About 365 Trademarks found for “AL*IN”
Mark | Details | Status | Class/Description | |
![]() | ALIMENTS DU QUÉBEC & dessin CONSEIL DE PROMOTION DE L'AGROALIMENTAIRE QUÉBÉCOIS, faisant parfois affaires sous la désignation CPAQ 1987701 30 Sept 2019 | SEARCHED on 21 Jun 2024 | Aliments pour bébé; Pollen d'abeilles comme supplément alimentaire; su... Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Aliments pour bébé; Pollen d'abeilles comme supplément alimentaire; supplément alimentaire pour animaux; Class 020 Class 020 Furniture Products Rayon de miel ... Class 029 Meats and Processed Food Products Gelées comestibles, confitures et marmelades, tartinades à base de fruits, coulis à base de fruits; Beurre d'érable; Beurre au miel; Fruits et légumes surgelés, fruits et légumes en conserve, fruits et légumes séchés, fruits et légumes marinés; fruits et légumes en purée; légumes dans l'huile; tartinades à base de légumes; champignons comestibles séchés; huiles et corps gras alimentaires; légumineuses en conserve; légumineuses sèches; légumes marinés; Marinades épicées; salades préparées; salades de fruits; Salades à base de poisson et de fruits de mer; graines de caméline; noix préparées; poissons et fruits de mer; poissons et fruits de mer congelés Mousses à base de poissons et de fruits de mer; Tartinades à base de poissons et de fruits de mer; lait et produits laitiers; Oeufs; ufs marinés, crème glacée; mélange à fondue au fromage; tofu; Fond préparé pour la cuisine; Viande; Viande en purée; charcuterie nommément saucisses, saucissons, cretons, jambon, bacon, boudin, viande cuite prête à manger, foie gras, mousse à base de viande, pâtés, terrines; tartinades pour sandwich; Hors d' uvre; Soupes et préparations pour soupe; Bouillons et préparations pour faire des bouillons; Consommés; croustilles Class 030 Staple Food Products Pains, biscuits, gâteaux, pâte à cuire, sucre d'érable, confiseries sucrées, sirop d'érable, sirop à base de sirop d'érable, tire d'érable; miel; Plats préparés principalement à base de poisson et de fruits de mer; Plats préparés principalement à base de viande; Plats préparés principalement à base de légumes; barres collations à base de céréales; Farines; Flocons de céréales séchées; desserts glacés; Épices; Marinades; Condiments nommément moutarde, confits de légumes, ketchup, relish; Vinaigres; Herbes pour l'alimentation; vinaigrettes; Mélange à fondue au chocolat; Miel; Sirop d'érable; produits de l'érable nommément sucre granulé à l'érable, tire d'érable; Sucre; Crème glacée; Bases de sauces hollandaises; Préparations pour sauces en poudre; sauces pour pâtes alimentaires Class 031 Natural Agricultural Products Fruits et légumes frais; Champignons comestibles frais; Herbes fraîches; Semences d'avoine, d'orge, de blé et de soya; Class 032 Light Beverage Products Eau en bouteille; Jus; Boissons énergétiques; Tisane; Boissons et jus de fruits; Breuvages à saveur de fruits; Boissons gazeuses; boissons à base de soya Class 033 Wines and Spirits Products Vins; Spiritueux à base de fruits; Bières; Cidres; Hydromel; Spiritueux à base de sirop d'érable; Créments de pommes; Boissons à base de malt; Gins; Kirs; Liqueurs; Sangria; Vermouth; | |
![]() | ALIMENTS DU QUÉBEC BIO & dessin CONSEIL DE PROMOTION DE L'AGROALIMENTAIRE QUÉBÉCOIS, faisant parfois affaires sous la désignation CPAQ 1987703 30 Sept 2019 | SEARCHED on 21 Jun 2024 | Aliments pour bébé; Pollen d'abeilles comme supplément alimentaire; su... Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Aliments pour bébé; Pollen d'abeilles comme supplément alimentaire; supplément alimentaire pour animaux; Class 020 Class 020 Furniture Products Rayon de miel ... Class 029 Meats and Processed Food Products Gelées comestibles, confitures et marmelades, tartinades à base de fruits, coulis à base de fruits; Beurre d'érable; Beurre au miel; Fruits et légumes surgelés, fruits et légumes en conserve, fruits et légumes séchés, fruits et légumes marinés; fruits et légumes en purée; légumes dans l'huile; tartinades à base de légumes; champignons comestibles séchés; huiles et corps gras alimentaires; légumineuses en conserve; légumineuses sèches; légumes marinés; Marinades épicées; salades préparées; salades de fruits; Salades à base de poisson et de fruits de mer; graines de caméline; noix préparées; poissons et fruits de mer; poissons et fruits de mer congelés Mousses à base de poissons et de fruits de mer; Tartinades à base de poissons et de fruits de mer; lait et produits laitiers; Oeufs; ufs marinés, crème glacée; mélange à fondue au fromage; tofu; Fond préparé pour la cuisine; Viande; Viande en purée; charcuterie nommément saucisses, saucissons, cretons, jambon, bacon, boudin, viande cuite prête à manger, foie gras, mousse à base de viande, pâtés, terrines; tartinades pour sandwich; Hors d' uvre; Soupes et préparations pour soupe; Bouillons et préparations pour faire des bouillons; Consommés; croustilles Class 030 Staple Food Products Pains, biscuits, gâteaux, pâte à cuire, sucre d'érable, confiseries sucrées, sirop d'érable, sirop à base de sirop d'érable, tire d'érable; miel; Plats préparés principalement à base de poisson et de fruits de mer; Plats préparés principalement à base de viande; Plats préparés principalement à base de légumes; barres collations à base de céréales; Farines; Flocons de céréales séchées; desserts glacés; Épices; Marinades; Condiments nommément moutarde, confits de légumes, ketchup, relish; Vinaigres; Herbes pour l'alimentation; vinaigrettes; Mélange à fondue au chocolat; Miel; Sirop d'érable; produits de l'érable nommément sucre granulé à l'érable, tire d'érable; Sucre; Crème glacée; Bases de sauces hollandaises; Préparations pour sauces en poudre; sauces pour pâtes alimentaires Class 031 Natural Agricultural Products Fruits et légumes frais; Champignons comestibles frais; Herbes fraîches; Semences d'avoine, d'orge, de blé et de soya; Class 032 Light Beverage Products Eau en bouteille; Jus; Boissons énergétiques; Tisane; Boissons et jus de fruits; Breuvages à saveur de fruits; Boissons gazeuses; boissons à base de soya Class 033 Wines and Spirits Products Vins; Spiritueux à base de fruits; Bières; Cidres; Hydromel; Spiritueux à base de sirop d'érable; Créments de pommes; Boissons à base de malt; Gins; Kirs; Liqueurs; Sangria; Vermouth; | |
![]() | ALIMENTS PRÉPARÉS AU QUÉBEC BIO & dessin CONSEIL DE PROMOTION DE L'AGROALIMENTAIRE QUÉBÉCOIS, faisant parfois affaires sous la désignation CPAQ 1987702 30 Sept 2019 | SEARCHED on 21 Jun 2024 | Aliments pour bébé; Pastilles pour la gorge; poudres protéinées de sub... Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Aliments pour bébé; Pastilles pour la gorge; poudres protéinées de substituts de repas comme complément alimentaire Class 029 Class 029 Meats and Processed Food Products Gelées comestibles, confitures et marmelades, tartinades à base de fruits, coulis à base de fruits, compotes; Noix préparés; Fruits et légumes surgelés; Fruits et légumes en conserve; Fruits et légumes marinés; Fruits et légumes séchés; Fruits et légumes en purée; Fruits et légumes déshydratés; Légumes dans l'huile; Coulis de légumes; Champignons comestibles séchés; Champignons en purée; Huiles et corps gras alimentaires; Légumineuses en conserve; substituts de fromage; substituts de yogourt; légumes marinés; salades préparées; croustilles; Graines de tournesol; Poissons et fruits de mer; Poissons et fruits de mer congelés ; poissons et fruits de mer en conserve; poissons et fruits de mer fumés; Mousses à base de poissons et de fruits de mer; tartinades à base de poissons et de fruits de mer; tartinades à base de viande; Tartinades pour sandwich; Tartinades au fromage; Trempettes pour amuse-gueule; fondue au parmesan; Produits laitiers; Desserts à base de lait; Desserts glacés sans produits laitiers; crème glacée; yogourt glacé; Olives mises en pot et en conserve; Soupes et préparations pour soupe; Bouillons et préparations pour faire des bouillons; Consommés; Fond préparé pour la cuisine; Viande en purée; charcuterie nommément saucisses, saucissons, cretons, jambon, bacon, boudin, viande cuite prête à manger, viande fumée, mousse à base de viande, pâtés, terrines; Grignotines, nommément, croustilles, noix grillées, arachides préparées, mélanges collations de noix et de fruits séchés, fruits séchés ... Class 030 Staple Food Products Pains, panure, biscuits, gâteaux, pâte à cuire, pâtes alimentaires et nouilles, couscous, riz, farines, préparations pour gâteaux et pâtisseries; Céréales et granolas prêtes à consommer; Barres de céréales, à base de granola, énergisantes; Collations à base de céréales; Desserts à base de fruits; Confiseries nommément, confiseries à base de fruits, confiseries au chocolat, confiseries aux amandes, confiseries aux arachides, confiseries sucrées, confiseries glacées; Chocolat; Poudings; Mousses desserts; Crèmes desserts au riz; Desserts glacés; Pâte de fruits pour aromatiser les aliments et pâte de fruits pour la confiserie; miel; Substituts de viande; plats préparés principalement à base de poisson et de fruits de mer; plats préparés principalement à base de légumes; plats préparés principalement à base de fruits; Plats préparés principalement à base de viande; Plats préparés principalement à base de tofu; Plats préparés principalement à base de noix; Plats préparés principalement à base de légumineuses; Plats préparés principalement à base de pâtes alimentaires; Plats préparés principalement à base de millet; Plats préparés principalement à base de seitan; Plats préparés principalement à base d' ufs; Plats préparés principalement à base de produits laitiers; Épices; Marinades; vinaigrettes; Réduction de balsamique; Herbes pour l'alimentation; Vinaigre; Condiments nommément moutarde, relish, ketchup, mayonnaise, mayonnaise végétalienne, capres, confits de légumes, chutney; fruits confits; Sauces, nommément: préparations pour sauce, sauces pour pâtes alimentaires, barbecue, pour côtes levées, pour viandes grillées, soya, au poisson, aux fruits, à la viande, à pizza, au fromage, chili, épicée, poivrade, sriracha aux piments rouges, pour salade, tartare, au chocolat, sauce sucre à la crème; Class 031 Natural Agricultural Products Nourriture pour animaux; Class 032 Light Beverage Products Eau en bouteille; Eau minérale; Eau en bouteille aromatisée; Eau minérale aromatisée; Café, thé, tisane; Jus de fruits; Jus de légumes; Boissons gazeuses; Vins sans alcool; Apéritifs sans alcool; kombucha; Cidre sans alcool; Bières sans alcool; Boissons énergétiques; Breuvages à saveur de fruits; Breuvages à base de thé; Breuvages à base de café; boissons à base de riz; breuvages à base de miel; breuvages de soya non laitier; lait de soya; breuvages à base de noix de coco; Class 033 Wines and Spirits Products Boissons alcoolisées nommément boissons aux fruits alcoolisées, liqueurs, eaux-de-vie, vins, cidres, breuvages alcoolisés à base de thé, breuvages au café alcoolisés, breuvages chocolatés alcoolisés, cocktails alcoolisés, limonade alcoolisée, punchs alcoolisés et xérès, bières, boissons alcoolisées à base de vin et à base de bière, | |
![]() | ALIMENTS PRÉPARÉS AU QUÉBEC & dessin CONSEIL DE PROMOTION DE L'AGROALIMENTAIRE QUÉBÉCOIS, faisant parfois affaires sous la désignation CPAQ 1987704 30 Sept 2019 | SEARCHED on 21 Jun 2024 | Aliments pour bébé; Pastilles pour la gorge; poudres protéinées de sub... Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Aliments pour bébé; Pastilles pour la gorge; poudres protéinées de substituts de repas comme complément alimentaire Class 029 Class 029 Meats and Processed Food Products Gelées comestibles, confitures et marmelades, tartinades à base de fruits, coulis à base de fruits, compotes; Noix préparés; Fruits et légumes surgelés; Fruits et légumes en conserve; Fruits et légumes marinés; Fruits et légumes séchés; Fruits et légumes en purée; Fruits et légumes déshydratés; Légumes dans l'huile; Coulis de légumes; Champignons comestibles séchés; Champignons en purée; Huiles et corps gras alimentaires; Légumineuses en conserve; substituts de fromage; substituts de yogourt; légumes marinés; salades préparées; croustilles; Graines de tournesol; Poissons et fruits de mer; Poissons et fruits de mer congelés ; poissons et fruits de mer en conserve; poissons et fruits de mer fumés; Mousses à base de poissons et de fruits de mer; tartinades à base de poissons et de fruits de mer; tartinades à base de viande; Tartinades pour sandwich; Tartinades au fromage; Trempettes pour amuse-gueule; fondue au parmesan; Produits laitiers; Desserts à base de lait; Desserts glacés sans produits laitiers; crème glacée; yogourt glacé; Olives mises en pot et en conserve; Soupes et préparations pour soupe; Bouillons et préparations pour faire des bouillons; Consommés; Fond préparé pour la cuisine; Viande en purée; charcuterie nommément saucisses, saucissons, cretons, jambon, bacon, boudin, viande cuite prête à manger, viande fumée, mousse à base de viande, pâtés, terrines; Grignotines, nommément, croustilles, noix grillées, arachides préparées, mélanges collations de noix et de fruits séchés, fruits séchés ... Class 030 Staple Food Products Pains, panure, biscuits, gâteaux, pâte à cuire, pâtes alimentaires et nouilles, couscous, riz, farines, préparations pour gâteaux et pâtisseries; Céréales et granolas prêtes à consommer; Barres de céréales, à base de granola, énergisantes; Collations à base de céréales; Desserts à base de fruits; Confiseries nommément, confiseries à base de fruits, confiseries au chocolat, confiseries aux amandes, confiseries aux arachides, confiseries sucrées, confiseries glacées; Chocolat; Poudings; Mousses desserts; Crèmes desserts au riz; Desserts glacés; Pâte de fruits pour aromatiser les aliments et pâte de fruits pour la confiserie; miel; Substituts de viande; plats préparés principalement à base de poisson et de fruits de mer; plats préparés principalement à base de légumes; plats préparés principalement à base de fruits; Plats préparés principalement à base de viande; Plats préparés principalement à base de tofu; Plats préparés principalement à base de noix; Plats préparés principalement à base de légumineuses; Plats préparés principalement à base de pâtes alimentaires; Plats préparés principalement à base de millet; Plats préparés principalement à base de seitan; Plats préparés principalement à base d' ufs; Plats préparés principalement à base de produits laitiers; Épices; Marinades; vinaigrettes; Réduction de balsamique; Herbes pour l'alimentation; Vinaigre; Condiments nommément moutarde, relish, ketchup, mayonnaise, mayonnaise végétalienne, capres, confits de légumes, chutney; fruits confits; Sauces, nommément: préparations pour sauce, sauces pour pâtes alimentaires, barbecue, pour côtes levées, pour viandes grillées, soya, au poisson, aux fruits, à la viande, à pizza, au fromage, chili, épicée, poivrade, sriracha aux piments rouges, pour salade, tartare, au chocolat, sauce sucre à la crème; Class 031 Natural Agricultural Products Nourriture pour animaux; Class 032 Light Beverage Products Eau en bouteille; Eau minérale; Eau en bouteille aromatisée; Eau minérale aromatisée; Café, thé, tisane; Jus de fruits; Jus de légumes; Boissons gazeuses; Vins sans alcool; Apéritifs sans alcool; kombucha; Cidre sans alcool; Bières sans alcool; Boissons énergétiques; Breuvages à saveur de fruits; Breuvages à base de thé; Breuvages à base de café; boissons à base de riz; breuvages à base de miel; breuvages de soya non laitier; lait de soya; breuvages à base de noix de coco; Class 033 Wines and Spirits Products Boissons alcoolisées nommément boissons aux fruits alcoolisées, liqueurs, eaux-de-vie, vins, cidres, breuvages alcoolisés à base de thé, breuvages au café alcoolisés, breuvages chocolatés alcoolisés, cocktails alcoolisés, limonade alcoolisée, punchs alcoolisés et xérès, bières, boissons alcoolisées à base de vin et à base de bière, | |
ALPHALYTICS BY BERNSTEIN ALLIANCEBERNSTEIN L.P. 1975479 15 Jul 2019 | REGISTERED on 24 Aug 2022 | Financial investment advisory services, namely rendering advice to fin... Class 036 Class 036 Insurance & Financial Services Financial investment advisory services, namely rendering advice to financial institutions, namely providing information and analysis regarding rankings of financial asset managers. | ||
![]() | ALPS & DESSIN MARTIN BÉNARD 1966767 4 Jun 2019 | SEARCHED on 29 Jan 2024 | Axes; cutlery; gardening tools; hand-operated sharpening tools and ins... Class 008 Class 008 Hand Tool Products Axes; cutlery; gardening tools; hand-operated sharpening tools and instruments; hunting knives; ice picks; instruments and tools for skinning animals; knife steels; knives, forks and spoons being tableware; machetes; scissors; sharpening steels; sharpening stones; shovels; table cutlery Class 018 Class 018 Leather Products not including clothing Alpenstocks; backpacks; bags for campers; bags for climbers; bags for sports; bags of leather; beach bags; handbags; harness straps; harness traces; haversacks; hiking sticks; mountaineering sticks; parasols; rucksacks; travelling bags; trekking sticks; umbrellas; valises ... Class 020 Furniture Products Air mattresses; bed bases; beds; camping mattresses; chaise lounges; fishing baskets Class 022 Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products Fishing nets; hammocks; nets for camouflage; rope; tarpaulins; tents Class 024 Fabrics Bivouac sacks being covers for sleeping bags; face towels of textile; mosquito nets; picnic blankets; sleeping bags Class 025 Clothing Products Beach shoes; belts; boots; cap peaks; caps; coats; ear muffs; esparto shoes or sandals; fingerless gloves; fishing vests; gaiters; gloves; half-boots; hats; jackets; jumpers; mittens; overalls; pants; parkas; ponchos; pullovers; sandals; scarves; shirts; shoes; short-sleeve shirts; ski gloves; skirts; slippers; smocks; socks; soles for footwear; spats; sports shoes; suspender braces; suspenders; sweat-absorbent socks; sweat-absorbent underclothing; sweat-absorbent underwear; sweaters; tee-shirts; trousers; underclothing; underwear Class 028 Toys and Sporting Goods Products Decoys for hunting or fishing; fish hooks; fishing lines; fishing tackle; harness for sailboards; hunting game calls; landing nets for anglers; lures for fishing; lures for hunting; reels for fishing; rods for fishing; ski poles; ski sticks; surf skis | |
ALEXA BUILT-IN Amazon Technologies, Inc. 1964307 22 May 2019 | ADVERTISED on 22 Jan 2025 | Voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion soft... Class 009 Class 009 Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products Voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software; voice-enabled software applications for personal information management, namely software for organizing and accessing calendars, schedules, address books, telephone directories, to-do lists, geographic location coordinates, maps, alarms and personal reminders; personal assistant software for controlling voice-controlled information and personal assistant devices, namely, cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart audio speakers with virtual personal assistant capabilities; personal assistant software for voice recognition and for searching, controlling, storing, displaying, streaming, playing, and recording media, namely movies, television shows, music, and video games; personal assistant software for connecting, monitoring, and controlling entertainment multimedia interfaces, vehicle navigation computers, and other electronic devices, namely wireless headphones, wireless earphones, smart watches, smart thermostats, smart speakers, televisions, computers, laptops, tablet computers, telephones, smart phones, network routers, smart light switches, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors; personal assistant software for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases in the field of sports, movies, television shows, video games, business news and financial news, politics and government, personal health and physical fitness, weather, natural science, social science, computer technology, travel, arts and literature, personal growth, vehicles, air transportation, railway transportation, boat transportation, freight transportation, preschool education, elementary school education, middle school education, high school education, post-secondary education, vocational education, child development, real estate development, real estate agencies, personal fashion, fashion design, interior design, food and cooking, home decorating, music and cinema, history, medicine, and law; home automation and home device integration software for controlling electronic devices, air conditioners, air purifiers, ceiling fans, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, and electric yogurt makers, lighting, HVAC, building access control systems, personal security alarms, building automation systems, motion sensitive security lights, and security cameras; Personal vehicle integration software, namely, software for integrating and connecting to smart audio speakers and computer hardware for use and voice control within a vehicle; personal vehicle integration software, namely, software for the connection and synchronization of vehicle on-board computers and portable electronic devices, namely, smart phones, smart watches, personal digital assistants, electronic book readers, and tablet computers, and for controlling vehicle operations and features; mobile phones; computer hardware; software for enabling wireless communication and transmission via the Internet of voice, audio, video, and data for use with cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart audio speakers and computer hardware with virtual personal assistant capabilities for the purposes of managing, connecting and operating internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; software for enabling wireless communication and transmission via the Internet of voice, audio, video and data for the purposes of providing consumer entertainment and educational information, movies, television shows, podcasts and videos in the fields of movies, television programs, music, audio books, visual works namely paintings, sculptures, digital images and photographs, books, theatre, literary works, sporting events, recreational fitness, sport, water, and art activities, professional and amateur game and sport tournaments, art, dance, musicals, craft and fashion exhibitions, sports, radio, comedy, promotional contests, games, festivals, museums, parks, concerts, publishing, animation, current events, personal fashion, and fashion design; software for enabling wireless communication and transmission via the Internet of voice, audio, video and data for providing information, news, and commentary in the fields of movies, television shows, celebrities, video games, news about current events, team and individual sports of all types, business news, personal health and physical fitness, weather, computer technology, travel, arts and literature, personal growth, vehicles, air transportation, railway transportation, boat transportation, freight transportation, preschool education, elementary school education, middle school education, high school education, post-secondary education, vocational education, child development, real estate, personal fashion, fashion design, interior design, food and cooking, home decorating, music and cinema to cloud-connected, and voice-controlled smart audio speakers and computer hardware with virtual personal assistant capabilities; search engines; computer software used for controlling stand-alone voice controlled information and personal assistant devices, namely cloud-connected and voice controlled smart audio speakers and computer hardware with virtual personal assistant capabilities; computer software for personal information management, namely software for organizing and accessing calendars, schedules, address books, telephone directories, to-do lists, geographic location coordinates, maps, alarms and personal reminders; computer software for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases, digital format audio files, digital format video files, and digital format multimedia files, computer games, video games, and third party software applications, software application marketplaces; computer software for accessing, monitoring, tracking, searching, saving, and sharing information on topics of general interest; computer software for use in providing retail and ordering services for a wide variety of consumer goods; computer software for use to connect and control internet of things (IoT) electronic devices, namely, audio speakers, computers, televisions, video monitors, set top boxes, digital format audio players and recorders, digital format video players and recorders, game consoles, home entertainment electronics systems, home theatre systems, home automation hubs, light switches, light dimmers, electrical outlets, electronic door locks, electronic window locks, home security systems, heating and cooling systems, automobiles, air purifiers, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, electric yogurt makers, garage door systems, ceiling fans, power switches, thermostats, garage doors, garden sprinklers, lawn sprinklers, fire sprinklers, digital door locks, air conditioners, air vents, electronic door bells, home security alarms, vehicle security alarms, fire alarms, fire and smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and light bulbs; computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing networked consumer electronic devices, namely, audio speakers, computers, televisions, video monitors, set top boxes, digital format audio players and recorders, digital format video players and recorders, game consoles, home entertainment electronics systems, home theatre systems, home automation hubs, light switches, light dimmers, electrical outlets, electronic door locks, electronic window locks, home security systems, heating and cooling systems, automobiles, air purifiers, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, electric yogurt makers, garage door systems, ceiling fans, power switches, thermostats, garage doors, garden sprinklers, lawn sprinklers, fire sprinklers, digital door locks, air conditioners, air vents, electronic door bells, home security alarms, vehicle security alarms, fire alarms, fire and smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and light bulbs; computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing home climate devices and lighting fixtures via wireless networks; computer software for others to use for the development of software to manage, connect, and operate internet of things (IoT) electronic devices, namely, audio speakers, computers, televisions, video monitors, set top boxes, digital format audio players and recorders, digital format video players and recorders, game consoles, home entertainment electronics systems, home theatre systems, home automation hubs, light switches, light dimmers, electrical outlets, electronic door locks, electronic window locks, home security systems, heating and cooling systems, automobiles, air purifiers, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, electric yogurt makers, garage door systems, ceiling fans, power switches, thermostats, garage doors, garden sprinklers, lawn sprinklers, fire sprinklers, digital door locks, air conditioners, air vents, electronic door bells, home security alarms, vehicle security alarms, fire alarms, fire and smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and light bulbs; computer software to assist a user in operating any computerized handheld device through recognizing and implementing voice commands; computer software for initiating and receiving telephone calls, and for accessing, storing, retrieving, managing, processing and using information on a user's smart watch, smart audio speaker, smart phone, tablet computer, computer, and internet of things (IoT) devices, namely audio speakers, computers, televisions, video monitors, set top boxes, digital format audio players and recorders, digital format video players and recorders, game consoles, home entertainment electronics systems, home theatre systems, home automation hubs, light switches, light dimmers, electrical outlets, electronic door locks, electronic window locks, home security systems, heating and cooling systems, automobiles, air purifiers, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, electric yogurt makers, garage door systems, ceiling fans, power switches, thermostats, garage doors, garden sprinklers, lawn sprinklers, fire sprinklers, digital door locks, air conditioners, air vents, electronic door bells, home security alarms, vehicle security alarms, fire alarms, fire and smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and light bulbs; computer software for voice recognition, processing voice commands and converting between speech and text; computer software for creating, sending, receiving and managing voicemail and email; computer software for scheduling and managing appointments, personal reminders, events and calendar entries on an electronic calendar; computer software for operating audio-visual information, namely, software for controlling the operation of audio and video devices, namely smart phones, smart audio speakers, tablet computers, televisions, video monitors, digital format audio players and recorders, digital format video players and recorders, home entertainment electronics systems, home theatre systems, home automation hubs, home security systems, and internet of things (IoT) devices, namely audio speakers, computers, televisions, video monitors, set top boxes, digital format audio players and recorders, digital format video players and recorders, game consoles, home entertainment electronics systems, home theatre systems, home automation hubs, light switches, light dimmers, electrical outlets, electronic door locks, electronic window locks, home security systems, heating and cooling systems, automobiles, air purifiers, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, electric yogurt makers, garage door systems, ceiling fans, power switches, thermostats, garage doors, garden sprinklers, lawn sprinklers, fire sprinklers, digital door locks, air conditioners, air vents, electronic door bells, home security alarms, vehicle security alarms, fire alarms, fire and smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and light bulbs; computer software for processing and managing mapping and directional information; computer software for use in note-taking, namely, computer software for recording and organizing audio recordings and dictations in electronic form; computer software for organizing and accessing phone numbers, addresses, and other personal contact information; computer software for accessing, browsing and searching online databases; computer software for providing consumer resources for searching, locating, rating, evaluating and providing directions for the purchase, consumption and use of a wide range of consumer products, services, and information over a global communications network and using any connected access mode in any format, namely, mobile phone networks, desktop internet, email, voice over internet protocol networks or social media channels; computer software for global positioning and for providing travel directions; computer software for enabling hands-free use of a mobile phone through voice recognition; computer software for making travel arrangements; computer software to assist in making reservations at hotels and restaurants; computer hardware consisting of stand-alone voice controlled information devices, namely, cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart audio speakers with virtual personal assistant capabilities; computer software used for controlling stand-alone voice controlled information devices, namely, cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart audio speakers with virtual personal assistant capabilities; accessories, namely, power adapters and remote controls for the foregoing smart audio speakers; computer software for use as an application programming interface (API) for use in the fields of artificial intelligence, natural language processing, image content analysis, speech recognition, deep learning, high performance computing, distributed computing, virtualization, machine learning, personal security, home security, smart vehicle technology, smart home technology, and internet of things devices; computer software for use as an application programming interface (API) for communications software for facilitating calls, text messages, instant messages, online shopping, voice-enabled commands, trip navigation and online social networking services; software development kits (SDKs) consisting of computer software development tools for the development of a voice service delivery platform and natural language understanding software distributed across global computer networks, wireless networks, and electronic communications networks; software development kits (SDKs) consisting of computer software for the development, use, and interoperability of APIs that are used by third party consumer electronic devices, gaming systems that exchange third party data via communications networks and the internet and that connect with cloud-based data storage and exchange services; software development kits (SDKs) comprising of software development tools and software for use as an application programming interface (API) for creating software and applications for internet connected consumer electronic devices, namely, audio speakers, computers, televisions, video monitors, set top boxes, digital format audio players and recorders, digital format video players and recorders, game consoles, home entertainment electronics systems, home theatre systems, home automation hubs, light switches, light dimmers, electrical outlets, electronic door locks, electronic window locks, home security systems, heating and cooling systems, automobiles, air purifiers, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, electric yogurt makers, garage door systems, ceiling fans, power switches, thermostats, garage doors, garden sprinklers, lawn sprinklers, fire sprinklers, digital door locks, air conditioners, air vents, electronic door bells, home security alarms, vehicle security alarms, fire alarms, fire and smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and light bulbs; application programming interface (API), namely, software for facilitating the development of voice service delivery platform and personal assistant software for use in connection with consumer electronic devices, namely, audio speakers, computers, televisions, video monitors, set top boxes, digital format audio players and recorders, digital format video players and recorders, game consoles, home entertainment electronics systems, home theatre systems, home automation hubs, light switches, light dimmers, electrical outlets, electronic door locks, electronic window locks, home security systems, heating and cooling systems, automobiles, air purifiers, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, electric yogurt makers, garage door systems, ceiling fans, power switches, thermostats, garage doors, garden sprinklers, lawn sprinklers, fire sprinklers, digital door locks, air conditioners, air vents, electronic door bells, home security alarms, vehicle security alarms, fire alarms, fire and smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and light bulbs; computer application software for enabling users of mobile phones, tablet computers, and personal digital assistants to control, integrate, operate, connect, and manage cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart audio speakers, computer hardware with virtual personal assistant capabilities, and internet of things (IoT) devices, namely audio speakers, computers, televisions, video monitors, set top boxes, digital format audio players and recorders, digital format video players and recorders, game consoles, home entertainment electronics systems, home theatre systems, home automation hubs, light switches, light dimmers, electrical outlets, electronic door locks, electronic window locks, home security systems, heating and cooling systems, automobiles, air purifiers, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, electric yogurt makers, garage door systems, ceiling fans, power switches, thermostats, garage doors, garden sprinklers, lawn sprinklers, fire sprinklers, digital door locks, air conditioners, air vents, electronic door bells, home security alarms, vehicle security alarms, fire alarms, fire and smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and light bulbs; computer software development tools, namely computer software code that enables developers to create voice command and recognition software; none of the aforesaid for professional photographic and cinematographic cameras including professional photographic and cinematographic specific accessories therefor and professional photographic and cinematographic software. Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Providing product information for the purpose of assisting with the selection of general consumer merchandise to meet the consumer's needs; advertising services; providing information and related news to consumers about products and services in the field of sports, movies, television shows, video games, financial news, politics and government, personal health and physical fitness, weather, natural science, social science, computer technology, travel, arts and literature, personal growth, vehicles, air transportation, railway transportation, boat transportation, freight transportation, preschool education, elementary school education, middle school education, high school education, post-secondary education, vocational education, child development, real estate development, real estate agencies, personal fashion, fashion design, interior design, food and cooking, home decorating, music and cinema, history, and medicine; providing information, news, and commentary in the field of politics and government affairs, and consumer information relating to a wide variety of products; providing consumer information via voice-controlled automated inquiries, namely, providing an online automated consumer resource for searching, locating, rating and providing directions for the purchase, consumption and use of a wide range of consumer products, services and information over a global communications network; creating indexes of information, sites and other resources available on global computer networks and other electronic and communications networks for others; entertainment services, namely, arranging and conducting on-line promotional contests to promote the sale of goods and services and the creation of artificial intelligence and voice responsive personal digital assistant technology. ... Class 038 Communications Services Telecommunication access services, namely internet access provider services; telecommunications services, namely, electronic transmission of streamed and downloadable audio and video files featuring music, movies, television shows, news, sports, and podcasts in the field of current events, television shows, video games, cultural community social events, live dance performances, news, sports, business news and financial news, politics and government, health and physical fitness, weather, science and technology, travel, arts and literature, lifestyle and personal growth, vehicles, air transportation, railway transportation, boat transportation, freight transportation, preschool education, elementary school education, middle school education, high school education, post-secondary education, vocational education, child development, real estate development, real estate agencies, personal fashion, fashion design, interior design, food and cooking, home decorating, music and cinema, history, medical science, law and consumer affairs via computer and communications networks, namely broadband optical and wireless networks; providing on-line electronic bulletin boards for the transmission of messages among computer users in the field of consumer product information; web casting of fashion shows, news shows, television shows, and sports shows; delivery of messages by electronic transmission, namely wireless digital messaging services; telecommunication services namely, electronic transmission of streamed and downloaded digital format audio files, digital format video files and digital format multimedia files via computer and other communications networks, namely broadband optical and wireless networks; audio broadcasting of spoken word recordings, music, music concerts, and radio programs; wireless broadband communications services, namely providing Internet access via wireless broadband networks; text and numeric digital wireless messaging services; wireless communications services, namely, transmission of graphics to electronic book readers; providing access to interactive databases for transmission of messages among computer users and subscribers concerning music, books, movies, motion pictures, television programs, games, toys, sporting goods, electronics, downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files, downloadable videos and DVDs containing movies and television shows, and other household and consumer goods namely ink and toner, baby products, cosmetics, personal care and beauty products, pharmaceuticals, kitchen and household utensils, lights, books, downloadable music files, videos, computers, computer accessories, batteries, cables, audio equipment, video equipment, tablets and e-readers, software, phones, phone accessories, cameras, film, photography accessories, sunglasses, jewellery, watches, art, paper, office supplies, musical instrument supplies, bags, clothing and accessories, shoes, thread and yarn, bedding and bath accessories, toys, games, sporting goods, food and groceries, gift cards, garden tools, together with product reviews and purchase information on the internet; audio broadcasting and transmission of educational and entertainment digital media for others via global and local computer networks; telecommunications services, namely, transmission of text messages, digital images, photographs, digital format audio recordings, and digital format video recordings via telecommunications networks, wireless communications networks, and the internet; providing an online internet forum for the transmission of messages and information; providing online chat rooms for social networking; providing access to third party computer databases via the Internet; providing internet access provider services for the transfer of images, messages, audio, visual, audiovisual and multimedia works among e-readers, mobile phones, smartphones, portable electronic devices, portable digital devices, tablets and computers; streaming of audio, visual and audiovisual material, namely music, movies, television shows, music videos, news and sports webcasts, and videos featuring comedy, sports, drama, science fiction, animation, action, adventure and documentaries via the internet and a global computer network; telecommunications services, namely, transmission of podcasts, namely current events, television shows, video games, cultural community social events, live dance performances, news, sports, business news and financial news, politics and government, health and physical fitness, weather, science and technology, travel, arts and literature, lifestyle and personal growth, vehicles, air transportation, railway transportation, boat transportation, freight transportation, preschool education, elementary school education, middle school education, high school education, post-secondary education, vocational education, child development, real estate development, real estate agencies, personal fashion, fashion design, interior design, food and cooking, home decorating, music and cinema, history, medical science, law and consumer affairs, via wired and wireless networks; telecommunications services, namely, transmission of webcasts, namely current events, television shows, video games, cultural community social events, live dance performances, news, sports, business news and financial news, politics and government, health and physical fitness, weather, science and technology, travel, arts and literature, lifestyle and personal growth, vehicles, air transportation, railway transportation, boat transportation, freight transportation, preschool education, elementary school education, middle school education, high school education, post secondary education, vocational education, child development, real estate development, real estate agencies, personal fashion, fashion design, interior design, food and cooking, home decorating, music and cinema, history, medical science, law and consumer affairs, via wired and wireless networks; telecommunications services, namely, providing online electronic bulletin boards for the transmission of messages among computer users concerning entertainment; providing interactive chat rooms for transmission of messages among computer users and subscribers concerning a wide variety of topics; providing video on-demand transmission of computer games; telecommunication services for providing multiple-user access to a global computer network; providing an online interactive electronic bulletin board for transmission of messages among users in the field of comic book publishing, entertainment, and the entertainment industry; electronic and wireless transmission and streaming of digital media content for others via global computer networks to handheld computers, laptops, and mobile electronic devices; provision of information, consultancy and advisory services in the field of telecommunications, namely the provision of interact access provider services Class 039 Transportation & Storage Services Providing information, news, and commentary in the field of travel, available vehicle parking, current vehicle traffic, and public transportation; order fulfillment services, namely packing, tracking and shipping the products of others Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Education services, namely, the provision of podcasts, webcasts, and serialized radio and television programs accessible via the internet and other computer and communications networks featuring news and commentary in the fields of movies, television programs, music, audio books, books, theatrical works, literary works, sporting events, hiking, skiing, bicycling, backpacking, climbing, camping, mountaineering, boating, arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, sports tournaments, art, dance, musicals, art exhibitions, book trade fairs, craft trade show exhibitions, figure skating exhibitions, animal exhibitions, sports instruction, health clubs, night clubs, social clubs, travel clubs, mail order book clubs, country clubs, radio programs, comedy, drama, promotional contests, visual works of art, games, gaming, ethnic festivals, wine festivals, dance festivals, food festivals, museums, parks, cultural community social events, live dance performances, live music performances, concerts, desktop publishing, animation, current events, and downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files; entertainment services in the nature of an ongoing television comedy, drama, science fiction, animated, action, adventure and documentary providing through television, cable, the internet, and wireless communication networks; entertainment services, namely, providing a variety of downloadable and non-downloadable digital images of people, places, living creatures, imaginary creatures, and movie characters, over the internet; publication of books, magazines, newspapers, periodicals, newsletters, guides, educational quizzes, educational tests, journals, manuals featuring general entertainment information on a variety of topics; multimedia publishing of books, magazines, newspapers, periodicals, newsletters, guides, educational quizzes, educational tests, journals, and manuals on magnetic and optical data media; music publishing services, namely, publication of music online; rental of video recordings, audio recordings, and computer games and video games, namely game cartridges for use with electronic games apparatus; distribution of radio programs and television programs for others; rental and leasing of televisions and radios; distribution and rental of motion pictures films; rental of movie projectors and accessories; providing information relating to entertainment and education provided on-line from a computer database and a global computer network relating to movies, motion pictures, documentaries, films, television programs, computer graphics, animation, and downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files; providing non-downloadable electronic publications in the nature of books, magazine, newspapers, periodicals, newsletters, guides, educational quizzes, educational tests, journals, and manuals in the field of movies, motion pictures, documentaries, films, television programs, computer graphics, animation, downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures, and digital audio files, downloadable videos and DVDs, and high density optical discs containing movies and television shows viewable over computer networks and global communications networks; providing information concerning movies, motion pictures, documentaries, films television programs, graphics, animation and downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures, and digital audio files over computer networks and global communication networks; providing general news and information regarding movies, motion pictures, documentaries, films, and television programs via an on-line computer database; rental services, namely, rental of cinema films, documentary films, motion pictures, films, sound recordings, video games, downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files, electronic books, electronic magazines, electronic newspapers, electronic periodicals, electronic newsletters, electronic guides, electronic educational quizzes, electronic educational tests, electronic journals, electronic manuals, video recordings, pre-recorded videotapes, digital video disks, musical recordings, and computer games; rental services, namely, rental of cinema films, documentary films, motion pictures, films, sound recordings, video games, downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files, electronic books, electronic magazines, electronic newspapers, electronic periodicals, electronic newsletters, electronic guides, electronic educational quizzes, electronic educational tests, electronic journals, electronic manuals, video recordings, pre-recorded videotapes, digital video disks, musical recordings, and computer games via global communications networks; providing information, reviews and personalized recommendations in the field of entertainment, namely movies, television programs, music, audio books, books, theatre literary works, sporting events, hiking, skiing, bicycling, backpacking, climbing, camping, mountaineering, boating, arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, sports tournaments, art, dance, musicals, art exhibitions, book trade fairs, craft trade show exhibitions, figure skating exhibitions, animal exhibitions, sports instruction, health clubs, night clubs, social clubs, travel clubs, mail order book clubs, country clubs, radio programs, comedy, promotional contests, visual works of art, video games, video gaming, museums, parks, ethnic festivals, wine festivals, dance festivals, food festivals, music festivals, cultural community social events, live dance performances, live music performances, concerts, book publishing, desktop publishing, animation, current events, personal fashion, and fashion design; providing information, reviews, and personalized recommendations in the field of entertainment, namely movies, television programs, music, audio books, books, theatre literary works, sporting events, hiking, skiing, bicycling, backpacking, climbing, camping, mountaineering, boating, arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, sports tournaments, art, dance, musicals, art exhibitions, book trade fairs, craft trade show exhibitions, figure skating exhibitions, animal exhibitions, sports instruction, health clubs, night clubs, social clubs, travel clubs, mail order book clubs, country clubs, radio programs, comedy, promotional contests, visual works of art, video games, video gaming, museums, parks, ethnic festivals, wine festivals, dance festivals, food festivals, music festivals, cultural community social events, live dance performances, live music performances, concerts, book publishing, desktop publishing, animation, current events, personal fashion, and fashion design via global communications networks; providing information relating to promotional contests, video games, and computer games; providing recognition and incentives by the way of awards and contests to demonstrate excellence in the field of entertainment, namely, artificial intelligence and voice responsive personal digital assistants used for entertainment purposes, comics, screenplays, books, and short stories; providing information in the field of entertainment, namely movies, television programs, music, audio books, books, theatre literary works, sporting events, hiking, skiing, bicycling, backpacking, climbing, camping, mountaineering, boating, arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, sports tournaments, art, dance, musicals, art exhibitions, book trade fairs, craft trade show exhibitions, figure skating exhibitions, animal exhibitions, sports instruction, health clubs, night clubs, social clubs, travel clubs, mail order book clubs, country clubs, radio programs, comedy, promotional contests, visual works of art, video games, video gaming, museums, parks, ethnic festivals, wine festivals, dance festivals, food festivals, music festivals, cultural community social events, live dance performances, live music performances, concerts, book publishing, desktop publishing, animation, current events, personal fashion, and fashion design via a website; providing news and information in the field of entertainment relating to contests, video, audio, and prose presentations and publications all in the field of entertainment, namely motion picture films, television programs, celebrities, documentaries, video games and music; providing reviews of television, movies, screenplays and scripts; providing non-downloadable movies and videos featuring comedy, sports, drama, science fiction, animation, action, adventure and documentaries via a video-on-demand service website; consultancy in the field of entertainment and the entertainment industry, namely, film and video production consulting services; providing information on entertainment, namely movies, and television shows via social networks; publication of periodicals; publication of electronic books and journals; publication of books, magazines, newspapers, periodicals, newsletters, guides, educational quizzes, educational tests, journals, and manuals in the field of movies, motion pictures, documentaries, films, television programs, graphics, animation, multimedia presentations on magnetic or optical data media; publication of music online; rental of videos; entertainment services, namely, provision of multimedia programs in the nature of radio and television entertainment, namely, ongoing television and radio programs and a website featuring non-downloadable prerecorded music and video recordings featuring comedy, sports, news, politics, history, drama, science fiction, animation, action, adventure and documentaries via the Internet; organization of sports competitions in the field of hockey, soccer, baseball, football, basketball, track and field, and figure skating; entertainment services, namely, providing on-line reviews of books, movies, motion pictures, documentaries, films, television programs, computer graphics, computer animation, downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files, downloadable videos and DVDs containing movies and television shows through computer and communications networks; providing entertainment information through computer networks and global communications networks in the field of entertainment, namely movies, television programs, music, audio books, visual works of art, books, theatre literary works, sporting events, hiking, skiing, bicycling, backpacking, climbing, camping, mountaineering, boating, arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, sports tournaments, art, dance, musicals, art exhibitions, book trade fairs, craft trade show exhibitions, figure skating exhibitions, animal exhibitions, sports, health clubs, night clubs, social clubs, travel clubs, mail order book clubs, country clubs, radio programs, comedy, promotional contests, video games, ethnic festivals, wine festivals, dance festivals, food festivals, music festivals, museums, parks, cultural community social events, live dance performances, live music performances, concerts, book publishing, desktop publishing, animation, current events, personal fashion, and fashion design; providing information regarding movies, motion pictures, documentaries, films, television programs, computer graphics, computer animation, downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files, downloadable videos and DVDs containing movies and television shows over computer networks and global communication networks; providing general news and information regarding movies, motion pictures, documentaries, films, television programs, computer graphics, computer animation, downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files, downloadable videos and DVDs containing movies and television shows via entertainment and educational databases; providing information and commentary in the field of entertainment and education via global computer network, namely, information in the field of music, books, movies, motion pictures, television programs, games, toys, sporting goods, electronics, downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files, downloadable videos and DVDs containing movies and television shows, and other household and consumer goods, namely ink and toner, baby products, cosmetics, personal care and beauty products, pharmaceuticals, kitchen and household utensils, lights, books, downloadable music files, videos, computers, computer accessories, batteries, cables, audio equipment, video equipment, tablets and e-readers, software, phones, phone accessories, cameras, film, photography accessories, sunglasses, jewellery, watches, art, paper, office supplies, musical instrument supplies, bags, clothing and accessories, shoes, thread and yarn, bedding and bath accessories, toys, games, sporting goods, food and groceries, gift cards, garden tools; entertainment services, namely, providing on-line non-downloadable prerecorded audio podcasts and radio programs in the field of music, books, movies, motion pictures, television programs, games, toys, sporting goods, electronics, downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files, downloadable videos and DVDs containing movies and television shows, and other household and consumer goods, namely ink and toner, baby products, cosmetics, personal care and beauty products, pharmaceuticals, kitchen and household utensils, lights, books, downloadable music files, videos, computers, computer accessories, batteries, cables, audio equipment, video equipment, tablets and e-readers, software, phones, phone accessories, cameras, film, photography accessories, sunglasses, jewellery, watches, art, paper, office supplies, musical instrument supplies, bags, clothing and accessories, shoes, thread and yarn, bedding and bath accessories, toys, games, sporting goods, food and groceries, gift cards, garden tools; entertainment services, namely, providing non downloadable prerecorded audio and video clips via wireless networks; providing on-line computer games and on-line fiction and non-fiction interactive storybooks; providing on-line newsletters and blogs in the field of entertainment, namely movies, television, music, audio books, books, theatre, literary works, sporting events, hiking, skiing, bicycling, backpacking, climbing, camping, mountaineering, boating, arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, sports tournaments, art, dance, musicals, art exhibitions, book trade fairs, craft trade show exhibitions, figure skating exhibitions, animal exhibitions, sports instruction, health clubs, night clubs, social clubs, travel clubs, mail order book clubs, country clubs, radio programs, comedy, promotional contests, visual works of art, games, gaming, ethnic festivals, wine festivals, dance festivals, food festivals, museums, parks, cultural community social events, live dance performances, live music performances, music concerts, book publishing, desktop publishing, animation, current events, and downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files; publication of excerpts from books, periodicals, and literary works, and providing virtual environments in which users can interact for recreational, leisure, and entertainment purposes; providing information, news, articles, and commentary in the field of entertainment, namely, movies, television, music, audio books, books, theatre, literary works, sporting events, hiking, skiing, bicycling, backpacking, climbing, camping, mountaineering, boating, arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, sports tournaments, art, dance, musicals, art exhibitions, book trade fairs, craft trade show exhibitions, figure skating exhibitions, animal exhibitions, sports instruction, health clubs, night clubs, social clubs, travel clubs, mail order book clubs, country clubs, radio programs, comedy, promotional contests, visual works of art, games, gaming, ethnic festivals, wine festivals, dance festivals, food festivals, music festivals, museums, parks, cultural community social events, live dance performances, live music performances, music concerts, book publishing, desktop publishing, animation, current events, and downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files; providing information, news, articles, and commentary in the field of preschool education, elementary school education, middle school education, high school education, post-secondary education, vocational education and educational institutions; educational and entertainment services in the nature of podcasts, webcasts, and serialized radio and television programs featuring news and commentary in the field of movies, television programs, music, audio books, books, theatre, literary works, sporting events, hiking, skiing, bicycling, backpacking, climbing, camping, mountaineering, boating, arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, sports tournaments, art, dance, musicals, art exhibitions, book trade fairs, craft trade show exhibitions, figure skating exhibitions, animal exhibitions, sports instruction, health clubs, night clubs, social clubs, travel clubs, mail order book clubs, country clubs, radio programs, comedy, promotional contests, visual works of art, games, gaming, ethnic festivals, wine festivals, dance festivals, food festivals, museums, parks, cultural community social events, live dance performances, live music performances, concerts, book publishing, desktop publishing, animation, current events, and downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files accessible via the internet or other computer on communications networks; providing on-line non-downloadable pre-recorded digital format audio files, digital format audiovisual files, and digital format multimedia files in the field of entertainment, namely movies, television, music, audio books, books, theatre, literary works, sporting events, hiking, skiing, bicycling, backpacking, climbing, camping, mountaineering, boating, arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, sports tournaments, art, dance, musicals, art exhibitions, book trade fairs, craft trade show exhibitions, figure skating exhibitions, animal exhibitions, sports instruction, health clubs, night clubs, social clubs, travel clubs, mail order book clubs, country clubs, radio programs, comedy, promotional contests, visual works of art, games, gaming, ethnic festivals, wine festivals, dance festivals, food festivals, museums, parks, cultural community social events, live dance performances, live music performances, concerts, book publishing, desktop publishing, animation, current events, and downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files via the internet or other computer or communications networks; entertainment services, namely, providing online electronic games; entertainment services, namely, providing online video games; providing on-line electronic games via the internet; providing a computer game for use network-wide by network users; providing on-line information relating to computer games and computer enhancements for games; providing online non-downloadable digital games, movies, television shows, music, and other digital text, audio, and video files featuring books, magazines, news, and general information related thereto via an on-line non downloadable entertainment database; providing entertainment information and product reviews in the field of audio, video and audiovisual content, namely, movies, tv shows, video clips, and music via a website; providing news and information in the field of entertainment relating to product reviews and recommendations, all regarding audio, video, and audiovisual content in the nature of recordings featuring movies, tv shows, video clips and music; providing audio, video, and audiovisual content, namely motion picture films, television programs, documentaries, video games, audio books and music available through the internet, telecommunications networks, and wireless telecommunications networks in the field of entertainment via an on-line non-downloadable searchable database; providing entertainment information regarding audio, video, and audiovisual content, namely movies, television shows, music, audio books, and video games via social networks; providing information on entertainment, namely movies, and television shows via social networks; provision of information, consultancy, and advisory services relating to all of the aforesaid services all of the foregoing excluding entertainment services providing information about fashion, namely the provision of information, consultancy, and advisory services to education and entertainment providers in the fields of television, podcasting, webcasting, publishing, and the provision of, distribution of, and rental of video and audio entertainment to third parties Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for voice command and recognition software; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for speech to text conversion software; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for voice-enabled software applications for personal information management, namely software for organizing and accessing calendars, schedules, address books, telephone directories, to-do lists, geographic location coordinates, maps, alarms and personal reminders; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for personal assistant software for controlling voice-controlled information and personal assistant devices, namely, cloud connected and voice-controlled smart audio speakers with virtual personal assistant capabilities; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for personal assistant software for searching, controlling, storing, displaying, streaming, playing, and recording media, namely movies, television shows, music, and video games; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for personal assistant software for connecting, monitoring, and controlling entertainment multimedia interfaces, vehicle navigation computers, and other electronic devices, namely wireless headphones, wireless earphones, smart watches, smart thermostats, smart speakers, televisions, computers, laptops, tablet computers, telephones, smart phones, network routers, smart light switches, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for personal assistant software for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases in the field of sports, movies, television shows, video games, business news and financial news, politics and government, personal health and physical fitness, weather, natural science, social science, computer technology, travel, arts and literature, personal growth, vehicles, air transportation, railway transportation, boat transportation, freight transportation, preschool education, elementary school education, middle school education, high school education, post-secondary education, vocational education, child development, real estate development, real estate agencies, personal fashion, fashion design, interior design, food and cooking, home decorating, music and cinema, history, medicine, and law; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for home automation and home device integration software for controlling air conditioners, air purifiers, ceiling fans, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, and electric yogurt makers, lighting, HVAC, building access control systems, personal security alarms, building automation systems, motion sensitive security lights and security cameras; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for enabling wireless communication and transmission of voice, audio, video, and data via the Internet for use with cloud connected, and voice-controlled smart audio speakers and computer hardware with virtual personal assistant capabilities, for the purposes of managing, connecting and operating internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for enabling wireless communication and transmission of voice, audio, video, and data for the purposes of providing consumer entertainment and educational information, movies, television shows, podcasts and videos in the fields of movies, television programs, music, audio books, visual works namely paintings, sculptures, digital images and photographs, books, theatre, literary works, sporting events, recreational fitness, sport, water, art and cultural activities, professional and amateur game and sport tournaments, art, dance, musicals, craft and fashion exhibitions, sports, radio, comedy, promotional contests, games, festivals, museums, parks, cultural community social events, concerts, publishing, animation, current events, personal fashion and fashion design; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for enabling wireless communication and transmission of voice, audio, video, and data via the Internet for the purposes of providing information news, and commentary in the fields of movies, television shows, celebrities, video games, cultural community social events, news about current events, team and individual sports of all types, business news and financial news, politics and government, personal health and physical fitness, weather, natural science, social science, computer technology, travel, arts and literature, personal growth, vehicles and transportation, preschool education, elementary school education, middle school education, high school education, post-secondary education, vocational education, child development, real estate, personal fashion, fashion design, interior design, food and cooking, home decorating, music and cinema, history, medical science, and law to cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart audio speakers and computer hardware with virtual personal assistant capabilities; Platform as a service (PaaS); Software as a service (SaaS); Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software used for controlling stand-alone voice controlled information and personal assistant devices, namely, cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart audio speakers and computer hardware with virtual personal assistant capabilities; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for personal information management, namely software for organizing and accessing calendars, schedules, address books, telephone directories, to-do lists, geographic location coordinates, maps, alarms and personal reminders; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases, digital format audio files, digital format video files, and digital format multimedia files, computer games, video games, and third party software applications, software application marketplaces; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for accessing, monitoring, tracking, searching, saving, and sharing information on topics of general interest; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable computer software for use in providing retail department store services and enabling users to order a wide variety of consumer goods from online retail department stores; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for use to connect and control internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing networked consumer electronic devices, namely, audio speakers, computers, televisions, video monitors, set top boxes, digital format audio players and recorders, digital format video players and recorders, game consoles, home entertainment electronics systems, home theatre systems, home automation hubs, light switches, light dimmers, electrical outlets, electronic door locks, electronic window locks, home security systems, heating and cooling systems, automobiles, air purifiers, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, electric yogurt makers, garage door systems, ceiling fans, power switches, thermostats, garage doors, garden sprinklers, lawn sprinklers, fire sprinklers, digital door locks, air conditioners, air vents, electronic door bells, home security alarms, vehicle security alarms, fire alarms, fire and smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and light bulbs via wireless networks; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing networked home climate devices and lighting fixtures via wireless networks; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for others to use for the development of software to manage, connect, and operate internet of things (IoT) electronic devices, namely, audio speakers, computers, televisions, video monitors, set top boxes, digital format audio players and recorders, digital format video players and recorders, game consoles, home entertainment electronics systems, home theatre systems, home automation hubs, light switches, light dimmers, electrical outlets, electronic door locks, electronic window locks, home security systems, heating and cooling systems, automobiles, air purifiers, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, electric yogurt makers, garage door systems, ceiling fans, power switches, thermostats, garage doors, garden sprinklers, lawn sprinklers, fire sprinklers, digital door locks, air conditioners, air vents, electronic door bells, home security alarms, vehicle security alarms, fire alarms, fire and smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and light bulbs; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for use as an application programming interface (API) software for use in the fields of artificial intelligence, natural language processing, image content analysis, speech recognition, deep learning, high performance computing, distributed computing, virtualization, machine learning, personal security, home security, smart vehicle technology, smart home technology, and internet of things devices; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for use as an application programming interface (API) for communications software for facilitating calls, text messages, instant messages, online shopping, voice-enabled commands, trip navigation and online social networking services; design, development and maintenance of proprietary computer software for others in the field of natural language, speech, language, and voice recognition excluding post-production of picture and sound recordings; technical support and consultation services for developing applications; application service provider (ASP) services featuring software for controlling, integrating, operating, connecting, and managing voice controlled information devices, namely, cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart audio speakers and computer hardware with virtual personal assistant capabilities; providing customized computer searching services, namely, searching and retrieving information at the user's specific request via the internet; computer services, namely, providing remote management of devices via computer networks, wireless networks or the Internet; providing search engines for the internet; information, advisory and consultancy services for voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software, and voice-enabled software applications, home automation software, and software for monitoring and controlling third party internet-of-things devices; providing information, news, and commentary in the field of natural science, social science, computer technology, home decorating, weather, and graphic, interior, product, and fashion design; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for use as an application programming interface (API); information, advisory and consultancy services in the field of the provision of voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software, voice-enabled software applications, home automation, and software for monitoring and controlling third party internet-of-things devices; none of the aforesaid for professional photographic and cinematographic cameras including professional photographic and cinematographic specific accessories therefor and professional photographic and cinematographic software. Class 043 Restaurant and Hotel Services Hotel reservation services; restaurant reservation services; travel agency services, namely, making reservations and booking for temporary lodging; sommelier services, namely, providing information on wine; providing information, advice, news, reviews, and commentary in the fields of dining, hotels, and temporary accommodations for travelers Class 045 Personal & Legal & Social Services Personal concierge services for others comprising making requested personal arrangements and reservations and providing customer-specific information to meet individual needs; on-line social networking services; providing information, news, and commentary in the field of personal fashion, fashion design, personal growth and diverse human lifestyles, namely diversity in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, and ideological beliefs; legal services; security services for the protection of property and individuals; providing on-line computer databases and on-line searchable databases in the field of social networking; providing online social networking services for entertainment purposes via a website; providing Internet-based social networking services for purposes of commentary, comparison, collaboration, consultation, advice, discussion, research, information sharing, indexing, information location, and entertainment; personal shopping for others; providing a searchable database featuring audio, video and audiovisual content available through the Internet, telecommunications networks and wireless telecommunications networks in the field of online social networking | ||
![]() | ALTERNATIVE KITCHEN ET DESSIN LOC INDUSTRIES INC. 1951269 13 Mar 2019 | ABANDONED SECTION 36 on 4 Jan 2024 | Substituts de fromage, substituts de viande, substituts de charcuterie... Class 029 Class 029 Meats and Processed Food Products Substituts de fromage, substituts de viande, substituts de charcuterie, plats préparés a base de viande végétale, viande végétale, charcuterie végétale, garnitures végétales, burgers végé, burgers de quinoa, boulettes végétales, cordon bleu végétal, schnitzel végétal, nuggets végé, saucisses végétales, légumes surgelés, légumes grillés surgelés Class 030 Class 030 Staple Food Products Pâtisserie végétale, pâtisserie sans gluten, pâtisserie biologique, boulangerie sans gluten, viennoiserie sans gluten, viennoiserie végétale, viennoiserie biologique, cakes, muffins, madeleines, quinoa, produits a base de quinoa, mélanges de farines sans gluten, crème glacée, sucre, miel, mélasse, sorbets, pates alimentaires, levures alimentaires. | |
![]() | ALVÉOLE ET DESSIN ALVÉOLE MONTRÉAL INC. 1951201 13 Mar 2019 | REGISTERED on 24 Apr 2023 | Chandelles,Miel,Services d'apiculture Class 004 Class 004 Lubricant and Fuel Products Chandelles Class 030 Class 030 Staple Food Products Miel ... Class 044 Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services Services d'apiculture | |
![]() | ALLIANCE MÉTAL QUÉBEC ET DESSIN CENTRE D'EXPERTISE EN FABRICATION MÉTALLIQUE INDUSTRIELLE INC. 1947939 25 Feb 2019 | REGISTERED on 21 Jun 2023 | Promotion de l'entreprenariat et des professions dans le secteur de la... Class 035 Class 035 Advertising, Business & Retail Services Promotion de l'entreprenariat et des professions dans le secteur de la métallurgie, réseau d'échange, d'activités et de réseautage d'entrepreneurs et de dirigeants de PME et services aux entrepreneurs et aux dirigeants de PME, nommément organisation et participation à des activités de rencontres, de réseautage, d'échanges et d'animation nommément 5 à 7, cocktails, déjeuners-causerie, diners et soupers d'affaires, tournois de golf, colloques et séminaires, congrès, journées thématiques, salons d'exposition, conférences, galas, foires commerciales, organisation et tenue de missions commerciales nommément organisation de voyages d'affaire et prise de rendez-vous, voyages, comités consultatifs, conférences de presse, organisation de concours d'affaires afin de promouvoir l'excellence en affaires et le développement économique, organisation de et participation à des réseaux d'échanges régionaux, nationaux et internationaux de d'entrepreneurs et de dirigeants de PME du secteur de la métallurgie; Services d'accompagnement, de suivi et d'aide technique aux entrepreneurs et aux dirigeants de PME, nommément conseils et aiguillage vers les services gouvernementaux et paragouvernementaux d'accompagnement et de soutien aux PME, références d'experts et de spécialistes, conception de stratégies et d'approches innovantes, mentorat, coaching, comité de gestion. Class 039 Class 039 Transportation & Storage Services Organisation de voyages d'affaires et voyages pour des tiers ... Class 041 Education and Entertainment Services Activités de formation permettant aux entrepreneurs et aux dirigeants de PME de démarrer ou de faire progresser leur entreprise, nommément services de formation en gestion d'entreprise, organisation et tenue d'ateliers pour l'amélioration des compétences en gestion d'entreprise, pour faire face à la pénurie de main d'oeuvre et la relève d'entreprise. |
on 21 Jun 2024
CONSEIL DE PROMOTION DE L'AGROALIMENTAIRE QUÉBÉCOIS, faisant parfois affaires sous la désignation CPAQ
1987701 · 30 Sept 2019
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Aliments pour bébé; Pollen d'abeilles comme supplément alimentaire; supplément alimentaire pour animaux;
Class 020
Furniture Products
Rayon de miel
Class 029
Meats and Processed Food Products
Gelées comestibles, confitures et marmelades, tartinades à base de fruits, coulis à base de fruits; Beurre d'érable; Beurre au miel; Fruits et légumes surgelés, fruits et légumes en conserve, fruits et légumes séchés, fruits et légumes marinés; fruits et légumes en purée; légumes dans l'huile; tartinades à base de légumes; champignons comestibles séchés; huiles et corps gras alimentaires; légumineuses en conserve; légumineuses sèches; légumes marinés; Marinades épicées; salades préparées; salades de fruits; Salades à base de poisson et de fruits de mer; graines de caméline; noix préparées; poissons et fruits de mer; poissons et fruits de mer congelés Mousses à base de poissons et de fruits de mer; Tartinades à base de poissons et de fruits de mer; lait et produits laitiers; Oeufs; ufs marinés, crème glacée; mélange à fondue au fromage; tofu; Fond préparé pour la cuisine; Viande; Viande en purée; charcuterie nommément saucisses, saucissons, cretons, jambon, bacon, boudin, viande cuite prête à manger, foie gras, mousse à base de viande, pâtés, terrines; tartinades pour sandwich; Hors d' uvre; Soupes et préparations pour soupe; Bouillons et préparations pour faire des bouillons; Consommés; croustilles
Class 030
Staple Food Products
Pains, biscuits, gâteaux, pâte à cuire, sucre d'érable, confiseries sucrées, sirop d'érable, sirop à base de sirop d'érable, tire d'érable; miel; Plats préparés principalement à base de poisson et de fruits de mer; Plats préparés principalement à base de viande; Plats préparés principalement à base de légumes; barres collations à base de céréales; Farines; Flocons de céréales séchées; desserts glacés; Épices; Marinades; Condiments nommément moutarde, confits de légumes, ketchup, relish; Vinaigres; Herbes pour l'alimentation; vinaigrettes; Mélange à fondue au chocolat; Miel; Sirop d'érable; produits de l'érable nommément sucre granulé à l'érable, tire d'érable; Sucre; Crème glacée; Bases de sauces hollandaises; Préparations pour sauces en poudre; sauces pour pâtes alimentaires
Class 031
Natural Agricultural Products
Fruits et légumes frais; Champignons comestibles frais; Herbes fraîches; Semences d'avoine, d'orge, de blé et de soya;
Class 032
Light Beverage Products
Eau en bouteille; Jus; Boissons énergétiques; Tisane; Boissons et jus de fruits; Breuvages à saveur de fruits; Boissons gazeuses; boissons à base de soya
Class 033
Wines and Spirits Products
Vins; Spiritueux à base de fruits; Bières; Cidres; Hydromel; Spiritueux à base de sirop d'érable; Créments de pommes; Boissons à base de malt; Gins; Kirs; Liqueurs; Sangria; Vermouth;
Aliments pour bébé; Pollen d'abeilles comme supplément alimentaire; su...
on 21 Jun 2024
CONSEIL DE PROMOTION DE L'AGROALIMENTAIRE QUÉBÉCOIS, faisant parfois affaires sous la désignation CPAQ
1987703 · 30 Sept 2019
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Aliments pour bébé; Pollen d'abeilles comme supplément alimentaire; supplément alimentaire pour animaux;
Class 020
Furniture Products
Rayon de miel
Class 029
Meats and Processed Food Products
Gelées comestibles, confitures et marmelades, tartinades à base de fruits, coulis à base de fruits; Beurre d'érable; Beurre au miel; Fruits et légumes surgelés, fruits et légumes en conserve, fruits et légumes séchés, fruits et légumes marinés; fruits et légumes en purée; légumes dans l'huile; tartinades à base de légumes; champignons comestibles séchés; huiles et corps gras alimentaires; légumineuses en conserve; légumineuses sèches; légumes marinés; Marinades épicées; salades préparées; salades de fruits; Salades à base de poisson et de fruits de mer; graines de caméline; noix préparées; poissons et fruits de mer; poissons et fruits de mer congelés Mousses à base de poissons et de fruits de mer; Tartinades à base de poissons et de fruits de mer; lait et produits laitiers; Oeufs; ufs marinés, crème glacée; mélange à fondue au fromage; tofu; Fond préparé pour la cuisine; Viande; Viande en purée; charcuterie nommément saucisses, saucissons, cretons, jambon, bacon, boudin, viande cuite prête à manger, foie gras, mousse à base de viande, pâtés, terrines; tartinades pour sandwich; Hors d' uvre; Soupes et préparations pour soupe; Bouillons et préparations pour faire des bouillons; Consommés; croustilles
Class 030
Staple Food Products
Pains, biscuits, gâteaux, pâte à cuire, sucre d'érable, confiseries sucrées, sirop d'érable, sirop à base de sirop d'érable, tire d'érable; miel; Plats préparés principalement à base de poisson et de fruits de mer; Plats préparés principalement à base de viande; Plats préparés principalement à base de légumes; barres collations à base de céréales; Farines; Flocons de céréales séchées; desserts glacés; Épices; Marinades; Condiments nommément moutarde, confits de légumes, ketchup, relish; Vinaigres; Herbes pour l'alimentation; vinaigrettes; Mélange à fondue au chocolat; Miel; Sirop d'érable; produits de l'érable nommément sucre granulé à l'érable, tire d'érable; Sucre; Crème glacée; Bases de sauces hollandaises; Préparations pour sauces en poudre; sauces pour pâtes alimentaires
Class 031
Natural Agricultural Products
Fruits et légumes frais; Champignons comestibles frais; Herbes fraîches; Semences d'avoine, d'orge, de blé et de soya;
Class 032
Light Beverage Products
Eau en bouteille; Jus; Boissons énergétiques; Tisane; Boissons et jus de fruits; Breuvages à saveur de fruits; Boissons gazeuses; boissons à base de soya
Class 033
Wines and Spirits Products
Vins; Spiritueux à base de fruits; Bières; Cidres; Hydromel; Spiritueux à base de sirop d'érable; Créments de pommes; Boissons à base de malt; Gins; Kirs; Liqueurs; Sangria; Vermouth;
Aliments pour bébé; Pollen d'abeilles comme supplément alimentaire; su...
on 21 Jun 2024
CONSEIL DE PROMOTION DE L'AGROALIMENTAIRE QUÉBÉCOIS, faisant parfois affaires sous la désignation CPAQ
1987702 · 30 Sept 2019
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Aliments pour bébé; Pastilles pour la gorge; poudres protéinées de substituts de repas comme complément alimentaire
Class 029
Meats and Processed Food Products
Gelées comestibles, confitures et marmelades, tartinades à base de fruits, coulis à base de fruits, compotes; Noix préparés; Fruits et légumes surgelés; Fruits et légumes en conserve; Fruits et légumes marinés; Fruits et légumes séchés; Fruits et légumes en purée; Fruits et légumes déshydratés; Légumes dans l'huile; Coulis de légumes; Champignons comestibles séchés; Champignons en purée; Huiles et corps gras alimentaires; Légumineuses en conserve; substituts de fromage; substituts de yogourt; légumes marinés; salades préparées; croustilles; Graines de tournesol; Poissons et fruits de mer; Poissons et fruits de mer congelés ; poissons et fruits de mer en conserve; poissons et fruits de mer fumés; Mousses à base de poissons et de fruits de mer; tartinades à base de poissons et de fruits de mer; tartinades à base de viande; Tartinades pour sandwich; Tartinades au fromage; Trempettes pour amuse-gueule; fondue au parmesan; Produits laitiers; Desserts à base de lait; Desserts glacés sans produits laitiers; crème glacée; yogourt glacé; Olives mises en pot et en conserve; Soupes et préparations pour soupe; Bouillons et préparations pour faire des bouillons; Consommés; Fond préparé pour la cuisine; Viande en purée; charcuterie nommément saucisses, saucissons, cretons, jambon, bacon, boudin, viande cuite prête à manger, viande fumée, mousse à base de viande, pâtés, terrines; Grignotines, nommément, croustilles, noix grillées, arachides préparées, mélanges collations de noix et de fruits séchés, fruits séchés
Class 030
Staple Food Products
Pains, panure, biscuits, gâteaux, pâte à cuire, pâtes alimentaires et nouilles, couscous, riz, farines, préparations pour gâteaux et pâtisseries; Céréales et granolas prêtes à consommer; Barres de céréales, à base de granola, énergisantes; Collations à base de céréales; Desserts à base de fruits; Confiseries nommément, confiseries à base de fruits, confiseries au chocolat, confiseries aux amandes, confiseries aux arachides, confiseries sucrées, confiseries glacées; Chocolat; Poudings; Mousses desserts; Crèmes desserts au riz; Desserts glacés; Pâte de fruits pour aromatiser les aliments et pâte de fruits pour la confiserie; miel; Substituts de viande; plats préparés principalement à base de poisson et de fruits de mer; plats préparés principalement à base de légumes; plats préparés principalement à base de fruits; Plats préparés principalement à base de viande; Plats préparés principalement à base de tofu; Plats préparés principalement à base de noix; Plats préparés principalement à base de légumineuses; Plats préparés principalement à base de pâtes alimentaires; Plats préparés principalement à base de millet; Plats préparés principalement à base de seitan; Plats préparés principalement à base d' ufs; Plats préparés principalement à base de produits laitiers; Épices; Marinades; vinaigrettes; Réduction de balsamique; Herbes pour l'alimentation; Vinaigre; Condiments nommément moutarde, relish, ketchup, mayonnaise, mayonnaise végétalienne, capres, confits de légumes, chutney; fruits confits; Sauces, nommément: préparations pour sauce, sauces pour pâtes alimentaires, barbecue, pour côtes levées, pour viandes grillées, soya, au poisson, aux fruits, à la viande, à pizza, au fromage, chili, épicée, poivrade, sriracha aux piments rouges, pour salade, tartare, au chocolat, sauce sucre à la crème;
Class 031
Natural Agricultural Products
Nourriture pour animaux;
Class 032
Light Beverage Products
Eau en bouteille; Eau minérale; Eau en bouteille aromatisée; Eau minérale aromatisée; Café, thé, tisane; Jus de fruits; Jus de légumes; Boissons gazeuses; Vins sans alcool; Apéritifs sans alcool; kombucha; Cidre sans alcool; Bières sans alcool; Boissons énergétiques; Breuvages à saveur de fruits; Breuvages à base de thé; Breuvages à base de café; boissons à base de riz; breuvages à base de miel; breuvages de soya non laitier; lait de soya; breuvages à base de noix de coco;
Class 033
Wines and Spirits Products
Boissons alcoolisées nommément boissons aux fruits alcoolisées, liqueurs, eaux-de-vie, vins, cidres, breuvages alcoolisés à base de thé, breuvages au café alcoolisés, breuvages chocolatés alcoolisés, cocktails alcoolisés, limonade alcoolisée, punchs alcoolisés et xérès, bières, boissons alcoolisées à base de vin et à base de bière,
Aliments pour bébé; Pastilles pour la gorge; poudres protéinées de sub...
on 21 Jun 2024
CONSEIL DE PROMOTION DE L'AGROALIMENTAIRE QUÉBÉCOIS, faisant parfois affaires sous la désignation CPAQ
1987704 · 30 Sept 2019
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Aliments pour bébé; Pastilles pour la gorge; poudres protéinées de substituts de repas comme complément alimentaire
Class 029
Meats and Processed Food Products
Gelées comestibles, confitures et marmelades, tartinades à base de fruits, coulis à base de fruits, compotes; Noix préparés; Fruits et légumes surgelés; Fruits et légumes en conserve; Fruits et légumes marinés; Fruits et légumes séchés; Fruits et légumes en purée; Fruits et légumes déshydratés; Légumes dans l'huile; Coulis de légumes; Champignons comestibles séchés; Champignons en purée; Huiles et corps gras alimentaires; Légumineuses en conserve; substituts de fromage; substituts de yogourt; légumes marinés; salades préparées; croustilles; Graines de tournesol; Poissons et fruits de mer; Poissons et fruits de mer congelés ; poissons et fruits de mer en conserve; poissons et fruits de mer fumés; Mousses à base de poissons et de fruits de mer; tartinades à base de poissons et de fruits de mer; tartinades à base de viande; Tartinades pour sandwich; Tartinades au fromage; Trempettes pour amuse-gueule; fondue au parmesan; Produits laitiers; Desserts à base de lait; Desserts glacés sans produits laitiers; crème glacée; yogourt glacé; Olives mises en pot et en conserve; Soupes et préparations pour soupe; Bouillons et préparations pour faire des bouillons; Consommés; Fond préparé pour la cuisine; Viande en purée; charcuterie nommément saucisses, saucissons, cretons, jambon, bacon, boudin, viande cuite prête à manger, viande fumée, mousse à base de viande, pâtés, terrines; Grignotines, nommément, croustilles, noix grillées, arachides préparées, mélanges collations de noix et de fruits séchés, fruits séchés
Class 030
Staple Food Products
Pains, panure, biscuits, gâteaux, pâte à cuire, pâtes alimentaires et nouilles, couscous, riz, farines, préparations pour gâteaux et pâtisseries; Céréales et granolas prêtes à consommer; Barres de céréales, à base de granola, énergisantes; Collations à base de céréales; Desserts à base de fruits; Confiseries nommément, confiseries à base de fruits, confiseries au chocolat, confiseries aux amandes, confiseries aux arachides, confiseries sucrées, confiseries glacées; Chocolat; Poudings; Mousses desserts; Crèmes desserts au riz; Desserts glacés; Pâte de fruits pour aromatiser les aliments et pâte de fruits pour la confiserie; miel; Substituts de viande; plats préparés principalement à base de poisson et de fruits de mer; plats préparés principalement à base de légumes; plats préparés principalement à base de fruits; Plats préparés principalement à base de viande; Plats préparés principalement à base de tofu; Plats préparés principalement à base de noix; Plats préparés principalement à base de légumineuses; Plats préparés principalement à base de pâtes alimentaires; Plats préparés principalement à base de millet; Plats préparés principalement à base de seitan; Plats préparés principalement à base d' ufs; Plats préparés principalement à base de produits laitiers; Épices; Marinades; vinaigrettes; Réduction de balsamique; Herbes pour l'alimentation; Vinaigre; Condiments nommément moutarde, relish, ketchup, mayonnaise, mayonnaise végétalienne, capres, confits de légumes, chutney; fruits confits; Sauces, nommément: préparations pour sauce, sauces pour pâtes alimentaires, barbecue, pour côtes levées, pour viandes grillées, soya, au poisson, aux fruits, à la viande, à pizza, au fromage, chili, épicée, poivrade, sriracha aux piments rouges, pour salade, tartare, au chocolat, sauce sucre à la crème;
Class 031
Natural Agricultural Products
Nourriture pour animaux;
Class 032
Light Beverage Products
Eau en bouteille; Eau minérale; Eau en bouteille aromatisée; Eau minérale aromatisée; Café, thé, tisane; Jus de fruits; Jus de légumes; Boissons gazeuses; Vins sans alcool; Apéritifs sans alcool; kombucha; Cidre sans alcool; Bières sans alcool; Boissons énergétiques; Breuvages à saveur de fruits; Breuvages à base de thé; Breuvages à base de café; boissons à base de riz; breuvages à base de miel; breuvages de soya non laitier; lait de soya; breuvages à base de noix de coco;
Class 033
Wines and Spirits Products
Boissons alcoolisées nommément boissons aux fruits alcoolisées, liqueurs, eaux-de-vie, vins, cidres, breuvages alcoolisés à base de thé, breuvages au café alcoolisés, breuvages chocolatés alcoolisés, cocktails alcoolisés, limonade alcoolisée, punchs alcoolisés et xérès, bières, boissons alcoolisées à base de vin et à base de bière,
Aliments pour bébé; Pastilles pour la gorge; poudres protéinées de sub...
on 24 Aug 2022
1975479 · 15 Jul 2019
Class 036
Insurance & Financial Services
Financial investment advisory services, namely rendering advice to financial institutions, namely providing information and analysis regarding rankings of financial asset managers.
Financial investment advisory services, namely rendering advice to fin...
on 29 Jan 2024
1966767 · 4 Jun 2019
Class 008
Hand Tool Products
Axes; cutlery; gardening tools; hand-operated sharpening tools and instruments; hunting knives; ice picks; instruments and tools for skinning animals; knife steels; knives, forks and spoons being tableware; machetes; scissors; sharpening steels; sharpening stones; shovels; table cutlery
Class 018
Leather Products not including clothing
Alpenstocks; backpacks; bags for campers; bags for climbers; bags for sports; bags of leather; beach bags; handbags; harness straps; harness traces; haversacks; hiking sticks; mountaineering sticks; parasols; rucksacks; travelling bags; trekking sticks; umbrellas; valises
Class 020
Furniture Products
Air mattresses; bed bases; beds; camping mattresses; chaise lounges; fishing baskets
Class 022
Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products
Fishing nets; hammocks; nets for camouflage; rope; tarpaulins; tents
Class 024
Bivouac sacks being covers for sleeping bags; face towels of textile; mosquito nets; picnic blankets; sleeping bags
Class 025
Clothing Products
Beach shoes; belts; boots; cap peaks; caps; coats; ear muffs; esparto shoes or sandals; fingerless gloves; fishing vests; gaiters; gloves; half-boots; hats; jackets; jumpers; mittens; overalls; pants; parkas; ponchos; pullovers; sandals; scarves; shirts; shoes; short-sleeve shirts; ski gloves; skirts; slippers; smocks; socks; soles for footwear; spats; sports shoes; suspender braces; suspenders; sweat-absorbent socks; sweat-absorbent underclothing; sweat-absorbent underwear; sweaters; tee-shirts; trousers; underclothing; underwear
Class 028
Toys and Sporting Goods Products
Decoys for hunting or fishing; fish hooks; fishing lines; fishing tackle; harness for sailboards; hunting game calls; landing nets for anglers; lures for fishing; lures for hunting; reels for fishing; rods for fishing; ski poles; ski sticks; surf skis
Axes; cutlery; gardening tools; hand-operated sharpening tools and ins...
on 22 Jan 2025
Amazon Technologies, Inc.
1964307 · 22 May 2019
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software; voice-enabled software applications for personal information management, namely software for organizing and accessing calendars, schedules, address books, telephone directories, to-do lists, geographic location coordinates, maps, alarms and personal reminders; personal assistant software for controlling voice-controlled information and personal assistant devices, namely, cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart audio speakers with virtual personal assistant capabilities; personal assistant software for voice recognition and for searching, controlling, storing, displaying, streaming, playing, and recording media, namely movies, television shows, music, and video games; personal assistant software for connecting, monitoring, and controlling entertainment multimedia interfaces, vehicle navigation computers, and other electronic devices, namely wireless headphones, wireless earphones, smart watches, smart thermostats, smart speakers, televisions, computers, laptops, tablet computers, telephones, smart phones, network routers, smart light switches, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors; personal assistant software for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases in the field of sports, movies, television shows, video games, business news and financial news, politics and government, personal health and physical fitness, weather, natural science, social science, computer technology, travel, arts and literature, personal growth, vehicles, air transportation, railway transportation, boat transportation, freight transportation, preschool education, elementary school education, middle school education, high school education, post-secondary education, vocational education, child development, real estate development, real estate agencies, personal fashion, fashion design, interior design, food and cooking, home decorating, music and cinema, history, medicine, and law; home automation and home device integration software for controlling electronic devices, air conditioners, air purifiers, ceiling fans, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, and electric yogurt makers, lighting, HVAC, building access control systems, personal security alarms, building automation systems, motion sensitive security lights, and security cameras; Personal vehicle integration software, namely, software for integrating and connecting to smart audio speakers and computer hardware for use and voice control within a vehicle; personal vehicle integration software, namely, software for the connection and synchronization of vehicle on-board computers and portable electronic devices, namely, smart phones, smart watches, personal digital assistants, electronic book readers, and tablet computers, and for controlling vehicle operations and features; mobile phones; computer hardware; software for enabling wireless communication and transmission via the Internet of voice, audio, video, and data for use with cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart audio speakers and computer hardware with virtual personal assistant capabilities for the purposes of managing, connecting and operating internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; software for enabling wireless communication and transmission via the Internet of voice, audio, video and data for the purposes of providing consumer entertainment and educational information, movies, television shows, podcasts and videos in the fields of movies, television programs, music, audio books, visual works namely paintings, sculptures, digital images and photographs, books, theatre, literary works, sporting events, recreational fitness, sport, water, and art activities, professional and amateur game and sport tournaments, art, dance, musicals, craft and fashion exhibitions, sports, radio, comedy, promotional contests, games, festivals, museums, parks, concerts, publishing, animation, current events, personal fashion, and fashion design; software for enabling wireless communication and transmission via the Internet of voice, audio, video and data for providing information, news, and commentary in the fields of movies, television shows, celebrities, video games, news about current events, team and individual sports of all types, business news, personal health and physical fitness, weather, computer technology, travel, arts and literature, personal growth, vehicles, air transportation, railway transportation, boat transportation, freight transportation, preschool education, elementary school education, middle school education, high school education, post-secondary education, vocational education, child development, real estate, personal fashion, fashion design, interior design, food and cooking, home decorating, music and cinema to cloud-connected, and voice-controlled smart audio speakers and computer hardware with virtual personal assistant capabilities; search engines; computer software used for controlling stand-alone voice controlled information and personal assistant devices, namely cloud-connected and voice controlled smart audio speakers and computer hardware with virtual personal assistant capabilities; computer software for personal information management, namely software for organizing and accessing calendars, schedules, address books, telephone directories, to-do lists, geographic location coordinates, maps, alarms and personal reminders; computer software for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases, digital format audio files, digital format video files, and digital format multimedia files, computer games, video games, and third party software applications, software application marketplaces; computer software for accessing, monitoring, tracking, searching, saving, and sharing information on topics of general interest; computer software for use in providing retail and ordering services for a wide variety of consumer goods; computer software for use to connect and control internet of things (IoT) electronic devices, namely, audio speakers, computers, televisions, video monitors, set top boxes, digital format audio players and recorders, digital format video players and recorders, game consoles, home entertainment electronics systems, home theatre systems, home automation hubs, light switches, light dimmers, electrical outlets, electronic door locks, electronic window locks, home security systems, heating and cooling systems, automobiles, air purifiers, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, electric yogurt makers, garage door systems, ceiling fans, power switches, thermostats, garage doors, garden sprinklers, lawn sprinklers, fire sprinklers, digital door locks, air conditioners, air vents, electronic door bells, home security alarms, vehicle security alarms, fire alarms, fire and smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and light bulbs; computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing networked consumer electronic devices, namely, audio speakers, computers, televisions, video monitors, set top boxes, digital format audio players and recorders, digital format video players and recorders, game consoles, home entertainment electronics systems, home theatre systems, home automation hubs, light switches, light dimmers, electrical outlets, electronic door locks, electronic window locks, home security systems, heating and cooling systems, automobiles, air purifiers, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, electric yogurt makers, garage door systems, ceiling fans, power switches, thermostats, garage doors, garden sprinklers, lawn sprinklers, fire sprinklers, digital door locks, air conditioners, air vents, electronic door bells, home security alarms, vehicle security alarms, fire alarms, fire and smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and light bulbs; computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing home climate devices and lighting fixtures via wireless networks; computer software for others to use for the development of software to manage, connect, and operate internet of things (IoT) electronic devices, namely, audio speakers, computers, televisions, video monitors, set top boxes, digital format audio players and recorders, digital format video players and recorders, game consoles, home entertainment electronics systems, home theatre systems, home automation hubs, light switches, light dimmers, electrical outlets, electronic door locks, electronic window locks, home security systems, heating and cooling systems, automobiles, air purifiers, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, electric yogurt makers, garage door systems, ceiling fans, power switches, thermostats, garage doors, garden sprinklers, lawn sprinklers, fire sprinklers, digital door locks, air conditioners, air vents, electronic door bells, home security alarms, vehicle security alarms, fire alarms, fire and smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and light bulbs; computer software to assist a user in operating any computerized handheld device through recognizing and implementing voice commands; computer software for initiating and receiving telephone calls, and for accessing, storing, retrieving, managing, processing and using information on a user's smart watch, smart audio speaker, smart phone, tablet computer, computer, and internet of things (IoT) devices, namely audio speakers, computers, televisions, video monitors, set top boxes, digital format audio players and recorders, digital format video players and recorders, game consoles, home entertainment electronics systems, home theatre systems, home automation hubs, light switches, light dimmers, electrical outlets, electronic door locks, electronic window locks, home security systems, heating and cooling systems, automobiles, air purifiers, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, electric yogurt makers, garage door systems, ceiling fans, power switches, thermostats, garage doors, garden sprinklers, lawn sprinklers, fire sprinklers, digital door locks, air conditioners, air vents, electronic door bells, home security alarms, vehicle security alarms, fire alarms, fire and smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and light bulbs; computer software for voice recognition, processing voice commands and converting between speech and text; computer software for creating, sending, receiving and managing voicemail and email; computer software for scheduling and managing appointments, personal reminders, events and calendar entries on an electronic calendar; computer software for operating audio-visual information, namely, software for controlling the operation of audio and video devices, namely smart phones, smart audio speakers, tablet computers, televisions, video monitors, digital format audio players and recorders, digital format video players and recorders, home entertainment electronics systems, home theatre systems, home automation hubs, home security systems, and internet of things (IoT) devices, namely audio speakers, computers, televisions, video monitors, set top boxes, digital format audio players and recorders, digital format video players and recorders, game consoles, home entertainment electronics systems, home theatre systems, home automation hubs, light switches, light dimmers, electrical outlets, electronic door locks, electronic window locks, home security systems, heating and cooling systems, automobiles, air purifiers, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, electric yogurt makers, garage door systems, ceiling fans, power switches, thermostats, garage doors, garden sprinklers, lawn sprinklers, fire sprinklers, digital door locks, air conditioners, air vents, electronic door bells, home security alarms, vehicle security alarms, fire alarms, fire and smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and light bulbs; computer software for processing and managing mapping and directional information; computer software for use in note-taking, namely, computer software for recording and organizing audio recordings and dictations in electronic form; computer software for organizing and accessing phone numbers, addresses, and other personal contact information; computer software for accessing, browsing and searching online databases; computer software for providing consumer resources for searching, locating, rating, evaluating and providing directions for the purchase, consumption and use of a wide range of consumer products, services, and information over a global communications network and using any connected access mode in any format, namely, mobile phone networks, desktop internet, email, voice over internet protocol networks or social media channels; computer software for global positioning and for providing travel directions; computer software for enabling hands-free use of a mobile phone through voice recognition; computer software for making travel arrangements; computer software to assist in making reservations at hotels and restaurants; computer hardware consisting of stand-alone voice controlled information devices, namely, cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart audio speakers with virtual personal assistant capabilities; computer software used for controlling stand-alone voice controlled information devices, namely, cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart audio speakers with virtual personal assistant capabilities; accessories, namely, power adapters and remote controls for the foregoing smart audio speakers; computer software for use as an application programming interface (API) for use in the fields of artificial intelligence, natural language processing, image content analysis, speech recognition, deep learning, high performance computing, distributed computing, virtualization, machine learning, personal security, home security, smart vehicle technology, smart home technology, and internet of things devices; computer software for use as an application programming interface (API) for communications software for facilitating calls, text messages, instant messages, online shopping, voice-enabled commands, trip navigation and online social networking services; software development kits (SDKs) consisting of computer software development tools for the development of a voice service delivery platform and natural language understanding software distributed across global computer networks, wireless networks, and electronic communications networks; software development kits (SDKs) consisting of computer software for the development, use, and interoperability of APIs that are used by third party consumer electronic devices, gaming systems that exchange third party data via communications networks and the internet and that connect with cloud-based data storage and exchange services; software development kits (SDKs) comprising of software development tools and software for use as an application programming interface (API) for creating software and applications for internet connected consumer electronic devices, namely, audio speakers, computers, televisions, video monitors, set top boxes, digital format audio players and recorders, digital format video players and recorders, game consoles, home entertainment electronics systems, home theatre systems, home automation hubs, light switches, light dimmers, electrical outlets, electronic door locks, electronic window locks, home security systems, heating and cooling systems, automobiles, air purifiers, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, electric yogurt makers, garage door systems, ceiling fans, power switches, thermostats, garage doors, garden sprinklers, lawn sprinklers, fire sprinklers, digital door locks, air conditioners, air vents, electronic door bells, home security alarms, vehicle security alarms, fire alarms, fire and smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and light bulbs; application programming interface (API), namely, software for facilitating the development of voice service delivery platform and personal assistant software for use in connection with consumer electronic devices, namely, audio speakers, computers, televisions, video monitors, set top boxes, digital format audio players and recorders, digital format video players and recorders, game consoles, home entertainment electronics systems, home theatre systems, home automation hubs, light switches, light dimmers, electrical outlets, electronic door locks, electronic window locks, home security systems, heating and cooling systems, automobiles, air purifiers, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, electric yogurt makers, garage door systems, ceiling fans, power switches, thermostats, garage doors, garden sprinklers, lawn sprinklers, fire sprinklers, digital door locks, air conditioners, air vents, electronic door bells, home security alarms, vehicle security alarms, fire alarms, fire and smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and light bulbs; computer application software for enabling users of mobile phones, tablet computers, and personal digital assistants to control, integrate, operate, connect, and manage cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart audio speakers, computer hardware with virtual personal assistant capabilities, and internet of things (IoT) devices, namely audio speakers, computers, televisions, video monitors, set top boxes, digital format audio players and recorders, digital format video players and recorders, game consoles, home entertainment electronics systems, home theatre systems, home automation hubs, light switches, light dimmers, electrical outlets, electronic door locks, electronic window locks, home security systems, heating and cooling systems, automobiles, air purifiers, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, electric yogurt makers, garage door systems, ceiling fans, power switches, thermostats, garage doors, garden sprinklers, lawn sprinklers, fire sprinklers, digital door locks, air conditioners, air vents, electronic door bells, home security alarms, vehicle security alarms, fire alarms, fire and smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and light bulbs; computer software development tools, namely computer software code that enables developers to create voice command and recognition software; none of the aforesaid for professional photographic and cinematographic cameras including professional photographic and cinematographic specific accessories therefor and professional photographic and cinematographic software.
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Providing product information for the purpose of assisting with the selection of general consumer merchandise to meet the consumer's needs; advertising services; providing information and related news to consumers about products and services in the field of sports, movies, television shows, video games, financial news, politics and government, personal health and physical fitness, weather, natural science, social science, computer technology, travel, arts and literature, personal growth, vehicles, air transportation, railway transportation, boat transportation, freight transportation, preschool education, elementary school education, middle school education, high school education, post-secondary education, vocational education, child development, real estate development, real estate agencies, personal fashion, fashion design, interior design, food and cooking, home decorating, music and cinema, history, and medicine; providing information, news, and commentary in the field of politics and government affairs, and consumer information relating to a wide variety of products; providing consumer information via voice-controlled automated inquiries, namely, providing an online automated consumer resource for searching, locating, rating and providing directions for the purchase, consumption and use of a wide range of consumer products, services and information over a global communications network; creating indexes of information, sites and other resources available on global computer networks and other electronic and communications networks for others; entertainment services, namely, arranging and conducting on-line promotional contests to promote the sale of goods and services and the creation of artificial intelligence and voice responsive personal digital assistant technology.
Class 038
Communications Services
Telecommunication access services, namely internet access provider services; telecommunications services, namely, electronic transmission of streamed and downloadable audio and video files featuring music, movies, television shows, news, sports, and podcasts in the field of current events, television shows, video games, cultural community social events, live dance performances, news, sports, business news and financial news, politics and government, health and physical fitness, weather, science and technology, travel, arts and literature, lifestyle and personal growth, vehicles, air transportation, railway transportation, boat transportation, freight transportation, preschool education, elementary school education, middle school education, high school education, post-secondary education, vocational education, child development, real estate development, real estate agencies, personal fashion, fashion design, interior design, food and cooking, home decorating, music and cinema, history, medical science, law and consumer affairs via computer and communications networks, namely broadband optical and wireless networks; providing on-line electronic bulletin boards for the transmission of messages among computer users in the field of consumer product information; web casting of fashion shows, news shows, television shows, and sports shows; delivery of messages by electronic transmission, namely wireless digital messaging services; telecommunication services namely, electronic transmission of streamed and downloaded digital format audio files, digital format video files and digital format multimedia files via computer and other communications networks, namely broadband optical and wireless networks; audio broadcasting of spoken word recordings, music, music concerts, and radio programs; wireless broadband communications services, namely providing Internet access via wireless broadband networks; text and numeric digital wireless messaging services; wireless communications services, namely, transmission of graphics to electronic book readers; providing access to interactive databases for transmission of messages among computer users and subscribers concerning music, books, movies, motion pictures, television programs, games, toys, sporting goods, electronics, downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files, downloadable videos and DVDs containing movies and television shows, and other household and consumer goods namely ink and toner, baby products, cosmetics, personal care and beauty products, pharmaceuticals, kitchen and household utensils, lights, books, downloadable music files, videos, computers, computer accessories, batteries, cables, audio equipment, video equipment, tablets and e-readers, software, phones, phone accessories, cameras, film, photography accessories, sunglasses, jewellery, watches, art, paper, office supplies, musical instrument supplies, bags, clothing and accessories, shoes, thread and yarn, bedding and bath accessories, toys, games, sporting goods, food and groceries, gift cards, garden tools, together with product reviews and purchase information on the internet; audio broadcasting and transmission of educational and entertainment digital media for others via global and local computer networks; telecommunications services, namely, transmission of text messages, digital images, photographs, digital format audio recordings, and digital format video recordings via telecommunications networks, wireless communications networks, and the internet; providing an online internet forum for the transmission of messages and information; providing online chat rooms for social networking; providing access to third party computer databases via the Internet; providing internet access provider services for the transfer of images, messages, audio, visual, audiovisual and multimedia works among e-readers, mobile phones, smartphones, portable electronic devices, portable digital devices, tablets and computers; streaming of audio, visual and audiovisual material, namely music, movies, television shows, music videos, news and sports webcasts, and videos featuring comedy, sports, drama, science fiction, animation, action, adventure and documentaries via the internet and a global computer network; telecommunications services, namely, transmission of podcasts, namely current events, television shows, video games, cultural community social events, live dance performances, news, sports, business news and financial news, politics and government, health and physical fitness, weather, science and technology, travel, arts and literature, lifestyle and personal growth, vehicles, air transportation, railway transportation, boat transportation, freight transportation, preschool education, elementary school education, middle school education, high school education, post-secondary education, vocational education, child development, real estate development, real estate agencies, personal fashion, fashion design, interior design, food and cooking, home decorating, music and cinema, history, medical science, law and consumer affairs, via wired and wireless networks; telecommunications services, namely, transmission of webcasts, namely current events, television shows, video games, cultural community social events, live dance performances, news, sports, business news and financial news, politics and government, health and physical fitness, weather, science and technology, travel, arts and literature, lifestyle and personal growth, vehicles, air transportation, railway transportation, boat transportation, freight transportation, preschool education, elementary school education, middle school education, high school education, post secondary education, vocational education, child development, real estate development, real estate agencies, personal fashion, fashion design, interior design, food and cooking, home decorating, music and cinema, history, medical science, law and consumer affairs, via wired and wireless networks; telecommunications services, namely, providing online electronic bulletin boards for the transmission of messages among computer users concerning entertainment; providing interactive chat rooms for transmission of messages among computer users and subscribers concerning a wide variety of topics; providing video on-demand transmission of computer games; telecommunication services for providing multiple-user access to a global computer network; providing an online interactive electronic bulletin board for transmission of messages among users in the field of comic book publishing, entertainment, and the entertainment industry; electronic and wireless transmission and streaming of digital media content for others via global computer networks to handheld computers, laptops, and mobile electronic devices; provision of information, consultancy and advisory services in the field of telecommunications, namely the provision of interact access provider services
Class 039
Transportation & Storage Services
Providing information, news, and commentary in the field of travel, available vehicle parking, current vehicle traffic, and public transportation; order fulfillment services, namely packing, tracking and shipping the products of others
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Education services, namely, the provision of podcasts, webcasts, and serialized radio and television programs accessible via the internet and other computer and communications networks featuring news and commentary in the fields of movies, television programs, music, audio books, books, theatrical works, literary works, sporting events, hiking, skiing, bicycling, backpacking, climbing, camping, mountaineering, boating, arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, sports tournaments, art, dance, musicals, art exhibitions, book trade fairs, craft trade show exhibitions, figure skating exhibitions, animal exhibitions, sports instruction, health clubs, night clubs, social clubs, travel clubs, mail order book clubs, country clubs, radio programs, comedy, drama, promotional contests, visual works of art, games, gaming, ethnic festivals, wine festivals, dance festivals, food festivals, museums, parks, cultural community social events, live dance performances, live music performances, concerts, desktop publishing, animation, current events, and downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files; entertainment services in the nature of an ongoing television comedy, drama, science fiction, animated, action, adventure and documentary providing through television, cable, the internet, and wireless communication networks; entertainment services, namely, providing a variety of downloadable and non-downloadable digital images of people, places, living creatures, imaginary creatures, and movie characters, over the internet; publication of books, magazines, newspapers, periodicals, newsletters, guides, educational quizzes, educational tests, journals, manuals featuring general entertainment information on a variety of topics; multimedia publishing of books, magazines, newspapers, periodicals, newsletters, guides, educational quizzes, educational tests, journals, and manuals on magnetic and optical data media; music publishing services, namely, publication of music online; rental of video recordings, audio recordings, and computer games and video games, namely game cartridges for use with electronic games apparatus; distribution of radio programs and television programs for others; rental and leasing of televisions and radios; distribution and rental of motion pictures films; rental of movie projectors and accessories; providing information relating to entertainment and education provided on-line from a computer database and a global computer network relating to movies, motion pictures, documentaries, films, television programs, computer graphics, animation, and downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files; providing non-downloadable electronic publications in the nature of books, magazine, newspapers, periodicals, newsletters, guides, educational quizzes, educational tests, journals, and manuals in the field of movies, motion pictures, documentaries, films, television programs, computer graphics, animation, downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures, and digital audio files, downloadable videos and DVDs, and high density optical discs containing movies and television shows viewable over computer networks and global communications networks; providing information concerning movies, motion pictures, documentaries, films television programs, graphics, animation and downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures, and digital audio files over computer networks and global communication networks; providing general news and information regarding movies, motion pictures, documentaries, films, and television programs via an on-line computer database; rental services, namely, rental of cinema films, documentary films, motion pictures, films, sound recordings, video games, downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files, electronic books, electronic magazines, electronic newspapers, electronic periodicals, electronic newsletters, electronic guides, electronic educational quizzes, electronic educational tests, electronic journals, electronic manuals, video recordings, pre-recorded videotapes, digital video disks, musical recordings, and computer games; rental services, namely, rental of cinema films, documentary films, motion pictures, films, sound recordings, video games, downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files, electronic books, electronic magazines, electronic newspapers, electronic periodicals, electronic newsletters, electronic guides, electronic educational quizzes, electronic educational tests, electronic journals, electronic manuals, video recordings, pre-recorded videotapes, digital video disks, musical recordings, and computer games via global communications networks; providing information, reviews and personalized recommendations in the field of entertainment, namely movies, television programs, music, audio books, books, theatre literary works, sporting events, hiking, skiing, bicycling, backpacking, climbing, camping, mountaineering, boating, arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, sports tournaments, art, dance, musicals, art exhibitions, book trade fairs, craft trade show exhibitions, figure skating exhibitions, animal exhibitions, sports instruction, health clubs, night clubs, social clubs, travel clubs, mail order book clubs, country clubs, radio programs, comedy, promotional contests, visual works of art, video games, video gaming, museums, parks, ethnic festivals, wine festivals, dance festivals, food festivals, music festivals, cultural community social events, live dance performances, live music performances, concerts, book publishing, desktop publishing, animation, current events, personal fashion, and fashion design; providing information, reviews, and personalized recommendations in the field of entertainment, namely movies, television programs, music, audio books, books, theatre literary works, sporting events, hiking, skiing, bicycling, backpacking, climbing, camping, mountaineering, boating, arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, sports tournaments, art, dance, musicals, art exhibitions, book trade fairs, craft trade show exhibitions, figure skating exhibitions, animal exhibitions, sports instruction, health clubs, night clubs, social clubs, travel clubs, mail order book clubs, country clubs, radio programs, comedy, promotional contests, visual works of art, video games, video gaming, museums, parks, ethnic festivals, wine festivals, dance festivals, food festivals, music festivals, cultural community social events, live dance performances, live music performances, concerts, book publishing, desktop publishing, animation, current events, personal fashion, and fashion design via global communications networks; providing information relating to promotional contests, video games, and computer games; providing recognition and incentives by the way of awards and contests to demonstrate excellence in the field of entertainment, namely, artificial intelligence and voice responsive personal digital assistants used for entertainment purposes, comics, screenplays, books, and short stories; providing information in the field of entertainment, namely movies, television programs, music, audio books, books, theatre literary works, sporting events, hiking, skiing, bicycling, backpacking, climbing, camping, mountaineering, boating, arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, sports tournaments, art, dance, musicals, art exhibitions, book trade fairs, craft trade show exhibitions, figure skating exhibitions, animal exhibitions, sports instruction, health clubs, night clubs, social clubs, travel clubs, mail order book clubs, country clubs, radio programs, comedy, promotional contests, visual works of art, video games, video gaming, museums, parks, ethnic festivals, wine festivals, dance festivals, food festivals, music festivals, cultural community social events, live dance performances, live music performances, concerts, book publishing, desktop publishing, animation, current events, personal fashion, and fashion design via a website; providing news and information in the field of entertainment relating to contests, video, audio, and prose presentations and publications all in the field of entertainment, namely motion picture films, television programs, celebrities, documentaries, video games and music; providing reviews of television, movies, screenplays and scripts; providing non-downloadable movies and videos featuring comedy, sports, drama, science fiction, animation, action, adventure and documentaries via a video-on-demand service website; consultancy in the field of entertainment and the entertainment industry, namely, film and video production consulting services; providing information on entertainment, namely movies, and television shows via social networks; publication of periodicals; publication of electronic books and journals; publication of books, magazines, newspapers, periodicals, newsletters, guides, educational quizzes, educational tests, journals, and manuals in the field of movies, motion pictures, documentaries, films, television programs, graphics, animation, multimedia presentations on magnetic or optical data media; publication of music online; rental of videos; entertainment services, namely, provision of multimedia programs in the nature of radio and television entertainment, namely, ongoing television and radio programs and a website featuring non-downloadable prerecorded music and video recordings featuring comedy, sports, news, politics, history, drama, science fiction, animation, action, adventure and documentaries via the Internet; organization of sports competitions in the field of hockey, soccer, baseball, football, basketball, track and field, and figure skating; entertainment services, namely, providing on-line reviews of books, movies, motion pictures, documentaries, films, television programs, computer graphics, computer animation, downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files, downloadable videos and DVDs containing movies and television shows through computer and communications networks; providing entertainment information through computer networks and global communications networks in the field of entertainment, namely movies, television programs, music, audio books, visual works of art, books, theatre literary works, sporting events, hiking, skiing, bicycling, backpacking, climbing, camping, mountaineering, boating, arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, sports tournaments, art, dance, musicals, art exhibitions, book trade fairs, craft trade show exhibitions, figure skating exhibitions, animal exhibitions, sports, health clubs, night clubs, social clubs, travel clubs, mail order book clubs, country clubs, radio programs, comedy, promotional contests, video games, ethnic festivals, wine festivals, dance festivals, food festivals, music festivals, museums, parks, cultural community social events, live dance performances, live music performances, concerts, book publishing, desktop publishing, animation, current events, personal fashion, and fashion design; providing information regarding movies, motion pictures, documentaries, films, television programs, computer graphics, computer animation, downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files, downloadable videos and DVDs containing movies and television shows over computer networks and global communication networks; providing general news and information regarding movies, motion pictures, documentaries, films, television programs, computer graphics, computer animation, downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files, downloadable videos and DVDs containing movies and television shows via entertainment and educational databases; providing information and commentary in the field of entertainment and education via global computer network, namely, information in the field of music, books, movies, motion pictures, television programs, games, toys, sporting goods, electronics, downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files, downloadable videos and DVDs containing movies and television shows, and other household and consumer goods, namely ink and toner, baby products, cosmetics, personal care and beauty products, pharmaceuticals, kitchen and household utensils, lights, books, downloadable music files, videos, computers, computer accessories, batteries, cables, audio equipment, video equipment, tablets and e-readers, software, phones, phone accessories, cameras, film, photography accessories, sunglasses, jewellery, watches, art, paper, office supplies, musical instrument supplies, bags, clothing and accessories, shoes, thread and yarn, bedding and bath accessories, toys, games, sporting goods, food and groceries, gift cards, garden tools; entertainment services, namely, providing on-line non-downloadable prerecorded audio podcasts and radio programs in the field of music, books, movies, motion pictures, television programs, games, toys, sporting goods, electronics, downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files, downloadable videos and DVDs containing movies and television shows, and other household and consumer goods, namely ink and toner, baby products, cosmetics, personal care and beauty products, pharmaceuticals, kitchen and household utensils, lights, books, downloadable music files, videos, computers, computer accessories, batteries, cables, audio equipment, video equipment, tablets and e-readers, software, phones, phone accessories, cameras, film, photography accessories, sunglasses, jewellery, watches, art, paper, office supplies, musical instrument supplies, bags, clothing and accessories, shoes, thread and yarn, bedding and bath accessories, toys, games, sporting goods, food and groceries, gift cards, garden tools; entertainment services, namely, providing non downloadable prerecorded audio and video clips via wireless networks; providing on-line computer games and on-line fiction and non-fiction interactive storybooks; providing on-line newsletters and blogs in the field of entertainment, namely movies, television, music, audio books, books, theatre, literary works, sporting events, hiking, skiing, bicycling, backpacking, climbing, camping, mountaineering, boating, arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, sports tournaments, art, dance, musicals, art exhibitions, book trade fairs, craft trade show exhibitions, figure skating exhibitions, animal exhibitions, sports instruction, health clubs, night clubs, social clubs, travel clubs, mail order book clubs, country clubs, radio programs, comedy, promotional contests, visual works of art, games, gaming, ethnic festivals, wine festivals, dance festivals, food festivals, museums, parks, cultural community social events, live dance performances, live music performances, music concerts, book publishing, desktop publishing, animation, current events, and downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files; publication of excerpts from books, periodicals, and literary works, and providing virtual environments in which users can interact for recreational, leisure, and entertainment purposes; providing information, news, articles, and commentary in the field of entertainment, namely, movies, television, music, audio books, books, theatre, literary works, sporting events, hiking, skiing, bicycling, backpacking, climbing, camping, mountaineering, boating, arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, sports tournaments, art, dance, musicals, art exhibitions, book trade fairs, craft trade show exhibitions, figure skating exhibitions, animal exhibitions, sports instruction, health clubs, night clubs, social clubs, travel clubs, mail order book clubs, country clubs, radio programs, comedy, promotional contests, visual works of art, games, gaming, ethnic festivals, wine festivals, dance festivals, food festivals, music festivals, museums, parks, cultural community social events, live dance performances, live music performances, music concerts, book publishing, desktop publishing, animation, current events, and downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files; providing information, news, articles, and commentary in the field of preschool education, elementary school education, middle school education, high school education, post-secondary education, vocational education and educational institutions; educational and entertainment services in the nature of podcasts, webcasts, and serialized radio and television programs featuring news and commentary in the field of movies, television programs, music, audio books, books, theatre, literary works, sporting events, hiking, skiing, bicycling, backpacking, climbing, camping, mountaineering, boating, arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, sports tournaments, art, dance, musicals, art exhibitions, book trade fairs, craft trade show exhibitions, figure skating exhibitions, animal exhibitions, sports instruction, health clubs, night clubs, social clubs, travel clubs, mail order book clubs, country clubs, radio programs, comedy, promotional contests, visual works of art, games, gaming, ethnic festivals, wine festivals, dance festivals, food festivals, museums, parks, cultural community social events, live dance performances, live music performances, concerts, book publishing, desktop publishing, animation, current events, and downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files accessible via the internet or other computer on communications networks; providing on-line non-downloadable pre-recorded digital format audio files, digital format audiovisual files, and digital format multimedia files in the field of entertainment, namely movies, television, music, audio books, books, theatre, literary works, sporting events, hiking, skiing, bicycling, backpacking, climbing, camping, mountaineering, boating, arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, sports tournaments, art, dance, musicals, art exhibitions, book trade fairs, craft trade show exhibitions, figure skating exhibitions, animal exhibitions, sports instruction, health clubs, night clubs, social clubs, travel clubs, mail order book clubs, country clubs, radio programs, comedy, promotional contests, visual works of art, games, gaming, ethnic festivals, wine festivals, dance festivals, food festivals, museums, parks, cultural community social events, live dance performances, live music performances, concerts, book publishing, desktop publishing, animation, current events, and downloadable multimedia presentations containing music, pictures and digital audio files via the internet or other computer or communications networks; entertainment services, namely, providing online electronic games; entertainment services, namely, providing online video games; providing on-line electronic games via the internet; providing a computer game for use network-wide by network users; providing on-line information relating to computer games and computer enhancements for games; providing online non-downloadable digital games, movies, television shows, music, and other digital text, audio, and video files featuring books, magazines, news, and general information related thereto via an on-line non downloadable entertainment database; providing entertainment information and product reviews in the field of audio, video and audiovisual content, namely, movies, tv shows, video clips, and music via a website; providing news and information in the field of entertainment relating to product reviews and recommendations, all regarding audio, video, and audiovisual content in the nature of recordings featuring movies, tv shows, video clips and music; providing audio, video, and audiovisual content, namely motion picture films, television programs, documentaries, video games, audio books and music available through the internet, telecommunications networks, and wireless telecommunications networks in the field of entertainment via an on-line non-downloadable searchable database; providing entertainment information regarding audio, video, and audiovisual content, namely movies, television shows, music, audio books, and video games via social networks; providing information on entertainment, namely movies, and television shows via social networks; provision of information, consultancy, and advisory services relating to all of the aforesaid services all of the foregoing excluding entertainment services providing information about fashion, namely the provision of information, consultancy, and advisory services to education and entertainment providers in the fields of television, podcasting, webcasting, publishing, and the provision of, distribution of, and rental of video and audio entertainment to third parties
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for voice command and recognition software; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for speech to text conversion software; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for voice-enabled software applications for personal information management, namely software for organizing and accessing calendars, schedules, address books, telephone directories, to-do lists, geographic location coordinates, maps, alarms and personal reminders; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for personal assistant software for controlling voice-controlled information and personal assistant devices, namely, cloud connected and voice-controlled smart audio speakers with virtual personal assistant capabilities; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for personal assistant software for searching, controlling, storing, displaying, streaming, playing, and recording media, namely movies, television shows, music, and video games; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for personal assistant software for connecting, monitoring, and controlling entertainment multimedia interfaces, vehicle navigation computers, and other electronic devices, namely wireless headphones, wireless earphones, smart watches, smart thermostats, smart speakers, televisions, computers, laptops, tablet computers, telephones, smart phones, network routers, smart light switches, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for personal assistant software for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases in the field of sports, movies, television shows, video games, business news and financial news, politics and government, personal health and physical fitness, weather, natural science, social science, computer technology, travel, arts and literature, personal growth, vehicles, air transportation, railway transportation, boat transportation, freight transportation, preschool education, elementary school education, middle school education, high school education, post-secondary education, vocational education, child development, real estate development, real estate agencies, personal fashion, fashion design, interior design, food and cooking, home decorating, music and cinema, history, medicine, and law; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for home automation and home device integration software for controlling air conditioners, air purifiers, ceiling fans, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, and electric yogurt makers, lighting, HVAC, building access control systems, personal security alarms, building automation systems, motion sensitive security lights and security cameras; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for enabling wireless communication and transmission of voice, audio, video, and data via the Internet for use with cloud connected, and voice-controlled smart audio speakers and computer hardware with virtual personal assistant capabilities, for the purposes of managing, connecting and operating internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for enabling wireless communication and transmission of voice, audio, video, and data for the purposes of providing consumer entertainment and educational information, movies, television shows, podcasts and videos in the fields of movies, television programs, music, audio books, visual works namely paintings, sculptures, digital images and photographs, books, theatre, literary works, sporting events, recreational fitness, sport, water, art and cultural activities, professional and amateur game and sport tournaments, art, dance, musicals, craft and fashion exhibitions, sports, radio, comedy, promotional contests, games, festivals, museums, parks, cultural community social events, concerts, publishing, animation, current events, personal fashion and fashion design; Platform as a service (PaaS) featuring computer software platforms for enabling wireless communication and transmission of voice, audio, video, and data via the Internet for the purposes of providing information news, and commentary in the fields of movies, television shows, celebrities, video games, cultural community social events, news about current events, team and individual sports of all types, business news and financial news, politics and government, personal health and physical fitness, weather, natural science, social science, computer technology, travel, arts and literature, personal growth, vehicles and transportation, preschool education, elementary school education, middle school education, high school education, post-secondary education, vocational education, child development, real estate, personal fashion, fashion design, interior design, food and cooking, home decorating, music and cinema, history, medical science, and law to cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart audio speakers and computer hardware with virtual personal assistant capabilities; Platform as a service (PaaS); Software as a service (SaaS); Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software used for controlling stand-alone voice controlled information and personal assistant devices, namely, cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart audio speakers and computer hardware with virtual personal assistant capabilities; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for personal information management, namely software for organizing and accessing calendars, schedules, address books, telephone directories, to-do lists, geographic location coordinates, maps, alarms and personal reminders; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for accessing, browsing, and searching online databases, digital format audio files, digital format video files, and digital format multimedia files, computer games, video games, and third party software applications, software application marketplaces; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for accessing, monitoring, tracking, searching, saving, and sharing information on topics of general interest; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable computer software for use in providing retail department store services and enabling users to order a wide variety of consumer goods from online retail department stores; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for use to connect and control internet of things (IoT) electronic devices; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing networked consumer electronic devices, namely, audio speakers, computers, televisions, video monitors, set top boxes, digital format audio players and recorders, digital format video players and recorders, game consoles, home entertainment electronics systems, home theatre systems, home automation hubs, light switches, light dimmers, electrical outlets, electronic door locks, electronic window locks, home security systems, heating and cooling systems, automobiles, air purifiers, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, electric yogurt makers, garage door systems, ceiling fans, power switches, thermostats, garage doors, garden sprinklers, lawn sprinklers, fire sprinklers, digital door locks, air conditioners, air vents, electronic door bells, home security alarms, vehicle security alarms, fire alarms, fire and smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and light bulbs via wireless networks; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for connecting, operating, integrating, controlling, and managing networked home climate devices and lighting fixtures via wireless networks; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for others to use for the development of software to manage, connect, and operate internet of things (IoT) electronic devices, namely, audio speakers, computers, televisions, video monitors, set top boxes, digital format audio players and recorders, digital format video players and recorders, game consoles, home entertainment electronics systems, home theatre systems, home automation hubs, light switches, light dimmers, electrical outlets, electronic door locks, electronic window locks, home security systems, heating and cooling systems, automobiles, air purifiers, electric cooktops, dehumidifiers, dishwashers, electric fans, garbage disposals, humidifiers, clothes irons, garment steamers, microwave ovens, range hoods, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, ice cube makers, space heaters, trash compactors, vacuum cleaners, wall ovens, toaster ovens, conventional ovens, washing machines, clothes dryers, slow cookers, electric rice cookers, deep fryers, electric food blenders, electric juicers, toasters, electric food processors, electric grills, ice cream makers, electric waffle irons, bread machines, electric coffee machines, electric tea kettles, electric espresso machines, electric wine cellars, food mixers, electric griddles, electric pressure cookers, electric skillets, electric woks, electric hot pots, electric food steamers, soda making machines, vacuum sealers, sous vide machines, food dehydrators, popcorn machines, electric can openers, electric knife sharpeners, electric egg cookers, electric food slicers, electric bottle openers, electric food grinders and mills, electric yogurt makers, garage door systems, ceiling fans, power switches, thermostats, garage doors, garden sprinklers, lawn sprinklers, fire sprinklers, digital door locks, air conditioners, air vents, electronic door bells, home security alarms, vehicle security alarms, fire alarms, fire and smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and light bulbs; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for use as an application programming interface (API) software for use in the fields of artificial intelligence, natural language processing, image content analysis, speech recognition, deep learning, high performance computing, distributed computing, virtualization, machine learning, personal security, home security, smart vehicle technology, smart home technology, and internet of things devices; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for use as an application programming interface (API) for communications software for facilitating calls, text messages, instant messages, online shopping, voice-enabled commands, trip navigation and online social networking services; design, development and maintenance of proprietary computer software for others in the field of natural language, speech, language, and voice recognition excluding post-production of picture and sound recordings; technical support and consultation services for developing applications; application service provider (ASP) services featuring software for controlling, integrating, operating, connecting, and managing voice controlled information devices, namely, cloud-connected and voice-controlled smart audio speakers and computer hardware with virtual personal assistant capabilities; providing customized computer searching services, namely, searching and retrieving information at the user's specific request via the internet; computer services, namely, providing remote management of devices via computer networks, wireless networks or the Internet; providing search engines for the internet; information, advisory and consultancy services for voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software, and voice-enabled software applications, home automation software, and software for monitoring and controlling third party internet-of-things devices; providing information, news, and commentary in the field of natural science, social science, computer technology, home decorating, weather, and graphic, interior, product, and fashion design; Software as a service (SaaS) featuring computer software for use as an application programming interface (API); information, advisory and consultancy services in the field of the provision of voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion software, voice-enabled software applications, home automation, and software for monitoring and controlling third party internet-of-things devices; none of the aforesaid for professional photographic and cinematographic cameras including professional photographic and cinematographic specific accessories therefor and professional photographic and cinematographic software.
Class 043
Restaurant and Hotel Services
Hotel reservation services; restaurant reservation services; travel agency services, namely, making reservations and booking for temporary lodging; sommelier services, namely, providing information on wine; providing information, advice, news, reviews, and commentary in the fields of dining, hotels, and temporary accommodations for travelers
Class 045
Personal & Legal & Social Services
Personal concierge services for others comprising making requested personal arrangements and reservations and providing customer-specific information to meet individual needs; on-line social networking services; providing information, news, and commentary in the field of personal fashion, fashion design, personal growth and diverse human lifestyles, namely diversity in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, and ideological beliefs; legal services; security services for the protection of property and individuals; providing on-line computer databases and on-line searchable databases in the field of social networking; providing online social networking services for entertainment purposes via a website; providing Internet-based social networking services for purposes of commentary, comparison, collaboration, consultation, advice, discussion, research, information sharing, indexing, information location, and entertainment; personal shopping for others; providing a searchable database featuring audio, video and audiovisual content available through the Internet, telecommunications networks and wireless telecommunications networks in the field of online social networking
Voice command and recognition software, speech to text conversion soft...
on 4 Jan 2024
1951269 · 13 Mar 2019
Class 029
Meats and Processed Food Products
Substituts de fromage, substituts de viande, substituts de charcuterie, plats préparés a base de viande végétale, viande végétale, charcuterie végétale, garnitures végétales, burgers végé, burgers de quinoa, boulettes végétales, cordon bleu végétal, schnitzel végétal, nuggets végé, saucisses végétales, légumes surgelés, légumes grillés surgelés
Class 030
Staple Food Products
Pâtisserie végétale, pâtisserie sans gluten, pâtisserie biologique, boulangerie sans gluten, viennoiserie sans gluten, viennoiserie végétale, viennoiserie biologique, cakes, muffins, madeleines, quinoa, produits a base de quinoa, mélanges de farines sans gluten, crème glacée, sucre, miel, mélasse, sorbets, pates alimentaires, levures alimentaires.
Substituts de fromage, substituts de viande, substituts de charcuterie...
on 24 Apr 2023
1951201 · 13 Mar 2019
Class 004
Lubricant and Fuel Products
Class 030
Staple Food Products
Class 044
Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services
Services d'apiculture
Chandelles,Miel,Services d'apiculture
on 21 Jun 2023
1947939 · 25 Feb 2019
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Promotion de l'entreprenariat et des professions dans le secteur de la métallurgie, réseau d'échange, d'activités et de réseautage d'entrepreneurs et de dirigeants de PME et services aux entrepreneurs et aux dirigeants de PME, nommément organisation et participation à des activités de rencontres, de réseautage, d'échanges et d'animation nommément 5 à 7, cocktails, déjeuners-causerie, diners et soupers d'affaires, tournois de golf, colloques et séminaires, congrès, journées thématiques, salons d'exposition, conférences, galas, foires commerciales, organisation et tenue de missions commerciales nommément organisation de voyages d'affaire et prise de rendez-vous, voyages, comités consultatifs, conférences de presse, organisation de concours d'affaires afin de promouvoir l'excellence en affaires et le développement économique, organisation de et participation à des réseaux d'échanges régionaux, nationaux et internationaux de d'entrepreneurs et de dirigeants de PME du secteur de la métallurgie; Services d'accompagnement, de suivi et d'aide technique aux entrepreneurs et aux dirigeants de PME, nommément conseils et aiguillage vers les services gouvernementaux et paragouvernementaux d'accompagnement et de soutien aux PME, références d'experts et de spécialistes, conception de stratégies et d'approches innovantes, mentorat, coaching, comité de gestion.
Class 039
Transportation & Storage Services
Organisation de voyages d'affaires et voyages pour des tiers
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Activités de formation permettant aux entrepreneurs et aux dirigeants de PME de démarrer ou de faire progresser leur entreprise, nommément services de formation en gestion d'entreprise, organisation et tenue d'ateliers pour l'amélioration des compétences en gestion d'entreprise, pour faire face à la pénurie de main d'oeuvre et la relève d'entreprise.
Promotion de l'entreprenariat et des professions dans le secteur de la...
Conseil de promotion de l'agroalimentaire québécois, faisant parfois affaires sous la désignation cpaq (5)
Alliance autopropane inc. (4)
The procter & gamble company (4)
Alliance compagnie mutuelle d'assurance-vie (3)
Fédération des caisses desjardins du québec (3)
L'oreal (3)
Le studio des ongles alexandra inc. (3)
Martin bénard (3)
Olymel s.E.C. (3)
Agropur coopérative (2)
Class 35 (71)
Class 5 (70)
Class 9 (63)
Class 25 (36)
Class 3 (34)
Class 16 (34)
Class 29 (32)
Class 30 (31)
Class 41 (31)
Class 42 (25)
Class 6 (24)
Class 36 (24)
Class 11 (21)
Class 12 (21)
Class 19 (21)
Class 20 (21)
Class 21 (21)
Class 37 (20)
Class 7 (19)
Class 28 (19)
Class 31 (19)
Class 33 (17)
Class 18 (16)
Class 1 (15)
Class 32 (15)
Class 43 (15)
Class 44 (15)
Class 24 (14)
Class 14 (13)
Class 39 (13)
Class 40 (13)
Class 17 (12)
Class 10 (11)
Class 38 (11)
Class 4 (10)
Class 8 (10)
Class 45 (10)
Class 27 (8)
Class 2 (6)
Class 34 (6)
Class 22 (5)
Class 15 (4)
Class 26 (3)
Class 13 (2)
Class 23 (1)
Robic agence pi s.E.C./ robic ip agency lp (52)
Smart & biggar lp (29)
Gowling wlg (canada) llp (24)
Lavery, de billy, llp (15)
Borden ladner gervais llp (12)
Fasken martineau dumoulin llp (9)
Therrien couture joli-coeur s.E.N.C.R.L. (9)
Marks & clerk (7)
Bcf s.E.N.C.R.L./bcf llp (5)
Apply for Trademark
Select countries to protect your logo trademark
Trademark Name
Country Selected
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
United States
$99 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
European Union
$700 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
South Korea
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$99 / 1 class + gov fee
United Kingdom
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$299 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
United Arab Emirates
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
New Zealand
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
South Africa
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Saudi Arabia
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
British Virgin Islands
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
Costa Rica
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Czech Republic
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Dominican Republic
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
El Salvador
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Hong Kong (SAR)
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$1499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Madrid Protocol (WIPO)
$1999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1099 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$499 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Puerto Rico
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Sri Lanka
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
United Republic of Tanzania
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
West Bank, Palestine
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1699 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Antigua and Barbuda
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Bosnia and Herzegovina
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Burkina Faso
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
Cabo Verde
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Central African Republic (CAR)
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
Cote d'Ivoire
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Equatorial Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
Marshall Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$599 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$399 / 1 class + gov fee
North Macedonia
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Papua New Guinea
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Kitts and Nevis
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Lucia
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
San Marino
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sao Tome and Principe
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
Sierra Leone
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
Solomon Islands
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
South Sudan
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$1599 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$1299 / 1 class + gov fee
Trinidad and Tobago
$1399 / 1 class + gov fee
$799 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee
$699 / 1 class + gov fee
$1199 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$899 / 1 class + gov fee
$999 / 1 class + gov fee