraps; heat therapy apparatus and instruments; heat pads and heat packs for therapeutic purposes; medical and therapeutic apparatus and instruments; medical and therapeutic apparatus for use in the treatment of injuries; medical and therapeutic apparatus, devices and instruments for the treatment of pain, stiffness, pressure and soreness; apparatus, devices and instruments for medical rehabilitation; muscle therapy apparatus, devices and instruments; instruments for patient rehabilitation; apparatus for the therapeutic stimulation of the body and muscles; body rehabilitation apparatus for medical purposes; therapeutic apparatus for physical exercise for rehabilitation; massage apparatus for medical rehabilitative purposes; condoms; massage apparatus, instruments and appliances; vaginal syringes; gloves for massage; massage balls; massage mitts; electric massage appliances, namely, electric vibrating massager; massaging apparatus for personal use; massagers for intimate areas; massagers for sexual stimulation; foot massage apparatus; sex toys; sex dolls; adult sexual stimulation aids; vibrators; dildos; clitoris stimulators; artificial vaginas; prostate stimulators; artificial penises; penis enlargers; penis rings; anal plugs; adult sexual stimulation aids, being gags, cuffs, ties, paddles, and floggers; kegel balls (terms too vague in the opinion of the International Bureau - Rule 13 (2) (b) of the Regulations); kegel trainers (terms too vague in the opinion of the International Bureau - Rule 13 (2) (b) of the Regulations); vaginal dilators; parts, fittings and accessories for the aforesaid goods.
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Advertising and marketing services; providing advertisements for goods and services, via a website; retail and wholesale services in relation to massage apparatus, instruments and appliances, gloves for massage, massage balls, massage mitts, electric massage appliances, massaging apparatus for personal use, foot massage apparatus; retail and wholesale services in relation to sexual health and pleasure goods, being condoms, vaginal syringes, massagers for intimate areas, massagers for sexual stimulation, sex toys, sex dolls, adult sexual stimulation aids, vibrators, dildos, clitoris stimulators, artificial vaginas, prostate stimulators, artificial penises, penis enlargers, penis rings, anal plugs, adult sexual stimulation aids, being gags, cuffs, ties, paddles, and floggers, kegel balls, kegel trainers, vaginal dilators, and parts, fittings and accessories for the aforesaid goods, distribution of advertising material; sales promotion; market research; order fulfilment services; including the provision of the aforesaid on-line via a global communication or other network, the worldwide web, the Internet or an intranet; information, consultancy and advisory services for the foregoing.
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; conducting seminars, lectures and workshops in the fields of weight loss, weight control, nutrition and fitness; provision of information concerning physical fitness via a website and online database; coaching services; organising, arranging, and/or conducting classes, competitions, seminars, workshops, symposiums, conferences, exhibitions (for entertainment or education purposes); gymnasium services; health club services; sports club services; fitness club services; exercise instruction, advisory and training services; sports tuition, coaching and instruction; training courses; coaching services (education and training); arranging and conducting of seminars, conferences, training courses, workshops (training), symposiums; provision of education and training relating to sex and sexual health; production, presentation and distribution of audio, video, still and moving images and data, other than for advertising or transport purposes; organisation, production and presentation of shows, competitions, games, concerts, exhibitions and events (for entertainment or education purposes); information, consultancy and advisory services for the foregoing; including the provision of the aforesaid on-line via a global communication or other network, the worldwide web, the Internet or an intranet.
Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; ap...
The procter & gamble company (72)
Johnson & johnson (27)
The toronto-dominion bank (26)
Unilever canada inc. (21)
Clairol incorporated (20)
L'oreal société anonyme (20)
Canadian imperial bank of commerce (19)
L'oreal (19)
Bayerische motoren werke aktiengesellschaft (18)
Desjardins sécurité financière compagnie d'assurance vie (18)
Class 35 (2292)
Class 9 (2010)
Class 41 (1675)
Class 36 (1540)
Class 3 (1536)
Class 42 (1457)
Class 16 (1209)
Class 5 (1142)
Class 25 (837)
Class 37 (611)
Class 44 (608)
Class 21 (557)
Class 11 (516)
Class 28 (470)
Class 20 (468)
Class 38 (461)
Class 45 (445)
Class 10 (433)
Class 1 (428)
Class 30 (426)
Class 39 (416)
Class 7 (398)
Class 14 (368)
Class 12 (365)
Class 29 (364)
Class 18 (342)
Class 40 (335)
Class 43 (328)
Class 31 (325)
Class 6 (323)
Class 24 (320)
Class 19 (307)
Class 32 (280)
Class 8 (237)
Class 33 (229)
Class 4 (224)
Class 26 (189)
Class 17 (188)
Class 2 (178)
Class 27 (168)
Class 34 (146)
Class 22 (121)
Class 15 (80)
Class 13 (79)
Class 23 (73)
Smart & biggar lp (1417)
Gowling wlg (canada) llp (1000)
Robic agence pi s.E.C./ robic ip agency lp (430)
Borden ladner gervais llp (334)
Marks & clerk (242)
Fasken martineau dumoulin llp (201)
Osler, hoskin & harcourt llp (189)
Norton rose fulbright canada llp/s.E.N.C.R.L.,s.R.L. (162)
Lavery, de billy, llp (148)
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$899 / 1 class + gov fee
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Czech Republic
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Dominican Republic
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
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El Salvador
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Hong Kong (SAR)
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$1499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Madrid Protocol (WIPO)
$1999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Puerto Rico
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Sri Lanka
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
United Republic of Tanzania
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
West Bank, Palestine
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Antigua and Barbuda
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Bosnia and Herzegovina
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Burkina Faso
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
Cabo Verde
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Central African Republic (CAR)
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Cote d'Ivoire
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Equatorial Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
Marshall Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
North Macedonia
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Papua New Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Kitts and Nevis
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Lucia
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
San Marino
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sao Tome and Principe
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sierra Leone
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Solomon Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
South Sudan
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1599 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Trinidad and Tobago
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee